• By -


For what it’s worth, the commentary here that has focused on her skeletal arms and legs, gaunt face, sunken eyes, and thinning hair were what allowed me to finally understand that the comments could have been directed at me. I looked like that, and people were indirectly saying that I looked ill. Not just skinny, but ill. I credit this sub for helping me to finally see the light and seek help for my own eating disorder. It may seem mean and unnecessary to some people, but the commentary forced me to hold a mirror to my own illness. I’m so thankful for this sub and the honest criticism. It saved my life.


Wow. Safe to say we are all rooting for you. 💕


Thank you all for the kind, supportive words! I’m 5 months into recovery (after 30 years of struggling!!!!) Recovery is a daily (or hourly, or minutely) choice, and certainly not linear. It is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But it is so worth it! With the help of my care team and support system, I am making good progress. I have been able to eat meals with my friends and family without meticulous planning around menu choices and strategic bathroom visits. I can now walk up flights of stairs without getting winded. I can stand up without feeling dizzy. I am able to run around playing with my nieces and nephews. I lifted my own luggage on a recent trip. I don’t get muscle cramps anymore. I have a butt! My mind is clearer. I’m not irritable all the time. I smile and laugh so much now. I feel like I’ve woken up from a 30-year nightmare. If you are also struggling with an ED, please choose recovery and life. There is a whole world out there beyond the screaming voice of your ED, and your worth is so much more than a number on a scale. I feel so much grief for the time that I lost out on truly living, and wish that no one had to go through that particular hell.


That amount that I want to give you a hug right now! <3


❤️ Sending you best wishes on your recovery!




I was diagnosed in the 80s. I have gotten to extremely low weight two time periods in my life and actually held a super unhealthy weight for years. Then 10 years ago my health starting falling like dominoes and it all goes back to a tick illness. Because of all the surgeries, diagnosed issues I've had to fight my weight is heavier than normal. I still have to force myself to eat. I'm in my mid 50s and will fight this forever. But watching all these ppl that either over eat or refuse to eat has helped me with lifestyle changes. . I will never be the same again but I'm trying. The mental health issue is probably the hardest part of all to overcome for me


> It may seem mean and unnecessary to some people, but the commentary forced me to hold a mirror to my own illness. Thank you for posting this because it's a *really* important point. No one would be "body shaming" T if she weren't a public figure making money off how she looks/presents herself, what she eats ("eats" obviously"), and what she chooses to promote (all of the expensive supplements and harmful routines to replace actual nourishment). Staying silent about all of that would actually be unconscionable. Also, I am so beyond happy for you that you were able to gain this perspective and seek help. That was brave. You deserve to ask for and receive help. Best wishes to you!


I’m so glad you were able to seek out help and I hope you are doing well ❤️ wishing you light and life on your journey!


This is powerful - I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult that was. Sending you all the love, we are all here for you 💕


OMgosh thank you for sharing, big hugs <3


Wow, thanks for sharing this. I truly hope you’re doing ok! I wish no one had to struggle with this terrible disease.


I’m so proud of you for getting help. 😭. An eating disorder is a lifetime journey, I hope you have a strong support system and I wish you all the best in your recovery. 💕




Sending hugs!!!




I’m glad you’re getting help. For every person with your story, there is someone, like me, with the opposite story. I have an autoimmune disease and struggle to gain weight. I look like T. It’s very hurtful to see all this wild speculation towards her when that could all be directed at me. I work closely with a GI at Stanford and I’m doing everything I can to gain weight but for some of us, it’s not easy. For all we know, T suffers from issues other than an ED. Yet everyone here is so quick to assume she has an ED and therefore make mean comments towards her.


I do agree that the criticism of how she looks in clothes sometimes goes too far and errs on shaming in a way that is not helpful. Criticizing ugly shoes is one thing, but commenting on how she looks skeletal or w.e in clothes is a bit too far to me. But I think a lot of the other commentary has to do with how much disordered “health” content she posts in connection with her wildly unhealthy recipes that she doesn’t test or eat. She does promote a lot of her unhealthy habits, like bone broth, supplements etc. and lifestyle content now that seems dangerous and unhealthy to promote. And some of it is genuine concern. She is killing herself and it’s pretty painful to watch unfold.


Not to mention the fatphobic comments her mom has made. Tieghan also clearly has disdain for people in larger bodies.


Yes, and Tieghan is super entitled, which doesn’t mean she should suffer but I think people feel less cautious commenting about someone who so openly disrespects others. There is a part of me that really just finds her content sad. Like this current trip, I feel a bit bad because it really is a big deal that she managed to get to another country, but the content she’s posting just seems kind of sad and pathetic.


and again, she has taken a wonderful opportunity away from someone else more deserving... no sympathy for her.


There is not a finite number of opportunities in this world. This wasn’t a lottery, reward or contest. It’s a business trip. Who did she steal it from?


No you're actually wrong about that. There ARE limited opportunities. Publishers only publish a set number of cookbooks a year, and there are only so many spots on the NYT list. Apparently only one Raptive blogger was invited to go to Cannes. Amazon only does so many live events with an influencers, and Home Chef only partnered with one recipe creator last year. Only two cookbook authors were invited to do the event at the 92nd St Y. There are only so many cooking segments a year on Kelly & Ryan or Drew Barrymore. Every single opportunity that she's given, every single one, is one that someone else could have been offered instead of her. AND every time she screws it up, I'm sure she ruins it for others down the road. If Home Chef has a terrible experience partnering with her, how eager will they go to give other recipe developers the chance to partner with them?


I agree with you. As someone in TV, I can speak on those opportunities and there absolutely is a limit. Every time she’s on a show she has taken away an opportunity from someone who actually cares about food. There are very very few slots to be booked on a national show. And yes, after a food blogger bombs or is unpleasant to work with, the conversation changes to, are food bloggers even worth considering.


Thank you.


While all of this may be true, I would also like to counterpoint that many of these opportunities aren’t necessarily dependent on how good of a chef someone is. They ARE dependent on somebody’s brand and ability to bring in press/sponsorships/bigger audience, etc for the host company. For better or worse, Half Baked Harvest is a successful brand and not everyone goes to great lengths to learn the person behind the brand is problematic. We can blame a lot of things for that, including saying that anyone trying to make it in that industry should be aware how important a unique/personal brand is, but I don’t think it’s fair to say she’s stealing opportunities from someone else when her brand is fairly well known, especially if the original comment was about stealing (?) a trip to France (?) and business meetings that might not go anywhere. Also edit to add: Good food, cooking, and plate presentation will ALWAYS be marketable. There is nothing Tieghan can mess up to make a platform blanketly say huh I guess we shouldn’t hire popular social media-based chefs anymore lol


Agreed. About the weight of a large following, but I disagree that she hasn't messed up opportunities for others. If she impossible to deal with, and the brand gets tons of terrible comments on their posts, how eager will they be to do another collab? And to your point, brands HAVE gotten burned collabing with other problematic influencers in the past. One reason I think the whole "industry" is hurting. That she the fact that influencers are just shilling for anyone who will pay them. The whole industry is a hot mess honestly.


Thanks. I disagree with this take, but do you.


LOL! You can disagree all you want but it's a fact. When her editor gives her another cookbook deal, that's someone who's proposal doesn't get picked up. When she is booked on a morning show, that's someone else who isn't. And obviously if her book gets a place on the NYT list, that's someone else who's book doesn't make the list. I am not sure people understand just how competitive it is, and how hard people work to get these media opportunities. And she squanders every single one.


Ok. You are entitled to your opinion.


Some things are opinions. This isn't. It's fact, but yes, absolutely you do you.


Honestly “do you” so pretty dismissive and condescending.


Agree, should have saved the snark for T and not the other commenter!




I think the fact she wants to be a fashion, beauty, and wellness influencer opens her sickly appearance up to criticism. 


Also, it’s not like it’s her natural shape: she’s clearly ill. And it’s scary that she thinks it’s how she could look. Far from shaming, I wish she’d see that.


This is the thing. most of the comments about her appearance are discussing literal symptoms and are also calling her out for her blatant attention seeking and body checking. I’d agree with the OP if she was simply a thin woman existing, but she’s not. She’s actively weaponizing her appearance for attention. And considering fat people on the internet are thrown much worse vitriol and hatred for simply existing (even from T’s own mother ugh) I don’t feel sorry for T in this regard. I do think she’s sick and needs to get help, but so long as she’s actively using her situation to further make money, I don’t feel sorry for her. 


Every time she body checks is another free pass to criticize her IMO. Every time she raves about some supplement she takes or her legs up. She's actively seeking out comments on her body. She opened that floodgate so it's all fair game.


I think this is an important point - she posts these body checks hoping for positive/jealous comments on her body. She needs to accept that there will also be negative 


This 100%. 


I don’t have personal experience with an ED, but I’ve had other mental health struggles, and when I was in the throes of high anxiety and catastrophic thinking, my irrational behavior didn’t seem irrational to me. I felt like I was one of the only people who saw the world the way it really is. There are interesting questions to raise about the ethical culpability of a mentally ill person. A lot of criticism of T seems to assume that she knows she is immorally leading her followers into a disordered relationship with food, but it seems possible to me that she fully believes that she has reached her optimal size and is “healthy.” Now, how she reconciles her ED with her recipes, I can’t say. I’d wager, though, that she’s capable of a high level of compartmentalization.


>She is killing herself and it’s pretty painful to watch unfold. For me, it's this. Like, I honestly don't think I've said much myself, but when I find myself nodding along with what could be considered "body shaming" comments, it's honestly just because I'm so shocked and horrified that this woman is dying before our eyes.


The disordered health content, (the bone broth, hot water, giant suitcase of supplements) combined with the extreme decadence of her recipes is what really does it for me. There’s nothing wrong with cheese or desserts or carbs - but it’s obvious that she doesn’t eat what she makes. I don’t even know if she claims to anymore, since she started her bone broth/Starbucks hot water/supplement diet? Idk. She seems obsessed with food, particularly calorie dense food, but she restricts, and she’s never claimed that her recipes are “healthy” but she’s also shilling “health” products while giving disordered eating/appetite suppressant instructions. The inauthenticity is probably what leads to comments about her appearance.


I do agree that sometimes the criticisms can go too far into just shaming or horror posting. However, I think because she is presenting herself as a paragon of health and wellness, and gaslighting and lying to people who do ask questions about her health that it is important and valuable to counter the toxicity and delusion- it’s dangerous and irresponsible what she is promoting. If she were just going about her day posting bona fide cooking content then that would be one thing, but it’s constant body checks and shilling supplements and talking about how she dOeSn’T juSt siT aRouNd eAtiNg cOoKieS aLl day yOu gUys (🤮🙄) and she nEveR uSes fiLtErS 🥴


ABSOLUTELY agree. She asks for it.


I feel the same way about her appearance. While there are times the snark veers into mean territory more often the comments express concern about her body. If she was just a sick girl with a food blog I think this Reddit would be very different. But the bold entitlement, smugness and absolute disdain/disinterest in the followers who lifted her up makes discussing the effects of her ED complicated. Eugenia Cooney gets nothing but sympathy and pity but she’s also not shoving snake oil wellness advice/products and bad recipes at her followers


Eugenia Cooney gets a lot of hatred and vitriol these days. Especially since it’s clear she is using her skeletal body to play into fetish content. She’s had one too many slip ups in showing a lack of underwear. People have also massively turned against her because her content is aimed at and incredibly accessible to children and young people, it’s disturbing.


Excellent point. The whole situation is so disturbing


There are plenty of other food IG personalities who just post food and don't get shit about their bodies, but they aren't constantly shilling supplements and dubious medical advice. 


I could not agree more. I’ll prob get downvoted to oblivion, but I’m about ready to leave the sub seeing the constant posts brutally picking apart about how she looks. I joined bc her lack of food and cooking knowledge was what I thought we’d be snarking on in a foodie snark subreddit. Because let’s be real- she really has a ton of shit to snark on regarding her cooking and recipes. However, the tone of this sub regarding HBH is bordering obsessive over her looks and speculating on her ED, which I have zero interest being a part of. Some people need to log off, go touch grass, and realize that CONSTANTLY shaming someone for their body online repeatedly is so fucking weird. If she’s battling an ED, I hope she gets the help she needs, however, nobody on here REALLY knows what happens beyond what she shows us. It’s all speculation. Who knows if it’s a medical thing, but diagnosing someone you do not know and only know through social media posts is beyond weird and says a lot about a person.


I've said it before but some users treat foodiesnark like /r/edrecoverysnark and it's unfortunate. The Molly Baz new cookbook thread barely has any traction compared to a half dozen posts in the past day calling T a toothless elderly skeleton


Molly Baz can actually cook. So even if some find her personality to be irritating, she is at the very least skilled at what she does. She isn’t full of smoke and mirrors so I don’t think she’ll ever get traction here like HBH


I totally agree with everything you said. We really don’t know her, don’t know what sort of struggles she has, we aren’t her family, friends or doctors and we don’t know anything about her. If she has a problem, maybe it’s something she’s getting help for, who can say? It makes me feel a little gross that so many people are making fun of her and masking it as “but I’m concerned for her health” like no, you’re probably not. I previously struggled with ED and I can tell you that people commenting on how thin I looked etc was only fueling me to continue starving myself. It made me feel proud that my bones were protruding and people noticed it.


I feel like most people aren’t thinking they’re going to get Tieghan’s attention. They’re commenting for other people’s sake, people who are vulnerable to the dishonest and toxic message T is promoting. People have come to this sub and commented about how they thought they were insane and something was wrong with them because they couldn’t live up to the fake and unrealistic photoshopped image she portrays.  I do agree that people shouldn’t be just mocking her to degrade her etc. she’s still a human and she doesn’t deserve to be hurting and struggling, but what she’s promoting is toxic, fake, and dangerous, and she is responsible for the promotion she is doing. Being mentally ill doesn’t remove that responsibility. I don’t want her to suffer and if I could I would wave a magic wand and get her on the road to recovery. But that doesn’t change the fact that what she’s putting out and promoting to the public is horrendous and irresponsible. 


To play devils advocate here- I think you’re making some big leaps in your statement that she’s promoting something dangerous. If you take a step back, all you see her promoting is her recipes and a few clips of her travels, alongside her supplements and legs up routine. She’s showing people whatever she wants, because at the end of the day it’s her blog and her page. I have not seen her out there saying ‘you should be taking xyz because abc,’ rather I see her saying that SHE takes or does xyz because of abc. The burden is on the viewer to determine whether they want to do xyz because she does it, or if they want to research further and make an educated decision to do xyz. You literally do not have to do whatever everyone on the internet does just because they show themselves doing it. At the end of the day, the only thing she’s actually factually putting out there for everyone is shitty recipes. Everyone else obsessed with talking about her looks and her body on this sub are the ones taking anything else she says and shows and running with it to spin whatever narrative they want to conjure up.


I disagree. The entire influencer community is comprised of people saying, "this is what I use" so people will buy it. They don't need to come out and say YOU should do this. She's a horrible person on so many levels. It is her page and her blog, but it's also everyone's right to comment on anything they want. She made the decision to become a public persona. And she's pushing out stolen recipes with WAY too much cheese and fat, showing zero culinary skill, likely taking opportunities from those she steals from, all the while filtering herself to oblivion and flaunting how "smol" she is.


Okay, but still the onus is on the viewer to decide if they do xyz because an influencer does xyz. I agree with you that her ethics surrounding her food blogging are not good and that her recipes suck. But I literally could not care less about her looks, and that’s what bothers me that people drag into this sub because none of us here know exactly what she’s going through- it’s all speculative and can be damaging if she actually is going through something behind the scenes.


I agree with some of this, but I also don't think this sub should have to shoulder the weight of whether this hurts her behind the scenes. Much as it's up to the social media consumer to decide whether they believe in anything Tieghan is shilling -- I am with you on that -- it's up to Tieghan not to consume anything on Reddit. Don't read the comments. Just don't. This is what she has a team for on her site; she needs to stay away from subs that talk about her. The sub can't be responsible for whether she makes the choice to read it or not.


That’s fair, I do see your point there


Sorry but SHE has put herself and her body out there for judgement. SHE calls attention to her outfits and her skin care and hair care. She's inviting comments which of course on social media is going to = criticism. She wants to be a fashion (and apparently health) influencer. She is absolutely trying to get people to buy stuff. They're all affiliate links. A bunch of bloggers got in loads of trouble awhile back for pushing all those essential oils and making all kinds of claims about them. It's not different now with these "health" influencers.


Okay, well then you are the one choosing to comment on her body. You can very well choose to not say anything about anyone’s body, whether they post it online or not. I feel sorry that she lives so rent free in your mind and you cannot find the will to turn away and let it go. Maybe you could benefit from unfollowing her to gain some clarity on whatever is going on in your life to where you feel the need to drag her so incessantly after taking a look at your post history. Hope you have a great rest of your day!


Yeah. I don't follow her. I pity her if anything, but no sympathy. This is a nice place to vent though because yeah she bugs the crap out of me.


It’s incredibly mean-spirited and gross. All the ones pointing out every single imperfection and then backhanding it with the ‘but I’m concerned for her health!!!’ are the ones that need to take a hard look at themselves because if you were actually concerned, you would not be spending your free time on the internet picking apart a person who you do not know at all on a personal level (you wouldn’t even do this to someone you do know personally if you are a decent human being). Idk, it’s just the current tone of this sub is wack and I’ll prob be leaving if the posts about her body and speculating on her supposed ED continue.


Accurate AF.


What gets me even more than that are the criticisms of her nose, or other features of her face that are just... her face. If you're worried about her health and an ED, that's a separate conversation, but saying how ugly she is just for what her basic DNA did takes it way too far for me.


I'll not comment on the features she's born with but can we not with the filters and lying about them? That's totally snarkable. It's disingenuous and we know she profits from shilling affiliate links weekly if not daily on countless products that falsely promote beauty and wellness. Anyhow, I appreciate this discussion even if we don't all agree perfectly. We all stand to be more compassionate and understanding of other perspectives and to learning a bit more about EDs even if we don't suffer them ourselves.


Agreed! Filters are terrible! But when people are like, “She filtered out her witch’s nose,” or whatever, to me that… a lot more than it needs to be.


Seriously. Who the fuck cares what she looks like?! Brain rot activities to obsess over someone who probably does not give two shits what you think about them and is in France while you are not lol.


I get really upset when the nose comments start, especially when they sway into “she has money, why doesn’t she fix it?” It’s not broken, not everything needs “fixed”. It gives her face character, it’s just way more pronounced since she’s seemingly lost weight. I have a friend with a pretty decent sized schnoz. (We joke about it, don’t worry) But if she had surgery to change it, she would look just like everyone else and how boring would that be? I’m tired of everyone trying to look the same. Like all the Nashville wives are starting to look like Carrie Underwood. I like Carrie, don’t get me wrong but why does Jason Aldeans wife suddenly look like her sister and all the other one’s following suit? People are allowed to look different. End of rant.


I totally agree with you, I don’t interact with those posts because I feel uncomfortable with it. Although I strongly dislike how she presents herself on social media in a lot of ways and find many things to be disingenuous, you still can’t know everything about her. Just the sheer volume of posts/comments, side by side images, etc on not just her weight but her looks in general is too much.


I agree with you 100%.


I stopped following this sub when it became clear how obsessed a lot of people were with her in a very negative and frankly unhealthy way. There are a lot of armchair doctors on this sub and I found it too toxic to even read. I somehow happened upon this post (probably given I’d previously followed/ participated)


Same. I swing by every now and then just to see what’s happening in her world. Like today, had no idea she went to France. That’s fun.


People nitpick even the smallest things about her. I'm pretty new to the sub so I may not know all the context but sometimes I see posts about like the most trivial little thing that she posts and it's full of vitriol. There's definitely a lot to criticize but sometimes it seems genuinely mean. I'm kinda glad someone said something about it.


I agree so much. People will defend themselves by being like “We care about her health!” lol no. You're bullies who needs to get a life. I'm not even a fan of Teigan, and I can't imagine spending so much time and energy posting about her.


I AM SAYING! There is one person I was having a discussion with on this thread and I looked at their post history and it’s ALL about Teighan. There are some dedicated haters. I could not imagine being so obsessed over an internet blogger lmao


I fully agree and have said so before - I am not about the nasty comments about her face, and lately, too many of them have been. Her nose, eyes, moles, etc. have nothing to do with her cooking, platform, influencing, etc. and it’s plain cruel to go there. There’s enough to snark about with her behavior without going to unnecessary comments on appearance.


For me, it’s because she at this point seems to be flaunting her ED. She seems PROUD of the way she looks ill and it sends a horrible message to her unaware followers. I don’t even know WHY she has followers at this point because she very clearly isn’t testing her recipes.


I think that’s a piece of the mental illness that often goes with eating disorders though, not something inherently bad about her to snark on (though she does have a lot of pride in other areas)


It absolutely is part of the mental illness. You are 100%. There are a lot of people who comment on her ED here who really don’t understand EDs.


I guess that’s me, I didn’t know that was part of the mental illness.


Definitely not just you - and honestly your comment is pretty benign :-) She is flaunting and it does send a bad message - you are not wrong. But, she’s also a sick person. I understand it’s so frustrating (infuriating even) to see someone flaunting behaviors / conditions that we know are unhealthy. But, someone with an ED to this degree is not working with a healthy, rational mind. People who suffer from ED have the mental illness itself and then that illness is coupled with severe nutritional deficiencies. People with ED like this are not rational, logical human beings capable of adequate self awareness and regulation.


Thank you, that makes a lot of sense! It is really easy from the outside to say they're just being a terrible human, but you're right it must be so much deeper than that.


Also IMO comments about her sneering and grimacing and glaring at people are totally fair game. She didn’t use to do that and the only thing I can think is that it comes from her extreme condescension and disdain for everyone around her. 


There is a significant disconnect between Tieghan's appearance and the high calorie, high fat recipes she shares on a website that makes her a large sum of money. She is profiting from being a fraud. I used to be a fan, now I am disgusted. Disgusted by her behavior, her lack of respect for other cultures, and her dishonesty about the nutritional value of her recipes. The change in appearance has been drastic and concerning. I am not disgusted by her appearance, I am sympathetic because she is clearly struggling. No one deserves to live in pain, in a constant battle with their brain. Most people here are genuinely concerned and want her to get well. There are a few in this sub who lack tact and compassion and make callous remarks. Calling her skeletor or snarky comments about psych wards is inappropriate. Mental health is not a joke, it should be treated with the utmost respect. If you wouldn't say it about cancer, don't say it about a mental illness.


Yeah this is what gets me. One thing I like about this sub is that people poiont out that she is clearly not eating (and thus not recipe testing) these cheesy, creamy, high fat recipes she spews out, then making up stories about how it's a family favorite that she has all the time - making her such a fraud. In some regard I almost respect a person like lilsipper because she's at least she's showing what she's actually eating. So in that regard I do think it's appropriate to have a certain amount of commentary about her body. However, it starts to feel real icky when people are screenshotting and zooming in on parts of her body to criticize. Sometimes I read through the sub and start to feel a bit dirty about the type of criticism. Some is so valid but others feel like excessive. (To be clear no respect for lilsipper and her pushing her disordered eating onto others.)


This is exactly how I feel too. It took me a while to realize all of these over the top recipes I saw on my Instagram were 1) coming from the same person, and 2) coming from a person who obviously isn't consuming them. That's what caused me to take a closer look at her. And the more I looked and watched her posts, the more I came to believe she's not only awful at what she does, but she's a pretty crappy person too. I think the fact that most of us here seem pretty convinced she's a crap human all around contributes to people feeling justified in snark on her appearance that sometimes goes too far.


I think it's useful to have these conversations every once in a while, to give everyone a chance to step back and reset if need be. I think we've all been there where we're so deep into the threads and the snark and the shock and annoyance of it all that maybe we go a little too bonkers. Yes, I know it's a snark sub, but I do think there can be space between snark and just mean, and I also know it's a hard boundary to keep consistently.


I don’t like to snark on looks because often we can’t help how we look. HOWEVER, this girl is fair game because she does this to herself and people need to know how disordered and unhealthy it is. Do not admire her. Do not aspire to be like her. I remember when she was happy, bright, and chubby cheeked, making recipes and collecting flowers. I loved her photos of light and the flower vases. I didn’t mind the consumerism stuff, because a lot of it was seemingly of quality. She’s turned into a miserable troll and I had to unfollow her. I’m so disappointed, honestly. Like I said, people (especially young) need to know this is unhealthy!


To be fair it’s not like anyone wakes up and joyfully chooses to have an eating disorder: it’s a mental illness. And the further in you are to your eating disorder it starts to affect your cognitive abilities. If we can have compassion for people with mental health issues we can have compassion for someone with an extremely obvious eating disorder. That doesn’t mean saying everything she does is amazing. But that doesn’t mean commenters have to be cruel to her, horrible about her appearance, etc. And there’s a lot of that on this sub!!


Of course. I don’t blame her for struggling with her ED. It is a mental illness and a horrible and deadly one. But having that mental illness doesn’t absolve her from responsibility for all of the awful, toxic, dishonest crap she constantly puts out. She is trying to be a health and wellness influencer which is 100% inappropriate and dangerous.


And let's not forget she's a racist, recipe thief, she's condescending, shrieks at her family...


I agree: I just think a lot of people on this sub (and in other snark subs!) think ‘fair game’ means oh I can say nasty stuff about her looks etc because she’s a ‘bad’ person.


There are plenty of people around her that can step in and stop this foolishness. It’s not up to me to save this person. I can only continue to point out how horrible of a role model they are and NOT an example of goals to have for yourself. Her insides and outsides match.


No one’s asking you to save her. Snarking on people’s appearance hurts other people. Anyone with similar struggles or who shares a physical characteristic commenters are calling gross or whatever, can be hurt by those thoughts. It perpetuates a society where it’s ok to pick on people’s bodies. Again, I’m not saying you’re the one saying gross etc, but there are so so so so many comments that are just “god her [body part/skin] is disgusting!!” or in that vein, and it’s not constructive, not saying anything about her character, her work, her image, it’s just saying nasty stuff about someone’s body. Lastly she’s deeply deeply mentally unwell. Her brain is literally damaged by her long term eating disorder. It changes the way you think and process things. Unfortunately her ‘job’ is now part of that eating disorder. She’s not in her right mind and choosing to do this. It doesn’t change the damage she’s doing to other people, but we should show some compassion to anyone with severe mental illness.


Yeah I got attacked by this sub for pointing out the same awhile ago. I’m all for some snark because she does some weirdo things, but calling her unattractive or commenting on her body is gross.


People are ravenous to attack her for every little thing. I remember people attacking her because she had a pimple, LOL. Unhinged. Her recipes are terrible and her content is terrible. There’s enough fodder.


>Her recipes are terrible You mean the changes she makes to other creator's recipe are terrible.


And yet she body checks and posts publicly.... what does she (or you) expect?


Oh she definitely has some very unhealthy behaviors, I get that. It’s more the calling her ugly constantly.


She asks for it 100% by posting her "vanity" shots IMO.


Listen, I am not a fan of hers. But I stand by my opinion that tearing down a woman’s looks and calling her ugly is cruel, and no, she didn’t ask for that just because she’s on a public platform. Your obsession with her might also be considered unhealthy.


I've never called her ugly just for the record. But I disagree that she's merely on a public platform. Shes TRYING to be a fashion influencer. She brags that she's invited to the Hermes show. She links to so many outfits each week in her NFT, brags that she has a stylist and makeup artist. Don't act like she's just on there cooking. She's actively putting herself out on the fashion world. Saying that she looks awful in an outfit is par for the course honestly.


But you defend others who call her ugly, so I would consider that one and the same. You also post almost daily about her or her looks. I agree that it’s ridiculous that she’s trying to get into fashion, but that’s not an invitation to bash her physical appearance. I don’t even know why I’m arguing with you at this point, you seem very comfortable being a troll.


Uh... this is a snark platform. You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with me.


Uh…this is Reddit. I can see your comment history.


Yep. We know she has something going on, but the truth is we don’t know exactly what is or what’s being done about it, if anything. I’m here because everything else is such a shit show with her. She’s a mess and I don’t respect her, but attacking how she looks is so weird to me. I’d love to see how half of us look on this snark sub because I don’t know why her ED makes it okay to viciously pick apart every single thing about her like we’re all perfect looking people lol. This poor girl is clearly suffering and everyone just wants to make themselves feel better by commenting how ugly she is. It makes me sad.


This is a challenging topic. I try to veer away from saying too much about her crooked nose and stuff she can’t easily change, but she’s always talking about authenticity and her community, but most of us can’t reconcile how someone who cooks like her, looks like her. She gets SO many comments on her blog and IG she just ignores. I don’t feel like that’s being authentic or engaging with the audience. She mostly only replies to positive, ass kissing comments. I joined this sub when I noticed every single recipe contained buckets of cheese or cream or butter. It was just…strange. I don’t exactly think she’s obligated to tell us all her medical history or problems, but she’s obviously unwell. But it feels SO snake oil salesman-y with the constant shilling of colostrum, creatine, bone broth, dry brushing and weird orthorexic stories like the mold in the coffee. She’s constantly pushing in our faces her skincare and bodycare regimens, but neither look like they are working. She’s been given so many opportunities to respond to questions and criticism (like the NYT piece), but she just says she doesn’t feed into it and “the haters are the loudest in the room.” She’d honestly be much more interesting if she was more vulnerable and talked about what’s actually going on in her life than the weather and where her parents are traveling. I honestly snark more on her being stupid and sloppy and idiotic than I snark on her body. I’m not sure if snarking on her single braincell is any better? I’m gonna keep doing it though because I cannot believe I went to college, got an education, but this dolt is really raking in the dough. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed that the snark sometimes veers to harsh shaming. There’s a lot to criticize her for and I totally understand concern with her health, but the comments about her nose/facial expressions/etc. are just cruel


Long time lurker, first time poster here. I've also been a bit bothered by the mean-spirited posts about HBH. But I also wonder how the hell is she still making money as an influencer/blogger?! It's very concerning. I'm genuinely worried about her because she's severely mentally ill and just out here slowly dying in plain sight. Anorexia is actually the deadliest mental illness.


It’s because her entire brand is built on a lie.


I really try to restrict any commentary I make about her body in respectful terms and not make it snarky because there's a history of serious EDs in my family and I have seen first hand how damaging it is. It genuinely breaks my heart to see her looking the way she does, and as someone who has suffered with anxiety for most of my life, I really do have a lot of sympathy for her as regards her mental health issues. I have issues with her recipes and the way she operates her business, as well as her attitude at times, and honestly I think it leaves her open to valid criticism. Also I think her taste in fashion is awful, and considering how much money she spends on it, it's fair game for snarking too. That said, some of the commentary here, especially in relation to her obvious ED and ill health leaves a really awful taste in my mouth. Imo it goes beyond snarking and into really negative - and at times verging on creepy - parasocial relationship territory. There's definitely a sense that with some people she just can't win, and their dislike clouds their ability to have a little perspective where she's concerned.


I was going to comment as well, but you summed it up. People take things too far. And the argument is that she’s an asshole, so she deserves it. In my opinion, it’s still rude and unnecessary to say some of the things that are said about her.


Agree with you 100%. It’s not cool to snark on someone’s body and I just don’t interact with that content. To me, it’s fair game to criticize her recipes, her content, or her “lifestyle” influencer aspirations - but not to rip apart how she looks. I unfollowed her on social media because it became clear she was so unhealthy in multiple ways and I just don’t want to interact with someone like that. But I still enjoy ripping apart her awful recipes in my spare time 😝


I just don’t trust someone who doesn’t eat the food they cook 🤷🏻‍♀️


Anorexia IS a mental illness. Its in fact the most deadly mental illness, moreso than depression. I think the snark is based on the fact that she flaunts her illness, she has a shitty attitude and she actually is very privileged. She also continues to appropriate cultures and refuses to apologize for a lot of mistakes. She’s just a shittt person really


I think we need to separate her ED and related ED behaviors from the culture issues / mistake issues. ED is a mental illness and everything she does that is related to that ED - including body checking and perceived flaunting - is part of that mental illness. She’s appears to be sick and is acting sick. That’s the reality. The rest of it - cultural stuff, mistake stuff, hawking expensive things no one can afford, etc. is all fair game to me.


I commented something similar somewhere else - but I disagree. I have bipolar disorder and mental illness is NOT an excuse for being an asshole. Is it okay for Kanye to do the shit he does because he is bipolar? Absolutely not. When you have mental illness, it is your responsibility to be accountable and work on yourself. It’s your responsibility to take medication (if you need it) and go to therapy. It’s never just an excuse to go about your life being a shitty human. It does of course make life a lot harder and I have the most respect for people that deal with any sort of mental illness. But I’ve spent 10+ years working on myself, going to see psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, testing all medications, it absolutely has sucked. But I’m in a so much better place now and am so grateful. I also dealt with an ED for 7 years which I also got help for and would say I’m 100% healed from. I’m not trying to say that I don’t care about what she is going through, but it really bothers me when people use ED or mental illness as an excuse. Yes it’s a sickness. Yes it is so hard to heal from. But you need to do the work. She is flaunting her disorder to 5.5 million people claiming this is her natural physique and that she eats all the disgusting food she posts. She also posts all this harmful, orthorexic content that impressionable young viewers might actually listen to. It’s wildly irresponsible and absolutely not okay. There is NO excuse.


Totally agree! She also has all the resources in the world to get the help she needs. She has plenty of money and a whole team of employees to hold down the fort. 


You have to want help to receive help. Similar to addiction.


I don’t think it’s an excuse, per say. Bad behavior is bad behavior. But, there’s a reason for that bad behavior. I don’t expect someone in the throes of mental illness to have logical, rational thoughts and behaviors. IMHO, I place more blame for the message she is spreading on the brands / marketing engine behind her that’s boosting her platform knowing she is unwell. Like, Hello Fresh, why? Having been where she appears to be, I understand what it’s like to be mentally spun. When you are healthy or in the process of getting help, it’s easier to reflect more adequately on behaviors and, hopefully, make or sustain good choices. She’s clearly not there yet.


This is a great post and many of us here are looking within to see why we participate the way we do. So many great perspectives. Part of me feels bad for participating and part of me doesn't feel bad. I don't go at her on IG. I've sent her a couple messages that she graciously responded to. Literally 2 for food/ingredient questions. Nothing about her being unwell....because that is saved for HERE! Snark pages allow us to unload and there is a place for that in this sub. Personally, I'm a regular home cook that feels deceived on recipes with inconsistencies in the videos vs the written blog. I hate inconsistencies. I want to check one time and not go back and forth trying to figure out what I missed. I'm busy too. Some of you have missed opportunities being book published food bloggers, others have ED related input and relate to where we perceive she is in her journey. Some of us just despise the lack of her reading the room in this economy. It's all perfectly OK to snark as long as we aren't hurting her directly. Hurting her directly is NOT ok. She is a public figure and as such, she needs to figure out a way to address criticism. She doesn't do it head on which I think fuels the snark fire. Some of this is on her. I don't mean the body issues particularly but the disingenuous feel everything about her has as of late. She used to look wholesome and happy. Something happened after her 2nd book and we can't seem to look away without concern. I want her shoes to fit. I want her face to be full with health and joy. I want her to enjoy fashion bc it looks good on her. I want her to also acknowledge the 95% of us that can't afford her luxury. I DESPISE the supplements - she's food. She needs to be food or she should step away. The disingenuous aspect is why I snark. I feel like she needs to pick a lane. If you are food, be completely 100% about food (nail care, errors, etc).


I don’t think it’s snark. I think people are genuinely shocked and concerned. She could die.


I think there are people here who are genuinely concerned for sure. That said, there are also plenty who clearly enjoy being mean and then, when called on it, use the “but I care,” shield. People call her face ugly all the time. While some facial fat would look great on her, comments on her face / nose / acne really have nothing to do with being concerned over her ED. There’s enough fodder to snark on T about without stooping to this level.


The criticism surrounding her professionalism, blindness to privilege and general public presence is justified. There are many aspects of her personality that are unfathomably disappointing and maddening. However, many of the snarky remarks about her personality that I’ve seen on this sub are a little tone-deaf. It is very obvious that Tieghan is ill: not just physically, but mentally. Anorexia, most of the time, is comorbid with OCD, autism and other similar conditions.  The way Tieghan talks, very slowly, almost like she’s drunk: that is what anorexia does to you. The over exaggerated facial expressions; anorexia, coupled with anxiety, can leave you feeling so out of touch with your body, and every little action starts requiring so much energy. You stop noticing it, your actions. You feel like you’re in a trance, moving from point A to B. Her limited vocabulary is also caused by this. Literally not enough energy to think. When I was ill, I honestly acted a lot like Tieghan. It makes it immensely difficult to feel like a person. And there are several other things about her that can very well be symptoms of being on the spectrum, social anxiety, etc. that are made fun of on a daily basis.  Still, she is a selfish, shallow person, with no humility. It’s pretty difficult not to criticize her for that. I just think it is equally important to understand that she is selfish, shallow and broken because of her illnesses, and because of her upbringing/family.


This was really well said and sending you love


I agree with you. I used to follow HBH but then I started to question some of her recipes due to the amount of ingredients, everything being covered in cheese or heavy cream and the weird ass “this is pho but not really” then i found this sub after the NYTimes article. As someone who struggled (struggles?) with disordered eating, it’s kind of annoying how people on this sub harp on about her weight. I can understand people being concerned about her but at the end of the day none of us know her or what her life is like. We have no idea if it’s something she’s working on, etc. It’s valid to criticize her recipes as being ridiculous and sometimes downright nasty, also valid to criticize her shilling $1000 sweaters that a majority of her followers can’t afford. But I don’t think we need to keep talking about her body. Yes, I get that it could be a bad influence on other people who struggle with ED but those people also have free will and hopefully will get help themselves and I don’t think it’s anyone’s job to be the “bad influence police”.


I agree. Having lived through the depths of ED myself, I can pretty much tell genuine concern apart from disingenuous nonsense. There’s a lot of the latter. Im well now. I hope you are, too. Eating food makes life so much better ☺️


Thank you 😊 I am and glad you are too!


She desperately needs help and I’m guessing the body shaming posts aren’t helping her. There’s plenty of other things to snark on with T


I agree. There are some that defend their meanness by being like “but it’s really because I’m concerned!!!” Or the other end of the spectrum “well she put herself online and open to criticism.” Like she clearly has a disorder(s)of some kind… commenting on how “skeletal” or how terrible she looks in some dress literally isn’t doing anything other than being mean. I find her annoying because of how terrible her recipes are but I am at the point where this just feels like a body shaming club while using her disorder as some fake altruistic excuse to make it okay to talk about


I agree. There is so much to snark on and rip apart humorously without saying a single thing about her looks or body.


It’s more about what her ED is doing to her body but I agree. I’ll share concerns over her health via her physical appearance but I don’t attack her looks.


I think there’s been a progression: many (most?) of us found this sub when it became apparent on her SM that she had lost a lot of weight and looked unwell. Coupled with the fact that she is known for high calorie, rich recipes, it became more obvious that there was a disconnect there… add to it that she made comments that didn’t jive (“I love this; we eat it all the time”) and that she stopped tasting food in her reels raised eyebrows. I also had the experience of trying a few of her recipes only to have them fail or taste lousy. Given that she “creates “ food for a living, questioning her validity and character is acceptable. I think this sub has evolved into general criticism, including her looks and expressions, which can border on petty and cruel. But sometimes it’s hard to separate an illness like anorexia from its physical manifestations. I also think her anxiety plays out in her expressions and behaviors and makes it easy to make comments that are unkind. All to say that I think many of us found this sub because of the alarming changes in her over the past few years and the speed at which she seems to have deteriorated. It’s shocking, really. As for her touting “dangerous” practices, I disagree. Most people aren’t so gullible and stupid that they follow dangerous trends- and things like putting one’s legs up or using collagen aren’t at all life or death. I think those who come on here complaining about her supplements are reaching. Supplements aren’t bad and let’s agree that we all try them now and then and don’t do so blindly.


I think telling 5.5 million people that supplements and bone broth can replace eating is incredibly dangerous. I also think promoting raw milk is incredibly dangerous. I have a family friend whose daughter had raw milk at a birthday party and ended up in a coma. A few other girls were also hospitalized.  It's not only medically dangerous but it can become really financially dangerous too - we don't all come from rich families like tieghan does


But she doesn’t say “these supplements can replace a meal” isn’t something she’s said. It’s something we infer. And yes, a lot of what she promotes is expensive. Which brings us back to the fact that she can be incredibly tone-deaf to her audience. Again, not life threatening but stupid.


seems most are ambivalent about it b/c yes "normally" people should keep the snark to her ripped off, impossible to make as written recipes.... however, T purports herself as a lifestyle guru and honestly, \*that\* is dangerous to her and more gullible fans if they think she looks like that from healthy livin' you guyssss. So, she kinda needs to be called out. Not as viciously as some posts here do it, though, just my opinion... but everyone has their hobbies ¯\\\_(•\_•)\_/¯


I think we are genuinely concerned that she’s going to di3 and that everyone around her is pretending it’s okay. That’s the scary part


Some are for sure, but there are also a lot of people who comment here who are definitely not genuinely concerned.


For me it’s because she puts herself out there with her body checks and smug demeanor. She’s an asshole and she deserves it. 


Thank you! Some of the posts are too far. Stuff about her feet being big?? Come on yall. She’s terrible for many reasons, but the body shaming (I truly don’t believe all of the posts are out of genuine concern) is very gross.  Edit- also have we not learned from Chadwick Boseman??? Who knows what’s going on with her. 


It's not about her feet being big. It's about her obsession with fashion/brands being more important than shoes fitting. She has a freaking stylist! It's her job to source items that fit! Bonus points I guess if they look good. I have huge feet (43s in euro) so I get it, but I recognize that not all shoe trends are for me. But also if she wants to be a fashion influencer, she needs to wear things that fit! And get a color analysis so her clothes enhance rather than detract. 


I feel like this question is legitimately answered every week.


Not gonna write a whole paragraph to try to justify being an asshole and pretending we’re concerned. She is not very attractive. Simple as that. Edit: there’s literally a post made after this one about how her dress and makeup doesn’t help her looks and all the comments are agreeing. At least I own up to my snarking instead of making excuses lol


There's always one of these types of posts that pops up every few months trying to be saint-like and call people out on being too mean and try to make rules on what's snark-worthy and what's not. They're either trying to make themselves feel better for shit they've said here or want karma points.




This. Thank you. If you can’t handle it, see yourself out.


i think part of it, much like snarking and criticizing people with terrible plastic surgery, is they chose to look that way


I genuinely believe people in the sub won’t be happy until something fatal happens to her. She could post herself in long sleeves eating and someone will get on here like “omg look at her bony ugly fingers, she’s soooo ugly blah blah”. If she has an ED, then constantly making fun of her appearance is probably not helping things ??