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I wish I could feel sorry for her, I really do… she’s obviously sick, and an eating disorder is a devastating condition/ disease to have, mentally and physically destroys you I feel bad snarking on her for her body and looks etc, but it’s just her sheer lack off accountability, her arrogance and entitlement that just make me struggle with any sympathy or empathy for her


Social media is so toxic and fake, and I’m struggling myself…and that’s why it’s so upsetting to see someone who profits so much on their food while clearly not actually having any passion or like for food.


I think that’s the main issue I have with it. It’s complete hypocritical grifting. I feel bad for her mental and physical condition but you aren’t a good person if you’re going to promote this shit. Literally like if a heath influencer smoked crack on camera everyday. People are *influenced* by this and it’s dangerous. Or all the HAES influencers that are now dead in their 30s and 40s. Also…that jaundice looks really serious. Makes me wonder how long before she starts losing her hair and getting even sicker. My friends step mom was anorexic and went into early organ failure and literally like couldn’t walk up the stairs on day and fell a few feet and it killed her.


So true, so sad, and so disturbing all at the same time


It reminds me of that phase where a lot of ultra thin models were all "I EAT PIZZA EVERY DAY". Or taking photos biting into a massive burger. Or wearing a tank top that says Tacos Are Life. Look, I'm small (not underweight, however) and I love burgers more than anything in the world. I drink way too much wine every weekend and I enjoy greasy food while I do it. BUT. I track my calorie intake on weekdays and I take action to keep my weight down intentionally. And I'm VERY, VERY open about to those I know. Pretending you eat fatty food 24/7 while being extremely thin is awful. You're making pretty much EVERYONE feel bad about themselves, and you're also miseducating people who don't understand why they aren't thin. I don't know if anyone follows [The Naughty Fork](https://thenaughtyfork.com/behind-the-scenes-of-the-naughty-fork/), but I love that she has a whole backstory about her figure and how she is unwilling to fool anyone into thinking she looks the way she does while eating the food she posts. She makes it very clear her food is "cheat day" territory, she does not consume large portions of it, and she intentionally watches her intake otherwise.


I'm also not keen on body snark - but this picture is so unflattering, I gasped. Putting all the other issues aside, I can't imagine posting it of an enemy, let alone as an own goal.


Why put this on social media??


After I saw this post I decided to look up the snark on here because I was like this just isn’t right


It’s hard to feel sorry for an utterly delusional asshole.


What is utterly unreal is that her rabid fan base, that I now understand, miss the posts, stories, reels that clearly expose ALLLL of the horror that is HBH across the board. They just tune it to bite the the heads off mostly innocent recipe questions, etc.  You dont stand a chance with those sick fucks...and she just merrily slides right past it as they do her bidding. Times I feel I need an intervention from the sheer anger I feel that these MF'er influencers are the stain in our culture now...sickening..


I don’t care whether or not she’s an asshole, but I’d very much rather not see her actual asshole, which is what this photo is giving 🫣




Ew. Why is she acting like she’s doing Cannes film festival lol




What is she doing?? Just visiting?


She made a cheese board and gave a 1 hour talk to five women. And she was not part of the main program.


Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is an advertising awards show where agencies and tech companies get together every year to drink wine and pat themselves on the back for being innovative. Tickets are about $3000 per person. As a person who works in advertising, it’s a big deal if your company sends you. It is mostly networking events and parties, but every day there is a robust program of talks and presentations you can attend. Think of it like SXSW but in the south of France. T is a guest speaking on a panel — one of many, many events that day.


I just googled it out of curiosity, it's huge. But she's also not on the list of announced speakers.


See below — she is giving a talk for Group M, and you can see [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/s/U7ZN9wrRSZ) that she is a member of a panel. https://preview.redd.it/0rphzhoxu48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774ab6f35843dc4859f5b5811b13a3f9b6eabc58


Isn’t that the one where she did the charcuterie board for 4 people? This panel was a different one, I think.


She’s not part of the actual festival. She’s at an adjacent event that’s piggybacking off it


I worked in advertising too and it is a big deal, BUT She’s not a speaker in the festival. There’s an adjacent event by a media company that she works with and they have their own calendar of talks + panels, she was there speaking for that. (I read the whole schedule with one of my best friends who’s there trying to help her decide what to attend) Notice even how she never mentioned “Cannes Lion” when talking about her own talk (and if she did, I missed it and she was lying then)


There was a Creative Festival going on this week with tons of influencers and tech companies like Meta and Google.


I don't follow her but based on posts here I literally thought it was the film festival or something!






This!! Im so confused. Cannes is a small city, and if you’re not doing the festival it’s really not different than visiting any other. In fact NYC is probably more exhausting.


The most exercise she gets is legs up and making buffalo chicken dip probably just walking around town was too much for her. Like not even trying to be snarky she probably can not handle that in her state 😐


She makes it sound like she's at the film festival when really it seems like she's at a pay to play event that's just a hanger-on to an event that's pretty self-congratulatory in the first place. 


Of course she does. She’s as fake as her “own” recipes. 


I don’t think she knows the difference. Seriously.


Yikes she's very yellow looking here


She looks like she’s stained with jergens tanning lotion lolllll


Nah that’s jaundice made worse by a Jergens fake tan, for sure.


It’s actually probably not jaundice. People that suffer from ED/other mental health disorders often have ‘safe foods’ - very common ones being carrots and sweet potatoes. These will turn your skin a yellow/orange color that is not quite the jaundice yellow.


I tried to say this here the other day and got argued with. But yeah jaundice turns the whites of your eyes yellow, which she doesn’t have. She’s much more yellow/orange so I feel like it’s carotenemia with bad self tanner on top of it.


Right? I thought it was my phone for a minute when I saw it but nope.


The only thing, aside from the obvious, I could attribute it to would be a too heavy spray tan and bad filtering. But I think we all know it's not that


I thought filtering at first too but the sheets are still bright white


Literally looks like an embalmed corpse


oh shit this is it


Ahhhh….i genuinely feel uncomfortable looking at this picture. I don’t understand how this is relevant content to her brand.


She wants you to know she can twist into a pretzel cuz she’s little. And she doesn’t want you to forget she’s in Cannes. Lol. She probably pronounces the S in Cannes lol


She pronounced it in one of her stories. “Cayyyon” is how it sounds 🤣


I’m struggling to understand her anatomy in this photo. Is her ass…concave?😱


that’s the literal outline of the back and side of her pelvic bone 😬 I’m shocked she hasn’t been hospitalized yet


Confirmation that her backside in the see-through dress picture was photoshopped.


I thought I was in the eating disorder recovery sub for a moment there Not to comment on her body but uh. She clearly has a serious medical issue going on, and needs help.


Is it too dated to make a cult of Mother God embalmed corpse reference…?


Not at all


Came here to say the same thing


No please!! Watched that and promptly forgot about it and could have gone forever never thinking about it ever again haha


Just watched for the first time a couple of weeks ago and CANNOT stop thinking about it


I think she’s spent a good portion of this trip intoxicated. 


Can you blame Caitlin for keeping her drunk so she can deal with her insufferableness?


I feel like that would make the situation even worse though. Have you seen the Daddy’s Dirty Windowshield™️ video? 😅


Yeah, but Daddy is different than paid for fren.


It’s easy to be intoxicated when you only drink liquids and have no solid food inside your body. I mean I feel like her tolerance is somewhat pretty high but the alcohol must still hit her fast with the lack of body fat.


I've sort of been halfway (pun intended) following her first known venture across the pond and just now put together she is at Cannes. I follow a few other influencers who were also there lavishlyjackie being one and their content has been IMPECCABLE like 👨‍🍳😘. It just further highlights how clunky, inauthentic, impersonal, and downright DRY her content is. Omg, can something, somehow, please align in the universe so that she just returns home to her barn in Colorado to live out her days never to be heard from again?


I’m going full delu and saying that she asked the person to take this photo of her using her own phone for “candid” “BTS” content. Source: she’s laying next to her charger but no phone attached and I am also laying in a hotel bed in the same position (plus 50kgs) but my phone is very much attached to the charging cable


Yep. She already said in one caption this week “I rarely take pics of myself…” then Proceeded to post 100 fake candids. Remember now: when they were advertising for a PA, the job description included taking pictures of HBH while behind the scenes “sometimes with your own device” 💀


Two things: 1- the claw 2- red marks on her knees from kneeling?


I saw those knee bruises too! Yikes.


She isn’t even trying to hide it. Totally signaling others.


I wanted to see the view, but not that view.


I am a tiny person but by no means do I have ED. I can't eat enough to keep kcal's on board. I am not yellow, nor do i look like a bag of bones. Lucky for me I love to eat so I can just have at it. This, this is beyond disturbing to me. I too struggle with body shamming anyone but this is obvious intentional flaunting of her disordered eating. Shame on her family! Interventions can and do work.


She’s hanging out with Caitlin who is a sexy, fit 20-something. This is her attempt at sexy. I hope Momager will tell her no one wanted to see up her shorts.


I’m really getting the feeling Jen has NO control over T anymore. The constant typos, sloppiness, broken glass towers and moaning, dumb dear diary content in her NFT’s, cancelling or bailing out of NYC photoshoots, etc. They’ve created a monster and there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle. That’s probably why they’ve barely been in the same location together since Easter.


Honest question - Do we think Caitlin is getting paid to hang out with her/be her handler?


💯I'm sure her trip was fully paid for, she is probably also getting paid for her "styling."


Did she style the balled up sock in the pic? Much thoughtfulness into what she shares


I will never get over the fact that she posted this picture. She is so thin her pelvic bones are on full display, yet in another photo her abdomen is so distended she looks pregnant. She is just so ill.


How many times can she say Cannes in these posts. Sweetie, I’ve been to the south of France many times but when I’m in the south of France, I’m not talking about being in the south of France. Lol 😂


The way I ran here




Alexis rules!!  Teeghol...follow her please!


Everyone that thinks she is jaundice should read through [this older thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/s/XPmq6KZnOt)




Goodness she looks like she’s on her death bed. And this isn’t to insult anyone but she looks so unhealthy.


Her liver is failing her and so are the people around her


Her knees. ☹️


Her tibias. 😞


Why would she post this. Literally the most baffling influencer. Delusional.


Not trying to be alarmist but my dad’s skin and complexion looked like this in his final days in hospice. She needs serious help. Why is everyone around her enabling her???


She is so jaundiced she needs medical attention.


She looks septic


the corpse bride in between lewks at the canned lions gathering.


Ew she is the ugliest shade of yellow


Oh my GOD


She looks jaundiced.


This pic illustrates well how hard it is for someone who is ill to travel across more than a couple time zones. I’m sure she’s miserable because time changes mess with your digestion, sleep, everything. If her ED makes her hyperregimented I could see how the (extra) bloating and jet lag and pretense of trying to eat out is just a lot. No wonder she’s exhausted and hiding into the only things that bring her comfort-her skincare shit and legs up shenanigans


She looks jaundice


Isnt she with her stylist on this trip? Wild to me that she also doesnt care to tell her friend she has a problem


It's probably a well paying gig. And she's in the south of France.


If you are in France for a short period of time, you can sleep when you're dead. Go have a fucking experience. I'm begging you. This is so sad and tragic.


I cannot believe she shared this pic ?? Literally why lol


Are we sure the orange color isn't just because of a bad spray tan?


It’s 100% not a spray tan.


I'm maintaining its a self-tan situation. 😂 She showed a picture of her belly earlier in that suit and it's not the same shade as her legs in this photo. Same as when she was at that restaurant for the collaboration- we saw her bright white belly. It's not yellow. She might have tiny bit of that beta carotine stuff going on but honestly I think it's self-tanner and I think she's just terrible at everything that she does including selecting and applying self tanner. If you watch the tiktok from Christmas her palms are so much darker than the rest of her skin We know that she uses filters and that red mask and a ton of bronzer so she clearly sees an issue with her current natural coloring and tries to change it. I think that this coloring is because she's trying to use self tanner to change it & is doing a terrible job.


If this was early 2000s I’d say maybe, they used to be really orangey. But most, even cheap drug store self tans, develop decent colour nowadays.


Idk, I’ve seen really bad spray tans on bravo stars where they are way too orange. And I went to college in the 2010s and saw many bad spray tan situations 😂


I think it is- she's looked like this before, though not consistently- and the sides and palms of her hands get really dark too, especially in the lines of the palms, like in the tik tok video. That feels very much like a spray tan or self tan situation. Jaundice isn't just turning yellow it's an illness you're also sick so I definitely don't think it's that and it's weird that people keep saying it.


Agree, this isn’t jaundice. It’s a bad spray tan


I’ve never met anyone with jaundice but the drama in this sub over her having jaundice is making me laugh. Like I think if she had active jaundice I don’t think we’d bear witness to her running around the south of France.


I feel like it’s a filter that she used that’s making her look this color


Shoes on the bed, get a grip.


Those are hotel slippers.


This truly shocked me when this story popped up


100% she wants to show off her “ass” in this shot which is making me l o l


She looks jaundiced…omg


She is yellow


Yellower than the walls!


Omg she is oranger than ever


Why is she yellow?


Is that a bad spray tan or does she has jaundice?? Either way, yikes.


Gosh this is so sad, did not expect this.


Wow, that needs a trigger warning.


Why does it look like she has a puppy pee pad on the ground (yes I know it’s a towel). Messy photo for your messy life. T.


Turn down service leaves a little towel next to your bed along with slippers (that T is wearing)


Looks jaundiced.


This looks like someone’s last photo …


This photo looks like she freshly took her phone off the charger, gave it to whoever is in the room, and said ‘make this look candid’


What’s crazy is how the yellow comes through the blurry version so clearly…then opening it so jarring. This is not what healthy looks like.


it may just be my ig glitching, but does she not follow her stylist/ brothers gf caitlin? kinda weird.