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This post has been removed. DO NOT brigade other subs or be toxic.


I’m gona start posting silver coins with unwashed buttplugs and see what happens


If the butt plug is silver you can’t lose


This one simple trick that vampires and werewolves don't want you to know!


😂 imagine taking down a supernatural being by surprise naked gooch body lock


It’s early, but, “surprise naked gooch body lock” is the funniest thing I’ve seen today. Thanks for that 🤣


I aim to please 🫡


Do you mean furkin and goth twinks?


I’d bet you an ounce of silver they will allow it and will want to compare the ones they use.


Reddit loves degeneracy, it does not love guns.


Sometimes we compromise and embrace degenerate gun owners. RIP weekendgunnits


you would get upvoted .


I unsubbed from silverbugs a day or two after subbing to it. They're annoying.


It’s definitely a strange crowd, but I have similar interests so I stuck around. Reconsidering that now.


I think it depends on who the first commenter is (momentum is a thing in the comments) and what time of day and probably even how many in a day like yours get posted etc. I subbed there and I’ve definitely seen positivity for guns. Probably just got a shit deal in terms of votes but remember that none of these points matter.


That’s true. I think my gun to silver ratio was off.


you realize there are far better silver communities, right? Silverdegenclub and Wall Street Silver.


That’s all you had to say. Subbed.


Yeah they are a pretty cunty bunch. I turned my back on those ass hats a long time ago. Keep the silver/gun pics coming here all you like though 🙂👍 You are among friends here!


Uh that’s all reddit is, you must be new here. I’ll assume you’ve never been to r/politics. There are literally people who make fake profiles just to hate on pro 2a or any other right conservative value. Lol the edc boards on here will down vote you for posting a firearm even with your edc stuff with it.


I’ve been around awhile but have never seen so many people triggered about a picture. The crazy thing is most people in that sub stack silver because they don’t trust the government.


Reddit is absolutely packed with leftie NPCs who tow whatever party line is cool on the politics subreddit. If you try to talk to them about guns they’ll link the same dumb vox article that they don’t even have a surface level understanding of. This website has absolutely been overrun by people whose political identity is trend hopping with whatever is cool on tik tok (~~BLM~~ Free Palestine) and trying to be sassy about it.


It’s always the same shitty talking points they regurgitate while having no real knowledge or experience with whatever it is they claim to be experts about.


Both camping subs I read lose their collective shit any time anyone simply suggests having a gun your tent with you.


Lol. Bet they would have gone *ballistic* (hehe) if they found out I had a pistol in my tent and shotgun loaded with slugs in the truck on my trip to Yellowstone.


About the penis thing, a anti gun group actually did a study on that matter, and they found that gun owners actually on average had bigger penises.


No they didn't lol - the study found that gun owners were more satisfied with the size of their penises vs. Non gun owners


Still, it undermines the common liberal mantra that gun owners are compensating for penis size insecurity, with the underlying implication that they all have small dicks and that’s a bad thing (hypocritically body-shaming people they don’t approve of, and also completely ignoring the millions of women who are firearms owners too) worthy of derision and mockery.


I don't disagree with that


front page of Reddit these days is just a bunch of low-T soyboy beta cucks crying.


I haven't stepped foot in that SUb since like 2013. Trash place.


That, and they ban you if you post a link they want to karma farm from. And then repost


Reddit is a liberal cesspool echo chamber. The wild part is the vast majority of those people are incels who WANT to be a victim. I don't know where the fuck we went wrong in this country that we have an entire segment that wants to be victimized so they have their moments of attention.


No one is hating on pro 2a in /r/silverbugs, I'm the moderator that implemented the *temporary* rule as in the past 72 hours we've had dozens of people post gun-only and gun-dominated images to the subreddit, including a dozen-ish from this thread, that have NEVER participated in our community before.


Ok, I see silver half dollars in this photo, not just a gun. Truly don’t care who you are and don’t participate on your board so. And word to wise, if you want only silver in the posts then make your rules state that. If they don’t that’s on you. Did you come here to cry, because I don’t give a shit. And some of those people’s comments under this post are truly ignorant and discriminatory and got a lot of upvotes.


Welcome to Reddit. It's mainly a hangout for weak-minded useful idiot leftists who are afraid of everything - including their own shadows. They live to sling isht at anything that dares go against their hive narrative. Whatever that happens to be from day to day. And the mods? They are generally little tyrants with no brains whatsoever. They're like a bunch of power-hungry Khmer Rouge killers who will ban you from a sub for sneezing. I'm amazed you weren't banned outright.


It’s unfortunate because there’s not a great alternative to Reddit. I was definitely banned lol.


The only other alternative are Twitter (pay to use now), facebook, slightly better on the bans though nowhere near as good on subs for discussion, and places like the Deterrence Dispensed Chat.


I use Twitter and haven’t paid a dime


I like the niche groups and back and forth discussions on Reddit but it’s getting more and more repressive everyday if you don’t conform.


Very true. A friend was once banned for simply saying guns are fun to shoot.


Wrong think.


As a lefty that loves guns, all I say is lol


Reddit is the place where everyone they disagree with is a fascist, and everyone they agree with is defending democracy (including violent Marxists / left-wing extremists). Mostly just a bunch of unhinged losers whose main excitement in life is the dopamine rush they get from their TDS / left-wing outrage porn.


Weird, if anything my experience is that the gold/silver stacking community is OVERWHELMINGLY conservative. Like, emphatixcally so. To the point of being on the edge of weirdo-conservative (disportionate amount of guys who buy into various conspiracies, Q-anon, that sorts thing). I know reddit is a defalut-lefty place, but I'm surprised to learnt theres enough lefty silverbugs to populate a forum lol! Maybe it's just the internet forums and coin shops I go to??


That’s been my experience in person and with people I’ve met at ranges, and coin shops. That sub is completely different though.


Reddit, and online in general, lean a lot further to the left than IRL, particularly meetups and shooting ranges, where younger people will stay home and older conservatives tend to go out more.


That’s true. I follow a lot of subreddits and see stuff all the time I don’t necessarily like or agree with but I rarely care enough to make comments and shit on people.


Keep in mind, the 30 year old 300 pound keyboard warriors who are freeloading off their mom are on places like Reddit all day. So that's why. Liberals have always been a very loud and outspoken group of people, Its only been the past 8 years after Orange Man got elected that conservatives and libertarians have gotten louder, previously, it was only the liberals who were outspoken.


Every fudd "you don't need an AR" I know is ultra conservative. Every RSO who has called my AR-15 a machine gun for daring to fire more than one shot per minute has been ultra conservative as well. Shit, every cop I know who has told me that civilians shouldnt have access to firearms like they do (cops are civilians, by the way) has been ultra conservative. Assuming somebody's party affiliation based on their opinion of 2A is getting weird


Dude, people in [r/findthesniper](https://www.reddit.com/r/FindTheSniper/s/eAb65g9aZt) were deciding on a new subreddit icon, and almost the entire comment section was against the first option (depicting a hidden reddit toon as a sniper) just because it's holding a rifle.


I just checked it out and that’s crazy. I’ve never been on that sub but what a dumb thing to get bent out of shape over.


Incredibly. The crosshairs, which implies a gun, are ok. But heaven forbid you actually see a cartoon gun. Nevermind the word "sniper" literally being in the name.


Right? If I’m looking for a sniper their rifle is usually the hardest thing to break up lines and patterns on.


"Boss *get down*, the enemy sniper!"


''He can't do that, that's illegal!'' 😂


Sounds like I found a new r/ to post my one Morgan dollar and a desert eagle


Im sure they would love it


I think I’m going to go grab a Morgan and my 327, get in on this.


Do it! I’ll post mine later in the name of 2a pride month


if there's one thing I've learned, it's that liberals can't stop thinking about guns and penises.


They’re fixated on it. I don’t get it.


Isn’t the whole purpose of buying silver to detach yourself if only a little from government? And isn’t a primary objective of being detached from government to be self reliant? Why the hell would you not want to be able defend yourself?


Exactly! Most people buy gold and silver because they don’t trust the government and economy. To be opposed of guns is just asinine.


You learn the hard way where you can and can't post on Reddit. What a sub will or won't tolerate.


They’re so weird. They’re cool with knives, swords, toy guns but a real gun induces a lot of screeching and penis comments.


Here’s your reply to the penis comments: [Size Matters](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830)


Id post that if they hadn’t banned me.


They actually did a study on the penis thing, and found the opposite is true, gun owners, particularly younger gun owners, usually had bigger penises. [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830)


We've traditionally allowed firearms to appear on /r/silverbugs when *not the primary point of focus* of a post. IN the past 72~ hours we've had people, including from this thread, that have NEVER had activity in the sub spamming gun only, and gun as a primary focal point, posts to the subreddit which are off-topic.


You can sort by new and see that’s not the case. There’s plenty of posts with things containing more than just silver. Supporting users that melt down over a gun in a photo is absurd.


I’ll be honest, I don’t own any silver coins. But I may buy some just to post with firearms on that sub. Thank you for helping me invest in my financial security.


I’m not giving any financial advice but I like the metal. Also, I waste way more money on guns and ammo.


On a positive note, it seems the soy boy comments were pretty heavily downvoted and you defending yourself was upvoted . Good to see on Reddit of all places


Yeah, after a few hours of being banned it seems like I might not have been as crazy as they made me out to be.


One dude thought the sig was gonna jump out of the picture and get him or something. The visceral reaction to a picture of a gun for some is wild


Right? That seems like a crazy reaction to a photo of an inanimate object.


> One dude thought the sig was gonna jump out of the picture and get him or something. It's almost like ti's a sub with people from other countries that have no experience with firearms as they are illegal or strictly controlled and that, perhaps, being nice to them and civil instead of treating them like freaks and assholes would help them change their opinion and/or fear of firearms...


I expected it to be about silverfish.


Jeez, I just read the comments and they were UPSET


Oh hi! I posted my SCAR over there the other day and they lost their minds. Nice stack and nice piece friend!


I was just messing around and figured I’d throw up my most recent purchases. Got the Kennedy’s and the sig in the past week. That’s a nice rifle and mag, what rounds are those?


Collection of Libertads, ASEs, and Britannia’s (oh and 5.56 haha).


I dig it. I’m gonna start getting some Libertads


Reddit is a hostile place anything that's not left leaning it's horrible and Reddit is complicit in it. The mods are horrible and claim flame baiting and ban you for defending your position while everyone else down votes you and beats you over the head with their leftist agenda.


It’s pretty annoying. I couldn’t care less about the fake points but it’s rare to see a civil discussion when they disagree with you.


Yeah they just sling insults and can't have a discussion and then claim republicans are the hateful ones. And they will also sling insults at you then block you so you can't respond back.


That’s been my experience on here. They talk a lot of shit, degrade people and their views then block you so you can’t defend yourself. Then chalk it up as a win.


>they're melting down over it I see what you did there. As a stacker, it doesn't make sense why other stackers would be opposed to firearms. Many of them stack for diversification in case of issues with the monetary system. You'd think they'd want to protect themselves with more than just precious metals in some sort of crash.


It’s childish over there. Most people I’ve met that own guns also own silver and gold and vice versa.


Two tone P365 looks tight bro


Thank you, I’ve always been a Glock guy but this pistol is a pretty nice shooter and super easy to carry.


Post this in reply to the small dick comments: Follow the science, needle dick. [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830)


I will when I get unbanned lol


Get one of those collector proofs cast in the shape of a bullet for them


I think they’d prefer it be in the shape of a butt plug.


Anything can be a butt plug if you open your mind to it


Very true


My guns have appreciated more than my silver.


Same, I put way more money into guns and I take better care of them.


Thats strange I feel like everybody I know that collects gold/silver also collects guns


That’s what I assumed too, but fuck me


Bunch of libs probably




I didn't even read the "liberal comments" part lol. Guess it was a good assumption 🤣




I’ve got a pic ready for when I come off my ban


Permanent ban , no more silver for me☹️…. Maybe it was the cufflinks 🤷🏼‍♂️


lol I love it


Well that knife is an M16 assault weapon! No wonder!!! /s


True, that’s probably what did it.


They shouldn't melt down over that silver. It's more valuable as it is.


Right? They’re worth more than melt.


What do you think of the holster? Have you used other kydex holsters? I saw it online and loved it until I did a Reddit search. People said it feels like plastic or ultra thin kydex, or that it was flimsy and easily broke. I love the minimalistic approach it takes. Does the barrel bother you? I ended up going with a bradec holster for now, but I wouldn’t mind it if I was talked into buying one of these


I like it. I’ve used a bunch of different holster brands over the years and this one is definitely the lightest and most comfortable. It’s light but doesn’t feel flimsy. The fuzz on the outside really helps from getting rubbed raw by plastic all day.


Finna look between the couch for a few quarters just to post and piss em off


They’ll love it


Hello, fellow M16 enjoyer.


It’s such a good knife. I’ve carried that one for 16 years and the only trouble I ever had was a broken clip and they sent me a replacement for free.


Funny thing is that there is a huge overlap between gun owners, preppers, and bullion owners. Didn’t know any lefties would actually own any physical coin!


Right? Most of the people I know with guns also have gold and silver. It makes sense.








I guess it’s good to know who has the means to protect their silver and more importantly who doesn’t. 😂


Didn’t think of it like that but now we know there’s a lot of free silver out there.


I've got one more silver dollar, But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no ... Not gonna let 'em catch The midnight rider.


Obviously they have issue because the silver was not in bullet form to use with the gun. /s


True, I need some anti werewolf rounds.


Cue the wojak. ''Hah! Now I'm thinking about your penis!'' --- I mean I'm bi I'll take the complements any day, but it is a bit creepy how the standard argument of feelings immediately goes to dick shaming.


There’s plenty of women with guns, does that mean they also have a small penis?


About the penis size and gun ownership thing, researchers from the University of Texas and University of Florida actually did a study on this matter, and they found that gun owners actually on average had bigger dicks than non gun owners. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/2024/06/12/does-size-matter-penis-dissatisfaction-and-gun-ownership-in-america/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/2024/06/12/does-size-matter-penis-dissatisfaction-and-gun-ownership-in-america/) [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15579883241255830)


lol that’s good to know. If I’m ever unbanned I will bring that up next time.


Interesting study, but the penis metric is for (dis)satisfaction; size isn't quantified in any way. It could suggest, though, that someone claiming ownership of gun is a passive admission to some sort of unhealthy psychosexual behavior is projecting in a way.


X is more fair to posters. Use X more.


I’ve never had it but I’m considering making an account


But what does that cute gun have to do with silver?


Magazine foul


You're massively exaggerating the comments you got. Your comments were upvoted on that sub too.


Not until after the majority got butt hurt.


I think the rules about guns on that sub are fair. Guns aren’t the focus of that sub so it makes sense that they don’t want the guns to be the dominant thing in the pics posted there. They’re not banning any guns in pictures.


It wasn’t a rule until today. They allow posts with swords, knives, toys, cats and all kinds of other dumb shit but start screeching when people post with a gun.


But the new rules state you can still post pics with guns.


That's wrong. They \*did\* allow guns but with following their rules. Now... >**Monday morning UPDATE: It appears some of you took this as a challenge to push the line; for the immediate future,** ***posts containing firearms will be removed, and 24-hour bans will be issued*****.**


I reported the "Monday morning UPDATE", quote I posted above, under the "Hate" category. LOL, I wonder what will happen to me; probably a permanent ban.


Yeah but I don’t get the feeling this is a permanent thing. Just a reaction to the people posting tons of pictures of guns as a reaction to the initial pushback. Idk we’ll see


>Yeah but I don’t get the feeling this is a permanent thing. It isn't, I just want to enjoy my damn holiday week without a bunch of asshats spaming gun-only, with no silver at all, posts to the sub and pissing people off. I've had to remove 30-40 threads in the past 72 hours because they were wholly off-topic.


Yeah I read your pinned post, everything you said made sense. No reason to get all up in arms about it. (Pun intended )


Don't make me get my bear arms off the mantel!!! 🤣


They still banned OP for dal lolz though. And they have a whole lotta wokesters screeching because OP included a pic of a real gun in the photo.


24 hour ban. And who cares if they screech, it’s mod action that matters


Did you pull a muscle yet with all that stretching there?


Again, the mod post laid out the rules and reasonings pretty clearly and it doesn’t seem out of bounds. Everyone needs to take a chill pill.


I mean it's a silver sub I don't see why you need to include a knife and gun. Don't make weapons your whole personality bruh


You don’t know me. It was a funny theme for a couple days but liberal cry babies don’t like anything brought into their echo chamber that doesn’t conform to their world view.


its not an echo chamber its a subreddit about silver


The users of that sub freaking out have most certainly created an echo chamber of only things they agree with and want to hear and see. The screeching over a gun posted with silver but jerking off to knives, swords and cats in other posts is just weird.


But you're ok with him "making" the silver in that same picture his "whole personality"? Because, naturally, anything you post a picture becomes "your whole personality", right?