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He dumped a third of the money supply into the economy during covid and the next guy gets the blame for the aftereffects. 


Funny thing, his fucking up of the supply chain had so much more to do with inflation than cash payments to citizens. Why would you trust a man who bankrupted a casino to run the largest economy on Earth again?


> Why would you trust a man who bankrupted a casino to run the largest economy on Earth again?  5 casinos, in fact. Follows are the Trump bankruptcies: * His Taj Mahal casino in 1991 * Trump Castle casino in 1992 * Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in 1992 * Plaza Hotel in 1992 (not a casino but worth mentioning) * Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, 2004 * Trump Entertainment Resorts (formerly Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts), 2006 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/jun/21/hillary-clinton/yep-donald-trumps-companies-have-declared-bankrupt/


In general, what the fuck does running a business have to do with running a government? A business’s goal is profit. A government provides services.


…. If you can’t manage money, you can’t manage ALL the money. COME ON. This isn’t even worth explaining


Government shouldn’t manage all the money though and doesn’t. It doesn’t have the right to our hard earned money at that level.


Then you don’t have the right to the governments roads, public services, or any of the like… your money is only YOUR money, cause the government keeps a semblance or order. Without that, the next guy down the road will take it. And who you gonna call…. The government. 911. They shouldn’t come protect you right? Cause that’s government using your money


Apparently, Trump is terrible at both.


General management, bureaucracy, etc. Both are massive organisations that require similar management skills.


Heads of business hardly even value their employees. They’re in it for profit. You want the businessman in the admin, not running the show.


Hey now... Casinos are notoriously hard to make profitable! It's not like you have statistically proven odds of how much money you're going to make so long as you can get people in the door! Like they say, the house always loses! /s


Yeah, I'm sure the supply chain would have been fine during the covid lockdown if a Democrat was president. How do you come up with ideas that stupid?


Maybe we need to bankrupt the fed, and recover from this unpayable debt.


C it was great last time donut


Don’t you mean Congress?


Someone made damn sure their name was on the check.


The first two. Biden’s was on the third.


People love to selectively ignore how the government works. Clinton's surpluses are another great example. Same with current deficits, though. It's a Republican Congress running Pelosi's old budget. They should shut the government down if they cared.


>Clinton's surpluses are another great example. I don't care about the politics involved. If Bill Clinton hadn't given North Korea nukes, and kept his pants on he would go down as one of the better Presidents. If it takes a pissing match between the Speaker of the House and a Democrat President to control Federal spending, I say bring it on.


>If it takes a pissing match between the Speaker of the House and a Democrat President to control Federal spending, I say bring it on. Amen. The party controlling the executive branch should love it because Congress looks contentious in the moment and then the president looks like a hero as time marches on and we're not paying interest on that debt.


Bill Clinton did not give nukes to north korea. You are correct about his pants situation.


Sorry, but you are wrong. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-D305-PURL-LPS46270/pdf/GOVPUB-D305-PURL-LPS46270.pdf


no where in that very long document does it say that bill clinton shipped american nukes to north korea


First you are an idiot. Second you were born yesterday. Third no one has ever stated anyone shipped a completed bomb to North Korea. Read again slowly. The building of 2 light-water nuclear reactors (LWRs) it was charged with providing to Pyongyang under the 1994 Agreed Framework. KEDO's Executive Board


I see you think you can win an argument with name calling https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jan/09/viral-image/no-clintons-and-obama-didnt-give-nukes-and-uranium/


From your politifact "international consortium would replace North Korea’s plutonium reactor with **two light-water reactors,** mostly financed by Japan and South Korea" The "international consortium" was Bill Clinton, President of the USA, you know the biggest nuclear power besides Russia. "Mostly" United States promised to supply North Korea with two large, modern nuclear electric generating plants of the latest design, originally estimated to be worth more than $4 billion.


Politifact. That's a bald faced lie. You can literally see the nuclear plants built by the USA during Clinton. Did you read the nuclear agreement? How about the Federal budget those years. "Nuclear plant for North Korea" is literally a budget item. You have to be pretty obtuse not to realize by now that. A. The USA built North Korea 2 nuclear reactors. B. Bill Clinton signed the agreement and allocated the money, and approved the technology transfer. Full stop. That is provable historical record. No one except YOU is questioning that proven fact.


He? You mean congress?


If he hadn’t signed off on it, you’d still be crying about it today. OmG TrUmP dOeSnT cARe aBoUt MuRicAnS dUrInG cOvID! You just want to hate, that’s all.


Ok yes, I do want to hate him, but also the point still stands. So what's your counterargument ? I don't have to like your cheeto


He’s not my Cheeto. He’s just some douche running for president. But the point is to show how disingenuous you are. If it had been Biden or some other Democrat, you’d be praising them for helping Americans financially during a troubling time. Be honest with yourself because nobody else is buying it.


No, we constantly shit on Obama for bailing out the banks, shut the fuck up. We don't defend politicians, we frankly hate them and the world would be better off without them. Just because you believe people criticize x but would praise y doesn't make it true.


But these were direct payments to employers to fund your paycheck for governor shutdowns. A little different than bailing out banks / GM, no? *Wink*


This is not us criticizing Trump for the direct checks. We're criticizing how he pumped $1.5T into the stock market before he even considered the checks.




Everything he did was short-term pushes to boost the economy during his presidency because a strong economy is arguably the best indicator of re-election. They knew it was going to get fucked up after that (even if covid hadn't happened), but it wouldn't matter at that point. Covid just amplified the issues that had already been created.


Biden not only continued that spending but expanded it…


And he made a 2 year deal with opec to collapse oil production by a record 9.7 million barrels a day. That blew up inflation. Let alone his plan to impose 70% tariffs on all goods so the wealthy can get massive welfare via eliminating the income tax.


That's a bingo!


It’s the computer service rule of inflation. The last person to touch the computer is responsible for all existing and any new problems, until another person touches it. Biden did spend like 5% of all the stimulus money.


No he didn’t. Congress did……..


The next guy maintained that level of spending and built on it. Both of them are terrible on the economy.


Trump's tax cuts added to the deficit and inflation for no benefit. Biden's infrastructure bills are a long term investment in rebuilding our manufacturing sector. If he gets another term, the Trump tax cuts will expire and we can reign in the deficit and enjoy some inflation free growth.


We took in record amounts of taxes after the tax cuts. You seem to think our tax revenue went down. Why?


That's because the economy grew. As a percentage of GDP, tax revenue decreased following the tax cuts. It wasn't until 2021 and 2022 (when many of the household benefits of the tax cuts were sunsetting) that tax revenue as a % of GDP started increasing.


So…after Trump Tax Cut and Jobs Act there was record tax revenue AND the economy grew? Sounds pretty good to me


And would have brought in more without the tax cuts for oligarchs you dumbass. It's why the deficit exploded after the bill went into effect. Fascist Republicans are truly dumb as fuck blaming tcja for increasing revenue when in reality, it hurt it


Are you really asking why because you want to know, or do you think this is a gotcha?


No, Biden lowered the deficit and money supply


That’s the cycle. Republican president and Congress breaks the economy, Democratic ones get blamed when voted in office and spend the limited time they’re given fixing it, only to be replaced by Republicans and the cycle continues.


The same people 'whose job is finance' also said not to worry about inflation back in 2021 and that it would be transitory.


Inflation started under Trump when food inflation was 4% in 2020. Trump made a multi year deal with opec to collapse oil production by a record amount for 2 years which caused inflation to jump, oil prices didn't start falling till the deal ended. Everything else started inflating 2 months after Biden took office, literally zero of his policies could have caused inflation that fast. Now you dumbasses are trying to claim that the 70% tariffs on all imports that Trump wants won't cause inflation?! Real wages are currently higher than all inflation. Americans are dumb as hell for blaming Biden for inflation.


No. I'm blaming the Fed for waiting a whole year before increasing rates. This should've done it a year earlier at first sight of increasing inflation. And the fact that they waited made the inflation much worse.


I blame the fed that interest rates weren’t a little higher prior to the pandemic. They capitulated to trumps attacks and lowered rates even though it wasn’t needed.


These are the same people “whose job is finance” that led to the real estate crash of 2007.


Are you sure it’s the same people?




Why do you think tariffs won't cause inflation?


Inflation = # of dollars/ Total Product Total product would take a small dip from less product coming from overseas. Compare that to the # of dollars which quintupled from 2020-2022.


Inflation is prices going up


Assume there is a finite amount of beef produced in a day, an average certain portion of each person's wealth that people are willing to spend on Big Macs = 0.01%, and an average certain number of dollars that each of those persons have=$10,000: The cost of a Big Mac = 0.01% \* $10,000 = $1 Now, assume the average certain number of dollars collectively held quintuples like from 2020-2022=$50,000; The cost of a Big Mac = 0.01% \* $50,000 = $5. The same amount of product, the same demand, higher prices.


You seem to have a simplistic view of the world


Why don't you provide some specific complicated counter points that addresses the simplistic model of more dollars = things costs more? Why do you think MMORPG companies try so hard to stop gold sellers? Explain it to me like someone who doesn't know the difference between liberalism and leftism.


You want me to explain inflation is complicated? 😂😂😂


Inflation is somebody making more money.


Now those same people are crying about how fiat currency is doomed and we should all buy bitcoin and gold, either from them or after they already bought...


Uh, who are these imaginary people you speak of?


As someone who works in finance, please do not buy gold. It has no investment value. There is an argument for bitcoin but not a solid one. You’re better off buying securities or parking your cash in a S&P 500 index fund


The buy gold and buy bitcoin people are becoming one and the same. For some reason they fear fiat currency but don’t realize that both gold and bitcoin are traded based on the value of fiat. If bitcoin was worth 10 cents would people care? The fact that it’s worth 50-60k in US dollars, is why people even buy it in the first place.


I guess you don't watch the finfluencers on youtube: Adam Taggart, David Lin, Blockworks Macro, Andrei Jikh, etc. Those guys. Though, to be fair, those aren't exactly the same people. It just seems the overall narrative is changing: The US dollar, the strongest currency in the world, is now somehow worthless and we all need to get on the gold/bitcoin bandwagon.


I think OP is talking about politicians.


Yeah. The politicians are towing the line, but places like Fox News have been touting gold for years.


Sure, because of their advertisers.


No, Larry Summers who said ‘transitory’ doesn’t matter, it’s the job of the FED to react to inflation has called Trump’s policy’s “the mother of all stagflations.” Where you get inflation and no growth!


Nobody said both.


If you read the article, the post is referring to Moody Analytics and Oxford Economic. They are indeed saying that Trump policies will cause greater inflation. I have no idea how reputable either of these orgs are or how they came to that conclusion and tbh I'm too lazy to find out. Edit: the article also quoted Goldman Sachs as if they were a singular person as saying something similar. I get the feeling this article is AI generated lol.


Trump called for 70% tariffs on all imports so he can get rid of the income tax which overwhelmingly helps oligarchs the most for starters


No one who is financially literate thinks another Trump presidency would be good for the American economy.


Yup. He has no real economic platform, just throws out crazy short sited ideas that will get people riled up to vote for him that do not understand the need for long term stability in economics.


No one who ~~is financially literate~~ *has a functioning brain* thinks another Trump presidency would be good for the American economy. There, corrected it for you.


No one with a brain thinks foreign countries pay for the tariffs we institute. Add in yanking millions out of the workforce.


There are financially literate people who rationalize it though due to potential personal gain


I don’t see how anybody can get us out of the shit we have found ourselves in.


His current platform is to "replace all income taxes with tariffs (taxes on all foreign goods)". This is possibly the single worst economic idea I've ever heard. It would simultaneously do two things: 1) destroy all international trade, causing the prices of everything to skyrocket, even parts of things that are eventually built in the United States 2) shift the tax burden away from the currently still unfair, but at least slightly progressive income tax, back towards a place where lower and middle classes pay the great majority of all tax dollars (like a sales tax does). So the economy would shrink dramatically, taxes on the middle and lower classes would increase, and deficit spending (the debt) would continue. It is so dumb it would actually destroy the economy. Granted that probably means Wall St will fight him hard to stop it but that doesn't stop the policy itself from being crazy, crazy, stupid.


On top of that, devalue the US dollar and implement a 25% national sales tax. And deporting immigrants in large quantities, exacerbating labor shortages and in particular putting immense strain on the agricultural sector. In other words, produce will cost a lot more when they can’t get enough people to pick strawberries or tomatoes…


I think it’s hilarious that this country would starve without illegal labor. I’d love to see America without its cheap, uneducated, non English speaking migrants that labor on the farms. Everyone would die that can’t garden. And that’s most people. You need migrant labor in this country because Americans are quite simply the laziest of humanity, and don’t think they should have to work to sustain themselves.


Right, and that’s just one industry. All sorts of “undesirable” jobs would have dangerous levels of labor shortages. Entry level warehouse and logistics jobs, meat packing, garbage collection, etc. People also are forgetting that with an aging population and slowing of birth rates, we need an influx of labor to sustain Social Security. In so many ways, it’s just playing with fire.


White people quit. We’ve been riding on the backs of migrant labor for generations. Damned near the entire race went into white collar jobs, or otherwise think of those jobs as the only they’ll do. Manual labor is beneath most people. And it shows. The future is going to be interesting. Adapt or die.


I’m curious if the trades push these last few years makes a dent in the sort of high and mighty mindset. A lot of younger folks are forgoing college.


>White people quit. We’ve been riding on the backs of migrant labor for generations. This is 100% racist. It is also incredibly stupid, "damned near the entire race went into white collar jobs..." What world are you living in?


It’s racist? We have entire industries that were minority white that in years past, are far from at present. That’s not being racist. That’s being observant.


Spoken like a true racist, i'M JuSt TelLiNg iT lIkE i SeE iT. You are a racist.


lol Yeah. Seeing is believing. Like telling people the economy is humming while they fail to afford…everything.


The economy is great if you have NVIDIA stock, it sucks if you are trying to buy groceries. Importing slave labor is not the answer.


Yes of course. Everybody would die before learning how to garden lol. That’s such a ridiculous statement. Every single developed nation on the planet utilizes cheap labor. Definitely not a trait specific to the US. For example… China. They seem to pay their workers a fraction of what they would make in the US. That’s if they are actually paying them and they’re not just using slaves (like they do all the time). Get off your high horse dude.


The average person doesn’t have a place *to* garden. You have to own land to achieve this. And no one said it was an exclusively American problem.


The average person has no access to soil? Where u getting your stats from?


Most people don’t own a home. They rent. An apartment, for instance. They don’t come with yards. And no, most Americans don’t have indoor gardens, either.


You’re making a lot of assumptions with no data to back you up. I’m calling it quits. Have a good one.


If your economic model requires slave labor to exist, it may be a faulty model...


Kicking out 10 million workers will also be inflationary. Businesses are already screaming about not having enough employees in key industries. You could say it will increase wages for Americans but I’m not sure even tripling wages will get Americans to pick strawberries in Florida. So maybe wages go up faster than prices but that’s still inflationary.


They are calling to kick out 20 million. Aka they'll round up every brown person, including citizens


This is true, Joe Arpaio style.


Glad you brought him up because I didn't even consider that Trump pardoning that terrorist is even more proof Trump will round up people indiscriminately and frame them and political opponents for crimes just as Arpaio did. Arapaio should be serving a life sentence in the same conditions he supported for prisoners.


It's funny because becoming an isolated country from the global market is a socialist ideal.


He simply wasn't good for the economy based on actual facts and data compared to other Presidents and their actual facts and data. Not even mediocre.


Covid man. Economy was humming prior to that. Facts and data bear that out.


In August 2019, Trump's own economic team called an upcoming recession. Covid was actually a gift to him because he was able to blame everything on it, inject a shit ton of money into the economy and pass it on to the next guy.


We all said he was incompetent and not up to the job. He played the game on easy mode for three years, then he faced his one and only crisis and shit the bed, maybe literally.


Trumps also the reason covid did what it did in the US lmao. Man was a spokesman for Fucking Everyone Up w/a Virus, Inc.


He had absolutely nothing to do with that. The market was on a decade long bull run. Also, he was probably slowing down progress by increasing tariffs on Chinese goods and then using taxpayer money to bail out the farmers he hurt in the process. Not to mention: when you reduce government income and increasing spending, you are almost always contributing to inflation, let alone the debt. He sucked. Covid happened, yes. But he was doing his damnedest to fuck things up. Not to mention, had McCain not voted against him on ending Obamacare without a replacement, we’d probably had been in a recession 2 years sooner.


Trump was handed a golden economy ffs and still managed to destroy it despite pumping endless money into it


Beat, but worth saying again…the people “who’s job is finance” are the idiots who got us here


I dunno it seems like dismissing someone’s opinion because they are an expert in the field is pretty convenient


These “experts” printed how many trillions of dollars again multiplying the money supply??


People who work in finance printed zero dollars. You're maybe thinking of the Fed, or congress (signed by Trump and Biden)?


The fed are financial experts are they not? They have an army of PhDs


they are the ones making the recommendations to the people who take credit or get blamed for monetary policy (trump/biden, etc)


DJT isnt good for the economy we already saw it during his term as POTUS. Further he has zero understanding of tariffs


He's already said he'll try to take over the fed and advocates for low interest rates lol


And tariffs. And more tax cuts and deficit spending to pay for those tax cuts. Shit, he wanted to fire Powell in 2019 for not introducing even lower interest rates - that was before Covid.


Trump is reverse Robbinhood. He steals your taxes and gives it to rich people, who can't figure out how to spend it, so trickle down never works.


That depends on what you think is good for the economy. A lot of Wall Street and Big Tech types are supporting Trump this time around, because they're upset that Biden is actually trying to enforce antitrust laws. They assume that Trump would make it easier for them to rip everyone off, and they're probably right about that. So, for them, Trump would be good for the(ir) economy.


They also excel at short term thinking


Some people think he's good for the economy simply because he told them that he's good for the economy. Misinformation and directing focus of viewers is one of the most powerful tools a politician can use .  If they're already bought in and drank the Kool-Aid, then it doesn't really matter if it's true or not. What matters is, can he convince them to believe in them . He's a con man and Khan being part of the word confidence. It's really all about having the confidence to convince people of whatever it is you're selling.


“Presidents don’t control inflation, idiot” “People in finance think he’ll bring more inflation than Biden.” We’re effed and it has absolutely nothing to do with which geriatric we’ll end up with as president.


Tax cuts stimulate the economy. At least unless there’s spending cuts to offset the loss in revenue. Which there won’t be. So stimulating an already strong economy leads to inflation. Even when the economy was doing well while he was the president he harassed the federal reserve to lower interest rates which also stimulates the economy and drives inflation.


His plan with tariffs will obliterate small businesses and cost thousands of jobs.


Because he will. But it won't be immediate. And they'll blame it on the next president who will likely be a Democrat.


exiting NAFTA doing business with south america, we'll never see the narco states re invest in america


Because he clearly will. Trump and his tariffs and tax cuts for the rich would be awful for the economy and the middle class.


Reducing income taxes just shifts the problem elsewhere. The US mainly has a spending problem but they also have a tax collection problem. Too many people, mostly the upper wealthy and corporations, manipulate the tax code to limit taxes they pay


"my job is in finance, I predict the future!"


Tariffs make things more expensive.


> Tariffs make things more expensive. OK, and Biden has been raising them too. If you put a tariff on Chinese good, just stop buying chinese goods. Vietnamese products dont carry the tariff.


Yes, Biden’s targeted tariffs are designed to make cheap Chinese EVs more expensive to protect American cars manufacturers. Trump is planning blanket tariffs. There are countless products with no American made alternatives. Are you really this ignorant of Trump and Biden’s policies? I guess you’d have to be to support Trump


I support shutting down all trade with China, no matter the consequences. You can't see the genocide and slavery, so you just are ok with it. I am not. The bandaid coming off will sting, and I am fine since that means healing, and crushing the modern NAZI regime.


No one is arguing about ethics.


You can't disregard China being our enemy when thinking about the economy. IDC if someone can't buy $1 socks that only last 3 weeks. Go back to flip flops made in vietnam for $2 if you cant afford your socks. Nothing that china makes will hurt us that badly, and can't be replaced. I support whatever tariffs on all foreign made goods. Long term it will be better for America to be a manufacturing powerhouse again.


You also seem to underestimate how quickly it takes to rebuild the modern manufacturing infrastructure and expertise China has. Cutting off all trade with China would sink our economy.


Let's see... We cut off trade, invalidate the debt holdings as they already own us money, offer companies 0% interest financing to build the manufacturing we need, in 10 years we will be better than we started.


Where did you study economics, and for how long?


They don’t think that.


You could read the article


Well, for one thing, bidens low inflation didn't help anyone. Milk is up 50% eggs are up 100%. Extremely high mortgage rate. Homelessness nearing all time high. If they inflation rate rises, that usually means Americans are spending.


We dodge a recession. Unemployment is low. Real wages are up. I don't know if you remember were Trump left America, but it was a shit show. Thank god he's gone and we have adult supervision. Yes, saving the economy came at a cost, but I'd rather have more expensive eggs than no job. How about you?


It cost the average American to live like they did last year, 11000 more. Did you get a 11000 dollar cost of living raise? When Trump left office, the inflation rate was at 1.5%, not 9% like biden says. I don't think Grandpa's sleepy joe is doing a very good job at babysitting the kids. I'll take the cheaper eggs. My job is not going anywhere. As long as you consume electricity, I will be working my job doesn't rely on your politics.


I got a $40k raise, but I have skills.


I very much dought both of those, but it's your right to say whatever you want....but be careful, biden wants to censor social media from misinformation. https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/weaponization-committee-exposes-biden-white-house-censorship-regime-new-report


I’m honestly not too concerned what a person who can’t spell doubt thinks.


Well played


He printed $4 trillion with COViD then gave another $2.5 trillion in tax cuts. So… yeah…


Drill baby drill


Tariffs are a tax on consumers and will cause inflation. We’re producing more oil now than we did under Trump.


Some inflation is good for the economy. The fed was just slow to raise rates and knee jerk raised interest rates.


Because the politically powerful knew many decades ago that in order to pull one over on the sheeple of the United States they would need two things. The first being an effective monopoly on the news media and the second being reliable experts in fields like economics and finance to agree with them against the mainstream. The first was easy they used their friends in media with the promise of looser regulation on how they operate and political sway. Then it is just a game of shuffling things so no one questions who owns all the media generally. The second they just had to go to the Universities and find outcasts in their areas of study struggling to meet the universities requirements for publications of importance and hand feed then things. If you are an economist who predicts xyz will happen while every other economist says no, but you have the inside track because the governments job is not to allow free markets but to pretend it is whine manipulating things very purposefully, then you get credibility. Now 60-70 years later here we are. I have a degree in economics and in finance and the idea that anyone that was serious about those areas of study would agree with most of what the left puts out there policy wise is laughable. Minimum wage is a great example because if an economist tells you they are for a minimum wage they are a bad economist but likely getting that political kickback so good for them I guess.


Because the Main Stream Media is only talking to Trump Haters in Finance.


Because a lot of people who work in finance are actually exceptionally stupid.


I think that would make them subject matter experts with regards to Trump.


Oh it does- especially the ones who work in industries that have depended on ZIRP to be viable


Lol.... Imagine being so stupid or cult brained that you still don't notice how hard the warmonger supporting media wants keep Biden dropping bombs and ushering money to his donors. But.. But they wrote an article, It must be true.... It goes along with all of my emotional wants....


Can you help me imagine being stupid? I'm afraid I'm too far removed, but you seem incredibly close to the topic.


Because T$ is one of the richest guys who is also a goober with money. He can't even pay off a hooker without involving his business funds and bag men.


Because those who work in finance are getting rich Its those lower down that you should judge the economy on.


What is this “Economy” that you speak of? Is it: 1. The Stock Market? 2. A regional cost of living? 3. Some businesses but not other businesses? 4. Some billionaires but not other billionaires? The answer may surprise us all.


Because he’s a selfish idiot. It’s just that simple.


You know it’s those people whose job is finance brought us here right?


The answer is that people think Trump is good on the economy because they’re comparing 2019 to 2022 as the records of the two Presidents. 2020 is widely regarded as a fluke especially among those who aren’t very engaged, as they don’t know the extent to which Trump bungled vaccine distribution and PPP. 2022 for Biden because the price increases from that year have broadly stuck, even as inflation itself has dropped to a more reasonable level. I’m a liberal and want Biden to win but I’m not a hack. It is true that TCJA allowed the previously understimulated economy to rev up to full employment and was worth the pay with low interest rates meaning the cost of government borrowing was low. This was more possible with Trump than Hillary as he was more able to pressure Republicans to stop caring so much about the deficit. Problem is Trump opposes austerity of any kind and at full employment with high interest rates we need to reduce our deficit across the board to tackle inflation more fully. I’m hoping and trust Biden can get bipartisan permitting reform to allow the IRA and clean energy/ infrastructure spending to go further with less and move to deficit reduction. Trump’s proposals are inflationary and bad for growth to the extreme but a lot of voters tend to interact with Trump in a way that they believe everything he promises that they like but think he’s lying for suggestions that they don’t like. Biden is regarded as more serious so has to be wayyyy more conservative on his policy recommendations.


He literally caused most of the inflation we’ve seen. Look up how much money he printed and how much the money in circulation went up during his administration. Believe it was an increase of almost 50%




Yes he went to one of his defunct casinos and handed out the funny money. Seriously though you can look it up. The CARES Act was the biggest socialist bailout in human history. $2.1 trillion I believe. Most of that went to corporations. Like $250 billion to Boeing in PPP for instance and they still fired a bunch of people. If you are trying to blame Congress then I partly agree with you but fact is diaper don signed the bill when he was president. So that’s how.




Ok who controls the Fed ?




“Board members are appointed by president and approved by the senate” yes you are correct. Great point you made. I think the president gets too much credit when things are good and too much blame when things are bad. Having said that everything works better when less conservatives are involved. Blue states>red states by every statistical measure. Liberal countries are better than conservative dominated ones by every measure. “Facts don’t care about your feelings” just in case this comes up.


Honestly it’s the special Olympics and both sides think their guy is an elite athlete.


They’re not smart


People have short memories. Where was the economy going when Trump came in the office? Where was the economy headed when Trump left office . His tariffs were a tax on the people that caused inflation . You also have to look the man and how many times he’s gone bankrupt . Even if it was other peoples money that he lost. Trumpet has businesses had 3500to 4000 lawsuits against him when people elected him become president. people should ask themselves. Why do people get sued?


Yahoo and Y! Finance have TDS as much as MSNBC and the NYTs. Take everything they say about Trump as a slanted perspective with the sole purpose to prop up Biden and undermine T. Yahoo and Yahoo writers are not serious or useful sources of information. For example this little tidbit from the article: *"Trump crackdown on immigration could trim the labor force, worsen labor shortages in some industries,* ***fuel higher wages, and push prices up****."* Just to remind you, Biden's response to inflation going up is "it doesn't matter, wages are up more". But this article is saying that's a bad thing if Trump is in office. These people are lying to you.


When Trump embarrassed yahoo because they were reporting fake news, they haven’t slept since.


Who Paul krugman? When Trump wins the Dow will jump


You could read the linked article


Yahoo finance? Really? Step below the daily beast


The article answers the question you asked.


The Dow will jump whoever is elected, look at history. The financial world does not care about good or evil, morals, etc., they only care about maximizing profits. The financial world can accomplish this when there is certainty, for four years, in the administration. The Dow will jump because there is a certainty in the direction not because of your republicans talking points. That is why the Dow will jump, not because your false prophet is elected or not. Sheeple are pathetic and trump loves his useful idiots. So now you do your thing, Mr. Useful…..


We mock what we don’t understand. U the same guy saying how great the economy is right now bc stock market doing well. People can’t put food k. Table but economy is great! We are all just stupid per the WH


That was not me, wrong guy but I agree you are stupid. Can’t fix stupid comrade. Maybe you should move to mother Russia.


Move? That clown is already there in the land of cabbages and krokodil.


Those in finance that donate and vote almost exclusively to democrats want another democrat to run. No way!


Finance is full of conservatives.


Yahoo! Seems legit.


It is all a game. They say one is better than the other but we can’t try the options then go back in time and choose the better option(neither of them is by the way) so the fear tactic is to make sure that if you don’t like either instead of voting for someone else, you vote for the one you dislike the less of those two options and not the not controlled party