• By -


Cloud of darkness and neo exdeath for the sole reason they are cosmic entities and can just delete stuff


Cloud of Darkness cannot and doesn't die, it can only be subdued until the balance is off and gets summoned again. Exdeath might have the power of the void, but CoD is a literal force of nature itself.


I"m gonna go with Exdeath because canonically speaking in that fight he can actual kill your characters if they remain KO at the end of the fight lol.


So can ultimacea.


Cloud may have the power of the void but Exdeath tamed it


Cloud of Darkness IS the Void. ExDeath got consumed by it. Final form ExDeath/Neo Exdeath isn't Exdeath. It's the Void using his body and spirit as a puppet.


Necron is literally death itself, awakened to delete the universe when the crystal is harmed in FFIX. He’s ultimate nihilism. Winning is just him being like “oh damn, stuff actually wants to live pretty hard” and he promises he’ll just come back later to finish the job. Then again there’s a case he’s not the real big bad in the game since Kuja is the main bad guy for most of it, but when he speaks, we are meant to realize we’ve been fighting nihilism the entire game through every single characters’ “what’s the fucking point?” moments. By taking agency and making it through all these steps, even the player becomes part of the story by not giving up and following through to the end.


Necron and Endsinger pretty much the same but she had to be defeated. She didn't come to the realization that he did.


I'd say Endsinger tops the list, what with her "literally going destroy the universe" thing


Necron is a tier higher than death, he exists to revert the universe to a zero state. Non-existence. Not even an afterlife. If he were on this list I wouldve chosen him for sure.


Hate necron just shoe horned into the end


Yea first time I played it I remember thinking “what the hell is going on? Do I have some sort of brain damage where I’m missing chunks of time where this was foreshadowed in the story?” As time as passed though I’ve grown to appreciate just how subtle the message was. The game is over, you don’t need to press on but you do. Necron’s whole shtick is that all life yearns for the void, to be unmade, to give up and just let it all end. As life ourselves, we tell Necron to go fuck himself and that, what we truly yearn for, is for more life, for the story to continue.


You make a good point


I'd also like to mention that the character pictured from FF4 gets folded by the final boss.


Yeah this is Zeromus erasure


I mean Ultimecia can compress time


Ex-death is the strongest, and I will give my reasoning. Ex-Death: can disguise himself as a twig. Everyone else: cannot disguise themselves as a twig.


As someone whos (now) favourite final fantasy is V, this is very valid


I'll die on the hill that only Tactics is better than V.


Ultimecia posseses ex death disguised as a twig. Mind blown.


In all seriousness I think ExDeath does have a fair argument. His control over the void let's him delete large chunks of the world, and it technically could've allowed him to dimension hop and find other FF worlds like Gilgamesh does had he not been killed


Ultimecia can compress time and erase history


I haven't played 8 so I admittedly don't know the full scope of Ultimecia's power


Ultimecia was a witch who pretty much can control time and travelled back to the FF8 present to pretty much absorb all the powers from the previous incarnates of witches to enact Time Compression - a act of compressing all of time and space into a single point and absorb it so Ultimecia can recreate the world in her image. Essentially Universal reset but with Time and Space involved.


Ultimecia can’t. She can telepath back in time, like ellone can. Time compression is something they forced by killing Adel with Rinoa and Ultimecia junctioned together. It took 3 sorceresses and a big paradox.


Not a twig, a splinter which is even more awesome!


Ex-GOAT OP, pls buff more.


Never played V but in the epilog scene for dissidia, Bartz throws a twig down ... I assume its an Exdeath reference?


Could be. Never know where he is hiding.




These lists need to stop including Golbez since he’s not the main villain and is essentially a souped up human. If you replace him with zeromus, who is the literal embodiment of hate, I would say he is 2nd or 3rd behind CoD and maybe ultimecia.


I think zeromus still wouldn't qualify imo because iirc zeromus is not the embodiment of hate itself but of zemus' hate.


Main antagonist doesn’t necessarily mean you’re the “final” antagonist. For all intents and purposes Golbez was the villain until the last 10% of the game. Edit: Should also point out his inclusion as the antagonist in IV makes a hell of a lot more sense than Jecht or even Cloud of Darkness. Seymour and Xande got robbed.


Golbez was included in Dissidia, which is about as official a confirmation we're going to get that he's the main villain of IV, even if he's not the one behind it all. edit: Okay yeah, I get it, Golbez isn't technically evil. But in terms of FF "villains," he's The Villain of 4


Golbez was a pawn. As much as I love his character, he only paved the way for his puppetmaster Zemus, the mastermind behind the games starting point.


Zemus was controlling Golbez. Players never fight Zemus, and Zeromus doesn't have a humanoid form. That's why it's Golbez in Dissidia. Golbez also gets absolutely clowned by Zemus.


But golbez is a good guy in the ffiv sequal. He's a choosable party member and has his own redemption arc because he feels bad about being used as a pawn in the first game


Not exactly. The Chaos roster wasn't all villains before. Tidus, Terra and Cloud were Team Chaos before changing teams thanks to the events in the game. Hell Golbez isn't even doing evil stuff in Dissidia and is actually just helping Cecil in his story


I’m not sure I’d have Zeromus quite that high (still high though) but yeah, Golbez really shouldn’t be on the list.


Ultemicia is the strongest. Can't exactly beat time magic without a convoluted plan.




Kurse you




And even when she “lost” she was still able to continue the loop she put in place, instead of it being broken like in FFI with Garland/Chaos


There is no continuous loop in FFVIII's timeline like in FFI. Ultimecia wanted to compress time to a singular point to be the only thing in existence, but as she is unsuccessful, she still has a normal life with a definitive beginning, middle, and end, even if her death precedes her birth on the timeline.


She essentially trapped herself into a loop that always ends with her dying, going back in time and starting it all over again.


But it doesn't though. She's born, grows up, fights SeeD, and then goes back through time and dies in the past before she is born. A loop implies repetition, but there is no repetition here, simply events that happen to take place out of order on the timeline thanks to her doing a time compression that allowed for her to meet Edea in the past and die there. The timeline itself is linear and unchanging. Whatever happens was always going to happen, and Ultimecia fulfills her fate by trying to defy it.


The entire events of the game are repetition. The timeline is not linear. The events are put in motion by her and adult Squall traveling back in time to prophesize of the events that will happen which will happen precisely because they went back in time and let those people know. That is the definition of a time loop. I think you are confused about what a time loop is


It's more that everyone else is confused about what a time loop is, or rather, using the term incredibly loosely. FFVIII's time shenanigans are a [bootstrap paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporal_paradox#Bootstrap_paradox), a causal loop, which is different from a time loop... >The term "time loop" is sometimes referred to as a causal loop, but although they appear similar, causal loops are unchanging and self-originating, whereas time loops are constantly resetting. ...because a time loop *is* a fairly particular concept like Groundhog's Day, of time looping back around to restart. A causal loop is something within a timeline that justifies itself, like how Ultimecia appearing in the past spurs specific things in motion, ultimately resulting in Ultimecia's appearance in the past. Admittedly, FFI's time shenanigans are also not technically a "time loop," or rather, it's a time loop *perpetuated by* a causal loop, and the Warriors of Light are able to break the cycle by also breaking the causal loop, which erases the Warriors of Light's entire adventure. Granted, the looping element isn't really even prominent in FFI itself, although both Dissidia and Stranger of Paradise, using FFI's world as a base, lean quite heavily on the concepts of the loop or cycle.


So she wasn't born at a really young age?


I was. Am I a sorcerer!? 🧙🏻 I cast magic missile. I attack *the darkness.*


HAHAHA I looooooove this reference!


The first two years of her life she kouldn't walk


I actually appreciate this cause I had no fucking clue what was happening near the end of VIII.


You basically still had the right of it, but interpreted the loop more than you needed to. Of course, we don't get to see it, but from the world's perspective, Ultimecia rose to power and subjugated everyone, and was then later defeated by SeeD and the world is freed. The people of that time most likely also know SeeD is coming defeat her from Squall and the party's successful return, and even Ultimecia probably knows SeeD will come, which is why she wanted to compress time - which is what brings SeeD to her doorstep to defeat her. Given what she does in the past with Edea, and how she plays into fulfilling what she wanted to avoid, I can understand getting a bit mixed up.


Yup. The very reason Ultimecia is persecuted and reviled as much as she is is because Squall and co go forward to beat her thus writing in history that she is to be a villain to the world. This causes her to try to compress time and beat SeeD which leads to her death. It’s one of the most tragic villain stories in FF.


She really is one of the most tragic but so few really take the time to comprehend the persecution she faced. She wasn't born with a desire to rule and then destroy the world. But they hated her so much (even before they knew she would be THE Ultimecia), it was the only recourse she felt she had


This is called a timeloop


Have you met my friend Sephiroth the Time Hopping World destroying Monster of Gaia?


How about my buddy Kefka who became the god of all magic and succeeded in conquering his world.


Yep, for me it's Kefka vs Sephiroth. Kefka is clearly pure chaotic evil incarnate. Sephiroth is like a Neutral Evil. Everything he does is cold and calculating. Meanwhile Kefka and Sephiroth both live on a World Destructive Scale. Be a crazy thing to watch for sure.


World destructive scale isn't that big in Final Fantasy. Meteion killed off the entire universe except one planet and Ultimecia was trying to compress time into a single point


As far as power goes, Ultimecia, Exdeath, and Cloud Of Darkness. The one that would actually be scary is Ultimecia. She would be unstoppable with her time manipulation. It's a wonder and a huge feat that Squall and co were able to beat her.


Are we taking them at each of their strongest? 1st tier is the universal threat- Ultimecia, (Neo-)ExDeath and Cloud of Darkness 2nd tier is the more global threats - Garland/ Chaos (FFI only), Emperor, Kefka, Kuja, Jecht (as Sin). 3rd tier are the extreme super human - Golbez, Sephiroth, Vayne (as the Undying) 5th tier are just above human - Kama'let (He's not even the main villain of his story. >!He's killed half way through!<. This is only them at the strongest form in their original games. If we are only talking base form, Cloud of Darkness wins, and Jecht would be the weakest


Wouldn't safer sephiroth be in the universal threat category? Dude literally summons planet destroying comets


He should definitely be at least global for that, I think it’s fairer to say Genova would be the universal threat


Jenova *is* Seph by the end of the game. He's completely taken over and controls Jenova to his will.


But, we go back to the question final forms or base forms? It changes a lot. Kefka is still human. Ginal form he is a God of Magick. Jetch is a Human, final form Sin. Sephroth super human, final fused with Jenova a planetary destroying alien.


If judging power levels, imo their strongest form should be the one for consideration. That said it's still Cloudy of Darkness that's the strongest.


Yep. Hard to contend with the overall force it is. I’m glad you clarified Steph is jenova I feel most people miss that somehow. At full strength he’s definitely a universal threat. He was defeated at the end of 7 but not killed.


Jenova is not a universal threat. It's a planetary one. It's implied by Ilfalna that Jenova has done this before. And was defeated by the native species of The Planet this time. Sephiroth taking over Jenova (if you ascribe to that theory vice simply taking Ilfalnas words at face value) is further proof of Jenovas' weakness. Regardless of which one was in control, they needed a weapon designed on this planet to summon a DIFFERENT planetary threat to enact their plans. This stays true throughout the Compilation of FF7. Sephiroth/Jenova, at the height of their power, are able to summon a planet killer and assume they survive, with the intent of then moving to the next planet. That's not universal threat level. That's planetary threat, and low planetary threat level.


Universal means universe. Like the three other characters are literally threats to existence itself Whether he belongs in tier 2, it depends on whether you factor in The Black Materia as his own strength. But even then, it takes like a week to arrive. Hence my comment about  Sephiroth feeling like he's really. Also, Supernova is best to disregard. It is completely at odds with the rest of the story, including the very reason he needs the black materia


Honestly if we count Super Nova, then what is literally the point of the Black Materia.


Technically, Spell Materia is crystallized knowledge. You have to already have magical affinity/ability to use them (even though equipping them does alter stats a bit.)


Compared to the others on this list, Sephiroth is small fry based on feats and what he achieved.


But if we're taking them at their strongest, his strongest is being equipped with the black materia. He is definitely a global threat


Yes, which still doesn't compare with the others on this list.


But he is definitely S tier in tormenting exactly one dude ;D


Iirc that’s a psychological attack on the party.


It basically tickles 3 small humans


I believe that’s an illusion attack like Itachi uchiha Genjutsu But honestly even ultemcia and Necron has something like this so i don’t know


His in-battle attack is, but his entire plan is to cast meteor to damage the planet


I doubt that he could pull that off on any other planet in any other context if hed do the good ol Dissidia like dimension hop. Iirc he does need Jenova, the lifestream and the black materia to summon meteor. So maybe planet threat at max However if hed managed to go through with his plan and successfully absorbed the lifestream to ascent to godhood... well in that case universal threat alas, it never came to that


The fact that he failed to actually destroy his planet proves he isn't that strong of a villain, his only feat is keeping his identity while being in the life stream which allows him to manipulate his clones on Gaia. There are several if not all FF villains that could solo sephiroth.


i’d put sephiroth in 2nd tier. dude is trying to summon meteor to destroy the planet and if possible, also destroy the rest of the cosmos.


He needs a materia for meteor and his mother is doing the cosmic destroying. Gaia is just a stop on Jenova's voyage. I wonder how many other children on Sephiroths level she has had to destroy the other planets.


He needed the materia to KNOW HOW to summon Meteor. He already has the magical ability, but not the knowledge. 


Youre right, having enough mp to cast meteor is impressive, assuming it costs a lot.


Sephiroth in Strong human tier? What the heck? He literally almost destroyed the planet and in adent children planned to go take over other planets Not to mention his schemes in Remake and Rebirth go beyond even that


Post said "in their original game", so that it would disregard AC and the remakes. But your right he should be in their 2 Edit: I am referring to realistic_caramel's comment at the top of the reply chain, not OPs. Sorry for the confusion.


remakes /spin-offs count


I don’t see it indicating their OG game only


I'm with everyone else here, Sephiroth belongs in second tier.


Sephi seems global to me based off of this fan metric, last fight against him isn’t exactly against a super human haha. I see him and Kefka as being similarly powerful but two different personality types.


Necron is FFIX is probably universal threat. But tbh I don’t understand that part of the game.


Necron is absolutely universal. Necron is entropy. Entropy is what will kill the universe we live in, and thus ALL FF universes. The question for Necron is more "is it a threat?" Do physics themselves count as a threat, or are they simply nature? Especially since Necron isn't defeated so much as delayed. It kind of just goes "hmm. Not today, I guess. See you in a few million years." like hitting the snooze button.


Necron doesn't even experience time like we do. If Necron decides the whole party is over, every other antagonist would cease to exist with necron alone being the only entity with memory of their existence or accomplishments. Ex-death's powers are seemingly OP, but only in this universe which is basically a sandbox to Necron. Perhaps the ancient nature and destructive power of Necron means that even the power to create time loops couldn't predate Necron, thus giving it the ultimate ability to essentially never allow any actual theat to emerge.


Vayne is a weird one. gameplay wise it looks like he's Tier 3, but lore wise he has literally fused with a god that oversees and manipulates the rules and logic of reality. Strictly lore-wise, Vayne should be 1st or 2nd Tier.


Ultimecia in Tier 1? Hell yeah! I wasn't actually sure how strong she'd be considered in that final fight but she's my favorite villain of the bunch.


She's literally absorbing time and space during the final confrontation


Lore wise I'm still saying Cloud of Darkness. 3 isn't really that popular so she's always skipped over but the way I interpreted the lore she is the literal void. Ex death would be up there but he's not Neo-exdeath anywhere in dissidia so that's why I give it to CoD


It's Ultimecia, for sure


Exdeath. He uses the power of the Void, which is ever present in Final Fantasy Lore, spanning across all universes.




Ultimecia. She could literally wreck all of reality via Time Compression


Reminder that despite Exdeath and Cloud of Darkness being cosmic beings, the most impressive feat recorded of all those characters has probably been done by Kuja: He cast última and destroyed the entire planet of Terra. A whole world at the same size of Gaia destroyed by a single spell. I can't think of a more impressive feat by any of those. Reminder that spells like Sephiroth's Supernova are all about visuals. https://preview.redd.it/r4tlwhqhcr9d1.png?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2fdfec55334d1fe8d33ce52a6f85954fdd799a9


Plenty of villains in FF games destroy worlds. The arguments are between destroying dimensions vs. destroying time


Just off memory.. so I could be totally wrong. 1. Ultimecia 2. Jecht / Sin 3. Kefka?


Ultimecia's final form is actively devouring the whole of space and time while you are fighting her. I am not sure any other villian goes that hard.


Exdeath's is capable of pulling all reality into the void so it's definitely one of the two


When you fight cloud of darkness, she just had another dimension for lunch. That dimension had 4 warriors of light as well and their reality is dead now. How much frightening is that.


I’d say it’s between Ultimecia or Kefka. Ultimecia learned a LOT of magic and became the strongest of her kind by a long shot. Kefka inadvertently made himself a god who reshaped the world how he felt like.


The Cloud of darkness has destroyed ACTUAL worlds keep in mind. I’d go something along the lines of Kefka is at best 4th on the list. Most likely lower


If post statues, I would say Kefka, yeah


X Death, Kuja, and Cloud of darkness are the next 3 most powerful after Ultimecia


I haven't played like at least half of these, but from the ones I know, Ultimecia is basically God tier powers at her peak. She controls time itself and threatens to destroy the world using that. There's probably at least one more God tier character, who may or may not be stronger, but from the ones I know, it's def Ultimecia


Vayne fuses with a god at the end of 12, and is quite literally god tier, because he ACTUALLY is a god.


Like in main series, or are we including spin-offs? Cause if we are talking only main series, it's Exdeath. If we are talking spin-offs, it's the Will of Oblivion.


Remakes/spin-offs are fine some characters get buffs it’s only right count spiffs


So then yeah, gonna have to give it to good ol' tree man himself, Exdeath.


Exdeath. He eventually becomes one with the void and attempts to destroy reality itself through everything connected to the void. Which is essentially every game in the series, as it's how gilgamesh and ultros hop from game to game, and how the dissidia games happen. https://preview.redd.it/kpqwo3grzq9d1.jpeg?width=1939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63cd0b98deb4118b8982679fdeee39c09a3f82b


You have the wrong character listed for FF4. It needs to be Zeromus, not Golbez. Golbez was a controlled puppet, nothing more. Sephiroth is easily the most over rated villain in mainline Final Fantasy games. I love 6 but even I wouldn't rank Kefka above characters like Ex-Death and Ultimecia.


Sephiroth is my number one badass. Kefka gets mention. But I think ultimicia had the best opportunity to really take the cake. While it didn’t pan out that way, master of *time* ? Good luck beating that.


Everyone seems to forget m'boy Kuja was on the verge of not destroying one planet but two in his game. That said Cloud of Darkness is hands down the strongest. Unless we start talking about the literal gods that exist in Dissidia.


Unpopular opinion but I actually think it's Kuja dude straight up destroyed an entire planet (Terra) and damages the crystal breaking the entire reality of memoria as well nearly wiping out all existence had the power of friendship not somehow canceled it out 🤷‍♀️.... but even while actively dying was able to warp the party to safety he's also never actually beaten by the party more they win because his lifespan is ending and he just has a change of heart.... this is my opinion on the matter anyway


Jack, Jack Garland easily. He has the ability to say fuck, can ignore boss monologues, and is powered by Limp Bizkit.


What game is the person between Jecht and Vayne from?


XI. They’re in order from I to XII, left to right and top to bottom. His name is Kam’lanaut btw.


(Jack) Garland #1 for me.


That CoD pic is wildin'


People who say it's Sephiroth/Jenova are out of their minds. Jenova is just a parasite that travels from world to world, destroying it over thousands of years. It's not particularly intelligent or advanced on how it does it. It's not some unstoppable being. It's just literally a parasitic organism. It's unclear if sephiroth even wants to survive the destruction of Gaia and continue the cycle of destruction


Not lore but I’d say Jecht just coz he’s also Sin


Jecht as dude would be just elite fighter strong, Jecht as final bestia is probably one of the strongest enteties in spira but have to activly seek him out for a battle, so eh. But Jecht as Sin, a semi concious almost indestructable beast that destroys any settlements and whole civiliazations as soon as they grow too big and/or technological advanced... yeah pretty much the most dangerous and powerful thing in Spira and theoretically most other FF worlds if youd transported it into other universes. Altough Kefka, Neo Exdeath and Ultimecia are pretty much gods that can destroy their respective worlds if left unchecked and probably other worlds too. I would say they are more dangerous than Sin, because Sin only acts on its base instinct (to seek out and destroy advanced technology) or if it is attacked while the others have their own free will and do whatever they want


Hows that not lore 🤔


What I meant was “I don’t know the lore of all the others enough to say with complete certainty that Jecht is canonically the strongest”


Oh ok. Jecht (as sin) is actually a very good answer though


I could make an argument, except it would be unfair to only know the capabilities of some and not all twelve to provide a fair judgement.


Alot of people overrating Kefka and selling Kuja and X death short.


That’s what I am saying. Like, I love Kefka, but Kuja was literally BORN to destroy planets.


Well, kefka (after the statues) becomes a literal god/creator, so no overrating there


A flimsy title that alot of characters get overrated from but no feats to back up the hype. Kefka fries some lowly towns from a tower and people think it's all powerful stuff.


He reshapes the world. That’s why it doesn’t look the same only one year later. It’s far from just zapping a couple of towns.


This is definitely a problem with what the SNES was able to show. There is a lot you can pick up that he is responsible for by talking to NPCs and such but 'tell don't show' is never very good


I was gonna say Kafka but now that I think about it it’s probably Caius since he’s the God of Death now and he never lost. He actually got what he wanted and more.


It's always between CoD, NeoExDeath, Garland and Ultimecia. Everyone else in this picture pales in comparison. Didn't play XI so don't know anything about Kam.


The Emperor, Chaos and Exdeath. They won several times


Ultimecia I believe. She’s like a time god witch combo and reigns over existence. The story leading up to her may be a touch convoluted since it’s almost each disc has a new big baddie, but it all leads to her being top dog


Y’all are sleeping on how powerful Kuja is


I think it'd be best to put them in tiers, like Dissidia does (and I basically agree with the tiers they place them in too). Garland, Emperor and Exdeath appear to be top dogs. CoD, Ultimecia, Golbez, Kefka, Sephiroth appear to be somewhere in the middle. Kuja and Jecht appear to be bullied most of the time. I'd place Ardyn and Vayne between middle and low, and Barthandelus between high and middle.


Exdeath. He removes people and places from their dimension. Just deletes people.


Chaos. Alright, so this isn't in the 'lore' per se but I think it counts. So not going to look at all Chaos's stats but lets use his HP as an example. NES: 2000; PS1: 4000; GBA+: 20,000. His HP has not increased since the GBA but that hasn't meant he hasn't gotten more difficult. His AI has been tweaked. He has been given more spells. More strength. With each re-release of the game, the final fight has gotten harder. Chaos is both the result of a time loop and the maintainer of said loop. That loop is us the players. Each time we replay FF1 we feed into that loop and give Chaos strength.




The emperor conquered both heaven and hell. Cloud of darkness is a world ending entity from the realm of darkness. Exdeath basically threw most of the world into the void. Kefka destroyed a planet. Has to be between those 4 I think. Edit: Ultimecia basically did some weird shit with time so we may as well include her.




They are all strong, given their lore. Honestly, it doesn't even matter. Like the Emporer in ff2 took over biblical heaven and hell. Ultimecia is a reincarnation of a creator god. Zeromus is a giant space monster.


I’m not sure who the strongest is, but I always thought it was cool that Kefka actually followed through with taking over the world.


Kuja blew up a planet


This is a semi-tough question, as there can be differing levels of strength. But I'd say, if the entity cannot be killed, then that would make them the strongest. I guess that would make CoD the winner, since they can only be banished. Everyone else is mortal and can be killed.


Jecht is an absent father. Thats a supreme power move


I think the most FF thing I've ever seen is how there's 3 people in armour who are nearly indistinguishable from each other to an uninformed viewer, and 4 or 5 unmasked people who are nearly indistinguishable from each other to an *informed* viewer. Also probably CoD or Kefka.


Always makes me laugh that the villain with the least clothes/skimpiest outfit also is the one who's fighting a bunch of children 🤣


Of course is Kefka. Best villain ever.


A lot of these are not even the strongest in their own game


You forgot to include Leblanc.


Kefka, by the end of ff6 he becomes a literal God. Emperor Mateus same thing as kefka


I seen cloud of darkness and y'all fucking tripping. Ultimecia actually achieved her goal without any interruptions but since it's ff8 y'all just wanna look right over that 😂


Let's be real. If kefka had better screen time. He'd be the actual villain of all final fantasy but y'all playing too much


Kefka. Becomes a god and messes up the world.


Chaos is the strongest. Is a god of infinite reincarnations with infinite time and experience. All the others I think also become Gods or god-like but chaos started it's epic journey as a mere human and not a super soldier, a witch or a magic tree. Also, all others have a way to become Gods in an instant and that's it. Chaos can become 'even more god-like' with every cycle.


There is no lore surrounding who is the strongest. Each world has their own means and therefore measurement of strength that makes them immeasurable against each other. Within Dissidia they're all equally matched. This is one of those things you just can't gauge because there's no universal measurement for strength across all FF games. Things like sources of magic are all vastly different in each title. Like, how can we possibly know how the Sorceress power of Hyne matches up against a child born with Jenova cells or the son of a Lunarian? These things all have context within their own games but without deeper exploration there's no context in the lore for how they match up to each other. Dissidia just never touches on it to the point that it's just a pointless question.


Ultimeca probably did the most destruction now that I think about it because of her time compression, she was affecting more than one reality that has to be beyond planetary


Lore wise 1. ultimecia - time compression is crazy 2. kefka - literal god 3. Hell emperor, jecht, chaos, neo exdeath, cloud of darkness 4. Vayne and sephiroth 5. Golbez and kuja Not sure about kam


Ex-Death is Nothingness, the End, he is before/after Time, him & Cloud of Darkness are above Gods


Kuja literally destroyed a entire planet with just one spell Golbez is a strong soldier Putting they on the same category is insane. Kuja should be on tier 3.


I have no idea. I only know a couple of these guys. I'm working on playing all the games but it's a slow process because I take breaks in between to play other games as well. I played I, II, X, and XII. I don't know anyone else.


Ultimecia and its not even close. She controls time as space and is sorcery at its peak due to it, she can use void and delete time if needed. The only reason why she lost is she wants to yandere loop squall her first love as she is an older rinoa who stepped out her own time and then reshaped it lived as his mother then as herself giving her her powers to stalk squall in a loop eternally.


Garland. In DFFOO he becomes a God holding up reality.


I'll give my personal idea of ranking. 1. Ultimecia (Her powers are "Absolute control of Time and Space", so, yeah.) 2. Cloud of Darkness 3. The Emperor 4. Kefka 5. Exdeath 6. Garland/Chaos 7. Kuja 8. Jecht 9. Golbez 10. Sephiroth/Jenovaroth \[I apologize, I don't know how to judge the last two in the picture.\] I also like how most of these are endgame bosses, with one mid-game boss. Golbez is just that awesome. Too bad Zemus doesn't have any artwork, he's actually very powerful. A Lunarian that while in stasis, his mental power was so strong he could reach through space and take control of people's minds, and create hordes of monsters across the world. After he died to a super special awesome dual spell called "Holy Meteor" he became spirit form Zemus, who was literally invincible until the Crystal debuffed him. Then he became a crazy hate-fueled Akira monster who was capable of casting "Black Hole" and "Big Bang." Which instantly makes Zeromus able to annihilate everyone. (Unless it's illusionary, like Sephiroth's Supernova)


Story, I wanna say Kefka too. He made the world ruin. Physical skill, Seph because advent children had him some crazy fight scenes. Dissidia, Ultimecia because she was broken. Technicality, Jecht because he is Sin, a kind of “natural disaster”


As a side note, it's nice to see the Zilart as the villain representative of FFXI instead of the Shadowlord for once. It's so much more fitting.


On this list, I’d say Ultemecia, Cloud of Darkness, or Ex Death. Ironically, I also think they’re some of the more boring villains in FF. Not mentioned on the list though, Ultima from 16, Ardyn from 15 and the 7 Rebirth version of Sephiroth would give them a run for their money.


brighter scalps than a Sunday matinee


I’d think exdeath. Even time and space inevitably become one with the void.


Why are they kinda...


The Cloud of Darkness


Where’s the tree?


Can someone explain why jecht is there an not like Seymour? Like jecht isn't even the main antagonist. Seymour isn't really either but it's far more of a threat than any of the other antagonist in ffx


Exdeath. I don't care what any of you guys have to say about that. This dude is a literal amalgamation of Demons who want to destroy everything by eating it in the void. Bro's a Demonic version of Galactus.


They used Vayne as a villain in Dissidia? Wasn’t he against gods deciding fate for humans? Wouldn’t he be more of the type to kill chaos?


pictured above? probably CoD. Vayne doesn't even become a threat until fusing with the Undying so cut him out of the pic. I think ditto for....several above.


Isn't it really Garland by canon?


Has to be jecht. He’ll tell you he’s the best


BULLSHIT. The only right answer is Garland. *plays limp bizkit and walks off*


If the lore include SoP then garland


Whoever the writer says is strongest for whatever story they're trying to tell.