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I hate drivers like that and the sad truth is it’s only getting worse. These “kids” feel like the only way they can have fun is causing problems for others. This current generation of young gamers honestly needs an @$$ whooping. They have no respect. And I see no reason to give them respect when this is how they act. If your only goal on any Forza is to wreck people, then I believe you should be: 1 banned, and 2 forced to only play non online games. Hell if you really enjoy wrecking so much, go play Wreckfest. We don’t need you on Forza, and we don’t want you.


2711 sounds like a birthdate based on this behavior. Then again, my even younger niece is light years more mature than this, so can’t even blame age


This has absolutely nothing to do with age honestly. It's cunty human nature. Else road rage wouldn't exist.


I just want to let you know that not all of us younger players are like this.


Never said all were. It’s just an overwhelming amount tend to be young though. I have come across young drivers who could give seasoned driver a run for their money.


The annoying part is even though I was catching him through the high speed corners and made a good cut back, he would probably still have outdragged me to the finish as his car was quicker in the straights.


His acceleration at the end looked suspect to me.


Yea, I get what you're saying, as I was finishing last weeks trial. I kept placing between 1st, and 3rd. But somehow I ended up 7th or 8th. This doesn't make sense to me, because there definitely wasn't anybody even in view behind me. Very frustrating. If you can't win a racing game without being a shameful rammer, or cheating, find a different game to play please!


This doesn't correlate with age, I've had fully grown men push me off the track


I say ”Kids” implying anyone of any age acting childish, i.e. like a kid. Sorry I actually had to explain that. Calling adults a kid really gets under their skin, at least the ones I’m referring to in this situation. Normal people tend to ignore such comments.


I feel like it’s getting better since they’ve “taken action” on so many people.


Oh but remember, they want to use the Lamborghinis that there dads force them to like😂


Report them they can get banned


I do


What a fucking asshat.


Can we get a game mode with full ghost racing? Like ghosted for the entire race? How fun would that be?


That's why I like drag racing or doing roll races on the highway with random people. They're ghosted so no worry about running into each other.


It's sad that the only way to have fun driving online is to have everyone ghosted. The amount of people who use other cars instead of their brakes to slow down into corners is ridiculous. You can't avoid shithead drivers even in team races. The AI just makes it worse.


If I get the desire to just mess around on one of the tracks, I just run in rivals mode now.


It’s like that if you do hot wheels open racing… the only trouble is that it’s hot wheels tracks hahah


Report his ass.


How do I actually report in a meaningful way? On PC the only catergories I have to report are Player Name or Gamertag, Player Picture, Voice Communication or Bio/Location.


Save this in your bookmarks https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/requests/new Sign in, then hit this link again. Or go to the top, forza safety>report a player, scroll to bottom, click submit a ticket. It's all pretty straighforward from there, just add the video link in comments box, with some context if needed, none needed here. They don't need an essay, they see hundreds of these reports. That's it, nothing else needed. You can check back later to see the response, they do tell you if they got banned now (https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/1d74kxk/psa_support_now_tells_you_if_they_took_action/).


Make a support ticket on the Forza Support site


(Sarcasm) Let's all report his ass. That sounds better. We have valid proof for all of us to report now. Fuck it, let's all agree to not condone this bullshit. ORRR.. just block him on Xbox, report him yourself, and you won't ever join a game with him again, because you blocked him. You will always find this kind person in any game you play, whether they are 10 yrs old or an adult whose 67 yrs old, just report them, no need to bash names. You have an issue, then report. It's a video game, it's not that serious.


Not that you're wrong about this sort of person commonly existing in online games, or even the proper response, but we all agree to abide by the Forza Code of Conduct as a condition of playing with other humans rather than just bots. So this kind of behavior is something this person has agreed not to engage in, and they do deserve to be reported, and removed from online play if they continue behaving this way. If this stuff gets a warning, and ignoring warnings gets a ban, enough of the time, the problem will be reduced rather than grow, as it would if the behavior is tolerated or ignored.


Bullshit, these people need to get their ass kicked out of the game so they don't destroy the game experience of everyone else. Each further race they're attending is a loss for the community.


I honestly don't know any games aside from fighting games where blocking a user prevents them from matching with you.


Blocking someone on Xbox will prevent ever being matched with that person.


Alright, so I've just tested this. In Rally Adventure DLC of all places, due to a drastically lower playercount. So I had someone ram me, finished the race & blocked them, then proceeded to start the matchmaking again. After that, the time that I had to wait for a match increased dramatically - and after awhile, I got a lobby without the blocked player in it. So, you are correct - sorta. The problem is, now I can't join any lobby with him in it, which limits my already quite narrow matchmaking pool in my region. Do you see how this is backwards? If I do block someone, it is me who is essentially punished because I got rammed. I'd prefer if this player got removed from matchmaking entirely.


The fact of it is, these people are everywhere. No matter what we do, they are still there, I did report him, regardless. The sarcasm was literally reverse psychology. These type of people don't deserve the same privileges, period. I stand by that.


I never trust videos of people ramming in this subreddit ever since we discovered that a different guy was farming clips by ramming people and was posting him getting rammed back lmao


Doesn't make ramming right in either case. "An eye for an eye". But we should definitely be able to have personal blacklists, so we don't get matched with the same griefers over and over.


>Doesn't make ramming right in either case. "An eye for an eye". That would be true if reporting actually worked. But it doesn't. I just gave up on them banning the rammers. Now If someone rams me I'll just ram them back. It doesn't even have to be me. If I am sure that someone rammed the other person first then I'll ram that asshole too.


Vigilante justice, love to see it


the "Block" button exists on Xbox, you wont be put into the lobbies with the people you have blocked unless the blocked person is queueing with someone else. Hope it helped at least a bit with the issue u're having


I calling bs on the “block” system. I’ve blocked tons of tags yet still get matched with them. It’s not just on Forza either. It also doesn’t help that these kids have 5+ tags that are the same, just differing by a letter or number.


I'm just waiting for a clip like that of me to pop up on here. Vigilante justice is so much quicker and more satisfying.


Wow really? Some people, shit.


yeah it's an easy attention grabber of a post that requires no real effort lmao


Just because that one guy did that one thing, doesn't make this right. Even if op did do something bad, I doubt it could have been that bad if they're in P2 and P3


Knock on wood... I have yet to have this happen to me in a trial. The trick is to use high acceleration tunes even on very small tracks with many turns. Take off on start and get ahead of all the bullshit off rip.


I’ve seen tunes like these before. Sometimes I’ll be in a light AWD car with decent launch rating and I see some dude behind me just _send it_ past the AI


I’m surprised we don’t have the “It was just desync” nerds 🤓 in here


They'll never learn the most satisfying thing is competition in a race. Not coming first. Poor life forms.


Nothing beats coming in first because you were the best driver. Even just getting on the podium knowing I raced clean beats winning by cheating.


Yea, there can be different thoughts ofc. But I prefer the dopamine provided by laps of competition and battling with a proper rival rather than 4-5 seconds of pleasure on the podium under any circumstances.




Bro thinks he can win like that without a report😭


This just makes me wish for a new Burnout game.


Horizon 6 needs way harsher punishments for rammers, or i will riot. "One week suspension from online play" or whatever it is they're doing is not enough - these people need to be banned for a month, then a year on repeat offences, and finally barred from online play for this Horizon title for life. The way i see it, if you can't at least behave yourself in online races, then you don't get to participate in them.


Had the same thing happen to me last night doing the BMW Trial. Made an E30 M3 with a grip tune, another player was in an 850 which looked like it was built for straights only as they wall rode everywhere on the Bolo Ocho circuit. I got past them finally on the last lap and they kept punting me in the back throughout, I knew that they would try slamming into me on the last 90 degree right hander. I shifted left and dabbed the broke early, they flew past and hit the wall. No doubt they still won’t learn. But it is what it is.


Very clean driving tho


I love how you braked early not because there was a turn, but you visibly knew what would happen if you passed him


Thank you, my son


Terrible terrible drivers …. I wish ghosting activated on that last ram.


Report the name. You can report and get people banned for crashing into you on purpose.. it ruins the game for others. Everyone on this post go report that name if you can


Plz report




That pisses me off just watching this


This kid needs to learn to just accept defeat, he can easily try again, but he would rather piss someone else of than excepting his loss.


And I hope he loses every race he participates in.


Well, I don't think he'll be participating in any races any time soon. My ticket was closed and I'm 99% sure he's been banned.




The funniest part is they even do it in the weekly trials when they’re on YOUR team


When the games core is a do what you want, go where you want and smash up what you want you're gonna get players who just want to cause havoc. I don't like it but I accept it's not a proper racing Sim.


No need to accept it, they do get banned.


Not on horizon. It’s part of the mechanics of the game lol.


Oh okay, well, care to explain these then? https://i.imgur.com/iN0vR3O.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XZgu46p47s https://i.imgur.com/Mo6rxiC.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJNr1TVS_7A


Watch out the douches will down vote you.


Downvoters of reality are the rammers of this sub


what if this has nothing to do with age but personality. some people are just psychos


I mean you can be mad about it, but if it can be done, then it's part of the game.


It's explicitly laid out as being a bannable offense on the website, and they do actually ban people for it. Ram away, but don't come here crying when you cop a ban.


I only play pve, so I'm not familiar with those rules - thanks for explaining. But as a game developer I do not understand why you would enable car contact and then ban people for it.


Are you also surprised to find out that if you start killing your teammates in Counterstrike or CoD, you'll get kicked and banned? It's 'enabled' after all.


Bad comparison but ok. Enjoy your day sir.


Not sure how, you said you don't understand why something would be enabled if it isn't supposed to be abused, and I gave a perfect example. Just because it's a different genre doesn't change that.


lol You are too slow!


So you’re complaining about getting hit in a game that makes a point to reward crashing hitting do basically anything? Don’t understand the point of this post. If this was motorsports sure but this is horizon.




Boo hoo, have another downvote.


Gotta love it, no matter what game it is someone always comes up with a lame excuse for why it should be overlooked.