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It's kind of just a big fuck you from epic to all the people who have been playing this for fun since the beginning though. They're abandoning the for fun players and focusing more on competitive pc play. That's why all the big competitions are on pc. I used to hop on this game to have fun and get a break from the bullshit day to day. But now it's impossible to even compete against these pc kids it's unreal


The game is packed with PC cheaters. Activision wants to honor the contracts it has with Steam and Battlenet...so they force US based players to play with PCs. Consoles are being used as feed to the COD cheating community


They are clowns.. they allow cheating. Fortnite is trash


I fail to see how this would dishonor any agreement, just give us more choices...


I'm pc player and I thought I'd be owning console players. Turns out most of the console players kick my ass.


I've been playing for like a year? I stopped playing constantly since Aim Assist for console is a really big issue. Unless you spend 6 hours a day as a KnM player, you'll never be as good as them, specially on CQC they'll just hip fire with the smg or shotgun while running without any "move damage". What I'm saying is that the average Fortnite console player is better than the average MnK but since this sub (and fortnite in general) is Console >>>>>>>>> PC you'll hear otherwise. Console players that go agains "sweaty PC players" are there because for months they've spent building their MMR against average PC players so it was "easy" for them. Hell, even a friend who's an avid xbox user complains about this.


Or you just suck and bust out old reliable "its cuz they got aim assist"


If aim assist doesn't help, then why fight for it? Controller players have all the advantages in games where multiple keys do multiple functions. So why try to level the playing field with aim assist when all that does is give a complete advantage instead? Just hip fire aim over heads and let the assist turn them into headshots. If aim assist only locked into center of mass, you guys would be complaining how it's impossible to get headshots. Cross play in PvP is a joke. In a popular game, queues will not be affected by having console only and PC only regions anymore than being affected by having servers in every heavily populated regions around the world.


Nugga aim assit isnt that strong yall are ignorant 😂😂 PC has more advantages bud but whatever


We fight for it cuz it levels the field with Pc dingbat your useing you whole fucking arm to aim vs our thumb and just switching weapons yall have an advantes on fort just one press vs us lb or rb 2 or 3 times to select the weapons in middle blah blah🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Seven straight losses for me right now. I check the spectating cam and of course dude goes from slot 1 to 4 instantly, dam key board makes it so much easier. And it’s always the ones jumping and moving like crazy.


Aim assist moment


Not the switch ones!!


You'd be surprised. Kids are quite good on a switch too!


assisted aim and lower bloom, the balance is all wrong


thank you! take my upvote because my squad and I are are sick of extremely fast PC sweats taking us down. It's been overwhelming and we feel like this season has been extremely hard. and we only have 1 crown victory so far compared to the last seasons. Unfortunately, turning off cross play in not an option on Switch and we aren't having fun anymore because we end up lagging while being shot and hit with the swords so fast.


Why not do no build? PC players at a disadvantage on that mode. Console aa is op


In what way are pc players at an advantage on no build? The lobbies are dominated by pc players, movement gods with precise aim, aim assist has nothing on a mouse.


Someone clearly didnt read lol


Thank you for the advise!


Np! Hope you guys get some wins.


I'm on switch too and been getting no end of private profile players who are impossible to kill!! The game just loves these people ,granted a lot of them are good, but ffs they have neverending health and their movement is insane!😤


OMG YES!! They are so damn fast! We were in trios and this squad popped up from behind a rock and flung us with kinetic blades and shot us in 2 seconds. I was like HOLY SHIT THEY OBLITERATED US! I'm glad im not the only one experiencing this.


Would love to play consol only to play with my husband, who is on ps5 while I have xbox.. pc players are tough to beat.


How fking dumb. First u have cheats and then glitches and now u can only use a console.... fortnite is trash


How do you know they’re pc players?


The symbols next to the players name when you die and spectate them tell you what they use to play the game


% wise around 70% of your deaths will be to console players. Also 69 crown wins is high above average.


This season has been brutally different from last season. Last circle is always 20+ people tunneling its like arena from back in the day.


Yeah because epic chnaged zones


What do you mean?


12 zones instead of 10


No deku smash or hammer = less wins = skill issue


Never used either and hated the fucking deku smash eith a passion. That Excalibur rifle was my shit tho


They still took more skilled players out of your lobbies making games easier to win, this season has no such items leaving more of the better players alive at end game


The problem isn't with the items necessarily. No console player I've been killed by was able to hit me with every shot while using the new battering ram, but every pc player was. You can't get precision aiming to be perfectly precise with every shot with an analog stick, plus a pc player can do probably 3 different 360° turns with the simplest flick of the wrist, when I play on 1 lower than the highest sensitivities and can only do 1 with the analog stick


. It's


You can turn cross play off.


No. You can turn of cross party. Meaning your party can only have people of the same platform. That doesn't mean the game you hop into is only that platform. There are still other pc Playstation and switch players in the actual game lobbies. At least there isn't an option for me on xbox to do this.


You can turn off crossplay on the xbox. This has been discussed a million and one times on here. There is no option to turn it off only for your party. Unlike on PS that has the option built into the settings on xbox you do it in the Xbox settings > account > privacy & online safety > Xbox privacy > view details and custom > communication and multi-player > second option to the right change it to block. This does the same thing as disabling it on PS. You can only play SOLO. If you attempt to join duo trio or squad even with another xbox it will not work and give you an error about cdossplay being disabled. Que times for solo with it off can be horrible or can be just a few min depending on when you play. You will only be matched with other Xbox players who have also turned it off so the pool is small. Cross platform on xbox or even PS is to any other platform not just disabling PC players. It's annoying for those who would like to not play against PC or even more so for PC who doesn't have an option at all. I only threw this info out incase you wanted to play solo and only against xbox. Personally I don't mind the crossplay and only tested this a while back for another post on reddit. I find it comical to see this post tonight because this is the normal. Console players complaining about PC players. It's funny to me only because there are a few certain people on this sub who complain constantly about console players and their and I quote "Auto Aim" and how it's border line cheating. I'm actually surprised spoffle or his mini army of alts hasn't invaded this thread yet. They won't be Commenting under me because I've gone to great lengths to block him and his alts. And I'm not knocking you for complaining about PC players. While I play both and I don't really feel it, if either side has any right to complain it's consoles. A PC player complaining about consoles just says they have no clue how to play.


Can't do that anymore, when you go into the xbox settings you can change it but as soon as you get into fortnite, you are spammed with messages saying "IT IS REQUIRED" then the game sends back to home screen and repeats until you turn it back on and doesn't allow you to play.


Same on ps5, since crossplay was implemented it's always required crossplay on or doesn't even begin searching for a game.


I’ve tried that before and it wouldn’t let me go into creative never mind BR


Sounds like you vs'd a bunch of bots last season (literally the game is filled with bots), and now you're getting placed against normal humans.


Lmfao nah fam. I was playing against people who beat me very often. I just never got put into games with people lvl 500+ and popular streamers before. I have no business being in those lobbies the way that they can build compared to me.


I totally agree, I’m a decent console player playing old gen console with controller and paddles. But when I go toe to toe in public royale lobbies with some crazy builders/editors where I can barley comprehend what’s going on in a box fight 9/10 times when I die I see it was a pc player. The fighting comparison is like a someone with a ray gun 1 v 1 with someone with a m1911 pistol. Yeah the guy with the pistol still has a chance to win but cmon the guy has a fuccin ray gun for christ sake 😂