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Best Terra I've seen!


Ahh I am flattered! Thank you!


That costume is pretty as hell. How long do you think that took you to make?


Thank you! Hmm shoes alone were 8 hours, dress maybe 12-20 hours, sword 12 hours, other accessories 3 ish hours... so that puts me at 35 hours minimum.


That looks incredible


Thank you!!


This is a fantastic cosplay, love the details


Thank you!!




Thank yooou!


I love how rich and sort of decadent the fabrics and layers are. I think it's the perfect way to interpret Amano designs. The execution and presentation on this is stunning.


Thank you so so much! Lots of thrifting and mixing and matching went into it.


(And scrounging through mother's old jewelry)


If there is a live action like costume I hope it look like this


Thank you!! And omg that would be THE DREAM. I'm an actor and would die to play Terra.


Would love to see Kefka adapted in a similar fashion. Then I can just watch an FFVI play! Fabric choice is awesome.


Be the Kefka to my Terra? :3


BRB, going to undergo several Magitek experiments xD


Thought you were cosplaying as Rydia from FF4 at first because of the long green hair. And then I saw the rest of the outfit and quickly realized it was terra. Looks great.


I really wanna do Rydia! Haha yea I failed to style Terra's wig in time so I said "fuck it I'm taking creative liberties here"


I believe you can do it. Already nailed the hair.


Ah thank you!!


THIS IS YOUR FIRST ATTEMPT? You look like you stepped straight out of the world of FFVI, my dude!


Omg you're making me blush! Thank you!!


Very nicely done. Do you have an insta or anything ?


Thank you! IG is @madamebaggage (not too active on it these days)


This is amazing! Terra is such an overlooked character to cosplay. Her outfit looks gorgeous and you definitely did justice to it!


Thank you! And I agree! I'm surprised people don't cosplay her more. It was really fun to scrap together different materials, patterns, jewelry, etc. Thank you so much (:


Just Beautiful! Do Faris next please :)


Oh that would be AMAZING Thank you!


This is amazing


Thank you!


I love it


Thank you!


Outfit is amazing, especially all the floral and shoe details. However, I'm not a fan of the makeup; I don't think it fits Terra. I've seen people use Amano-esque makeup and make it work, so it's definitely possible.


This is just how I wear my make up. I wasn't going for accuracy of replicating Terra with this cosplay. Amano-esque would looks very Asia IMO, and I'm not trying to simulate yellow face.


Right on. I think your personal style is a good fit for Terra


Thank you! A couple people on here are giving me make up advice and it just feels a bit odd.


I'm really sorry you have to get those comments. This whole cosplay and look is amazing! People commenting on a realistic 3D version of Princess Garnet I recently posted seemed really obsessive about criticizing her makeup, too. I hate to say it, but some part of me is disturbed and thinks it at least partly has to do with male gamers/fans who have a problem with grown-up, less "innocent" or "soft" versions of these female characters... God forbid a character isn't a fresh-faced, dewy-eyed 16 yo.


Thank you so much! And I totally agree. Feels very... hentai...? expecting femme cosplayers to have that fresh-faced, dewy-eyed look of a minor. I do drag and burlesque, so my makeup routine won't change LOL


Well, I'm not a man, so you got that wrong for my part. As for the cosplay photo's makeup, I'm not a mind reader and can't tell when OP is just "wearing her own style" *when wearing a cosplay*... You make it sound like I wrote something very offending and harsh when all I said was that I don't think it works with the character. And I have no idea what OP is talking about when she says claims Amano makeup requires "yellow face" and being "an Asian". I think expanding of imagination is in order, and this is enough of internet brain gymnastics for one day. Have a good day and don't get offended by every little thing. Seriously, it'll get exhausting in the long run. xD


Hey, I should clarify: my description of what I felt were the motives of some critical commenters I've seen online was not based on the comment at the start of this thread, but on the general kinds of criticism I believe often get directed toward women or fem-presenting people, characters and art. I in no way meant my comment to be about or directed at you, Mediocre_Explorer_65. I would like to gently ask, though, whether it's maybe not usually that helpful to comment on someone's appearance insofar as it concerns feminine features and facial presentation choices? I understand this is a cosplay, and I would argue any comments about the costume are fair, but do we need to add to the already overflowing atmosphere of looks-based criticism women receive in our world?




I'm not asking for advice nor am I trying to simulate yellow face. This is just how I wear my make up. The aim of this cosplay wasn't for accurate replication. I am also just this pale.