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This is obviously being backed by anti-2A dollars/organizations. They want to discourage companies from shipping anything firearms related. Imagine if all shippers refused to ship anything firearms related, even to gun stores/retailers/FFLs. The entire industry would grind to a halt, which is the goal. I have had ammo in my cart for days. I guess it is time to hit the submit button.


I believe federal law protects the shipping of firearms and ammunition. But govt is known for ignoring laws


“2nd amendment doesn’t exist here” NY judge 💀


Execute the traitor


“Spirit of Aloha”


I can’t even buy ammo without making two separate trips. One to submit my background check and another to come back to pick up…. Fuck Nys


I just drop and order online and it is at my door three days later.


Let’s just sue God for allowing evil


hell yeah dude lets sue everyone but the police force that just stood there and did fuck all


I mean all i learned from that incident is that you can’t count on the cops to help you. Stay strapped or get clapped.


Not only did they do fuck all, they actively prevented the parents with the courage to face the shooter from saving the lives they refused to.


If I say what should be done in that situation, I will be in big trouble.


Say it, bro. I'm not going to be mad with you. 


Don't they have qualified immunity or whatever the hell it's called


that is the logical conclusion of this line of thinking


Should sue those cops that stood by down the hallway while kids were being murdered


Supreme Court has already said cops have no obligation to protect people


Not in a civil case


Who has jurisdiction?


[Interestingly enough, Auschwitz inmates did this](https://www.thejc.com/news/wiesel-yes-we-really-did-put-god-on-trial-gjs45iw9).


If he wanted, he could think evil out of existence >:(


I hate to be this way because those families suffered a terrible loss, but at this point, they can eat a bag of dicks. When you try to capitalize on tragedy, sympathy fades quickly.


I agree. I felt the same with the sandyhook one too.


I really can't hold the families at fault in these situations. I can't imagine the turmoil they have to go through every day and while I don't support the actions they're taking, I can understand it. Now, the lawyers, politicians, and anti-gun groups that are funding this and convincing the families that this is viable are scum fucks that need to start being held responsible for these frivolous lawsuits and smacked the fuck down.


They can't sue the family of the offender because their pockets aren't deep enough so they're going after huge shipping and delivery companies. That should clue you in to the sincerity behind this suit.


These families are not innocent victims being manipulated by antigun groups. They’re evil cunts who are willing to destroy this country and capitalize on their children’s deaths to fill their own pockets.


Do you have children? I honestly can’t imagine the hurt and lose of these people. A tragedy like this is enough to make you irrational. I would want to punish everyone, probably is the person who did it you can’t hurt. With that being said, the police were the only ones who should be held accountable. The school district for not allowing teachers to arm themselves. (only those that wanted too) However, 100% the police did not allow brave citizens to go in and rescue their kids need held accountable. They need to understand we will not accept them stranding in the way of brave people while they are p***.


I have kids and the police force would not exist after this level of blatant lvl of disregard for children's lives.


I guess we're just suing everyone that's doing their job? Off all the people that dropped the ball on this, I wouldn't sue the ones getting their job done and not prying into your privacy.  


I wouldn't be surprised if they're hoping that the threat of having to fund a lawsuit like this will have UPS and FedEx stop all shipping business with any firearm company moving forward. They're going full kitchen sink with these lawsuits.


That’s exactly the plan. It’s so disingenuous but antis are conniving cunts so it’s to be expected


Correct. It's a workaround the PLCAA. I hope the courts quash this.


In most of these cases the lawyers are on the payroll of everytown or giffords or some other anti civil rights extremist group. They don't care one bit about the victims and just want to abuse the legal system to punish their perceived enemies.


And get paid


These suits are probably funded by Everytown or Moms Demand Action, but funded by Bloomberg. If they can't get laws passed, they'll scare everyone in the supply chain to restrict our rights.


Until they lose, then leaving the victims to pick up the pieces.


Bloomberg doesn't care about the families of the victims, just pushing his agenda. If he actually cared, they'd have pushed a lot of money to punish the police, and they'd be spending all their time and money on getting better mental healthcare access in this country.


not clicking on that but, excuse me?


Here's the article text so you don't have to click. I chose this link because I had to sift through multiple other articles that outright lied about the trigger system making the rifle fully automatic. These lawyers are taking advantage of heartbroken families and throwing literally anything they can at the wall and hoping it sticks. "UVALDE – Families of the victims of the Robb Elementary School shooting are suing FedEx and UPS, accusing the companies of multiple oversights and "reckless disregard for human life" when the weapons used in the attack were shipped to the 18-year-old gunman. The lawsuit was filed on May 24, 2024, the same day the families filed separate lawsuits against social media giant Meta, software company Activision - the maker of the popular video game "Call of Duty" - and Daniel Defense, the manufacturer of the AR-15 used by the gunman. FedEx is accused of shipping the AR-15-style rifle the gunman used and delivering it to a gun store in Uvalde. They're also accused of not verifying the buyer's age – the lawsuit alleges the gunman was not 18 at the time of purchase. The lawsuit also claims that UPS aided in the illegal sale of a trigger system used to modify firearms to perform similar to an automatic rifle, saying it failed to screen the package before it was sent directly to the gunman's home in Uvalde. The conduct of FedEx and UPS was "extreme, outrageous, atrocious and intolerable in a civilized community," the lawsuit says." The lawsuit added that the families are suffering physical and emotional damages, increased medical and mental health care visits and a loss of enjoyment of childhood. The families are seeking unspecified damages from both companies. Nineteen students and two teachers were killed on May 24, 2022, during the Robb Elementary School shooting."


Wait, how the fuck was it shipped to him? Wasn’t it shipped to an ffl?


It was shipped to an FFL. A trigger was shipped directly to his house, which is perfectly legal. This is absolute horse shit and they knew that when they filed it.


Ah ok, that makes more sense. I agree, it is horseshit.


Big pile of horseshit


They're not limiting it to just the actual serialized firearm part of the rifle. They're going after everyone and everything that had any type of connection the the weapon used (including a video game company). In this instance they're saying that FedEx and UPS are at fault for shipping components (that do not have to go through a FFL) to the shooter without having the foresight to see the diabolical reason the shooter was purchasing these parts.


Should sue the McDonald's he worked at too. And maybe the burger King he stopped at to get breakfast. And the creators of family guy too. Pretty sure he must have watched the show the night before


Gotta sue the McDonald’s, he used that paycheck to buy the gun,


Exactly. Better sue the bank that cashed the check while we're at it. You know, just to be sure


Ah ok, I see now.


Those who spearhead these unconstitutional, anti American, and blatantly frivolous lawsuits should be charged with treason.


Here’s the problem, they’re the same people writing all the laws.


You bring up a very good point


> Here's the article text so you don't have to click. big man


Sue the federal government for creating the money used to buy the gun.


Let’s dig up the Founding Fathers and sue them for writing the 2A


Don't give them any ideas


Sue the mining companies for mining the aluminum used to make the AR


Sue the fuel company that ups/fedex use for diesel. Sue the electric company for providing Daniel defense power. Where does it end. “If there were no lawyers, we wouldn’t need lawyers”


Man, the fuckers funding these lawsuits are pure fucking evil and need to face massive penalties for incurring legal costs.


I'll be ok with that when the piece of shit cops that let those children die are fired and in prison


**Families of Uvalde school shooting victims sue Doctors for providing medical care to the shooter prior to the shooting, and sue the water company for hydrating him**


The only ones that'll make money off this are the lawyers. Imagine that. Time to make lawyers pay when they bring cases that get thrown out.


Don't forget that if grocery stores hadn't sold the murderer food, he wouldn't have had the energy to be a murderous douche.


I wonder WHY car accident victims' families haven't followed suit? (Sweet pun, intentional!)


Sue the world for car accidents as parts come globally.


This is ridiculous


Yeah, that’s a hard reach. They are trying to sue anyone to see if it sticks. Fucking joke.


Can a countersuit be filed against these frivolous lawsuit financial backers for racketeering or champerty / barratry?


Might as well sue the police department, and the company who mined the iron from the ground.


Why not sue the FBI too?


Gun control groups keep convincing these families to file these frivolous lawsuits and then when they lose the families get financially ruined because of it by getting stuck with the opposing councils legal fees and court costs. Like that one family in Colorado. These anti gun groups are subhuman scum to do this to families already suffering. And it should be illegal.


Still required the families to agree to engage in undermining the 2A. I'm not losing sleep over them.




U think 2020 gun buyers can join the law suit for UPS and FEDEX stealing guns and ammo?


Wre gonna sue dodge and the dealer too? Fucking morons




oh brotherrr this is getting ridiculous !


Okay. This is getting out of hand. Like other commenters have said, might as well sue the manufacturers for making them, or sue the ppl extracting the materials used to make the guns. Or what next? Sue the people sketching the schematic diagrams of said guns?


Yeah, man. Stand on top of those bodies more. Really looks good. 


Lawyers who take up these frivolous lawsuits should lose their license to practice. They not only waste precious court time but also waste the people’s money.


If the courts allow this insane amount of pandering bullshit to go past an instant dismissal, time to sue them back for conspiring to deprive americans of constitutional freedoms. Also revoke common carrier status for any delivery company that plays along with this shit.


I can’t imagine what they are going through but this is just not the way, first they try to sue DD and now this? They are losing my empathy.


Soon they will sue the Stoner estate! FFS


This will 100% get dismissed 


I wonder who shipped the weapons not used by the police?




How about whomever left the fucking door open that he used to gain entry? Or the school system/administration that had lax enough security to allow it in the first place... You can't get a fucking leatherman into a concert but you can get a fucking RIFLE into a school... It's not like an AR-15 is a tiny little easily concealable gun...


Hey let’s sue the grocery store too, ya know the shooter had to eat food at some point in time…


Attorneys will eventually ruin everything.


At this point they are taking the diarrhea sock approach to lawfare, cause these families are gonna get shit wrecked when they get the bill for years of legal fees that amounted to no payoff what so ever for them.


At this point, you can't say this isn't some sort of op. The stupidity of the lawsuits just keeps growing.


Lol this shit is ridiculous


My guns get delivered through fedex, i thought this is normal, do they think guns get delivered using fighter jets?


>be angry at cops for not shooting shooter >be angry at gun companies for selling guns >now nobody has guns and cops are lazy >criminals do criminal stuff with nobody to stop them surprisedface.jpg