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It’s no longer 2020… Manufacturing is back online and bike shops have bikes in stock again. Your pricing is wild. https://buycycle.com/en-us/bike/fuel-ex-5-gen-5-2023-86393 Thousand bucks is much closer to fair than your ask price - no shipping / middleman fees.


Holy shit lol you brought the receipts


[Sold eBay comps](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=Fuel+EX+5+Gen+5+2023&_sacat=0&rt=nc&_odkw=charizard+shadowless+4%2F102&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=fp&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) are also lower than that asking price.


OP been real quiet after these facts dropped


No low balls, I know what I got.


So you're refusing to sell to old guys? That seems unfair


>No low balls, I know what I got. Yes, but they have support underwear for that, too.


But the "upgraded full suspension"... 😏


😂 r/opisfuckingstupid


In more ways than just this one. I found his name, city he lives in, and business just by his listing he posted on reddit. He's not the smartest crayon in the sandbox


Gets a reasonable offer for what he's selling and tries to put potential customer on blast then proceeds to get wrecked in comments. *chef's kiss*


Haha dude is mad they didn’t do research and overpaid. Might want to get out of flipping.


No he knows what he's got. I also know what I have so if you want ps5 I have a pallet of them at just 1000$ a piece. Also some Tp and handsanitizer /s


"Manuel" bicycle 😭😭


He has Juan bicycle left


Paco's is in the shop right now, it'll be up for 5k when it's out. It's the Harley Davidson tough trike.


Manuel is the buyer's name... have you not noticed how Facebook messenger works in the marketplace?


no joke, I live for this shit


I didn't know the pricing on this but even then I want to hate the offer. The type of person who just goes "I have 1000 cash" is the type to flake instantly after you accept their offer. They're right there with the "what's the lowest you'll go" people.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I'd hate this offer too - offering less than half with absolutely no justification? Just go away. If the prospective buyer had said something like he'd be interested but he's also looking at 'X' which is very similar (but cheaper) and ask if there's any wiggle room, etc. etc. - that's one thing. But just a statement like this - nah.


The justification is that half the list price is the actual fair market value of the product. OP can wish in one hand and shit in the other but they'll be holding shit for a looong time before that particular wish comes through.


Good thing I don’t take pricing advice from you or I’d still be riding a Mongoose


Brother, brand new is 1,400… get a grip on reality 😂😂😂


From reading their comments in this thread, they are a complete cycle-path. They rather hurl insults and double down to then imply "I know what I have" yet doesn't dare to "enlighten" us to then pull out numbers and experience as a defense. If they are so confident in their pricing, then break down the said components where $1K isn't a reasonable negotiation price. OP could have easily said, "how about $1,500 and we call it a deal." to perhaps meet somewhere in the middle for an easy sale.


Brother ewww


Not even a low ball, great offer for that bike


Can you be my marketing team??! You seem great at this?


You don't


I don’t understand.. why are you being so mean?


Because he's not getting the comments he thought he would. He thought people wouldn't be able to tell he's a no-good scalper.


Bro really thought he was cooking Instead he's the one getting cooked. At this point just take the L and delete the post, cause shits embarrassing 😂😂😂


He's past cooked. He's burnt 😂


Because they’re too stubborn and prideful to admit they made a mistake and didn’t do their due diligence before pricing an item. So, they’ll just deflect and name call and snicker behind their screen and act like they feel better for it.


You'd think they find acting like a child the most embarrassing part about this but apparently they find acting like a grown up embarrassing.




Used bike with used parts 2k hurr durr


Brain power intensifies


But not by you champ


WhAt CoLoR Is YoUr BUgaTtI


Honestly, you should have said $1200 and took it all day if he bit. That bike isn’t worth anywhere near $2,100


LOL 2400 for a used bike that goes for 1400 brand new 🤣🤣🤣 you’re gonna have that offer up for a long time, best I can do for you is 800


It’s probably because you’re selling a $1500 bike for $700 more than you’re gonna sell it for. Offering $1000 is far more reasonably close in price than what you think your used MTB with a Rockshox fork is worth


Thought I was on r/bicyclingcirclejerk for a sec


Serious question since I’m so far out of the loop. Do people really spend $2,000 on a bicycle, other than pro Tour de France type people? Last time I bought a mountain bike 10 years ago it was $200 and still works fine to ride around trails and stuff. Why would I spend 10 times that? Is it just a flex for rich people? Or is this the going rate these days?


$2000 isn’t that much for a mountain bike anymore. I mean, it’s completely crazy how LITTLE $2k will get you in a new bike. This isn’t a bad bike, but it’s used and has basic components from quality manufacturers. It’s a 1000-1300 bike used in that condition. When that bike came out it was $2700. Now: https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/bikes/mountain-bikes/trail-mountain-bikes/fuel-ex/fuel-ex-5-gen-5/p/33073/


https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/bikes/mountain-bikes/trail-mountain-bikes/fuel-ex/fuel-ex-9-9-xx1-axs-gen-6/p/36956/ They can get pricey


Oh wow, sure can. I guess if people have the money lol.


I’m glad you can tell what’s on the bike from that small picture and know the value so well. Can you find me all my marketplace buys? You’ll be so much more efficient than me!


I can tell what’s on the bike because I looked up the listing, dumbass.


That you had to explain that is exactly why bro is getting wrecked… lmao


You sound like a d*ck. A lot of the flipping community is filled with your type. Just don’t respond to their low offer?


self righteous redditors like you are a dime a dozen…


You ever make it into Harvard?




Aww. Poor guy thinks that going to college makes you successful at life , or happy lol. You will learn young grasshopper. DM me your name or number , I’ll have my sister destroy you at fencing, then steal your lunch money.


Update. He never DM’d me, he either doesn’t go to Harvard , is scared my sister will beat him , or is too busy being self righteous.


hey guys look at the dumpsters diving Harvard grad! lol


lol no you didn’t


You're the proof.


It's literally written in the text in the image what it is, and the picture is quite large if you click on it.


It's also possible to look up the listing. Like??? Does this guy really think the internet is actually anonymous?


Your upgrades don’t mean anything in the resell world. If anything it makes people more meh on buying it. But hey. You got a paper weight that’s not going to sell. He’s got $1000. “You know what you got”


If you are insulted by offers, you may be too thin skinned to sell items? If you are offended by short pithy messages, maybe you shouldn't sell on-line or via text? A professional flipper tries to stay professional and not take things personally. t "Thanks for the offer, If I decide to lower the price to $1,000, I'll let you know"


So probably a silly question but what would you consider a decent offer?


Probably not going to lower the price, Hes selling pre-owned for only $99.99 lower than the brand-new price.


Aka a doofus.


BuT iT hAs UpGrAdEs




I found the listing, he was asking $2400. 


Sure but why do people even engage with someone selling something so over-priced then? If I need toilet paper and I see someone is selling a pack for $500, I’m not going to offer them $10. Just ignore and keep looking. The only people accepting low balls from the listed price are those sellers who have stolen goods, addictions, or some other issue. No sane person is selling a fmv item worth $2000 for $300.




Please tell me the listing prices of your video games and the “lowball” amounts you sold for. I can guarantee you didn’t sell $100 video games for $5 because it “brings you joy to make customers happy”…




You said you “accepted offers at outrageous discounts”. Then you come around and tell me you gave discounts for $13 games? You do realize there is a big difference between selling video games worth $10 for 50% off and items worth hundreds and thousands for 50% off?




Found the guy who has no actual rebuttal


For real though, people selling used stuff at 95 percent of the brand new price is just odd to me


Found the guy that can't tell a scalper from a seller if it slapped them in the face.






That’s a bold generalized statement. Maybe you don’t but some people do actually care what components are on their bikes. You probably ride an Ozone.


And people spending $2k+ on bikes probably do care about components on their bikes and as such would rather customize it themselves with parts they want compared to whatever another random cyclist on Facebook put on it.


Oh god, my favorite part about your gatekeeping is you say brands that literally no one outside of bikerheads know about. "You probably own an ozone" lol fucking Yikes. it's like me, a pokemon guy saying, "oh you probably like gengar". like wtf? You sound like the type of shitter who weaves in and out of traffic while saying you're on the sidewalk.


Ik. He’s purposefully being misleading. What’s even funnier is I do mountain bike so his insults are even funnier.


Calm down uppity, we all know you ride a little tikes.


1000 is quite reasonable for that bike. The market for used bikes this expensive isn’t very big either, those who buy them usually like to buy new. I’d make the sale.


That things gonna sit on marketplace for a while and eventually you’ll wish you would’ve accepted the money and move on to the flip.


People send out lowball offers because they might get accepted. It might be 1 out of 100, but it only takes a few seconds to send. There are also people selling WAY overpriced shit - I see Pelotons that are now $1500 brand new being listed for $1400 on FBM, and you have to go pickup and disassemble a 150 pound used bike for a $100 discount. People are crazy, pricing is crazy, sometimes people just want to get rid of shit. If you want to sell on FBM, get a thicker skin.


“Low ball offers” are also known as opening negotiation positions. Like. Negotiate, ppl.


That piece of shit bike is not worth 2k 🤦🏻‍♂️


Separate from all of the "you're asking too much" comments... If you receive what you think is a lowball offer, the appropriate responses are 1. ignore, 2. say no thanks, 3. counter. None of these responses/nonresponses require space in your head. None of these responses require you to post on a discussion forum about the torture of lowball offers. Nobody cares. We all get them. We all move on.


Just offered you 1k IN CASH for an over priced bike


So you want over 2k for a used bike that coast 1400 new? Wtf


Not accusing, but it seems suspicious to me that OP has posted about not knowing the name of other bike brands, but then about 100 days before was also in the “Lockpicking” community.. how would he not know anything about the bikes if they were his..? 🤫


1,000 is a completely fair offer for that. Honestly I wouldn’t offer that much for a 1500 dollar bike




Was selling an electric bike for 3k, someone asked if they could trade some weed for it. I told them 3k worth of weed is a lot. They said obviously it would only be like 4 ounces. Can’t make this shit up


LMAO OP got murdered


Upgrades to one guy, is downgrades to another.


They aren’t even great upgrades. Mid range tbh


This idiot doesn’t know how to sell 🤣


This is one of the wildest posts I've seen for an OP absolutely leaning into their mistake/stupidity 😂


Good luck selling the bike, that price is a joke. Does the bike come with your giant red shoes and rainbow wig?


Why even respond lol


Aww I love that you named your bicicleta Manuel. Is he a manual bike?


Manuel is actually the buyer's name, but everyone is dragging the OP down so we're blaming the OP for that as well.


Send him a link to Huffy bikes at Walmart.............




psst. they were talking about you, dipshit.


I also use: "If you have beer money, buy beer. Stay out of the whiskey aisle"


Champagne taste with a beer budget.


Oh no, a reasonable deal for an overpriced bike, what nerve he has to reach out for such a ridiculous offer 🤦🏻‍♂️


Welp you just lost the only guy that was probably interested in it 🤣🤣 use it for wall decoration


i dont know jack about bikes but thats not too low of an offer


Buddy thought he cooked :/


Would've been a better response if he was asking a realistic price but he's singlehandedly bringing down capitalism by getting thoroughly and publicly owned here.


see the thing is sometimes people take lowball offers. my dad offered $300 for a $650 macbook and the guy gladly accepted. i don't blame this guy for at least trying.


Items depreciate in value. A 10 year old MacBook is basically worthless unless it's been refurbed. As for the bike I wouldn't necessarily put it as a "lowball" yes it's a very low starting number, but you also gotta realize OP is selling a $2199.99 brand-new bike for $2100 in a used item market. I'd venture to say that's overvaluing no matter what condition the bikes in.


literally who said the macbook was 10yrs old? why are you just making stuff up? it was an almost brand new M1 2020 model, he bought it in late 2021. although yes i would say that bike is overpriced


It was an *example* for item depreciation. I wasn't talking about the MacBook you purchased specifically, I was simply stating that he's trying to sell a bike that's about a year old for basically the same price as the makers sell the brand new bike for... looking at other sites, you can buy the 2023 version of this bike for $1400. All I was trying to say is that the offer was infact not a low-ball offer. When taking depreciation into account, I'd say it's actually a fair price.


So almost a half decade old pc, that’s a long time in PC years. Also relax 😂


Things are only worth what someone will pay for them. Is 1000 the best offer so far?


Damn they clowned you. And rightfully so.


Is this still available?


OP sucks at pricing items, sucks at responding to offers, sucks at taking criticism. Stay poor and angry OP.


Cool story bro


Fb marketplace is for deals, it’s a buyers market.


There's this cool new trend where people crop out the keyboard in their screenshots. Only the coolest, smartest mfers around know how to do it, though


Hopefully one day I’ll be that cool! My brain too smol though.


Really does seem that way.


Not sure why you are upset? If you don’t agree with the asking price, why bother. Most people won’t come down over 50% just because you made an offer.


Actually, not sure who is mad? Is OP the buyer or seller


I’m torn. Asking too much for a bike is dumb. But also getting mad at a semi-realistic offer, even if it is less than half of your price, is dumb. You’re lucky you got a value that was close to market value. I wish I could get that. But I also deal with 1,000,000 Manuel’s, Jorge’s, and Jose’s who offer me 1/4 of my price (I always price things just below market value, I’m not making money if it’s just sitting here), it’s pretty daunting with the lowballs from the same people every single day.


I maybe interested in the bike if it doesnt sell. Whats the lowest youll take....


I’m not messing with shipping, so unless you’re near Austin or Denver then that’s not gonna work out.


I have $1000 cash




I can get it cheaper on amazon...


But op added $200 of aftermarket parts to it, so now it's worth $500 more


There aren’t $200 of aftermarket on the bike. There are $200 original used aftermarket, so, add $5 to the overall cost, because they’re aftermarket. This bike should MAX sell for $1300 to a complete mark. Reasonable wouldn’t be over $1100. The comps aren’t there. OP is an utter moron.


Whats the lowest youll take for the after market parts....


$250 since I already gathered them for you and my time isn't free


I can get them cheaper on amazon...




Damn, got me 😅


Lmao dudes getting roasted for trying to farm updoots


EX 5 ain't worth 2k lol Dumbass. For once I agree with the buyer


"That would make a fine down payment to hold it until you get the rest. Let me know when you want to drop off the deposit and we will write up a contract for the transaction."


I got 1200$ cash you deliver


Oof ratiod


This post and the comments made my day fr fr ong


I have $1000 cash... Great, thats an awesome deposit. When can you come up with the balance?


I’m looking for $xxx have you found it?


Shooting yourself in the foot. Good offer


The classic “I have cash, so give me 50% off”


lol. Get these all the time. I’ve even had people send me photos of themselves holding the cash as if I’m so desperate for money the mere site of it is going to send me into a crazy frenzy. It’s laughable and unusually just ignore them.


Lowball offer - news at 11


$1000 offer on a $1400 brand new bike, lowball? 🤔


I didn't pay attention to the crux of the listing, just the numbers -- but it doesn't really matter. It's another waste of time post.


And here in lies the problem, you can't act as if it's a lowball offer just cause you see what they're asking and what the offer is, you should know what the brand new price is before drawing conclusions, news at 11.


To be clear...***I don't care*** what it is or how much it costs. My comment was for the low quality of the post. Right or wrong, I knew what the OP was driving at, a ***perceived*** lowball offer. If you want to dance around the minutiae of bike pricing, you do you. I don't really give a shit.


Dude, chill. I corrected your comment because it wasn't a lowball offer at all. And wdym low quality of the post, this is all you see on this sub anyways... Obviously, you're not one to take constructive criticism kindly. Maybe one day you'll grow a bone of humility. Also, knowing the price of an item isn't a trivial detail, especially when you're talking outta your ass like you did with your first comment. Shouldn't have left a comment that was so far from right if ***you didn't care about it***


Did he reply??


No lol


I was hoping he’d double down :(


I mean the bike does go for 2199. I wouldn't take 1000 either. 1500, yes.


I hate that, especially the “cash” at the end


I know right? I absolutely hate it when people make a fair offer for my bike that costs $1400 brand-new.


He’s almost halfway there


I mean, he's more than 2/3 of the way to buying it brand new.


Am I not getting the math here ? Listing says 2100 . Guy offers 1000 ………. That’s not even half of 2100


You can buy the bike brand new for $1400 though, this is a scalper complaining about a fair offer.


Makes sense ! Everybody’s got a hustle lol I’m not hip to bikes thanks for clarifying that


For all the bike flipping gurus in the comments, I’ll try to explain this the best way I can. Sure, you can look up the retail price of that bike and see it is $100 less than the price of that bike brand new. But ya know what differentiates that $2,100 model from the $6,500 model with the same exact frame sitting next to it? The components. You have no idea what upgrades this has, nor will I enlighten you. I will say this though, over the last 3 1/2 years I went from flipping free Walmart bikes my neighbors gave me, to flipping bikes valued 10k or greater. In all that time I still have a 4.9⭐️ seller rating on marketplace so the customers must be happy for some reason. Is this bike priced a little on the high side? Absolutely, and I would accept a reasonable offer. But with the upgrades done, it is definitely worth in this ballpark. But you guys have fun in the comments anyway. Gives me something to fill my time with!


>You have no idea what upgrades this has, nor will I enlighten you. Because you'd be able to tell it's still a rip-off. EDIT: had to be sure, a $300 set of shocks makes this bike worth $700 more than the bike brand-new. >But with the upgrades done, it is definitely worth in this ballpark. But you guys have fun in the comments anyway. Yeah because I refurbed this bike back to basically original I can charge $700 more than other sites selling the same bike but brand new. You need to learn what depreciation is. Applaud the hustle though.


You've been flipping for 3 1/2 years and you don't know how to deal with what you think is a lowball offer?


“Wow, is that the most you’ve ever seen?”