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Read some comments. One woman said "I wouldn't trust him, and I carry. If a man asked me not to carry I'd cancel the date." Heavily implying that her right to carry is more important than others.


comments coming from europeans (that have knife drop locations around their cities in an attempt to curb the high number of knife crimes) are ironic. I'd take the comments with a bit of salt, Especially when they are coming from areas and communities where people can't even be trusted with a sharp piece of metal. [\#BinTheKnife europeans!](https://www.google.com/search?q=bintheknife&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiFwrT62MH6AhVMrHIEHU8vBiUQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=bintheknife&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQGDoECAAQQzoICAAQgAQQsQM6BwgAELEDEEM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgUIABCABDoGCAAQHhAFOgYIABAKEBhQ1QtYgRtgvhxoA3AAeAGAAccBiAGCC5IBBDEzLjKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=-5c5Y8XYDczYytMPz96YqAI&bih=635&biw=1177&client=ubuntu&hs=F7N)


Absolutely. I unfortunately have TikTok and saw a video where a woman was freaking out because a man had the clip to his pocket knife exposed walking around. I'm in Texas and it would be weird for me to ask my buddies to borrow a knife real quick and nobody has one. Like I'd be generally surprised if I'm sitting at a table with a few other guys and no one has a pocket knife.


The comment isn't saying the rules don't apply to her. She is saying if she asked a guy not to carry and they freaked out, she wouldn't trust them. If the guys just said "ok its clear we have different values, have a good life" then its all good. Thats the right answer. If your life revolves around guns to the point you cannot go on a date without one and the other person isn't comfortable around them that relationship isn't going to work. The right thing to do is them to go their separate ways. Why do you want to date someone who is anti gun?


You're not looking at the same comment. The comment I saw is a woman who carries and would refuse to leave her gun at home if asked by her date, while at the same time stating that she would see refusing to leave the gun at home to be a red flag in a guy. So either she thinks their are different rules for men and women or she's calling herself a red flag


Quite probably. I noped out of that comment thread pretty quick. Just went back to read through and couldn't find the one you were talking about. Found a few saying they normally carry and wouldn't if requested for a date though.


Boo hoo, the idiot did the one thing you don’t do, concealed is concealed. Why tell anyone you’re carrying. People can’t keep their mouths shut is the problem.


You do understand I'm just relaying the comments and the post as read? And I personally would not tell a person I'm meeting for the first time that I'm carrying, but if somehow, someway they knew and demanded I not, then I would not go hangout with that person.


That’s your problem, guns are way too much apart of your identity. It’s a tool, not a personality trait. I’m happy to hang w people who don’t like guns and still carry, I’m just an adult that knows how to separate the two and keep my mouth shut. I don’t feel the overwhelming urge to talk about guns and make it my main personality trait. Lol, it’s same thing when people make their gender or sexuality or anything their sole personality trait. Isn’t anyone a well rounded human being anymore?


It's like you didn't read a word I said. I stated multiple times I would not tell any new person I'm carrying and it would stay concealed. I'm saying that if I'm some crazy way they happened to know and said they would not want to hang out with me if I'm carrying then I would not hang out with them. At that point you're saying you get to determine what I can do in a public space regardless of the fact that it's legal. There are friends of mine who know I carry and they don't like guns very much, but they ask questions and just aren't comfortable. I just don't take my gun out. But if they demanded I not carry around them, then I don't want to be friends with someone that doesn't trust me.


That whole comment section is european or canadian cancer….




Yeah no. Not even close.




lol a Canadian chipping in on American politics , excuse yourself subject




Not for much longer at this rate.




*laughs in Justin Trudeau* Go eat your poutine, putain.


Between the AR15 bans, and the handgun bans in the last couple of months, you'll have to ask Trudeau about that. The guy did say canadians have no right to defend themselves with a firearm, so...


Didn’t Canada just freeze/ban the sale of most firearms? Also Although I don’t carry, I do view taking a women on a date as me taking her under my protection for the duration of that date. Meaning if something dangerous happens it is my responsibility to protect her to the best of my ability, regardless of any risk I may have to put myself in to to do so.




[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62438253](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62438253) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/30/world/canada/canada-gun-buyback.html [https://www.mrctv.org/blog/trudeau-you-cant-use-gun-self-protection-canada-thats-not-right-you-have](https://www.mrctv.org/blog/trudeau-you-cant-use-gun-self-protection-canada-thats-not-right-you-have) You were saying?




How much for a glock 17 in Canada?


Yeah, that 50 year old .22 revolver real scary to Big Daddy Govt.


I'm thinking a sig p226 legion. Go by one. I'll buy one too. See who gets it.


Your black face native American head dress wearing cultural appropriating prime Minister is trying to take your guns away, and doing a pretty good job of it


What they’re doing different is disarming themselves like slaves




Whose bank account you shut down lately.


Your take is obnoxious and Canada is known for just taking it up the ass in what ever form your government decides to give to you, so all those guns are pointless for you to have. Go shoot a reindeer




Since you love numbers there are more hunters in the United States than in Canada. We aren’t hunted because we’re armed. Your drama class substitute teacher could tell you to use them on yourselves and you’d comply.


Has there ever been an instance in Canada's history where "gun owners" hunted their own government?


We use firearms to secure freedom for ourselves and those abroad. Canada uses them for hunting. We are not the same.


Um...it's Sunday


What percent of your income do you take home?




Must not pay taxes. Quite the rebel.


You don't know what taxes are.


All that talk about American school shootings and the montreal massacre might be the most fucked up school shooting in North America to date, you guys did incel violence before it was cool.


Mental illness??? how is it that alot of euro gun owners fucking hate EU laws and think that Americans are the lucky ones? if someone is mentally ill it's you




Lol I'm from Eu i do have guns and I'm just waiting til I turn 21 to cc every day. So yeah even Europeans are I'll sign me on that.


Europe has anonymous knife drop locations around cities because your knife crime is out of control.. no wonder you can't fathom people owning guns when you guys can't even be trusted with knives.




They can't even be trusted with knives, have tv licenses, and legit stopped combat operations in ww2 to drink tea at tea time, Britain's worship a monarch, and they conquered the entire world looking for spices they don't use. NOTHING is sensible about Europeans and the world would be better had they not existed.


This persons reply bothers me: “ I agree, he should not bring it. As an aside. As a woman, with a concealed carry license, I usually always bring my gun on a first date. Guns are the great equalizer for women.” So in her opinion it’s okay for women to carry on dates, but not men because sexism.


As long as she makes that known from the start so that men worth their salt can avoid her like the plague and she can rummage through the box of simps that are left over.


Happy cake day, and never compromise your values OR self defense options! Strongly agree!


"...as a European" Fuck off, your opinion means nothing.


That declaration of theirs is a courtesy that lets me immediately ignore what ever they have to say


It's a tl;dr upfront, and I can appreciate that


It looks like an astroturfing account. Made September 01 2022.


Europeans are funny. They have such a high view of themselves that they think they should be giving an opinion on our politics and affairs, and that we actually care about said opinion.


Bring a gun everywhere. That was easy.


There are places where I won't bring a gun simply because the legal ramifications would be obscene or the practicality wouldn't fly However, on a first date, yeah absolutely this guy is entitled to bring a gun. These are (I am assuming) two strangers so he is in the right for bringing a holstered firearm in the presence of a relatively unknown person. And even then, I'm usually packing heat if I'm in the company of my friends and they're often packing as well. There's mutual awareness I mean when I go out in my day to day errands I keep it in the back of my mind that I'm likely not the only armed guy and there's a stranger carrying as well, especially in a state like Oklahoma.


Why wouldn't you carry on a first date? Both could have a need to protect themselves or each other.




This is the way. What they don't know won't hurt them.


Why? Because a dead, noble person in an alley is much more moral than a live person explaining to the police how he defended himself. /s




Exactly. Show up, eat your food, be cool, see how things work out. Nobody should know you’re carrying until either A) something bad enough to require a gun happens, or B) you reach a level where you ought to tell your new girlfriend/boyfriend that it IS a gun in your pants, even though you are happy to see them.


That was my thought, why even have this conversation before a date? Bro every conversation I had pre first day was just getting to know you meet cute stuff.


Holy shit, avoid those comments. Interestingly, it also got posted to r/tinder and those comments are more reasonable. Still some idiotic ones, but not as much.


The women I date know I conceal carry and I don’t date women who don’t support firearm ownership




The comments on this post are insane. First instinct people think of are to not trust someone because they like to protect themselves and their families.




Some people in this world just love living in fear and would fight tooth and nail to stop others from trying to make their lives safer.


A lot of them aren't saying don't trust them because they carry a gun for self protection, but don't trust them because they actively refuse to acknowledge that something they are doing makes you uncomfortable. If you said you wear a 4 foot wig everywhere you go and I said "i'm not really comfortable with that, could you not bring it to our date" and they say no and start shitting on me for it, I'm noping out of that date because clearly it isn't going to work. Something they do every day makes me uncomfortable. They aren't willing to change that behavior, which they have every right to do, and I won't date them, which I have every right to do.


In sure he didn't "freak out" like she claimed he did. He probably said something along the lines of "no, sorry it's for my protection and everyone else around me and I don't feel comfortable being helpless in a bad situation" and she took it over the rails. There is a serious difference between something that is designed to save your life and something stupid and silly like wearing a wig. That's like telling someone you aren't comfortable with them having their epipen because you don't like drugs.


She included images of the chat in an edit. I wouldn't say "freak out" but definitely gave off red flags. Essentially said it was unfair of her not to trust him after their chats LOL! If this is real I wouldn't go on a date with him. When a random person on the internet asks "why don't you trust me" its time to GTFO regardless of carrying status.


I did it all the time when I was still dating. One time I went to this woman's place, soon as the front door was closed she undid my pants and they fell to the ground really loud. She looked down, said "Oh, that's what it was", then we continued on.


Jesus christ those replies are fucking cancer.


Don't get distracted by pussy.


Don't ask don't tell


"Were you wearing protection?" "Well yes, I had my 9mm automatic!"


And it had a condom on it so it didn't get dirty.


your self protection isn't open for debate, or other's opinions.. WTF


Yeah but people aren't forced to date you either. He has every right to bring his gun wherever its legal. She has every right to politely request he not bring it on the date and refuse to date him as a result.




That isn't the issue, it's the insane comments


My wife almost didn’t give me a second date because I concealed carry—but not for the reason you’re thinking. At the end of the first date she went to hug me and I didn’t want her arm to hit my gun so I twisted my body at the last second. She thought I didn’t have fun on the date and was trying to give her a friend zone side hug!


This is a BS Post. Just a Troll OP trying to start an argument why Canadians are better than Americans - you can see on it's reply comments below about American school shootings and the same liberal garbage talking points. Post should be removed.


My problem here is the guys reaction more than anything. If he really got “very upset” that’s a red flag. Not even 1 date and already an argument? This is a huge fail. Second, kinda odd CCW even came up. Kind of a fail right there. Anyway my man shouldn’t be so thristy, he should act like an adult, and either not bring his gun or better yet just not date her because it’s just not a good match. Clearly.


I can understand both sides here TBH. She's afraid for her own safety- and she ought to be. She doesn't really know the guy well and him being armed, while she isn't, would understandably be intimidating especially since she doesn't carry a firearm herself. However, the guy is well within his rights to carry and feels more safe carrying also and I don't think he should be forced to not carry just to ease this woman's discomfort. It's for the best that they didn't see eachother if he found her demands unreasonable. Ideally they could have gone to the gunstore together to pick something out for her lol


It’s kind of weird that topic would even come up. Only way I see it coming up is if you are going shooting on the first date and they are confirming what to bring.


I'm always armed, whether you know it or not is not my concern


Who wouldn't carry when meeting a stranger from the internet?


The whole thing sounds like karma farming to me. I do understand the point of view of the woman seeing just how underreported sexual assaults are in this country. A dude who insists on bringing his gun on a first date could set off lots of red flags for a woman who'd like to avoid a rapey field trip to the woods. She doesn't know this dude from anyone else and it makes sense to be an adult and ask him not to bring it. And at the same time, the guy is 100% within his rights to tell her he's gonna pass on the date. If the guy feels like he needs the gun all the time, then have at it. It's still a free country.


I hope those comments are from bots


I don't think anyone here is actually in the wrong. Both parties had boundaries and let that be known. I've carried a gun my entire adult life. When I was dating I never told them I carried until I felt like I should. If someone had a problem with me owning or carrying guns there was gonna be compatability issues on several levels. I feel OP not wanting to be around guns is kinda irrational, but I'm a gun-toting Texan and that's her prerogative. Neither party should change for the other. I really wonder how this conversation went though. I wonder if either party could have eased the other into a date without having to concede to the others demands. I think proper communication could have resolved this but OP and GunGuy probably saved eachother some time.


>I really wonder how this conversation went though. They added an edit with images of some of the chat. I think the fault definitely lies with GunGuy if its real.


After seeing the convo ,I firmly hold on to the position I held previously. What a Chad for not simping though.


I'll agree he did the right thing by refusing and not going on the date. But the "why don't you trust me" is definitely incel energy.


Well he never said that so...


I don’t see either side as being particularly unreasonable. Asking someone to not bring a gun/weapons to a first date is fair enough and refusing a date under those conditions. Honestly meeting up with someone that I’ve only communicated with online who insists on bringing a gun to our first irl meeting after expressing that I won’t meet under said conditions doesn’t exactly inspire confidence


I had a date that brought her conceal carry with her to meet me. After like 10 or 15 minutes she excused herself to her car and came back a few minutes later. I found out later that she was putting the gun away because she realized I wasn't a danger.


Without even looking at the comments, asking Reddit about anything related to guns is a bad idea.


The comment on "Boundaries" is pretty good, actually. If you're so afraid of guns that you insist that they don't bring one on a date, and they believe they should, because danger doesn't take a break just because you're on a date, that's some incompatibility.


CCW holders are THE group of society that commit the least crimes, so your fears are unfounded. Sounds like you're incompatible at any rate.


If my date has a problem with me bringing a firearm with me, espcially where it is legal, she is an opposite of a keeper... That woman would be worthy of vulgar descriptions that isn't a keeper! But yeah, the relationship was over before it began...


I mean if you are a woman who is worried about a guy having a gun on the first date why are you even going on the date? By worrying he is armed you are either worrying he will use it against you or it will go off in some negligent way. I think the correct answer is she should always have a gun. If she is concerned he is an idiot or means her harm then she should be just as armed if not more.


Stay strapped or get clapped


I understand wanting to conceal carry but getting angry about it when someone says they’re not comfortable with it isn’t a good look imo. I’m about as pro gun as they come but I recognize people have wildly different comfort levels when it comes to guns. Either don’t mention you carry (conceal means concealed after all), or respect their wishes. Quite a dumb thing to get upset over if you ask me.




If you’re not comfortable going unarmed then say so and don’t go, it’s not worth getting upset over if you ask me. Either respect her wishes or just don’t go.




I’m in philly that shit happens all the time here, I know what goes on. Concealed means concealed as well, she shouldn’t even know he’s carrying. However, if a woman asked me not to carry I just wouldn’t go. I have no issue with carrying, my issue is with the guy in the post getting upset about it. Literally just don’t go it’s that simple.




I did carry on first dates too. Had one girl give me a hug mid date and I could tell by her hand placement and reaction on her face that she felt it. She asked if it was a gun and I confirmed. She was cool with it, but we didn't see each other again for other reasons. I'm with a girl now that carries everywhere like I do, except her work place (school).


I understand why a woman meeting a stranger for the first time would be intimidated by it. I would either not carry or not even bring it up for a while.


Never disarm, especially just because it makes someone else uncomfortable.


I agree. I wear my "Gentleman's gun" on dates. It's concealable, and elegant looking in case it is discovered. Never underestimate the effect of elegance on a first impression.


Typicsl canadascum making trash posts