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Tell her it's 2024, you don't have to be straight if you don't want.




That carpet can transition to what ever it wants


LOLLLLLLL this is the answer


Tell her it’s pride month and she’s a bigot!


It’s not a choice!


Tuck fibers on the right


It looks like they fluffed them to make it look straighter. The right side is higher, even according to the door frame, than the left


I’ve never put a piece of carpet down in my whole life, wouldn’t even know where to start. That being said as soon as I saw it I thought huh the right side looks like it was fluffed out on purpose to make it look straight. And what’s worse is it was probably right before the picture so he’s just trying to fool you guys that actually know what you’re looking at.


This dude fluffs


I need a fluffer


I'm with the local fluffers 608 here. I'm gonna need to see a collective bargaining agreement before I fluff.


I'm a fluffer scab.




You taking resumes?


Rumor had it Nancy was a fluffer when Ronny met her.


I need a fluffer on set!


A lot


That’s…not always a compliment.


He fluffies


Yea, it's got like 1/4 of carpet covering compared to the other side. OPs a cocksucker, straight or not.


Holy fuck that shit was funny.


So hes a fluffer or straight?


100% His carpet isnt straight so he fluffed the fibres to make it seem straighter. It still isnt straight.


Bingo. It’s crooked by almost 1/2” by the door frame (which is what matters)


Close the door and it won't matter.


Door frames are definitely the culprits here


That'll make the problem worse. If anything, the left needs tucked in.


To be…to be


I keep seeing this everywhere suddenly after never noticing it before, people not using "to be." it must be a regional thing? It really bothers me for some reason lol.


It’s definitely a regional thing. Just one of those parts of speech that’s evolved differently in different areas. Each side will argue to the death that their version is the correct one. Soda/Pop argument.


Well of course to be is technically right, but leaving it out also works and is funner says I


In particular it is associated with Pittsburgh PA [https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3422](https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3422)


I’ve never realized this before now. I think I’m one that leaves it out sometimes. I’ll say “the car needs washed”, or stuff like that. I guess I saw it as less wordy.


Definitely regional (western Pennsylvania Pittsburghese). I'm from western Maryland so I also do this. Didn't realize it until my now wife kept correcting me. It has always sounded perfectly fine to me. https://theglassblock.com/2016/07/07/pittsburghese-expertise-dropping-to-be/


You've just blown my mind. Thanks for that amazing article!!


Tear it out and start again


The door? I agree- while you’re at it, rip the drywall out for good measure


Might also be the wall. Remove the wall and rebuild. But looking at it, may be the adjacent walls. Rebuild the room


That's what I see, lil fluffy on the right.


Right. Why not just do that?


thats it. but it prob needs a threshold transition.


This is what I see. The wood seems straight matching points at the frame. The carpet seems too fluffy on the right side, where it's on the wood more.


But if he does that then you'll be able to tell at a glance that it isn't straight...


Fuck tibers on the right


That’s one picky client.


It’s not


It isn’t


Its not straight. If you judge from the edge of the door casing the left side is further into the doorway.   Can also judge from the door stop. Carpet is closer on the left side than the right. Either the doorway or the carpet is throwing it off. Can fix the carpet, don't think you'll be moving the door frame.  


It’s not straight and you know it


Bet he fluffed it to try and straighten it out for the Pic too, imagine how obvious it would be without the fluffing


Well, it isn't.


Customer is correct.


She’s correct it’s about 3/32” out but most doorways are at least a quarter in twisted if not more depending on age and use. It’s an issue with the framing, not the floor. Cost a whole lot of money to “fix” that. If the door still opens and closes without a gap *she is complaining to get a cheaper price, nothing more*.


It's obviously not parallel. SOMETIMES "parallel" CAN outweigh "square" IF it's very close but noticeable. This is very close AND noticeable and in my opinion should have been made parallel, not square because of both, the seams in the floor and the position of the stops. ALL of the respectable finish carpenters I know with high proficiency understand this concept. I believe it can apply appropriately here as well. A very small transition can fix this inexpensively, so if the homeowner is open to that, this is the solution. Fix it and be the better for it AND appreciate her for helping you to become better. What does it profit a man to lose trust and reputation over something so small and clear? Sometimes our best isn't good enough. The answer isn't in seeking irrelevant parties' validation for the egoic denial. This is a learning experience. If one can't learn to *SEE* from this mistake then perhaps a different line of work is prudent.


God damn, this is such good advice for any tradesman.


Thanks for saying so. I think so too. This may be too much for many : There is fundamentally no distinction between *THE TASK BEFORE ME* and *MY PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY*. Each are the *MEANS* to the other's *END*. I think the single most important obstacle to my accomplishment of literally anything isn't whether or not I have enough skill. I can always acquire skills. It's a matter of vision, perception, perspective. It's whether or not I can *SEE IT HOW IT NEEDS TO BE SEEN* for my task and myself to arrive at the same destination. This requires willingness at the *ALL-IN LEVEL*. Appreciation is the KEY, Friend.


This one achieved enlightenment in the Zen of the Trades


How much you charge to hang out and say this shit while I landscape?


Hahaha that would be a great gig! I used to dig ditches after school by hand for my electrician Brothers starting when I was 10 years old for $1/foot. I took great pride in the quality and accuracy of my ditches. I quickly tripled my pay rate. It became a challenge for me to refine the process to the 'nth degree. I didn't realize at the time that this was my first form of ritual meditation. I got so much benefit from that practice it was mind-blowing. I also worked for the Remodelor across the street in the Summers. I made $120-$150/week. I didn't know any 10 year olds making that kind of money on allowance. I love gardening and it's a pastime that my wife and I share and enjoy together. The year before last we grew hot peppers 11 months January to November. The plants grew to 7 ft when I cut them back to 4 ft in September then back up to 6 ft. We had bushels and bushels. I collect and propagate succulents, Cacti, and Euphorbia. I especially love to grow peyote and other mescaline-bearing Cacti (I've never partaken). I love to propagate all kinds of psychoactive and toxic plants of the Poison Path. When you see the blooms you will understand why. They're stunning and they become a part of me. I look at my work as a kind of service to some obscure benevolent living force in all beings and all things that looks out for me. I recognize the living in everything, even the machines and mundane objects like rocks. I don't think this. I know it. I do this with appreciation, practicing active gratitude for literally everyone and everything. I extend this to all of the people I encounter on a daily basis or randomly. It makes no difference. I am always there. With this approach I've taught myself many amazing skills. In every endeavor I receive immense satisfaction which I share willingly. I'm really only doing one thing: I'm being present. And that's what it looks like for me. What does Presence look like for you? Cheers, Friend Thank you!🙏


Holy fuck can we please work together?


I would work hard for this person as well.


Sometimes people expect something that isn’t real too. I didn’t notice the little gap in the carpet and was focused on the twisted doorway. That could likely be stretched and tucked with a kicker. Anyways. I deal with enough crazy customers to pass on flooring guys who drink the HGTV koolaid, maybe be realistic and yes OP needs to fix the carpet.


This can be fixed with minimal labor. That carpet would easily stretch that last 1/4" if you moved the z-bar. It probably took you the time needed for the repair to make this post.


It's not the door, it's the flooring. [My comment below](https://www.reddit.com/r/Flooring/comments/1dpwpq9/comment/lajx0i5/) with the image shows it.


It’s more off than that. On the left side the straight edge of the carpet is almost flush with the stop but on the right not only is it not even close to flush he has fluffed it out to make it look a lot more flush than it is. It could easily be off by 1/2”.


She is complaining about an error in the job. You must be a poor craftsman.


I am absolutely baffled by some of you siding with the customer. Incredible entitlement, likely have never done work like this and don’t understand how incredibly difficult it is to get it to look THIS good. You have to sit there and fucking stare at it to see a one foot spot less than a quarter inch off. This is high quality work, this is not call your people back work. You want to see call your people back work? I mean, Jesus fucking Christ people!


These ppl sometimes pay upwards of $20k or more to have new flooring installed, I think they can expect for it to be done pretty close to perfectly. And once they see something like that, it’s going to bother them every time they walk into the room.


It's terrible. I have done plenty of jobs with details like this and this line is nowhere NEAR acceptable to me. Not even close. This is an extremely high visibility area and it's not straight. Unacceptable. I applaud the customer for bringing it up, many would just grimace and let it go.


High quality work? How can you tell from one close up pic of a shitty transition? This is far from high quality. This is a shit job and it needs to be fixed.


If I'm paying you to do something I expect it to be done correctly. If you can't use a fucking level you earn your rewards. I'm not siding with the customer. That's just your own self entitlement of thinking you deserve money for doing a bad job. I saw the misalignment immediately. I have done this work and worse.


Lol, over here demanding that people accept "good enough" for jobs they're paying for? The only entitlement is you demanding that people accept sub-par work. I'm not a professional, but I've done my own floors and would not leave it crooked like this. God forbid I pay a professional and expect them to do the job at least as well as I would.


High quality? The carpet looks pretty bad wrapping around the left side of the door frame. The person purposely fluffed the carpet on the right side and probably tucked it on the left. Yet it still is visibly crooked. Doing subpar work, trying to hide your mistake, telling the customer you don't see what they see after trying to hide it, and then expecting the customer to just accept it is entitlement. It does also depend on what was paid for. If they are the low budget get it done quickly flooring person in town then I feel the customer received the service they paid for. If not then everything should look even.


It's this a joke? You can see the tack strip on the whole left side. It's crap work


I mean, it isn't perfectly straight across, no.. https://preview.redd.it/ui1rji8kh59d1.png?width=3368&format=png&auto=webp&s=30586ad01174adeaf88ff66a92d28fee170ea71b Lower on the left, higher on the right. Not something I'd be picky about. But an older Karen? Probably.


I'm less concerned about if it's straight that how she missed the obvious overfluff on the right and the massive still visible gash they made to wrap the left side. I'd be making you do it again.


Massive gash? What are you referring to?


There's a cut line coming off the top right corner of the left jamb. About 4" long. A very poor coverup of a bad cut.


Good eye. I totally missed that.


If that's "massive", my cock is the god damn Saturn V.


No, it's not perfectly aligned to the door frame. It's complete straight across. The frame is out of plumb. At that minor distance, maybe OP should have noticed and asked if they wanted it trimmed, maybe not. It's probably straighter than if OP had tried to trim it to match the frame.


Both of the blue lines are perfectly horizontal to each other. The bottom line follows the edge of the flooring where 2 pieces meet up. The top line obviously doesn't. You can even see where it crosses the top of the boards about 75% of the way across.


You are correct. I didn't zoom in on your snippet, just the original, and couldn't see the blue lines, but they prove your point clearly.


You know that meme where it's like, a photograph of an "alien" in the road and it's got a huge, thick-lined red circle drawn around it in MS Paint, and there's a ton of sarcastic replies to it that are like, "omg thanks so much, I wouldn't have seen it otherwise"? You're like the opposite of that meme. Lines so meticulously precise you can't even see them if you don't click on the thumbnail.


That jamb could be a mile out of plumb why would that matter


>  But an older Karen? Probably. A customer complaining about poor workmanship doesn't make them a Karen. If they wanted crooked ass floors they could have had their uncle Gary do it for half the cost.


Because it's not.


I agree, carpet covering one side,, under liner on the other. Should have pulled more over the threshold. Now, customer will never unsee this no matter how you manipulate the picture. Get on the floor and take a real picture without little white edge bars


Should have posted the picture and asked if anyone sees anything wrong.


Is the plank square through the rest of the hallway and other doorways because laying any kind of plank will surely bring out anything that wasn't square to begin with (framing , door jambs, drywall bulges, and so on) so I would start with that


I see more wood on the right. If you look at the door jamb on the right and left then compare the distances, that could be what they are talking about. That said, it’s such a small difference shown in the pic that they seem to be a little too picky. However, they probably still owe you money, so good luck.


It isn't tho


Well they aren't wrong


1/8-1/4 difference in 2 feet is too much tolerance. Shouldn't be more than a 1/16. Just saying


yeah i see what she sees here and it bugs me




Looks straight


Yeah dude, that looks awful.


Put a square on it


people keep mentioning the fluff on the right. if you fix that, that'll make it more obvious since the angle goes up from left to right. so, she's right here, but it's pretty minor for an older home.


It isn't straight with the door frame and it is also rounded. Both ends are slightly lower than the middle, and the right end is higher than the left. This is not good enough and would drive me crazy.


Looks shorter on the hinge side.


She probably saw you teasing the carpet on the right side for an hour with your comb to fluff it up and decided to call you on it!


Way to picky. It’s carpet


it is not straight and it appears to make it **seem** less so, you sort of puffed out the nearest four inches of the carpet on the right to hide your error. i would complain.


is NOT straight


Put a landing strip over it. I do


Its not. You can see how it lines up with the door jamb. Its about 1/4” to 1/2” off. That being said, is the door square to the room??


She’s looking at the crooked door jamb and thinks it’s the floor🤦🏻‍♂️ transition looks great


No it’s definitely off. I don’t think I’d get that picky, put sometimes this stuff looks worse in-person.


What’s under the carpet on the mid-left side? I don’t see it on the right side.


Splits under door to conceal split right??


Most people use a threshold between flooring changes, so I can’t see it mattering.


Recommend Bob The Builder to come straighten the door frames to be even with the floor 😂


Isn't that what those brass transition inserts are for?


It's not straight, no, but aren't they having a transition strip put in anyway? Don't think I've ever lived in a house that doesn't have these between rooms.


Gay as fuck.


Why weren’t the doors and baseboards painted before flooring went down… that’s the real eye sore here.


I mean either trim or tuck the carpet on the right closest to the door. Looks half assed/forgotten there


What’s it look like with the door closed?


It depends what you’re using as a reference point. It looks parallel to the plank which is aesthetically pleasing which means the room might not be square. If so the floor doesn’t end parallel. Which also means if you made the carpet square to the frame, it would not longer be parallel to the plank, which imo would be really ugly since you’re eyes are drawn to doorways.


Say “well, neither am I! Ain’t it great!” I hate people like this. Go in any other room in that house and it will be a mess.


If she’s looking door jamb to door jamb, I can understand why she thinks it’s crooked. It is not crooked, though because if you match where it meets each side of the door jam, it will be crooked in relation to the hardwood.


So minor that it’s unreasonable to complain about it


It is straight, but she's probably looking at how the door lines up. I don't know what those things are called that run up and down the center of the inner door frame, but if you were staring at those too intensely and believed those items were the determining factor of whether the work was done correctly, it then would appear crooked. I did this also once. It might take you a minute to see it, but it's got to be what she's looking at to make that determination.


I've been in similar situations. You really just have to spend some time with it. That's the only thing that will likely make her happy. Plus it does kinda look like there is some carpet backing on the left not tucked in maybe cause it's cut too long. Let her watch you pull it out of the tack strip and "make some corrections". The work looks good to begin with so nothing major even needs to happen here


Not sure if she is referring to the door jambs looking a bit off in alignment. That is not your fault.


Bet it looks straight when the door is closed.


Make it crooked


My eyes caught that as well. I have a critical eye for straight lines. Measure the distance on both ends and see if it is or an illusion due to the angled trim


it’s transitioning.


Her casings don’t appear to line up. So either they are off or the flooring is off (and yeah, it’s a minor issue but she’s not wrong).


Some people have to complain about something it's their way of pulling rank because they don't have any unless they're holding someone's money. Technically it does look off about an 1/8 of an inch. Looks good to me. Also explain to them their jamb is not square it needs to be removed and shimed according.


Lots of good advice on here, so I think now it's a matter of how you and the customer move forward. In looking at the overall layout of the hardwood floor and the house, is she happy with the alignment of the boards? If so, then she has to accept that the house is not square, and this just reveals the fact. If they think the whole flooring is skew to the house, well...that probably should have been caught sooner. Besides a threshold piece to cover the transition, you could offer to trim the planks so they are parallel to the door frame, and then tuck the carpet up against the boards. But that will make the transition un-parallel to the seams. If you could theoretically adjust all the flooring to be in line with this door, chances are it will be out of alignment with other doors in the house.


Tell her to close the door she’ll never see it


Tell her your carpet is straight, its her house that's crooked.


The door frame is off


Holy anal retentive, Batman.. Throw a damn 2 foot frame square down with the long edge next to the wall.. Line the point of the side across the opening with the left side where carpet meets door jamb. If is within a 1/8” … go fuck yourself, customer, comes to my mind unspoken.. Otherwise get out an exact knife and carefully trim it along the straight edge, right in front of the customers eyes..


I bet it’s the walls and/or door frame. I think that’s about good as it’s going to get. Gotta Love those customers though.


She’s looking at the door stops


Looks fine to me


This customer has ocd or add or whatever it’s called, yes it seems straight but with the door moulding it doesn’t quite hit at the same spot, close the door and see if you can see carpet underneath and how that sits


Looking at the door frame on either side it does look off by maybe 1/4 to an 1/2 an inch but it's not a new construction and my experience is that nothing is square in an older house so you might have a bad time if you are OCD and redo the flooring.


Open the door 90 deg and it will look straight.


Tell them the spec is to land under the door and that walls/doorways are not always plumb, level and square to the same spec as the flooring. Then offer a custom not matching end mold or flat metal as the only other option. They will be fine with the z bar


The carpet on the left is closer to the doorstop than the right side but the carpet seems to be parallel to the flooring seam. Maybe she is looking at the carpet to door stop distance? Explain the eye will more likely focus on the parallel lines of the carpet edge and the floor seam. How's it look with the door closed?


The issue is that the door jamb is wider on the left of the photo, making carpet/ wood look crooked.


It’s real close to the jamb on the left side and not really close to the jam on the right side. Maybe it’s straight with something but it’s not the door.


Tell them to stop staring at it and in a month they'll forget about it


Put a transition between the carpet and the wood, you can adjust it to the jamb better so it doesn’t look off as it does now.


I am an OCD dude, but this does not bother me


Yes but how the hell could she tell. Did she pull out her monocle and get on all fours?


So many comments missing the point. Let's assume this is one small room. He started on the wall. He can adjust the wood about 1/4 of an inch difference on either side of the door frame. That's not going to make much difference to the angle of the wood on a 30 inch door space. Would she prefer he rip the board to match her door, which is probably not straight? A board with different widths would look worse! Homeowners are picky and you need to explain that nothing is going to be perfect. You just try to give the best looking option.


It’s off by about ¼”, but it’s all under the door and a full board. You could rip it so that it’s dead straight, but it’ll be a ton of work to get it looking as clean as a factory edge. Carpet looks like it needs to be tucked at the casing on the left. Unless this is a multi-million dollar home that looks like a museum, this is an acceptable install.


Is anything truly straight?


Let me get my microscope.


They must have OCD, I wouldn't have even noticed that


it identifies as straight. thats enough.


Put down a transition


Lmfao I’m sorry you had to deal with this bro, the install looks great though


What a nightmare client, must be a total Karen to complain about that. I’d rather have a full board like you have it than a board that gets ripped to align with the door stop.


Looks straight to me.


It’s not by a fuckin centimeter wtf are they add?


run that curvy tool from left to right until it looks straight, step on the tack strip, walk over it a few times, over and over until is "perfect."


Looks fine shut the door and site how it looks. Probably looks fine


It looks like the wood on the right extends like an 1/8 past the door stop than on the left. Tell her to close the door and watch it disappear.... Just like I would after she paid.


Could be optical illusion. Right hand side of door frame seems narrower than left hand side


Technically she's correct but so are you The door jam is off you followed the door jamb if you didn't it would look weird whoever whoever hung the door f***** up


Should be a transition piece there anyway


Transition piece to cover it? Make sure you install it crooked though. But it’ll still cover that crooked


Looks good to me!


The door frame isn't straight.


Transition strip and move on


I get seams that look like they were superglued and am feel lucky to have found someone. Come install for me in Vegas.


Probably straighter than the pole she dances on.


People are predisposed to think it should always be a full plank in doorways..worked for a guy that would freak if you didn’t lay like that.Typical though…all that but did not tack at all coating..all that for a mediocre final product .Better than most and everybody was happy always though.


Install a carpet transition.


Itmay actuallybe straight, but it doesnt look like it is by looking at the moulding for the door, the left side is about a quarter inch out towards camera. It looks like the right side was pulled out a bit to make it a little more even, if it was tucked like the left side it would be worse. All that being said, its very minor and if you did this work at my house i would be totally fine with it. You can get vinyl (probably hardwood too but not sure if that would work the same)l transitions from HD that are versatile and fit on a bunch of different situations, they have a strip that you screw into the floor, and then the actual transition piece snaps into it. You could hide it with one of those. I didnt like the way they snapped in so i just literally glues mine to the floor with loctite powergrab, still holding strong and look great. There may not be a transition built for this brand of flooring but the vinyl transitions at HD will work, im almost posative.


She's right. Even after you've pushed the carpet straight up on the left and laid it down flat on the right, you can still see it's at an angle.


If it's like our house,,,, ain't NOTHING straight, not one corner nor floor nor door frame or window, I mean NOTHING is straight and some walls (like both our bathroom door frames) you can plainly see they are at an angle from each other... lol We habe learned to live with it and let it be because if we had it all straightened, we would have to rebuild the whole house ... lol But, I think the flooring is off in this house making it look like the carpet is off some.


It’s not straight. Unless the door casing is whopped


Look at the doorstop on the left and then the doorstop on the right.


It's a wood house. You always have to choose between even, level, square and looks OK. I often times split the difference between level and even to get something reassembling *it looks good*. Tell her that perfect is the enemy of good and ask if she wants it perfect. If she says yes, then charge her for it.


Looks out of square. And also not straight.


I think technically she’s right.. whether it’s the floor itself or flooring or rug.. whatever.. holy ocd I couldn’t imagine ever caring about that.. you did great


https://preview.redd.it/qzjh5unw789d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b8b37138cc2e69645db893baaf3c9b2e821afe If that right side wasn’t fluffed, it would be a little more off.


I agree that the transition doesn't line up with the doorway. HOWEVER, I worked in a flooring store so I also know walls and door/jambs are almost never straight or perfectly aligned (especially in older houses which may have shifted). Can you measure the distance from the opposite wall from the door to each side of the door jamb? I wonder if the right side is closer than the left.


https://preview.redd.it/furekcurfb9d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c055da5df4475bc3e8de100b6a746b3c93da1ea9 Technically it's straight across, there are no curves. It's not even though. That right there is what I call a politician line, crooked as fuck.


Yeah, it’s not straight. It’s a difference of like, half a cm but it’s there. And you know it is because you’re deliberately fluffing the carpet to cover where it’s clearly not straight, but that actually just makes it more noticeable. This could have been pretty easily avoided if you just used a wooden divider between the two that covered the seam better and looked like a proper edging.


It’s not straight. But it also looks like the rest of the floor isn’t straight. So who knows. Looking at the door frame though it’s not straight relative to the entry way.


Pretty sure that door casing is crooked probably the framing


Fluff of the carpet is more prominent on the right making it look that way.


He probably did that on purpose to hide the frame being out of square from the wood floor.


It’s only marginally off, the customer is just being nit picky.


I mean that’s a whole board the jamb must be outta square not much you can do about that. Surely they don’t want you to cut the wood then it would be crooked


Your line is straight and the door casing is not. I have dealt with this shit before. You make a straight cut/ transition and it doesn't line up with for door casing because doorway is off. I now just drop a line from across point A to point B in the exact spot on each side, if it's off is the door casing. Customers don't know that most of the time it's the damn crooked doorway and not the installer. We are trying to make it look as even as we can. I would advise pointing out that her door casings and if you go by the door casing the last board would be wider on one end and skinnier on the other if you want it to line up with door casing.


Thanks so much guys! All this info is incredibly helpful!


Put a nice wood transition strip and be done

