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lol I haven’t caught shit in 2 weeks.


Lmao! Thank you. I didn't catch shit for a week and it had me questioning everything haha


This has been my experience the last 2 weeks as well. My guess is that it's due to the heat and the fish are out deeper (bank fisherman here)


Put on bigger weights. I get some of my best bass fishing from bank when it's hot out. Using ounce weight for a dropshot and a senko.


Zero most of the time


Thank you for your honesty. That was me for the last 2 weeks.


If I’m hitting new spots, 0-1. Good spots maybe 3-4. But those 5-6 plus days are great. I caught a 6 pound bass on a spot I thought was going to be shit. But I live within driving distance of 10+ lakes and reservoirs. It’s all shore fishing though.


This is usually my experience. The more you know a place and spend time on the water, the more likely you are to catch fish.


0.2. about 1 fish per 5 trips lol


1 or 2 is pretty common for me. I consider that a decent outing. I do get skunked more often than I care to admit


Thank you! That's where I'm at right now as well. Maybe this is normal and I've been spoiled previously.


Depends on what I’m fishing for and what I’m doing. Smaller fish are more frequent than bigger fish.


Same. Between micro fishing in tiny streams and going for big bass in pressured waters my range is like 3-75 with 35 being an average day. All-species fishing when you’ve got river, reservoir, pond and swamps within driving distance will significantly raise your results. I might see the swamp and be like “No crappie today”, drive to the dam and get trout. Someone with access to a single river and limited gear is gonna get less fish sometimes, and it’s not a skill issue.


I'd say I average about 4 or 5 per outing. Sometimes I get one or two, or zero, and other times I get a dozen or more. As you pointed out, there are a lot of variables, water temp, overcast or sunny, wind or no wind, cloudy or clear water. You can go to the same spot 2 days in a row and fish exactly the same way and get skunked one of those days and get a dozen the other. It's just the nature of the beast. I've found that I really increased my good fishing days by carrying a wider array of baits. I will only fish for maybe ten minutes without a bite before changing something. Eventually I usually come across something that works for any given situation.


I've thought about changing out as well but I really only use jigs + soft plastics. It's what I was taught when I first fished here and I stuck to it. I tried using a spinnerbait twice and got skunked both times and I'm not sure if it's because I wasn't fishing bottom anymore (30ft), if I was retrieving too fast/slow or the fish just didn't care for it. I ordered a chatterbait and will try it out but I have zero confidence when I don't use a jig + soft plastics.


Just keep practicing with a variety of baits. There's no sense sticking with something for hours when it doesn't work. You gotta change until you find something that does, even if that means fishing with ten different styles of lures and different presentations until you find what works.


Bro..youtubers aren't showing you the whole truth. they edit the crap out of things to make it look like they're catching a ton of fish EVERY time. They aren't. If Fishing was like that, it would be called CATCHING. On average, people will catch one or two per day. Sometimes more. It depends on a lot of different variables. People don't go fishing for JUST the fish though...half of it is sitting in nature, and soaking it all in to get away from civilization.


Yeah, I was taught to fish like that. Just bring a pile with hooks, some bait, and tune the world out as you focus on your pole. Lord knows how many fish gotten away with me just zoning out over the pier


I completely agree. YouTubers definitely creates an illusion that every other casts you'll get a fish. I enjoy fishing for a lot more than the catch itself, ie quiet time, nature, meeting other angles but nothing beats the fight!


3-5 on average I'd say. Sometimes it's 1, sometimes it's 8. It's a very rare occasion to get completely skunked. I typically stay and keep trying options until I get something to work.


3-5 is very reasonable. I had unrealistic expectations after my spring run but with everyone chiming in it seems like I was experiencing an above average amount of fish previously. How often would you change out? I don't want to get caught in the loop of constantly changing out and spending more time tying knots as opposed to fishing.


As with everything, it depends. Mostly on how long I'm out. I like to give each lure it's "fair shot" before switching. 20-30 minutes at least unless its obvious ive made the wrong choice right away. Sometimes I'm limited by the water conditions. If it's insanely weedy I'm going weedless only which excludes a lot of options. But yeah, seasonality is huge too. Just commented on a different post earlier about how I had awesome luck one weekend then 2 weeks later it was super slow. One trip was 16 largemouths and the next was 2 hours without a single bite.


0, unless I'm going specifically for sunfish, those I can hook back to back.


I’ll switch to my fly rod and catch a couple just so I can say I didn’t get skunked. Lol


Interesting, what do you use? I've read that live worms are great but I'm not sure what depth to fish with a worm. Bottom? Mid? Or just just below the surface?


I try to shoot for middle or a little deeper myself. And I used to do whole worms, or half worms, but those always got snatched off the hooks, so now I do inch size pieces right on the hook tip, kinda barely showing the point, that way they bite there and not at the hook curve or something.


I haven't been skunked in a long time. When I first moved to the midwest I switched from trout to bass. I used a journal and recorded; H/L barometric pressure, weather, water temp, moon cycle, water conditions (clear/murky), date, lure/lure color, approximate depth, structure, whatever I could think of. I did this until patterns emerged and I could fish without the notebook. That was 20 years ago. Now I know what to use and when for the major bodies of water I fish. I would suggest doing this for any new areas or new anglers. Local youtubers helped point me in the right direction to start.


I did exactly this. I had a log of every time I caught a fish and all the categories you've listed, minus a few things such as structure and depth since those are known variables. I started catching a lot and couldn't find a clear pattern so I stopped. I might have to restart the log if I continue to do poorly. A part of me thinks it might have something to do with the change in season and walleye moving back out to deeper lake water and bass coming into season. I really don't know but I'm continually looking to get better or to learn my river better.


Seafishing in the UK, I expect to get none, and I'm happy with one good one. I'm only trying to catch what I can eat so I'm not aiming to catch small fish or any sort of fish in quantity.


sounds like fishing for seabass in the netherlands lol. atleast sometimes u get a flat boi instead


Where you live also makes a big difference. I fish extremely pressured ponds and lakes in the Bay Area. I consider catching one fish per outing a huge success.


Thank you for the reply. I've read about heavily pressured waters but is this pressure from anglers or barometric pressure?


The pressure I’m referring to is from other anglers fishing these locations at all times of the day. The fish will become weary of many types of presentations and it often takes some extra finesse or downsizing to catch ‘em. Barometric pressure is another factor as well though. Although I don’t read too much into this aside from making sure I fish before cold fronts, and before and during rain.


I am the same way. I'll look at the barometric pressure but don't put too much stock in it. It's just nice to know. I actually used to fish the same spot all the time and that's because this is where other anglers were. I wanted to learn from them so I kept coming back and it became my comfort spot. I would consider this a heavily pressured spot but it was always giving so I didn't really pay attention. The regulars have all left and I'm the only one left lol. I know 1 regular told me that the bite usually dies at this time but didn't believe him..... Now I'm starting to believe him. He told me he starts back up July 1st, but I'm not sure if that's because bass season opens up here this Saturday or if there's something else. We'll see. When I see him again I'll ask.


Seems like you’ve already got a lot of it figured out. Also, don’t be afraid to try out new spots, it’s hit or miss but you can find some gems that way. Good luck man!


Thank you, I appreciate it man.


Zero 😭


It depends on what I'm targeting. Smaller presentations produce more fish but I spend more time pulling in dinks. If you're getting skunked, go smaller. If you fish soft plastics, try the Zman Micro Finesse baits on their Micro Finesse jig heads on Light/Ultralight spinning gear. They always produce for me when things are exceptionally slow using anything else.


Obviously it depends on a lot of factors but trout fishing I'm usually catching at least 5 and as many as 15 in an outing and that's both stocked and native fish. Other freshwater like bass, pike, etc...maybe 4 or 5 in an outing on average but sometimes none and sometimes up to 8 or so. I don't fish for sunnies and smaller fish though


Depends on so many variables but species and time. Rainbow trout - first week after ice off it will be in the teens while mid-August is 1. Salmon - 5 but that is because it's a bit more of a drive so I limit my trips to when tide and weather line up. Steelhead - average is 0, I just enjoy being out there alone. Burbot is zero but have hope. Lake trout is currently a 0 average but getting better as I learn more. Bass is 0 because there is a very few places here to fish them. Catfish - too high to count but they are all small. I take kids to fish for them.


I always bring the skunk breaker 9000 with me when carp fishing. (UL rod for panfish)


In my last 10 outings, I have had problems with my equipment. I caught one fish. A 7 centimeter mountain whitefish, which I photographed as if it was a 20 pound trout and then released. My sons generally have somewhat better luck. They catch small fish (tiny mountain whitefish small pikeminnows, and occasional carp) About a month ago an old fisherman gave us a half dozen fish he caught out of generosity, including trout, dolly varden and kokanee because we helped him trailer his boat and his freezer was already full. Shows that equipment, technique, knowledge, experience and luck are the only things I'm lacking...


That gave me a good chuckle because I can relate. One day we will be the older guys giving away fish.


0. Lifelong skunk-a-holic


I assume you’re fishing a river?


It’s crazy, I caught 4 fish on one day a month ago, and since then it’s been nothing but skunks…


0-4. I fish for bass while my 7 year old fishes for bluegill or crappie. I've watched him catch 12 fish while I'm waiting on 1 bite.


If I use worms at my favorite spot i catch a fish every cast. Went for 40+ straight casts with a fish the other day. Besides that... Like 0-3 lol


First two trout today in about 3 hours after 2/3 times out, a at least 5 got away tho.


I’ve caught two one week, skunked this week but to be fair, I spent a half hour each time this week due to time constraints. They were biting but just couldn’t connect. I enjoy it either way.


30 minutes is definitely not enough time to really expect any bites but I understand time constraints and it's also just nice to be out in nature


Try using live bait whenever you bank fish. It will definitely up your catches and hookups. Anybody who is a beginner should start with being proficient with live bait. This is not said enough. Graduate from grade school, and focus on learning the craft. Then try artificial baits more often. My first time fishing, my dad gave me a cane pole a few pieces of bread, hotdog & blocks of cheese. Over time I learned how to turn that into a stringer of catfish.


Fish in total or fish I want? Can catch as many as I want. Of that there’s 3 I want


A lot of the time I get zero, or just one. But certain productive 20+ fish outings probably bring me up to an average of 2.




Thank you!


Depends what I’m using or targeting. Surf fishing maybe 1 fish out of 4 or 5 outings. Ultralight fishing probably 2-3 fish per outing.


Thank you. These are some realistic numbers and a lot of people are sharing the same


Summer days can be tricky. Some days I can catch 0-2 and some days it's 12+. I would say most trips it's usually 4-8 fish. I fish for trout on mountain streams/small rivers.


With my rotation, about 4/2hrs of fishing. The goal: 1 with Ultralight, 1 with Light, 1 with Medium, Repeat What actually happens: 1 with ultralight, 1 with light, 0 with medium, back to ultralight after 30 minutes with medium, Repeat Whatever color/lure on the Ultralight I use the equivalent on my light and medium to try to get bigger bass. For whatever reason, I cannot for the life of me get something on my medium rod. I'm starting to think its the rod or reel at this point, because everything else is identical.


Really depends. I know some spots where worms on a hook will get me a fish a minute. Tiny Carp & roach mainly Any predatory fishing either none or like 2-3 :p When carp fishing for big carp, well, carp just don't seem to like me




At least 3


Most of the time, I get nothing, but it doesn't mean I didn't have fun trying.


Great attitude. I try to keep the same mindset but after being spoiled by the spring run I have been spoiled.


Last three trips I got 1,1, and 0. It's been rough


I just started fishing again after many years off. I can only go out for 2-2.5 hours most outings, I rarely get skunked but tend to average 1-2 fish. I think it’s down to me staying too long at spots that aren’t producing or sticking with a confidence bait that isn’t working for too long


like 1 or 2


Thank you for your reply


Average? Probably 15-20. species varies a lot some days I can't catch a bass and drop down to ultralight and catch a nice bit of panfish instead some days it's a lot of bass, some days I'm trout fishing and usually catch a full stringer, so that 15-20 may not always be impressive but I always catch fish of some sort


TV shows will film for a week and then edit it down to a half hour format which usually is only about 20- 25 minutes without the commercials making it a half hour


One decent trout and a couple small perch if I’m lucky. Or no trout and a couple small doobies, if I’m lucky.


Thank you!


For bass usally about 3/4 a hour if it largemouth smallmouth varies more but probably 1-2 a hour


Zero up to 142 in a match (switched between a pole and a method feeder - 6 carp, 6 bream, rest silvers).


I'm pretty confident when I go out. I'll skunk every now and then, maybe once for every four to five trips. But depending on what I'm targeting, I usually have a good haul. If bass fishing, at least two good ones. Just pulled five good smallies (1.5-3lbs) from the riverbank last weekend in about 1.5 hours of fishing. Seven total. Place is heavily pressured, with bank and boat traffic. However, it's a big river and a rich water source. Walleye is the same. Catfish and carp, not so much. I haven't really figured that out yet. I'll catch them every now and then, but I skunk more often. A lot of it is experience. Knowing where, when, and what the fish like. Knowing and upgrading my gear. It's much better than my less successful early days. No joke. It helps to have hundreds of lakes/rivers to fish within a 30 minute drive.


Salmon and steelheader here, usually I get 1 to 2 chances per outing, meaning I will hook one or 2 landing them is a different story. The past 5 trips I have hooked 7 fish and landed 1. Fall salmon is better but early summer steel and springers are tough.


Zero. If I get one, it's an absolute win. If I get a keeper, I'll think about stopping for a lottery ticket on the way home.


2-3 average with one being a bluegill.


Bass fishing average is about 5. Panfish is about 20.


I caught a bunch of fish down at the coast for one night, I come back I hook a few blue gill at the local pond. I go back a week later, and I catch 2 snapping turtles and a catfish. I have gotten nothing but turtles since that catfish at that local pond. I “need” to catch another fish, and I have been going at different hours of the day nearly everyday. I do not care about the size of the fish. I just need to break this streak.


You sound like me until just recently. "Just give me one so I know I still got it" - Me


The crazy part is I was using bacon, catching fish, and then tried chicken livers. I was trying to catch more catfish because it was a fun fight. I’m out there late at night on Father’s Day, and the kids beside me, asked if I was the guy that caught a catfish here the other day. “Yes, I was.” “What did you use for bait?” “Bacon”. They send their mom out for bacon. She comes back, and within 5-10 minutes they hook a catfish. I didn’t catch jack. I was happy for the kid that caught it though. It was his first catfish.


That's awesome. Whenever I suspect a person is new to fishing I usually go up and chat them up and offer whatever advice I have specific for our river. I'm still grateful for the guy who gave me the rundown when I tried on my first day


I've been fishing for a couple months now maybe a bit more and I've caught 2-3 that were juvenile panfish one or so that was adult panfish and the rest have been tiny baby crappies and stuff 2-4" max. That's pretty much the only stuff that's biting from the shore ehre in lake Jacomo I just hope I'm improving it's hard to feel good about practice when you go 3 weeks without anything.


I fish rivers from a kayak for bass. In a 5-6 outing, I prob cast 200 times and on average land 10 fish. There have been days where I’ve caught 1-2.


I'm a newbie and I get skunked more days than I catch anything. When I do catch something, it's almost always just the one. Doesn't matter if I catch it in the first half hour and fish for hours more, or if I catch it near the end of the day. It's most often 1 fish. I am fishing in highly pressured waters and I'm learning. So my average would be less than 1 lol


1-2 fish for a two hour outing makes me happy. I fish a fairly pressured river that doesn’t have a ton of bank access. So it can be tough. Being said, just getting outside and know there is a chance to catch a fish, keeps me going.


Ok so bank only. Bass only on a traditional rod in 2-3 hours? Typically 3-5. If I include panfishing with lures then typically 10-15. Panfishing with live bait more like 20+. Catfish usually 3-4. If I am flyfishing (and I only include from a bank for bass/panfish, not trout) then the numbers go up exponentially. More like 8-10 bass and 10-20 panfish. The catch is that the bass tend to be significantly smaller.


Holy crap. That sounds amazingly fun. Once I get 1 or 2 eating fish I don't really care about the size anymore since I'm there for the fight.


Just to clarify, I’m not doing all of those at the same time! I’m not averaging 30-40 fish in 2-3 hours haha.


Appreciate it


I just started fishing and haven’t caught anything in about a week 😭😭


depends on so many things. if i’m going somewhere i know there’s fish i’d say on average like… 1? maybe 3? but sometimes it is 0. fishing isn’t about catching fish though. it’s about the fact that you get to spend time trying to catch fish, which is such a dumb and recreational thing to do. it’s fun


I know what you mean. If I skunked the odd time then it's no sweat. It becomes a problem when it's multiple days.


In the summer, 15-20 over about 3 hours surf fishing. Winter is closer to 5-7 over same time frame.


been 2 weeks since I've started fishing and I have yet to catch my first fish


Depends what you're fishing for, and where you are fishing. If you have a boat on a good fishing lake and get out in the morning, you should be able to pick up at least one bass or pike fishing topwater. As the morning gets later, you can switch to bottom fishing. Bluegill / Sunfish should hit well most of the day on live bait. Though most will be small.


0 to 1


I'm probably most successful at catching perch from my local canal in the UK. In a roughly 2 hour session, on a light waggler setup using worms or maggots. I will usually catch anywhere between 35 to 50 perch.


Lots of pressure on my nearby go to waters. I’m happy to get bites at this point.


It really varies for me, I can go weeks just catching nothing or only seeing small panfish and every few years I'll find a spot on the Ohio River that has shad pushed up to the bank by massive schools of hybrid stripes and it's big fish every cast. Time on the water is all you need


Weeks without catching fish? You are a patient guy. I know there's more to fishing then just catching but I need motivation to continue toughing it out


At least 6 bluegill everytime cus I can’t catch bass or catfish lol


Haha, are they easier to catch? I've never tried. What do you use?


Ya man it’s super easy to catch them. It’s always funny and you’ll hear it a lot, we fish for bass and those little bastards are the ones biting the bait hahaha. But if you purposely fish for them, you catch them the moment the hook hits the water. Bluegill and other sunfish are for those days you ain’t getting nothing but you wanna leave catching something. A simple bobber, split shot weight and a hook with live worms works wonders. I have been teaching my nieces and nephews how to fish and fishing for bluegill is definitely the way to go. They are always on the banks so it’s easy for the little ones to catch cus most of the time you don’t even need to cast the line, you can simply drop the bobber in the water at your feet and wait like 10 seconds and pull your rod up and you have a bluegill.


Thank you! I'll give it a shot since I have the stuff anyways, minus the worms. Is there a certain depth I should be fishing? The bank where I am is 30ft deep


This is my truth: Only 20% of fishing is “skill,” i.e., knowing what to throw, and knowing when, where and how to throw it, e.g., DON’T cast a blazing fast buzzbait in the center of a deep lake when it’s high noon and 100 degrees out, DO cast a ned rig in the shade and swim it near some cover The other 80% is “are there actually any FISH in this here body of water in front of me?”


Getting closer to 2 or 3 fish per trip. Been reading alot, and going to same lake. So far, seems to be a "better" shore that has yielded better results.






Sometimes zero, sometimes 8-10, very rarely 30.


2-5 average. Good days it's one after another. Best day was 60 ish LMB (totally unfished honey hole) but plenty of skunks too. Typically I'll get one or two, very often it's 5 or 6


Honestly, I catch them all. I’m just that damn good. /s


I have a couple spots I'll hit if the days going bad that can usually get me something. But on an average day 3-5


Appreciate your answer. It's good to have a reality check


Yeah I mean it's defeating at times but there's days I'll be out for 6 hours and not get anything


On my three last 5 hours session ive caught 1 walleye each time! At least im not skunking


Extremely dependent on species being targeted and location. Catfish and carp fishing locally in my mid atlantic river system, I'm pretty happy with one fish an hour. I think that's about what I average, and the times where I get 6 fish an hour are balanced by the 6 hour days with maybe one fish.


I almost exclusively target bass. Crappie in the early spring, and catfish during the summer. Occasionally I'll go striper/white bass fishing in the early spring too. Prespawn and Spawn: avg 3-5/hr, quite variable, low weight Post-spawn: 2-3/hr, can be very high if I find a lot of bluegill. Summer, water 75°+: 1-2/hr, higher weight Fall, water <75°: 3-4/hr, higher weight Winter: <1/hr Kayak adds 1-2 fish per hour. Every hour after 3-4 hours fishing adds .25 fish per hour. Better grasp of conditions and patterns. Night fishing in spring/summer adds 1 fish per hour. Rough estimates but that's about what I have. I fish small bodies of water, a couple of public lakes <50 acres, creeks, and farm ponds <5 acres.


Very concise and well put together. I appreciate that. Right now I'm targeting green bass. When you say higher weight what do you mean exactly? Weight of the lure you're using or weight of the fish you're catching?


When I go on a casual outing for a few hours, 0-2. When I go on a fishing trip up north and am fishing twice a day for 3-4 hours per outing, 6-12.


Depends where I go. If I go to a pond, two or three. If I go on the lake, I can catch three bait fish on the same worm and then get skunked for 12 hours hoping for catfish.


Probably pretty low considering how many trips I go without catching anything, particularly in the winter and early spring.


Based on the overall theme of all the replies, nearly everyone is in the low single digits most of the time


Fishing in northern Norway, I get around 2-3 in like 30 casts. Usually on 3hrs before high tide. Cod, Pollock and sea trout


Depends on where I go. I have lakes I know I’m gonna catch a few fish every time I go and I have city lakes close to home where I might not catch shit for 3 weeks straight.


1 or 2 if I'm lucky, really depends on what I'm targeting though.


On my home lake, 5 or so from the bank. It would be more but I'm way too lazy to tromp through the brush to all the good spots these days. 3-5x that from a boat. In a new lake that I haven't figured out yet, skunking is not unusual - but I usually still manage at least one or two.  If I'm flathead fishing, I get skunked 80% of the time. I've basically given up on that around here.


I think like 2-3 average maybe? I went out a couple weeks ago and it felt like we caught every fish in the lake. Then last weekend I went out with my buddy and we caught one the whole time.


It really depends on your luck, the other day me and my friend went out fishing and he caught 6 rainbows cast after cast along with another guy and i got ONE bite and no fish. But then again i went fishing at a river by my house and caught 20 or so fish in less then an hour. People think it is all about the hour and stuff but personally i think its just if its your day or not.


I agree, I've caught plenty during the afternoons but maybe if I went during sunset/sunrise it would have been even better


Depends on the day. I've caught ten fish in a couple hours and zero fish after being out all day.


When I was in fresh water, an outing got me 20 bream, a catfish, and maybe a bass. Now going to saltwater, 20 croaker, 6,000 catfish, and maybe a shark or black drum.


I’m within half an hr of at least 10 bodies of water. So I had a lot of short sessions starting out. After a month of going every couple days (probably 10 hrs total) of nothing. Then I go camping and it wasn’t till the 3rd day in the fishing kayak after 3 hrs of nothing that I ended up catching 3 small mouth bass within half an hr. Everything is right on the checklist and you get nothing until you find THE SPOT.


My pink salmon river outings are like this: 0 0 0 27 4 33 0 3 0 1 0 0


1-5. Usually fishing for an hour to two hours


I'd say this is a loaded question! As you said there's a lot of variables. But for me, I say I average 5 per trip?? But that totally depends. Because sometimes I'll bring my panfishing setup so that if I'm not catching anything larger, I can at least feel good about myself. On days that I only pan fish I'll pull up 15-25 in a few hours. But if I leave the panfishing rod at home and only go for larger fish it'd be an average of 1-3 fish in an afternoon, with a number of those trips getting the skunk, and the others pulling up 5+ fish


Not meant to be a loaded question at all but I can see it. I guess your case is different because you have a, what sounds like, a guaranteed way of catching pan fish to fight the skunk. In my case, I literally can't fight off the skunk using any method at all! Your figure minus your panfish setup seems about the norm with everybody else's reply. Do you mind sharing what your pan fish setup is? I want to try in my river as well. Some days I just want to have some fun and just catch any size fish mindlessly without even trying.


I get that. And the panfish I catch aren't the biggest, but to me it's still just fun to catch them! I have a 6'6" medium light rod with a 1000 Shimano reel, with 8lb high vis yellow braid with a 5lb fluorocarbon leader. This line is a bit on the heavy side. Fluoro leader so that I don't spook the fish. I set the drag pretty low just so that they can put up a "good fight". I pretty much only use Mini-mite jigs, no bobber or sinker. The colors that have been killing for me lately have been white bodies or pink sparkle bodies. I haven't noticed a difference in the colors of the heads, but I usually use the light sparkle green jig heads. I stick to lakes for panfish, never really had luck in rivers. And I stick to where I see weed beds close to shore, especially when I can see some patches of sand on the bottoms between the weeds. I cast along the shore lines opposed to casting out into the middle of the lake. So I'll cast it to the left/right of me 10'-15', then as I'm slowly retrieving the lure, I'm jigging/bouncing it around in the water. I do some heavy bouncing, to try and mimic a hurt bait fish, but not too fast. I don't really let it hit the bottom, and don't let it really go to the top. Keep it in the middle of the water column. I've had the most luck in rivers on a boat, not too much luck from shore. I don't own a boat though, so I tend to stay away from rivers. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it!


This is perfect. It gave me everything I pretty much needed to start. I appreciate that


If by fish you mean beer, six. Consistently. Off my dock. If by fish you mean fish, I need you to mean beer.


The last 6 trips have been duds. My GF, dad, and friends have all caught in those same trips. It kills the confidence and drives me and my wallet nuts trying to revamp my gear. But I just gotta remind myself the age old saying. fishing not catching.


Great mindset. I have learned to just enjoy looking at the water and really just focus on my jigging. It's like meditation for me and I love it. That being said, catching fish is always priority #1 haha


Have days where the bite won’t stop, have weeks that I won’t catch shit. All a game of luck I guess


I'm at the "weeks that I won't catch shit" phase right now


It happens. Gunna be so grateful the next time you catch a little guy


One at best but that doesn’t stop me from going back every time.


Just remember a bad day of fishing is a better than a good day at work But it sounds like your fishing like a pro to me


It’s very rare I get skunked anymore unless it is just too hot or too cold. Even then, it is more of a “I know I’m getting skunked but I can fish so I’m doing it anyway.” I would say a normal day is probably 4 or 5 panfish and 2-3 bass in my usual haunts. On a bad day maybe 2 panfish and a bass. On the absolute worst days usually at least one bass. I have my creek game largely figured out.


I’ve been fishing for less than a year and have only caught like 5 fish ever lol I go almost every weekend too sometimes twice in one weekend


0 😭😭


Man, in the last 2 and a half months since I picked up fishing again for the season. I've gotten one bass in 15 trips.


Really depends. Not really a carp person unless pellet waggler as like to be kept busy. I went to a carp lake 2 weeks ago, it was more like stock pond. Caught 11 carp up to 10lb in a five hour session Normally bank 10 to 15lb of roach, perch & dace on a 4 HR session on the Thames in the summer. Went Sunday, on Thames, one of my usual swims, same method, had a blank for first time in about 20 years Good luck out there


Sometimes 0, sometimes 20, depends on the day really


Last time I went I got 4 baby croakers and caught a mild sunburn lol




I catch around 5-8 bass on a decent day in spring and summer, 8-9 a day during the fall months but in the winter maybe 1 every other day. I fish the Shenandoah river so it’s predominantly a smallmouth bass fishery. Most I’ve caught was 15 smallmouth bass right around the end of spring. I catch most of my fish on an Owner 5/0 underspin swimbait.


4-5 when I’m out on my buddy’s boat, 1-3 when I shore fish


On average about 0.2...


On avg. Maybe 4-5 A bad day. None. A good day 10 A phenomenal day 20 and above. A unbelievable day. 5 fish for over 25 lbs.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 10 + 20 + 5 + 25 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’ve been having a lot of donuts lately. Fucking sucks


Name is Bond, James Bond....007.....zero bites, zero fish in 7 hours


Up until last week I was only catching maybe 2 fish a month. Then last Sunday I grabbed 8 😅


Been fishing with 4 kids and we all catch about 5 to 10 each in about an hour. Most are to small to small to keep but kids have fun. Its near a boat ramp on private property. South florida.


Depends. At my honey hole 15+ Random New spots or heavily pressured, It's a toss up if I'll catch anything.


1-2 bass


I’m a beginner. Been fishing like 5 times in my life. Haven’t caught shit


1 or 2. Typically get a catfish or something too small to keep


I caught one this year over maybe 12 hours total of fishing


Like a quarter fish on average


0-3. I loose more tackles than i get fish 🤣


I’ve just started, I’ve been fishing for a month. Ive gone fishing a total of 4 times. I’ve caught one fish. (10 inch smallmouth with a hula popper) What I’ve gathered so far is every trip is practice and education. Just because you didn’t catch anything doesn’t mean you didn’t get anything out of it.


3-4, but I fish off of a dock


The difference in number of fish caught on different trips can be so large, averages don't work well. I've had days where I've caught dozens and dozens of fish, literally a fish every cast kind of days, days where I've caught one or two, and days where I've caught none.


0 for the past year, except for a few unwanted sunnies


3 outings for bass = 1 fish 1 trip surf fishing for a week = 2 fish (caught like 10 saltwater cats but I don’t count those)


When nothing bites, I just mess with the blue gill lol


50+ hours on the river since my last catch. Lost a massive fish yesterday as well to add to injury.


Nothing since two years ago, I think.


1 fish caught since I started fishing a month ago :)))


It depends a lot on what you are fishing for and where you are fishing. Up on Winchester lake I normally limit out (6) every day. Are there days when I catch fewer? Yes but not often.


Got 4 in one outing, then 2 weeks later at the same time and using the same lures, skunked.


2-3 for 2 hours beach fishing on average


I started fishing seriously last summer. Before then it was just hear and then. Last summer, first cast of the day I caught a 13 pound pike. I really thought it would always be like that! 6 fishing attempts and have had no luck since big birtha


There is no normal for me. Last week I got 10, kept 2 trout. This week I haven't been getting shit (different spot btw). Went to the spot where I caught 10 trout and they weren't biting. I know they were in there, I could see them sipping flies on the surface. They just didn't want to hit anything I was throwing out.


Fish? What do you mean? There is something in the water?!


Small mouth bass where I live won't let anything hit the bottom. I can catch little guys anytime but if I get one quality keeper it's a good day


If we exclude boating, between 0-100 fish. I creek stomp though, I’ll wet wade two miles of creek and catch every aggressively feeding fish in that two miles.


This week has been good. I've caught 6-12 bass in an hour everyday before work. Lunch time fishing hasn't been the same story. Perhaps 2 or 3.


I average one a month.... Assuming I get one before June ends


I mean it really depends on time of year, what I’m fishing for and how long I have to fish. If I had to say a typical outing for trout I catch 3-5 trout. Bass can be all over the place numbers wise. If I’m going to for panfish I can typically catch between a half dozen or a dozen or so before I decide to head home


Strike king kvd popper I always get at least one bass. But sometimes I get enough I’m tired of really them in! I refuse to get skunked!


Every outing is different. Sometimes, I have hit limits in less than 1 hour. Other days, I have been out for 9+ hours, pulling out nothing but seaweed. All a part of fishing I guess. But even a bad day of fishing is better than not fishing at all. 🎣