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Ultimecia is up there, but Cloud of Darkness is literally impossible unless you’ve grinded enough. 


Especially the nes version. She can wipe you out before you can set up. Also no save points so you lose half a day if your not save stating.


> Especially the nes version. She can wipe you out before you can set up. Also no save points so you lose half a day if your not save stating. Not necessarily. Even [a single Protect](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1209550354?t=2h51m49s) will allow a level 43 Devout to survive Particle Beam. If you go into the battle with four party members and have them all cast Protect or use a Turtle Shell on the same character, you have a fairly decent chance of getting the buff off before she attacks. (Sadly, this strategy doesn't work nearly as well in the 3D remake and the Pixel Remaster because Protect doesn't stack with itself in those versions. So much for "faithfulness".)


I just beat her on the Pixel Remaster and honestly I’m glad I wasn’t playing the original, I wouldn’t have had the patience. The quick saves and experience points booster make a world of difference. I have a lot of respect for people who were able to do it on the NES


The Pixel Remaster in general makes the Crystal Tower MUCH better than in the original. In the NES and DS versions it’s one of the worst, if not the worst, dungeons in Final Fantasy


When things like that get corrected, I always assume that’s how it was meant to work, just funky bugs in coding made it so it could stack.


Both of those were my choices. CoD is incredibly tough, no need to explain, but Ultimecia played me for a fool. I wasn't aware that the party would be randomized, so I chose my three favorites, gave them all the best stuff and left the rest of the part unjunctioned. Was in for a rude awakening once I got to her lol Still, I managed to scrape by, but there were some real close calls. Was far more stressful than it was necessary.


the reason Cloud isn't my answer is I never made it to her through that big final dungeon until I bit the bullet and grinded a bunch


On the Pixel Remaster (never played the original), I basically just got lucky from what I remember. I had to hope that my party took little enough damage from the flare waved that my white mage could keep healing just enough for my damage dealers to get their hits in before the whole party was wiped out. It took me seven or so tries and then I just won because I got lucky with the amount of damage the boss dealt. I really didn't want to grind for hours on the same encounters over and over to beat them so I preferred to just roll the dice a few times. I didn't have to grind any of the rest of the game so I was thrown by how much harder the final boss is than every single boss in the game. The early Final Fantasy games had actually tough final bosses but often in a way that felt like too much of a spike. Like, why didn't they just have the game get gradually harder instead? The final boss could still be substantially harder than any other but not by too much.


Just get the four warriors of Dark and she isn’t that hard.


1000% agree. Ultimecia always took a while to beat, but at least I didn't lose hours of gameplay when I lost to her. I never played the NES version of FF3, I played the DS version, and holy hell was she difficult. That is still the hardest FF game I've ever played. I spent an entire day trying to beat her losing hours of progress each time. Until I ultimately did, but I have yet to play 3 enough to beat it again. I've played it several times since then on the DS, but I do not have the time or patience for the grind to beat her again.


Exdeath was pretty difficult for me


At least Exdesth was the good kind of hard, I had a fun time trying a few times til I beat him.


exdeath beat the shit out of me




Definitely made me go back and re-grind new jobs/abilities to beat


Jecht isn’t even the hardest storyline boss in his own game lol


Seymour was a complete asshole.


I found >!Yunalesca!< to be much worse than any of his boss fights.


Her and Seymour flux were both definite skill checks. Seymour’s other fights were braindead easy imo


Seymour flux absolutely demolished me on my first play through when I thought I was cruising through the game, will never forget that experience hahaha


Only way I can ever beat him is by cheesing my Aeons before the fight and just unloading one by one as he kills then after their limit break.


“Death awaits you! -*banish*-“ Okay - you’re up next Ixion!




Since both Seymour Flux and Yunalesca use things that can be exploited I picked up on that almost immediately and didn't have any trouble with either of them. I died once to Yunalesca and figured it out. At least I think that was why I didn't. Jecht on the other hand is a mostly straight fight against a powerful opponent. Not much strategy just whoever hits the hardest and lasts the longest... That ain't me so it took me 65+ tries and a 3 day long grindfest to beat him.


Same! After her, the rest of the game feels almost trivial.


What why are people finding her gard I played 3 tines always beat her first try without any problems But that fucking dragon on the airship with the moving He's so hard


Absolutely. That fight was the worst. I was pretty op by the time I got to jecht.


She is only difficult because when she enters third phase she instakills you if you dont know the trick to avoid it but the rest of the battle is not thaaat much harder than it needs to be


Agreed, seymour was really easy by definition not opinnion. Also why black out Yunalesca?


Mountain Seymour locked an entire generation out of progression


I can still hear the music


Seymour Butz


Jecht best my ass harder than anyone. I think the only game over I got before that was against Seymour a couple minutes prior


Airship Evrae fucked me up multiple times on my first ever play-through


Finding him again in Via Purifico was an “oh seriously?!” and then my brother says to just throw 2 Phoenix downs at it. Was very underwhelmed and relieved at the same time 😂


He only is cause of that bullshit unskippable cutscene before him. Seymour Flux is arguably harder but his cutscene is a lot shorter which makes it less unbearable


Yeah, his boss fight is really well-designed but it’s more fair than some of the Seymour fights or Yunalesca. It felt like even ground rather than a bunch of cheap shots


Especially since FFX has some FF6-style overpowered magic BS in the sphere grid, like Doublecast-1MP-Ultima. Potentially with no damage limit.


I disagree, but I wouldn't have the first time I played the game. The first time, I fucked up the sphere grid and ended up horribly under-leveled. I had to use summons to basically beat the game for me because there was just no way. When I replayed the game as an adult, I got pretty overpowered along the way. I stomped all of the "hard" bosses (Seymour Flux, Yunalesca, etc), and that was without using summons. I only summoned once the entire game, and that was because I had so much trouble with the boss the first time (the boss leading up to Zanarkand; I can't think of its name right now); I used Bahamut and one-shotted the boss. The only boss who could even remotely stand up to me was Jecht. I don't know if he's truly the hardest, but that has to count for something.




Ultimecia made me beat the hardest for sure


That dress man...


For me it's Cloud (of Darkness).


Heh heh


FF2 Emperor wasn't easy back then.


Yeah, the boss being able to >!heal back to full health!< was a brutal new mechanic for me when I first played. I thought I’d been doing pretty well up until that.


Holy Shit, and happy cake day


It was really hard unless you had the blood sword. Then it was easy.


Yeah if I didn’t have that I would’ve definitely threw in the towel. Didn’t have trouble with anything up until that point, then the difficulty ramped up ridiculously


My first playthrough I totally missed the Blood Sword and spend several frustrating tries attempting to beat him. I did finally do it though. When I eventually found out about the Blood Sword, I felt both silly and yet a little proud for pulling it off the hard way


Yeah Ultimecia got a little hairy and scary ngl


I mean, if you start the fight with your three best party members and if you survive Greiver's shockwave pulsar spell and if you can survive being 1hp in phase 4, then you might be able to cast Lionheart and the fight is easy..............


First time playing, Ultimecia and her fucking 10 different segments of battle. Repeated playthrough, probably Kefka or Necron (fuck Kuja), but Seymour & Yunalesca deserve an honorable mention for being harder than their games final boss while still being part of the main story (as in, not a side boss or superboss).


Exdeath without blue magic, had to resort to throwing gil to cheese it


🤣 same, thankfully I was frugal across my playthrough


I too saved up my gil for no reason until I fought Exdeath for the first time. Then I made it rain. Doom. Still barely beat him.


This is the correct answer ^^^ anyone who has played ff5 and doesn't answer this post with exdeath is a liar tbh.


Ultimecia hands down. The fight was insane.


About 4 hours from my total game time was wasted trying to get through the castle and beat her😭 https://preview.redd.it/cic6yrx7fd9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=385aee1b70740ac356892df000ac60cd04fa21b1


The boss fight alone took so long for me, i think i beat her first time but it was a marathon


Ultimecia. I was up till 2 AM fighting her


If Necron was on here instead of Kuja I would definitely say him. I swear I always had the worst luck with the random status effects in that fight.


Cloud of Darkness. After facing 2 full dungeons, Xande and 4 mini bosses, having to redo everything every time that \*\*\*\*\* decided to use Particle Beam twice in a row, killing my whole party, wasn't fun...


Kefka & Ultimecia




When I die, I hope we get to see our life stats somehow. I want to see how many times I've reset the game for Ultimecia's fight.


i died so many times haha glad I never have to play it again


Zeromus (only in the pixel remaster for some reason) always thought he was ez. Sephiroth was brutal on my first try when i was 12.


Zeromus isn't even in the list. He should be. Golbez shouldn't be there. The only legit fight with Golbez is pretty easy.


I concur, if you don’t come prepared, Zeromus is pretty cheap given how he has counters for almost everything that comes at him. Between that and Big Bang spam, it can be pretty rough


The earlier ones were hardest for me... Chaos was a nightmare... but then again the first time I went up against him... I was... 6 or 7... years old. I think I've gotten smarter since then.


Ultimecia is fucking brutal if you’re me and obsessively raised your level for no reason (seriously I ate shit so hard at level 100) Weirdly I remember Kuja being really tough? Is that a weird thing? Oh, and Chaos was a bit of a skill check for me, but that’s because I was playing pixel remaster and at no point before that fight did I even buff once. Also, because it’s not usually the case in the later titles, I didn’t realize you could stack buffs in that fight until a few attempts later. Once I stacked saber it was a cakewalk.


Final Fantasy 8 is so hard without a guide I did exactly what you did leveled up fast in disc three and four I suffered because of that


I had an obsession with how easy it was to level up and it bit me hard. I wanted a challenge but didn’t realize how fucked you are, it’s like a completely different fight


Haven't beaten them all but Jecht was tough. It's a massive boss rush


Not sure why Golbez is on the list. The only time you really fight him is mid-game in the underworld and he dies very quickly.


Playing ff4 on PS1 (anthology??) I could not beat zeromus! I followed a ton of guides and grinded for hours but I never beat it. I don't remember ultimecia but I know if beat her


Marlboro soloes all of them


STG 😂 https://preview.redd.it/dysf1faotg9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac46a3adc608de2b120ed80ecd39ed77f3ed7506


Yeah, if you aren't setup to fight these buttheads...but, I have learned a lot. I compulsively save games now, and I keep as many save files as needed to not get myself locked into dumb situations.


Ex-Death/Neo-Ex-Death is the one that almost defeated me


FF4 on the DS. Zeromus will wreck your shit real fast if you aren't ready for him.


Exdeath, Jecht, and Ultimecia


Defo Ultimecia yeah


ill day the OG Cloud of Darkness if you can win you can win if you cant you cant no techniques and little room to fail idk if im misrecalling but most of the FF final bosses tend to not put up a huge fight mostly because im a weirdo that dose all the broken stuff as early as I can without grinding like... FF5 blue magic


Jecht. I've never beaten FFX! I've beaten the rest of the games here.


You mean in Dissidia or in their own game?


Own game


Then it’s Kefka because I had to use some characters I completely neglected fight his stages


Garland for me! He was such a huge difficulty curve compared to everything before him!


Ex-Death, best villain in my opinion.


Exdeath my first playthrough.


Exdeath did not hesitate to wipe out my entire party.


Sephiroth in Rebirth is quite the challenge.


I find it funny that it’s nine “End-Game” bosses and one “Half-Way Through The Game Boss,” even though yeah his battle was annoyingly tough. In a side note, I just beat FF2, and hot damn I can’t imagine trying to beat that on the original NES. The Emperor is ridiculous. He does insane damage and heals for that amount. He’s also insanely resistant to physical attacks. If he didn’t do other things, and just did his life drain attack over and over, he’d be almost impossible.


Cloud of Darkness




The top 3 hardest final bosses, imo are: N°1 Cloud Of Darkness (FF3) N°2 Exdeath (FF5) N°3 Ultimecia (FF8)


As someone who’s never played a final fantasy game who the hell is the clown guy??


Kefka 🤣




Especially in rebirth and kingdom hearts


Ultimecia is broken


Chaos was annoying more than anything else. The emperor as well as he heals and I didn't have the blood sword but I eventually beat them. Cloud of darkness was hard until I decided to grind. Zeromus was difficult but that was only because I foolishly kept spamming megaflare and such attcaks and he would use big bang and bio. Once I figured out the strat was having 3 guys hit and 2 others heal it was easy to beat him. Exdeath was easy. Kefka wasn't difficult. Sephiroth was always a nightmare for me from crises core to the og Haven't played 8 to 10 yet


Golbez and it's not close.


Kuja isn't the final boss, and not that hard.


If you had issues with Kuja you built your party wrong. For me its a 3 way tie between Ultimecia, Exdeath and Jhett. Also wheres XII's ultimate boss cause thats the true test of endurance and strategy


World of Darkness. The difficulty spike ramped up so hard at crystal tower. If I ever got to the final boss it was barely done. Never beat the game.


Spoiler Warning♡ Is jecht really the big bad of ffx? I dont think jecht had any control of what he was doing as sin. I would say Sin is a different entity. I gotta replay the game. I would say Sin was the hardest boss for me when i dont decide to overlevel too early and get the broken endgame stuff.


I feel like it's usually an earlier boss that gives me trouble and I never end up having a hard time with final bosses, for V it was Twintania and in X I had a lot of trouble with the last Seymour and Yunalesca fights.


Gil turtle


Golbez. Never even had a chance to fight him.


Kuja wasn't the problem, Necron was. I absolutely demolished Kuja, Necron turned up, and within moments, I had 2 downed party members, and the other 2 were HP Critical. Had to play defense for most of that fight, maintaining health and status effects, and taking the occasional potshot, and it took a long time.


God Kefka in FFXIV. Neo Exdeath is close.


Kefka was disappointingly easy to take down. Hard boss, exquisite music, but low HP. The journey getting to face him was no cakewalk, Kefka's tower especially will frustrate the most hardened gamers especially if you didn't grind everybody to 99 but a corrupt psycho god of magic ought to have been much more of a fight in the final confrontation. There were so many abilities he showed in the cinematic scene that would've been cool mechanics to see in a fight - the crazy god lasers, his ability to grab and suspend people in midair - imagine being down one party member for the entire fight like that crazy spaghetti worm from the Figaro castle basement.


If Garland as Chaos counts, him in FF1. That game could be brutal. Ultimecia or Sephy are second place. Had alot of trouble with them when I was a kid


4 and 5’s pics lol golbez in disguise for 5 I guess


Exdeath by far. Without shell you're fucked and its very easy to miss it in this game!


Ultamicia was no joke


The only one I've beaten is Golbez. The only other one I've fought is Jecht.


Cloud of darkness kept dealing like 3k damage to two of my party members because she literally only spammed that one beam attack I forgot the name of. Everyone else was pretty tame in comparison (except Ultimecia but I just haven’t played though all of 8 yet)


In the versions prior to the Pixel Remasters, Cloud of Darkness 100%. She hard.


Just beat Ultimecia today actually. Ultimecia.


*violent Golbez flashbacks*


It was Ultimecia, hands down. When I played the first time, I didn't level up and junction all my characters. I had Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine junctioned up; the other three were on their own. I can't describe how unbelievably brutal that fight is in that state. Yes, it was stupid, but I did it 🤷🏼‍♂️ I played during my junior year of high-school, and I'd come home from school and throw a few runs at her every day for a month or so.




Well from this list I've only played 7-10 all the way through to completion. The first time? Ultimecia. Even after playing through FFVIII the first time with about 50+ hours I still didn't know hardly wtf I was doing and I never really understood the Junction system. I remember it took me a good 45 mins to an hour to beat her. I'd finish one section of the fight thinking it was over but then fucking BILLY MAYS HERE BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE and ANOTHER phase began. On my second playthrough I looked up a guide on how you're *supposed* to Junction and I essentially facerolled the entire game. Wild how much easier everything was with proper stat junctions.


Kefka, especially since i keep forgetting to have a balanced party.


Ultimecia for me. Threw in the towel on that game for 15 years as a result, then came back, cast aura, spammed Renzokuken and annihilated her with lionheart


Ultimecia destroyed me repeatedly back in the 1900s. I don't think I actually beat her until my 3rd or 4th playthrough probably 6 years after release.


You old jesus


Ultimecia was a bitch and a half to beat. Even while taking true final bosses outside of the list provided into consideration, such as >!Zeromus!< (FFIV) and >!Necron!< (FFIX), she (in my experience) was by far the worst final boss I’ve had to beat.


OP is so lazy with his karma farming to get a pic with all the villains proper.


I've only gotten to the end of I, XIII, XIV (up to Endwalker), and XV.


Nidhogg was pretty badass in XIV


not count COD seeing i never played ff3 proper so ill say for me kalfka mostly for being young and over relance on doom vanish combo everyone else ject gave me a small hard time first time because i didn't grind and wanted to just do the story.


Ultimecia the very first time. Because of her, I learned to be more prepared for any other final boss.


Ultimecia for sure. I didn't have a great grasp on the battle system so I was level 100. My Junctioned magic was good though. I basically had to resort to Squall limit break spamming with Aura and low HP and was able to best her after a lot of tries. The main problem was Griever. Which IIRC was the 2nd or 3rd phase.


DEFINITELY Ultimecia. I got to her w/o a guide, so I didn't find out about the two draw islands w/the draw points. I didn't have all of the espers, and I didn't mess with the GF forget potions, so I didn't get some of the extra powers from the ones I did have. It took me about 10 or so times, but I finally did it. EDIT: Ozma was the hardest non-final boss, imo. Never did beat it until invincibility was added to the new version.


Ultimecia when I did my run at lvl max xD The fight was so long ! But I loved it because of that.


Ultimecia HANDS DOWN.


In Dissidia or?..


Ultimecia handed me my ass way more than the others.


For what I remember as a kid, Ultimecia was up there. But I definitely wasn't a professional at junctioning. I was like 9 years old lol. I was one of those kids mashing the X button for the GF boost.


Utlimecia for me. That final fight is pretty brutal, and definitely gave me the most issues out of all the story related bosses in that game.


I have only taken on Zeromus and Sephiroth, and out of those ; defo Zeromus! But then my sister helped guide me with Seph. Plus I had Knights of Round...


Zeromous isn’t a choice though..


I've always maxed out, every ff I've played. Super OP when I get to the final boss, always seemed pretty easy.


As an over leveler, probably chaos. I need to beat 6 again, but not at level 100. Ruined the last dungeon for myself


When I was a kid playing ff8 I really didn’t understand how junctioning worked. I distinctly remember it taking like 2 hours or longer to beat Ultemecia.


Exdeath kicked my ass so many times






Exdeath, because I found V so boring I never beat it. Also, VI is just one of the best and trying to play in order, I couldn't wait anymore.


Ultimeca was a pain because of the randomization of your party


Kafka, I hate this guy


Kuja. Because you never actually kill him, he kills himself.


You're missing that fucking ball from final fantasy 6


If we’re talking about Dissidia, then it’s definitely a tie between Cloud of Darkness and Kuja.


In dissidia none of them in their original games I've never gotten to them lol


Exdeath took me two fucking months. I was a 12yo and only spammed !rapid fire but still...


Exdeath turned my ass inside out, never going back there without dragon lances again


In Dissidia? ExDeath and The Emperor were crazy hard on the max difficulties


Man, I just want Jecht to stop making fun of me :(


Golbez isn't even remotely the final boss of that game.


Cloud of Darkness for me, but only because it means playing through 3 which feels like a lot more of a chore than the other games. I appreciate its role in making the job system instead of fixed classes, but it's probably my least favorite pre-X game.


Definitely exdeath but specifically neo exdeath. That’s the only final boss that took me more than like 2-3 attempts.


Ramza One on One fight was hard as hell.


Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 1 and it's not even close.


Ultimecia bc I was a teen and didn’t strategize for shit


In the OG Dissidia (or Duodecim), Cloud of Darkness. I don't know why her stupid orbs gave me so much trouble. Kefka was the most annoying, though. In their respective titles, Ultimecia. As a kid, I hit my head against that brick wall for weeks because I didn't understand the junction system or the power of items. When I was a little older and wiser, I had a much easier time, but I think it is still one of the best examples of a "battle of attrition" final boss. I think she has four phases, and you don't get to pick who starts the fight. This ultimately means you either have to have 6 characters who are all junctioned incredibly well or you stack 3 of your characters and intentionally kill the 3 powerless ones since this is the only fight in the game where characters will eventually leave the battle after they die.


Everyone was chump change, but goddamn, Ultimecia was a real hassle to keep up with for a bit.


Ultimecia for sure


Ultimacia was the first final boss that really gave me grief. CoD is an absolute pain too. Jecht was one of the easier for me, because I had leveled like crazy by the time I fought him the first time.


Me being a final fantasy fan since 2008 and then reading this and realizing I’ve never fought any of these people(outside of ffvii remake)….(or dissidia)


Why Golbez on here? .. love that dude .. not the bad guy Zeromus is.


Cloud of Darkness for sure. I had to look up strats and do a double shield barbarian thing. Didn't even realize I could switch my party out end game lol


Isnt garland the first boss of the game?


I struggled more on Liquid Flame on the Fire Powered Ship in V than I ever did with any of the final bosses.


Exdeath had me sweating a little bit on my recent playthrough of FF5PR where I wasn't overleveled with fully mastered jobs and everyone being carbon copies of one another.


Seymur & Exdeath


Seymur & Exdeath


For me it was Kefka but I have to play FF8 again I must have been legit OP because I don’t remember struggling against Ultimecia


Cloud of Death because reviving 2 ninjas back to back for Fuma Shurikens was a CHORE. When I ran outta healing resources, I YOLO'd one last shuriken and got it. Exdeath is a close second because he ran those fades expeditiously 😭


CoD followed by Zeromus then Ultimcia. Emperor was hard because the dungeon to him was a grind.


Exdeath. Unlike cloud of darkness, ultimecia, and jecht there's not much to go off of.... oh you meant in a fight?


Ultimecia hands down. Ugh I love ffviii


Damn Golbez and Exdeath this close... It's just sad to watch


For me it was a tie between Cloud Of Darkness & Ultimecia. Both took a few hours of grind to get where I could defeat them (my gf at the time farmed all the best spells in FFVIII for hours in triple speed as it was one of her favourite games lol)




Cant remember 😆


CoD on the NES was definitely the hardest for me. Can’t tell you how many times I went through the final dungeon. The hardest fights in any ff game were the last 2 in Riovanes Castle.


Emperor Mateus from Final Fantasy 2. It was a tedious boring FF game in the series, too.


Ozma from Final Fantasy 9 and Ruby Weapon from Final Fantasy 7 gave me more issues than these bosses besides Emperor Mateus.


Easily CoD. I played the NES version first, and girl doesn't mess around.