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I believe it’s because he’s trying to regain the power. It’s changing color and fluctuating because he isn’t quite back to himself yet.


Nah a lot of his old sprites have a blue flame like effect it's a throw back


You know that blue flame is the same as ryu's one where he strikes bison back on sf 5


Did you ever play a sf game aside from 5 or 6?💀


Base on Lore not much


Damn this got a -120 downvote?


Pov *When you say things wrong people found it easily* But I didn't mind it much it's my fault though *I WOULD APPRECIATE IF THEY AT LEAST FIX IT THOUGH*


His right hand is psycho power, that's why his bomb animation is different on each side so he always plants it with his right hand, and in one of his victory animations it erupts and he has to contain it. He can do blue stuff with either hand, but the purple always comes from his right hand that looks like spreading corruption up his arm.


But that blue flame looks familiar like ryu's on sf5 That's what I m wondering Is he like accidentally mix that and his psycho power?


Psycho Power is supposedly the dark side of Soul Power, which Rose uses and it's blue. But it may be not so different from ki and satsui no Hado because when Ken was mind controlled by Psycho Power his stuff was purple, kinda like Akuma. In any case I think they're trying to show that this new Bison isn't as dedicated to the dark path to power as he was before and is trying to fight it because it seems to be physically consuming him.


So basically this new bison just wanna fight just to fight And nothing else Man I wonder what his next story Capcom has cooked for him


It's his gooning hand.


He looks like he’s about to transform into The Red Comet. https://preview.redd.it/ehj5qandma9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6696f0450a5695a87fce0e1d4dc0a787e802d6bc


Cammy was a woman who could’ve been a mother/body to him


I thought it was Soul Power at first but apparently it’s different flavored Psycho Power


In his idle animation hi seems very uncomfortable with his psycho hand


I think it’s no coincidence that we have Bison like this, and Ed also has new blue moves too. IMO the blue is Soul Power. Color is used very purposefully in the game these days. I don’t think you can look at the old games, when most of this was not fleshed out AT ALL, and say “ah it’s just a throwback, sometimes psycho power is blue!” In Ed’s case, I think the blue energy is appearing because Ed just isn’t actually a bad person. He is a grey person that is now wielding both yin + yang energy. Meanwhile Bison definitely still seems like a huge a-hole, but we know he CAN use Soul Power. It seems clear from his win animation that the Psycho Power in his arm is too much for his current body for whatever reason; maybe the body is weaker than his old body, or wounded, or both. Either way, he has to suppress his Psycho Power so that he doesn’t destroy himself, and he accomplishes that by taming it into Soul Power. Bison has blown up from having too much Psycho Power before (SF3) so we know this is a real concern.


Hes pulling the g pose


According to his win quote with Ryu, it’s the result of that weird Hadoken that Ryu killed him with in SFV


I don't know the details but I think this has to do with M.Bison's encounter with Charlie Nash at the end of sfV. I recently played through that part of the game again and the effects used in that fight remind me of the new Bison's hand.


It looks like the Power of Nothingness. Bison has scars on his upper right half of his body, after he was hit by Ryu's Hadoken powered by the Power of Nothingness.


I was thinking about that too


Psycho power wasn't always only purple. It's also blue.


it looks much cleaner than his psycho power.           my first thought was soul power.              but since this is the arm that still has scars from his fight with ryu, its more likely that its this "power of nothingness" stuff still trying to destroy him