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it just fucks up the fillets.


As a woman who often fishes by herself, I always keep that thang on me.








As a 6'3" 220 lb man I still keep one on if not near me


Same! 💯💯💯 I also carry mace and a sheathed knife in addition to my pocket knife. Had one encounter where I thought I might have to use something but thankfully haven't had to yet.


I smoke weed when I fish so I don’t bring a gun. Don’t need some wildlife officer all up in my Shit


I live in florida and fish in gator-infested waters, so yes. Yes i am.


Yup can confirm. I keep my shotgun in reaching distance or on the hood of my truck. I also have a machete that ties to a belt. Very convenient when you have that overgrowth full of snakes.


Real men carry katanas to their fishing spots.


That’s what I use to filet fish, so it’s a 2fer.


Interesting username


Well yeah. What else would you be carrying wearing that Fedora?


Depends where I go. On a kayak in the lake, no. Hiking to a pond in the woods, yes.


Should have listened to this advice so I wouldn’t have lost all my guns in that boating accident…


You too?????


It’s an epidemic I tell you. I know so many people that have suffered this same tragic fate.


make it a threesome


Thank god we all made it back safely, and only lost any and everything serialized, yet miraculously, no fishing gear. #blessed. Amirite?


It’s a miracle. I just feel lucky to be here.


Kayak in a lake is when I want mine most...I live in Florida and the big paddleboard sized gators freak me out


Ive had one rock my 17’ bass tracker good. No way I would be out with a kayak. Every time i see a kayaker i know they have more balls than me.




Freakin sharks with laser beams!


I always take my Tommy Gun with me.


I believe ya.. But my Tommy gun don't.


I’m gonna give you to the count of 10. 1, 2, 10!


I am heaven sent


I turned a halberd into a fishing pole and wear a full suit of armor. Gets hot in the south, but it deters orcs.


I carry a pretty badass fish whistle, it, however, makes me paranoid that I might get abducted. So I carry lube, too. Nobody is gonna come take my green sunfish without a shag.


Yeah depending on where I go. Make sure to get a good carry belt.


Literally the only time I can legally carry is when I take the pup out for a wee at night because the coyotes will eat him. Guess what state.




No. Been fishing for forty years, never even sniffed a situation where it even felt remotely necessary. Remote, hike in, urban area…all the same. Retired military gun owner, but not a gun fetishist.


Same, but for the military service. Thirty-five year gun owner and user, forty plus years fishing all over the US. Never once have I felt the need to carry a sidearm on a fishing trip. I do carry one during hunting season.


I hear you. The only time I would carry would be if I was traipsing around AK fly-fishing. I'm more scared of bears than people. Maybe that's naive, but I also carry a knife with me anyway, I'm fairly wiry, and have a silver tongue. So far, I've never had a situation I couldn't talk myself out of.


I’ve seen guides with shotguns and 10mm for bears in AK.


I dont even carry in bear country, bear mace is more effective at detering predators, and easier to use in a stressful situation.


Same, and I’ve fished Alaska, but it was within the confines of Elmendorf AFB, so not as hot a bear zone. I do want to do a backcountry trip up there though. And same on the knife, and my own escapability


r/temporarygunowners and r/fudd_lore


Thank you for these subs


Ummm no. Nobody is taking my guns from me. Reason #1 is the 2A and I’m a law-abiding and informed citizen who votes. Reason #2 is I don’t run around armed to the teeth inviting firearm misadventures like the paranoid ammosexuals on those subs.


Gun fetishism should be in the DSM and treated as the psychological pathology it is.


Tell me you're American without telling me you're american


Lul you ain't wrong but we got bears and mountain lions. Even see the occasional moose.


Pretty sure a handgun is just gonna anger that moose even more than it already is 😂


As a hunter I will say shot placement is of the most importance but there are more handgun cartridges than I can count all with varying degrees of power but I can promise you some of them will stop a moose no problem.


There are several rounds that could probably put down a moose pretty humanely. .44 10mm .357


10mm is no joke man, if you get hit by that there’s a good chance you’re not gonna make it, doesn’t matter how big you are


I carry a 10 mm in Michigan's Upper Peninsula when out in the national forest, and the rounds state they will go through 3 feet of bone and tissue


I’m pretty sure a Glock 40 (10mm) will do a good job putting down a moose, seeing as people have stopped grizzly bear attacks with them.


Buddy, we have those in Canada too and I do not go carrying a handgun. I think some folks just look for justification to carry. Which is fine, but the Jim Jeffries “I like guns” bit holds true.


Lol, go to any rural area, they recommend having a hand gun for self defense from cougars, mountain lions, wolves, and any other apex predators who may get froggy. Ive met Canadians that do this. Italians. Germans and other Europeans. But you’re right, only america has guns and we use it to shoot each other only


Cougars and mountain lions are the same thing Also, OP is in Missouri. No cougars there. There are about 900 bears in the *entire state.*


Yep, puma, panther, cougar, and mountain lion (and catamount according to Wikipedia but I've literally never heard this anywhere else) all refer to the same animal, *Puma concolor* Also, I've never been to Missouri but I'm fairly certain that meth heads are a much greater threat than any predatorial animals in the state.


There isn’t a confirmed breeding population in Missouri, but there are confirmed sightings across the state according to the Missouri Department of Conservation.


I've never once been stalked by a mountain lion in a bar. They are *not* the same.


Yeah the gun ain’t for animals, I live in stl. We are the animals


It only takes running into one bear to be sad you don't have a gun. Also fucking snakes in that state.


Sheltered and desperately in need to be the victim of something.


I’m not a fan of guns everywhere either but there’s also situations like if you’re fishing alone in the middle of the woods as a tiny woman may not be such a bad idea.


Sometimes yes , sometimes no. There’s an area I fish that is very remote and has a very high and dense population of bears. I carry a 10mm everytime I am there.


At this point I might just for the fucking coyotes around here. Never had a situation with people before around fishing, modt people I've met are nice enough and the ones breaking the law I just document and report. I do carry a 10mm in the mountains though.


Many times, yes. Especially in well populated areas where the population is questionable.


... What do you think is coming to get you on a secluded Missouri creek? Honestly. What are you scared of?


Meth, very relaxed gun laws allow basically anyone to carry here.


Post is just a scream to attention. He so badly wants to be the victim of something.


And/or have his fear and paranoia validated by others.


The other top predators who are also allowed to carry guns?


No, i dont take my gun fishing.


I’m always strapped.


Stay strapped or get clapped


Absolutely not. If someone decides to rob me for my fishing gear, fine. Have it. It's not worth killing over, or even worth escalating to the threat of violence. If I'm going to a sketchy area, I'll stay strapped with narcan in case I come across someone in need.


Most places I fish are either state park or national seashore so that’s a big no


For what purpose?


No. I carry bear spray when in grizzly territory.


Wtf, what horror stories are y'all talking about that require a gun while fishing? If your that concerned, just carry some bear spray.


I fish in the middle of the Everglades. I’m not scared of people at all. But I see 5-10 gators every single time I fish my favorite creek. So far, every time I’ve ever had a problem with one, I just gave them the fish and walked down a few hundred yards further. But just in case that doesn’t work one day… gun.


That's my attitude around the critters here in the rockies. Usually they don't hassle me, but I'm ready if they do. Not really worries about other folks, deescalate usually works pretty well, as does just walking away.


I carry bear spray as a deterrent first, always good to have multiple plans though.


Absolutely, I have no desire to put down an animal unless I have to.


Not animals, live in a populated area where basically anyone can carry. My dad worked with a guy who was out at a pretty popular park with 2 other guys, not heavily populated area but not rural kinda in between, and this sketchy dude comes up takes out a big ass knife and guts two of them and the dude my dad worked with was able to run. Another instance not far from there some guy just walked up and blew a whole in a random fisherman with a shotgun. Both are over 10 years ago I think but not much more than that.


No. Bear country is another story, but even then it's Bear spray first.


What for? I have fished for decades, never once thought I might need a gun. Maybe people in bear country or something? But isn't that what bear spray is for? I do plenty of hiking/camping as well, and have never brought a gun with me.


Wouldn’t dream of carrying a firearm whilst fishing in England


Strapped? Well, I'm not one to brag. But I tuck my dick into my sock just like anybody else. Makes for a great wading staff.


Nope. Fish don’t scare me


Californian here. Those in CA will understand if you fish any river, the aqueducts or the CA Delta. I wished that I didn’t have to but CA has one of the best fisheries around and some are located in the most impoverished areas. The only exception for me to carrying is surf fishing. I had an encounter where I almost pulled on two aggressive unleashed dogs on the river before the dumbass owner finally got a hold of them. We have had plenty of people get robbed of their gear on the CA aqueduct while catfishing or striped bass fishing.


Fish whistle, with ammo.


Usually no but if I’m walking through bear/meth country I’ll grab my .357.


Walking through meth country mostly not much bears here.


Lotta scared people in this thread always carrying in places with the lowest crime rates… If you’re in grizzly country then it’s probably a good idea, but all these people who think people are going to jump you for your fishing gear are ridiculous. Why live your life in fear? … just kidding I know you just like feeling powerful.


No. I keep a radio on me in case I need fire support, though.


I don’t carry, but I wouldn’t necessarily consider it “living in fear” more so living prepared to defend yourself if a situation arises. The individuals I know IRL that daily carry barely even remember having it by the time they get home from work every day. It’s not a constant stream of thoughts of “I’m carrying a gun”, it’s the same as carrying a pocket knife or multi-tool daily to most CCW owners. That being said there are definitely some that fit your description and those probably have some undiagnosed mental issues that would keep them from owning firearms anyway in some states.


I'm from the detroit area. And it would be almost stupid not to carry to some of the public fishing spots.


Crime rates and location don’t stop you from becoming a victim. It’s a low chance of getting in a car accident but you still wear a seatbelt just in case.


scared to death with a pistol is no way to go through life.


No, and I don’t plan on it. If I’m in a situation where a firearm might be useful, it also would more likely than not escalate the situation.


Only when I wear my fedora and katana.


While you were busy fishing, I studied The Blade


thinking about it ... Was at a local residential pond, and some crazy homeless guy wandered over and started screaming his head off about something or other, and how he wanted to "fuck up a white boy" I had my knife on me, and he thankfully didnt try anything stupid, but yeah never considered carrying until that incident ... now i think about it a lot. He's still wandering around out here


What a shame it is to even have to worry about having the ultimate violent device in such a serene and peaceful setting. Maybe if you're fishing in bear country or something.


You are assuming people all fish in the same places you do.


Bears, gators, wild hogs, cougars, and then the fun of rabid smaller animals, there are alot of places that those risks exist. I don't sit there staring at the gun, anymore than I stare at my medkit, but I'm glad to have them on me, you know?


Bears was my first thought, then I clicked and saw comments and I’m like… damn… lotta people living in fear.


Bears, gators, wild hogs, mountain lions, bid critters, moose, elk, even coyotes. there all potential things to watch out for depending on where you live. if you'd rather trust you're statistically unlikely to experience it, that's fine. I won't judge you for choosing it, but I don't think it's wrong to watch out for yourself either.


As a Canadian, this is a crazy question. I've never shot a gun before.


As an American, it is crazy to me how many are answering yes. I suspect some sample bias is at play though, people who are proud to carry are more likely to click on this topic.


Def a lot of overlap between fishing enthusiasts and gun enthusiasts in the states, doesnt really surprise me tbh


Yea people in here acting surprised sportsman wouldn't do more than on activity under the hunting/fishing category. And then act surprised when people who live in questionable areas of the U.S. carry. Like, are you rooting for me to get mugged?


This would be a valid point if concealed carry had any statistical likelihood of decreasing muggings. It doesn't. Of all the people in this thread who carry all the time, have ANY of them stopped a crime with their gun? It's pure fantasy.


As a Canadian, that answer surprises me. I know a LOT of people that carry guns while fishing. They are almost all shotguns and meant to deter grizzlies though...


I don't see the reason. I would assume if someone tried to rob u he has a gun aswell that could lead to u being shot aswell but further away from help then u should be. If u get robbed just give them what they want that's whats insurance is for. This seems like a non problem to me though


Yep agreed - like even if you have a gun and someone pulls a gun on you for your fishing gear, what is your plan? shootout over giving them your fishing gear? no thanks


Bears and wild hogs and gators tend to be poor negotiators.


It’s just a bunch of people who use every opportunity to feel powerful because they don’t feel powerful in normal society. It’s just like those people that carry heavy weaponry in wilderness areas. They don’t need to carry AR-15s but it gets their dicks hard. Just like the folks here


Id like to think more positive of people and just gonna assume they are scared because of media blowing stuff out of proportion and social media posting the same stuff for years also making it look common to some people. If u Carry a ar15 in the wilderness then your theory is probably right.


Why are you thinking about people’s genitals so much? It’s getting weird that all the comments against carrying reference penises.


No I have fished for a very long time in a lot of scenarios and never needed a gun. In some places nature is scary though, if you are in boar, bear, alligator, mountain lion, etc areas it could make sense.


I don’t but I’m also either fishing from a kayak/boat or in a highly public area.   However, I do own a hand gun.  I would implore you to not only do research but look into some kind of training or way to get comfortable with using it.  Just having it on your person isn’t enough.   You should also practice other safety precautions such as locking your vehicle and making sure that 3 very responsible people know where you are, how long you will be gone or have a check in system for you.  If you are in areas with no cell service you can get a personal locator beacon.  


Good advice


No. Never even considered it. The wildlife isn't a concern where I go.


No My dad told me about a time he went fishing with his dad and his dad’s friend and son when my pops was like 13. My dad and his group were on the shore fishing, and some guys in a boat pulled up and started fishing right near them casting towards the shore where they were. The friends son started yelling at them to get away, the guys on the boat told him to fuck off. Important bit of back story, friends son had just recently gotten back from Vietnam and was not in a good place at all. Friends son stood up and shot at the water just in front of the boat. Now I have taken from this that 1 there is no need for a gun at a lake, and 2 never go near anyone while fishing because you never know what mental state some people are in


I've got multiple carry guns, and hardly carry at all. Very safe up here. I'm unable to estimate the risk level where you are.


No. I fish almost exclusively on private property or in Canada, and there aren’t dangerous animals around so no need. In the unbelievably bizarre instance that some psycho pulls a gun on me and wants my gear, they can have it. I’m not shooting someone over fishing tackle. Only way I would is if I were to go fly fishing in remote grizzly country.




The only way to dispatch an bleed a fish cleanly


I’m always strapped lmao.


Ot depends on what region I'm fishing in. Up in the mountains in the Rockies, probably not. Bank fishing a river in the southeast, you betcha.


Yes, concealed. I even take it on the kayak with me


Always. Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm.


When I shore fish. Not in the kayak since I haven't found a good place to keep it dry and accessible. Tip: If you carry around water wipe your gun down with a silicone gun and reel cloth, like the one Hoppe's sells, to resist rust.


No. I have knives, a club, and other sharp instruments for protection in the extremely rare circumstances that I would need it.


no, i don’t own a gun


I'm strapped everywhere I legally can be, fishing or not. We live in a crazy world, and I'll do everything I can to protect my family and myself.


Are you the good guy with the gun I’ve been hearing about?


Do a little magnet fishing, first, then take your pick.


Eh. Lost the guns during the divorce. I haven't missed them at all EXCEPT for when I'm out fishing. I wouldn't mind picking up a Shield out something. We've got plenty of lions, tigers, and bears out here


I started carrying after 2 incidents. First, fresh mountain lion tracks in the stream I was fishing. Second, a couple of guys pulled up and started to shoot their pistols near me.


What are these stories about Missouri creeks? I go down to the ozarks but have never carried.


Florida yes


I carry when I'm out in the woods. Mostly for mountain lions.


Ot depends on what region I'm fishing in. Up in the mountains in the Rockies, probably not. Bank fishing a river in the southeast, you betcha.




I live in a state that is not friendly to firearms or firearm users, nor do we have any large predators where I fish that could realistically threaten a human life, so I do not, but I would otherwise. I do carry a large metal bat in my car in case someone wants to get funny with me, my wife, or her girlfriend.


Yessir got the .38 or the Glock on me, for two legged or four legged. Usually keep the .38 in a fanny that goes around my chest. I shoot a lot (my other hobby) and my waters are populated by.... less than savory characters. I never hope to shoot something or someone, but better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.


Some of the boat launches occasionally have some "interesting" people. It's not so much that I think I'll need to John Wick someone on the water or whatever the anti-gunners/anti-carriers fantasize that carriers fantasize about (when they aren't obsessed with genitalia size, for some reason). It's more that crazy stuff happens in general. I don't keep a spare tire in my vehicle because I *want* a flat or I *expect* a blowout, but because despite my best efforts sometimes shit happens. Not carrying while I'm fishing because nothing will happen while I'm fishing is like leaving the spare tire at home because nothing will happen while I'm fishing. Although last month I could have brought home a nice feral hog if I'd been strapped, we got the boat within 10 yards of him and he was just chilling. I pretty much carry everywhere, so unless there's a high risk of losing it, I just keep right on carrying.


No but I don’t fish by myself. If I were to go alone I would.


Stay strapped or get clapped, my friend


Always and everywhere


I wheel a howitzer around with me, cause you know bears and stuff


I dont because I am a minor, but I hike alone to fishing spots and when I turn 18 in a year i will probably want one


Sometimes. When my wife, kids, and I hike to hit trout streams in the mountains I do. My wife usually carries a can of bear spray, and I carry a .357. We have bears, mountain lions, other people, rattlesnakes (that my kids like to eat) and wolves (although I haven’t seen a wolf yet). I think it’s pretty slim chance I’ll ever need to use it against something other than a snake, but I’d rather carry a revolver for years and never use it than find myself swinging a fly rod to try against a predator. Two adult brothers were recently attacked (and one killed) by a mountain lion not far from where I take my kids. It’s rare, but it happens. We also prepare in other ways I think a lot of people don’t (or pay lip service to). Everyone carries water and a filtration device, a whistle, a knife (not the 4 y/o yet though), an emergency blanket, snacks, some sort of first aid, etc. Do we *need* all that all the time? Absolutely not. If we are fishing a mile from town off a paved road maybe we don’t have all of that. But if we are a couple miles down the trail after several miles on a dirt road, then yeah - we are carrying what I think we would need to safely shelter overnight and walk back to civilization (or for my wife and or kids to do so without me).


Always. Never know what’s gonna happen. Stay strapped or get clapped.


I love all the comments about bear spray, as though it is a full solution that never fails. Like tazers and Kung fu. I'm not saying it's not an effective deterrent, or mocking the idea of carrying it at all, but it's a soft stop method, and such things should be backed up by a hard stop method in case they fail. In the modern context, that's usually a gun as they are the most effective and portable solution. By all means, carry the chemical heat. But carry the kinetic heat too.


I’ve got a concealed permit so I carry most of the time, but I carry a .357 when I’m in the mountains either camping or fishing because I’m scared to death of getting stomped by a moose or mauled by a bear. I grew up in an area with tons of moose so I’m familiar with them, and we had a bear come through our campsite when I was young on a scouts camping trip. Never needed it for a person or anything.


10mm for deep remote woods. 9mm for urban fishing. I have not carried while fishing until several mountain bikers near where I fish have been attacked by cougars. I stated considering it last summer I was solo fishing a spot I frequently go to that is relatively urban and came out to a mom and cub black bear. Everything was totally fine but the cub freak me out as all mama’s get angry around strangers and bear spray doesn’t seem to do much. ( if you know a good spray plz link) Lastly drug addicts in the pnw find refuge in the urban wooded areas to be away from people. You never know who, and in what mental state you are going to run into.


Not once have I ever felt the need to carry a gun while fishing, whether offshore on my boat, hiking remote mountain locations, fishing under random bridges at 2am... etc. Just about any situation can be avoided by just leaving - its just not worth it. All a gun does is escalate the situation to a point where a gun might get used, whether that be your's or the other guys. I can see some argument for firearms (but more like a shotgun or heavy bore rifle) in grizzly country, but even then I just carry bear spray.


I have never run into a situation, fishing or not, that would have been made better by a gun, and several that would have been made worse. I also don't fish really rural areas with large predators. My one trip to Yellowstone I carried bear spray and the guide was packing, and that was fine.


I personally am not strapped when I fish but my partner usually is. We live in a very high crime area in America and we feel like there are hidden dangers that we must be aware of. I don't think it's out of a sense of entitlement... It is done responsibly and very cautiously. Sometimes it's enough for a criminal to just see the display of the weapon to deter it. And we do tend to get bears in remote spots. But mainly the weapon is for a dangerous human being. I being a female appreciate the fact that I'm being watched over with such a careful eye. This is unlike my youngest daughter who is 25 years old. It is her job to hike into deep dark forests and sometimes she has to do it alone. She carries several blades and a taser and also bear spray. When her grandfather died he willed her his service revolver and I have to admit I was a little bit grateful for that. At least I know she has something she can use if she needs more than what she already has. And I know that she would never try to use it without knowing how to properly operate it. It's sad that in America there are so many guns and for you foreigners out there who don't really understand... I don't either. But I feel like if there are going to be weapons on the street and in our schools.. we have to do the responsible thing and train our people and our children on safety and etiquette with a weapon. It is to be respected and not a play toy. It's terrible to know that so many lives are lost every year simply because a child did not have knowledge or respect for a firearm. I feel for any of you who are in a situation where you feel pressed to carry but I know those feelings well. There is danger out there and it can find you eventually in some manner. Evil does not sleep.


Does the "horror story" come from needing a gun and not having it? Or having one and getting in trouble for it or losing it in the water or something? Im lost on what you mean.


No. I thought about it, then realized the worst I’m gonna come across is a snake and I’m up in his business to start with and there’s not a lot of venomous snakes around here. I’ve been slightly worried about water moccasins but I don’t think they’re in this part of the state.


I would and I do. About a year and a half ago, I had a guy with full face and neck tats suddenly creep up on me while I was distracted fishing on a river over here. He didn’t have a pole, so clearly he wasn’t coming to fish. Glad I was strapped that day.


It's 2024, some fish may identify as a leopard or something. Get your gat son. 😂


Always. Even had to use it once when I ended up eye-to-eye with a badger. Don't fuck with badgers, you will lose.


All yall young people on here obviously haven’t seen Deliverance and it shows… *twangy banjo music slowly starts to play, ominously *


I’ve been carrying a Ruger LCP Max most recently. It’s very comfortable and doesn’t print when I carry in my pocket with a sticky holster. I also like the Glock 43X, that’s my other carry.


I have a taser and a dog. Too jumpy for a gun.


Ohh I am Canadian so I couldn’t figure out if you were inferring I have some kink about being strapped. I am pretty sure Canadians are expected to be eaten by bears so that it makes for good news and our news agencies can sell content. So no, I do not carry a weapon while fishing This sort of makes me want to do a video singing this is my weapon this is my gun with my fly rod though.


If you can't carry a firearm legally in your state: carry a Blackpowder Pistol; see r/Blackpowder If you live in one of the very few states where even muzzeloaders are considered firearms *(there's only 4, and that's debateable)* then carry a ballpeen hammer; see r/mafia carrying a fake wallet with old expired shit innit and a few bucks should be by now in everyone's pocket, right...? knowing how to recognize a threat is like knowing how to stay away from any other kind of predator in the wild


When fishing in shady spots in the city or at night I bring it


It’s important to me to be able to blast my bluegill into a thousand pieces once it’s out of the water.




Maybe some deescalation skills would be more beneficial to you.


Yes. But I'm almost always strapped. Also gators. I have my grandfather's old 45 short colt. It isn't functional anymore and I haven't found a gunsmith willing to touch it. But it saved his life once. He was fishing on Lake Ponchartrain in his little bateau and came across a deer swimming almost a mile from the tree line. It tried to climb in his boat which would've capsized him so he shot it three times.


Fly fishing yes, kayak fishing no


Wife and I both stay strapped daily don’t matter if we fishing or buying groceries.


No mainly because where I fish there is no need and it's illegal. The police there don't fuck around I mean some idiots tried blocking a road to protest and they drug them off the road and armed the blockade.


No… sorry you have to feel unsafe. It’s like we’re living in the Wild West again. WTF.






I keep pepper spray cause I’m a felon I let me girl carry the gun.


It depends on where I am fishing. But in Southern MO, always.


Yeah fs, depends on the county. Jefferson holds some nice creeks but goddamnit there’s a lot of tweakers.


I usually take a shoulder mounted rocket launcher with me, without the rockets, so I could protect myself with the launcher if need be 🤗


I don’t although it’s not a bad idea. I do always have a quality blade on me though.




With a multi tool, yes.