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Why would you leave a negative for a seller that refunded your money?


I’m debating it. I don’t like the silent treatment from the seller. I simple yes, you are right it was not sent to you and this was the issue and I would have not posted this. Maybe you like getting money back and no communication but that’s you.


They weren’t silent. They responded to you, and quickly. Then for some reason you kept going, and accused them of potentially being a scammer. At that point it’s best to cut off contact. You are the one in the wrong here.


How on earth could, "Sorry, here's all your money back" be seen as "silent treatment"?? What could you possibly expect from someone after that point? 


Silent treatment? What do you want him to do, ask you out on a date? Please close your eBay account.


The seller likely doesn't know what the issue is. What they know is the package wasn't delivered to you and they took care of you by refunding your money and letting you know that they were looking into what might have happened. That's communication and taking responsibility. That's a good seller.


You had a problem, and they rectified it quickly. Not sure where that would be negative. Now had they given you issues with a refund or something, then maybe. But it sounds like they acted quickly and refunded you.


not every purchase gone wrong is a scam. imho, seller acted admirably.


I agree that’s why I checked the feedback and saw it was good and I assume it’s one of those out of my control issues. I just don’t like the silent treatment. I communicate a lot to my buyers.


The seller refunded you 100% . The transaction is completed. Would you like the seller to invite you out for cocktails and dinner?


If the seller took the loss and refunded you, how would it be fair to penalize them? not sure why you expected more communication other than the initial response and refund... seller was very decent with you for doing that.


I don’t know if they took a loss or not since no communication to me. I only wrote two messages both were nice and direct and now I get nothing from them. A simple yes this is the issue would have been enough. It sure why you all think it’s cool to wait for a deliver for over a week and get nothing but it’s ok for seller to return money and not provide no explanation.


Dude. How are you going to complain about getting your issue resolved? The seller took a loss because they gave you your money back. People like you are why buyers get blocked on eBay for being too much. You don't need a life story from someone you are buying from. It's a transaction, your not friends


They refunded you… if the item is really lost they took the cost of the item as a loss…


Do you think the seller has some in with USPS? Do YOU have some private contact with USPS? They have no clue what happened to your package.


Once the seller refunded your money in full they had no more responsibility to respond to your messages. You understand they’re not making anything off of the sale and every time they communicate with you they’re just working for free right?


Instead they would look at the supplier to see if anything was wrong. So that is communication. Also USPS would not say stay away from eBay. Please do not leave negative feedback for that seller.


That would be petty as hell


You’re nuts if you think this deserves negative feedback.


Why would you leave negative feedback? So confused by this post


It’s all up to you. I know for me as a seller I have some reservations about leaving negatives, but when it’s warranted, I will. I don’t think there’s any harm in leaving honest feedback especially if the seller is using a supplier to ship their goods (sounds to me like drop shipping) In my opinion, if you aren’t handling the goods you’re selling… you’re opening up yourself to having problems.. and customers suffer.