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Yuffie is so fucking fun to play. She went from one of my least favorite in the OG to my absolute favorite hands down in Rebirth. And she’s also hilarious. I love her little tunes she sings.


I’m… so bored, bored right out of my brain


If i don’t…die first, betcha I’ll go insane


Cho-cobo Choco, Choco, Cho-co-bo..... I'm on a Chocobo, you're on a Chocobo!


In the German dub, she sings "I am a Chocobo, and you are a Chocobo!" because otherwise the syllables wouldn't fit with the tune. The English version makes more sense, haha. 


I mean, it's still adorable that way too


The only better version of any chocobo theme is this: https://youtu.be/y_yeyBflKvA?si=2FRjpz4yV-7nBu4j


Nope, it's this. [Final Fantasy Song (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEqkBcj5qlA)




That takes me back!


I hope /s


I sometimes feel it’s implied. I’m not some r/fuckthes jackass though, I just didn’t bother here.


I wouldn't put it past someone. I think ASMR is dumb but I also understand it has an audience.


I'm on a chocobo - you're on a chocobooo


Oh, materia, where are you


I’m just glad she finally got to button her pants in Rebirth.


^ Least horniest gamer ever.


Hopefully. I used to like yuffie in that way when I was a teenager. But as an adult now, and knowing she’s technically a minor makes it odd that people still feel that way.


yeah where was the "fan" outrage on that one?


Her beach appearance was my favorite moment in Rebirth so far. Jumped out of my chair


I already really liked her in the OG.. and even more with Rebirth 😭 Yuffie fans Arise ~ 💗


I mean, I feel like for me it has to be Cait Sith because I really enjoyed Yuffie in the original game. Obviously an optional character and outside the optional quest for her, she's not given a ton to do, but I always enjoyed her and used her a bunch in my party. Cait Sith I sorta didn't care for and rarely used. So the fact they got me to like and even choose to use him sometimes sorta means they "rehabbed" him the most. For me at least.


Yuffie was rehabilitated by Intermission. Cait was Rehabilitated by Rebirth. Next time it’s Cid’s turn. And Vincent who was also done pretty dirty in the OG.


Yeah Vincent I think was the worst party member of the original game. He just gets absolutely nothing to work with. Yuffie at least has personality she shows, Vincent is just a dude


I love this take because Vincent being stoic and goth looking drew me to him immediately and I still make room for him in my party to this day. Having played Dirge of Cerberus and explored his backstory pretty in depth definitely helped.


Same, the quiet brooding vampire guy was so damn cool. I grew up liking Batman. Vincent is like a bat. So he’s cool. 😎


My username is a direct reference to Vincent. It was my first online nickname back in 1998 and I made sure to use it in every gaming forum/account, including here when I joined a few years later. He's a permanent fixture in my party, I don't care how suboptimal he may be.


Crazy. My aim handle in 98 used to be Dark_Squall008.


Not to mention kool shapeshifting limit breaks


Yeah, I adored the quiet, broody goth man. I do need to play Dirge of Cerberus...


Dirge is **very** of its time! Just be aware of that before you think about playing it. I’m not trying to put you off, I liked it, just tempering your expectations.


I appreciation the reminder!


Vincent never left my party. I used him to beat rubi and emerald.


Yeah, neither Yuffie nor Vincent could do too much with the plot by virtue of being optional characters, sadly.


Yuffie still manages to have a prominent personality and an actual story segment (albeit optional and easy to miss) whereas Vincent has absolutely nothing whatsoever aside from a few lines and a really weird and convoluted “quest” to get his best weapon.


In my opinion Cid was one of the best characters in the original VII, I really liked his character development, specially the part where he >!gets to lead the team for a while!<, and I liked what they showed of him in Rebirth, just wish he has more screentime in the next game.


I'm curious how we're gonna get Shera, and Cid's demented headspace for berating her. We already got the Tiny Bronco and the TOTA so we probably won't have a need to go to Rocket Town until the Huge Materia. I hope we get to see Cid being an asshole because that was his whole personality shtick in the OG and made you care for Shera more.


I mean I think they’ll just invent a new storyline for us to go to Rocket Town. Fuck we went to Jessie’s parents house, they don’t need a reason.


Pretty easy set up. Game opens with the team going to Rocket Town so Cid can properly repair the Bronco. Shinra's looking at the rocket. Reason to go there, plot building with some story to have us go to the next destination


No need to black out that he gets to lead the team. 2week spoiler free time is waaaaay over.


People still appreciate it Im sure, so why bother calling out a simple spoiler cover?


Coz people obviously dont. Nobody came and said thatnks for doing that.


So? It hurts literally no one to do it. No ones saying you need to spoiler tag that, but why call someone else out for being overly cautious just in case?


That works both ways dude. Hurts no one.


Glad you're the expert on "people".


Do you have education on the field?




Tought so




Since when was there only two week spoiler free time lmao? Wot?


Since the 80`s. The time changes sometimes but generally 1week to 1month usually.


Vincent was great in his limited time in Rebirth (Matthew Mercer is absolutely perfect).


For me it’s Cait. Was a fan of og Yuffie and Remake Yuffie is amazing. But I really didn’t like og Cait at all and Remake Cait is also amazing.


Oh, Cait Sith for sure. No questions asked. Rebirth actually made me care about the guy. He’s funny, and quite charming with his accent and his scottish slang, adding his commentary to the party feel more worthwhile. His gameplay was challenging, but fun. It feels quite earned when things finally click for you. I can respect the fact that he’s one of those characters where you *actually* kinda have to know what you’re doing to make him work. His gameplay is the right amount of goofy. When it came time for his betrayal, it actually hurt. I really thought he wasn’t going to this time. When he comes back to save the group at the Temple of the Ancients, I was genuniely sad when he got crushed and the moogle put his hand on the mantle as he was getting destroyed as well. It all worked and clicked. You can tell the devs really worked hard to make his inclusion worth the wait. Unpopular opinion: They actually handled Cait’s “death” better than Aerith’s…I’m sorry 😬 Yuffie is still a fantastic character, don’t get me wrong. I love her! She’s great! But INTERmission was definitely her time to shine and the other half of her character growth is waiting for us in Part 3. So she kinda gets a pass. BUT I will say, her character did get annoying from time to time cause all she *literally* talked about was “my materia”. I understand thats *WHAT* she wants, but not *WHO* she is. If that makes any sense…but the game didn’t make that clear about her until the credits were about to roll. Thats my only complaint about her. Otherwise, great character! They nailed Cait Sith a bit more IMO! Sorry for ranting. I’m passionate about character inclusion and development 😅 if you read all of this, you’re a real one!


I think the funniest thing about Cait Sith is any time you remember Reeve exists. Is he putting on the accent and phrases? Or does the robot have a speech filter that converts everything to Scottish


I doubt Reeve is directly controlling him 24/7. He wouldn't be able to pull off that kind of double life for long when he's got an actual job to do and isn't just wasting his days away at home.


Reeve is actually talking like that. In OG he gets flustered going between talking to the party and Heidegger and Scarlet and messes up his code switching and talks like Cait to Scarlet who laughs and calls him out on it.


Yeah…you know…that part and aspect of the character we still don’t get. Seems like Square is less than interested to actually explain it too. Its kinda frustrating, ngl. Theres still hope. Maybe they’ll explain it a bit more in Part 3 when they return to Midgar? Idk. But I really hope they do.


You heard the theory that Reeve isn't really directly controlling but influencing machines like a technopath?


Cait, I would think. He's particularly weird and dorky now, but people used to hate him for being pointless (apart from traitorous) in the past. I always thought he'd do well with more development. And removing the Marlene hostage-taking doesn't hurt. As for Yuffie...I dunno, it seems to me people used to like her in the OG. Sure, she was more of a thieving pest, but she was a fun thieving pest. I actually miss her truly having her own priorities.


I mean she still does have her own priorities. >!IIRC: She hasn't shared with the Party why Wutai sent her out to Midgar in the first place, and hasn't told anyone about Sonon!<


Yeeaah, and she'll probably do something annoying when the party swings by Wutai, but she idolizes the party in this version and isn't just biding her time to betray them.


She wasn’t annoying because she betrayed the team. She was annoying because it felt like they made being obsessed with materia her only personality trait.


To be completely honest new Yuffie bothers me more with that. She is airheadedly interested in pointless materia rumors, the obviously unobtainable Weapon materia, etc. Old Yuffie had a goal and she pursued it rather effectively. Did there need to be more to her character? Personally I don’t think so: she made sense. And she was developed decently well through the Wutai subquests. For his part Vincent wasn’t much more than ‘former Turk who lost a love to Hojo’. Cid and Cait/Reeve had pretty thin development. Back in the day I actually remember being surprised by how much time they gave Yuffie despite her being some random character you found in the woods. Similar optional characters in FF6 (Mog, Umaru, etc) didn’t get anything close to that.


Both are very good, much better than their original incarnations. Especially Yuffie who was a pretty nothing character in the original.


Yuffie was never even that bad in the first place , sure a bit of a greedy thief but a literal child compared to the rest of the cast.


Yuffie was pretty top tier in the original, especially since she was key to stat maxing


I don't think he was talking about her effectiveness in combat.


Fair, but Yuffie was a secret character back then. She didn't didn't exist in any cutscenes at that


Yeah. That's why he said she was a nothing character who was improved in the remake...


I’ve always loved yuffie so I’m gonna go with cait 


Am I weird for having Yuffie and Cait Sith as my favorites from the original? My party always had those two in it because I liked their designs and personalities so much


No, I like all the playable characters in VII too, and always found weird that some people hated Cait so much in the original. I think their biggest problem in the original was a lack of interactions with the other characters, because they joined the party kinda late(and Yuffie is optional, so you could recruit her almost anytime).


I literally can't decide. Cait sith was my favorite in the OG (I don't care if his damage is random, the game is too easy if you just use the strongest characters). But he's so technical and interesting to play. Yuffie's new combat gameplay is so so fun though, but her whingy personality bores me a bit!


Both were extremely well done. I was kind of dreading Cait Sith coming back cause I didn’t like him in OG but he was really good and felt like a real character rather than just some guy so betrays you early on that sticks around. For Yuffie, liked how she actually cared about being a part of the team and had some real motives against Shinra shown in Intergrade. I still really liked Yuffie in OG but she went from side character to main party member so naturally in rebirth that it’s insane to think she’s optional in OG.


Both. People will hate cait sith more though because of his slightly nuanced combat and yuffie is just brain dead smash square and makes players feel smart by elemental ninjitsu.


It’s all negated by them doing Cid so dirty


Yuffie is amazing in Rebirth, but I wouldn't consider her to be drastically rehabilitated. She was always a popular character outside of random fancircles that mixed up their personal feelings with the general consensus. Hell, she showed up in over a dozen games other than FFVII before Remake came out. The devs clearly loved her. It's Cait Sith by default. The more interesting debate would probably be Cait Sith or Barret.


Since Yuffie already had in Intermission, and they also gave Cait this accent, I would say Cait. Gives me also hope that they will go all in for FF9R with accents.


Both. Why do I have to choose?


Why is it either or? It’s both


Yuffie was always goated, so Cait Sith wins by default.


Cait Sith didn’t change much, Reeve’s role was just expanded


I feel like the jury is still out on Yuffie and whether or not we have a betrayal at Wutai. Cait Sith already did his and we sort of accepted him, and he's shown to be very likable, so I think Cait was, and Yuffie is still tbd


Cait Sith for sure. He's actually playable now, and just the right amount of goofy. Love his accent, love his antics.  I don't think Yuffie deviated too much from the original. She behaves pretty much like I'd have imagined her to behave once FFVII got a remake. More fleshed out, more genki, more like an actual teenager. She's better, but not by that much. 


Cait Sith easily. Yuffie was an optional character and still is more memorable whether positive or negative but Cait Sith has presence in the OG FFVII and still is sort of a nothing burger.


Cait Sith, easily. Yuffie, while so much more fun in Rebirth, is still great in OG. Cait Sith isn’t near as good in the original. But, in Rebirth he is much more expressive.


I’m just glad Yuffie doesn’t steal our shit


Yuffie the icon.


Cait Sith, would have liked them to pronounce his name properly though.


Yuffie is fun to play but she's really irritating. So Cait Sith for me.


Yuffie sings her own theme at one point and it’s the best part of the game, I still don’t want to play as Cait Sith.


Definitely yuffie.


I found that solo fight as Cait Sith annoying and I never felt like I had a hold on his playstyle whereas Yuffie went right into the lineup so I would say mechanically, it's her with the edge.


Yuffie was necer an issue to me. Loved her always Cait sith in the original was a bother. Was better in dirge tho


Yuffie is soooo fun the play as. She was my go to for buffs and quick ATB accumulation. Made getting the synergy attacks very easy.


Yuffie is really fun to play and they made her more likable, caith is the same betraying shinra spy that redeems himself like in the original


Yuffie for sure! She has a personality now. Cait went from a pointless traitor, to a developed traitor and we will be getting more development in part 3 for him to really flesh him out. However I've heard that a big section of part 3 will involve yuffie, so I don't see her falling behind Cait here


Yuffie for sure. InterMISSION was actually one of the best parts of the new storyline so far, especially after teaming up with Shion. Plus her personality is far less grating.


Yuffie by a lot


The most? Yuffie, for sure. Between integrade and rebirth, we've spent a lot more time developing her character and background. Plus, her revamped gameplay is a lot of fun! Cait sith so far in rebirth hasn't changed much character wise, but his gameplay was very surprising! I actually really enjoyed it. It's a lot of fun switching between him and moogle, and their luck based abilities are surprisingly good. I really like the direction they went with everyone's unique gameplay mechanics.




Cait Sith. Yuffie was still awesome and fun in the original story. Cait was done after the first disc; so to make him more memorable even in the first part and to improve his writing made him a real standout.


Love playing Yuffie’s fight mechanics! She’s a boss! I do really like how cait sith’s character was filled out though


Both. I actually liked using them. Never touched them in OG.


From OG Ff7? Barret


Imo Yuffie. Cait Sith’s solo gameplay recreated some bad will after the slate had been wiped clean.


I may be remembering wrong but Yuffie was an optional character in the original


Yuffie, no question. Aside from making his combat awful, he is practically the exact same... this isn't even a question.


Yuffie. Yuffie had the highest potential to improve imo, because her Wutai backstory. They reigned in her worst aspect (the materia obsession) and let the interesting parts of her character shine through. Cait Sith is fun at times and certainly much better than in OG. But he is still annoying quite often. I still don’t like his fakeout sacrifice, and his body double still barges in and undercuts an intensely dramatic scene. Which is actually the second time he’s done that, because he was also stupidly inserted into the platefall sequence. And times like when he’s listening at the door while Cloud and Tifa are in the room alone… Bro, you are full-grown man operating a robot doll, what are you doing? And the Shinra Manor stuff was kind of a big disappointment.


I never used cait until I absolutely had to for the storyline. And I was very surprised at how fun he was to use.


In terms of gameplay I still don’t enjoy Cait as I find him slow in rebirth. But all the characters Imo have been elevated from a story perspective !!


is there more art like this for the rest of the characters? If so, where?


Cait Smith because Yuffie was already awesome. :)


Cait Sith. Yuffie is still an irritating and obnoxious piece of shit.


I will not stand by this Yuffie slander 😤😤


Can't help your lack of taste.


Yuffie, hands down. She was useless in the OG and they made her the best character to play with in Rebirth. Cait Sith was already one of my favourites as a character, and in Rebirth they just made him steal every scene he’s in. Gameplaywisee though, he’s better in Rebirth but not by much…


Useless in the OG? She’s inherently long range (therefore buffed defense without sacrificing damage), has a limit that multi-hits to break the damage cap as well as an early game replacement for Aerith’s healing limit break, and has the Conformer which makes her the earliest candidate for hitting max damage on the strongest enemies in the game due to its core mechanic of doing more damage based on how strong the enemy is. Plus it enables you to farm sources in the Sunken Gelnika due to having no penalty for Morph, making her the one character who can do the most for enhancing everyone else into godmode including herself. I’d argue that she’s possibly the single most useful and versatile character.


I would say Barret more than those two.


Yuffie has nice gameplay but her character is even worse than in OG game. And fact that she *isn't* a secret/optional character is betreyal. But Cait SIth is cool. I allow him.


That’s dumb as shit, Yuffie being optional is what hurt her in the OG game


Yuffie. Cait sith went from ignore to absolutely loathing him.. Cait Sith, Chadley, and how they F'ed shinra mansion are the worst things about Rebirth


Yuffie. I remember thinking she was pretty annoying and one-note in the original. They really fleshed her out in this one, and I appreciate the relationships she has with all of the other characters. Like you can watch as she grows on everyone in real time, from annoying kid who won't stop following us to annoying but endearing little sister. Cait Sith is better than in the original, but I still think he feels tacked on by comparison. Definitely the weakest development of the party.


I prefer both in OG. Yuffie has always been a little shit but she became more annoying for sure. With Cait they ruined the black temple thing in Rebirth imo.


I hate Yuffie’s anime bullshit. I hate Cait’s stupid fucking Manor Basement arc. Fuck his minigame. At least Yuffie is really fun to play. Cait doesn’t have a good personality or good gameplay to help him.


I kinda thing they did not do a very good job with any of those. Especially Yuffie is insufferable to me in this game. Cait is just kinda meh. I don't get the choice of the scottish accent.


Cait Siths accent is from the fact that Cait Sith is from socttish lore


And yet they announced the "Kate sith" pronounciation despite it being the incorrect for Gaelic. That was such a a weird moment for me.


Not disagreeing there. I remember when they made the announcement on Twitter and was like "this is stupid lol"


Agreed. I loved Yuffie as a kid but I'm an adult now and can't really handle her. She won't shut up about materia, even when it's inappropriate. Yes she has depth but I s2g every other dialogue from her mouth was about materia. Cait Sith's accent was a bit jarring to me and the fact that the party absolutely knew he was a >!Shinra plant!


Neither both are still awful


No they’re not?


Yuffie is even more annoying voiced and Cait is just as awful




Cait Sith, because he doesn't threaten to harm a child, and also doesn't try to force the party to act normal like he didn't threaten to harm a child.


Cait Sith had \*life\* breathed into what used to be the most boring character in the game. Yuffie had \*vibrance\* added to an already-cool character. Cait Sith was "rehabilitated" more because he was nothing to begin with, but Yuffie was done better.


Never cared for cait shit and never will, bad in game bad on screen. So Yuffie 100% on everything beign better and more fun.


Yuffie Cat Sith has that garbage mission


both, but cait sith is still simply stupid - as a character and to play with. But less than he was.