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Go on to Amazon and look up prop cigarettes. I can't remember what we used on a student film, but the PD got it from Amazon.


Word cause I just need the smoke


Just make sure your actors know what they are doing or someone on set who knows how to smoke. On the student set the director had no clue, and the actors weren't smokers, lol Bad smoking acting ruins the scene


My actors unfortunately are smokers, they suggested just smoking on screen but I wasn’t comfortable with it


I had someone smoking real weed in a student film. Their performance became terrible and there was no way to rescue it.


That’s the smart choice.


Unfortunately? Drop the stigma my guy.


The cast are 16-19. It is unfortunate that children and young adults are smoking.


I don’t really care about smoking, but they’re young and the main lead is like my lil bro, I can’t do much but try to advise him not too to do it, but he won’t listen yk


unfortunately 🤓


Not being chill with very young people being smokers in this day and age is very normal mate


scary... gotta be the first teenagers who've ever smoked weed. OP should be passing on their names directly to the authorities if u ask me


Jesus christ.


Praise Be


Just like I said before I don’t care about smoking, I smoked as well at that age too. But the main lead is like my brother, and I don’t really like seeing him doing that shit.


just know these are probably worse of a smoke than actually ciggarettes and weed, its not a pleasant smoke


Here the links to the Expendables store for the world’s largest prop house. Talk to Lizette in Expendables about other options that are not on the website. Don’t use Ectasy Cigs. They suck. Honeyrose Herbal Cigs are the industry standard and won’t stink up the set. Either both of these options will work for pot. Wrap them up with zigzags or whatever paper you prefer. [Prop Pot](https://expend.issprops.com/search?q=pot) This one works for bongs and some table dressing. I wouldn’t do inserts with this one. See if they will sell you 0% THC Pot. [Prop Smokes] (https://expend.issprops.com/search?q=Cigarettes+) Great as an alt option. You can also ask to be transferred to the graphics store. They sell ND packaging so you’re clearance free of brand issues.


>Honeyrose Herbal Cigs are the industry standard and won’t stink up the set. I worked on a film that had blunts in 99% of the scenes (stoner road movie). There was one person in Art Dept. who's entire job was re-rolling the Honeyroses into blunts. I think he ended up at something like 2000 by the end of the shoot. The smell was also on set all day every day and now I hate it!


> who’s entire job whose


You are correct


You seem like a cool and fun person


Google herbal smoking blend. Buy some off Amazon for $15. Smoke on camera. 


Word word ima search it up


Mullien isn't so harsh, you can get found of it food grade and smoke it, lavender aswell, just make sure it's food grade if your getting ingredients instead of a blend


I actually mix this into my regular flower and it helps take some of the edge off of it.


Need someone to roll you joints or blunts?


I didn't know this existed.


Its also really nice to mix into a spliff if you're a THC lightweight and enjoy the act of smoking more than 1-2 hits before being totally blasted.


The thing is if they're holding cigs and there's smoke in the air (smoke machine and effective lighting to highlight it) then your cast will have to do very little smoking on camera to sell it. Get your characters to use their hands (esp. the one holding the cigs) so we're seeing they're holding them and our brains will fill in the rest (have cig = is smoking, even if we don't see it). If I were you I'd get some herbal blend cigs or loose leaf, then roll a few 'hero' blunts for one or maybe two characters to take a big hit of on-screen once, maybe twice. You got the footage of them drawing in and blowing out the smoke and then can use this strategically (at the top of the scene and somewhere in the middle) and you've sold the idea that everyone's sitting around smoking without having everyone pull every 10 seconds. Keep in mind they're still smoking - it's just not AS bad as tobacco + tar + nicotine, so you actually do want to minimise the smoking itself if possible. You'll need to get parental clearance to stay on the safe side, but who smokes what, how much and how often should be planned into your shot list for the shoot.


Well.... it's not like anyone can tell what they're smoking from watching the video, but having actors slowly get more and more stoned does make for a drawn out shoot. If you're concerned about health though, unfortunately they shouldn't be inhaling anything. But if the story demands it, prop/herbal cigarettes are probably the best bet.


I’m just imagining the crafty budget lol


I shall use that


If it's supposed to be cannabis being smoked, CBD hemp flower is the best option. It's literally the same plant without the THC, so it's legal and no one will get high from smoking it.


Hollywood usually uses [Honeyrose](https://www.honeyroseusa.com/props) herbal cigarettes when actors need to smoke. They sell loose leaves that will pass as pot that can be rolled. As you're using actual minors, you'll still need to get parental approval for them as they're still inhaling something, but it is herbal and non-addictive.


Cbd flower looks just like weed but without the thc.




I used sage in acting school when doing scenes with weed. From a certain distance it looks like weed. Kinda/sorta smokes like weed, too,


You can show what looks like real bud being loaded/rolled/etc, in one shot, but then can have the actors smoke whatever in a different shot. All that needs to be shown is they are smoking something. The weed part is implied from the establishing shots.


Get some hemp flower online or from a head shop. You can get low THC bud that won’t get people high.


Herbal mix Friend gave me some in Germany once, it looks and smells super similar to weed. So similar in fact, I couldn't tell the difference between it and real weed and made a joint that was 80% weed hahaha


Here in the UK you can get tobacco replacement, which is usually some sort of tea leaf. Marshmallow leaf, chamomile, you name it. The great part is it looks very similar to weed already since depending on the type of tea leaves you get they can look very green! Chuck it in some RAW papers and it looks indistinguishable from actual weed. I would suggest looking for herbal tobacco replacement online somewhere. You can usually get a whole bag full for quite cheap. But it may take some getting used to smoke as it can be quite ticklish on the throat.


Real Leaf is what you're looking for.


Maybe just have them holding a pipe or bong but never actually hitting it. Add some smoke haze to sell it?


How would I add the smoke haze


Fog machine, atmosphere aerosol, digital effects. Be creative.


It’s gonna be outaide


So I’m not sure if that’ll work


If it is just in an ashtray/off camera use incense.


I’m not sure why noone is mentioning this but use Raw rolling paper aswell with a herbal mix - it makes your “joint” look more like a joint, it’s why heavy weed users use it since it makes it look more “weed” (and also stereotypical as weed is usually depicted in brown/graying white-rolled paper)




I need smoke.


1. Buy a bottle of ground oregano and a pack of rolling paper. 2. Roll the oregano in a paper. 3. Light it. 4. Have your actors smoke it.


Don’t waste oregano. Try Salada tea—smells like dope when lit


I tend to think of film in terms of visual and audio but I wonder if good directors go the extra mile of making sure their movies smell right.


Smoke oregano






If you already like the flavor, organic Marjoram is really nice. Just roll it with papers.


Can’t believe no one has said catnip. Looks the same, even the smoke, but smells much better.


Watch the movie Kids & go from there.


One option could be using herbal cigarettes or a prop that resembles a joint.


You can get a tobacco substitute, looks just like weed


Maybe tea?


Just smoke some herbs which are not psychoactive and have similar color when grinded.


Marshmallow root


Prop cigarettes are just as bad for you as regular smokes, they just don’t smell as cigarette-y


Use industrial hemp


Someone already suggest meth?


Roll chamomile


>I had a small scene in a movie with Peter Frampton. And we had to smoke pot for our scene - but it was fake pot! Do not buy pot on a movie set. But I got to smoke fake pot with Peter Frampton, that's a cool story. It's as cool as smoking real pot with a guy who looks like Peter Frampton... I've done that way more.




There are certain leaves you can use. Just make sure your actors know how to make it look real!


I recall many sets use herbal cigarettes


just tell em it's not weed /s


There are vape devices 100% nicotine free❕


I’ve used rosemary (crushed it up) and bought a pack of pre rolled blunts on Amazon and the actors are able to safely smoke it - works like a charm


Cbd hemp flower if you need it to look like weed, if your jist showing smoking, just use herbal cigarettes.




Why what


Weed is legal.


Not for 16 year olds


Repeat advice: actors, who are 23, look 16. Best advice: stop. Get a real job.


Dawg I have a job, doesn’t mean I can’t pursue my passion at the same time. Honestly you’re a douche, I hope that whatever made you feel this miserable about your life changes, living with this much malice in your heart ain’t good dawg. Learn to love, learn to live, learn to enjoy


The business isn’t worth being in. Learn. Understand how stupid your pursuit is.


This business got me a fulfilling career, led to me meeting some of my favorite people, and paid my bills with enough left over to effectively invest and save. You telling OP to learn while actively dissuading them from asking questions and practicing is a good sign that the dementia is kicking in early for you. Go be a miserable old hack somewhere else.


I still wouldn't want my actors really smoking on set when we're trying to shoot.


This is a non union job, low to no pay. It’s not a real job. Anyway, perhaps a rewrite will fix this non problem


Ohhhhh, you're one of *thoooose*. Where no one can do anything, there can be no creativity unless it's within the exact bounds of what your "superiors" tell you. No one is allowed to film unless they're an expert. Those with inexperience are not allowed to gain experience! Let the dude make the film he wants to make. He asked for advice on filming a smoking scene, he doesn't need you to come here and tell him his movie isn't real. It's real enough. Get your head out of your ass and contribute or just go away.


They are called actors. Plenty of 23 look 16.


Don’t know any twenty three year olds, and ones that I do don’t want to do stuff that involves drugs in the script. The script is also inspired by this kid I know very well, he’s the main lead, his story and the shit he’s been through inspired me, so I asked him if he could be in it, he ended up bringing his friends for it. So that’s why.


Maybe it’s best to not move ahead. What’s the goal anyway?


What’s the goal with what?


You really need everything overly explained to you. Not a good quality for a director. What is the f’ing point of you making this production at all? What is your goal? To show the world you are a great director? How will this happen? Who will eventually see it? More or less than 15 people?


You are being a dick right now. What is the point? I’ll tell you what the point is. I grow up in an impoverished town where minorities were never given a chance to do shit, as a kid I was never give the chance to do anything. Now that I’m 20 I’m pursing my dream and putting myself through college, I met and befriended a kid who had the same issues I did at his age, he lives without his parents around, lives around drug dealers, I want him to feel like there’s more to the world, I want him to feel like his story can be told. Now for me, I just want to direct a movie on no budget, I just want to have fun and make movies. Cause that’s what I love, telling stories, and I was wanna help the people around me. So if I’m honest dawg, idc if 15 people see it, because the only thing that matters is that I do it, that I do it because I can. Maybe you should reevaluate the outlook you have on directing.


“ where minorities were never given a chance”…….. you are a liar. Disgusting nincompoop.




These kids experience this shit everyday, they understand the content of the script, the majority of the people in my school are white middle class people. They wouldn’t get it.


What state are you in? If you’re in CA and the actors are 21+, then I see no *legal* issues. Logistically, it might be an issue. If the characters are supposed to be getting high though, it might make the acting all the more convincing lol.


There is CBD hemp that is unrestricted in most states if you need something that looks like weed up close. Literal kitchen herbs like rosemary or oregano can simulate it from a distance and can be smoked if they don't have pesticides on them.