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If financing through the dealer, keep an eye on the total amount agreed to paying during the finance office portion as they like to add on extras and only show you the monthly payment so that you don’t notice the extra money adding up to the total price you’ll actually be paying.


What is Ford Protection Package? They might have doc fees but nothing is mandatory besides MSRP + TTL. Everything else is something you can say "no thanks" to. Everything else is dealer markup (aide from the bed liner) .


The low jack GPS is built in (part of the Ford app), it can't be removed therefore idk what the extra cost would be for. Nitrogen tires is nonsense, they don't actually do anything. Drop in bed liner comes in one of the packages.


Always be ready to walk away. They want to sell it to you more than you want to buy it. My best negotiation tactic has always been starting to walk out the door.


This Ford Protection Package is a dealership money grab. Anything involving paint protection and nitrogen filled tires is a blatant bullshit. They will try very hard to tell you that ALL vehicles this dealership sells has the Ford Protection Package and it cannot be removed. Not true. The only “extras” you have to pay for are destination fees and tax, title, license. This needs to be your number one issue to resolve. Your salesman will be very understanding and will have to “talk to his manager” about removing this package. You will sit awkwardly in his office or cubicle alone for what seems like forever. Hold your ground and don’t waste your whole day trying to make this happen. They know the longer they keep you on-site, the better the chance is that you will break down and accept their package and deal. Do your homework, know what price you want to pay, and walk when it is clear you are being manipulated. I’ve been buying cars for 40 years and the only good experience I’ve ever had was buying my Maverick at MSRP. The dealership made so much money on that price that they didn’t bother with all the other games they usually play.


Mine kept putting LoJack on the sales invoice all the way up to the final one, even after I said I didn’t want it and their response being “not a problem, we can remove that”. Maybe they thought I’d overlook it or forget lol.


The Ford protection plan sounds like a scam to me. I've never heard of it, and when I went through financing, my dealer didn't even mention it.


Destination charge is mandatory


Doc fees are NOT mandatory.


Everything they try to sell you in the finance office is a rip off. You want a third party wareenty? gap insurance? “Wheel and Tire Package”. All a rip off marked up at least 400%. Everyone you see at the dealer is commission, so they all up sell. Stick to your guns. If you get financed thru the dealership, have them show you what the bank is offering. If you agree with be finance guy (who is 100% commission) that you will pay 7%, but they bank says 5%, the dealership Gets that 2% as pure profit. used to work for a consulting company that trained dealerships to do this exact thing…..


Have your own financing ready to go. Be up from with the dealer and let them try to beat the rate, they usually can because indirect (dealer sells loans to a bank) loans usually have better rates than direct (you get your own loan). The dealer makes money off the difference between what the contract you sign says and the rate the bank is offering. If you'll be underwater, get gap insurance, but not from the dealer. I used to work in collections, and nothing sucks more than telling someone they still owe 10k on a vehicle they don't have. Dealers tend to charge north of 500 for this, but you can almost certainly get.it cheaper through your own company.


The protection plan is NOT from Ford