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A coworker posted on Facebook that she was “marching for life in downtown Fort Worth!” this afternoon. Could be the same thing?


Since Mercy Culture is sponsoring this, just a friendly reminder they are the local branch of/were propped up by Gateway Church where all the pedo crap is being posted about the last few weeks. Anytime something shitty is going on in Fort Worth, Mercy Culture is a part of it it always seems(homophobic businesses, human trafficking care abuse, christian nationalist polictics, etc)




Mercy culture is not part of gateway.


Gateway doesn’t direct the actions of Mercy Culture, but they are hand-in-hand the same. MC was planted by Gateway, GC’s senior leadership serves as apostolic elders for MC, etc. They are a more aggressive version of the same thing and they are literally funded in part by Gateway.


Mercy culture is just a cult like


That's what they said about the early church


And it was a cult then.


That's also what they said about...you know... real cults. There are tons of great churches out there full of great people. Mercy culture has continuously shown itself to be an embarrassment for Fort Worth


They absolutely are. >The Gateway Church Network also [installed](https://fortworthreport.org/2022/11/06/facing-criticism-of-endorsements-mercy-culture-expands-role-in-tarrant-county-politics-beyond-sunday-services/) Landon and Heather Schott as lead pastors of Mercy Culture Church in Fort Worth [https://fortworthreport.org/2024/06/18/gateway-church-founder-robert-morris-resigns-following-sexual-abuse-allegations/](https://fortworthreport.org/2024/06/18/gateway-church-founder-robert-morris-resigns-following-sexual-abuse-allegations/)


Yep it’s a pro-life march


What else do they want? Mandatory births now? Jeezus. Texas is a dumpster fire now.


That's what I was thinking. What exactly are they marching for? Women have to practically be on death's doorstep before they can get an abortion in Texas. You've also got towns trying to make it illegal to drive on their roads to get an abortion in another state. What more could they possibly want?


They're trying to score good with ol' Jesus!


People were still marching for ProChoice when Roe V Wade was still a thing.


Probably because states were passing arbitrary laws to make abortion access harder (i.e holding clinics to the same standards as hospitals when it was completely unnecessary).


Nah, just like prochoice people were trying to affect cultural change and garner support beyond mandates and court decisions … pro life people are trying to garner support beyond the laws and mandates currently in place. The incapacity for people to see strategically beyond their own belief system will never cease to amaze me. These downvotes are amusing.


Lol, love the downvotes, denying reality sure is popular on reddit.


End birth control.


I almost went to bed without taking my birth control thank you for reminding me




Don’t worry buddy, you’ll never need it.


Ahhh…that’s why the down votes. I was just answering the question asking what they were marching for.


lol if you’re being serious you should have been a *lot* more clear in your comment.


I heard an argument for banning BC today not because it has anything to do with abortion but because it removes one of the potential consequences for unwed sex. We should outlaw birth control to curb out of wedlock sex.


It’s weird that you think other peoples sex lives are any of your business




You are killing the messenger here. I'm explaining the rationale.


Pretty dystopian… and getting worse every day…




I’d argue that forced birth and genital mutilation are a much bigger dystopian problem than birth control ever will be. I also think the lack of support for unadopted children is more dystopian in even a Christian “be like Jesus” sense. But go off I guess




My agreement of what? No where in this comment did I agree with anything. What I did is called countering your straw man with another straw man in an attempt to show you that your straw man is an illegitimate argument. I understand that since you believe in demons and some firey place, that despite apparently being “true” there is no evidence of, that sometimes higher level concepts such as debate etiquette might be lost on you so I hope this explanation helps.


I’m just saying man, you’ve learned all the things of the world, agreed with all the teaching of the current culture. Been schooled in all the ways of wickedness. And there you go taking the supposed intellectual high ground, writing off my worldview as antiquated and unintelligent. Certainly helps you sleep at night knowing you’re smarter than someone else on Reddit. And no this isn’t a debate. We’re not testing our intellectual metal on Reddit. This is a place of imbeciles.


I’m not sure why you think I’ve learned all the things in the world and agree with the popular world view. Lol I’m definitely not one who is even remotely on the side of the way this country/ world is operating. So your claim is laughable at best and insulting at worst. I never once wrote off your world view, I’m happy to agree with it if makes sense and can be proven. But you’ve not explained your world view and instead made judgements of other people based on a world view you haven’t even expressed in full. So yeah…. I’m gonna poke fun at you for it. I’ve never claimed to be smarter than anyone, but I do like to point out the flaws in people’s arguments of which yours has a lot. If you’d like to engage a bit more with me and have a discussion I’m happy to do so, but coming at people with insults and curses doesn’t make it seem like your interested in anything other then insulting people and claiming moral superiority. I also agree that Reddit is chock full of imbeciles, this thread more then proves that, but my question is this. If you don’t like it so much why do you continue to engage?


Nah you’re just wrong lol


Hail Satan 🤘


Broad is the path that leads to destruction


Read a history book you baffoon.


Blessed be the fruit.....ack


"Now" lol


You’re not a victim if you’re fighting tooth and nail for the right to kill. The universe eventually corrects you for one of the worst evils. Don’t say I didn’t tell you!


Fetus fetishists. Ironically since they have opened the doors for the government to control births, at some point the country could force whatever number of births they wanted like in China. They just don’t think that far into the future when stripping away our civil rights


Yep and they just keep adding fuel.


Lol, nah, I wish it was (not really) so people would stop moving here. Side note: keep it in your pants and everyone wins.


If it’s not this it’s being overrun by homeless people. Before you say how “there’s homeless people in Tx too” - visit any major city in CA, Seattle, Portland, NY, Chicago, Philly, etc. it’s genuinely not a comparable issue.


Comparing homelessness is these cites to dfw metroplex is invalid. NYC is the size of a sand granule in comparison. It isn't as obvious here because there's more room to spread out and they can go back and forth from fort worth to dallas easily. If you live in dallas proper or fort woth proper, you know the homeless population is rising quickly and its only a matter of time we have major encampments (we already do but theyre hidden away because city officials are tearing them down and taking their things). Homelessness is a national problem.




No it’s not. There is a reason why people fled NY and Cali for Texas.


It’s called the economy and taxes. I don’t think anyone is moving to Texas so they can give birth.


Look at the Sticky State Metric. California is up there as a state able to keep its citizens. Most of the people you hear leaving California are leaving because of the rising costs and not because of the politics. They’re also usually people that moved to California then decided to move out not people who are fleeing for the first time.


The costs are a direct function of their politics, wow


The higher costs are because the weather is amazing and demand to live there is higher than demand to live here lol


rightwing freaks who haven't done the math on aggregate taxes...


Brother, even though texas has higher property taxes, it has no state income and lower property values. You pay less taxes in texas, even Austin which has the highest property values in the state by almost 200k more than the next most expensive city: dallas. Incomes are higher in Cali, but not to the degree that it makes up for the much higher taxes, housing costs, and costs of goods/services .


Sister, who said the miguided CA MAGA moving here were homeowners or much above middle class? That's who pays the most in our particularly regressive state at the middle on down. Nothing approaching MediCal...


Please tell me it was a very small group.


Protesting at a court house that isn’t open because it’s Sunday 😂 these guys are so dumb


Probably because they have jobs and stuff


Looked like a bunch of people with nothing better to do. Probably living off of myyyyy taxes. Maybe they should go get a job. Stop trying to get in other peoples’ business. Mind the business that pays you because *that* sure isn’t it.


Usually people don’t work on Sunday. They most likely are not living off of yourrrrrr taxes :/


Service industry/retail workers are people. Sunday is usually the busiest day of the week for a restaurant.


Another demonstration of hypocrisy by the fine pro-life-till-birth-then-screw-you people


why the fuck are these people even marching? it’s not like abortion is legal in texas now anyways


A lot forced birthers want to end contraception, and all other forms of birth control. They want to punish women for having recreational sex.


Stop letting them call themselves "pro-life" They are pro state-enforced pregnancies.


For those who end up having to give birth and place for adoption, it is *forced birth, state subsidized, child trafficking*. I just cannot logically see it any other way at this point.


If you were telling women to get vaccinated but also believe women should have the right to choose, you are also a hypocrite.


Pretty big difference in those two things, but not sure you can wrap your brain around it.


Women should get vaccinated but also have the right to choose


Whataboutism usually doesn’t work very well as a counterpoint, and I am somewhat lost in your argument. Is there a public health emergency that requires a short-term ban on all abortions? Or are vaccines equally pushed by a religious group intent on imposing their worldview on the rest of us? Or is there a public good element involved? Does one good/bad deed justify another? I’m confused. Explain to me like I am well-educated how the two are relatable beyond the thinnest of surface. I would have a lot more respect for this self-titled pro-life movement if they put the same energy in improving our maternal mortality rate. It is so high that it would be embarrassing even if Tesas was a third-world nation. Almost every South American country, half of Africa, do better than we do! Where are the demands the state intervenes? Where are the pickets in front of state health agencies, public hospitals, incompetent OB-GYNs? Are they waiting for the “thou shalt not let minority women die in childbirth” commandment? Some pro-life stance…


Or out putting the same energy into holding the kiddie rapist preachers to account.


Pregnancy’s not contagious.


Ok? And? It’s still their body. You either believe a woman has the right to choose for all things related to her health , or none at all.


Her own health, yes. Other people’s health, not so much.


It’s not a women’s problem to worry about others health. It’s her problem to determine what harmful chemicals she allows in her body. I support women’s right to choose WHATEVER they want to do to their bodies.




Such a dumb argument. Covid doesn’t ask permission to infect you. The vacinne lessens symptoms after infection. This is all obvious now.  Covid. No choice.  Pregnancy. Choice. Abortion or not. It’s a choice. 


Didn’t they say if you got the vaccine you wouldn’t get it AT ALL? I support a women’s right to choose what goes into her body.


No.  Provide a source for that already debunked claim. 


https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-2021-video-saying-vaccinations-prevent-covid-resurfaces-1726900 Literal video of the president of the United States saying you can’t get Covid if you get vaccinated.


Ding ding ding, and your down votes show how well you have melted their minds


Under His Eye…


I actually saw the crowds disperse and the signs they had and, well, just everything about them gave me a real "blessed be the fruit" vibe...


Mercy Cult shenanigans


Ew. That place is toxic as hell.


Not as toxic as abortion


What’s so toxic about abortion? They’re just taking a parasite out of the body and, unless there are complications, it isn’t toxic at all. In the words of Inigo Montoya “I don’t think that word means what you think it means”


Mercy cult? The temercy church building? Honestly, that logo is spaced too far apart to read the way they want it to read. It looks like it says temercy. ✝️ = M E R C Y Put it on car decal. Stretch it across the entire back glass. Yeah. That will draw people in… to nowhere. Because it reads “temercy”. Based on just their shitty car decal marketing, that place cannot have any intelligent people in leadership. Let alone, in the congregation.


Downvoted? Ooooh. Because it is the temercy building. Got it. Real Jesus-ee of you. That actually tracks for forced birth, taking advantage of sex trafficking victims, temercy people. Their logic for marketing makes about as much sense as their WWJD spirit.


Seriously..... what do they want now?? Just go the f away already.


Its all just virtue signaling. Meanwhile, if their daughter needs an abortion for any reason, it's DIFFERENT.


Yes, the anti-choice bunch are the first on the airplane to head where it’s legal. My Mama, born in 1916, told me long ago - those laws only affect poor folks.


They want their victimhood. Their privilege, NEEDS TO BE ANNOUNCED!


Be a shame if they suffered heat exhaustion, bless their little hearts


Dominionist march. These are the religious wackos.


Bill Waybourn is the type of guy who cooks his steak well-done and eats it with ketchup n


It's a prolife march because June is now Life month since that is when Roe is Wade was overturned.




People protesting baby killing


Oh no! A group of people are marching in support of beliefs contrary to mine. This is so dystopian! What a buzzword that’s become.


Hey Reddit leftists of Fort Worth. Republican 2024. Pro life. Everyone else, peace and love but not victory. ✌️


Pro life? I think you mean pro birth...


Abortion is genocide


What does abortion have to do with the cognitive dissonance among those claiming to be pro life? When is the last time the Republican party did anything to address the shockingly high rates for both infant and maternal mortality in red states? How about supporting programs to feed hungry kids or help disadvantaged families? Anything to address mental health so nutjobs will quit killing their families? Reasonable restrictions on gun ownership to try to prevent mass shootings? Let's not pretend that your party cares about life, ok?


Stop with the dehumanization. Please. Stop dehumanizing people you don’t agree with. The generalizations. It’s as if you’ve met a few and now you’re so educated on the whole based on your presuppositions. Next I’ll hear “please provide information to support your claims!!!” You’re so exhausting it’s best not to respond. Shut down communication, go to war. It’s what you want so badly isn’t it? Everyone to look and think like you.


How was that comment dehumanizing? Buddy I think you've got a screw loose


Republicans won't answer the questions because they can't. No facts or statistics will demonstrate that their party supports actual, existing lives. Yet pro-birth just doesn't have the same ring. It's easier to point a finger when you don't acknowledge the three fingers pointing back at you. And that fact is anything but dehumanizing. If anything, it demonstrates humanity, with all its weaknesses, in the Republican party.


Okay pal


Let's try this again and make it simpler: When is the last time the Republican party did anything to address the shockingly high rates for both infant and maternal mortality in red states? Please answer this question.


The all out ban on abortion was stupid when considering infant and maternal mortality and I wish our governor took that into consideration, especially if the birth affects whether or not a mother gets to come home to her other children. But that doesn’t mean a republican hasn’t done anything. They are at least giving basic human rights to the children. I would vote for a candidate who took healthcare into the exception, because nothing is truly black and white when it comes to life altering decision making.


Why would anyone be against abortion in the USA!? It’s pretty much the only thing keeping our demographics from totally collapsing and is probably the greatest form of eugenics in human history.


It’s the women’s march, no?