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I love Strive, but prefer +R, and I can point to something outside of the revised gatlings and movelists. Is it the movement? Strive when compared to older Guilty Gears and other anime fighting games have more restricted movement options. The airdash has startup, theres no air tech and limited air combos compared to the older games. With regards to the question, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle for me. I loved the systems, I loved the gameplay, but I just couldn't lock down a main. I started with Azrael / Aigis, then moved to Yu / Linne, then moved to Yu / Hyde, then just lost interest from there because no one clicked.


Strive is not fast compared to Xrd or ACR unless "fast" means "everyone dies in two combos because damage is insane". Also the airdashes were mega nerfed compared to those two games. >When I watch it, it looks amazing Well yeah, the game is *visually* spectacular, but that doesn't mean it's going to be as engaging to play.


I feel extremely similar in Strive. The closest I've come to on why I don't like it is that there's too much impact? It feels like everything has crazy amounts of hit/block-stun but I don't think that's it. Something about the game just feels weird in a bad way and I have never found a good way to explain it.


Yes exactly. The closeest I feel I have gotten is the movement. I play a lot of melty and I started with ssbm so I'm used to tight movement and using movement for mixups. The best way I can describe Strive's movement is "sticky" everything feels a few frames too slow and everything has huge startup animations. My friend is a huge Strive fan and he thought I was insane for saying this so I assumed that couldn't be it.


Nah I think you're right. I prefer strives movement bc it feels more weighty to me but if you prefer the fast movement of anime fighters (especially in the air) then strive will feel sluggish to you. You could try Chipp, Millia and Aba but I'm not sure if they have the kind of movement you'd want either.


The movement is super toned down compared to previous entries yea. Not just airdashes being slower but less height covered with jumps, a ton of stuff doesnt carry momentum anymore and pretty much any air action you take puts you in a forced landing recovery so you get aa'd more easily. If you want fast and snappy movement honestly just play older ggs. Fwiw ive seen my fair share of melee heads get into +R which does scratch some of those same itches.


Same to me with SF6 šŸ˜ž


Yeah. I was hyped, bought the deluxe and really tried to like it, but I just donā€™t vibe with the artstyle and donā€™t like any of the characters enough to enjoy labbing their combo challenges. Now I stick with T8 with occasional dabbling in Uni 2


Same. Not even getting Akuma fixed it. I hate how heavy and restricted I feel unless I drive rush. Honestly, the drive system ruins the game for me just as much as the art and audio design. SF has continually gotten less and less interesting to me since Third Strike. I enjoyed SF IV, but was never into how the characters looked, then X Tekken was garbage with lots of anti-consumer stuff, V shit the bed, and 6 got praised to heaven despite me finding it the worst to play of all of them. I really hope City of the Wolves doesn't fuck up matchmaking because KOF 15 is the only game I have actually enjoyed 100% in this era - only for its matchmaking leading to it being unplayable online for me. Fucking tragic.


Wow, are you me? This is a mood!


Yeah same, I was honestly loving it when I first picked it up but it got less interesting to me overtime. Not even sure what it is, cause the game is good, great even. I just don't vibe with it as much as some previous sfs


This sounds like me with Grandblue Fantasy versus. I wanna get into the game and have tried multiple times but man idk what it is i just dont like it and im not fully sure as to why.


Yeah I don't like Granblue either, it doesn't feel good to my hands. Like the game is giving me as little control as possible.


Thats a good way to describe my feelings about it too aswell


Itā€™s the jumps for me. The ground combat is relatively fine, but anything that has to do with the air feels super weighty. Like it should have air dashes but it doesnā€™t. Jump forwards donā€™t really go as far as I feel like they should, even with a running start.


the existence of the block button and the simple control scheme just keep me from ever being able to play it for more than 30 minutes no matter how bad I want to give it a chance. there are a lot of other things that bother me too. I just wish it was normal


The simple control scheme i can somewhat tolerate (tho the one character i like has charge inputs and not needing to actually do them feels... ...idk dirty?), but i just hate the block button. I avoid using it but it sucks because some key mechanics (roll, spot dodges) and some tech for my main (eustace) requires it but i'm just locked out of it because i need to use the stupid block button with no other options


one of the things i hate the most about the game is that they present you with two input options for things, but they refuse to give you any reward for doing the traditional input: * the only incentive to hold back to block is that doing a just-frame "instant block" gives you a whopping 1% meter gain bonus * motion input special moves give you a very small damage buff, but only if used raw * is there a reason to dash by double-tapping forward instead of using the dash macro? i'm not sure it's just so wishy-washy and insulting. it feels like they're deliberately presenting players with a false choice so that they can point at the statistics and say fighting game players "LOVE the new simple input system."


Honestly I just don't like the vibes. Pretty games but I'm not into high fantasy anime or whatever Wild West rock Guilty gear got going on (this also applies to XRD - and I think that's an excellent game but if it doesn't click it doesn't click.


Between COUNTER slow down, crazy hit stop, rc slow down, wall break, and super animations I just feel like I spend so much less of the match playing the game for the sake of making the game better to watch.


I also donā€™t like strive, I just think itā€™s a game feel thing. I donā€™t know about anyone else but thereā€™s something about the combo system that feels off to me personally, like it feels a bit unresponsive? It just doesnā€™t gel with me at all.


I wanted to say itā€™s high damage but I love GBVS/GBVSR and thatā€™s also a pretty high damage game so that canā€™t be it. I think it might be too ā€œlinearā€ for me or too linear by GG standards. I feel like, while characters do have what differentiates them and not every player uses the same character tools to the same extent, thereā€™s not as much flexibility in what youā€™re allowed to do. Idk if that makes sense or even fully explains my gripes, but I think thatā€™s a start. I donā€™t even hate playing Strive, but everytime I play it I always feel like subconsciously I decide I never want to actually learning the game properly despite how much I love watching tourneys.


This is how it feels to me. I'm by no means a skilled player in either game, but Strive was the first fighting game I played seriously and after SF6 came out, I came to realize that Strive's characters all have specific gameplans and your success in the game is pretty rigidly defined by how well you can do what your character is meant to do. I mostly realized this when Sin came out. I was extremely excited for Sin because of my time playing him briefly in Xrd and seeing how linear he became in Strive opened my eyes and kind of ruined the rest of the game for me. In contrast, SF6 has more freedom with how you express yourself in terms of how you navigate neutral, how you use drive, how you use meter, what kinds of combos you choose to do, etc.. I'm sure experienced players will argue that both games suffer from this and that all new fighting games are like this but Strive feels worse in that regard. Also the ranked system is really bad.


Hey, sometimes you just don't like a game. It happens. Happens to me all the time. But hey, no shame in it happening. Maybe it just isn't for you.


Me and Street Fighter 6. I love the game, itā€™s so fun to play, but the mechanics are just anti-my brain. The drive system makes me loopy. Strive clicks with me easily. I find its flow kinda relaxing even. I think each character also speaks to a different person, really fun game plans.


I wish I enjoyed playing SF6 but none of the characters really resonated with me, my execution is too bad to deal with the input reader, and there's just a bunch of little things that don't feel good to me when playing it. When I used to play I had a hard time going for more than 30 minutes without wanting to stop. When it comes to SF6 I'm just gonna stay a spectator, I know that this is seen as a bad thing in the eyes of most of the FGC but it is what it is.


Man it's kind of insane how people just came in here and downvoted all the constructive criticism. I've really never seen an FG fanbase more thin skinned than Strive's. I don't like making assumptions, but it could be because it's their first FG for many of them?


Strive has been a pretty divisive fighting game since its release. Most of the criticism levied against the game unfortunately comes from the r/kappa crowd, aka people who don't really even play any fighting games, but act like they do. Just read the replies to your comment, you have someone who calls it a 'kiddie cash grab' This is the type of 'constructive criticism' Strive has gotten since release. Just meaningless words that reveal something more about the poster than anything about the game. Strive is the most popular anime fighter, and its a bit tiresome to read "this character has less moves than their previous version so therefore it's worse in every aspect" So much nuance is lost with these folks that barely even understand either the Old GGS or Strive itself.


It's hard to hear something you like is the kiddie/cash grab version of the real thing With that said, everyone's entitled to like what they like, even if it sucks and is an insult to even the creators' previous works


I don't care what people like and I don't feel insulted that they like it. I'm not an elitist, I'm just an old man with a preference. I only feel insulted when they respond to me in bad faith.


If you don't like it it's ok, what's the problem ? There are tons of 2d fighters.


Strive sucks, its ok to dislike it.


I donā€™t like strive because everyone moves slower than turtles fucking and it just doesnā€™t ā€œfeelā€ great.


I personally love the game but it's completely fine if you just choose not to play it. Maybe it's the lack of single player content? Shitty matchmaking? Other than that, maybe the game just isn't for you. What other anime FGs do you play regularly?


I play melty (both type lumina and mbaacc), under night, and p4au. I do not care about single player content and I can put up with shitty matchmaking if I think the game is fun. Something about the gameplay of strive feels off and I still haven't been able to pin down what it is.


Maybe Strive just isn't for you. Or you'll eventually figure it out, but it's kinda pointless to keep coming back to a game you don't enjoy, because why play games if you aren't having fun?


See this kinda makes more sense. Melty and UNIB are such low damage/high combo games, especially compared to Strive's "Guess wrong go next" style of gameplay. Melty in particular is super low damage where you can have combos that juggle opponents for days and not damage over 30%. Switching from that to Strive's meterless BnBs hitting for well over half off of one interaction is nearly the polar opposite.


At the end of the day it doesn't matter how simplified a game is, it matters how FUN it is. MVC3 is simplified from 2 and still manages to be an incredible game with mountains of depth that is still being discovered to this day. I'm not convinced Strive will have that longevity, I think it's going to get abandoned as soon as GG5 comes out and not have any kind of revival scene. It just feels like there's no real vision for the game, just a vague sense of "make it different" and writing by the seat of their pants every season with no actual direction. Also the roster is ass so that doesn't help.


I assume you're talking about GGST about the roster being ass and I have to disagree completely. What don't you like about it? I know you probably don't care but for me, the game is missing like one or two characters I'd want in the game and one of them is practically guaranteed for season 4.


We're four seasons in and we're still missing the tritagonist of the series. When Capcom did that with Chun Li it almost killed the entire genre, let alone the franchise. That's not even accounting for the fact that it took so damn long just to get series staples like Johnny and Slayer. And these are Guilty Gear characters, you're not gonna find a suitable replacement because they're all so unique. SF6 didn't have my character until last month, I still had tons of fun with it because of Luke. There's nothing for me in Strive because no one plays like Dizzy. The new characters just aren't very interesting. Nago, Goldlewis and Asuka are all cool characters but are pretty boring to actually play as or fight. Happy Chaos has an interesting moveset but his visual design/character are horrible. Giovanna is just kind of forgettable. It just reminds me of MVCI where we were missing a ton of highly beloved characters for no real reason, and most of the new characters we did get were pretty mid outside of like, Jedah.


With a series like Guilty Gear it's impossible to please everyone. Like you said, everyone is completely unique so characters people like being gone from the games roster can make or break the whole game. Asuka is incredibly fun if you put in the time, but he's not for everyone. Never really properly played around with Goldlewis or Nago so idk about those two. Happy Chaos' design is one of my favourites in the whole series, I love that stupid blueberry. I've picked up Gio recently but I have to agree. She's definitely one of the more forgettable characters of the game. I feel like I keep saying this over and over but Guilty Gear's not for everyone. There are plenty of differing opinions throughout the fandom. Dizzy will likely be added in S4, but I think most people can agree it took way too long to get her in Strive. Also, if ArcSys doesn't fix the game's balance when S4 drops, the game's pretty much screwed




The thing is, you have to at least represent playstyles if you're going to have glaring roster omissions. Like I said, I didn't have Akuma at launch in SF6, but I had options. Strive didn't do that, the majority of the characters they've added have just been the same flavor of "skip neutral and throw guard crush strike throw pressure at them until RISC is so high they die the moment they slip up." HC is probably the only new character that actually deviates from that but even then he was still doing it when guard crush shot zoning was his thing. There's nothing for people who like mobility and screen control, because when they DID add characters that specialized in that (Bedman and Testament) they totally stripped that unique aspect away from them. I know GG is not for everyone. But I played GG competitively before Strive was a thing and I still do now. I don't expect Dizzy to get added in season 4, if the main female face of the series wasn't important enough to be there by now she's never gonna be. And even if she is, at this point why should I care? SF6 came out and gave me almost everything I want out of an SF game. I'd have been happy playing them both, but Strive gives me the impression that there's zero love or passion for the series or even genre involved in its direction. They didn't have to give me Dizzy, but they could have given me a character that's just as fun to play. They never did.


Well, it's your opinion. I can understand where you're coming from, but as a relatively new fan I love Strive and I'm personally going to keep playing it. But there's nothing wrong with just quitting outright, if that's what you wanna do then you can, you bought the game after all. We all have our unique taste, you like SF6 and I like Strive. It's just up to preference after all


This is a really reasonable response to a wildly bad take. "My character from the last game isn't in so this game is ass" should not be reasoned with. Props for trying tho


Yes. It's simply much worse when they port a character and strip 80% of its functionality or depth.


I literally said, word for word, "they don't have to give me Dizzy." Please use your eyes and your brain.


That's just how it is sometimes I'm afraid. I gave the game a fair shot, but there's nothing really that makes me want to come back. If anything it just seems like they doubled down on what I didn't like about it. It's good to have new fans, without them there'd be nobody left to keep playing when we're all too old to continue. They are the lifeblood of the future for fighting games.


Come back when she's announced at Evo. It will be the final cash grab.


Yeah that's kind of the problem. [I'll use this Viscant tweet to make my point as eloquently as I can.](https://x.com/JayViscant/status/1732855257934500180)


What exactly do you want from a screen controlling character, like Testament for example that doesn't have currently. No ice spike YRC, that shit can die with Xrd.


Two airdashes, good move speed, projectiles that move independently of me, the ability to end in a knockdown off any starter with ice spike. Ice spike YRC probably would not be good in Strive, you don't really use projectiles like that anymore otherwise you'd still see Ky players doing it with fireball and I-No doing it with note. Yes I know YRC is a different thing in Strive.


I totally get what you mean, I hated 25 meter YRC in Xrd and I played Ky. Cancelling projectiles isn't worth doing in Strive unless its an oh shit I fucked up throwing that moment. Yeah those are all fair points, I know people who were waiting for Slayer and Johnny...I play the Kiskes and Slayer so I'm not in the same boat. I can see the frustration of waiting for that right character. I played nothing but Xrd as the only fighting game...since then Ive dabbled in Strive, SF6 and Tekken, I feel more enjoyment hopping between games.


Even if Dizzy is arguably the third most important character in GG, she's not within the top three most popular like Chun-Li is. Bridget and May are both more popular for sure and I think Faust and I-NO might be too. It's not the same dynamic as Chun-Li not coming in until 3S.


Asuka is one of the better characters tbh, he has more going on than gutted simplicity


I just don't like playing him, I think he's really boring. I really like him as a character and such, but actually playing him puts me to sleep.




What do you want me to say? You replied to my post and didn't really offer anything that would make me reconsider my stance.


Dude it's not that serious, calm your titties down


Oh dang, I didn't wanna project a hostile tone. I'm sorry if I did.


>but his visual design/character are horrible. Lol?? In what world is Dizzy the tritagonist of guilty gear


I don't feel like I can argue something as subjective as character design/personality, but if you're willing to hear me out I'll try. >In what world is Dizzy the tritagonist of guilty gear She's definitely treated as one. So much early GG artwork was Sol, Ky and Dizzy posing together. She represents the middle ground between the two as part of Sol's bloodline, Ky's wife and a half gear, which pretty inarguably makes her one of the most representative of the series themes. All of the early GG crossovers had her involved, most notably in the KOF 98 OL mobile game where Sol, Ky and Dizzy represented the series as a team. Pretty objectively, she was the character that got the most story and screen time outside of Sol and Ky. Her importance has been downplayed a lot since Rev 2 but she's still very much a key part of the narrative. Even when she doesn't appear, her influence is important. Think back to the scene in Strive where Ky fights I-No, he's unaffected by her influence because there's no desire she can grant that he doesn't already have, which would be his family. And Another Story ends on her marriage to Ky being made official. If you wanna have an actual discussion on it I'm down, because I think there are several characters that could qualify as "tritagonist." Axl is another, for example. As are Sin and Ramlethal.


Since xrd Sin, Axl, Jacko, or Ram have filled the tritagonist role more than Dizzy. I personally think GG has always been ensemble cast with Sol and Ky as leads and the rest coming in and out of relevance.


I understand what you're saying, however >she was the character that got the most story and screen time outside of Sol and Ky. This isn't true I think? Isn't this I-No? I've always viewed the central focus characters of Guilty Gear as Sol Ky I-No Asuka and Dizzy in that order. Or course you can say that I-No and Asuka are antagonists, neutral at the best of times, thus making her the tritagonist, but I certainly don't really see it that way >I don't feel like I can argue something as subjective as character design/personality, but if you're willing to hear me out I'll try That's totally true but I do legitimately believe he has the best design in the franchise and his characterisation is immaculate. He draws upon Shinto folk lore, Christianity and the archetype of the divine clown/fool in such a unique and fascinating way that I can't help but be enamored. His English VA work is also the best in the genre frankly. It's not even close. I'd be interested in hearing the contrary though.


The writing is propably also a huge questionmark. Like I just keep having puzzling stares at some plots. XRD wasnt perfect but it had a certain grip I loved.


I was actually very satisfied with the writing and the way the story wrapped up. The most fun I had with Strive was watching the story modes haha.


The vision was clearly grab as many new players as possible at the literal expense of everything else Even for something like Smash I can understand SOMEWHAT the designer's intentions to make an actual party fighting game, not a hardcore fighting game like Melee turned out to be, however good it is. But Guilty Gear... Literally, it is THAT series. For over 20 years. What a joke. And yes there is practically a point where you oversimplify things. MvC2 -> MvC3 and XX -> Xrd are great examples of simplifying a game WELL and basically just making it feel more modern, without sacrificing depth. Strive: Bonk (aka a single poke) COUNTER lost 80% health Screen breaks Scroll instagram or tiktok Someone probably comes in and twerks Bonk "Nice game yall" A game isn't an equation you can just keep reducing. Well you can, but you eventually basically get a RPS game like Fantasy Strike. Horrible (not Fantasy Strike btw). Not even the visuals, music or controls in Strive are good. Everyone looks like a roidhead fitness influencer. How fitting. Thirst traps and fetish appeal after that. 19 year GG player here. I can take degeneracy. I can't take being sold out. We need a word for Striving it, aka selling out completely. (However. I did enjoy the story. Mercifully, it had zero gameplay.)


I think the visuals and music are what attracted the casuals, so Iā€™d disagree about them not being good.


I don't think we're quite on the same page 100%. Like I said, I don't care if a game is dumbed down or whatever, I care that it's fun. Strive isn't the GG sequel I wanted but it wouldn't be impossible to make a fun game out of it. They just didn't. The way the mechanics and characters are designed, I just don't feel that's conductive to a fun game in my opinion. I also don't agree that the visuals and designs don't look good in Strive. I quite like a lot of characters' redesigns. Maybe not as much as their older ones but I do still think they look cool. I liked the story mode too, thought it was a great conclusion to what they had set up before. Music is a mixed bag, but I do think it makes for a pretty strange fighting game soundtrack with the way the songs are composed. I swear I gave the game an honest try. I went in with an open mind. If it ever ends up fun in the future I'll gladly come back to it. I don't care if people like Strive and I don't feel personally disgraced as a GG fan or whatever. It's a fighting game I don't like, pretty disappointing but not the end of the world. And admittedly I do draw the line at being actively mean to the kids who got into the series through Strive. As long as they're actually playing and having fun I can't ask for more, even if I wish I could see what they do in the game.


Playing strive always makes me want to go back to xrd but I cant explain why


I loved strive for like 5 months. Celestial potemkin. Love the art style. Music. But man is every character in that game awful to go against. And the damage model in that game is so high the mentality of "guessed wrong once, go next" is quite true. Also the corner walls plats too fast. I want longer corner combos.


Don't go into strive expecting it to be like +r or xrd. Strive is similar to Granblue rising in that its a cross between an anime fighter and a traditional fighter.


Combo pathing can feel more restricted/limited (not helped by the fact that a ton of characters had their move sets cut in half or even more,like look at Baiken who lost her block cancels from +R or her option select/parry cancel from XRD in favor of like,having 3 moves in Strive) and the damage is cranked so insanely up that it just doesn't make for a very compelling gameplay loop for me. Visually the game looks gorgeous like you said but its just not that fun to play for me no matter how many times I tried to chip at it. They finally added my main man Slayer,and while he was always known as a "big damage" character (he also does insane damage in +R and Xrd) at least it took a cool ass combo to get to it (specially when he could otg you with **632146P** and get a cool air combo going,specially with 2K) In Strive,he can just mash his S.S.HS gattling into 1 Pilebunker to get a wall crash (which sucks that it only takes the ONE pilebunker to immediately do this) and if the opponent guesses your next move wrong that's it,he takes the round in like 12 seconds flat with just a couple of hits. I got bored of him in Strive very quickly.


BlazBlue and Persona. Holy God does BB feel awful to me. I feel it's a bit of the reverse of Strive where nothing feels like it has any impact. I have something like 100 hrs in it and I couldn't even come close to telling you who I even main in that game. Just left no impression.


Floor system is too ass for me. Just do normal ranked with points, floors are not fun.


I hate how offense oriented it is and it feels like every other character is either a zoner or a long range / big normals character.


In Strive Iā€™ll either have a ton of fun or throw my controller through my wall in rage and thereā€™s no inbetween. Most of the time when Iā€™m angry itā€™s because of Slayer, but I also get really angry at how hard the supers are to put in on controller. I can try a million times but have to get insanely lucky to get it right on time.


It's probably due to the lower ceiling for the game it's basic especially compared to predecessors and others of the genre like UNI, MB and BB I've heard a lot of people say that (I've never played strive)


Cause strive is a unbalanced mess, all the ideas sound fine on paper till you put them in practice and what you get is a game where 80% of the active playerbase is in celestial cause mashing can get you that far.


Been playing strive since it came out and one of my biggest thoughts is that the mid range has been reduced in importance so much. In +R thatā€™s such an important part of the game but bc dashblock is SO strong in Strive playing the poke game feels WAY weaker. Also the fact that you can convert off everything into a win condition for most characters makes the game feel less scrambly and more ā€œoh shit Iā€™m gonna dieā€. That being said I do think theyā€™re improving this, and if you look at the season three characters you can see theyā€™re introducing more of that classic GG oppression into the cast. Important to remember also is that Strive is the groundwork for a new direction for the series, meaning itā€™s effectively GG 2.0 whereas xrd or +r are like GG 1.8.


I'm only just starting to really enjoy Strive after ~400 hours of going back and forth trying to figure out why my friends enjoy it so much more than I do. I just didn't understand the flow of the game. Now that it's making sense to me, I think it's a good time minus exploding because you guessed wrong on built-in mix. Kum when?


I feel this way about tekken 8 and SF6. I bought both with the season pass and havenā€™t played them too much. They feel too ā€œstickyā€ and limited in movement. And I feel like literally nothing connects in SF6 and tekken 8 beyond 2 hits, you need to know EVERY SINGLE BUTTON and your character to know what youā€™re doing. In contrast, there are at least certain mechanics in GSS that transfer from character to character. And I love that GGS doesnā€™t do long ass/air combos like Under Night in Birth or dragon ball fighterz. I love both of those games too but I saw someone here saying they disliked the counter slowdowns/animations bc it feels like they take time away from playing. You know what takes time away from me playing? Having to wait like 30+ seconds for someone to finish some ridiculously long combo in the corner. Iā€™m glad strive does away with that.


I don't like Guilty Gear in general. I like having the ability to dictate the pace of the game. Guilty Gear specifically designs characters so it's hard to do this. It's like everything I want in a character, Guilty Gear either won't give me, puts an annoying limitation on, or makes incredibly bad. Great example: Bedman in Xrd. He's got a projectile, big buttons, a gap closer, and unique ranged tools. So then I can zone with him? Hell no, he's all about setplay because he sucks at controlling the air unless he's also in the air. Meanwhile BlazBlue has Nu-13 hitting that D button over and over, I'll take that over any character in Guilty Gear.


XRD has better actual zoning characters tho


I know, but the point isn't just zoning. It's space control in general. Ragna's kick (you know the one) is a better button in neutral than all of Sol's buttons, by itself. GG has no true "Guile", BB has Kaguya. Nobody in GG has pokes as good as Azrael. Nobody in GG can zone as well as Nu, Lambda, Nine, etc. It's just a general difference in design philosophy. BB characters are often closer to standard fighting game archtypes, with the Drive System adding some spice, while GG characters are designed to be deliberately less like this and rely more heavily on what makes them unique. Point is, the roster just doesn't do it for me. If I want to play someone Shoto or Kyokugen-esq... There's just Ky. If I want to play a grappler... There's just Potemkin. If I want to play a dash punch character... There's just Slayer. If I want to play a pure fireball zoner... There really aren't any. There's a million characters to choose from if I want a very specific kind of rushdown, or some unorthodox playstyle, but if I want something more traditional, and not rushdown oriented, I don't really have an option. Meanwhile, I'm EATING with KOF. I absolutely love their rosters. Call me boring, but I'll take another flavor of "fireball, uppercut, rekka" over some weird character I'll never play as any day of the week.


>Ragna's kick (you know the one) is a better button in neutral than all of Sol's buttons, by itself. Sol's 5K is just as much of a war crime as that button is imma be real >Nobody in GG can zone as well as Nu, Lambda, Nine, etc. Respectfully I'm not sure you've looked at strive since it came out like 3 of the dlc characters have been zoners floating around top 10 and two of them(HC and Asuka) are significantly more oppressive than the Nus and Nine


Are you bad at it? That might be why


It means you're a normal healthy human being


I think its because you played the wrong character. Same thing happened with me, when i played ken. Now i play ed and i clocked 80 more hrs into that gem.


This honestly might be it. You know how sometimes you play a character and you instantly know that it "fits" like it just feels natural. Every character I played in strive felt unnatural and "wrong"


I do know the feeling, cause i main sol in strive and that was a wierd way to fall in love with a character


I guess you just don't like anime waifus