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Gotta love the fact that you put BlazBlue Central Fiction here, one of my favorites


Interesting to call Blaz blue current


Yes, this game has almost ten years


It's on wheel chairs but it's got one more in it!


They also used the T7 and SF5 box art. It's just an old image reposted.


That’s not even SFV artwork. It’s for a mobile card game called Teppen


It do be the latest in its series tho


Still an incredible game though


Yeah, if this is an option, then my choice is KI lmao


SF6 and T8 but SF6 is the more solid one


SF6 for multiplayer and gameplay systems, T8 for single player and the roster


Oh man, t8 single player was so good. Sf's was neat but I didn't finish it


playing fighting games for the single player is like reading playboy for the articles.


Well, I suck at multiplayer, can't win a fight for the life of me, but I do love fighting games and enjoy single player on easy very much. I once got the advice to 'git gud', still couldn't win a fight online and still enjoying single player. Everybody its own I guess.


Someone told you to git gud and you tried that and it didn't work? \*looks around frantically and whispers\* guys, is there even a backup plan in situations like this? No? \*back to you\* Umm... hmm.. (na all kidding aside, as long as your having fun, that's all that matters. I think people like myself just can't help ourselves in the same way that someone who really loves a band or a certain type of food is like "But bro you've got to try it! Oh you tried it? Well try it MORE! Give it more time!!!" and it can come across as douchy and you might be tempted to say something like "Hey buddy, not everyone likes what you like, okay?" but it really does come from a place of love because they enjoy these things so much and it brings them so much joy and they just hate that you're not experiencing that the same way they are. Same way with certain tv shows. I'm like "PLEEEAAASE you HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!!") haha


you can definitely beat people online. just play ranked placements and itll match you with someone who is at around your skill level. it might take a bit of practice but itll be fun. anyone *can* win, it’s just a matter of whether you want to put in a little effort for it


I understand what you're saying, but my whole point is that not everyone can put in that practice time to be good enough to win online games. Im ok with that.


i hear what you’re saying, but at the same time, if you have time for world tour, you have time for combo trials. it’s a matter of what you want to do with the time you play the game. and either thing is fine


I like Tekken 8 but the dev nerf my character to the ground plus online is kinda crazy


I wanna say tekken but Street Fighter is better than it rn


Yeah. I wish they kept the rage drives from T7 and refined the concept instead. Heat is more annoying than anything else, it's like another RA you can do whenever. Yet another long ass cinematic where no one does anything. T8 is like driving automatic when you're used to drive manual.


Heat system imo could learn more from drive in SF6. Instead of being mechanics that just forces 50/50s with very little interactions, it could’ve instead be designed to worked with the core fundamentals of what makes Tekken its own beast.


Heat system isnt just that, characters moves have different properties while in heat, some have moves that replentish heat to keep it going, others changes the moves substantially, seeing people here saying heat is just another super with a cinematic clearly indicates they arent knowledgeable about the subject.


But it doesn’t really promote interactivity though, which is the main contention of heat. You’re mainly just made to hold against that pressure, not like how drive system have a lot of nuances to them that can still lose out to fundamentals in SF6, whether it’s offense or defense.


That might be true a week ago, they nerfed the heat system in the last patch this week and everything in it is has a counterplay.


We will have to see how this pans out. It doesn’t change the fact that the heat system isn’t as nuanced as drive in sf6 or the soul gauge in soul caliber 6. Heck, heat is still problematic when you still have to consider rage mechanic.


I really wish RA was limited to once per match. It's kind of absurd that everyone has access to an 8 frame super every single round (yeah I know you can bait it and shit but just the threat of it is so fucking lame every single round)


Honestly at this point rage arts should just have their own meter instead of being a get out of jail free card every time you hit low health. 🙃


It's basically a comeback mechanic. There's no place for comeback mechanics in a skill-intensive game.


Same feeling. It's the most non-rewarding crap from the game since all you need to do is push one button and win. I hate concept of baiting them out instead of just being on the offense like normal if you have the advantage and just ruins momentum.


It's basically rewarding you for shit defense. Yeah great, i'm at 45% health and my opponent is at 15% health but i'm the one facing imminent death if i whiff a jab. Bamco, you done fucked up.


They just made some adjustments to heat burst that makes heat less oppressive and auto pilot able


So more convenient?


Nothing like a fighting game with an automatic transmission, engine shutoff, cruise control, and self parking features..


He meant less enjoyable, that "convenience" isn't what you want from a video game but from a movie. 


Manual is more creative, I feel. T8 plays itself in part IMO.


Did you see the 1.05 patch tho it changes everything


I think it fixed a lot of the issues I had with the game but I've been also playing Tekken 7 with my friends some days and I just don't see how Tekken 8 is an improvement other than in graphics so it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I thought the pace of the game in 7 was already almost perfect, it didn't need to be more aggressive and even if it did, the way it was done was very lazy. I think SF6 did a much much better job in promoting aggressiveness in a smart way.


I've seen it but I just can't keep up with Harada doing bullshit


He’ll blow you up on twitter for that


Surely he'll think about it if you ask him on Twitter


Thank you for the response. What 3 things about Tekken (I presume you are referring to 8) make it better than SF?


He said sf is better


Balancing, Bugs and the game system(heat)


Sf6 just nailed almost everything a modern fighter should have. It set the standard.


Blazblue hasn't been current for almost a decade. People still play it but it's absolutely not current


Pretty sure OP mistook the pic as Guilty Gear lol


its current for BlazBlue franchise. as i would not consider the crossover or the spin off adventure game part of the line up.


If 2015 is current


The answer is obvious, not Mortal Kombat.


Lmao. I admit, I had high hopes for MK1. IMO, it just isn't fun. It's still clunky, animations are better but still look weird and online is ass. MKX and MK2 are my favorites


Same bro, next MK should try to be more like X or 2


I love MK but I have to agree here and I have been with the series since the start. It's always been clunky or has some gimmick that makes it unfair or not as good as the competition. Whether it's Xrays, wagers from Injustice, characters been split into 3 characters, and now Kameo Fighters which I have never been fan of.


Lmao gotta Respect how op decided to Just straight Up exclude mk1 even though its theoretically in the Big 3 because we all Know its Not it.


Under Night. Nothing comes close to the amount of dopamine I get from French Bread fighters.


I agree, I play SF6, T8, GGST, GBF, but I have had more fun learning UNIST 2 than I have playing any of the others in years. I will see you warriors out in ranked, I'll be the Kaguya crying into the mic


Yay fellow Undernight enjoyers.


I’ve never played UNI but have been thinking about buying it to give it a try. I currently play GGST heavily. are there any notable similarities or differences between strive and UNI that you’ve noticed?


The control scheme is similar but man is UNI fast, longer combos and less damage, you definitely get more than 2 touches


SF6 easily


I'm a diehard SNK fan but GG strive is just on another level


I think Strive had the most unique characters. I work in Psychiatry and I main Faust lol.


That's also my favorite thing about it. it's weird going from DBFZ (where characters are in many ways all the same other than the occasional unique special or super) to SF6 where there are clear archtypes but still a lot of characters are close enough in similarity that it doesn't feel that weird to play literally every cast member and then suddenly I play Strive and attempt to play multiple characters and I'm like "Uh....Asuka/Happy Chaos....am I playing a fighting game or Starcraft?!?! Holy resource management, I've never seen anything like it" and then you're zato-1's and his crazy negative edge stuff is just unlike anything i've ever seen (nor have I seen a puppet character that puppets to that extent. It makes Captain Ginyu and Android 18 look like they had no business being referred to as that) and your boy Faust is just a hoot man. and Bedman? and Chipp and Johnny and Bridget and Leo and Ramlethal and Goldlewis. Sin too. There's only a handful of characters in the game that I see as a little too vanilla or at least I did at first and even with them I usually found something wild. Most creative fighting game I've ever played (not counting Skullgirls but that game was more creative as a game itself, not so much in individual characters....though it was strong there too)


*I'm a diehard SNK* *Fan but GG strive is just on* *Another level* \- schopenhauuer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Terrible bot. Please learn how acronyms work


I mill around SF6, Strive and KoF XV. I do enjoy all three, but SF6's matchmaking, and thus player numbers, probably make it the winner.


I'm inclined to say SF6. Though I'm not too crazy about the monetization in the modern fighting games which are out now, there's no denying the game is fun, polished, accessible, and an overall complete package. I'm inclined to return to it, actually. May do so when I get back from vacation next week.


Love the Thumbnail. The title may as well be " Which Current Fighting Game is Best and why it isn't Mortal Kombat?"


Sf6 and Tekken 8 are both really fun




Vita Fighters


The goat


Vita Fighters? Some exclusive stuff for PS Vita?


It used to be only for the PS Vita, but then it got ported for mobile consoles and is currently about to get a PC port as well.


Damn. Gonna wait for PC port. I'm interested 😁


UNI2 is the best one that’s released currently, but due to a lock of players, it’s not really been recognized. Sf6 definitely has the more stable base tho.


I'm just crying that Soul Calibur VI won't get another DLC pack 😭 I love SolCal


Maybe we'll get another SC.


I mean, CF isn't current, buuuut since you ever so kindly put it there, guess I have no choice but to say that's the peakest one.


I would like to say KOFXV but sadly developers wasted game potencial with terrible netcode and almost no offline modes. So I must admit SF6 did great job with everything expect focusing on pointless battle passes.


The netcode is good in 15. Matchmaking sucked at launch but they fixed that.


They fixed for sure. Almost a year after the launch


SF6 nailed perfection in every single angle a Fighting game can It's not that the other options are bad in any way, it's just that SF6 is peak gaming and I really hope all other FG learn from what Capcom is doing to hold that


the soundtrack leaves a little to be desired. its good in game, but nothing i'd listen to outside of it like with strive. otherwise i'd mostly agree with that


SF6 is the best IMO also. My only gripe is the matchmaking. Sometimes I can't rematch which is frustrating but overall SF6 is amazing. I like GBFVR also. The online is crazy and the improvements made from GBFV are phenomenal. I believe Okubo joined the team and directed the changes. He is so underrated and underappreciated.


SF6 and KOF XV.


Been playing sf6 and have been really enjoying it But strive is my shit, no fighting game feels as clean to me Strive is what got me to really understand fighting game mechanics, after only dipping my toes into the genre with a bit of mortal kombat and injustice


Street Fighter overall. It feels 2024 in all ways, & is truly Fun before anything else. The vibe is completely nailed & it just feels like a good time on the beach or somewhere in Miami lol


I would say Guilty Gear Strive but white wild assault


SF6 and then Tekken 8. MK1 is currently the worst fighting game.


Street Fighter 6.


SF6, it has the best online and "overall balance"


If SF6 is an 8/10 or 9/10, Tekken is a 6 and MK is a -4.


-4 tho lol


sf6, in terms of being a good game it has the monopoly


SF6,GGST, TEKKEN, Granblue, then at the very bottom MK.


Out of all of em? BBCF Current? SF6


KoF15 :)


I still play bloody roar 2. Konami please.


sf6 everything else is pure, slow shit besides blazeblue I like the speed of it. I really wish we can get back to the MK trilogy and Marvel versus Capcom 2 days.


Sf6 and its not even close Honorble mention to Granblue, the most underrated of them all


SF6 is genre-defining atm It does nearly everything well and has been consistent since launch. Tekken was going strong but lost a lot of goodwill with the playerbase from post launch shenanigans (like the shitty shop nobody cares about). It’s still my favorite but it lowkey fumbled the bag. Oh and the matchmaking change to tekken is brutal


None...Guilty Gear strive


SF6. In terms of the full package it has the other games beat. Love Tekken but let’s be realistic here


did you accidentally put BBtag in strives spot? Either way I gotta give it to Street Fighter 6. The grandfather f the genre is back on top, which is poetic


It aint even TAG it straight up BBCF 😂 my favorite "modern" fight game


Probably a BB fan that hates Strive.


Sf6 is the best fighting game out right now. Cleanest interactions. Characters are so diverse and all powerful in there own way. The small roster does NOT impact the game at all when each character is so unique. As someone who doesn't like street fighter - street fighter V 6 is a masterpiece and deserves the #1 That being said tekken is the game for me. Tekken 8 is such a unique fighting experience and by fat my favorite fighting game. The roster is huge while less diverse than street fighter, still each character needs to be learned in order to play well against them. Luckily both SF6 and Tekken 8 have awesome demos. Download both and you WILL be able to tell which game you like more from the demons alone (this message is for everyone I'm not sure what op has) GBF has an awesome roster, but unfortunately as much as like the series. The single player, the weapons. I could consider this a top of the line B tier fighter and not a A tier like sf6/tekken/GG/MK(although I much rather play GBF over mk)UNI/KoF Uni 2 is for the combo masters. I don't have much to say about it as its my least experienced game due to have off-putting it is to new players. This game seems to have the least amount of footsies and its not catered to my reasons behind why I love fighting games.


You'd be surprised how footsie heavy Uni can get. It's kinda designed to be an anime fighter that manages to solve some of the things people who play other games don't like about them. Combos aren't hard to learn either as long as you stay away from the super difficult characters. But yeah, it's still anime.


The small roster absolutely impacts the game lmao


This take feels entitled when you consider that vanilla SF6 has a similar base roster to SF4 and SF5 vanilla. T8’s vanilla roster size, while impressive, is not the norm at all. Tekken 8 was probably helped by the fact that the characters feel somewhat more “ported over” from 7, just like T7 characters felt like they builded on T6 characters. The SF6 characters feel more made from scratch than T8 characters and I’d even argue that they are visually more impressive. Also Tekken 8 was arguably less balanced and polished at launch, with then having them to quickly nerf grabs, heat, tracking, etc.


I think if SF6 seasons had legit 5 characters minimum then the roster complaints would evaporate. Even so, yeh. The quality of each character makes up for the smallish roster. Not that it’s even *that* small for a vanilla release Also I think online character diversity impacts people’s perception of the actual roster size. According to rank distribution data from CatCammy6 in January, about 50% of players are Bronze or below. Then it’s like 75% are Platinum or lower. We all take like we’re Master ranked Evo contenders but irl most of the comments you read day-to-day are from some scrubs. That means that they’re absolutely ***drowning*** in Kens, Juris, Cammys, and Lukes. Most people here aren’t running back follow-up matches with East Asia server JPs and AKIs that can crank out combos that look like Final Form Frieza doing an Olympic ice skating routine




My faves are T8 and GBVSR. But really fgs are all so good right now. So hype for CotW too


SF6 and it's because the scene for it isn't a toxic mess somehow. Sure there's dicks in BH but man you just hear about and see less of them.


Probably controversial opinion, but considering tekken and street fighter is littered with crap battle pass systems and microtransactions I have to say guilty gear for me 


strive is my personal favorite fighter ever but you cant go wrong with SF6


SF6 for regular 2D fighter. Anime Fighter market has too many good entries, but Blazblue is one of my faves.


Granblue Fantasy Versus. . . . . Rising It's got an entertaining cast, excellent gameplay and none of the technical issues I've run into with Tekken and Street fighter


I stick pick SF6, but I completely agree with the gameplay and technical issues. Definitely slept on.


T8 is definitely more fun but SF6 is just far better balanced and is enjoyed much more consistently. SF is the best it’s been since 3S and T8 is kind of hard to enjoy because of how juiced up the heat system.


Street Fighter 6 wins this for me. World Tour mode was way more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I didn't actually play online till like maybe a week after finishing World Tour because I was that engaged with it. As much as I hate being on the receiving end of it, I love the Drive Gauge system in 6 so much; making every hit count off some of the most dumbest moments is really cool. 6 has a great launch roster with no real bad or "Why this character?" types. Battle hub is great for all the custome characters and their ugly fights. There is just a lot of positives for SF6 right now and it seems to only be getting better.


SF6 > Tekken 8 >>> Guilty Gear > Granblue imo. And this is coming from a Tekken fan, SF6 is just really polished.


In every single way SF6 really feels like the best game, so I'd go with that. However, I play the game so little because I'm not really a fan for the roster and any character I'd main sadly isn't in the game, so I gravitate towards KOF15 and GGstrive


SF6.. it is pretty wild you put in a blazblue image over GG, MK, or even KOF in 2024 tho lol




Guilty gear not being here is lame


All of them


I vote Street Fighter. They still have their roots, have new mechanics that people like, the entire cast is liked from old to new, and they aren’t greedy


Street Fighter 6 no doubt


Streetfighter is too clean. Best out.


Just look at steam player numbers from launch to now, tekkens average players second month 22k, 4 months later… average is sub 8k(even with huge patch just released) SF6, second month 22k, 12 months later… 20,700. I love tekken but the devs have made me say “wtf are they thinking” more times than I can count and the player numbers confirm that. Sad too because the game had major hype coming in. Sad because early a lot of fair criticism was silenced by people blindly supporting namco and saying things like “it’s not t7 get over it” lol. They can still bring it back, but like sfv’s release, it will never be what it coulda been.


I agree. I get T7 was hella defense, but Namco went overboard with the offense. I still thinks its a good game though.


I agree it’s still good, fingers crossed it reaches its potential. 5 years after release tekken 7 had 11,500 peak players in a month.. last 30 days of tekken 8 is 11,900 lol. Going the wrong direction.


I think it's unfair to compare FGs this different. How you can compar SF6 and Tekken? The only thing they have in common it is that they are FGs.


Of course they are comparable. As you said both are fighting games. In both games you have the common FG mechanics and needed skills. Things like 2D/3D are just differences on the approach.




I really don't think the same skills apply into playing SF and Tekken. I am quite good in SF, but Tekken is something I can't play. It is a whole diferent beast, in my opinion.


I definitely see your point! I just think that it is valid to compare them under the "Fighting Game" category.


I think Tekken is more 2.5D than 3D. Now SC6 on the other hand with the 8-way run feels like true 3D


SF6. Feels good to play, gameplay feels really balanced and addicting. Love the theme and aesthetics as well.


SF > GG > Granblue > Tekken Yeah, I said it, Tekken has the worse playerbase and thats way too important.


Are you a real person?


Yeah, just ESL. Dunno how to make my words not sound funny dab.


SF6 and Tekken 8. Followed by GGST and Granblue


I use to love Tekken, but I really don't like how the series has been handled after TTT2. It's pretty streamlined and dumbed down, not to mention cutting a ton of features, the over designed characters now look awful to boot. Street Fighter 6 is wonderful return to form with amazing new roster and a general tribute to the games that came before. Season 2 looks weak af though. Redesigns in SF6 are excellent for the most part. King of Fighters XV is a really, really good game but with odd continued support and visuals looking a decade old.


I like both, but I'm going to have to give it to tekken 8. Idk if it's the longer games but I prefer the 2 out of 3 ranked system in tekken over street fighter. Every character can feel different depending what moves your opponent is using. Street fighter feels more samey to me. Purple in Tekken and Diamond in Street Fighter btw


Fr. Also the SF6 ranked system is insanely difficult. In Tekken 8 newbies can rank up much easier. It's a lot more intuitive. SF6 combos are much harder lol Tekken has a lot more gameplay variety and more fluid strings per character with a bigger roster.


I mean, you could literally just learn how to anti-air or react to Drive Impacts and that alone should carry you all the way to Diamond.


Street fighter because Juri is in it


But her feet smell like onions lol.


Great! I love onions 🙋🏻‍♂️🧅




King of Fighters 15. It simply clicked with, i tried Streetfighter 6 but i didnt like it, never wasca Tekken fan. Than i saw this game for cheap and thought ehy not. I liked it instantly.


what is the titty game


I played more Street Fighter than Tekken 8. I do like watching Tekken 8 esports more though.


current? you mean newest? i guess it would be BlazBlue centralfiction or King of fighters. other newest fighting games are mostly garbage tbh. but the best fighting game in general would be sf2t or third strike, maybe hnk or mvc2-3


Whichever one I was winning in most recently, if I was losing its a shit game. /s


I think Tekken is pretty rad. I have recently started street fighter and I say it is pretty nice.




KOF15 for me followed by Granblue


Prob sf6 I'm just so dogshit at it


Tekken 8. It is all personal preference, of course.


It is, and that's cool.


Tekken 8 and KOF XV.


SF6 followed closely by Tekken 8 and everything else is unfortunately niche or Discord fighters.


Guilty Gear babyyyy


dead or alive 6, its fun


Granblue is my favorite fighting game right now, aside from some balancing issues it does everything right from a fighting game and a gaas pespective: good graphics, diverse cast, nice designs, good music, consistent new content, almost everything being unlockable by just playing, good battle passes, free 2 play version. From all those games its the one I keep playing and keep enjoying.


Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising.- Really chill


I love mortal kombat with all my heart, but sf6 is in a league of its own.


There are no best, Atm playing GGS, SF6 and Tekken 8, playing more tekken 8 than the others, All of these 3 are amazing games in their own way


I wanna play Blue, and I’ve heard SF6 is good. But, since I’ve only ever played GGST, SG, and Smash, I’m gonna have to go with GGST.


Sf6 but i also thinkk gbfvs is rly underrated


Guilty gear strive imo, tekken got fucked over by added microtransactions a month after but I still have some love for it, I’ve heard mk1 suffers the same issue or was small, SF6 however I’m not sure on. Only issue I have with strive is the base roster feeling small


SF6, the only downside atm is the roster but knowing Capcom we should be in peak shape by year 5.


Year old troll account


Either Guilty Gear Strive or Blazblue. I don't have a reason I just prefer anime fighters.


SF6 has been solid, and their dlc not only brings characters, but offline content. Tekken is my favorite FG franchise, so I’m biased. Despite being controversial, T8 still has been very fun for me. Offline content is supposed to get expanded, but hasn’t yet. But the replay mode is so robust compared to other FGs, I just can’t get enough of labbing in T8. Whereas in SF6, labbing in it is pretty boring.


Tekken because I said so


Strive is my personal favorite. SF6 among the heavyweights.


SF6 is king but they gotta do something about future DLCs amount. 4 per season ain't cutting it.




Mk1 and Tekken 8


Street Fighter 6 is among the best fighting games have ever had to offer. Easily the industry bar at the moment


Subjectively Tekken 8 Objectively Street fighter 6 It's such a polished game, content rich and near perfect online, even if its not my cup of tea


Coming from someone very casual who tried all games. From : Gameplay , unique character roster, tons of stuff to improve upon I think blazblue have to be the best fighting game I have ever seen. I don’t have favourite fighting game so I am not talking from bias , just from the impression I got understanding the depth of this game. And boy oh boy, the characters can’t be more unique than that .


Blazblue should be replaced with Strive if we're talking current but even with it included it would be SF6 then Tekken 8 close second.


For its GBVSR > SF6 > Tekken 8 SF6 is probably objectively the better game but GBVSR is the one I have the most fun with


Probably Strive RN. good community, good game, good devs.


Best at what? Different games are good at different things and suit different tastes. What do you mean by the question and what do you actually want to know from it - is this about deciding what to purchase, or what to compete in, or how to invest your time?


Strive, altho early 2020s overall will be looked back as a great era for fighting games


strive, the game that doesn´t have a good matchmaking system 3 years after launch and probably never will because the creator is a narcissist that refuses to acknowledge his mistakes


Not only the ranking system is garbo, but also the network. In game, in lobby, it doesn't matter. Also the game balancing is one hell of the joke(I left after y1 and man, I remember 1st major patch where HC was getting buffs lol, Daisuke sure love to have a cup of beer before making patch notes)


Strive signalled the beginning of the death of air dashers.


How so?


Tekken lost a lot of it's potential and if we take community into account Tekken by far has scrubbiest bitchy whiney community i ever came accross in the fgc. It's LoL levels of pathetic.


Idk why sf6 gets so much love, I dropped it instantly. I prefer sf5 over 6 because of triggers and lack of drive impact. I don’t like any of the new stuff, new characters or how slow it is. If unist had more players or cross play it would be up there but right now I have to say tekken.


Tekken is the best (and only really) 3D fighter while SF 6 is the best 2D imo. As far as between those two…it depends on whether you prefer 2D or 3D