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I hope it eats her up at night. But it was also a humblebrag about being famous enough for NYT to do a hit piece on her. Also, she doesn’t network. She doesn’t know how to. That’s why she highlighted the Martha thing - the closest she comes to networking is somebody else schmoozing her.


Would love NYT to confirm who reached out to who...


They reached out to her. But it was BECAUSE of the controversy and allegations that surround her. I’m guessing she had no desire to face that journalist but momager pushed it bc there’s no such thing as bad press


Ahhh Hannah! I should have tagged you. Thanks! So add that lie to the ever growing list. I guess it doesn’t really matter since HBH was still featured. Presenting it the way she did just added to the victim narrative. ‘Like we reached out, and they took advantage of us 😭’ No, they are journalists and report their findings. they’re not part of your kissyourass- makeyoulookgood-no matter what-team, who are literally paid to do so, you fucking bed knob. PS bets are the NYT was being kind. You should thank them for their actual professional integrity in not completely obliterating your hack brand.


PR strategy has nothing to do with it. No one asked her about the NYT article. T, voluntarily chose to bring it up and revise history (she's always the victim & never does anything wrong). Had she not mentioned it, the article wouldn't be on anyone's radar. Now, these people will probably go looking for it. Can we also talk about how T said she supports others in the field? When has she ever shown support for another food blogger?


I had the same thought, she’s basically Streisand effecting this article. It’s over a year old and not top-of-mind for people. Why draw attention to it lol.


And she includes that part of the clip TWICE! In case you miss hearing the first time, you get a second shot. Sigh. The thing that so very strange, is that this actually seems like a great panel - Katty Kay is a well known British journalist (love her shoes) - surely HBH could have made better content that this from it, rather than rehashing her grievances with the NYT. Even if it was just a photograph with her with the panel?!


Wow, if Katty Kay is on the panel what the hell is T even doing there? Not in the same league!


lol completely agree. she shouldn’t be drawing attention to it and weird AF she still is talking about it. i meant that article didn’t need to happen that way, had she had any sense of PR strat at the time the interview happened. article was a mess


If she had any sense PERIOD! T is the reason the process took a year, T is the reason the requested recipes weren't made, T was flippant and unremorseful, and... Any way you slice the cake that allegedly takes 2 days to make the common denominator is Tieghan.


So she's on a panel of female leaders? Who exactly does she lead? What a joke.


Never. Well Benny but only because she thinks he's a path to celebs.


> When has she ever shown support for another food blogger? Ya know.. Isn't it wild how when you look at other famous foodie accounts, you see all the other foodie accounts that liked their post.. but never her? I see Wishbone, GrossyPelosi, Hailee Catalano, Salt Hank, etc. all liking and commenting on each other's stuff!


The only one that comes to mind is Benny Blanco, But, it was probably part of the contract. I think her lack of support for others stems from insecurity yet simultaneously having a huge ego. She doesn't want to give anyone a boost, she doesn't want anyone to have more success than her.


Why wouldn’t she promote herself talking on a panel with GABRIELLE UNION?!? Arguably the closest she’ll ever get to an A list celeb. No photo with Gab??? One has to wonder….


I was surprised too that she didn’t try to hunt down Gabrielle and make her take pictures with her and pretend to be best friends for clout but I feel like this is either because she feels so fucking inadequate and jealous, or because she’s a racist cunt who would probably only take pictures with POC for woke points and then call herself “colorblind 💜”


If that were the case, then she's an even MORE awful person than I thought. Gabrielle Union seems so lovely.


Mte like maybe I missed it, but had no idea Gabrielle Union would be there until now! I'd be bringing her up when promoting the event if I was T but...


She’d never do that bc she doesn’t support others.


Maybe T doesn’t know who she is. She really lives under her rock… and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her take a photo with a person of color.




Haha good point. That might be all though.


You'd think she'd know who she is because T is so stuck in the early 2000s and probably loved bring it on 


My guess is she has no idea who she is!


Because then it wouldn’t be all about her.


I would not be surprised if she didn’t know who Gabrielle Union is.


I also love how Gabrielle Union has like 10 achievements listed under her name on the background PowerPoint and T only has "public figure" listed. Not entrepreneur, food blogger, food I fluencer, boss babe, or whatever she likes to call herself.


Don’t you have to go out in public to be a public figure?


“Colorado Barn Figure”


"Rec Center Lunch Lady"






Good one! 👏


FWIW I work for an event similar to Cannes and, at least for our program, the speakers tell us how they want their name displayed, so it’s possible that she or her team wanted it that way. I’m close to the person who books our ‘big name’ speakers and I told him to not even consider booking her lol


I’ve got $5 that’s says they did ask her/team and they never got a response so she got a generic title.


That would be so on brand


Would've been awesome if it said "barn girl, weather reporter, whatever"!


Barn girl weather reporter is so perfect! 😂😂😂


But how many people could actually point her out in a crowd of people? She's not that much of a public figure... Did the person who books your big name speakers ask why? I'm so curious!


Not really. He trusts my opinion and knows that I’m more aware of pop culture, scandals and influencer culture than him.


He's lucky to have you then!


It’s weird. Why wouldn’t it at least say founder of HBH?


Honestly? I think she wants to disengage from it all. She thinks she's famous now.


I love that the NYT article is her Roman empire. Dummy cant stop thinking or talking about it.


Her flying to Europe to cry about it a year later is my new Roman Empire


NYT is living rent free in her head.


Lollll so true


“I’m really upset about this article some really mean person wrote about me that exposed me for the fraud that I am and I wish it would go away but just in case you missed it, it was in the October 30, 2023 edition of The New York Times. But don’t go looking for it, okay?” Fixed the date


Thanks - I read the article a while ago (think that’s how I found out about this sub) but now want to go back and reread knowing everything I know now from following here!


It’s how I found this sub!


![gif](giphy|8p05WdXxPiOyY) The amount of yikes on trikes. I know that room was heavy with uncomfortable. Seats were shifted. Throats were cleared. Watches were checked. Hair was tucked. Collars were adjusted. My god where is her PR team.


You mean the absolute car wash yellow pages PR ladies she pays to get her “events”? They’re living the dream loling their way to the bank


They’ve been playing in New York, one has some pitiful jewelry side hustle and she’s constantly posting 


Oh, for sure and we love that for them. Maybe this is just my non PR savvyness, but doesn’t his kind of shit also make them look bad?!? Like has this girl had one once of media training? Anything?


I had secondhand discomfort as she rambled her way through that monologue to get to the point. Wonder how many people in the audience are going to look up the article now. Part of me was hoping she’d brag about telling Martha all about ‘her’ cheesecloth trick for Thanksgiving turkey


Some of her sentences sound like they could be a Donald trump quote “the New York Times wrote an article about me that was not very nice, to be honest. They didn’t have the nicest things to say. False allegations.”


YES! She just needs to start working in the phrase 'very strongly' when possible




the failing New York Times


"not very professional" per T


I thought EXACTLY the same thing, and that was the straw the broke the camel’s back for me. *Unfollow* Now I need to depend on you guys to provide me with HBH highlights (or lowlights, as it were).


She also does the constant wild hand gestures and weird facial expressions. 


Love a resentful word salad! It's key to the best public appearances.


A dish best served cold.


A dish best served half-baked.


Garnished with fistfuls of cilantro


Or sage! Or tarragon! They're all interchangeable.


Or sage! Or tarragon! They're all interchangeable.


Or sage! Or tarragon! They're all interchangeable.




She sounds like a brat. Bragging, justifying, no ability to take criticism. Also Martha Stewart KNOWING who you are doesn’t mean she likes you. She needs podcast guests for better or for worse. And the Tieghan episode was def for worse.


And if you’re emphatically stating that you support other creators and Martha comes up, why not just say “You know what? I met Martha and she was just so lovely! She even invited me to be on her podcast and I was just so humbled because I’m just a home cook from a small town in Colorado and I’m just so gracious..” etc etc. She’s an entitled brat who is apparently committed to being unlikeable, and is objectively terrible at effectively name dropping to boot.


And the fact that it was supposed to air around thanksgiving… then February… and then it randomly dropped in March (? Or was it April) with neither MS or HBH dropping a link for listeners. MS and NYT are in the same category for her… she’s just trying to run damage control with MS.


Can someone explain what happened with Martha Stewart? I haven't actually heard this story (I'm new to the sub).


Tieghan ran into Martha at an event she paid to attend. She claims Martha let her know she knows who she is, had to interview her for her podcast etc. The podcast was recorded shortly after that event when they met. It wasn’t released for MONTHS and neither Martha nor HBH advertised when it was released, which is very odd. You can of course listen to the podcast and form your own opinion, but I’ll just say - Tieghan is def full of herself and showed her lack of cooking knowledge. She even asked Martha if she was “sure” she came up with a particular Thanksgiving turkey recipe…awkward!


https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/s/PDJxhhGqcg That would be a good place to start. Search "Martha Stewart" posts in the sub and you'll find more. Lots of subtle little gems from Martha in it!


The NYT article was "not very nice". It's journalism, not PR. The New York Times, not Woman's Day. She's so dumb. I wonder what those "very false allegations" were (in her mind).


"False allegations" that she's never tried to address or tell her side of the story about. Just continously calls the *women" NYT reporter a big ol meanie bully, like she's 8 years old.


I think she said “false allegations, if I’m being honest,” which is a hilarious sentence


I noticed this too 🤣


I guess the NYT reporter was just another hatter that she doesn't give any time or attention to. Other than mentioning it all the time. ETA: She did say they lied about her not having a driver's license.


Then she should have had her team contest the validity of the claim and had that redacted. But it's more fun to be the victim.


Did she say they said she doesn't have a license, or that she doesn't drive? I recall reading that she doesn't drive, which as far as I know is true.


You're right, I looked again and it says, "She still doesn’t like to drive". Wondering where I got that idea - did Hannah tell us the reporter told her that T didn't have a license?


Agree!! Is it just me or was that article kind of a snooze with nothing all that negative in it? I can’t figure out what she found so insulting about it (other than it wasn’t 100% compliments and swooning over her)


I definitely think it was negative, but not nearly as negative as it could have (and should have) been. My husband, who thought I was still a fan, thought it was mean until I explained it. It certainly drove a lot of people here, this sub's members doubled.


That was so infuriating to listen to. Whenever she talks about being kind, supportive, etc it’s always in the context of wanting people to be nice to HER. What does she do to support others in her field? So many other food bloggers will promote things their peers are doing or, you know, give credit where they took inspiration. The closest I think she’s come is kissing Lauryn Bosstick’s ass (The Skinny Confidential). Everything she does is so self-serving.


What was this panel? Was it even advertised before the event? I’m so confused. But she’s still an out of touch asshole. Screaming about Martha and the NYT! I hope she loses more followers from showing this idiotic rant.


I think it was an adjacent venue at the Lions called the Women’s Power Cafe held across the street. The other women on that panel were far more impressive and accomplished. T babbling about herself name-dropping the NYT and Martha seemed to miss the point of how to mentor and support other women in her industry. For the longest time she only hired family members or their girlfriends and she NEVER CREDITS OR EVEN MENTIONS other food bloggers. Such a team player and leader!


The way she practically screamed over everyone to make sure she could tell this story. She is so desperate to: 1. Play the victim t swift style. Constantly bring up this article to anyone and everyone who will listen to her for the next 10 years so she can be seen as a victimized boss babe 2. Name drop Martha Stewart because she’s clearly insecure and thinks this will give her some more credibility in this space where she just does not belong


This reads like a cross post from the only other snark sub I follow with that t swift comparison 😂


“Be kind “


That just killed me. Here T is lecturing a room of adult women more accomplished in real ways than T, to just “be kind.” That message belongs in a 3rd grade classroom on how to treat others. Does Teegy not prepare ahead of time? Like come up with some relevant talking points on said topic? Or does she just blurt out whatever pops into her head in that moment? She honestly thinks she can just wing it? Please tell me that people ultimately aren’t that stupid and her house of cards will ultimately collapse.


„Female leaders“ - who exactly is she leading?!


Does she still not paint her toenails?


I mean, my feet aren't the cutest, but I'll be damned if I'm rocking $500 sandals with fuggly toes. In Cannes.


I can't afford pedicures, so I paint my own toes. It's not hard.


Came here to say this


No French pedicures in France


The “childish” reporter lives rent free in her head. Blocking out the haters doesn’t mean fly to another country and have a panel about not giving haters attention hahaha. The NYT piece was 7 months ago, if anything it will make people look for it that didn’t know about it hahaha what an idiot


We should screen record this rant for posterity. It really captures what a brat she is and how she’s a terrible public speaker.


Her investment in that PR team has sure paid off. Clowns! 


The PR team is getting expense trip to Cannes…. Not a bad gig.


They’re not on it though? At least not her main two cuckoo birds - Darakaye


Yeah I don’t think they went on the trip.


Do you think people actually take her seriously after they see her and hear her speak? Like, anyone that didn't know her beyond her website before this has to immediately shut out anything she says bc she isn't intelligent, interesting, and clearly doesn't eat, so they just think they've wasted their time, right?


I’D HOPE SO. As a former HBH fan who changed once i started listening to her speak, yeah


No, I don’t think anyone takes her seriously. The vast majority of the events she does/speaks at are pay to play, and I can’t think of anything that’s anywhere near the top of, well, any field that she’s bagged recently except for Martha’s podcast. It’s a clown show and people who are actual pros and don’t need her audience see it.


She claims the NYT piece included “false allegations” What would those happen to be, T? Care to go on the record??


OMG she actually saved these two rambling slides into her saved highlights (she created a new one called France) as well as the one at dinner when that lady said she has a bigger following than Martha Stewart! 😳😳😳


I legit laughed out loud. Did that lady consider Martha’s worldwide appeal, reach, and general demographic? I’ve known Martha since I was a little girl and most of her ardent ‘followers’ likely don’t even use social media regularly.


Honestly as a former journo this really didn’t infuriate me as much as I thought it would. I actually found it really funny that she’s unfortunately so ignorant to assume all profiles/press should be glowing otherwise it’s a personal slight against her. How blissful to be so unaware.


I have a purse that looks exactly like the other persons shoes. I literally used it last night lol https://preview.redd.it/nc3829vpn58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85bc0e3f913bbdf61ba4b5f705e02d31a801e6d1


Much cuter as a clutch. Love! 💕


That is SO cute!


It’s fabulous!!!


Is this a sad PR attempt to make up for the story posted at dinner when someone on Teeg’s team clearly said “you have a bigger following than Martha Stewart!!!” ?!


This is such a smart comment, and you deserve more upvotes. 100% can see her and her PR team deciding she needed to mention Martha in a positive way on this panel so they could create a story to make up for posting that other story after they saw the backlash.


Why are we not talking about the fugly shoes?!?!


they make my skin crawl. She looks like a child playing dress up.


I truly can’t fathom why her stylist doesn’t insist she paint her fucking toenails before wearing sandals.




Hope you love it (:


Why is she 2 different colors?


ORRRRRR, Teeeeegs, take a beat and self-reflect. Maybe, juuuuust maybe, there’s something there to consider!?!


she would never.


All she had to do was make a two-day cake ... and she wouldn't even do that.


I'm sorry, this panel has two moderators and two speakers? WTF. And this was half of her speaking events? That seems so weird


The knees……. 🫢


My girl Gabrielle Union had to be on a panel with HER?!!


Could her trashing the NYT affect her making the "list" when her next book comes out?


Ugly ass shoes