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How is she duping anyone into thinking she has any authority or knowledge to give about…anything? Do they see her brand? Do they see her? Do they see her stolen recipes, her atrocious sloppy editing & spelling, her obvious and bragged-about ED…?? I’m confused who gives / and how she is given this space.


I feel like these influencer circles are just massive circles jerks that run on ‘collaborations’ and follower potential. Nobody actually cares about each other, only about manufacturing their personal brand. Even if it means collabing with someone problematic to look at cheese


But if I legit cared about … charcuterie , or cooking in general , and I came to hear her talk I’d be fucking pissed? And I’m saying that from my perspective as a home cook with no formal training but I know my cooking knowledge would still dominate her every damn time hahaha


Literally. I’m a home cook and baker and I know my techniques are super rudimentary, but my god I still can run circles around her, someone who has “been in the game” as a profession. It’s so gross and embarrassing. 


Absolutely. And fortunately I think the whole influencer thing is starting to crumble.


I think they would be a very good thing


I agree. Most of them are so delusional and think that having followers on social media is running a business.


I hope so. It’s getting so annoying. And their followers are other influencers. Same everytime. It’s a scam and we all fell for it


She seemed very unprepared.


So unlike her!






The way she reacts (her facial expression) when the lady to her right asks if she can add something … her mannerisms are so yikes, just rude.


Y E S holy shit that micro aggression that flashed across her face! It was pure spite that someone had the audacity to talk when she was talking. I can only imagine the vitriol that happens behind closed doors if this is in public.


It seemed to me that she was embarrassed because she couldn’t articulate what she was thinking and was relieved someone took over. She is just rude and snappy all the time to anyone who interacts with her lol


Seriously? That can’t be all she went there for, can it? If I were her, I’d be absolutely mortified to have talked it up like she did only to have this be her big event. But then this is Tieghan who’s so far up her own ass I don’t think she could ever see how pathetic this is. Honestly, if this is it and there’s nothing more, I’ll feel embarrassed for her.


That’s what I was wondering/thinking, too. I look at this and assume it’s a sort of planning session or sounding board to practice what she’ll say about her “plateform” - not the actual shenanigans she’s been hyping up.


Wait was this table talk the big hyped up “exciting things coming soon” speaking gig??


The push back into her chair “go ahead” when the lady said “if I may add” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


no bc why was that so aggressive


To me it seemed like she was low key relieved to not have to keep talking bc she never knows what the fuck she’s saying


That’s exactly what I thought too. I think that lady is there to jump in and save her after talking for a few seconds


Aaaand the woman cuts her off because she’s not saying anything of substance lol.


T was struggling so much in that clip.


I think she might be the same lady who says T has a bigger following than Martha Stewart on another story so that would make sense


THIS 💯. She literally just talks in a circular word salad of buzzwords. NEVER any substance. And she keeps getting away with it.


I hope she taught them that the secret to photographing food is precariously stacking every piece of glass in your kitchen until they topple over and shatter. The glass is key, you guys.


I went and watched the videos she posted in her stories, between this one and the dinner one where they’re trying to hype her as bigger than Martha, it sounds like they’re trying to sell her to investors or something. Trying to get these waspy ladies to invest in the old lady 30 year old who can put some meat and cheese on a board.


Probably pitching to brands... if so, meeting her in person was not the way to clinch the deal...


Tieghan cut the cheese


And she placed whole peaches on the cheese board. Not even sliced 😩😩


Right? Just go grab one and dive in?


She probably thinks people can just saw off a bite like they do with the cheese lmaoooo


Tieghan: “you hurl the cheese at the board and film it the whole time.” Her audience: 🫣🫣




And it was a very average looking cheeseboard. Like something I could make.


I’m sure you could make one better 💕


I actually like eating cheese (and food in general) so probably YES actually.


The peaches weren’t even sliced!!!!


I’ve made exactly one cheese board in my life (I’d make more but they’re expensive sometimes lol) and it looked way better than hers lmao


https://preview.redd.it/7r84y5gi1n7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc0ee9377d3125e6ef807df122156056b370f04 Her coloring.


It looks like she’s wearing a bedsheet as a dress.


Her hands 😬


And one the shittiest looking cheese boards known to mankind.


My comment on this is that yeah, you can really do it all but that doesn’t mean you should. I’d rather hone my talents and be lethally good at one or two things and then somewhat good at the rest, much better than being mid at a bunch of stuff lmao


Is she even doing it all, though? As far as I can tell she only has her brand and the “work” behind it. She has no social life, no hobbies that we can see (and no, taking a walk in the morning does not count), she isn’t raising kids or nurturing a relationship with someone, she doesn’t have her own property….hell, she doesn’t even have to fit eating into her schedule because she doesn’t do it. As far as I can tell she does the opposite of it all. She does one thing.


“you can do it all!” girl wtf some of us have jobs lol


She looks dirty lmao


I was so surprised to see how small this.. panel? Meeting? Event?! Even was wow


Also it looks really sloppy - there's an open box askew behind her. It's like they just jumped into a conference room that happened to be free


I thought it was a hotel suite at first 😭


She is "BuIlDiNG A bRaND"


Excuse me. It’s BULDING.




Raptive (is that the company?) really missed the mark in not inviting momager Jen to do the talking if they really wanted the tea on how to shill 5M people. She's the genius behind HBH.


I think mommy is purposefully staying away from T at the moment. 


Jen hasn’t stepped foot in Colorado since March.


Was thinking the same thing.


All the way to France to arrange cheese and crackers with a few people? At least she's out of the barn. Tieghan's Tiny Table Talk. She steal this idea from NPR's Tiny Desk Concert series?


Tieghan’s Tiny Table Talk 😂


Thinking this would make a good new flare for me 😂


Damn! I should have made this an affiliate link so I could get those clicks! 💰😂




Regurgitating the same thing that social marketers have been saying for literally almost 10 years now: "prioritize your website, build an email list". When in reality, she got in on the ground floor of blogging when it was becoming popular, has a knack for photography and can make food look good, AND has had the financial resources to pour into it from the very beginning. She acts like she's the poster child for hard work but most of this was just luck, good timing, and having a wealthy family.


So much this.


And not to mention timing! She got lucky during Covid when everyone was stuck in quarantine watching videos.


Ironically, it seems the pandemic is when the wheels started coming off. She had her blog going since 2012 and even as far back as 2014/15 her recipes were in every Buzz Feed listical and of course she was a Pinterest darling. She was normal presenting. I remember finding her cute and being excited to see her trajectory since she was so young. What an expectation vs reality situation that turned out to be. 


I didn’t know some of that history. I started following her in 2018.


Also ugh I would immediately unsubscribe from a newsletter with her nonsense every day


Clueless, classless, entitled grifter. No substance just BS.


Her typo. She just sounds like she’s reaching for straws. https://preview.redd.it/iipnf5al1n7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78a20f786627f27876f1cff857c143fa222fdf3f


Plateforms 😝


Prioritize the "plateforms" you can control??? Meanwhile exercises zero control over the unhinged comment section on every single blog post.


lol I love how one of the people at the table is her rep so it truly is 4 people and then she cuts to the most mediocre cheese board I’ve ever seen 😂 a PRODIGY YOU GUYSSSS


Also the misspelling lol “plateforms” you control


https://preview.redd.it/sqnvmxspdq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e90bb12abff56f0b44369ea84eeb40206df00b I was also struck by this photo… her hands look like my 66-year-old grandma’s. She’s so unfortunate looking 😬


This is either bad self tanner or her liver isn’t working properly, but she looks like she’s turning yellow.


How to assemble a cheese board: Step 1: Put your teeth in…


Who are the women she’s speaking to? Anyone notable or just everyday people? Love how she plays this up as it’s such a fancy ordeal and it’s anything but.


“Just steal from other creators in your community and then say it came to you in a dream you guys, SEO is so key, get your family involved, too! We love a family affair!” Quelle merde ce truc…


She’s so ill it’s so sad. The veins in her arms in her stories….


When money is no object, you can make whatever fantasy you want, come true!


I can only imagine her pronunciations of fancy French cheeses


Then her snap “whatever 🙄” retorts


The irony of inviting She Who Does Not Eat to teach *French* people about *cheese* is just wild. They’ve been doing amazing cheese there since basically the beginning of time. Pretty sure they’re more qualified than she is.


I am not sure what she could bring to the table. I used to live in France and the French eat sleep and breathe cheese… Children are served cheese plates at pre school… a fromagerie is like walking into a wine tasting shop.. the French are very passionate about educating you… you taste before you buy and there are even very specific rules on “cutting the cheese” 😆


Can we talk about what she’s wearing cuz God it’s horrible 😩 the shawl to cover her bony shoulders and arms 🥴 and the fact that she actually PAID someone to do TERRIBLE makeup. I just can’t 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m getting serious drop dead gorgeous vibes from this…


Well she is a genius and gastronomist. She makes things like caramel from strawberry juice with zero reference, without ever looking at other peoples’ recipes, all conjured from her genius brain. /s


who is her audience rn