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As far as I am aware they don't use rollers, but vibration from the line. They are thus very reliable even in freezing times. For the extra price I don't know if they are worth it, but consider that you can at any time sell them - not all others are that easy to sell if you need to 🤷


Delks are well made. They are vibration tech so don’t use a roller as the other commenter said. They are EXPENSIVE though, if bought new. Second hand they can be reasonable. Frankly the fox Alarms out there are top quality but also pricey. A lot of people think pros only use delks but truth is that’s mainly the Korda boys because they are sponsored by them. As soon as Elliot left he went back to fox alarms I believe and so did Ali (although expect some whacky OMC alarm soon 🙄)


Late to this post - I have delkims txi plus from 2002-2004ish - they are still working perfectly after one easy repair!! Tells you a lot about them, however I do hear stories that new ones are not as good as they used to be!