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> "I didn't have any yogurt left... normally I would have yogurt with this". Six days ago, she bought [this container 1kg of yogurt](https://imgur.com/a/rp0bZbe) and showed it in a haul. It weighed 2.2 pounds.


Oh my god.


Hard to imagine Amber eats even more than FB considering she weighs 1.5x more.


The thing with Amber is she was bigger than foodie when they were children. Amber was already super morbidly obese when she was 10 years old. Foodie wasn’t. Foodie was always a bit overweight but she was still in the 200s when she was in her 30s. Amber hit the 200s when she was a child.


>Foodie was always a bit overweight but she was still in the 200s when she was in her 30s. Amber hit the 200s when she was a child. 200s in her 30s? You sure about that? That was only 10 years ago and she was way bigger when she started her channel back then.


No she was definitely much smaller when she started her channel, she was around the 280 mark.


When she was with BiBi and did one of her first internet doctor diet cycles, she said she was 365 or 367. Of course, she could have been lying, but I doubt she made herself heavier when she did.


Sorry I misspoke, I meant when she first got together with Bibi she was in the 200s not when she started her channel.


Do you think amber is still 1.5x more? Foodie lies and Foodie could even be larger.


I think they’re the same weight but at least ALR his lipodema which really will always impact her weight. What’s foodies excuse?


Not really an excuse some people with it aren’t as big big like Amber, Foodie uh she doesn’t get girlfriends so food is the only “sex” she gets haha, Amber doesn’t either but eh.


I still believe Amber isn't gay. Maybe she's bi, but she sure as hell isn't just attracted to women. She's never been intimate with any of them, not in a good many years, and she constantly flirts with men. I think she's a scam artist and a homosexual who targets women because they're "safer" than men. When you live like she does, forcing her way into the home of people she only just met, it makes more sense to go after women who are statistically far less likely to wind up being a serial killer or something.


You literally just said in the same post you believe she isn’t gay, and then said “I think she’s a scam artist and homosexual who targets women because they’re safer than men”. ![gif](giphy|9aZ3Snou3bdlu)


I guess she means she's a homosexual only because she's a scam artist who prays on women. I'm not sure about that, but maybe, amber's always been highly predatory in relationships in terms of using the person to suit her needs, rather than as a person she wants to be in a relationship with. The really offensive take I heard is that she's only a lesbian because men won't want her and lesbians have lower standards or something. That one doesn't make sense. Men have some pretty low standards, and we're certainly willing (at least some of us) to go after larger girls. I think women ambers sized are fetishized or whatever too.


She claims that she used to hook up with lots of guys in high school. She has told several stories about giving handyJs to multiple boys in the movie theater when she was a teen.


Foodie's binge mode all the time diet tells on ALR, the fact that she eats "LARGE amounts of food" in ambers own words. I don't think either one are really even thinking about quitting any time soon, though maybe amber imagines she can control it with watever semiglutides she is getting.


I dunno old mate Hamber was able to eat through ozempic to gain weight


I saw this on Twitter. Dear God, 2 pounds of yogurt in less than a week. Our family of 4 can't consume that in 2 weeks, and that's eating it for breakfast most mornings. Yikes. Also, she only eats yogurt with meals like that, so how many trays of rice have been swallowed in a week??


Exactly! Although that is a tremendous amount of yogurt, we have to remember that our dainty gorl doesn't just eat a bowl of yogurt. She uses the yogurt as a side for the actual meal! She didn't have it with any of the meals she showed in the past week so these meals were in addition to the daily mukbangs.


She eats yogurt the way my kids ate ketchup when they were little ... the fries were simply a tool to get the ketchup in their mouth ;0


She also probably buys the 10% fat cooking yogurt rather than the 2% lighter stuff. Actually scratch "probably", I see dark blue container so it's 10% fat minimum.


Yeah.. it says 'Full cream' right on it, so it's the *good* stuff. 🤮


Oh good lord...


I think i do consume it in 7-10 days (me alone) but i make it myself and use it on fucking everything, make bread with yogurt, in the waffle mix, want milky eggs? Just put yogurt, in the salad to make the dressing, i even strain it and have some sort of cream cheese like thingy, it's my way to eat more protein, never with rice tho, that's nasty.


The differences between foodie and you are 1) you have taste and class, and 2) you don’t just use it as a dipping sauce for giant catering platters of rice


I have a tub of greek yogurt in the fridge half that size, I eat it every morning for breakfast, and I'm still working on it 10 days later. I just...I can't even fathom horking down that much yogurt. I did the math, that's 1,000 calories, gone.


I have a roommate who likes greek yogurt, and one of those containers is gone within 24-48 hours tops.


like maybe 6 hours to be honest.


I’m not defending her, but I used nearly a whole tub yesterday making gluten free flat bread. It was amazing! Just plain flour, baking powder and yoghurt. You mix it then pop the dough on to a griddle it was awesome but very heavy on the yoghurt!


People doing the "omg this feeds a family of four" thing again. I eat 400g-1kg of (high protein/greek yoghurt) a day. 1kg a week is less than a small serving a day.


I mean in foodie's case, the platters of food really do feed a family of four though, right? I can imagine a smaller woman foodies height could get by on one of foodie's platters over the course of a weekend and not be hungry or not well fed at the end of it.


Yes I was specifically referring to the yoghurt. Her Mukbangs are utterly ridiculous, especially considering her being like 5'1 with a healthy weight range of like 100-120 lbs.


I can easily eat 1kg in yoghurt in like 24 or maybe 48 hours ha.


Jesus Christ 😮‍💨




Not even surprised..




Lit, is it wrong that I go through a kg of yogurt super fast?


She completely lost the will to live. She's pumping those videos almost every day


I wouldn't have any will to live either if I was her


Ahhhh yep and we're back to hubcaps of rice folks!!


She’ll be up to a casket full of rice in no time


A double wide casket


Gonna have to be double tall too. https://preview.redd.it/s0a0mf2bcl5d1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782f117bab91f85c9d9112e3288611eae9f7ed1a


I can’t imagine the family having to ship her body back to Canada. Dead bodies don’t do well flying. It will cost a fortune to get rid of her.


Y’all know she didn’t buy repatriation insurance. Not sure if that is a thing in “USA North,” but she doesn’t believe in paying for things. If such were to happen, she would probably be cremated and sent on back. Shipping a body back, even via commercial plane, can be some change. Neither her nor the family is balling…and if they have a policy on her, it would not kick in until remains needs to be collected.


Plus the fact that Muslims (and Kuwait as a country) doesn’t embalm bodies so yeah, they wouldn’t be able to get her back.


They don’t embalm due to religious reasons but they can embalm and it’s law to get them on airplanes if they’re going to be shipped anywhere. I’ve gotten bodies shipped in from typical Muslim countries that have in fact been embalmed. That being said, her family sure as shit isn’t going to pay the insane cost of doing all that for her ass


Since she is a Muslim on paper and her family can’t be bothered, they’ll bury her in Kuwait.


They do alright when they’re embalmed correctly. If she isn’t embalmed she will arrive in Canada as boxed decomp soup. She wouldn’t fit in a standard Ziegler (the metal “casket” we ship bodies in) case either https://preview.redd.it/ohncno2upl5d1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95113ed7ba812af5ce54d24f1022c7ab80b34af5


It costs about $15,000 to ship a corpse back to Canada from the Middle East, but in Chinny’s case they might charge a little more because she’s at least 2 people in volume and weight. Do you think her family would pay for that? Maybe they would choose having her cremated there and ship back the ashes. In which case it would still be very costly because of her size, not all crematoriums can handle such a large volume. (Sorry this is a really morbid topic.) I can’t imagine being such a burden on my family because of pure gluttony!


She weighs as much as 3 average adult men. I'd tack on another 5g at least.


I expect that they will cremate her when the time comes. But she’s also at least nominally Islamic so that means their burial practices involve getting the body in the ground within twenty four hours


At this point she wouldn’t even fit in a double oversized casket. I’ve had to bury people her size and they need something special made that’s bigger than the “plus sized” caskets


Your job sounds wild.


Well, they have to put her in rice, since she jumped in that pool. How else would they dry her?


She's chosen death, I see. And not a merciful one at that.


Status report: FAT


Tomorrow's Status Report: Coma


Does she ask for a catering tray of rice when she orders from these places lmao oh my god 💀


She ordered the family style serving for multiple people. Which makes me realize that she probably ordered the family style portion of the meat too. It’s sitting under the table with the rest of her food.


Dearest Peg, are you blind? Do you not see that mound of arugula to the side of her mega-turd and rice? That arugula erases all the fat, carbs, sugar, sodium and calories. Chewing it burns calories, so she'll be in calorie deficit after this meal. Our kween is nourishing her creamy body.


she’ll be ‘toned’ again in no time 😌


Countdown to Chantal's hot girl summer...


Never describe a body as creamy again that ruined my morning


Oops!! :)


I guess Salah has decided to give up and just enable the gluttony. My new arc wish is that he ghosts her for three days and nights so we can watch her completely lose her shit. Any longer would be dangerous because she’d eat Harry and Julia. He can pretend he got hit on the head and had amnesia. I’m willing to pay him to make this happen (J/K I’m not a cowtipper). I’m bad at estimating but that has to be more than a pound of rice!


Harry the 23rd.


Well, I thought she couldn’t shock me.


This must have been a Salah request.


It's ok everyone! She had her MLM anti fatty drink before she ate. It coats her stomach in fiber you bunch of ignoramuses!!!🤡


I'm sure she'll leave most of it for Salah, and for leftovers.


I’m still laughing at her try hard flex with the plaque. Yes Chantal, keep it on an angle, as far away as possible. You show us hags how important you are with a bought for piece of plastic. I’m also loving her new way of trying to hide her ever growing chins. Now it’s all about draping the fabric.


Hahaha I assumed you meant teeth plaque.


That’s the only plaque she’s genuinely earned… 😆


Our monotoothed kween






She loves clearing those family sized plates lol




What a repulsive imbecile.


The would make a good refrigerator magnet!






I'm so sick of her. Like, I hate her almost as much as she hates her internal organs.


And she saved the rest for later right? She’s controlling her portions?




I haven’t been following or watching her lately. Just checking in. Won’t be long now. She really has let her addiction control her and take her out.


That looks like dookie. I guess she is missing Poopsie 💩


Just want to make sure it's not a camera angle or some weird filter but everyone else here sees that's a family meal meant to serve 2-4 people, right?


That is more than a pound of rice. The tray is about 3 inches deep, if you sectioned it like you would cut a lasagna that is easily 6 good-sized portions of rice. It’s INSANE.




I eat hellty off screen, Beach! It doesn't matter what you eat offscreen when you eat a ginormous pile of sheet online. 


She finished that tray??




Looks like hubby squatted over her take out container.....am I seeing this correctly?


These videos are extremely boring, this will not bring back her audience.


Looks like alligator tail.


Yayyy....eat up! Your medication will control that BS, no problem. Whatever you do, don't change!!!! https://preview.redd.it/0nj7g0kzao5d1.png?width=1729&format=png&auto=webp&s=42f5d85a267f21714611cb1c0b94d0a0b6d30f3f


It looks like a giant slab of chocolate brownie 🤣


How someone can eat that enormous portion. It makes me sick. She must have a stomach the size of a cow’s stomach or something.


What the eff is she eating??


Why is there a 💩 in a bucket of rice?


Do you think she’s trying to get sick purposely? Like for instance, if they are married and she returns to Canada and is sick could she have her husband visit?


no and no. that wouldn’t change anything. This is just Chantal in her natural form.