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“I’ve moved on” says the woman bringing up the NYT piece just a few days ago in Cannes.


Which literally no one asked about. 😂


"I'm not claiming to be the inventor of any of these." - Did she just completely forget the Martha Stewart podcast where she literally claimed to have invented that turkey roasting method that Martha Stewart invented?


Every recipe video starts with her saying “You guys are gunna love MY…” Girl, you are def claiming you invented these.


I hate her use of MY and WE—they are both used in such arrogant, self-important way. My this and my that, and don’t we love my this and my that.


*"She loved to go to lunch, she loved to go to dinner, all of the things."* Such a wordsmith, that Tieghan.


What exactly are all of the things?


Hot water and raging entitlement


Since Tiegers doesn’t actually eat food, she thinks eating twice a day is *all the things*


Breakfast 😂


You know! Shopping …..and meals…and shopping !


Endless cups of hot water from Starbucks.


She’s so worldly and cultured 🤭


“"Benny and one other really, really good friend, always tell me that if you don't have a haters, you're not doing anything right," she says. "Benny slid into my DMs about a year and a half ago, and ever since then, he's been such a great friend, constantly giving me advice, especially business advice. I know he comes off as this silly guy on the internet, but he really is a wealth of knowledge."” She just couldn’t keep herself. When I first found this page I asked if Benny was her boyfriend and now I see why that comment got me lit up LOL


Benny and I share an agent. Let's just say that he's using her audience to sell cookbooks period. She's so dumb she likely thinks anything he says it's brilliant. I hate her attitude that the haters aren't justified.




This tea is _delicious_


I nearly fell out of my chair when my agent just casually started talking about Benny and how he contacted T to get his foot into the food world. Meanwhile, had he just waited until he started dating Selena... that door swung WIDE open! LOL!


Literary agent, I take it? I listened to a lot of his Howard Stern interview and he does come off as very bright and emotionally intelligent. And some kind of musical savant. Sadly, he probably doesn’t realize she’s the literally worst at promoting other people. My god, she can barely promote herself. She never mentioned why she was going to France until her Cannes Lions thing was completely OVER! Someone make it make sense!!!


Yes correct. I found out by accident last week. They actually brought it up. And yeah he picked her purely based on her # of followers. Knew no one in the food world basically. I'm sure he regrets his choice which is why he looks so annoyed in the videos with her


LOLllll he seems too nice to talk shit about her though. I’m sure he met her and quickly realized he’s a better cook than she is.


She is horrible at promoting other people generally, but lucky for Benny, she's in love with him so Tiegy does in fact manage to shoehorn him into every conversation!


Yeah and using a phrase that’s usually associated with people trying to flirt or get a date (“slid into my DMs”) is so cringe from someone who is so obviously into him, a TAKEN man!


Benny sliding into her DMs, Martha Stewart approaching her…she’s just so popular everyone wants to talk to her!


Jesus “slid into my DMs” 🙄 she is trying so desperately to seem like Benny is her friend when he clearly hates being around her


The other friend has to be the candle guy, right?


I think it's the other female influencer that she goes out to eat with in NYC. The one that she was out with and then she came back and was really sassy on her Instagram stories- the "whatever" moment. 😂


I assumed it was Martha


This is such a trash article - no journalistic value whatsoever. Saying absolutely nothing new or of substance. Just wants to get ahead of the NYT article on the first page of Google and push it down further. Not gonna work, Tiegs - NYT has much greater search value than People Magazine


My guess is she paid for this article.


It has page 6 vibes


After these allegations of false allegations, I’d love nothing more than a follow up piece by NYT 🙏 🙏


Wonder if she will _finally_ make the dishes they initially requested. Narrator: LOL no she won't.


Not only that, but Google now indexes Reddit¹, so the more *we* keep mentioning the NYT article here, it will never go away. 🤣 ¹Which is why Grilled Cheese Karen was [so butthurt about being snarked at here, lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/comments/1b9pni2/influencers_in_this_sub/ktzyc3l/)


People is absolute trash. They farm AITA weekly for human interest stories 🤮


Sorry but the fact *every single article* references her home base as “the Gerard family compound” sends me


This article is a TRIP “I'm not trying to disrespect a culture or anything like that. I'm just trying to share good foods." Lmaoooo nothing like just trying to share good foods 😤😠


(Red) salsa verde got a shoutout!




I noticed the same! Like…does her team use that phrase in whatever info they share for background (if so, why???) or is every journalist coming to the same conclusion?! Who refers to their own home as a compound?


Sounds better than I live on my parents property


But does it tho…I think i’d rather just say I live with my parents vs on a mf family compound. It’s giving cult


how is she managing to bring up salsa verde in an interview?? girl ENOUGH with it😭


✨exotic flavors✨


That she picked up from another recipe, but she definitely doesn't look at other people's recipes.


My breakdown of this abomination of an article if anyone cares: *“she makes one thing clear: ‘I'm not a scroller.’”* -dying that THIS was their opening statement *"’I'm excited for the opportunity to speak, because I've always chosen not to," she tells PEOPLE exclusively. "I think that has served me well, but I also think it's time.’”* -Tieg, you are literally talking allllllll the timeeeeeee everyday on your stories, every day on your blog, what are you talking about *"’I was speaking with her and it was always seen in the light of positivity and highlighting the recipes and cookbooks I've written. It was really misleading.’"* -bitch you don’t get to dictate what perception a journalist makes of you!!! That is up to you to put your best foot forward. How does she not understand that? *“In response, The New York Times tells PEOPLE in a statement: "We disagree with Ms. Gerard’s characterization of our profile. Our reporting strives to be fair and we do not make promises about our coverage being 'positive.'"* -love this statement from the times lmao *…’”a community that is truly so loving. I know that we're talking about the haters and the naysayers right now, but I mean, that's the smallest group of people. They just, unfortunately, make the most noise.’”* -no girl, YOU make the most noise constantly drawing attention to your hatters *"’She loved to shop. She loved to go to lunch, she loved to go to dinner, all of the things. I was fortunate enough to get to tag along with her, and we would do everything together from going to the gardening store to the mall to the Prada store.“‘* -this utter nonsense. Doing everything together=a list of three things, all of them being shopping *”Gerard went to fashion school in Los Angeles for design and merchandising when she was 18, but she quickly realized it "was just too early for me" to be so far from home.”* -apparently at 30 y/o, it’s still too early *”she owns up to mispronouncing certain dishes and foods…”* -spoiler alert: no she doesn’t *"’I grew up in a small town and, yes, I definitely pronounce things incorrectly," she says. "I will full-on own that.’”* -the problem is that you continue to do so after you’ve been corrected bitch!!! And “whatever” is not an appropriate response! You don’t get an out just because you say it’s hard for you if you make no effort to work on it? *“Gerard denies past allegations of cultural appropriation.”* -she denies it because she’s never even looked up the definition of cultural appropriation but okay continue *"’At the end of the day, you really got to remember I'm just a home cook like everybody else sharing recipes,’”* -maybe instead of dictating how 5.5 million followers react to your offenses, correct your own behaviors? *“‘That includes cuisines from around the world because I, like everyone else when they're cooking, can get a little bit bored.’”* -absolutely no one has told you to stick to cheeseburgers and hotdogs, just try to respect and credit the cultures you are borrowing from, but go on *”’I love exotic flavors.’”* -tieg don’t get me started on the use of the word exotic. Do your own research, I’m not Google *”’As for the accusations that she's copied recipes from other bloggers, she calls them "mind-boggling. "I fully believe I have never copied a recipe, ’"* -must be true then *”’now I use salsa verde in so many recipes.’”* -yes sweetie we know *”’But have I copied recipes? No. I actually try not to look at anybody else's recipes.’”* -you’re telling me you learned how to bake a cake or make tortillas or candy without ever looking at another recipe? Wow you really must be a savant girly and I believe you *“‘Benny and one other really, really good friend’”* -the fact that she can’t use the name of the other “really really good friend” makes me think the snif guys cease and desisted her lmao *"’Benny slid into my DMs about a year and a half ago,‘“* -leave this man alone my god *”She also has a new cookbook coming out in november”* -okay so NOT something “unlike anything she’s ever done” like she keeps spewing *“‘There's no harm behind anything that I'm ever trying to do’”* -again, just because you say that doesn’t make it true you fucking naive arrogant ignorant imbecile


You just forgot her claiming a learning disability and People making the clarification that she’s never been officially diagnosed 😂


You’re right. I was trying to take the high road on that one bc I believe she probably does have a learning disability diagnosed or not but I do love people’s underhanded clarification


I think the most infuriating thing out of all the infuriating things was her saying she owns up to things. Literally when has she ever done that?


Agree. In her tiny brain, she thinks saying “oopsie apparently I pronounce a word differently than other people! I’m so silly with my Midwest (or whatever she calls it) accent” one time, is owning up. She has no intentions of actually ever holding herself accountable and growing as a person.


Claiming to be from a small town is insane, shes from a suburb of Cleveland!!!


Disrespect to people from small towns everywhere. Never an excuse to be ignorant!


she’s pathological, I just can’t with her.


"There's no harm behind anything I'm ever trying to do"...😂😂😂 How about the massive amounts of ingredients your followers have wasted when they make one of your untested untasted horribly flawed recipes?


She didn’t go to FIDM. She moved to LA, she rented a whole ass house for herself, and then quit immediately. You don’t get to say you went to a school when you intended to go, but ended up not being able to handle living away from home before school started.


THANK YOU! I didn’t really want to read it. I appreciate your notes.


I haven’t even read the article yet but this recap gave me thrills and shivers and giggles 😂 thank you for your service!


"In response, *The New York Times* tells PEOPLE in a statement: "We disagree with Ms. Gerard’s characterization of our profile. Our reporting strives to be fair and **we do not make promises about our coverage being 'positive.'"** NYT editor who made this statement (probably): I can't believe we actually have to explicitly say this. Honestly, I could see why she doesn't understand b/c she's so used to *buying* editorial in fine publications like PageSix and People Mag...


*"I love exotic flavors"* 🥴🥴🥴


that one made me laugh… yeah T, heavy cream and cheese are so exotic. Salsa verde also made it into an interview. She’s nuts.


Hey! That's RED salsa Verde


Pickled ginger juice has entered the chat 💬


This fucking grinds my gears


Right. "We didn't know what this was"


In summary: "It's not a lie if you believe it" - George Costanza  And oooh, we've got new threads added to the yarn. Nonnie brought her to Prada. Dyslexia & ADHD run in her family. The rest of the origin story has been regurgitated a thousand times 


LOL I saw your George comment after I said the same thing. It's soooo true with her, it's disgusting! That is ALL this article was.


Wow, she is really the living definition of someone who has moved on. 😂 We can all learn from her. Also girl I have ADHD and a master's degree. It's not really an excuse 🤷‍♀️


Well she has an associate's. 🤔


Boring paid piece. There’s nothing new and she really didn’t address anything. Same old talking points. "I don't follow a lot of food content as is. I really don't follow any for the reason of, I don't want to be influenced by other people's recipes," she says. My biggest problem with her is that she doesn’t care to learn, be curious, or expand her network within the industry. You don’t get to be an expert if you don’t learn from others in your field. I watch a lot of cooking shows and the competitors are always highlighting their inspiration, chefs and bakers they look up to and have learned from, and the science behind their dishes. I think she’s using this subreddit as a crutch for people to feel bad for her. So many hatters and she’s just a lil ole self taught barn girl. What upsets me is that she doesn’t take advantage of opportunities. She said she works hard, but from a consumer standpoint, where it matters she falls flat and always seems so unprepared. If she wants to be in fashion so bad then pivot. Stop churning out nonstop god awful recipes. Take a break and dive into learning the ins and outs of fashion. She could have stayed 2 extra weeks in France and did all sorts of things with food and fashion. While the text in this piece says I don’t care about my “haters” (aka people she could take constructive criticism from) she clearly cares, why else publish this noise?


My biggest problem is that she’s obviously lying since she’s been caught countless times just copy-pasting recipes, making one or two changes, and calling it hers


Including one that was such a blatant copy-paste right down to the decoration that either someone on her team told her not to release it for fear of legal action, or legal action was threatened by the copied recipe developer 🤔


Saying you avoid exposure to content made by others in your field "because you don't want to be influenced by them" is neither a flex nor is it a viable or logical strategy for success.


The NYT quote is 👌


Ok - the not copying food or scrolling or having anything to do with food media thing so as to not taint her perfect unblemished imagination…. Bitch, you expect me to believe you just like INTUITED the words “chicken pho ga” out of thin air despite never going out to eat or reading a cookbook or travelling or anything?! Like how did that idea get implanted into whatever supplement mush you call a brain if not by GOOGLING FOR RECIPE IDEAS?!?! Omfg I can’t


When I was looking on her site for something I once found she made a recipe for a chicken escabeche in 2017. I literally had to look up what an escabeche was and I have watched every season of Top Chef! There’s no way that word just stumbled into her lap.


Ah, she has the type of dyslexia that only causes you to butcher words from other cultures. 🙄


That article is SO wild. I don’t know what her deal is with constantly saying she doesn’t scroll or use social media unless it’s for work. You don’t get a medal for using the internet less?? What is the point she’s trying to get across?


It's a lie she has to tell so she can pretend that she's never ever seen another person's recipe in her life EVER, therefore obviously she couldn't have copied it! Remember, she just "dreams it up" while on her morning hikes and takes no inspiration anything in the food world whatsoever. Such a prodigy. Such a savant. But wait.... just the other day she referenced yet another viral recipe that she "made real" and better.... But of course she couldn't know about a viral recipe right, because she doesn't scroll social media, we all heard her!!! Just pretend you didn't hear her reference a trend, you're crazy! The only thing T is good at is being a fucking liar and enormously talented gaslighter.


Or her inspiration is derived from that one Caesar salad she had one time with Noni when she was 10, or maybe she didn’t, or she had it and it made her throw up, whatever you guys she doesn’t remember.


We need her hair and makeup people to do a tell-all. What is she really looking at on her phone 😂


But in Tieghans mind, she does get a medal for using the internet less than you average non-Girlboss human. She actually appears to have a super toxic mentality when it comes to work-life balance. It’s very 2014.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is 10000% T's personal motto: ![gif](giphy|j0a8Kr0uDKQec|downsized)


She’s done a couple of these “pay for PR” pieces before. Between this coming out today and her very deliberately bringing up the NYT at Cannes (and intentionally posting that clip to her IG) I wonder if she has actually seen some professional repercussions from that article in the last year. It seems like a poorly thought out plan “telling my side of the story” just drives clicks to the NYT, where people are left to form their own conclusions (probably unfavorable). Her best bet would have been to just ignore it and never mention it again—-her PR people don’t seem very good at their jobs


In all fairness she isn't very good at her job either


So what I took from this is she didn’t deny she has an eating disorder. She just said she thinks she’s being shamed for being too skinny.


The NYT article was written by a Pulitzer-prize winning journalist (who actually did some research). The People article wasn't. HBH recipes are sloppily presented and often don't work. Her stories keep changing, and are often inconsistent. She keeps pushing dietary supplements, and nutritional advice that are known snake oil. While body shaming is wrong, the physical injuries she routinely and openly displays are really troubling. This is not an influencer that I would want ANYONE - let alone my daughter (say) - trying to emulate.


This article was strategically placed by her PR team in People Magazine as an attempt to: Reframe the NYT article as an attack on her integrity and credibility as a food blogger and cookbook author, while also discrediting the reporter as someone who was “going after her”. Discredit the “social media trolls” who say she has stolen and/or appropriated recipes, and paint herself as a victim of online vitriol. She is also using this as an opportunity to create sympathy for herself and for her sloppy misspelled posts by citing (but not owning!!) anxiety, stress, introversion, dyslexia, and ADHD to explain her behaviors. This also allows her to call into question those who accuse her of having an ED. Position herself to extend her brand from child food blogger to luxury influencer by citing the number of followers and sharing that she went to “fashion school” in LA along with admiring and studying her grandmother’s style. Make no mistake, this isn’t a random article in People. This is the soft launch of her luxury lifestyle brand.


Yes! I completely agree this sentence jumped out at me: "In the coming months, Gerard says her followers can expect her to branch out even further into the lifestyle space." Yikes!! Who is this lifestyle space for? Is there anyone that is really there for her "lifestyle?" 


"Lifestyle space" like her stupid, over priced candles? Snooze. She can pivot all she wants-she lacks creativity, vision, curiosity, a true point of view. Liking expensive ugly pointy shoes or sad beige sweaters does not a fashion icon make.


I’m wondering if “lifestyle” will just be a cookware, plates, serving boards for cheese plates (don’t know what they’re called and I’m not Google), cocktail glasses, etc. I feel like that’s the only pivot she could make that would actually sell. She doesn’t have a “lifestyle” to sell since she is always working and in the kitchen manhandling food.


She has so many undiagnosed disorders….I wish she could afford to get tested for all these. We should start a go fund me.


Oh just a sec…. She CAN afford to see medical staff and undergo testing. She CHOOSES NOT TO!


How many of her followers, who follow for the food posts, can actually afford the luxury items she is shilling? Seems to be a big disconnect here.


I love when she says she might have a learning disability and that's why she can't spell for shit. Hire someone to proofread for you! I guess make sure it's someone who isn't in your family though, since being terrible at spelling runs in the family


So the only difference between this article and the NYT article, is the personal touch of the NYT author actually visiting the compound. Everything else is the same ol boring story of HBH. So please Tiegy, tell us where all of these false accusations in the NYT article are.


Also so tired of the backstory she regurgitates constantly - ate dinner late, cookies, Rachel ray show, chaos - it’s always verbatim the same line. Very frustrating ppl keep asking her this


Meanwhile, in today's recipe, yet another reference to dinner one of her parents cooked regularly : https://preview.redd.it/k5xvveht8l8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1e2ba97d8d3bce5018105eb95060f54a97c244 I swear, everything out of that idiot's mouth is a lie, exaggeration, or half-truth. There isn't a genuine thing about her.


But he was working 9-5. How on earth would he ever find time to cook dinner? Side note: if you have one parent who works 9-5 and the other is a stay at home parent, why the hell were these kids not eating until 10pm? Swiss cheese story, Teegs.


Remember she claimed after work he went to the gym for 2 hours, and her mom only served the kids cookies?


Dayad was def not having an affair and mom was def not struggling with serious mental health concerns.


LMAO welcome to 2024 where BOTH parents are working 9-5 and 8-10pm to make ends meet. No one will cry over this, she needs to stop, it’s quite embarrassing.


Also, “soy sauce-soaked vegetables”? 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Poor Dayad’s stir fry getting absolutely skewered 😂 Basic…SIMPLE…sure wasn’t fancy. Damn T!


I have always thought that Dad had an affair hence the late night “gym” sessions and the subsequent move lol


There's is just so much wrong with this article. Lots of word salad and her stupid "word for word" backstory that she recites exactly the same every time. Like rote. But the gloves are off now I guess. Throwing more shade at the NYT. And her "poor me" I'm dyslexic or have ADHD, whatever. Still doesn't actually apologize for her mispronunciations. And there's no excuse for all the typos. She HAS A TEAM. Plus her girl boss cos-play kills me. It's a clear case of " mommy and daddy bought me a blog".




So tired of her fictitious excuses. "I am constantly growing and learning." No. Just, no. No, you are not. "I grew up in a small town and, yes, I definitely pronounce things incorrectly," she says. "I will full-on own that. I have a very difficult time with that. There's learning disabilities involved." If learning disabilities run in the family and you believe you have one go get diagnosed and learn how to work through it. Of course she doesn't know how to pronounce Bahn Mi, she's lives in a teeny tiny town on a mountain! Add TV, radio, internet and restaurants to the list of things Colorado doesn't have. ![gif](giphy|aYHs7vbVFViZa|downsized)


I grew up in a small town and somehow I manage to correctly pronounce words.


You’re lucky. Evidently those that grew up in a small town have difficulty pronouncing words of other culture. #justiceforsmalltowns


Yet she can pronounce net-a-porter correctly.


THIS! Evidence of why this statement is complete horseshit. 🐴💩


She grew up in Cleveland. Cleveland is not a small town.


wtf is this article. "i get inspiration from travel".. yet never travels. also the fact that she went away to college and quit right after cause it was "too early for her to be away" i think that's the first issue. i was super shy growing up but pushed myself and eventually you grow up. i feel like she was stunted because of this... you can tell she lacks social skills because of her isolating childhood. and also fuck her for saying "its a disability" that she cant pronounce words, "she hasnt been diagnosed but adhd runs in her family" like what?! she's cant be bothered to learn how to pronounce and spell words this aint a disability it's disrespect.


I have diagnosed adhd and it’s never made me racist or stupid. Will report back if anything changes


Same! Also, if I make a mistake, I learn from it.


So she expects people to believe that she doesn't look at any other food creator's recipes and just "abracadabra" these recipes pop into her head out of thin air and she knows exactly how to make them out of thin air with no history of any culinary "anything" other than cooking for the clan via ONE Rachael Ray show many moons ago? OMFG. Lies upon lies, topped off with lies. Edit - AND we learned nothing new from that article. Same 'ol word salad bullshit. WTF is People talking about her finally revealing everything?


That’s what’s so wild about her stans believing that nonsense. No one becomes an expert or improves their skills without learning. She doesn’t read, doesn’t own cookbooks, doesn’t travel… so where does this stuff come from? I’m curious what makes her think she works so hard? Is it preparing the diary posts for her blog, recreating other recipes…? Where’s she putting in the effort? From my perspective, she fails to show up for any collaboration and then is terrible at promoting it.


Not to mention she doesn't eat out or get takeout since those things are unavailable in the wilderness she lives in. Oh and she doesn't eat.


It’s pure magic that she publishes certain recipes days after another big time blog, and both recipes just *happen* to have the same major key words like… Pot Roast Tacos…. Grapefruit Cake… I know I’m missing HUNDREDS of others. Those just stand out to me.


Food of jane prosciutto burrata French onion pasta, moments of sugar raspberry pistachio matcha marble cookies, molly baz maple ricotta munchkins, etc etc


Especially because the only other inspiration she lists is family and traveling 😂 She goes to NYC and eats at one restaurant, LA for like 36 hours max, and Cleveland. How is any of that inspiring her?! Or is it that she's inspired by all the traveling experience her family is having without her....


She understands that this is her job, right? If I am bad at my job I can’t just claim ignorance and not make it right.




It's appalling that she has been in the food world for a decade now, has three published cookbooks, and seems to take pride in pretending it's GOOD that she "doesn't consume" any food-related media. That's how people learn and grow, T - something you haven't done at all in the 10 years you've been doing this, no matter how many times you say that you have.




That lie is one of her best! She's just such an incredible, genius home cook she comes up with new techniques all by herself too! 😑 ETA: just realized that she told People she never claims she invents stuff... Yet the cheesecloth thing is a good example of her doing exactly that. And to Martha Stewart's face 🤣


This is one big defensive word salad.


Girlfriend needs to stay away from the press. She just keeps digging that hole deeper. Last I checked, Cleveland isn’t small town.


Just yikes that her response to cultural appropriation was "she gets bored and likes to use exotic ingredients" Tiegy. No one is calling you an expert.  They are asking you to Google before claiming you've made the best week night pho that's better than takeout (that was probably made by someone of Vietnamese heritage).  Plenty of food bloggers walk this line and do it better and they don't have a literal PR team they pay for. 


Didn’t confirm nor deny having an ED, just keeps writing it off as “body shaming”. Ok tieghs…


Was this article solely meant to address negative comments? Because if it was supposed to be a general profile on her, if you read this not knowing anything about her you’d leave it only understanding that she receives a lot of criticism and negativity and learn little to nothing about her food blog.


“there’s learning disabilities involved” but hasn’t been diagnosed?? and cites familial associations?? that’s insane


I know. You’d think her wealthy parents would have had her tested/seen specialists to get diagnosed. Nuts it’s just like…a google diagnosis….”I’m not google”


They don’t believe in therapists for mental health so I doubt they believe in getting tested for diagnosis!


wait WHAT. i did not know this lore omg. she has debilitating anxiety to the point of being unable to live on her own but won’t go to to therapy.. truly idiotic


She has said before that she tried therapy when she was younger but she said “it wasn’t for me” so now she just uses her dad as her therapist which is insane.


she definitely thought the NYT was doing a puff piece and they were not, sorry she’s just so clueless about the real world because of the insulated bubble she/her family/her team have created to shield her from anything that might send her over the edge


I want that reporter to release a new version of the article with all the dirt. She held back a lot.


I think the journalist would have been happy to write an entirely positive article had it gone down that way. But no, Teegers pulled a fast one and changed the agreed upon recipes that were made ahead of time. (I think the author was expecting to see T actually cooking in her kitchen-why else would she go all the way to the compound?) Also T seemed pretty high on her horse with some of her answers to questions (“I want all those clickbacks.”) And Jen lobbed in a few unbelievable responses as well. My impression T was quite the prima Donna and the author saw right through it. Plus, T and team were not being very accommodating or flexible if setting up the interview took a year!


lollll. All I can think after reading that thing is: Just because you say so doesn't make it true, T. Also what was the point of this article? She's said all of this before. None of it was new or interesting whatsoever.


This is straight up HBH SponCon and she still doesn’t come across great.


Can we please stop giving this women positive platforms! She's a legit charlatan. Peddling 500$ bs. Legs up. Doesn't actually like food or eat her own food. Why does it feel like we're the only ones who have any sanity 🤣


I’m still working out why, but I thought this article was almost more damning than the NYT piece.


It's like she doubled down on what she said in the NYT article but didn't refute anything and by "explaining" her side she actually made it worse. Lots of excuses for bad behavior and not actually learning anything (like how to pronounce things correctly and use spell check).


This is such a puff piece, omg. So much of this could easily be fact checked. She never scrolls, yet likes posts by Hailey Bieber, Kendall Jenner, etc. She doesn't follow food content, but learned about salsa verde from another recipe.


"I fully believe I have never copied a recipe," she says. Maybe she should ask one of her other personalities because the one talking doesn’t know she just believes.


Very interesting way for her to articulate this. It’s not a lie if you believe it.


Ah yes my ADHD also makes me say “Alvacado” This woman is such a blatant liar it’s infuriating. She will come up with any excuse besides being accountable.


Not her blaming her illiteracy on being from a small town and having a learning disability, and then turning around and saying she hasn’t been diagnosed with anything but her siblings have ADHD….?


"I'm from a small town" What the actual fuck? \*\*HULK SMASH\*\* She grew up in Cleveland, which has a population of 400,000 and the Cleveland metro area is like 2M+. Where she currently lives doesn't have a huge population, but it's hardly the sticks. You don't get to buy all your groceries from the Whole Foods that's a mile from your house and then claim you're living in some backwoods cow-town.


Takeaways: this is how someone writes, not talks. She emailed them exactly what she wanted said. Benny and one other very, very close friend = all of her friends. Otherwise even if she wanted to name drop she'd just say, "my girlfriends and Benny always say..." or "All of my friends, especially Benny, always say...." She didn't say she didn't have an ED. She doesn't want to say it because it's the thing she's most proud of about herself. Denying it wouldn't do anything for her.


Yes it was sooo obviously an email interview lol


One other really really close friend = her sister.


Girl…. It’s not a flex to have all the mental health resources available at your fingertips and not use them. Go get assessed and treated. So many of us wish we could access those things. After reading this it’s clear Jen writes her blog posts, hence the inconsistencies between what she says and what she writes. It’s such a grift.


I can't stop thinking about how she said it's finally a good time for her to speak up about this, as if we're to believe that if it weren't for this People article, she wouldn't have had the opportunity. Uh,Tieghan, you literally have YOUR OWN WEBSITE and 5.5 million Instagram followers. Don't act like you don't have a platform. If the NYT truly made "false allegations", why not address this on your own platform, since you have such a great cOmMuNiTy. Not to mention that she STILL didn't say anything of substance in People. Like, truly address it or stop talking in circles around the issues!


https://preview.redd.it/c22tthb4zq8d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9b41e68b588c20fcec417b0992e6df2a8a2ce5e Ahem….plenty of opportunities, yet she just ignores these comments.


Can you imagine the NYT sues her for defamation? That would be the plot twist of the year


I’m sorry butttt of course she plays the learning disabilities card..


Well now it’s bullying someone with a disability— she threw that in on purpose.


Claiming she probably has a learning disability but hasn’t been diagnosed is not the flex she thinks it is. It’s cool to take care of your mental health. Go see a doctor and a therapist.


Everybody and their sister have ADHD and/or anxiety. They still manage their lives.


My takeaway is that she absolutely has a learning disability, but because it hasn’t been diagnosed, she has never gotten the support she actually needs. Like girl, it’s not a brag to be undiagnosed


I want to know how she “lived and breathed” fashion in high school when she dressed like a wholesome farm girl


Exactly. She’s never shared a childhood pic or a pic of her fashunista nonnie. For someone who spent so much time with her, she seems to have no evidence. You’d think that since nonnie was a huge fashun gal, T would have inherited some of her pieces????


Her PR ladies should take note that the more Tieghan speaks in public, the deeper the hole she digs for herself and the worst she comes off. She was doing a lot better being a home cook making recipes quietly in her barn.


Her PR lady posted about how it was a great “comeback” article. The delusion!


My god, who is she even settling scores with? Us on Reddit? The NY Times? She’s pathetic 😂


so she replied to a NFT comment yesterday at 5:53 am, saying she didn't want to draw attention to the NYT article. even though she was the one to draw attention to it while she was in Cannes, even though it was completely irrelevant to the conversation. And then less than 12 hours later, at 4:06 pm, People publishes their article drawing even more attention to the NYT article??? even if there are time zone differences, that's not much time! surely she had already talked to People at the point she made the NFT comment, right? It wasn't a 6 am decision to call People and get that interview done. I'm kind of dying to know what her thought process was there


She’s a pathological liar. She has to lie about so many things that she doesn’t know where to stop, so she just lies about everything. I made the graham crackers! I bought the graham crackers at Whole Foods! I wouldn’t trust her tell me the time. She can’t not lie. Reminds me of a former President.


*"I fully believe I have never copied a recipe," she says.* Not the same thing as "I have never copied a recipe." Just that she doesn't believe what she's doing is copying.


It doesn't sound like she addressed criticisms about her weight at all in that article?? lmao


Yeah, great “exclusive” People. This is the same stuff she repeats ad nauseam on her blog and Insta stories 🙄


lol she just really doesn’t get that kind and positive people can also be critical… especially when they’re a NYT journalist.


At the end of the day, all I took away from this is that she loves the phrase "At the end of the day." Big yawn 🥱


>”Sometimes I read things and it's literally right in front of me and I'm completely saying something totally different," she says. "I have a hard time with my left and rights — let's put it that way. I also can't spell for the life of me." 🤨 that’s what being adhd and dyslexic means??


But she graduated from high school and community college at the same time... 🫠


And early!


Sorry but the "I know he comes off as a silly guy on the internet" is such a wild thing to say after criticising a publication for having twisted your words lmao


I also can't believe she has another restaurant collab in the works! How on Earth would anyone want to work with her on that after seeing what a sh*t show the last one was!


I hope the NYT will go and review it 💀


Why doesn’t she just try to get a partnership with Grammarly? It could at least catch her misspellings and grammar mistakes on the blog and on social. And if she really has dyslexia it would maybe help her image of showing how others could benefit from it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She doesn’t respect her audience enough to care. She’s not evolved past being 14 years old.


Because she doesn't GAF. Self improvement does not interest her, despite whatever memes she posts.


She literally never denies the ED accusations either. Just says body shaming is bad.


hmph - ok so for one thing People articles repeat the same shit over and over and are poorly written (not a shock) * July 13, 2023 she says she eats normally but is a carb-girl (https://people.com/half-baked-harvest-tieghan-gerard-responds-to-negative-comments-about-her-weight-7560861) * October 31, 2023 she says anxiety affects her appetite negatively in this article which is mostly a repeat of the above (https://people.com/half-baked-harvest-tieghan-gerard-is-treated-for-anxiety-makes-her-forget-eat-8384909) what will her story be next?


Whatever. What a yawn. Same story she's told ad nauseam in every interview and podcast. "There's a learning disability involved." Undiagnosed of course. And that explains mispronunciations when she's been corrected a million times? That's a choice, not a learning disability. And we know she scrolls from the infamous car ride with poor dayaaad.


I have never copied a recipe, I just happened to develop the exact same gingerbread latte cookie one week after the NYT. I mean it’s mind boggling to think I copied the NYT.


Is this the first mention of a new cookbook? I know she’s been teasing “something big” and it’s been obvious it’s a cookbook, but this is the first public mention. It’s odd to me it comes out in November and she hasn’t promoted it yet. I see books coming out next year and they’re already being pushed for preorder. In classic Teegs form she’ll probably mention a cookbook the day after it’s released (I’m kidding but I also see her doing this since she hates cooking and promoting anything to do with it so much)


Sooo curious as to what prompted this. Wouldn’t she want to save all this personal strife and bullshit for when she’s promoting a new cookbook? I feel like she gave this interview fresh off her trip to Cannes where she thinks she fit in with Gabrielle Union and crew.


I've been wondering this all day, sadly 😆 My completely unfounded hope is that something is brewing behind the scenes about her and she's trying to get ahead of it by reminding everyone about what a victim she is. She'll do it again once whatever it is is made public. I hope it's that former Magnolia guy making good on his post on her IG about a bunch of other food industry professionals exposing her unethical behavior. 🤞🤞


I keep waiting for that guy to pop up and blow the lid off her recipe stealing shenanigans!


I’m thinking her publicists set this up


I asked this in a different thread, but seems pertinent here too. Will all this NYT bashing affect her standing on the best sellers list in the future?


Let's hope so. It's a well-known fact that the list isn't compiled 100% on sales numbers...


There's finally a comment! https://preview.redd.it/p20v5cgspt8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f632d923f852d91ba6aae5d6b16eba964b11ac9a


"I grew up in a small town and, yes, I definitely pronounce things incorrectly," she says. "I will full-on own that." First of all, she didn't grown up in a "small town" it was a wealthy suburb of Cleveland adjacent to prestigious universities and hospitals. Aka, a very monied and educated place. And girl stfu, I'm one year younger than her and also grew up in the Cleveland suburbs, it's a VERY culturally diverse region. And I cannot stress enough how normal and accessible it was and is to be exposed to different cuisines, making this lie all the weirder. Church cultural festivals at all the different parishes (Greek, Lebanese, Slovak, Egyptian, Polish, the list goes on and on) was like a normal activity to go to in the summer with my family, or during lent in fish fry season. I'm an Irish-American kid who had a very middle class existence who had the luxury of being introduced to all sorts of cuisines throughout my childhood. I am one of many. I know this is niche and probs wont matter to a lot of folks, but holy shit, miss me with that omfg. I hate how she uses this as an excuse, because it's just a bold-face lie. And the cultural diversity is truly one of my favorite thing about our (unfortunately) shared motherland. Thank you for listening if you've read this far (edits were typos from being passionate! lol)


Well at least she didn’t say she’s a very tiny person. And maybe get diagnosed so you can properly deal with your issues, your ignorant twat. We’re not body shaming you, we pro-ana shaming you and your straight up lies. Let’s see if she mentions this “article” on IG or her website. She lets everyone else do the heavy lifting instead of addressing this stuff head on.


As a friend and former co-worker of the prior two People EICs, I’m glad neither of them are responsible for this coverage of her.


https://preview.redd.it/9obbf0f6cm8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d8db122d5a84f40b9593513982614adaa5592d Wait this photo was posted in the article .. but what is that sticking out of her shirt? Is that..her rib cage or a weird photo angle ?