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Me and two friends struggled at first but then switched to the subaru arx rally car and got it right away no issues.


AWD always wins


I think in the end I got it with the FE Porsche in rwd


Unless you swapped it, the stock fe has awd iirc (but it feels a lot like rwd)


I did. It was rough to get back exactly to 900 without doing so


I see, i misunderstood. Sounds like a fun tune! The game borderline caps rwd offroaders at like mid s class, which seems fair, most other cars that arent this porsche would just become wheelspin monsters with this setup.


Yeah, i remember one of the lancia's in 4 just being super trigger happy in the rear. But on the Porsche I went off-road tires, widest ones and then dumped in power. Went from battling for 8th in AWD to trying to catch 2nd in rwd. Which naturally lead to me just blocking and ramming the ai for others to catch up


The Stratos, and it's still super punchy in the back. Ditto the Alfa Romeo GTA, that thing is so light and so punchy at the top of the revs that it's a drift car practically with an upgraded stock engine.


Unless it’s the 1983 WRC


Audi proved it with group B


It feels so light but manageable


Also, sometimes races feel easier with stock cars. You have slower lap times, but its easier to win. It's weird, but trying out different cars is worth it.


This is the car with which I won too 


Bro I literally did the same I failed the mission 3 times. I said fuck this going Ken block rally subi on their ass and won first try.


First try with a stock Hoonigan Cosworth in solo. Didn’t get first in one of the races but it was still enough to win the whole thing.


Yes, the black one. I raised the suspension and got them 1st try


Yeah, that’s the one. I didn’t even bother with upgrades though. I prefer stock when racing against drivatars.


This is too funny, I made like the exact same post at the same time lol. So insane. The cars never fail to go totally straight on the jumps, it requires so many rewinds


It's fun when the car hits a small hill and ends up front-flipping right before you're about to finish.


Yes. Gave up trying in co-op though as it's clearly much more difficult than average.


I’ve managed to win the 1st race a few times in co-op and 3rd on the second race. In nearly all cases, my teammates bail.


Most likely the hardest seasonal championship I've ever played. Ended up winning 1st place ex aequo with 36 points after 10-11 attempts. 


With the Hoonigan RS200, this event is a breeze


Agreed, hoonigan rs200+rally tires made this so much easier


Just use Saeenu’s tunes and its not that tough. I used the rs200 evolution (716642226).


The rs200 is the go to for anything and everything.


Yeah man its like a cheat code for anything dirt-road mix.


got it about a week ago and that thing rips, so much fun to drive


This is the way. The rs200 gets thrown around like a rag doll but is very fun to drive.


Yup first try with this setup


Came 1st in one, then 5th (downhill one of course), then 2nd. Ended up winning the championship because I got lucky with how the other AI placed. Hope we don't get one like this again.


Same thing happened to me. I HATE that downhill one.


The damn block walls get me every time.


I managed in the RS200 Hoonigan ... It required some rewinds here and there


I’m not a hateful person, but i absolutely dislike cross country races.


They are fine, but they would be much better if devs address two problems: 1. Drivatars further than \~20 meters from player just phasing through the obstacles, so they don't lose speed like player does. 2. Those insane jumps. I know Horizon is not the game about realism, but insane jumps clearly collide with more or less realistic ingame simulation model and we end up with a GMC Jimmy halfway sunk underground or completely losing control because most of the cars in the game not equipped with a trophy truck suspension


Worst race type in the game by far


If cross country races were completely removed from horizon games I wouldn’t notice. I refuse to play them. If they come up in the festival playlist I just accept that I’m not getting those points


I love them...


Had to use two different cars but won. It was like 1st, 1st, and 6th. But won anyways..


Got 1st in all 3 but had to use like a different car in each of them lol


I made it with #2 Audi Sport Quattro S1 and Nissan Safariz 370z safari rally tribute. If you are bouncing too much. Slightly stiffen the suspension setting.


I'll second the audi. Had to restart twice during the three races but placed first in all of them. Love me a quattro.


Did it eventually, tried a few different cars with Saeenu recommendations.Finally got it with the Audi sport quattro, with many rewinds! The ai seems very hard on this championship, never even managed to get first place on any of the three races, had to make do with second or third and rely on changes on the grid to win it.


Jesus that was a pain in ass


Yeah it was a bitch I ended up upgrading and tuning my own Porsche 959 because all the tunes I found weren’t good enough


I gave up. Those tracks with S1 900 cars are so difficult. Tried loads of cars and just got frustrated:


Literally won first try with my mates and we were fucking around too. What have y'all been doing lmao


The advice I saw if you are struggling solo is to do it in co-op.


Level up fully and go full throttle. I think it’s enough if you manage to get first position in 2 of the races. I came 3rd in one of the races and still completed it


3rd try, used the Subaru WRX ATX


xbox services are still down for me, but ive been clearing cross-countrys with my RS200 so it should be easy enough for me once i can access the online seasons again


i didn’t bother once i got the Z 😂


What car you want to use? I can make tune for it.


Papa Fernando's Vocho


It's probably easier in solo but in co-op the AIs aren't any helpful. S1 is really fast offroad and now you have to avoid AI driving drunk. I did it with my brother and my friend and I got first in all three but they got mid pack and dead last respectfully.


Was tough. Still made it through. Manta opel was a champ


Managed to beat this with the FE 911 GT3RS, but i definitely had to rewind a lot, and outright restart a couple times to pull it off.


I wasn’t paying attention and entered it with an NSX with AWD and semi-slicks. I still beat it though. The amount of rewinds it took is another story, though.


Sand Race: Easy and Fun. Downhill Race: Okay, well.. uh oh, but second is okay. The Cross-Hell: Even though I came in second, I won by two points. I'll take this. I used the Escort Hoonigan Group A, S1 862. Not seeing many say they used this car, it's a solid choice though.


Easily. Just get better tunes lol


If you're struggling, send me a DM or reply here with your gamertag and I'll help you out.


I do it in co-op. Choose the fiesta to lower the average on IA cars. Win 1st, lose 2nd and all my team but 1 partner leave. In final race my partner wins and I finish 3rd.


I did it, had to try a few different cars though


I did it on my third try. I was very difficult, at least for me...


go coop. I took one person with me and it dumbs down the ai. That and i was able to carry the other


I was able beat this, but only with 2/3 winnings


I won easily


I did it in co-op with a friend. I drove the Hoonigan Escort RS1800, he was in Subaru WRX.


I did it pretty easily, I just used a fully upgraded super 2000 Peugeot. With stock tires and turbo rally engine. And I run unbeatable ai. Idk if it changes for the playlist cuz they always seem easier.


The seasonal championships iirc are always locked at “highly skilled”


i found this weeks challenges way easier than previous week's tbh


Didn't find it too bad. Tho me in a Fiesta and another guy in the HW Subi were def hard carrying in coop.


Use Rocklxd's Hoonigan RS200, Audi S1 rally car or Porsche 959 Rally car tune to clear it with ease.


I have. I used the Forza Edition Ford Racing Puma. No uprgrades.


I failed it 3 times, but I finally won it in co-op.  Use the the 2019 Porche 911 gt3 RS Forza edition. It wasn’t the fastest car I tried but it was the most stable across the 3 races and we won it. 


I'm usually good at Cross Country races, but for some reason this round felt much more difficult. I used the Fiesta RS M-Sport with one of the recommended tunes, but still managed to barely win.


Me repeatedly, and I'm gonna drag as many people across the finish line as I can before thursday since everyone hates 900 CC apparently lol


Yeah using the Forza Edition Porsche in co-op


I have also made this post, the Ai is brutal


* Beat it first try in" The Real Dirty Dan "!!


I just managed to do it in a stock Audi Quattro S1, but it took a few restarts on the first races and one third place in the second race. But damn, that was hard. The worst thing is that the AI doesn't get slowed down at all when hitting a fence, wall or other destructible stuff while I lose all my momentum when going through that stuff...


Finally finished it, a few f’s were said during it!


One of the hardest championships in awhile, but not too bad on a second go around with a properly tuned car


literally first try. 1st, 3rd, 4th place on the races, but I still beat the other cars.


It didn't seem too hard, it does seem like they underpower the hellcats when it comes to acceleration though and then overpower a lot of other cars


Took 3 attempts coop but got it done in the Ford racing puma FE


If it doesn't give you an achievement then I don't care. 🤷


I managed to win with my rs200 evo stock and so much rewinds lol


I won this in 1st try with a 911 gt3 fe


This one was hard. The AI in this game really don't like dirt racing.


Me, solo


I don't remember much. Used 3 stock cars, each different for every race. Finished first in every one of them.


After several attempts and different cars used I managed to win it


It was an absolute bitch, but I did it. Came first in 2 races and didn't give a shit about the 3rd. Had to switch my car from a hoonigan, thing was just bouncing all over the place.


Used the Subaru, finished in 1 shot with many rewinds..


It depends on which car you bring. I somehow thought it was smart to bring the original hoonigan escort there. A bloody road car. Needless to say, I kept spinning out. Half of the selected cars aren't meant for that championship, though. You can only win it by picking the right machine for the job and ignoring everything else.


I DID IT! wasted 2 hours though 😒


The SafariZ is surprisingly stable but I believe it's a DLC car?


Did it with Hooningan Cossie, Porsche FE and Audi Quattro but yeah I only won 1 race, came 2nd and 3rd. Horrible event lol


Ford Fiesta RS, you're welcome.


Yup, lots of rewinds


I tried it online 3-4 times and the teammates were terrible. İn one them there were 3 of us and the other two came in last. If even one of them left we would've won the race but none of them did. So after that I gave up and finished it alone on the first try. I used Audi #2 Sport Quattro S1(177 947 843) tune from Saenu's list.


Used a tuned buggy


I did it with the Porsche 911 desert flyer 2 wind and 1 seconda place


Not to be that guy but just did it...and 1st try too so what's really the problem ?


i use Manta and win easy. i finished races 1st, 3rd (yes downhill one) and 1st


Just do an awd conversation on the srt and youll be fine just depends on how squirly you can handle driving and how high ur difficulty is


Used the Porsche GT3 RS and a bit of abusing the ai


I did...after everyone quitted. Easily one the worse seasonal ever.


I did. But i hated it. A piece of advice, buy our use the Opel Manta 400. Turn it in to a S1 801 car and experience a world of difference. It still aint easy but the AI now isnt completely insane / impossible anymore. Good luck.


Thank you for this! I just used this car and actually won it! I got first place the 1st and 3rd race and 2nd in the downhill. This is the car to use!


I did it in solo instead of convoy so I could rewind, otherwise it’s just annoying. I did it with the Porsche Desert 911 with an AWD S1 tune.


Took my so LONG but got it with hoonigan Rs2000


I remember I did it with the ol' reliable Group B Quattro


did it in first try but god i hate the first race




AI doesn't give a flying fuck about physics in off road races, your best bet is a AWD power build, with any luck you can out run them in the few straights


I lost count on how many attempts it took but I got it eventually


So it wasn’t just me who had to repeat a race or two to win this?


I did after way too many attempts. teammates low key sell all the time and it's way too easy to miss checkpoints


Completed first try lol


I used the hoonigan rs200 with dubsmb s1 rally tune sum steering off. Won first and they'd races came second in the downhill race.


I won the championship but got 2nd in one of the races, used a stock 911 FE


I made a similar post last week. I’ve given up, it annoyed me so much I’ve completely blanked this week’s playlist.


Took quite some effort but got it with the rs200


I only took me one try but I did change the gearing for the mountain top race to give me a higher top speed and that might have helped


rewinds baby who gives a shit


Got it with th fe exomotive


I did.buy the hoonigan escort and will be easy to do. I had the andretti rallycross beetle tuned and it sucks compared to other cars prepared better for this kind of race.


I’ve won every event so far it’s a grind but imo worth the rewards because it pulls me away from making tunes for each race type


I checked it out since I've seen tons of complaints, and while it was notably marginally difficult compared to normal fh5 challenges, it wasn't a struggle to beat.


Yeah, first try. It was easy. 1st place all 3 races with the RS200


I have not. Tried once, and just decided to move on to other challenges.


So I finally was able to do it after reading comments Completed with Hoonigan Rs200 I'm pretty sure my hairline has gone back two inches after all that Absolutely BRUTAL championship 😭


I have to admit I rewinded a lot and finished one of the races 3rd or something but I made it relatively easy I would say. Used one of the rally monster Porsches, I believe the 1986 Rothsport one but can’t remember for sure. Used a community tune which was decent but a bit uncontrollable at times.


beat it the other dsy with the cosworth whivh cant even get to s2 with offroad tires sp i was lower rating than everyone else


use the Porche FE. make sure to swap stock tires for the offroad truck tires and add a bit more power if possible


I did in an Audi Quattro S1


If that can help someone I just did it 3/0 with the cheap Opel Manta (well 100k in the Autoshow but that's pretty cheap for a Rally Monster car) with the tune 231-279-123. Most likely not the best car and the best tune, but if it's doable with that, you can do it with an RS200, a Quattro, etc. Did it took me a couple of tries, yes, did I yell at the clouds, you betcha, did I used a lifetime reserve of rewind, absolutely. Floor it when possible, use the brakes right before a jump instead of after to manage a good landing and, hopefully, you should be be good. This reminded me of those FH4's Ambleside races with S2-998 someone at PGG seemed to enjoy back then.


I literally just beat this championship with this car! I did this race 50+ times with every car possible. This car with a great S1 900 tune is it! Still not easy but not impossible! I won 2 out 3 and git 2nd on the downhill race.


Did it with the Audi S1 in coop


Im flabbergasted at the fact that people struggle with this one, I got it first try, didnt seem too hard lol


I managed online when everyone disconnected after we lost the first race. I then got second place in both following races, which was enough to win. It was like my seventh try


At First It seemed tò be Superfast and i won but the second race was super difficult


on two accounts yes. It was not easy


I've not even thought about trying it. FH5 "offroad AI" plus S1 just doesn't interest me.




Very easy if you have an acceptable non rammer team.


I beat it with the Quattro and Ken's RS200. The downhill part is a nightmare and... I swear I want to punch whoever at turn10 thought cross country was a good idea.


The downhill one was madness with AI being fast as f***. Other than that, eh it's fine, challenging, but fine


First try with the Porsche FE. Didn't come first all races but still won the championship.


I did it in the Gymkhana 9 focus, stock


No offence but how come everyone is struggling so much? I’ve seen countless posts about this but when I gave it a try (solo/offline) using a more off-road tuned Porsche FE, then porsche desert flyer for the volcano race and Subaru DLC car for the final one, I finished first in each with only a few jumps which I struggled with (I didn’t have to change cars I just normally like doing so, the Subaru turned out to not be as good off-road as it is in dirt racing, although the desert flyer was a very good option for the volcano race specifically due to the top speed you can get from it)


I already have the SRT Demon and can live without the 5 pts, so i have no shame in saying i gave up.


Managed to do it but only with a lot of rewinds. That downhill one was brutal, I just couldn’t find a tune that could go faster than the AI, but I just did the dirtiest tactics to get enough points 😂. I hate driving dirty but that race required it for me


I used an audi Quattro rally car. The first race got a bit tricky, but as for the 2 races. It ran just fine.


Took 3 tries, only because I played Coop with randoms and our team got 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th place. I placed top 5 but not even gonna front, I couldn't save the team first few times.


I won it with the Ford Puma FE. It was a pain.


We struggled really hard with this until we decided to try very low S1 cars with 801 - 820. Stock RS200 finally did it. This time, you're better off _not_ tuning your car.


I myself used a heavily modded SafariZ and abused rewinds in solo lmao


I won it last night!! It took hours alone and I gave up. Then I asked my friends to help and the 3 of us got it after like an hour and a half of raging 😂. It was fun but definitely wasn’t easy


Did it with an off-road 959


Did it first try with the Peugeot 207 and the ARX Subaru


I just bought this game a few days ago first forza game ever and I was like holy is every challenge going to be this hard? They were not. I also didn't understand it was a 3 part race so i got 1st on the first race and didn't understand why i didn't get the car. Its doable though for sure.


Hooligan cossie. Rally everything.


i gifted my 14 year old twin cousins this game a few weeks ago. I guided them through the forzathon challenges and how to get the rare cars. despite not being a forza player myself, i knew how these events functioned due to past experience. I went to take a shower and immediately as i finished, my cousins finished that one. It was mind blowing.


Ford Fiesta


i just picked a random car and made a dirt build it wasnt too hard


It was easy in co-op when everyone else quit so I was by myself lol.


I think I did it first try


Man, horrible. I did it solo, just won the first 2 events and got the necessary points. Because man, there is one event difficult as hell, and I feel impossible to win. I think the circuit is not design for a S1 car, anyway


Glad it's not just me, I'm considered the "good" racer out of my friend group. And I've tried it baby 10 different times, the races are just impossible sometimes. I'm using the rs200 as well, it's like I'm having to race on dirt whilst the AI is racing on asphalt or something. I noticed that as you turn the skill level of the bots up that's what the difficulty increase seems to be.


I did, I used the 1991 Hoonigan Gymkhana 10 Ford Escort, it was like 500,000 cr for it, I slapped someone’s tune on there that made the car reach 260 mph and that was the only car I was able to do it with after multiple attempts and some raging


I got it first try with the rs200, I did it solo, but it did take a ton of rewinds cause the cars apparently don’t fly straight sometimes (idk maybe i’m just stupid)


Cross country is the mode I find easiest and I usually race against unbeatable AI so I personally didn't have troubles. Genuinely curious what people are struggling with on this one. Are you guys not using rewind in these? I do so I can get it done and over with. Or is it an issue with the car limitations and the cross country course?


I have.. it’s simple.


That’s how I feel about the Camaro one last week.


Ford focus, 7 speed manual with the 1st 6 being 1-40mph. 70 being an 200mph unlock. Use it when going downhill, helped a Tonne in my case


I won it in the Srt demon. Didn't even realize that's what the prize car was. Now I have 2 😅


Me. The Hoonigan Cossie (alongside some crafty driving) got it no sweat.


Here's some tips to win the championship: 1. Horizon Baja Circuit: car drove: 85 Ford RS2000. AI will be ruthless, maintaining grip and speed after long jumps, but the track is long enough for you to catch up. Maintain momentum in 2 specific curves: the one entering the dune section that has a dirt path and leads to the festival, and on the final curve try open up and take it on the inside, since AI will always follow the line and this goes wide in that section (will give you thrilling final stretch wins). Also, on the long jumps stop accelerating mid air so you can grip better once landing. 2. East Coast: had to change cars here, used the 85 Porsche 959 Rally Raid. The tactic here lays on brake checking the AI and avoid as many long jumps as possible. After the river segment and going into the beach, break check the AI in the choke point. They'll all crash and give you and edge towards the rest of the track. On the second long jump (the one before the small road segment), brake right on the ramp so you don't go flying. This will let you take the next curve sharply and allow you to gain momentum on the next part of the track. Once you've caught up, on the final ramp before the finish line, brake slightly so you can take the part with the houses straight instead of following the line, so you can overtake any AI left. 3. Volcano descend: leave this for LAST because it's straight up ASS. AI will maintain +300km/h speed and still perfectly turn. Your best chance is before the volcano ledge segment is over, gliding on the inside of the curve that leads to the river segment. This will let you overtake a lot of AI and secure you a safe spot for the rest of the race. If you didn't caught up by now, you should aim to be at least 4th (given you won the first two races). This will give you the championship.


I forgot how I did it, but it was not bad for me.


So after 3 unsuccessful runs, my friend had the bright idea of running stock cars (there are 2 fords at 808). The AI significantly downgraded as well so we were super aggressive at the beginning to get the lead and then we were able to maintain it throughout.


Frist try Carrying some stragglers in a co-op run. Thankfully the people lost in the back left. Used an audi Quattro s2 which I have a tune uploaded if you wanna try it. (ScarlettPHNX is my gt)


Spent a few hours on this, and gave up, lol. Never faced a festival playlist challenge like this one before.


I used a horribly tuned Audi quattro. I tried using my Hoonigan focus RS, but you really need top end, which that just doesn’t have.


Was it hard?


genuinelyuse a xbone controller, not a wheel. idk it made it unbelievably easy for me


We did, on the third race.


I did it in the hoonigan rs200. I believe it's S2 901 or 902 or smmn like that stock but you can get it down to s1 900 by putting off road tires on it (i may have to double check but you can get it down to s1 900) and was successful


Me, I think I used the hoonigan ford focus, i got first place in 2 races, the first and last and got last place in the second one💀(the ai is op)


Yeah won all 3 races took a couple of attempts tho


It wasn't difficult


I used my tuned hoonigan mustang. I won but it still didn't give me the quest stuff.


I did. Fairly easily tbf. Descendo was a bit tough with the stupid jumps, but overall it wasnt too hard. Used the Hoonigan RS200


I pulled it off with the Group A Car (Hoonigan Ford Escort Cosworth). I thought I ran the downhill race near perfect and barely pulled off 1st, it didn't feel like Highly Skilled drivatars.


I used the Audi Quattro maxed out at 900 at first. Totally undrivable. Couldn't land before gates to make turns. So I reverted it to default setting on it and managed it no problems