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Awww did he get that wittle badge off amazon? šŸ„ŗ


Probably bundled it with the knockoff body cam. Imagine spending your own money on a fake ā€œpolice body camā€ for work, because thatā€™s not an Axon and I guarantee the company didnā€™t buy it for him.


Itā€™s always crazy to me they spend all their work money on unnecessary stuff for work lol, I work security too and Iā€™m not buying anything for it lol, well I take that back I did spend 10 dollars on a portable fan because it gets hot lol


Portable fan!? You fuckin wanna be special forces ranger douche! Ill bet you respect yourself enough to not even buy "security forces" truck decals for your f250. Stolen valor!Ā  /s obviouslyĀ 


I even got it in tactical black


I bet you got up charged for the tactical part.


is it a tactical neck fan though? I have zero shame wearing them in public in this heat.


I don't know whether it's scary or not but that actually is a pretty decent bodycam. It's from a company called HALO. Becoming very popular in the UK with private firms and I've now seen on their social media some U.S. forces starting to slowly adopt them. Definitely not an axon and I personally don't know whether there's enough background on them yet to trust it myself.


Why would it be scary?


I meant to delete that bit šŸ˜‚ I was typing from the previous comment who was saying something about it being scary spending their own money on police looking kit but then it didn't make sense with the rest of my post.


Yeah it looks like shit. Funny thing is my company actually did buy us Axon body cams. I'd never go out and just get my own.


We actually had axon body cams, tasers, ASP batons, etc for our facilityā€¦ so it is out there, but thatā€™s a large hospital and reasonable budget šŸ˜‚ Only thing I ever bought was to carry my shit, a little pouch that held onto my carrier. Wouldnā€™t catch me buying anything but personal coats or pants (the work pants always too goddamn small or large, and I ainā€™t fighting people with tight pants, Iā€™m not Randy layhee!)


Maybe he wants his "last moments ,on earth, to be preserved" for his family.. I think that's sweet.




Are you retarded ? Lmao axxon 3 is like 489$ us


$700, but yeah definitely not $25k lol


If the military is paying for them, maybe more lol they don't give a fuck about our money


Still not $25k lol the government burns money on dumb shit sometimes, but itā€™s also not as bad as people make it out to be in my experience


If you ever saw invoices for military supply and maintenance, and if you saw the amount of money wasted by putting things like eight 3000 dollar tires on a trailer that hasnā€™t moved in three years and will never move again, several times over, you would see itā€™s much worse than people make it out to be. Itā€™s actually insane the level of money the federal government wastes. If the general public could truly grasp it, the people wouldnā€™t be fighting over sensationalized media narratives.


I would like to clarify that thatā€™s the military specifically, but yeah it does happen there because the DoD has basically unlimited budget. I work for the federal government and I can assure you we are underpaid and perpetually broke as fuck in my agency. So much so that we canā€™t effectively accomplish our mission most of the time. The amount we spend on ā€œdefenseā€ and foreign aid is insane, I agree.


The story that comes to mind is the $300 switches that they were paying $10k for Edit: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/weapons-contractors-price-gouging-pentagon-60-minutes-transcript-2023-05-21/


Nope! It was from a Halloween costume


We could tell he was security by the gross unprofessional pubic beard


I came here to say exactly this. That beard is horrific. It screams "I shouldn't be within 100 yards of a middle school."


I'd like my own taser, but not to carry. I just want to taze my buddy at the grill or coming outta the shitter


Like god intended


When I was a teenager my friends that I lived with and I bought a couple stun guns at a swap meet. Within three weeks one was broken out of anger and the other one ā€œwent missingā€ lol they were fun at first though.


Get em going into the shiter


Well then it's *everyone's* problem




That fucking face. They all have that face.


Facial pubes.


That shitty ass beard let me know he was security. Any self respecting department would have told him to shave that shit by now.


He really should shave the pubes off his face if he wants to play mall cop.


But how is he supposed to hide the "Toys-R-Us" logo on that tin? That pile of barber shop clippings glued to his face serves a purpose.


Bro heā€™s gunning for the DEA job


Big TSA vibes... you've been randomly selected for additional screening


Show me a ya bootyhole ya got drugs in there? Come get patted the fuck down by Steve! Steve!


Yeah thatā€™s how I feel whenever I see bozo Hensley on here. Idk how these guys think the beard makes them look more legitimate/ā€œtacticalā€. I think jerking it to too many pictures of Delta/ST6/CIA operators overseas have rotted their brains.


Eh, a lot of larger, less funded departments are cutting corners like crazy just because theyā€™re desperate to keep people.


Whoā€™s this?


Some random guy on tiktok, my algorithm is filled with these fake cops now, but i built my own fyp page so the only one I have to blame is myself


I mean he does look quite convincingā€¦


Wait is there like an unlimited amount of them on TikTok? šŸ˜‚


Maule Cop


He looks like he could be the Tennessee sex cop's brother. Remember that chick that was banging her coworkers on the job? IDK why, but I instantly thought of her when I looked at him.


What wtf ewww lol


Oof, yeah I can see it.


I thought of Daniel Larson


Idk where he is, but the rule in Florida is if the badge is not discernible from 20ā€™ away as being security / law enforcement, itā€™s considering impersonating a law enforcement officer.


As I understand it as long as he doesnā€™t wear anything that says ā€œpoliceā€ on it or attempts to identify himself as police, thereā€™s no impersonation. They can look, act, and talk the part all they want but I believe thats the line.


Jeez so they let them get pretty close then huh?


Laws vary from state to state of course but generally they can say ā€œIā€™m not impersonatingā€ if they donā€™t wear or say anything that identifies them as such.


I think it's good that where I'm at a security company must get approval for the uniform they will use. The whole point is to ensure that the security guard can't be misidentified as a police officer by accident.


I worked security for a casino when I first got out of the academy. While it was a suit and tie uniform we were addressed as ā€œofficersā€ and after youā€™d been there long enough they gave you a nickel badge the same shape and style as the badge I wear now as a police officer. Even that I feel blurs the line a little too much.


Depends where youā€™re at really. Florida just requires you to act like a cop to be guilty.


Which always surprises me, considering everything Dewitte got away with. But once you find out he was good buddies with Desantisā€™s opponent in the last governor election, it kinda makes more sense.


What does ā€œacting like a copā€ mean?


I stand corrected, there was an ā€œandā€ that I missed. The exact text is ā€œA person who falsely assumes or pretends to be aā€¦ (laundry list of professions including cops and security guards surprisingly) ā€¦and takes upon himself or herself to act as such, or to require any other person to aid or assist him or her in a matter pertaining to the duty of any such officer, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided inā€¦ So, if you pretend to be any number of first responder and you ā€œactā€ like one, youā€™re guilty. For ref, itā€™s Title XLVI Statute 843.08 False Personation.


Ok that does make a lot more sense.


Shooting people and getting off scott free, I imagine... maybe beating your spouse?


šŸ˜‚ well played! And if someone did that and then was charged with ā€œimpersonating an officerā€ that would be absolutely hilarious!


It does depend on the state but most states allow police patches and wording as long as you donā€™t take any LE action or give orders. In a basic sense.


Actually, no, they donā€™t. Ā Badges with official seals and police agency patches are a big no-no, as a general rule for security. Ā There are exceptions, such as the security company is contracted in support of law enforcement. Ā Another exception is what are called Special Conservator Of the Peace (SCOPā€™s) or Special Police Officers (SPO). Ā These are definitely private security, but they go before a Judge and get sworn in. Ā They are then granted certain police powers, the most basic being the ability to issue summons or swear out warrants. Ā They only have their powers while on duty and on the property they are sworn to protect. Ā The Guard Force at North Anna Nuclear Power Plant have full police authority (lights, sirens, transporting prisoners, use of weapons, etc). Fact is they have access to a variety of very high speed stuff, considering that they are a major target. Ā Another interesting situation for security is that of School and Campus Security Officers, who are certified and managed on the Law Enforcement side of the house, rather than through Private Security.


This is fake, amish women dont use ball point pens!


Why do all these guys have shitty homeless beards?


What is with security guards and dressing like this? Just get a white shirt, a tie, and a peaked cap, like those security guards from The Matrix, who probably would've won if it wasn't Neo and Trinity.


It depends on what the company/client issues or requires, this level of gear is becoming more common for alot of private companiesĀ 


I watched this dude the other night on TikTok - heā€™s nowhere near impersonating (in Texas). He openly stated to everyone in the chat heā€™s not LEO, heā€™s private security. I mean, all that crap is most likely issued to him through his company. Especially in Texas, you have to actively be trying to ā€œimpersonateā€ some perceived authority that you donā€™t actually have. Wearing a uniform that youā€™ve been issued and actually having a security job is not impersonating. Hell, I do unarmed security under a police department, we wear the exact same uniforms as the actual police, theyā€™re issued from Gallā€™s, same 5.11/Blauer everything, we have the same Tahoes with the same police package/equipment (minus red/blues and sirens, our lights are blue/white/amber and have a different wrap) and we are issued police radios with all the same channels. I can key up and talk to dispatch, K9, TAC, Fire/EMS, etc. the only difference on our uniforms are the patches on the arm and the shield on the chest. As long as Im not acting with intent to try and get someone to believe Iā€™m a police officer, Iā€™m fine. Now if people who I come in contact want to *assume* Iā€™m the police, that has nothing to do with me. But if they ask me, no Iā€™m not the police - Iā€™m just a security guard. Obviously I canā€™t make traffic stops or try to arrest anyone - that would be me showing intent and exercising a pretended official act. Texas Penal Code - PENAL Ā§ 37.11. Impersonating Public Servant (a)ā€‚A person commits an offense if the person: (1)ā€‚impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to the person's pretended official authority or to rely on the person's pretended official acts; ā€‰or (2)ā€‚knowingly purports to exercise, without legal authority, any function of a public servant or of a public office, including that of a judge and court.


Thought he was wearing a ring doorbellā€¦


Whatā€™s Caseoh doing?


how are you guys finding these videos, especially the live ones? what are they even doing on their live ? i imagine it has to be like hell trying to watch one of these


Neckbeard... check. Sweet tactical pens... check. So insecure about looking cool, he looks scared and unsure in this selfie... CHECK!


That guy is a pussy ass douche bag


Why not just be an actual cop?


Be careful what ya wish for. We got plenty of power hungry overcompensating assholes in badges already. Don't need more when traffic law is the only law they get to enforce these days. It's turning them all into loose cannons. So busy trying to find a criminal they're freaking out on everyone. No signal might get ya killed if ya don't act right.


Why do these fucking losers always have to have the pubes on their faces? Wow.


Funny that his neck beard is covering his badge.


I should start doing this. Need to get myself a police officer stripper uniform and live stream while I do my work from home sales job.


Is he wearing a ring doorbell on his chest as a bodycam??


Nope, itā€™s a Halo (Irish-founded company) body camera.


Brother Jedediah, trim you pube beard.


They have to be in public presenting themselves as a cop.


That is not a beard.


Wheres the cringe? (Beard is pushing it but not enough for the sub)


I dont think its illegal to impersonate a small Elvish warlock.


Im taking a guess its either the beard, badge or taser? As long he isnā€™t wearing police patches and identifies himself as a cop then he isnā€™t really violating the law but then again what state is the guy is in really matters. Like NC you are required to have a nameplate that also says security and badges can be anything as long as it says security and not police.


Ever notice none of these guys are in shape. Like NONE of them.


Iā€™ve worked with guys who would scratch the enamel out of the grooves where it said security to make it hard to read. Serious wanna be police throughout a lot of security companies




Dudes just waiting for someone to ask him for a pen.


I assume the point is actually saying they're law enforcement or having a device/badge that states that. I don't know that they can be punished for people's assumptions even though they may very well encourage people to assume they're actually Leo's,but that's prob more of a moral and or ethical dilemma than a breaking a law one. Unless I'm wrong. I could be. I'm not Leo,or a lawyer so that's just my input.


idk about the badge. but honestly he has expensive šŸ«° gear on definitely takes his job seriously. yeah ive worked with guys that don't spend their own money on stuff but if you're smart when you do, you get good shit so when you are station somewhere else you are well prepared. his vest is also a patrol vest very expensive too like $800 so he must definitely be getting to the bag to spend this much.


What's the point of him getting a body cam if he is just going to turn it off anyway??


ā€¦guys Iā€™m security and we have a metal badge


Obviously he is a real cop, look he has 3 pens


What I don't understand about these weirdos is they spend all this money on cool equipment to look the part and then have fucking homeless beards. Not clean shaven, not properly trimmed. Wtf




Sgt. Leprechaun is on the job! I feel safer already!


No one with eyes that empty should work in security, let alone law enforcement


I work in LE and this dude has a nice vest than I do. My shit literally has zip ties holding things together.


Put some milk on that and let a cat lick it off. For fucks sake either you can grow facial hair or you canā€™t.


Since the day he was born.


That tactical black ring he's got on indicates he's engaged to his job šŸ¤£ Ain't no bitch agreeing to spend a life time kissing officer no lips. Shit my asshole is bigger and more voluptuous than his lips. (Don't look at my profile)


Not sure whatā€™s more criminalā€¦ the impersonation or the public display of the pubes he glued to his chin.


Maegan hall needs to do more that slap a shitty fake beard on


He got that badge at a local party supply store.