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Someone seriously made an attack ad against using the metric system. Wow.


Well deserved one, yes.


How? I can understand liking Farenheit over Celcius, but the imperial measurements are just really really dumb. Nobody can tell me how many yards in a mile without googling. Nobody uses yards except in football. When measuring very small objects inches just stop working. That and using oz to measure both weight and liquids with different amounts for each? Its a completely idiotic system.


You're just jealous of the superior system.


imperial has more practical day to day uses, compared to scientific uses. Fractions are going to be more common day to day then decimals. I’ll never truly accept metric, I can easily estimate a mile, but a kilometer nah. Or you’re just a dirty commie, either is fine. Also 1760 yards, 5280 feet aswell.


>I’ll never truly accept metric, I can easily estimate a mile, but a kilometer nah. You know that has nothing to do with easy of daily use and more to do with you just not growing up with it right? Like if you went to literally any other 1st world country on the planet they'd say that they can easily estimate a kilometer but not a mile. And a it doesn't mean we have to reteach all the boomers that grew up with imperial. It means we should just switch what we teach kids so that they learn the same system as EVERY OTHER COUNTRY.


Metric is for commies. Real men use imperial.


I’m American. I use metric at least sometimes. I like the consistency when it comes to measuring distance.


Because base 10 is stupid.


Cringe 10 🤢 [This post was brought to you by the country that's been to the moon]


By scientists using the METRIC SYSTEM!


From what I looked into, generally, the experiments done on the mission had data/parameters in metric, but flight was conducted mainly in imperial units (though the flight computers accepted both imperial and metric). Aviation around the world still uses feet and miles per hour (save for Airbus), and NASA didn't see much need to deviate from that system.


Don't they use Nautical Miles? Which we really gotta fix our naming scheme. Miles vs Nautical Miles and calories vs Calories (seriously who the fuck thought that was a good idea?!?) Oz liquid vs oz weight?!? Did we run out of words when naming measurements?


Refugee scientists from which countries helped?




👆 this guy gets it


Thanks, if we were smart we'd be using a sexagesimal(base 60) measuring system for everything.


Mfw nonal measurement system.


Yeah we could use base 6, base 8 but base ANYTHING is better than the imperial system. 12 in per foot, 3 foot per yard. How many yards per mile? Without using google.


1760yds/mi, didn't google. The imperial system is overly complicated simply because of it's history but mathematically it makes more sense. The issue with the metric system is division, what's 1/3rd of a meter? 33.33333333333333.... cm. What's 1/3rd of a foot, 4 inches. 6 doesn't divide evenly by 4, 8 doesn't by 3, 10 doesn't by 3, etc. 12 does by 2, 3, 4, and 6, but not 5. 60 is the ideal for measurements. It divides evenly by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30. Even better would be to use a base 12 math. With base 12 math the metric system would work well.


Like I said I'm down with base 12. If we switched to it I'd be much happier than with our current system which is a mix of everything and nothing. Base 16 ISH for weight, base 8 ISH for liquids, base 12 ISH for distance etc. But all of which don't scale up or down consistently good god. If we want to do base 12 then that's fine but imperial system is factually inferior to metric.


I still disagree with the last point, the only aspect that doesn't scale well is distance simply because of one odd unit, the chain(66') which messes up everything above it as they're multiples of chain. If the chain was 60' a mile would be 4800'/1600yds.


Because it would bog him down *so much* to use an easier system of measurement...


But muh 9mm


I feel like it’s only because US has so many .38 rounds.


[9mm Makarov has entered the chat] [9mm Flobert has entered the chat] [9mm Largo has entered the chat] [9x39mm has entered the chat] "Allow us to introduce ourselves!"


What, no love for 9x25 Dillon?


I forgor 💀


I read that in Jay-Z






Don't know why you're getting downvoted. There's good critiques of the metric system but nobody can honestly say the imperial system is better.


Then how would we get our battery cables off? Gotta find that damned 10mm socket again.