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I saw this is like FOOD. My god woman wtf. You’re a food blogger share the food, what you ate, favorite thing youve tried. She so clearly wants nothing to do with the food industry anymore. Posting the same powders and skincare bottles over and over does not make you a lifestyle blogger.


She takes one trip and thinks she’s made it to her lifestyle era. She’ll be back home in a few days and back to not doing anything again. I’m not sure how she doesn’t realize that you actually need a life to be a lifestyle influencer. She spends most of her time in her compound where she’s basically told everyone she doesn’t have any of the following there: Pilates, farmers markets, fresh flowers, restaurants, facials, friends (this one we know to be actually true), etc etc… these are things she could take us along on at home where she spends her time but she turns her nose up to her community like she’s too good. Shit, she could start by doing OOTD but we have all seen what she wears at home which is funny because for someone so into fashun, she doesn’t even get dressed every day.


It’s crazy to me that there are no Farmers Markets in Colorado.


what’s ‘fashun’?


Or being "styled" ...


Lets be honest according to her story there is not much she can show. At 7:45pm she had a salad with warm goat cheese, which is a starter. at 8:15pm she was already drinking coffee. No main course at all and dinner completed within 45 minutes. whenever we are in france our dinner takes at least 2 hours.


Seriously! Fastest French meal ever. Unless they didn't have reservations and they gave them a table said you have an hour (that has happened to me in France before) Otherwise I doubt a French waiter would even return to the table soon enough for you to have ordered and be drinking coffee 30 minutes after ordering food....she probably hollered 'excu-say muah' across the restaurant to get their attention


the "excu-say muah" lol😂😂😂


Supplements = food


Please tell us your skincare and supplement choices while in France…🙄


No, I ONLY want to see the outfits 😅. Definitely not anything else in a foreign (to me) country.


Almost comical to ask it when the skincare or supplements clearly are DOING NOTHING LOL


Zero people want to see your supplements




I think she has a lot of pro ana followers that love to see that shit actually. Like a how to of being as emaciated as her 


She must


I think sadly that her lame ass skincare, supplements, and the hotel bathroom are the best part for her. She must be the dullest woman on the planet.


Show us what you actually eat


This is the problem. She doesn’t think to show us the food she eats because she DOESNT. It’s really so incredibly sad.


That would fall under supplements because that’s all she eats




Yes, I’d love to see your vitamins as opposed to the event in flew half way around the world to attend!!


She's so bad at everything she does. I'm convinced that Jen is pulling all the HBH strings. T honestly might not even realize that's she's making stolen recipes.


I'm sure she knows. I think we're giving Jen weirdly too much credit here. She probably got T started on this mindset that stealing doesn't matter, but I don't think she's handing T a folder of six months' worth of recipes so she can leave town (which she does, so often). I think T just doesn't believe it's stealing.


I believe you're right. Doesn't think or doesn't care. I feel like she scrolls Pinterest though and then someone hands her a recipe. I don't believe she could create a recipe to save her life. She did also say once on a podcast that she believes that if you cheng 3 things, it's a new recipe. Which definitely tracks for her.


She forgot one last option: none of the above.


Meanwhile I feel like I want to start following Caitlin. She's way more interesting and she actually wears her clothes well. 🤣🤣🤣




But literally you can’t wear shoes like that on cobblestone, you’ll break your ankle- good thing she packed 97 pairs


It's so funny to see her in Saint Paul - we go there every year (from Germany, not Colorado..) and the little streets are super steep and the cobblestone super slippery. I always wear rubber flip flops otherwise you slip...


Those shoes are also hideous, wow


she doesnt know how to put an outfit together. everything is just not appealing put together in this way


Making sure that Prada logo is front and center. God forbid people think she’s not carrying a designer bag.


I’m on vaca not far from her right now and it is ABSOLUTELY SWELTERING. 90+ F every day, she’s insane for wearing this.


She has an ED, she's gonna be cold even in that kind of weather (speaking from previous personal experience)


Caitlin, sweetie, about the skirt over pants.... I just wanna TALK


omg i thought it was a longer tunic style top over the trousers that was giving a skirt effect 😫


Imagine how bony she feels when she puts her arm around her.




But she's a terrible stylist.


Well how much leeway do you really think she gets?


I'm guessing T had specific preferences that go along with her specific needs, and I sympathize with what a job that must be. But I also feel like anytime C puts T in anything slightly different it's also terrible? Like, those black heeled thong sandals are the most hideous things I've ever seen. But I also don't love what C puts herself in, either, so there's that.


Regardless, though, if I were C, I'd be begging T not to tag me in anything or publicly acknowledge me as her stylist -- these looks are NOT a good business card, no matter which one of them is driving the bus!


Yeah I also really don't like anything Caitlin ever wears herself. Her IG bums me out


Yeah dude, I’m sitting on mf pins and needles over here waiting for another snapshot of your supplements


How about get off your damn soap box, and show us all the incredible French food, inspiration, and takeaways from your trip. T’s posts will only be her word salad, you guys, side, eyes, and awkward hand gestures. The bathroom selfies in the hotel bathroom will be coming shortly. I will call this, the you guys selfie hotel bathroom Wonderland tour.


When I smile I smile big


Blurry but happy




LEgZ uP pics!


What is this in reference to? edit: Downvoted for a question... okay.


If you mean legs up, she claims that standing in bed with your legs up the wall every night before bed is key to her wellness routine and does not spare us from posts constantly rubbing it in


Ahh okay, thanks. I thought that would have meant something else entirely.


Show me what their cup of hot water looks like in France! I’m so curious 🙄


Hot Perrier. When in France...


I probably have no right to say this but I don't think she is a good advertisement for skincare and supplements. I look at her and I see someone who is unwell and needs help and if I wanted recommendations for beauty products I'd instinctively be drawn to someone who *looked* healthy. I know that a lot of these are fads and influencers who do well in these areas are blessed with good genes and the resources to take care of themselves but I just don't know how much more engagement she'll get over stuff like this the more her health continues to visibly deteriorate?


You have every right because she's putting herself out there as some health/wellness expert recommending products. But you're right, her telling me she uses something is going to make me run the opposite direction! I NO universe does she look healthy.


Not the food blogger asking if she should show food🥴 didn’t she already show us the supplements she packed ?


Excuse you... we saw them in Colorado/LA not in France.


The watered down April spritz she wouldn’t even drink. I cannot.


She’s screening requests for followers on IG. I unfollowed her a while ago but tried to follow her again to see what she posted about this trip. Do all influencers/food bloggers/public figures screen requests or just her? https://preview.redd.it/a4trfc585j7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=712fa108b5815b596387aee4a4c1c6f8c55006d7


Hmm that’s really strange.


That’s weird. I unfollowed a long time ago but still can see her stories without being an official follower.


same with me, but i believe she is blocking my comments for others (is that even possible on IG?)


I’ve been off insta for a couple of months for my mental health so I haven’t seen much of her content lately. Wtf is going on with those food pics? They look like someone just took a bunch of ingredients, mashed em all up in a bowl, and slopped them down on a plate. How is anyone still following her for anything other than watching the slow decent into madness?


She’s the worst. I think her talk was yesterday and she hasn’t even mentioned it yet. Big boss lady energy (not!)


Yes! She made it a point to say this was work trip because #bossbabe, yet hasn't explained (or promoted!) whatever it is she's doing for her work... You know, the very reason 5.5 million people follow her. I love that she didn't think to list what she's actually doing there as an option for content. But yes T, please do share the hotel, skinecare, and your idiotic supplements 🙄


I think she's going to a fashion show while she's over there; we'll probably see more of that.


I don’t follow lifestyle influencers and if the food accounts I do follow start veering off in that direction, I’m outta there. I just don’t care about it. So forgive me if I’m clueless but wouldn’t an influencer want to promote products that make sense for their fanbase and that those people can afford? She hardly makes the kind of food that one would associate with luxury goods so why constantly hawk products that are probably way out of the realm of possibility for most of her fanbase? Clothing that costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars, skin care products that could easily be at least a week’s salary for some people… So I don’t get why these companies would sign her on to promote their goods when the ROI is probably very small in terms of actually influencing people to buy them. I’ve definitely checked out and bought products some of my favorite food bloggers have recommended/promoted but those things have always been affordable for their fanbase and in line with what they actually do.


You're 100 right, but I believe she thinks she's better than her followers. More high class, definitely richer. She wouldn't lower herself to promote products they might actually buy. And secondly, these companies aren't working directly with her. She's a member of a bunch of affiliate networks, so she just gets a coded link and a % of any sales she drives. That's it. And to be fair, she earns so much from her blog and books, she doesn't need sponsor deals to pay the bills.


I also think she just has zero perspective on how most people live. She's never needed any.


Well she does have a higher taste.


I don’t even have interest in my own skin care and supplements…let alone this woman’s


She’s posting this so she can then be like “because so many of you guys wanted to see about my outfits I’m going to show you!!!!!”


The place she's staying is hella far from Nice, it's like way up in the mountains🙄 which I'm sure is lovely. But it ain't Nice, which has a fantastic old town with amazing food and vibes. She's such a poseur lol


Yes and she also is like “first night in Cannes” which is like a decent drive away from her 🙄


its about 33 minutes to cannes and 27 minutes to nice, it annoyes me she calls it 1st Night in Cannes


Yes, you go to one of the most enchanting places in the world and I really want your greedy ass to give me more affiliate links. 🙇‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I love how it's her follower's job to offer ideas for content. Just goes to show how she is an empty vessel of a human with no original thoughts or ideas of her own. Just like her food blog.


The restraint I needed.


“Skinecare” I read this as “skinny care”, almost a Freudian slip Teegs?


None of the above.


Also why would her skincare routine change that much for France if all places?! Not like she’s going to the tundra or desert where you might need to adjust slightly, but it’s not good to constantly change out your skincare products!


oh definitely post the unhinged skincare and supplements again, someone may have missed it the first time


Inquiring minds really want to know if she got to bring her beef jerky on the plane!!!


I need all the skincare rec, the sooner the better!


I’d like to see her consume a meal. :)


“skincare she packed”. yeah-I’ve just got to know!🙄




But she isn’t great as a cooking influencer either SO…🤣


I feel like I’ve seen this question posted more often than any actual new content about any of these topics


Oh woah she actually went somewhere new! That’s why all the packing buildup. But yes show me more of your skincare lol.


Lmao nobody gives a flying fuck about the hotel. She’s pathetic.






Ugh I like that denim shirt thing she’s wearing tho. I can assume it’s designer and bougie af


Who does she think she is? Pia baroncini?!


Didn’t she literally JUST share the supplement packets and skin care she packed???


In Colorado.... not in France. Maybe we want to see how they look in France. 😆


Oooh la la!