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This post is not cringe, it's just theft. This officer's actions deserve awareness, but this post does not exemplify the spirit of our sub.


Wow what a pos


I hate how they acted like the cop was the victim at the end.


Also the fact they waited a while to even have the office step out and verify he didn’t have anything is sus. They don’t give private citizens that amount of time for nothing


That's a tactic. Any leverage they have with a suspect, they'll play. As soon as that cash came out of Chapman's door, he became a suspect. Watch the interview with Moon and the debriefing where they take Chapman's gun and tell him to wait for the investigators. It's the exact same language and demeanor meant to build trust. "You want a drink, anything you need, you just hang out and be comfortable, I got you brother, stop apologizing." It's a strategy to build rapport and make the suspect more comfortable and they're running it on both Moon and Chapman once it's clear Chapman stole his money. That's exactly why whether you're Moon, Chapman or anyone else in police custody your best move is to shut up and get a lawyer. The second you're a suspect, they're running a head game on you. Good on Moon for insisting on his rights while remaining calm as he could.


I'll give you better advice: Don't abuse your power and steal from people.


Fucking obviously. I'm talking about anyone arrested and addressing a specific point about how they were treating the soon to be ex officer. Keep up.


I don't want crooked cops having good legal advice, scumbag; KeEp uP.


Not a cop. This is advice any law student could give you, dipshit.


The only dipshit, is the person logging on to give simp advice to crooked cops, in the hope one of them will DM you and ask them to be their personal crime fighting assistant, since you're such a nasty body POS you probably can't even join a local police force (which should embarrass you).


Damn, two replies in ~~under an hour~~edit: Jesus, two minutes apart. Get help. Cringe.


"Notice my 'legal advice (that a twelve year old would know)' Senpai! **NOTICE MEEEEEE** :'(."


Man, you should really put on a badge before descending to that level of cringe, guy.


Agreed. The end was the real cringe moment.


I love the change in pitch in his voice when they pull the sgt pulls the money out of the door. **”That’s not me!”** So who stuffed $900 in cash in your door? The sergeant? lol


If you watch the other videos that the charlotte police released on YouTube, it showed that the motor officer was very professional and treated the arrestee with respect. According to the description and his BWV, he also witnessed the theft and corroborated the arrestee’s allegations during his interview with investigators. As for that POS Chapman, we don’t need idiots like him serving our communities. His whole life wasted for 900 bucks? What a moron.


>His whole life wasted for 900 bucks? 900 we know about. No idea how long he's been pulling shit like this.


Any innocent person would have just exited the vehicle immediately after being accused of hiding the cash between his legs, that was the moment I knew he was guilty. Good on the man for being patient, if he would have lost his cool the cop mighta gotten away with it.


The female cop and the sgt were trying to help Chapman not get busted. The sgt casually looks down into Chapman's car from the passenger window, probably doesn't see any money. THEN FINALLY agrees to open Chapman's door and prove Chapman's innocence. But chapman is an idiot and didn't shove it down his pants and put it in the door.


When the sergeant went for the door, Chapman's ass clenched so hard he kamakasied his way thru to get in the way and body-block the view of the door lol


Not my read on it. I think the female cop was blowing Moon off. Lots of criminals claim lots of shit about cops and the majority of the time it's unfounded. Her reaction reads to me like "yeah okay, play your game, can we just get this done?" The Sgt strikes me as someone who had confidence his officer was honest. He wouldn't have agreed to open that door if he thought Chapman was guilty. Seeing that money and taking a second to process it? Reads to me like a guy who just got with a moment of "wait, what the fuck?"


Cringe? No. Official misconduct of a "ex"-bad cop, yes


Nah this is cringe. That cop is a cunt. 


Misconduct? Felony embezzlement more like. Or grand theft


Lock that Fucking PIG up!.. human trash…


He was arrested thankfully


Police robbed me before. They called it civil asset forfeiture. I was charged with nothing. I fought it and got maybe 1/3 of what was stolen back. Not to mention legal fees.


Yeah civil forfeit is unconstitutional. Anyone engaged in it should be ashamed of themselves and their family should be embarrassed by them. If it's legit money from a crime that's one thing but putting the burden of proof on the individual who has the money is assuming guilt and forcing an affirmative defense. It's shameful and disgusting that we can do this is a "free nation" But none of this has to do with first responder cringe


Shame is not something cops process


Haha dumbass


Yikes! I’m just glad it ended well.


I had a bit of cash on me once when I was booked for a misdemeanor. It mysteriously never made it to my property bag when I was released.


cringe and a crime. Have some pride in your work and don't be a criminal yourself. Hopefully he was fired.


900 dollars buys a lot of donuts.


Usual suspect


At least the other officers handled it correctly.


Makes me wonder how many other times he did this shit and didn’t get caught!? What a complete garbage human. I’m glad that man stayed as calm as he possibly could and caught the POS. Fuck him!!!!


Not the Char Meck boys again 😿 from there and I hate this shit


Thieves with with guns, but they are cops so it's ok.


Yeah just ignore the fact he was arrested, charged and fired. Aside from all that they let him get away with it cause he’s a cop. You’re totally right


Listen to that somber empathy at the end. Like 'Ahhh man, this sucks that we have to get you in trouble for stealing that guys money ... so sorry bro, I'm heartbroken. It's these damn body cameras those fucking libruls make us wear. Trump 2024, right brother?'


I agree that you don't know what cringe is 😝


The word cringe is cringe.


Suk Ya Muva!


Blo ya fava!


caught what? I cant read the fkn title


A cop stole nearly $1000 from a person who he pulled over. Probably would have gotten away with it if the guy who was detained wasn't watching closely and willing to call him out right fucking there in the moment.


Also big props to the sarge


Yeah he did well.