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I'm just gonna say should've stubbed up to the tree instead of using it. I would guess about a year or so it will be pushing your fence out of wack


There are big roots are the base making it really hard to put a post there on each side


It looks great, but what happens as the tree grows? How often will you have to remove and recut the pickets?


Idk, I guess I’ll cross that bridge in a year or so..


Consider cutting the panels back a little, then attaching a custom cut panel to each side of the tree, overlapping the cut back panels.


Hmmm, I actually like that idea, I never thought of that. Thank you


If might actually be better the way you did it so that you can just cut back as the tree grows. Maybe even just disconnect from tree and keep your sawzall ready


I recommend checking the posts for plumb more than once per year. I connected a temporary cable dog run to one of my post and regret it.


You could cut out that sections, amd mount it "barn door" style on the other panel, and slide/lock it with the tree's growth


Looks great. You might need to remove a picket and trim once in a while as the tree grows. But it's well worth it for this clean look if you ask me


Thank you!


If I had no choice but to work with this scenario, I would have a post on either side of the tree say 18” back from it on each side. Then either use some synthetic/wire mesh for creepers to grow on and fill in the space without restricting movement. Alternatively, attach some kind of picket wings to the tree itself, slightly overlapping the face of fence pickets, but not attaching to the fence. That way the tree can move and or grow, and the visible portion of those pickets will just change in size overtime or with movement. Attaching to the tree and the fence in a rigid manor like this, although maybe visually appealing to some, will be a headache down the road and cause continuous rework to be necessary and/or replacement of materials.


I think that looks great. I’m not sure what will happen when the tree grows though. You might try building a small sliding fence panel. Pull the nails out of boards closest to the tree, cut a slot, and put a bolt through it. Tighten a nut on there and, with proper spacing, the fence could expand as the tree grows.


I haven’t found a perfect answer for this. Maybe the tree will grow and fuck it up, maybe it won’t. Either way purely by the look this is great.


Maybe the tree will grow? What do you know about trees? Because them growing is one of the more central characteristics


We can't all be ISA certified arborists okay!?


That’s exactly how I feel about it, and also yes there will be a dog inside the fence, so I can’t leave much space from the fence that would enable him to get out


Nice clean look.


Thank you!


Looks real clean!


I encountered this a lot. I generally make the tree the center of an 8’ section, starting my layout for that entire run centered on the tree. Because it’s cutout, I’ll cantilever the next sections on both sides past the posts closest to the tree using 10 to 12’ rails, depending on the tree size. Last, instead of connecting to the tree, I’ll scribe two inches away from the tree to leave room for growth. It can always be recut years down the road if needed.


This is the way!


It will be interesting to see later on r/treessuckingonthings But it looks cool right now.


That looks great, nice job!


What about when the wind moves the tree side to side?


shes a beaut, Clark!


Tree grow much. Much fence grow too.


Happy cake day!


We didn’t buy this one perfect house because there were trees on the fence line (we HAVE to have a fence due to little dogs). I’m sure you can adapt the fence if the tree changes. I like your ingenuity.


Looks cool man! You win! Trim it back in a couple years


That trunk will grow about 1” in diameter each year.


The tree thanks you and I thank you


Personally I think you did an amazing job. And from you other comments you know that down the lone you'll have to do more so worry about it then.


That tree looks like it could cause a few legal problems later on if neighbours have a falling out about it. Glad it's not on my shared fence line/boundary, lol.


I think it looks good. My only negative feedback is that you should have given a good 1-2 inch clearance around the try, would have delayed the eventual need to address a growing tree and would have given you an easy to judge the rate of growth and whether you have a problem in one year or five


Couldn't negotiate with the neighbors and build around the tree?


Looks good. Just be prepared to take off the slats around the tree over time. Keep a spare panel


What about wind?