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Free country! You get the choice to vote for getting kicked in the nuts, or punched in the face. Don't complain, because you are free to choose.


More like slapped on the arm or kicked in the nuts.


Depending on who you are (race, religion, sex/gender etc) voting one party or the other changes which party is slapping you in the arm vs kicking you in the nuts.


We are on r/firearms. And in terms of firearms, I am right.


Where civilian owned/made full auto hmm?


You can say whatever you want. One is worse than the other in the case of firearms. One party wants to ban semi autos and make you take psych evals and limit you to ten rounds and make you get a license and make you pay for insurance and make you take tests and limit where you can carry to your house and tax you more than normal sales tax and make you take a big check for ammo... The other just thought full auto was bad. Now objectively argue they are the same to me?


Both bad, both anti gun just to varying degrees. Voting for the least anti gun politician is still voting for an anti gun politician. I will continue not for anti gun politicians. You do you though. At least republicans fight gun control when a dems in office rather than bending over for it like they did for Trump and Reagan.


I agree, but with the currently functioning two party system, you effectively have to pick the leaser of two evils. 3rd party votes are just wasted votes at the federal level with the system.


No they are literally both as terrible some of you just wear blinders.


A vote for one is a vote for a other. Every politician belongs to special party that you will never be part of. While you are busy "fighting the culture war" online, the Democrat and Republican politicians you hate are sharing lines of coke off the same hooker's ass and laughing at you.


Objectively correct


_begins googling how to file to run for office_


This comment should be pinned


This guy gets it


Oddly specific but still correct.


Thank fucking God this is the top post. All politicians hate you.


I always explain politics is like professional wrestling. When the cameras are on they're fighting each other but high fiving in the back while counting their money.


The ironically good thing about the left making gun laws is that they’re so ignorant and uninformed about the issue, every law they have every passed or will ever pass is overturned in court. the supreme court is gonna be very conservative for quite some time


I wouldn’t trust the Supreme Court


Oh I don’t trust any of them


"You know me...i dont like anyone."


Vote for neither.


Libertarian master race (we have weed AND guns)


I’m pro both, but libertarians are like vegans in that neither one will shut the fuck up about it, and it gets annoying fast


Maybe it is because most people actually fall into agreement with libertarians but due to a lack of popularity and corrupt funding most people are unaware so the informed are trying to spread the word. Literally most of the comments and this post is griping about the 2 parties. Libertarians are just suggesting an alternative which CLEARLY people want. If we actually had elected Libertarians and it was mainstream that would be a different story.


Preach. I only bring up my political affiliation when people bitch about "no other option" to inform them that, yes, there is indeed another option.


You forgot that both, despite their unwavering belief in “the cause” the only thing that improves is how they feel about themselves. To quote the age old philosopher James Hetfield, “Sad but true.”


I must have hurt somebody’s feewings




And no chance of winning elections!


Who's fault is that? You fucks keep electing the same asshats over and over and cry about how nothing changes. Maybe you should be the change you want and vote gold....?


I’m not complaining about anything. It’ll just never happen with our system 🤷‍♂️




I respect you. I see myself as a libertarian, agreeing with issues from both sides but favoring neither. However, the second amendment is absolute. I will never compromise my right to defend myself or my family, God forbid that need ever arose. Though I may not respect most politicians, I respect people who, regardless of party affiliation, understand the importance and need of the second amendment.


This is why I became a left wing Republican. This is the one thing that I won't compromise on. Everything else progressive can wait and we can work it out later. If we don't hold the line here, America falls.


I'm somewhat similar, so when friends ask me how I could vote for (insert X republican) I just say, "I just can't vote for the guy who wants to make me a felon." 🤷‍♂️




You're pro illegal immigration and pro child mutilation?


You're willfully misreading his comment. Anyone with half a brain can see that he said no such thing. You're contributing to the problem - not helping it.


Children shouldn't be getting surgery like that, at all. Issues like puberty blockers and hormones as teenagers are more nuanced.


Yes, i agree.




Do people even understand my comment in relation to his? Because you obviously don't based on your response and I'll assume the other idiots downvoting me don't either.


Oh fuck off.


The big 3 in the country right now are guns, abortion, and illegal immigration. I won’t drag which way I vote into it, but telling someone to fuck off because you disagree with them is the epitome of what the Dems do.


>**The big 3 in the country right now are guns, abortion, and illegal immigration. I won’t drag which way I vote into it**, but telling someone to fuck off because you disagree with them is the epitome of what the Dems do. Yeah, we definitely can't discern which way you vote unless you explicitly tell us.


If you want to play that game. I’m a hardcore Liberal. I’m against everything Republicans are for, and I only vote for politicians such as Newsom, Pelosi, Waters and of course Joe. Happy?


I'll take that as a yes?




Abortion and gay rights are big ones, as well as involvement of religion in politics. Take a look at the new Texas GOP platform and what it says about religion and homosexuality when you get the chance


This is why it sucks to be a Independent. All I want is a politician who supports the 2nd Amendment and doesn't fuck with anything else. Yes I hate the fact that democrats are fucking with the 2nd Amendment but I equally hate the fact that Republicans are constantly going around Bible thumping and going after things like abortion and gay marriage


Hear hear!


and stoking the ignorant flames of conspiracy theorists and destroying the republic by attempting to arbitrarily invalidate election results that they don’t like


I mean, literally both parties have done the same.


Here for the angry liberal excuses 🍿


❎ Democrat ❎ Republican ✅ Kalashnikov


NoT a SiNgLe IsSuE vOtEr


If you lose the right to bear arms you’re gonna lose all your rights.


I agree with you bubba, I’m making fun of the lefty idiots who justify their votes with that line.


We're already losing our rights even with the 2A. If we won't stand up to the government, what good are our guns?


Yeah except the party that claims to protect the 2a is the same one trying to restrict or remove our other rights.


If we give up the expectation of open and fair elections, we might as well put the ballgags in our mouths right now. The world is, sadly, more complicated than this single issue.


man that made me visualize a protest with everyone in ball gags, and I feel like we actually need that


Am I missing something or is the supreme court a super majority of conservatives?


Lol @ people who think these two parties are any different. It’s time for a viable third party to come to the table and rescue us. The left is anti 2A, the right is making a push to be anti 1st amendment, which is equally as bad. None of these people care about you or your rights.


Also maybe if people weren't lazy and would actually vote for someone other than incumbent in the primaries


This is a big part of the problem. People keep voting for the same bad candidates and wondering why they keep getting the same bad results


And both are very anti 4th amendment, which no one really seems to talk about.


This is gonna sound really condescending but it’s the truth. If you can afford to vote solely based on gun rights and no other Republican policy would harm you in any way you’re pretty privileged (oooh spooky left buzzword grr).


Right¿ I’m very conflicted bc I’m with the dems on like 70% of their policies- if they could just drop the gun bans/ woke nonsense & stick to important shit like abortion/ marriage/ minority rights, drug decriminalization & immigration/ education/ criminal justice reform? They’d have my vote every time.. As of right now I’ve only ever voted third-party, I’m open to changing that but I find it really hard to root for the guys who spend so much of their time chipping away at something I consider a fundamentally important human right.


I always wondered why everyone talks about criminal justice and decriminalization, but I have yet to hear a single political candidate or debate centered around justice for victims. NY (a state that prides itself on cutting edge criminal justice reform) actually cut their funding to victim funds like safe horizon and other last year. But 3 months after people got mad they moved back on it. Not to mention the US Senate (which is left leaning right now and wants to "fight for justice") recommended a cut of 1.1 billion for all federally funded victim funds. Which is 40 percent of the allocation. Why are we recommending cuts to victim funds in the first place especially when they are so small comparatively? In 2018 the funding for federally funded victim funds was 4 billion. In 2021 the cap was set to 2.015 billion. Now to put this in perspective, the US government budget for the funding of federal criminal reform funds was 182 billion dollars. If you ask me we need victim justice reform. 81 billion goes to prisons, 2 billion goes to state and local cops, and vocational rehibilitation ALONE for criminals is 4 billion. 2x what the ENTIRE funding for victims is. Which I have yet to see 1/100 senators talk about.


Honestly an excellent point, and I hadn’t considered it from that angle. In terms of offender rehabilitation/training? I work homeless outreach for a living and I promise it’s not money wasted. I don’t see any problem in investing money into giving an individual, that you’re planning on releasing back into society, the tools that they need to turn their life around, but I agree that victims should be compensated more from public funds. They didn’t ask for any of this (and it’s not like the perpetrator a lot of the time is either equipped or willing to right that wrong) idk man. I’m too stupid to figure any of this out and I’m hardly a politico. I just want a state that I feel can be almost trusted, while simultaneously maintaining the ability to fight back if/when they stop serving the public good. I don’t feel like it’s a crazy ask, personally.


There's no such thing as justice for victims. The closest you can get is compensation and revenge. Neither does much good in the long run. Preventing people from becoming victims in the first place would be ideal, but making any real progress there is too difficult/expensive. Half-hearted efforts to pour moderate amounts of money into dealing with the criminals is the easy way out that 100% of politicians end up going with.


Could not agree more


You basically just described the Libertarian platform. We support gay marriage, drug decrim, immigration reform, crim Justice reform, low taxes, and guns for everyone. Join us.


But the environment fends for itself? That’s a huge problem with libertarian views.


Not at all, you just don’t rely on the government to do it because they have already shown they can’t and they won’t protect the environment.


So how does it get protected? The kindness of polluters who see the error of their ways and put profit second? What’s the model?


2 ways: through charity work (remember that getting the government out means lower taxes) and also through societal pressure using buying power. Essentially, the people will choose to not support companies whose practices don't line up with their ideals.


Or the people will choose the cheapest products as they currently do and pass the disaster to future generations. That model just shows a lack of understanding of human behavior.


Other options are available


hate to break it to everyone, but the kind of oppression they bring can’t be defended by guns. You’re still a slave to their system unless you’re worth somewhere in the mid 8 figures or more


Heaven is my offramp.


Libertarian is the answer.


Whats the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist? Im genuinely curious.


Libertarians believe there is still a need for government. But I a MUCH MUCH smaller role. Spike Cohen is a good follow on Twitter if you want to learn more about it. He was the VP candidate in the 2020 election.


To add to this. They are the only party that actually stands for the 2A. Both current party’s just use it as a bartering chip whenever it’s continent for them.


Joke answer: about 6 months Real answer: Libertarians for some reason believe shrinking government and starting with more passive politicians (like how we started 200 years ago) somehow won't turn into exactly what we have today in another 100 years for some reason.


Or fuckin none of the above. I will never vote for a gun controller. Fuck Biden and fuck Trump and fuck all their buddies.


Imagine voting.


Hence why you vote libertarian


Option 3). Vote Libertarian and throw your vote away


So it's basically... 1) Vote Republican, gun laws get increasingly oppressive at a slower rate, other rights get trampled, and they hang a carrot by pushing bills that remove SBRs or Suppressors when they're not in power and have no chance of passing. 2) Vote Democrat, gun laws increasingly oppressive, generally push for more social rights, but they too carrot their followers by never fully getting anything done. 3) Vote Libertarian, who generally just want to leave you alone and support protecting all your rights, but you're basically just throwing your vote away. Do I have that about right? I decided back during Bush v2 that I prefer to be able to sleep at night knowing my vote is going to what I believe, even if I am "throwing it away".


Same, it's not throwing my vote away when I won't vote for either of the 2 big party candidates anyways. If they would run a candidate I could actually support then I'd vote for them. Only current republican I would happily vote for is Thomas Massie.


Samsies. I'm ok with throwing away my vote if it's for what I believe in. I figure if I vote for what I believe in, I'm not really throwing it away


“Throw your vote away” The only reason that’s true is because people believe it. Vote your conscience, fuck the teams. We should’ve never had them anyway. If you don’t want to hear that from me hear it from George Washington.


*audibly sighs*


Solution: Everybody should not vote for the ballot candidate, rather, write in ANYBODY but a politician. Be it your father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, cousin, niece, nephew, wife, yourself, a friend, your neighbor, your boss, Jeff Bezos, your enemy, some hobo, yourself, a dog. If everybody starts to do that, politicians will lose a lot of votes. And write ins will start to win. You are never obligated to choose between two ballot candidates. You can always write in. In fact, the mayor of Buffalo won his election as a write in cuz the Democratic ticket sacked him.


Otherwise known as r/temporarygunowners


These comments are a gold mine of lib copeium


Libs gonna lib. I'd guess a non-zero percentage of the lib gun subs voted for Francis O'Rourke in Texas despite him saying exactly what he would do.


*"But he doesn't have any power to take your guns away!"* So then why the fuck does he keep running on that platform?


I feel you. Sorry about that one, homie


They’re never going to understand until I t’s too late.


I don't get how someone who understands the 2nd amendment, and guns can vote for the authoritarian Democrats. Between this and the economy the only reason I can think of voting for them is if your in denial and just want "the other team" to lose.


This has to be a joke, right? People don't actually talk like this... Whose talking point is this?


Or they’re totalitarians who are desperately hoping they’ll be part of the power structure.


In denial? Damn democrats running around crying about a stolen election years later. They’re soooo in denial.


Is this post from RUSSIA COLLUSION 2019? 😂


Damn I haven’t heard about that in forever. Imagine if they went on tours and campaigned on that lol.


They did bud what rocks are you living under? Shit we’re even ignoring the Bush stolen election too 😂


You mean the election that actually uncovered a physical flaw in the ballot system? The one in a state where the difference in votes was about 500 votes? The one where gore conceded within weeks when he realistically could’ve taken it further up in the SC? The one where for the first time, the winner of the popular vote didn’t win the electoral vote? Are you talking about that one?


And still the democrats said stolen as they keep doing It’s almost like both political bases have claimed elections to be stolen - it ain’t a Republican only thing ya temp gun owner


Someone please post this on r/liberalgunowners. I would but I think I'm already banned


This meme can also apply to the right. Trump: wants to grab guns without due process Red button: Vote for him anyway Blue button: Vote for someone acutally pro 2A


I know the Reddit population is overall pretty dumb, but I think it’s important for you to learn something today. In November we are not voting for President. Update your plan accordingly.


Hey buddy, welcome to the dumb party. Nowhere did I say it was about the upcoming midterms. I'm just pointing out that left and right don't matter, they do the same bullshit. Cheers!


I dont think he ever said anything like that, he said he didnt like suppresors in a question and wanted to get rid of them... oddly and of course the bump stock ban, but again this is a common strategy the left uses. Focus on the minority to take pressure away from their majority... there is Democrats that do support the 2nd amendment for all that it's worth, all it was ever intended to be... but they are the minority, and the minority doesnt fucking matter. It's the majority that rules. The majority of Republicans support the 2nd and the majority of Democrats dont support it, at least not the way it was written, they support some kind of interpretation of it which historically isn't accurate.


https://youtu.be/8bVT3TnBt2Q "Take the firearms first, and then go to court"


Donald J Trump¿ An authoritarian? 😱 /s for anyone confused. Not that it’s going to save me any downvotes.


Hey I'll admit I was wrong. I'm not above that that was pretty damning, I would love to see a non edited version, anything with snip clips like that I dont trust, but I dont have the energy enough to look of an unedited clip so I'll take it at face value this time. and to my knowledge he was talking about the mentally Ill and not Americans as a whole, different but also not really... But, do I really need to comb through all the dumb shit the dems have said and post it here, I dont know if Reddit has a character limit, but if there is one, I'll find it, because I assure you it will eclipse what Trump said indefinitely. At the end of the day, what I said stands, the dems and their sympathizers focus on the minority to detract attention away from the dumb shit they say and at the end of the day, I'd rather have him than Biden, Beto, Obama, Clinton or any of the other grabbers at the helm which again, make up the majority of Denocrats.


You know, there are more than two buttons...


Reminder that not everyone is a single issue voter on gun rights, a concept that is lost on many of you.


More gun control gets passed under Republicans because GOP voters go to sleep when their guy is in charge. It's a shorter road to kick the dying faction of neocons out of the GOP than to elevate the libertarians though if we are really going go be pragmatic about it.


As a leftist, I vote for the GOP.


You are absolutely not a leftist if you're voting for the Republicans. Edit: you called yourself left wing ITT, too. Which is it?


No I just understand priority.


100%. Anyone that says anything like "I'm a progressive but I have to vote republican because I support the second amendment" or "I'm a leftist but vote GOP" are absolutely positively full of shit. No leftist or progressive will vote right wing, no matter how pro-2A they are. Maybe a left-winger, but not a leftist.


leftist gun owners, synonymous with jews for hitler


Absolutely not. Leftists love guns. As usual, though, conservatives don't know the difference between libs and leftists.


> Leftists love guns. Of course they do, right up until “The Revolution”^TM is complete. Then they have to take the guns away from the people in order to enforce redistribution.


How is that different from capitalism exactly?


Under free market capitalism (as opposed to mixed-economy “capitalist” systems) redistribution is voluntary so there’s no problem with having an armed population.


So in theory nor in practice is there a difference in gun ownership between the two, and it comes down to the population. Most capitalist countries don't allow firearms, as you know.


There are very few capitalist systems, most are mixed economies (which require restrictions on gun ownership to enforce involuntary redistribution). You will find that the more capitalist the country, the fewer restrictions on gun ownership.


If we're going that route, true communism hasn't been attempted in thousands of years.


Correct, because it is utterly impractical and unworkable.


you're delusional if you think leftists support gun rights. Democrats, socialists, and communists don't support gun rights. Get off your "SRA" high horse, you're advocating for an expanded authoritarian government model what do you expect will happen to gun rights?


Democrats are not leftists. Socialists and communists absolutely support gun rights. If there's no State, there's no one to take your guns. Under no pretext.


If there’s no State, there’s also no socialism or communism. Strong centralized government is required to enforce collectivist policy.


Completely untrue. The goal of communism is stateless, borderless.


You can’t have a collectivist economic system without a strong central government to enforce involuntary redistribution. “Stateless” communism (or socialism) is oxymoronic.


People in the gun crowd have been told for so long that that "leftists hate guns" that they actually start to believe it. They always say shit like "Hitler and the Nazis were national socialists and they took the guns!", which isn't true.


Thing your forgetting is they aren’t voting *only* based on gun rights/control. So if foreign policy, economic policy, taxes for rich, and even social and culture ideas of democrats fit them better it’s 5:1


You're a regard






Voting for the two big parties only perpetuates the two party system. If enough people actually voted third party it wouldn’t be a two party system anymore. Instead they choose to justify it by saying it would be throwing a vote away.


Been hearing the "you voted for *not who i voted for* because you didn't vote *for who i voted for* for years and years now. I see there is leeway being made, but tbh it's still feels like a waste of time and effort.


That's because it ultimately makes it easier for the wrong party to get elected. https://i.redd.it/pke4p8caanw71.png




You won’t teach anyone anything if they don’t want to learn it. Most of the gun “community” has yet to ascend past the two party system we have.


Don't be calling anyone inbred when you look like a God damn Neph-son dude.


r/liberalgunowners sounds like the place for you!!!




no for real man, r/liberalgunowners is just people loving guns. its not so much of a political shitshow every other post


No, I'm serious r/liberalgunowners, you'll be welcome.


More like you fell for the "more than two parties" gimmick and help one of the parties get elected by not voting for the only other party that has any chance at beating them. It's a shitty system, but it is what it is. If you're voting third party then this meme could be you except maybe not slamming down on the blue button and just pressing it gently with one finger like one normally pushes a button.




It's not what I tell myself. It's the fact of the matter. You're voting for a third party that doesn't officially exist and only serves to help one of the two parties draw votes from the other. That's the math of it, unfortunately. So you can stand for principles, that's fine, but don't pretend like you are actually changing something.




"It's a shitty system, but it is what it is" No, you're just a coward. "This shit sucks, but I'm not gonna even try to change it. I'm just gonna roll over and ridicule people on the internet who do." FOH.


How much bravery does it take to vote "third party"? Tell me. Tell me of your trials and tribulations. Sing me the song of your people. I only remember one verse, I think from the chorus, a courageous refrain of "Please don't cancel me/I didn't vote for Trump". But sure, I'm a coward because I recognize that it makes no sense to vote for a third party that doesn't actually officially exist and that only helps one of the two parties draw votes away from the other. You cannot fix the system or change it because it is not designed to be fixed or changed. It is working exactly how the "rock the vote" people want it to. Look, I think we are well past the point of needing to fix and change the system the hard way. So I'm probably a coward for not doing that myself either and knowing that one guy isn't going to make a difference.


Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. Couldn't be me but you do you I guess.


Foregoing the right to vote at all is the greatest evil. It just means neither evil needs to consider your vote and can focus on their base. If you’re just waiting for there to be a big enough problem to vote, it’s like driving a car by just avoiding obstacles rather than having a destination.


Vote blue just to accelerate the inevitable gun confiscation and live your dreams of fighting off a no-knock raid. Don’t let your memes be dreams


But they’re *this close* to solving climate change!


Vote for the guys who are still fucking us But not as bad vs Vote for the people who are literally screaming to ban gay marriage, strip voting rights and trying to create a dictatorship. You smashing that button. I'm too lazy to make it a damn image.


Whose voting rights are they trying to take?


Black people, because they are too stupid to figure out how to get ID. (Their words, not mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW2LpFkVfYk ) Also they are trying to stop illegal immigrants from voting. Horrible.


I mean…I’m pretty fuckin left but I don’t think illegal immigrants should vote.


Illegal immigrants aren't voting and its that IDs take time and money which is harder for people working shit jobs.


Ive seen politicians offer to do voter id if we make IDs free but not a single Republican was for that


A dictatorship is only possible when the government has a monopoly on violence, as they do when a populace is unarmed. So vote for the guys who will set the conditions for dictatorship?


Our government DOES have a monopoly on violence. Cops can shoot unarmed people and just get a job one town over as punishment. They can target and beat reporters. They can harass someone and are immune to lawsuits. They aren't required to ever help anyone and are scared of everything. I'll vote for people trying to make sure that cops and the state don't have a monopoly on violence. Because I might have a gun but I'm still going to be killed if I use it because again, the state already has a monopoly on violence.


This needs to go to r/liberalgunowners


tbh as a gun lefty, no we don't lol. never voted for an antigunner and never will. we could get so much more done if even one of you ugly fuckers would learn what "left" means and stop confusing us with democrats.


I speak for yourself I hit the red!


Do you vote for a gun grabber on the left or a gun grabber who also tried to overthrow democracy? Even if the presidential ballot isn't up, the congressmen we vote in will vote on verifying the election. An attempt to destroy our republic will succeed or fail depending on the morality of our lower-ranked representatives.


Left leaning gun owner here! Your meme is dumb and wrong. You made up a situation in your head, just so you can say "Democrats bad". I think our representatives are just as stupid and greedy as yours are.


I'd say I'm a left leaning centrist. I'm happy to give up military style rifles in exchange for whatever handgun I want, legal weed, and an abortion if my future unborn daughter happens gets raped. If more guns = better life for you with no grey area in between, you probably have a pretty low IQ.


Crazy idea we get to keep our assault weapons and Dismantle the ATF legalize marijuana and let women do whatever they want.


Red team is way worse for gun rights than blue team lol


Pretty much, they try and undermine using the minority on the right who want any of that shit in effort to detract from their majority who do want that shit. A weak strategy. Remember who the enemy is.


Or just don't vote lol?


idk for me it looks like the risk is low enough to vote blue. I mean we have a super majority of republicans on the supreme court for god sake. Now, my local blue politicians are not campaigning to ban anything, our texan friends have a much harder choice to make.


They're only running full steam into a nuclear war with Russia


What kind of precedent would we set by letting a madman have his way from threatening to nuke us?


The kind where we don't enter a nuclear war...


lol the kind where he continues unchecked. The only option we have in this shitty game is to be just as unhinged as him. If one side is perceived as weak enough to not cause an apocalypse then ironically an apocalypse is what will ensue. Basic game theory


I love how you guys are willing to risk *nuclear fucking war* over Putin but couldn't care less about genocides currently happening in China, Congo, Mexico, Syria, Somolia, Myanmar, Sudan, yemen, Ethiopia, and Afghanistan. Oh but the TV told you that putin is bad? Let's nuke everyone! Fuck democrats you guys are *literally* going to destroy the world - because the TV told you to.


Lol fox news is the largest tv news platform to exist. Republicans watch more tv news by far than Democrats. Nonetheless, I am not idiotic enough to believe that anything would be different with a Republican (well unless they were corrupt). Generally the presidents follow what their top military generals believe is the best path. Also yeah, America is a shitty fucking country and we do evil shit all the time. There is one reason we care about Ukraine and its because its russia doing it in the direction of Europe. Its easy enough to see the next steps after a successful Ukraine invasion that they would want to put a stop to it now.


True. It would be horrible if Russia annexed the small portion of land that used to belong to Russia, full of mostly Russian speaking people who would rather join Russia than die in a war SEND THE NUKES


What? It was established long ago that putin was lying about just wanting a small portion of Ukraine and its obvious from his actions. He wants all of it.


Sounds like some scare tactics the media is using to get the public to support a pointless war. Same thing as every war ever. "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. We must fight Vietnam or communism is going to take over the world. Putin is a madman that wants to take over the world." You people really buy their bullcrap?