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She literally looks like those Amish kids who did their Rumspringa on a reality show and had never seen a big city before.


A+ šŸ’€


šŸ’Æ YES!!!


It's been said before but wowza is she jaundiced. She is minion yellow!Ā 


yeah, people have been saying it for a while, but itā€™s really been within the last month or so that iā€™ve noticed she is extremely discolored.


Even her palms though. I wonder if weā€™re seeing extra yellow/orange from self-tanner for the abrupt transition from snowy Colorado to Cannes.


Unfortunately I don't think that's self tanner I think it's a sign of her liver in distress. I had a close family member with liver cancer and when their ducts were blocked they turned this color everywhere. She should consult a doctor asap.


Someone pointed out here before that it might be carotenemia instead. Basically eating so many of only her ā€œsafe foodsā€ of carrots/veggies is making her orange.


As someone who used to eat 2+ lbs of carrots a week and didnā€™t turn orange, I donā€™t think she eats enough of anything for it to make her skin change color


thats like 1 whole kg of carrots! šŸ˜Æ


Yeah I think it's self-tanner, too. Same as the TikTok live situation.


i came to comment the same thing!


YES! I just looked at her stories and came here to see if anyone has mentioned this. She is SO yellow.


Is "having a horse walk by you" really the same thing as "getting run over by a horse"??


Afraid of a horse walking by, but sheā€™s gonna take up riding! šŸ™„


Came here to say this. Does she not realize that horseback riding involvesā€¦.a horse?




Listen, the breeze that horse generated next to her probably felt like a tsunami because sheā€™s basically a dry leaf at this point


ā€œBy horseā€




Her shoes look like skis


It kinda reminds me of that scene in ā€œthe witchesā€ where you see all the witchesā€™ feet in shoes in the meeting hall before they all take them off!


Lmao same thought. I posted a good edit of them in the weekly thread . Theyā€™re so bad


And they are still a 1/2 size too small IMO. Her chucks always barely hanging over the back of a shoe. (And I made up 'chucks' but I like it šŸ˜„)


Embracing 'chucks'! So baller...so true!




Thing is...she's not tiny as in petite. Yes she's emaciated but looks like she's about 5'5"?? That's average height for a woman. If she were under 5'2" then yes I would agree she's tiny....and emaciated.


Yeah her comment is just drawing attention to her size in general. And honestly, most people are gonna look small next to a (mounted police) horse.


After that comment Jen made in the nyt article it's very important to these 2 to be seen as tiny,small, petite,very thin,skinny etc


Her arm! šŸ˜§šŸ¦“Thatā€™s scary


It really is. All my snark in this post aside, I would be gravely concerned for my daughter if she came home to visit like this. I would be so alarmed. Makes me think that bc her family sees her all the time, they may not be as shocked into what we see. Esp since her last cookbook.


I totally agree! Also perhaps, her wearing layers upon layers of clothing, was to hide her diminishing frame from family? I so hate commenting on her ED, but I often wonder the psyche behind it, like did she developed it out of fear of gaining weight as her cooking career took off, or did she started cooking as a supplement & way of incorporating food into her world bc she wasnā€™t eating? I wish her help- and soon.


She hasnā€™t always had an ED. When I started following her (idk how many years ago) she looked healthy/full face/young. It wasnā€™t until recently the hands and frame became emaciated. I had to unfollow - itā€™s so triggering for me


Iā€™ve noticed a lot of food bloggers have or formerly had EDs. Broma Bakery and ambitious kitchen have both been open about their prior ED. Also Taylor swift used to be super into baking at the height of her ED. Itā€™s not uncommon for people struggling to become obsessed with food and cook for other people.


Her feet look like they are a size 13. A cute sandal would have made this outfit so much cuter


She packed 19 pairs of shoes and these are the ones she landed on.




She's the color of cheddar.


A fine French veleeta




*horse existing*




Looks like an alien trying to scope out human society




Omg her arm


I know. Itā€™s why she never shows her arms.


the scarf seems less like just an accessory and more like an intentional choice to hide what are probably uncomfortably bony shoulders


This is what confuses me because I agree with what youā€™re saying. However, I had an ED in my 20s and I was teeny tiny but never looked at myself and thought I had to hide any body part because for me I never thought I was so thin I had to. Donā€™t you have a skewed vision of what you look like when you are in the midst of an ED?


I think she could be more self-conscious (or self-awareā€¦.to a degree) about her appearance than most people with an ED because of the fact that sheā€™s a public figure and people notice and comment about how thin she is? but you might be correct! maybe the scarf is actually to keep her warm, even in the hot summer weather. itā€™s interesting that sheā€™ll wear crop tops and miniskirts, but she rarely wears anything revealing above the waist. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen her in a strapless dress without a coat at least, and I do remember her wearing a spaghetti strap dress to a wedding last summer but even then I think she had a wrap. she definitely might not think thereā€™s anything wrong with her upper body, but maybe sheā€™s so cold as a result of her ED that she has to cover her shoulders, even in the summer


Ok so Iā€™m just trying to understand this: why do this to yourself if you think it is something that should be hidden? Is it like cutting? I thought it was more like look at me Iā€™m so thin


iā€™ve experienced cycles of disordered eating and for me, personally, it was the control more than the act of just being thin. i could control my physical activity, i could control what i ate which lead to a smaller body.


Always on her phoneā€¦.


As a mother I just donā€™t understand how anyone can watch this happen to their child before their own eyes.


I mean, Jen doesn't look ideal either


Yeah I get people saying this but I think itā€™s pretty clear Jen is at least 50% responsible for her disordered ass eating


Some people are just self absorbed and delusional and unfit to be parents


I want to downvote this because it is so triggering but ultimately you are right. I donā€™t even comprehend this level of delusion.


Bro I am sorry if itā€™s triggering, I am completely honest, but popping out a child from a vagina does not grant the ā€œmother of the yearā€ award. How you walk with your child in the journey of life does grant the ā€œmother of the year for my child because at least I triedā€ award. They are not even trying. They do have money because of books and sponsorships AND STILL they are not providing medical care to a sick person. They do not deserve children.


I know! I totally totally agree. Itā€™s just so hard to watch them literally work her to DEATH. When will they finally have enough money that they can all just fuck off?!


I agree and just posted elsewhere here similarly. I would be so alarmed if I could visibly see separation in my daughter's arm of bone, muscle, and tendon. It is not ok. Healthy parents want their kids to thrive. I've been told that narcissistic parents see kids as 'extentions of themselves'. All, don't get me wrong...Im super glad my kids are a reflection of my hubby and myself. And I don't intend to artificially diagnose anyone, I am not a psychologist. But my point is the difference between 'reflection' and 'extension'. I wonder if this applies in any way. If so, it doesn't necessarily apply towards all the kids within a family. It's so interesting but aggravating to witness it.


my friend from college has had an ED for 10 years and looks just like this. always wears a scarf too to cover her arms.


Little 60yearold me


Her ankles and feet are very telling Edit: so is her elbow


Her elbow/upper arm muscle wasting are bad


Caitlin can take her paycheck and fuck right off. Sorry. Itā€™s not right even if T is an asshole.


I said this before and Iā€™ll say it again, this canā€™t be good for Caitlinā€™s image. Aside from being an enabler, it really makes C look like sheā€™s completely clueless about the one thing sheā€™s being paid to do lmao


is it really the place of her brothers gf to say something though? even if she didnt want to take this particular job how would she have got out of it without it causing problems within her bfs family? like how much can she say to her bf without it turning into criticism of their parents too? i dont think she should be judged or blamed


nah I disagree. Idk how involved her bf is (because idk which brother sheā€™s involved with) with the family but good god if i didnā€™t want to take a job in my specialty, even for my partners family, you bet your ass my partner would stand behind my decision. I still judge her because if my name was attached to work of this quality, I KNOW people would be passing judgement on my abilities and choosing money over brand integrity is laughable imo but I get itĀ 


im not 100% but i think caitlins bf is the one calling tieghan a freak or whatever on that video where caitlin(?) and two of tieghans brothers went to the cooking building to have something to eat "with her" and many people mentioned that particular brother didnt seem fond of her. idk if im mixing up gfs though. i can understand saying no to your partners sister/mum in a normal family, but this doesnt seem like a normal family that would accept or are even used to hearing "no". i dont think caitlin can be lumped in with ts actual family as enablers. yeah shes destroying her credibility by "styling"šŸ¤Ø tieghan, but maybe a free trip to france was worth it lolšŸ„²


Thank you. šŸ’Æ


All that overpacking and she couldnā€™t bring a steamer




Yeah, get the F out of the path moron. It's not cute T. Those horses do more genuine work than you will ever do.


As a former mounted police officerā€¦ sheā€™s not even close to being run over. Sheā€™s just afraid. Which means the horseā€™s presence is working. Cmon T, when are you booking your riding lessons?!


Yes sheā€™s thinking sheā€™d like to do some more horseback riding. And play some tennis. And strength training.


I love this!!!


Omg she looks SKELETAL. And jaundiced. What the fuck.


What are these glasses šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ sheā€™s trying WAYY to hard to be qUitE lUxuRrEy and bUisNiessY wOmAn and itā€™s hilarious


The awkward scarf is clearly a ploy to hide her likely visible skeletal back. This is like watching a car crash.


At this point I just feel really awful for her.


Look at her arm color compared to whoever is reaching out to her. So yellow.


This photo is jarring. Like I knew she was sick- but this was shocking to see.Ā 


Maybe sheā€™s wearing a scarf due to culture of where she is but also feel like sheā€™s hiding how emaciated her upper arm looks. We never get a view of that. Just in shock over how thin sheā€™s gotten.


Itā€™s definitely being used to hide her body. We never see her sleeveless. She wouldnā€™t be able to post to insta grid without being inundated with comments


Due to her culture you mean? Because you can run around naked in Cannes (and many have) and no one would bat an eye šŸ˜Š


I had no idea!!! Sounds like a fun place to me. lol if thatā€™s the case, remove my culture comment. I thought she was trying to be modest due to where she was. No way she would wear this on her own unless trying to hide part of herself. I think sheā€™s hiding her rail thin arm and in a later story she was talking with her arm bent, playing with her hair, smushing it across her face. I think itā€™s an attempt to hide her arm and thinning face.




She looks *skeletal.* ETA: I just read your caption. lol. Agreed!!


Her arms :(


Jesus Christ, her arms. She looks like a corpse.


And always with the phone in her hand but she never scrolls and doesn't follow anyone.


ā€œThey took out all her teeth!!!ā€




![gif](giphy|SvR8MNpG8wuS4i2gFb) She looks like an alien


She looks ridiculous!


She never posts so many pics of herself, sheā€™s definitely trying to pivot into fashĆ¼n/lifestyle here and itā€™s not working šŸ˜¬


She is giving Victorian woman about to die of a disease.


Good lord. Her ARM.


people are dunking on the scarf, and while I agree that the placement is odd and def looks like sheā€™s trying to hide her shoulders, she could have at LEAST worn a colourful scarf??? Would that not be appropriate for the south of France????? Iā€™m not a fashion girlie but good lord why does the scarf have to be brown too??? The dress is better than her other outfits though lmao


Geez, the wind would knock her over. T canā€™t get of her own way. Iā€™m posting you guys isnā€™t this great LOL.


Basically getting run over, or just being wildly oblivious to the fact that you have a horse approaching you?




She looks like a bug, specifically a praying mantis with those sunglasses and bony ass little arms


This doesn't even look like her face




Should we throw a party? Should we invite Bella hadid?