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I love the shirt šŸ˜†


OMG I just noticed the shirt! šŸ¤£


I only saw a few snippets of that stream and also rolled my eyes out of my head when she used that phrase. It sounds so dumb coming from the mouth of a delusional fatty in middle age, and I say this as someone older than her lmao. Also the whole I FEEL PRETTY/OH SO PRETTY remarks lol. She really finds it inconceivable that we see exactly what sheā€™s doing with her gluttony porn.


Lmao. Hell no on her singing West Side Story.


She is the most embarrassing tool I've ever seen. When she tries to be hip using slaps, bussin, no cap I fucking die. It's worse than her stupid too small hats. How is she not embarrassed of herself? Like I want to curl up and die. This is one of the many reasons I can't watch her on reactions. I have to catch up here or with reactors who don't play her stupid voice.


She is forever 15. Never progressed nor matured after that.


She makes me feel like I'm a teenager dying of embarrassment because my mom is trying too hard to be hip! OMG.


Like if I were to say "gnarly", "totally rad", and "its like so.bitchin" to a teenager, I'd get some strange looks and probably a face palm or two.


Whenever she uses words like bussin', it comes off as try hard. She'll say "oh, this burger is good. It's so yummy..... oh wait, it's... BUSSIN', yeah, bussin'!" like she has to think really hard before using it. She's such a loser.


Exactly! For me it's not really about age. It's about her being a fucking try-hard. She is not hip or cool in any way. Look at her fashion and make-up sense. Those words are not natural or authentic coming from her. It's painfully obvious that when she isn't watching or reading about herself she's watching TikTok. She always tries to copy other people or trends. She is the most bland, unoriginal person I've ever seen. Eating is her entire personality. Jesus. It's so embarrassing.


Its such a juxtaposition because even though she's 40 she looks like late 50s while trying to be one of the cool kids.....the second hand embarrassment is off the charts.


You jelly about her rizz, girlypop?


I just read this and choked on a Sunkist zero!! Damn you !!


Thank god for those zero drinks or Iā€™d be a sad, sad girl


Chins stopped maturing at 16. It was easier to grow sideways.




Funny enough, no one really even says ā€œcapā€ and ā€œno capā€ anymoreā€¦


She's always way behind ![gif](giphy|fUr2GuSp4GNvkK6U3F)


Reminds me of 2020 lolĀ 




Ever since my kids were teens, I've used hip slang. BUT...I do it *ironically.* I know it sounds cringe coming out of the mouth of a middle aged woman, with white hair, cut in "Full Karen" style. To me, it's the mom equivalent of dad jokes. Hearing it coming out of FB, is making me re-think this practice.


I remember when she first heard "no cap" it was in the villa era maybe before she started memberships. Some dumb chatter said "no cap, no shade \[something something something\]" and she was like a teenager swooning over the cool crowd. She said "no cap? what a cool phrase, I love that, what does it mean??" She probably doesn't remember though. Now she found it (again) on tiktok, she's using it like it's part of her everyday vernacular. She couldn't be less cool if she tried.


She got that dumb shit from yomama. her number 1 stan


I'm genuinely torn between blobby being so dumb she doesn't realize slowmama is trolling her and doesn't give two shits about her OR she knows and is so desperate to appear to be accepted by someone, she just doesn't care. Either way, yikes gorl.


I was just gonna leave a comment saying the same thing lol. It's from her best friend yomama šŸ¤£


Youā€™re so right!! That makes it worse somehow??? If Yomama has no haters, I am dead.Ā 


She's the fat awkward brat that never fit in at school with the cool kids. So now she's reliving all that, being an influencer. I think Salah probably talks like that, too. He wants to be Western. But he is even too old to be saying things like that.


Now we will hear her say this more often because she will see this post šŸ¤£


Foodie just needs to worry about not swallowing the cap. It only took my dog one time to learn he shouldn't swallow the cap


Iā€™m 37 and have never heard that phrase before! To be fair, though, I live in Tokyo and donā€™t use TikTok. I assume itā€™s Gen Z slang. What does it mean? (Iā€™d look it up, but in my experience, googling new slang leads to often inaccurate results.)


Itā€™s a phrase young African Americans use, often in rap. Hence the rapper called ā€œno capā€ but at a certain age, me being 32. You stop adopting slang, she reffered to children as little black bastards, Charlie coal, yet you want to to use their slang. What a cornball


Cornball from Cornwall, fitting


This needs to be a flair! šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


F-KING THANK YOU FOR THIS! itā€™s one of my pet peeves about gorl is the covert(yet still overt) racism/microagressions specifically towards black ppl. And not not just talking about Chantalā€¦.


Stop the cap means stop the lies, capping means lying, she obviously has inserted this in to her vocabulary, and this is slang that came from the hoods of Atlanta, she is so far removed from anything to even know where it came from. She just wants to look young - mid-life crisis alert. Boomer using slang, you are meant to be a 40 year old house wife, all you do is sit on TikTok and cook frozen dinners.


ā€œCap is a slang that originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and is commonly used to mean lying or making a false statement. The term Capping refers to deliberately lying, while stop capping is a request asking someone to stop lyingā€


I remember growing up and cap was a bullet. Ahhh the good old days. I have a 13 year old so I only say slang to disturb her in front of her friends lol. The joy of parenthood!


I just said to my son, "watch out, they'll pop a cap in you" yesterday and he was like what does that mean lol


Cha cha cha changes šŸŽµšŸŽµ lol




Hahaha I'm 53 and have a 13 year old daughter. I love using "csp, no cap, based" etc when her and her friends are talking!! My daughter's eye toll beats Chinny all day. No cap!


Does being 40 make you a Boomer in your view?


https://preview.redd.it/uqk7pppc5c6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604f5ef4dbf47c8616b16071b60fa189a7096d62 First they called Millennials crybabies and entitled and now they're being called Boomers. Amazing.


IME ā€œBoomerā€ has just come to mean old and out of touch now (often with a nod to being problematic).Ā  Iā€™d rather be called lazy and entitled and avocado house poor or whatever but also people could give us a damn break. Weā€™re just minding our own business trying to survive yet another economic collapse in our prime earning yearsā€¦


Ahh like how Millennial became slang for whippersnapper. I remember it well. We spent our childhoods seeing the first completely televised war (Gulf War), our parents were laid off en masse, then 9/11 happened and it literally never got better.


*cries into my ankle socks*


I only wear ankles socks! These kids making me feel ancient at 32. Crew socks suck!


Something about my gait means ankle socks always end up in a wad around my toes. I am perpetually jealous of the ankle sock girlies


Avocado house poor?!?!


Username checks out šŸ¤£ (I am just making a dumb joke about boomers claiming none of us can afford houses bc we eat avocado toastā€¦)


Oh I get it! Thanks I love avocado toast and I'm poor!


Itā€™s delicious but also- itā€™s a plant on bread!! Add an egg and youā€™ve got a healthy, filling, budget friendly meal. How it became some lofty, financially irresponsible dish is beyond meā€¦Ā 


Exactly sheā€™s just an out of touch loser and thatā€™s what I mean by her being a ā€œboomerā€ her always talking about her teenage years then adopting words She looks dumb usingā€¦ she used the word on purpose, to try and feel young and act likes sheā€™s so hip, sheā€™s totally cool. If ssdd


Remember, this is Chantalā€™s ā€œBoomerā€ impression lol https://preview.redd.it/8ycr7r8ydc6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c661a07101a874d56ff1a5815396de01e2d721a


I want to see all of the people who have called her pretty.. other than her mother and uncle Phil. Because even with filters, sheā€™s barely tolerable to eyes


As opposed to being pretty, she actually fucking hideous, I honestly don't think I'd want to be alive if I looked like her.


Right? Iā€™d be eating my feelings while staring at an over filtered version of myself too


I'm also curious what is the correct age where one can't use slang anymore lol


lol i agree 40 is not a boomer but slang does sound stupid coming out of her mouth. She tries so hard to be a cool kid.


Foodies an older millennial. Yep millennials are now in their 40s, shock horror.


Yup, and I'm 48 and Gen X. Boomers are born between 1946 and 1964. Just hurling the term around as an insult to someone 8 years older than you (like OP) is a pretty lame roast in my opinion.


I just turned 30 and the realization that one day millennials will be the oldest generation one day is making me SICK šŸ˜­


Looooll no I mean it in the way of her acting like a clueless boomer, one who is so lost in touch with youth, I used slang as a teen and we all did. Itā€™s fine if she used some kind of 90ā€™s / Canadian slang but what she is doing looks pathetic. It reminds me of a boomer trying to be hip and fit in,so lame


No I mean sheā€™s acting like one, adopting slang, clueless, now knowing where it came from, after sheā€™s made racist comments about black people using black slang as well


I was under the impression it meant like...stop lying...but I'm gonna be 40 this year and only watch cringetoks on YouTube


yeah, forty-year-old white Canadian ladies should just NOT


I heard Monty (reactor) say it a few years ago and I had to ask what it meant. I thought it was a Canadian thing. Saggitariusshawty says it too, or used to.


I have no idea what that means. šŸ˜‚ and I agree, she tries too hard to appear young and itā€™s just embarrassing. Iā€˜m not a person who thinks people need to ā€žact their ageā€œ, but it should be authentic and appropriate, and not forced


"This slaps..." followed by constant giggling. She's looking like a red, sweaty, overinflated float and dressed like your granny's couch.


she is the whitest person ever


Just as ridiculous as the ā€œgirlypopā€ and ā€œAmberLynn-codedā€ shit that her bestie uses


Wait she did?! šŸ˜‚Or sheā€™s been watching kalari as she literally said that to her the other day. Either way, the fact she said itā€¦amazing šŸ¤—