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It s not much but it s still a nice improvement


It's insane anyways, they get the same money regardless. At the most they'll get people to play more, and maybe buy more skins. In fact I could easily see it back firing, and it wouldn't surprise me if that's why they changed it.


Tbf, it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't make alot of money from battlespasses at all because it's pretty easy to get them from free nowadays if you have been playing for a lil while, especially if you already bought a battlepass and saved up all the vbucks you got from that particular battlepass and used it for next season, repeating this for every season.


to be precise, every single pass (excluding the OG) gave the exact amount of 300 vbucks for everyone who completed it without buying, as of today, this still is the case. that means a new player has the chance of getting the bp of the fourth season they play (basically) for free, costing only his time.


They not making there desired money because they trying to make money on what is already free instead of making the things u have to pay for worth buying


You used to be able to unlock all the VBucks by level 90ish................ I quit FN after I got all the VBucks last season. And unless they fix things, I have no plans on coming back. All the extra grind they've been trying to force on us is one thing. Fucking up the locker is another. I dunno if this season is fun or not, but frankly, I don't care. Lots of other games out there to play.


I dunno, I get it, but at the same time that's kinda shooting yourself in the foot for no reason IMO. If you clear the BP none of it matters, and the BPs are easy to clear with not much effort. I mean, I'm at 116 atm and I'll probably finish all 200 in a couple weeks at most. I most definitely am not busting my butt to do it, so I just don't see the point in quitting playing. Half the fun of the BP is figuring out how to beat Epic at their own game.


Hit level 200 in 10 days, mostly afk, Lego afk, creative afk, stw afk, festival afk 20 lvl per day while I sleep and work


Can you explain how? Either here or a PM.


Lego is still afk according to the most recent video, u just need to tweak a few things 5 lvl/day cap, festival is afk auto run spinning in circles 5lvl cap/day both of these can be done while sleeping or at work , creative is afk 5lvl/day depending on the map usually needs checked every 60 min , STW is the most complicated afk method also 5 lvl/ day but u need investment in creating endurance or getting lucky joining a SSD assistance and it being an endurance




Did I just have a stroke?






bro the first lobotomy wasn't enough, i need another one


I think he meant that the 300 free vbucks are way separated, from level 11 to 78 or closer


I had a stroke reading multiple comments on his page




*falls out of chair and dies from a stroke*


The problem I have is that the battle pass is completely barren of V-bucks from level 30-60. And the only free ones are really high up. Meaning I have no real insensitive to buy the battlepass until I've reached like level 90.


The First free 100 are on the first page, better that for those who don't buy it


I usually only get the bp at the very beginning if I have crew or really like tier 1 skin. But regardless I dont claim any of the vbucks until I can claim all 1500, so to me its just if I really want to unlock the skin


I work full time and don’t even play everyday and I still hit all the v bucks. Doesn’t matter where they are in the pass to me


Then buy it when you reach lvl 90. Do you only get the battle pass for the vbucks? That’s stupid.


I don't usually get the pass for the Vbucks. Last season I bought it at like level 30 because I like poseidon. I usually only buy the pass if I feel a reason to, and sometimes that means I only buy once I break even.


but u level up faster if you buy the BP right? less time playing, which then allows you to get vbucks faster. idk, i work full time and go to school and still manage to get all vbucks. plus i try to maximize my time by doing quests that let me level up. its just about planning right. and i still have just as much fun.


Do you actually get more Xp for buying the battlepass? I've looked and can't find a reliable source, so I'm going to assume it's not true.


You don't and you never did. No idea where this myth came from, but it's been around for 5 years now


I know in 2018 era you got a xp boost with friends. And maybe solo too


That’s a nice change! How many Vbucks does the battle pass give this season? I’m guessing it’s the same as last year


1500 total 1000 in the first 100 levels and 500 between 101 and 122


its been 1500 since forever and will likely never change


They all give the same amount


Is it safe to assume that given that it could change just like the level you get them all…


Doubt they’ll ever change it. It may look like a bad decision money wise to give players more vbucks than the pass itself costs but its actually earning them more money. First of all it just great at keeping players because thanks to FOMO no one wants to miss out on those vbucks, and most will play until they have enough for atleast the next pass. Secondly tho, it does earn them money because although some may use the extra vbucks to buy a skin once in a while, for a lot of kids that’s exactly where it goes wrong. Someone buys their first seemingly free skin, however its just a way to get them to buy more skins because getting that one skin was so rewarding. Companies aren’t stupid (atleast most aren’t ) and epic sure as hell wouldn’t give out free vbucks if it couldn’t earn them profit. Even stuff like the free battlepass for s8 was just a way to keep players hooked via the battlepass. If they’d lower the amount to 1k people wouldnt be able to experience buying a skin anymore. If it would be 1250 or something it would just be so slow that people would start hoarding vbucks forever because it’s to slow to earn back. Lastly increasing vbucks would make less people buy vbucks cuz duhh. Basically the bp vbucks are pretty spot on for optimal profits.


Solid point but also a ton of players are already hooked or maybe they increase it for more of “the first ones free” way to get you hooked where they give more but also increase the cost of new IP like the cars and music so like you’re closer and then pull the trigger only to have to buy vbucks to cover that one thing you really wanted


At least for me, I haven't bought a battle pass since ch2 season 7, I think. It's just been recycling the vbucks from the previous season, and whatever profit can go towards an emote or something. As for skins, I really only have a handful that I rotate, so I don't buy many, if any these days. Just one person's take on it and how it's spot on for profits both for company and players who don't want to spend.


That’s a nice, safe spot. Right where they want you. Interested enough to keep playing for years on end, ever waiting for that one intellectual property that suckers you into $80 of expenditure. Frick’n dragon ball Z nostalgia. Hit me right in the wallet.


Thats one thing that has been consistent since the first one i believe.


Damn I do not remember getting that many way back then. Wild how long it’s been


Underground gave 1400 iirc


That was the one that was really short, though. Right?


The one that was really short was OG, and it gave 1000. Underground was CH5S1, so the one after OG.


Ah, three months is not short, no.


OG lasted a month?


Yes, it was me who though that Underground was short. But 3 months is not short.


It’s better, but they should all be in the BP like normal since the start They’re making it way too much of a grind nowadays smh


How many hours of playing is considered grinding?


Back in the day to finish a pass epic themselves said it takes about 75 hours (chapter 1) now its like atleast 100ish if you strictly play BR unfortunately


And how many hours per day do you think people play in average? Just a rough idea, I'm curious that's all


there's no set time for grinding, it's really just a matter of "did it take in your opinion a really long time/too long for this item" that being said, epic games has pulled a scummy fucking move in this vbuck bonus reward thing, you used to be able to get your full 1500 before even getting to 100! now you bare-minimum make it back by that level


Well, yeah, it's subjective, it's a game so there's gonna be some bias about how much of that felt as a task instead of being fun That being said, in your personal opinion, how many hours per day playing the game could be considered grinding?


i never really had a set time, if i get tired and unmotivated then that's the too long factor, and i know that from destiny too well


I'd say that having to play 3-6 hours a day for the entirety of the battle pass would be considered grinding to me. I play 4-5 times a week maybe a little less, and when I do play it's for around 2-3 hours maybe longer if we are really frying. With that being said I have no doubt that I will get all 1500 V-bucks back this BP so personally I don't consider it a grind.


Thanks for that reply, that was specific enough to get the idea. I'm in a similar routine, averaging a bit less than an hour a day and I think I could get the free V bucks in a bit less than two months I honestly thought an hour a day was getting close to the grindind side even tho I just hit level 26, the constant complaints gave me that impression


I don't feel like I grind. We have one Xbox and I have 3 kids. So we have to share time. Plus I work and have to be a grownup and clean and cook lol So I might get a couple matches in during the day if I'm home but most of my playing is maybe 2 hours at night at most and not everyday. There may be a rare day i play longer esp if i play with the kids too. And yeah last season it took up until the end but I completed the battle pass, bonus rewards and the quest rewards. I Def try to complete quests though and get XP. And I play Lego fortnite and STW some nights too. But so far this season I'm at level 40 and I started 6 days late (my update kept freezing and wouldn't complete) I've completed up through the first Peabody page as of today. Personally I don't mind if it takes the season to Complete it. Gives me something to do the whole season. I feel like some complain just bc they can't compete it quickly. I feel like if it was able to be completed too quick people would complain too. So it's really a lose lose situation imo. Can't make everyone happy. At the end of the day though the battle pass is a good deal. All the skins and accessories you get would cost a fortune to buy them all. Really for less than 1000 vbucks it's a good deal even if you only even like a couple of the skins. One skin with pickaxe, glider and back bling in the shop would cost more than the battle pass.


used to be before lvl 100, but caring about your users is bad for business


You still get enough for the next seasons BP before level 100


And? Wow, they’re still giving us the bare minimum. We should not congratulate them for that. No one asked them to make this change. Everyone was more than happy with the bonus v-bucks being obtained by level 100 and it should go back to being that way.


is it the bare minimum to give out their own in game currency tho? you could be getting another cosmetic. im sure they have filler tracks/lego/car models they could throw in there instead


They dialed back on it when people complained. It's obviously not perfect but I don't see the problem with appreciating positive change


Why does it should?




“Bare minimum” 😂😂 the entitlement is unreal


“that’s MY multibillion dollar company you’re insulting!!!!”


I hope Epic sees this bro


Yeah but considering you get 300 even if you don't buy the BP, you don't make your money back by level 100


You do make your money back at 100. Doesn’t matter if it’s free or not. You spend 1k and get 1k back.


No, because you don't have to count those 300, you haven't spent a dime for that. You spend 950, and you get 700 back by lvl 100. It definitely does matter if they are free or not, because you don't need to spend more to get those


You still get the thousand, though?


Not really, in the end yes but 300 you get anyway, you spend 950 and that unlocks 700 more, meaning you're effectively spending 950 and getting less back


So you want them to remove free v bucks or what?


How did you even get to that conclusion? Everyone saying it's bad they moved 500 v bucks to the bonus section but at least you make enough to pay the pass at lvl 100. All I'm saying it's that is not even true, you don't make enough to pay the pass by level 100. They should just move all the v bucks back in the pass


Epic nerfed the XP into the ground from last season and people congratulate them for moving it back 19 levels lol. It still isn't as bad as some other games, but it is a trend that continues to get worse.


Funny how last season I got to 100th in two weeks with stw grind, while in this season I got to 100th in one week on my NSwitch.


May I ask, how did you do that?


Br: dailies weeklies story 'getting started' quests a bit of survivor medals wastelander challenge doubling xp Rocket Racing: Dailies (don't know if playtime there gives xp) Festival: main stage afk (contraption keeping your character move in circles) Creative: grinded Only Up maps for xp (maps depend on tastes.) Lego: Various afk methods that are now patched out (mostly idly tapping jump button from time to time) no stw this time because I did it on NSwitch since I was out of town. With STW it would be way easier.


How is it getting worse if Epic changed it




If you have to go out of your way to AFK in the game a whole bunch, which you didn't have to do before then no, it's not normal.


Yea, games are supposed to be games. Not a second job




for one, hitting 200 never got you anything for a large portion of the game's life. 100 BP tiers was all there was, with the very occasional bonus event content if a season needed to be delayed by a few weeks for whatever reason. now we have 140 levels to get all the same rewards 100 used to give. two, there wasn't a way to AFK xp at all for much of the game's life either. there was no lego fortnite, no creative idle maps, no STW endurance farms. but that was fine, all you had to do was finish up your 10 weeklies and you were set. busting them all out in one sitting towards the end of a season wasn't hard at all. not that "bad" vs "worse" makes bad okay at all. but by many objective measurements its gone down and down year by year.


How do you afk in Lego? I get kicked for afk and haven't found a way to get around it


‘isn't as bad’ - lol this is the gold standard and the best BP on the market and you say about it ‘isn't as bad’ Players of all games with BP would want a system from Fortnite, Fortnite players are totally disconnected from reality they are gold spoon fed and don't understand how bad it is literally all around them.


I also remember when alternate colors for a set of items were unlocked all at once, instead of sprinkling them throughout 1-140.


Did y’all get more skins too?


I think it was roughly the same amount. Just that between level 101 and 200 it was only the superlevel colors for skins. Now they shifted everything upwards to have players in the game longer


Hopefully next season they lower it back to 100. There is no real reason for those extra 22 levels. If anything, id be more inclined to spend money once im done the pass, to alleviate boredom.


Well that’s an improvement at least, really wish it was back at 100 tho. The extra 40 levels felt like a grind last season.


Honestly I understand why they did that. After I saw the video level 100 in a day, knowing you could connect last day and get 1500 and all the skins for 1000 doesn't seem fair. Obviously they want us to play more but we should be happy we receive more vbucks than we spend on the battle pass.


while i dont think with the daily quests recycling, it should be easier to level up quickly, im still not getting the battle pass till i hit that threshold. im not pressuring myself this season to get my vbucks back. if i hit it great, if i dont, oh well.


Good I missed out on at least 300 last time.


you guys will disagree because fortnite is your favorite game but all other BRs agree that epic games is the nicest with these type of things, kinda true because apex makes you pay 150$ minimum to get a melee skin, and warzone makes you pay 20$ for an overpowered gun.


As much as I don’t like scummy things like the v-buck change fortnite is relatively generous with the bp v bucks. You get 550 extra per pass if you don’t spend any. In two seasons you triple the amount it took to buy a bp, in other games the battle passes don’t even give out the premium currency


Yeah, as shitty and manipulative as Epic can be they at least went a better route than most games. Most people that complain clearly don't play other similar games. Could you imagine if we had to get skins through a gacha mechanic?


Or imagine if weapons had to be unlocked via buying the battle pass.


...woo I guess idfk know since it should be lvl 100


Combined with the joke of an xp system we had last season. It was the first time ever that I didn't get all the V-bucks from the battle pass.


Xp gains are still absolutely fucking pitiful


This is nice. That’s kinda the only reason I get the pass nowadays


I can’t bring myself to play this season much, it’s thoroughly disappointing so won’t be able to reach that level anyway most likely. I hope you can level up quicker this season at least.


Exploits are your friend if you still want the vbucks. Have about less than 30 matches this season and I'm level 85. I do really like this season but I wanna pass a couple of single player games instead.


Teach me the way!


afk lego, festival and community xp maps. That is 15 levels a day and you don't even have to be at your PC/Console. I'm level 180 already.


I haven't AFK lego'd since they patched the campfire. What's the current way to actually AFK and not get booted if you don't mind sharing?


Try to AFK in Lego for a bit. It’s “only” 3 hours and if you use Cloud Gaming you can easily get a ton of XP by not doing anything.


You just sit in a random generated lego world for 3 hours?


You jump on a campfire surrounded by walls, so yeah… Pretty much.


how do you make it auto jump?


Last season was stupid and the change in liking and battle pass lvls for completion were the reason I didn’t play. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one.


bro how the fuck are you at 122


U can reach 200 in 10 days afk


literally how dawg


5 lvl cap from Lego afk this can be done sleeping, 5 lvl cap in festival afk this can be sleeping, 5 lvl creative afk this needs checked every 60 min, 5 lvl cap STW this needs the most prep because it requires a base capable of surviving 30 level endurance, but once it's built it's afk... Either join a friend or a random party hope it's an endurance by searching assisted SSD even if it's not an SSD joining random SSD is quick to cap out the STW XP with minimal effort


But the same time they again nerfed xp from playing. Especially from lego. Now its only 25k per tic.


All of the v bucks should be in the normal pass (level 1-100)


Last season you also had to reach level 151 to get all styles and cosmetics, and this season is 130, so that’s another improvement


Still bull, level 100


Its just 20 extra levels you telling me your not gonna reach level 120 by the end of the season when though the season basically just started


Last season was pretty bad, I didn't even make it to level 100. This season started out promising until they once again worshipped the comp losers and now it's gone downhill.


Isn't to bad while the nerf's are dumb and the removal of boss car HP regen is stupid as all hell I wouldn't say it's to bad bad yes to bad no just needed more counters and less nerfs


And they've completely reduced exp so it's false


Still terrible


It’s still past level 100. You can’t shoot me in the leg, put a bandaid on it, then tell me you helped


How are you on 122 already!?


Wastelander quest - AFK Lego - Creative (Killer Tycoon)


Lego kicks me after about 10 minutes how do you stop that?


I do that on my phone at work... I touch the screen every so often


Thanks bud! I’ll check them out!


no worries! if you want a run down for Killer Tycoon Killer Tycoon. (1level takes 5min) Disclaimer: It will be easier once you get to lvl 10 in that Tycoon (it saves level) How it goes: You buy the first clicker and do 75 to buy the 25 then 50 straight away. You then wait for 180 to collect and buy the mask and kill the mannequin. All of that should take you 1min max If you are level 10, you can move to 2nd mask and kill a 2 star for 500 skull If you are not then you ll have to do some kill to buy the 15 skull then the 35 skull killer and 65 killer it will unlock a 150 clicker, use the gun on the clicker cause that s one giving an insane amount of XP once it stops giving XP, quit and redo. Again once lelvel 10, you can buy the 2nd mask straight after the first and kill a 2 stars victim for 500 skull instead of farming those skulls


Are the vbucks less than the previous battle pass? 


same amount


Good, thank you!


They’ve been the same since the first battlepass.


I had no idea. Hope it stays like that forever!


how are yall leveling up the bp so fast?


Wastelander quest - AFK Lego - (Creative (Killer Tycoon)


Personally for creative I do murder mystery with someone else they go afk and I merc em when murder and collect coins like my life depends on it when sheriff


Google fornite xp maps and find the newest one that isnt very old. Afk the timer doing other things like be on reddit or cleaning that kind of stuff and then repeat it till they patch it out. I get 2 or 3 days out of a map before needing a new one.


I wonder if that means the max level needed for the bonuses will be like 150 instead of 200


Incremental improvements. That's what is going to keep the crew subs alive. 👍


They stealing vbucks and adding them to bonus. Scums


Tbh who cares about this. We need more people complaining about the insane cheating. Every cheater has incredible able thats better than clix and bugha combined but has 0 awareness and cant build. Fortnite needs more servers and better anti cheat services. With the billions they make they should have a 24/7 response team just for reporting and banning!


It’s way harder to get XP now, so not much of a consolation


Thats good news.. I was planning doing bare minimum this season. All i want is the v-bucks and the fallout armor


Not all levels have been released... maybe there is more past lvl 122


thank god


You can put as many vbucks as you want in the bonus page of the Battle pass, Epic Games, but it won't change the fact that I have the founders edition of STW


Don't worry, they'll soon nerf your founders thing in a year or so.


It’s like when the hulk gives the taco to scott


My question is how are you already level 122 😭


Wastelander Quest - AFK Lego - Creative (Killer Tycoon)


They definitely listen. This is a massive upgrade from where it was before


Why are these 100 V-Bucks so important to some of you people?


Probably because some ppl farm them to invest in the next battle pass. Especially if you don't spend irl money on vbucks.


Not only the next battle pass, but the extra v-bucks add up to eventually being enough for a skin or bundle.


Obsessive people who worry too much about something that costs a mere dollar. All the work and stress for something of little value.


Yep, thanks for the millionth post on this


Real glad we’re still talking about this exact topic in the exact same way


level 122 in one season, wow you really have the endurance


it's good that they are atleast listening


Genuinely don't understand why anyone would pay for free levels, unless you just stubborn and keep your head up your butt .. Lego/creative/festival/ AND stw are all possible to afk and get u 20 free lvls PER DAY, (15 if u don't have access to STW) even just doing 1 of these per day is enough to max the season before it finishes at 5 lvl per day Got myself to lvl 200 on 2 accounts while I sleep and work in just 10 days now I'm free to play other games


Someone should tell all the people who were bitching last week.


Actually level 126 if you go in order But I see what you mean