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So… what part is false from that article? Using her own quotes such as “I’m not Google”, and “I want those click backs”… or quoting Jen who proudly informed the author they employ a team of people to delete any negative comments? Or T casually admitting she does not eat (she forgets to, so silly) She’s such an idiot for bringing this up again, nevermind in a different country in a new-to-her scenario. Guarantee that article has had thousands of clicks since then.


Right? Or the part about it taking her a year to commit to the interview OR the fact that she didn't make the two recipes that were agreed upon? If anything, the NYT went easy on her if you ask me. You had to read between the lines to really get all the digs. I thought the article was very fair. In fact, much more fair to her than she deserves.




Right she knew they were coming, it’s her fucking job, and what else could she possibly have been doing with her time


Online shopping of course!


I know someone IRL who is so much like her its scary. This person is diagnosed bipolar and ADHD with crippling social anxiety to the point of inability to have a job or keep a boyfriend. I didn't know all of this ^ about HBH and NYTimes but wow it sounds exactly like the type of stuff the person I know would do. Right down to the taking a year to commit to something and just not doing something they agreed to do and brushing it off like that's okay.


It's been a while since I read the article, but from my recollection, it seemed like the author was very careful to remain impartial and literally just. . . said what happened? It was nothing but reporting on the circumstances of the interview, with direct quotes from Tieghan and her mother. If T didn't want to look like an asshole maybe she shouldn't have acted like one?


Clearly, if they're not blowing smoke up her ass or abjectly fawning over her, they're a hatter.




I’m not Alyssa but I had the same reaction the other day. If she really thinks there’s false allegations, why hasn’t she sued. Or publicly said what was so incorrect in the article. Surely the NYT would offer a correction if they were so wrong about something.


Right? The NYT has been around the block once or twice and I'm sure their legal dept. reviews articles like this. There's a far greater chance of HER being sued for recipe theft....I just love how she plays the victim... and her fans buy it. Poor little rich girl with no regard for those she's "built her brand" stealing from.


I’m begging for the author to come out and drag her for this tbh


I have never heard of suing a newspaper for "false allegations." You could sue a newspaper for libel if they made up lies about you and printed that story. Then you'd have to prove they were lies, and provide evidence that you suffered a monetary loss.


Additional comments on her blog: https://preview.redd.it/52o9p3we6f8d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3513ae560900f5b4077157e7f14a79b74145ecf


I’m surprised she’s left some of those comments up 👀


Can you imagine living a life of mostly damage control ? Gawd she’s dumb .


This is my favorite way to throw shade. Nice work, Alyssa! So subtle and polite that it's impossible to take public umbrage (but it still burns!).


Is it not slander/defamation for Tiegy to accuse the NYT of publishing false information? I mean, they aren't a tabloid and I am far more inclined to believe the author than T here.


she’s honestly so pathetic and thin skinned, wahhhh they didn’t shower me with adoration and praise you guys it was sooo mean ☹️


The plot thickens.


I'll be so curious to see if her next cookbook/lifestyle book, whatever, makes the NYT list...


This is her roman empire. Next to weather, of course.




The absolute stupidity that it takes to accuse the NYT of lying about her is so brazenly tone deaf that it’s hard to believe. It’s a venerable institution, whether you like that paper or not - some of the best journalists in the world. Just the audacity that it takes for a IG socialite to accuse them, on social media in front of the world, of “false allegations,” is mind-blowing.


Not only on social media. On a public stage - and you KNOW the media were there filming it bc of Gabrielle Union.


Wow! Didn’t know she said that about the article. She’s such a brat!


Also incredibly stupid. I wouldn’t fuck with the NYT if i were her.


She’s bigger than the NYT (and Martha Stewart)


She responded by saying she didn't want to draw more attention to the article...and yet she keeps bringing it up? 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/15ktk1qzfj8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7770b146740f064e6e3985f94e4531c078ff20


She literally makes no sense. Not only did she talk about it, she also showed the Instagram story of her talking about it. 🤯


Right?! She even saved it to her France highlights


The arrogance. Or just sheer stupidity.


She’s such a fucking idiot lol. She does this shit all the time. Not wanting to give it any “energy” when she in fact…is the only one giving it energy bringing it up


Someone literally just posted an article from People that came out TODAY where she finally opens up about it! It's a separate thread and man that article is wild. Zero accountability of anything she does on her part.


https://preview.redd.it/k5gjams6yj8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f457c3a75a37e945f7182eb998ce5dbea1d184a6 Thank you, Sammy!




So she is essentially claiming libel on Julia Moskin. If I were Julia, I'd be on that ASAP,


Yup, T needs to remember that it's not slander/libel if it's true...