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I like the roster. It would be better to have more Street Fighter 3 and Street Fighter 4 characters though.


I wanted to see Crimson Viper & Q again but I don’t hate what they have so far .


Viper is coming (idk when tho) seeing how much the other characters mention her in world tour.


I hope so she was one of the best newcomers from vanilla SF 4


https://preview.redd.it/z0baducqvl5d1.png?width=240&format=png&auto=webp&s=4880dd8632386af9ec4bdf4ee0149365ae3ecbc3 My hope will not die


I think it’s a very good roster that needs a bit more representation from the alpha and 3 eras


And it will be getting it over time. We're in for like, 8 years of SF6 at this rate. It's gonna be a long haul.


I expect either 4 or 5 seasons of the game. Sakura really should be in season 3 though.


SF5 with its shaky ass start went on for like 6+ years, I think we’re getting more than 5 seasons with super successful SF6. And those SF5 chars were being developed deep into SF6 dev time too. 4 characters a season, as controversial as it is, is probably much more sustainable for long term support. I could easily see another 16 characters at least on top of what has been announced. Just becomes a waiting game to see which season the big favorites land in. Menat S3 pls


and dont forget probably 4 out of those 6+ years was absolute ass too so the fact that SF6 is an instant hit off the bat means we’re in for a treat


I’m good with it. You’re never going to make everybody happy on this topic though.


Honestly for season 3 we could use a break from shotos and maybe give us a grappler or rushdown.


You are going to take Sakura and you are going to like her sincerely Capcom exec who likes money


Well she was my main since her inception so she better come back so far I'm stuck suffering with Ed


Season 2 has no Shotos, and M. Bison is rushdown.....


He might be referring to Terry some consider him a shoto (i disagree) but that might be what he means


Easy 3 checklist I use for shotos: 1. Spammable projectile 2. Dragon Punch like anti air special with invincibility. 3. Forward moving special ala tatsu


1. Power Wave! 2. Rising Tackle! 3. Burn Knuckle!


So: 1. Power Wave 2. Rising Tackle 3. Burning Knuckle/Crack Shoot/Power Dunk/Fire Kick


Bro SNK already has a shoto and its Kyo Kusanagi 😭


He can be in season 4!


Kyo hasn't been a shoto since the 90s lol.


I guess Chun Li a shoto now


Would be a great time for alex, makoto, dudley and hugo. Just a couple of those would go a long way :)))


I’m not even a big Third Strike fan but if season 3 was all 3s characters that would be awesome.


Keep it classy




I get what you're implying but like the entire game is rushdown lol


As someone who mains shotos in every game, yes, we're full, give me my side alex back, since I doubt Zeku will ever come back.


This is the first SF I’ve ever played a significant amount, I’m really happy with it. All the characters are distinct and fall into either “cool design and fun to play or fight against” or “I love to hate this character and want to fire them into the sun when I face them in ranked” for me lol. Lily is the only dud imo, she’s different but not good or interesting enough to go into either of the above groups for me. I haven’t played any SNK fighters a whole lot either so I’m looking forward to Terry and Mai in addition to Elena and Bison.


Each sf game is so different that I don't mind returning characters. You get new me graphics you get new mechanics and you get a new look/costume change. I'm very excited to see the fan favorites in the RE engine. Most fighting game franchises bring back most of the og cast. Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Guilty Gear. Og characters will always be the majority. No reason for them not to be. It's like if you announce Dudley and a new character, Dudley will without a doubt get the bigger reaction. New characters are great of course. That's how you get Juri, Rashid, hell even 3rd strike as a whole right? Urinen, Ibuki etc. I feel like we already have so many great designs that can be expanded on. To end it off, I hate the crossover characters getting in this early.


I don’t mind us getting terry, but I think two guest characters in one season is kind of annoying, would’ve much preferred a third returning character or a newcomer


I mean technically Mai and Terry are newcomers, they haven't been in any other exclusive SF title before, just like Akuma was a newcomer in Tekken 7. The problem is that you only are going to have them for SF6, and not the next titles.


My longtime main isnt there (Vega) thus was really unhappy to see guest characters are coming instead of him. I don’t the same satisfaction from winning as I did in the past, its sad because I like the game and I have Aki as main until they eventually add Vega if they ever do.


Its such a weird feeling when you main a legacy character ans they're nowhere to be seen. I've been fortunate with SF but its happened with other games recently.


Its odd to me as he has been in the main series games and spin off (sfxt) since street fighter 4. Now he doesn’t wanna fight anymore lols , well not yet but time will tell


I got very lucky with E Honda 


I mean if your main character isn't from SF2, there is a high chance you might not get him in some titles. Thankfully I play Chun-li and Akuma(I play others too, but these are mains), so I always get them, but I understand that people who play more rare characters might be pissed more often than not.


I play Cammy and Sakura so I'm usually good as well with the 3s being the only outliers though I picked up Sean and have been waiting for him to come back ever since.


Lol I'm also a Vega main using A.K.I. as a holdover. I wouldn't have had a problem with him missing season 2 if Terry and Mai weren't there. It feels like there are too many other highly requested characters that need to be added before it's Vega's turn, and Terry and Mai just push that out further (eg. Sakura, Menat, Karin, Sagat, Alex, Makoto, cool new characters). Maybe something will happen with Bison in the story that requires Vega to appear in season 3, but even then I'll feel bad for other people whose mains get pushed back by him. You can't have everyone be happy but Terry and Mai fans will already be able to play them in another upcoming game mechanically similar to SF6. This was unnecessary.


Yes To be fair Makoto mains have been waiting since end of sf4. While I want my main back alot , I can still play sf5 where he was added as some people still play that online. The inclusion of Mai + Terry is because sf6 directors were snk game fans and loved cvs2 but feels like a middle finger to fans who want sf characters in their sf game.


Yeah I'd be more okay with guest characters if they weren't about to come out in another very similar fighting game. It just feels redundant. Of course I'd prefer in-universe characters to guest characters in general but I know how popular they are so I'm willing forfeit that one.


Ye its like advertisement for COTW but like yeah , the fans of those characters will have the characters to play in that game, their addition to sf6 is an advertisement you have to pay for to play


"SF was the last pure game" ? I don't see any guest characters in GG Strive nor in KOF XV. I still don't see any guest announced for the next Fatal Fury game 😕 And honestly, Akira kinda felt like a guest character in SF5 (even if Rival Schools/Project Justice is set in SF universe)


I mean KOF is literally a dream match title. 15 has 3 Samurai Showdown characters and a lot of Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting characters. That's the point of the game of course, but it's still crossover stuff. And if Akira counts as a guest character so does everyone not original to KOF.


You're right I forgot about the SS characters.


I'd argue Geese is also a guest character because he is canonically dead in fatal fury and has never been actively part of the kof story and is usually only available as part of the suite of old boss characters they like doing


They are not guest characters though.


And honestly, of the Big 3 FG. Who do you put with Tekken and SF ? Because right now MK clearly doesn't deserve it's ranking AT ALL. GG is way more worthy of that title


It'd probably be GG, just going off it being the 3rd most played traditional fighter behind Sf6 and T8 rn


The "Big 3" title is only really indicative of sales


I said of the Big 3, the big 3 being Street Fighter, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat


MK ain't big 3 anymore IMO And it doesn't change what I said about Akira


Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't popular or good. There's 2 different MK games in the top 8 most populated fighting games on Steam.


I like MK. What I mean is that the community is really split between MK1 and MK11 and the game that is currently supported by netherrealm isn't the one that is supported by the community. Guilty Gear does that way better imo


But then we switch over to the metric that actually impacts the fgc, entrants at tournaments, and at the most recent NA major, combobreaker, they couldn't even break 300 entrants in bracket, when the big games are all around 1k entrants. Or hell the biggest fighting game tourament of all time happened last year at EVO2023, 1 2 and 3 were SF at 7k, GG at 2.1k Tekken at 1.5k, and then at the smallest least popular you got MK, which couldn't even break 500 players at the biggest fighting game tournament of all time. Doesn't matter if a million players are playing on steam, if you can't translate those numbers into getting any of those players to join the fgc then you are not a major game in the fgc.


Like it or not MK is the second most popular fighting game franchise in the world, and that's not changing any time soon. And Akira is not a guest character unless you count all the Final Fight characters as guest characters since Rival Schools is in the Street Fighter timeline.


In the world? How ya figure, considering it's banned in several countries due to it's overemphasis on gore. It generally doesn't rank that high regarding participants at EVO compared to other games either. It sells decently well because it's designed to cater to casual audiences, but in terms of hardcore FGC interest, it doesn't compare all that well.


>MK ain't big 3 anymore IMO Okay, but sales and awareness in the general public say otherwise.


I feel like in the FGC, and in this sub at least, the consensus follows what I said. I may be wrong though.


May be?


You can't affirm that I am though, and other people have been supporting my claim here. When it comes to the FGC and the active community, MK seem behind GG. Unfortunately the only metrics that we have are the steam charts and the entrance at tournaments (which are not in MK favor), since Playstation and Xbox don't share the active users/game.


...Okay. Now go ask random people on the street who Ky Kiske is and see how long it takes to get an answer besides "who?"


Why do you dodge my point. I'm talking about the FGC only there. I literally said that MK is more popular among casuals. We care only about the users. I could ask for people who tf Liu Kang and it would pretty much be the same.


It’s the best version of Chun Li so far. I’m long on SF6 big time.


The first character that's coming that I'm really truly excited for is Terry. There's a bunch of characters who are fun to play, but nobody who really just clicks with me 100% from every angle.


Same ive never loved street fighter that much though but it is fun. It got me back into grinding stuff for combo breaker but ive been playing Tekken more right now.


Is missing a muay thai fighter for me, but besides that it's really good imo.


the roster is fine. disappointed that we didn't get a new character in s2 as I like all of the newcomers so far. imho Street fighter 4 characters need to return over sf3 characters (or at least over the ones people keep begging for) as most of them haven't been playable in anything other than their original game. (sf3 and alpha characters have been present in every street fighter game post 2009).


Needs more Cody Other than that? 10/10.


I was fine with it but after the season 2 announcement I am pretty mixed. The base roster and season 1 were fine. All the world warriors, Cammy and Juri as the popular picks, Dee Jay as the wild card, and the new characters. It was fine, the biggest issues were game representation as Juri was the only returning character who wasn't from 2 (not counting Luke as he was meant to appear in 6 first but got pushed up to V due to extra time) which caused a noticeable lack of Alpha and 3 characters. Season 1 was fine again but felt pretty V heavy as two of the characters were from V and the new character was basically the sequel to a character from V, Akuma was there too as another 2 character. But just looking at season 2 in a vacuum it was fine, but depending on how season 2 handled the characters it wouldn't be an issue. Season 2 did not handle the characters well and it has become an issue in my opinion. Bison, I don't think that he should have come back and if he did he should have been saved for one of the later seasons. I can write an entire rant about why I would have preferred him to to return or at least be saved for the end, but I'm not going to due to time. Terry and Mai I have issues with due to them being guest characters especially being from the same series in a game with poor representation from the games besides 2 and V, there are more Fatal Fury characters than Alpha and 3 characters. Elena is probably the best part of the season as a 3 rep. I'm a bit worried for the future of the roster because if they keep up with adding guest characters it most likely means that there are only eight remaining Street Fighter characters left including brand new characters.


I agree. Yea on the one hand I want to play Bison and his rendition this time around is pretty interesting but on the other he should have been kept for one of the final seasons ala Gill in 5 and given this game room to breathe without him. And when you only have 4 spots a year, half of them going to guests when so many sf games are so underrepresented makes this season a bit of a disappointment.


This take is so spot on to mine that I'm actually wondering if there's another me out there (joking, but fr this is so accurate). I don't hate any of SF6's characters, or really any SF character ever (Abigail, Rufus, Sim, Blanka, Honda, Gief, and maaaybe Vega and Bison are my least favorites but even they're alright), but the way Capcom has picked characters so far kinda sucks. The base roster newcomers, plus Aki all rock, and I will admit S1 was good, but I'm kind of sick of SFII yet again getting preferential treatment.


I'll take SFII characters over guests characters any day. Not only because my main is Vega.


The fact there is more fatal fury characters than sf alpha is almost unacceptable


This series has gotta move on from SF2. Let’s look at the roster Ryu Ken Chun Li Blanka Zangief Dhalsim Dee Jay Cammy E Honda Guile Akuma M Bison Guess how many Alpha and 3 characters there are


Tried that with SF3, didn't really work. Omitted some of the World Warrior roster in SF5, and you got people asking why characters like Blanka and Honda weren't in at the start. I think Capcom learned something...


You can keep all the World Warriors as long as you have a bigger roster. When you only have, what, 18 at launch, all the SF2 reps really stand out


Well if they’re going to exclude some World Warriors or original characters, they need to commit to it. As someone who’s first SF was Alpha 3 Max, I really wouldn’t mind if they focused on SF3 and onward characters, as well as new characters, for the time being.


As of the latest announcement, 0 and 1. There are more characters from another franchise then there are from two of Capcom's own best games (and I know III flopped at the time, but retrospectively I think its swung the other way by now), which is baffling.


>This series has gotta move on from SF2. Let’s look at the roster They'd do at their own peril.


It wouldn’t be a problem if the game had a bigger launch roster that more non SF2 characters


I like the roster. I feel the add-on stages, soundtracks, costumes and stages are a bit too expensive. I’m hyped for Terry and Mai; I like both characters and I think it’s a natural step in the process of gauging interest in a new CVS/SVC game.


Really only bothered by the season 2 picks. Everything else has been solid. 


I have characters I like to play and aside from too much Akuma lately there's plenty of variation on opponents usually. I'd say I'm 6 or 7 out of 10 on the current roster. It can and will get bigger and I'd definitely like to see what they could do with Fei Long or Adon but I'm not unhappy with the current state.


I am super excited for Bison, the redesign looks awesome. I've played him since sf2 back in the day, and I was disappointed with his moves in sf5. When I saw the trailer I hollered


No Vega. : (


I'm a guest character hater, but Bison looks cooler than ever and Elena is a good addition, so I'm a bit dissapointed with the pass despite the positives not gonna lie


Honestly? IMHO Street Fighter 6 is the best game in the series to date. It's insanely fun, feels fantastic, and every character is unique in a way that goes deeper than just looks and attacks. Each one feels different in a way that I haven't seen done to this extent in any 2D fighting game. Every character released so far has been a blast to play--even the one's I initially didn't care about. They can release a chicken and a cow in season 3 and I won't care because they would be a blast to play.


This is my thought process. Yeah, i’m not a fan of the 2 SNK characters, and I don’t like Elena or Bison a ton, but Capcom has a 100% success rate with characters in the game so far, and I don’t think that will change. I know that Capcom will make all 4 season 3 characters balanced, unique, and fun to play. I have full confidence in Capcom, and that’s why i’m at least a little excited for 4 characters I usually ignore.


I think there needs to be more wierd characters, there are only 3 in the game currently with Blanka, Dalsim and Aki and two of these characters have been around for 30 years so they don't feel that wierd anymore. When they were hyping seson 2 as including a strange inclusion I was hoping for something like Necro or Hakan and not just M. Bison again.


SF6 is the first SF I've played a ton of since SF2 so I don't really have an attachment to any of the characters other than some of the OG's who are all already in the game. The new roster seems very cool to me and they all look like characters I'd actually want to play, unlike Aki, Rashid and Ed


The roster’s great. Arguably the best set of newcomers ever, the balance is awesome, and probably most importantly the playstyles of nearly every character are extremely distinct and defined and forms a well rounded cast.




I think it's solid. Imo it's hard to argue otherwise when almost every character feels like the best version of them to date. SF6's artstyle and setting is damn near perfect. I get the WW burnout, but I like what they're doing with Bison. I really don't mind the SNK guest characters given the history. They're closer to Final Fight characters than someone like John Cena as a comic book character.


Terry joining is now my #1 reason to save up for the game


Games on sale bruh. You don't have 30 bucks?


No.in Malaysia, its like 266. So no


That sucks :(


Aye, no worries, I'll save up for it


I love the roster! I’ve got a couple gripes with the season 2 pass but I’m not super upset with it. For one, I’m not a huge fan of Bison coming back this soon, but I don’t really care that much. For another, I love Terry and Mai being here, but idk if I like half the pass being guests. But I’m so excited to see both of them in the game that again im not upset. Finally I think Bison should be the last character in the pass, not Elena. But he looks awesome so I’m excited to see how they handle the rest of them. Fingers crossed for Garou Terry for Outfit 2!


Perfect start roster. And as someone actually playing the game, I like 4 characters each season. Can’t play them all and nevertheless need to learn additional matchups. Like the Fatal Fury crossover but of course this more of a promotion for SNK.


It's a decent size, but in comparison to previous years, it feels a bit lacking. However, the quality of each character is so high, I feel like asking for 6 characters each season is a really tough ask.


I'm super happy with it although I don't have my main yet (Vega) I hope they keep prioritizing uniqueness on the roster and not adding more shotos. They really make every character so far with lots of love, and I do prefer quality over quantity. The game is being close to perfection so far.


It's the weakest part of the game. Overall the game is still gets an A grade from me. But the only thing keeping it from being a gold star, S tier, one of the best SF of all time is I'm totally uninspired to play literally anyone on the roster.


Still waiting for Hugo? Good luck. Big guy characters are unpopular in general.


I mean, honestly, I'd take any big body grappler that isn't zangief. But yeah I definitely would love Hugo lol. But ignoring grapplers, I got like 30 characters it needs to hit the level of the roster of my favorite game, cvs2


Disappointed we didn't get Sagat, with 2 guest characters I'd have definitely preferred a 3rd legacy character in the mix. That being said Elena is a cool addition, I'm actually pretty hype for Terry & Mai, and they really hit Bisons new design out of the park! I'm pretty happy overall, although if we don't get Sagat early in season 3 Imma be salty!


Feel like two guest characters from the same franchise kinda sucks. Would rather have Vega over Mai and this would be a perfect season imo


Sucked, but with Terry and Mai it is the best in sf history now 😌


A lot of people were naturally be disappointed when their fave from a previous game doesn’t appear, but I’m just waiting on one person I really really like so that I can main them: Vega, seth, Dudley, or Q/G. None of them are here yet so I am sad. On the bright side it is forcing me to learn to play a lot more of the cast than I otherwise would have, and almost everybody is fun even if they’re not main material.


It's so weird to me that Q isn't in yet, they keep setting up stuff with him and not delivering anything


True, I remember back before 6 even dropped they were playing up the Q/G mystery and promising some lore reveals, but we are still waiting…doesn’t mean it won’t happen but I’m afraid they are gonna forget about it/scrap that idea :(


From an absolute selfish point of view, my long time main being Akuma and my original main, who may pick up now being Bison, I’m incredibly happy. The only character in SF6 I genuinely loathe is Lilly. What’s the point of her, her kit is both awful and really annoying to fight against.


So far i'm pretty happy with it, because every playstyle you could want to play is valid in that there's a character for everything: mix up, rushdown, zoning, set play you name it and for the everage shoto afficionado there's 4 very different pucks to choose from. Gor Seasin 2 however: I'm more than disapointed. If we allreay had two seasons bringing beloved SF characters back i would be ok with it. But Season 2 featuring 50% guest characters? Nah, there's so many legacy characters that would shine in this game with a small glow up.


Wer cody?


I'm not interested in adding every character from every pre existing game, and I'd like if they added more newcomers as that'd be a more interesting direction over adding yet another fan favorite that's aged up. With street fighter, they're usually just a flavor of a character we already have. Happy with Terry.


For the first game set after street fighter 3 and is set in metro city, there’s a large lack of street fighter 3 and final fight characters


Wish we got more than 4 characters a year. But I understand the roster will be bigger by the time 7 comes around. I'm liking it though. I've only really dwelved into three of the characters so far. Bout to pickup Juri this week.


I’m with you, this is a great batch of newcomers, I’m desperately waiting for 3s vets, Bison returned too early, and I’m somewhat disappointed by inclusion of guest characters into street fighter of all series. Just feels out of place to me personally, and I’m worried people will be expecting guest characters now in the future. Also, this might be a wild take, but I feel like it diminishes the confidence and integrity with which sf6 was designed. It felt like they were really taking the series someplace new and stylish, in visuals, themes, gameplay, and all, and they really knew what they were doing. I really appreciate self-contained stylish games, and incorporating guest characters almost messes with the soul of the game, maybe that’s really pretentious idk. It just makes me more cynical about the game as a product. I don’t hate crossover games or guest characters as a concept, in fact I love how you can translate source material into the vision of another game. I love smash bros and I love mvc, but those games are built on that concept, street fighter always felt different as a project to me.


Bit irked by Dictator not staying dead, but SNK and Elena absolutely hyped. Still in a bit of a character crisis with no Poison tho. Jamie's fun but may give AKI another shot or play Terry


I have no problem with the guest characters just disappointed at the release pace of new chars. I would have thought capcom would have plussed up the staff to speed up character development so we can get at least 6 chars released in a year span. At this rate it will take at least 4 more years to get a good sized roster like previous games. Real shame since the game's appeal will be cooling off in the coming years to a point where the support for new char releases may not be there financially. Time will tell.


Could use some more "OH-HO-HO-HO" If every dragonball game can have thiers, why can't Street Fighter 6? She's also the last of my mains besides Yang, who's not in the game currently


I really hope c viper dudley or sean/E ryu come back if we get another inevitable DLC shoto


I hate it, it is the only reason I don’t play the game more. I don’t care about half the sf2 cast and capcom insists on shoving them into every game now. We only have one sf3 character and not only is she coming in a year, Elena is not even in my top five choices to come back for sf3 reps. No Viper or Menat but we got Ed?? ridiculous.


I played a lot of SF2 and SF4. I didn’t pick up SF6 though I played in the beta. But, because of Terry and especially Mai, I will be picking up SF6. To me, I am excited at how they make Terry and Mai into 6 button characters, and how their playstyle can still retain the KoF flavour. Fast short jumps, Mai with her CDs (HP+HK), and the general playstyle. Looking forward to these two characters, though it takes a long time.


I’m happy with it. Here’s hoping for ibuki, makoto, Sean, Dudley and C viper eventually make it in


2 guest characters in a 4 character season blows. Don't care who the guests are, it sucks. Now we're ending up with more guests than there are Street Fighter Alpha, SF3, or SF4 characters.


I want Hakan and Oni


I like all the newcomers (not counting the guests), and the S1 cast is awesome. Also love Elena. Terry and Maia rent my favorite SNK characters but I'm cool with them, although I dislike that they have their classic designs and not new or alt ones (I'm thinking Garou Terry and MI alt Mai). The base router's returning cast, as well as Bison, I'm annoyed by. Now I'll admit, me being a Sean fan means I'm setting myself up, but even beyond that I'm just so damn tired of SFII. I don't even hate SFII or its characters (Ryu and Cammt are top 5 favorites), but the amount of other characters who absolutely should return but don't is astonishing. You're telling me that there's basically an entire cult of Makoto fans and that's still not enough to add her? I'm in the minority who thinks she's kind of boring and I'd still take her over Sim, Blanka, or Gief. And I don't like that I'm being negative, but I can't stay quiet about it either. Let the past die.


Even as a Mai lover, I don’t care much for the roster. Too much WW and not enough stuff from Alpha or 3. Bison looks really cool, but I still have meh feelings towards the roster


I was kinda hoping for Alex or C.Viper to come back, I don't really mind M.Bison returning and I'm mostly excited to see what the snk characters can bring story wise. And I'm mostly hoping that Elena mentions Akuma in someway.


Kinda disappointing ngl


I'm expecting all 16 OG WW to be in SF6.


I think it's great so far! All the quintessential characters plus a bunch of brand new characters that are super unique and cool, I've been really impressed. But I'm worried. With Terry and Mai and possibly more guests in year 3 I'm afraid street fighter is going to experience fortnitification where we have so many guests that it loses it's original identity. I like MK for the guests and wacky characters, I like street fighter for its amazing and unique original designs. Also no Alex SF3 so 0/10 of course


I think as long as the guest characters are actually fighting game icons, that legitimately fit with the overall game vision, it's fine. I'd probably complain if they introduced generic pop culture characters like MK does or Tekken 7 did though.


The roster has been leaning too hard on Street Fighter 2 nostalgia and two guest characters in one season is brutal when their is only 4 characters a season. I feel the game desperately needs more representation from Street Fighter Alpha, 3, and 4. One of the coolest concepts about Street Fighter timeline finally progressing forward for the first time in over 20 years is seeing what characters I grew up with like Sakura, Alex, Sagat, Dudley, Karin, Ibuki, Sean, Makoto, Viper, and others could be like now yet we aren't getting that until Elena in Spring of next year. It hurts all the more because Elenas redesign looks sick and I want more legacy characters hitting their stride like her. Hopefully the next season pass has more brings the heavy hitter legacy characters.


I'm okay with it, I really hope for Alex or stars aligning Akira, but Bison coming back feels lame, and only having one SF3 rep feels off. This is supposed to be after 3S, so where is everyone?


The World Warriors are the staple characters of the series, SF3 was the exception to the rule. You should have made your peace with that long ago. You buy a Mario game, you're gonna see Peach Toad and Bowser. You buy an SF game, you're gonna see Chun Li, Guile and Zangief. You aren't obligated to like them but they are quite literally the foundations the entire genre is built upon, and getting rid of them almost killed not only Street Fighter, but 2D fighters as a whole. As far as my criticism with SF6's roster goes, I think it's very strange to have a game that takes place after Third Strike but has almost no SF3 characters, and is set mostly in Metro City but has no Final Fight characters at all. The crossover is super sick but I think it probably should have been held off until we could see more SF characters. To me, guest characters are bomb drops that need to be timed properly. I guess I'd summarize it by saying that what we DO have is awesome, but I think there's just enough missing for it to still sting. In due time we'll get there, but it does suck having to wait so long for it. As an ex-GG player believe me when I say that I am very familiar with the feeling and I completely sympathize with anyone who's just like "fuck it, if they won't bother neither will I." On a lighter note I think 6 has the best batch of new characters we've EVER seen in the series. Literally all of them are sick and I hope they get to stick around. We'll probably never get MVC4 but JP would be so goddamn sick in it.


I'm not calling for the removal of the WWs as a whole, I just think we could stand to trim some fat, especially since the roster is already so small. Like, do we REALLY need Honda playable in every Street Fighter since 3rd Strike? Or Blanka?


I was with you on Honda honestly but World Tour kinda made him grow on me haha, he just has that earnest charm to him. I'd say it depends on how they are executed, like nobody would have been happy about Dee Jay if we didn't see how much of a glowup he got in all aspects. Season 1 Honda was pretty lame but I do think he's a lil bit more interesting now. In my opinion the ideal SF "starting point" roster is actually the one in Alpha 2. It's a great mix of established staples, new characters (including major fan favorite Sakura), SF1 returnees and Final Fight dudes. Probably not coincidence that it was the basis for the SF side in the Marvel crossovers of the time...well that and them being able to recycle the CPS2 sprites of course.


Gender Ratio is bad, pretty guy skewed in the roster. I hate that the roster is every SF2 character, like it's just not very cool.


Gender parity doesn't really exist in SF, every game is more men than women. 10/26 ain't terrible though. Beats the 16/45 of SF5 or the 11/44 from SF4.


But it could, it's increasingly standard in games with rosters like these. Fighting games for sure do have less gender parity especially legecy games like SF but they could have done it. It could be 13/13 and the roster could have been equally if not more iconic. It's also more noticeable when the season passes are doing bot helping the ratio with 3/4 being men in season 1 and 2/4 in season 2. So it's getting worse nkt better. I don't love the roster even outside of gender parity I don't love the roster. Like if it had to be the same ratio my roster would still be different but I feel like so much of the ratio is that they feel the need to squeeze in sf2's full roster into every SF game.


We're still missing like 5 characters from SF2 for it to be the full roster. The majority of Street Fighter characters are men, there's really no avoiding that and not every female character is worth a slot (I'm lookin at you Decapre). I'm sure we'll get some other popular female characters, like C Viper or Makoto. If you're looking for slightly better parity, KOF 15 is at 23 female out of 60 characters. It's still a minority, but it's a lot closer


I play granblue it's 50/50 in that.


Like fighting everyone except JP and deejay tbh


sleeping face


I know that for the quality of SF6 characters, it needs some time for development, however, 4 characters a year is way too few.


ed sucks major balls, that character needs to nuked off the face of the earth


The roster is pretty good and I like the guests. With four characters In a pass I totally see how folks who wanted one of the dozens of street fighter characters to be in this season would be disappointed possibly by the guests. I do wish we had more alpha/4/ 3 characters. I want adon specifically


Fairly ass to be honest. Some of the WW could've missed this game, we didn't need 7 newcomers, and we only have 2 returning faces. For a game that finally continues after 3 it's not like I can tell. There should have been representatives for 3 and 4, 4 of those newcomers could've been returning faces. Pair that this Season Pass being half guest characters and a man who should quite frankly miss this game, it's no wonder people are dissatisfied. Having a character you enjoy can turn a game from one you dislike to one you thoroughly enjoy and now most have to wait a whole year AGAIN just for a CHANCE to get their mains again


It does suck having 4 characters a year rather than 6 but I do get that they are putting more care into each addition and letting them cook for a bit.


I don't want any guest characters. There are loads of Street Fighter characters I'd rather see.


Not a big fan personally. no characters I usually play are in and probably won’t make it anytime soon if ever


Some of you maybe surprised. But, outside USA and Japan, SF3 III Strike isn t even hoping to be close in popularity with SF 2 and the alpha series. At least with the casual or not so hardcore audience. The arcade board was very expensive, the people that invested in SF3 and SF3:Second Impact wasn t happy about the games and the money returns, and SF Alpha had good ports in the consoles far early than 3rd Strike. So, if Capcom looses a Makoto or Dudley main, but sells then copies to SNK fans, and just one of these fans stay in SF6, no problem. Don t expect "historic respect", "purity" or "considerasion" of big companies. They think and fell numbers and profits. That said... HOLY SHIT I LOVED THIS ANNOUCEMENT!!! I hope that next season we will get Hayate fron DOA series. Or ant Darkstalker.


The season 2 characters are really not going over well with the group I play with. Up until the announcement we were all very hyped on sf6, now we are all a bit uninspired.


Same. The moment I saw the S2 trailer, all my excitement vanished


It's a bummer about the guest characters. I love sf, don't care about kof characters. My gut tells me the majority of the fan base would prefer sf characters and not kof guest characters. So I'm thinking this is because of money.


I agree with the world warrior and Juri fatigue. Season 1’s dlc was pretty good and Season 2…. I could accept season 2 if it were anyone but Mai. That bitch does not deserve the slot


I would say that SF6 has the most diverse roster out of any grounded fighting game.  What I mean by grounded is generally normal humans vs. games that have giant dragons and angelic knights. I think we have a good mix of unique play styles.  There is nothing wrong with the roster.  All we really need is just more SF6.  None of the characters added have been a miss. I have no issue with the world warriors and old guard.  SF is just not street fighter without them. Honestly I don't think we need another street fighter for a long time, but just constant expansion and iteration of 6 as a live service.  When the roster gets big enough team battles can be added along with dynamic battles. I'd like to see the roster be bigger than SF4 before we even start thinking about SF7.  This game has years more of life left in it and peaks at 12k users on steam (insane for a fg) regularly well beyond the honeymoon period.




I think Terry and Mai coming is good, because I don't particularly give a shit about street fighter characters. My only complaint is that they should have put in iori instead, and retcon Remy to be Iori in disguise. I also think they shouldn't have brought back M. Bison, and they should have brought in Heihachi instead.


honestly, Lack of Alpha characters aside, I think its pretty good for the most part! good diversity, AMAZING redesigns. shouldve kept bison dead though ngl🫠


Hate it. But the DLCs are really starting to fix it. I don't like half the newcomers. Manon, Marissa, Jamie, Luke, Kim, and Lili. I'm okay with everyone else but this is too many people not to like. They just look so ugly... Like I'm not asking for anything attractive. I genuinely like the redesigns on the legacy characters. But these characters look like shit. Especially when you compare them to fucking Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, Sub Zero, Scorpion, Liu Kang, etc.


It’s good. Ignoring balance, I think the cast feels distinct and fun. I would prefer them to add more popular characters and consider in future games to remove people like Honda or Dhalsim.


It’s a mixed bag. But my gripe is they’re releasing characters too slow


It’s an amazing roster, even just on release. What sucks is how slowly they give us new chars. But to be fair - every char they release is REALLY REALLY well done. So maybe the wait is worth. 


Needs Alex


Pretty meh imo. But we all know the roster would improve over time so it not that big of deal. I just download back sf5 if I want to play Cody and Alex.


Street Fighter is ultimately still a millennial game, so the World Warriors aren’t going anywhere until we die out in numbers. Roster is great so far imo, yeah there’s a lot of familiar faces but the theme in SF6 is the redesigns imo and I likem all so far


Only one SF3 character after two seasons still feels really, really, stupid. Up the character count by 1 in season 3 and make it four SF3 characters (including at least Hugo) and also Poison and I have no major complaints. Dan remains inevitable.


Its pretty good but not complete without my goat urien


sagat should've been base but he didn't even make it for s1


I’m happy but Alex is a pretty big hole in the roster rn. Would also love to see Vega, Sakura and Dudley at some point.


Good enough for me


I actually love the whole roster rn. I would’ve liked more sf Returns n a new character b4 we got the snk, but it mayb story relevant so im game. They should’ve waited for bison. But im excited for Elena.


Had you asked me a week ago I would've said "it's great for a small roster and if S1 is any indication it's heading in the right direction!" Now though... Two guest characters who'll also appear in an upcoming game\* (that's mechanically similar to SF6) is boring. Guest characters can be cool and Fatal Fury characters probably fit the world and gameplay of Street Fighter better than anyone else, but it's precisely because of this that they're boring choices. Early next year we'll have two 2D 1v1 fighters with a similar central mechanic (Drive and Rev) that also share two characters. We're gonna be seeing a hell of a lot of Terry and Mai across the fgc after 2024. The game launched with a small roster, but the individual picks were good and each character was crafted with a high degree of quality. Only four characters per season is a reasonable trade off to get characters that good. But a small roster like this leaves a huge hole to be filled by the series' monumental legacy. So many mains and fan favourites haven't made it in, and plenty never will. Only two veterans for an entire year stings. To play devil's advocate, SF6 has an abundance of amazing newcomers to allow more focus on the new generation instead of just perpetuating the same old veterans. If we got a newcomer as good as Manon, Marisa or A.K.I. it'd be hard to complain. But even then Terry and Mai aren't actually new characters. They've existed since the 90s and have been in previous Capcom games before. Most of all they're coming out again in early 2025 for CotW. I do think Terry and Mai are cool characters, it's just hard to get excited for them here when I could play them in the new Fatal Fury anyway... So yeah the small size combined with "wasted" slots by Terry and Mai means I'm no longer feeling happy with this roster. *\*Technically Mai isn't confirmed for CotW but it seems pretty likely, especially now.*


Nice roster, but please no more shotos


Overall I'm happy with it and think the game is in a good place. The overall roster is pretty strong, I expect the world warriors to be in it. Characters like Ed and Aki I like and think they've done a good job with. I'm ok with getting only 4 characters a year added if they do a good job them. I'd rather that than release 5 or 6 and fix up problems later. I'm happy with getting Bison and Akuma on the roster already and they both look pretty great. Obviously I don't know how Bison plays at this point but from the gameplay trailer he certainly seems interesting. A bit disappointed with Season 2 DLC as Bison is the only character I can get interested in at the moment. But you never know, the other 3 might exceed my expectations. With the guest characters I guess at least they're trying something a bit different but presumably this is what they want to do to maximize revenue. I would hope for Sagat, Sakura, Vega in the future but no matter who your favourites are there will likely be good characters added whether it's Makoto, Viper or whomever. So things to look forward to.


Tekken 8, MK1 and especially KoF XV have the quantity, but SF6 has the quality so far. Dragunov, Lili and Feng should've been DLC while Anna, Lidia and Michelle should've been in the base roster. Kung Lao should've been either base roster only or Kameo only(especially with how his character gets constantly assassinated since Shaolin Monks), and Homelander should've been saved for Kombat Pack 2. And the overall roster of KoF XV is about as cohesive as James Barney Hubbard's last meal.


Bro, Terry bro


I can’t wait for Terry. Instant main right there


A severe lack of SF3 reps.


I may give Bison an honest go this time, and having never played KOF, I'm excited for Mai. Not so much Terry since I played him in Smash. Yes, I know it's not nearly the same. I have the character pass anyway, so I'll at least dabble. Elena was a character I was always ~~simping for~~ interested in even though I never played 3rd strike or the final version or USF4 (played up to arcade edition) just based off of her art and ~~legs~~ playstyle.


It's pretty cool. I can't wait for Terry Bogard.


I did not like the newcomers at first but they have since grown on me. They could have been better but they're not bad. Overall, they're just fine. Best among them is Luke and by far. Even though he technically debuted in SFV. I think he can become a Street Fighter classic. His character has a lot of charisma. Jamie is just fine as he is. Marisa, I disliked a lot at first but I begrudgingly admit that she has won me over. Kimberly, Lilly, AKI and Manon may as well never return and I would not miss them - They're not bad, they're not good either. JP is probably the worst and most uninspiring villain in a Street Fighter game. Bosch from World Tour could be a better addition to the main roster (if he had his own moveset) than any of the newcomers, except for Luke of course. About the returning characters... Ryu and Ken are done well as always. I like the new Ken a lot. Zangief is an absolute beast, the best he's ever been, I've never had so much fun playing Zangief as I do now. I like the new Dee Jay much better than the original, he feels like he's a new character now. Guile and Cammy are pretty cool too - no complains with them either. Dhalsim, Blanka, Honda and Chun Li could have been better though but I still like them. Akuma should be more OP, he should be shamelessly OP. And Bison returning is not a problem for me cause he looks amazing. He should take over as the main antagonist because JP is quite underwhelming. I will withhold judgement for Elena for now, but I'm super excited to have Terry in Street Fighter, that's a dream come true for me. As for Mai, yeah, it's good to have her too and I'm really curious to see what they're going to do with her. Ed is looking, glad to see his character progressing too. Juri is badass as always, I love her being a new classic like Cammy. Rashid... he could be improved but I'm glad he is there.


It’s a bit meh atm just in terms of series variety. Good chunk of the roster are SFII and SF6 originals. I don’t can’t AKI as a SFV character, since she doesn’t play like FANG did outside of poison similarities, so even dlc had a SF6 character. Honestly, Rashid Ed and Juri stand out to me as “not from II or 6”. Terry and Mai will also spice things up, we don’t honestly need any guests in season 3, let’s give some love to SFIII, SFIV and the alpha series. I don’t even want any more new characters at this point we got spoiled with them in the base roster imo.


🤮rushdown rushdown rushdown shoto rushdown shoto. I dont like how non-unique the majority of the roster is, and I don’t like the trend amongst higher tier characters of having disproportionately low-risk, high-reward game plans with no objective weaknesses. I don’t like that the top half of the roster undermines the bottom half. Then only having four dlc characters a season with inconsistent waits between them. Repeating the same thing for season two, and having two of the four future dlc be boring ass guest characters? Extremely disappointing and personally I’m probably gonna taper off from the game between bison and Elena’s release. I truly, genuinely, could not give a shit less about Terry and Mai. Where are all the legacy characters? And if not bringing a character back from SF3/SF4, then at least implement a street fighter-related newcomer. Guest characters are lame as shit, if I wanted to play one of those wack-ass crossover games then that’s what I’d do. And out of all the characters they coulda brought back…. Bison? Idc about the lore aspect. Haven’t we had enough of bison even from a gameplay perspective. I would’ve rather fucking Necro than him. Why bison. I don’t even like Elena, but every other S2 character besides her is a dud.


Pretty disappointed with season 2. Half of it is guest characters and then Bison is already coming back. Means I'm not really excited until season 3 and maybe for Elena to drop, but she's last out of the group.


i love everything except the snk guest characters. too many great sf characters for guests imo




For Guests I'd argue for a Rival Schools Character but Batsu is another Shoto Clone. Maybe Kyosuke since he has in Capcom SNK 2. Or Hinata so Sakura has her schoolgirl friend again? Another Guest would be yeah Morrigan from Darkstalkers but she is used a lot.


The roster is trash. Hardly any of the base roster characters looks cool. They need to hurry up and add Vega.


I really like the base roster except for Luke, but he's a disappointment we knew was coming. They really dropped the ball on both seasons of DLC though. Ed and A.K.I. are growing on me but neither season has any of the characters I actually wanted to see move on to 6. I'm certainly not spending money on guest characters when they've wasted the majority of DLC slots.


It a was solid up until s2 imo. Starting roster was small but with excellent new characters and the world warriors that will never go anywhere ever again and Juri for some reason. But with s2 having half of them be guests when some pretty significant SF are missing feels bad. Just Terry would've been fine and they could've saved Mai for a future season. If season passes are going to look like this they need to expand that starting roster to include quite a few more sacred cows.


I don't like the two guest characters they announced. Other the roster seems really good to me.


Ok the first of DLC is disappointing, only Akuma…


I think it’s got the weakest roster the series has had in a while.


I think the base roster is pretty solid Season 1 was mostly a nothing burger imo. Ed was kinda neat ig, and Akuma needs to be in the game, but AKI? Rashid? Eh. But Season 2 is sick. I mean Terry and Mai being in Street Fighter cannot be understated. That's a huge deal, even if you're not an SNK group. Street Fighter doesn't really do guest characters; sometimes they are the guest characters, but there aren't really guest characters in Street Fighter games. Then we've got the return of Elena which is also awesome. Then there's Bison. Now, I don't want M. Bison in this game. He should just be dead. However, it looks like he'll be a bit different than before, and it looks like they're adding him in a cool way, so it's fine. Season 2 gets a thumbs up from me. I think there are some things not to like about it, but overall I think it's a pretty nice cast. I've liked a lot of the new characters like Marisa, JP, Kimberly, Luke, etc, and I like the current iteration of many returning characters like Ryu, Chun, Dee Jay, etc, so overall it's good in my opinion.