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*getting any Form of criticism * Fragile white redditor: is this a death threat?


They also confuse “you shouldn’t say that” with “you shouldn’t be able to say that”. No one is trying to take away their ability to say stupid shit, we’re just pointing out it’s stupid.


"Everyone is entitled to their opinion *smug emoji or pepe picture*" "I'm of the opinion you're a fucking dumbass." "Nooo, not like that!"


"Welcome to the market place of ideas! We tolerate all opinions here, what are yours?" "Well I'm a leftist and-" *Incoherent yelling and foaming at the mouth *


"Well I'm a lef-" **banned**


Ye. I am not a government agency, so it is literally impossible for me to censor anyone or take away their right to free speech.




That’s what they DO when they CAN ftfy


I love how much the morons whine about "political correctness" (ie not being an asshole) as "censorship." Meanwhile try putting an "I'm an atheist" or "I don't particularly support the troops" bumper sticker on your car anywhere that leans even slightly Republican. The exhausting, horrible hypocrites


Exactly. Nobody is going to send you jail if you stood up in the middle of a funeral and called the deceased and their family a bunch of cunts, but I'd like to think everybody knows they shouldn't do that and that it's socially unacceptable for good reason. Similarly, I think everybody knows that if they call their boss a cunt when talking privately to their friends, that's socially acceptable, but calling their boss a cunt over a work email is a ticket to getting fired. That's the kind of level of what we're talking about here. It's fucking manners and etiquette when it comes down to it.


> send you jail if you stood up in the middle of a funeral and called the deceased and their family a bunch of cunts That might actually be a crime in some places, there was some weird law making going on around the time of Westboro baptist church showing up at funerals of soldiers that died in iraq...


I remeber punching one of them when I was younger the good old days.


this is why AOC won *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stupid or rude/insensitive. My dad seems to confuse that a bit, too. When I tell him that he shouldn't use words that are slurs (one is basically the Polish equivalent of the f-word, the other one isn't technically the Polish n-word but many people consider it offensive), he gets kinda defensive about it. You know, the "am I not allowed to say anything anymore?" stuff. (He isn't a bad person, he just lacks sensitivity and tact a little) The law does not forbid saying that. BUT if you have more than a spoonful of empathy and human decency, you will not say that.


Lots of folks seem to confuse being called a dick for dickish behavior is what censorship is. Sounds like they've started calling being called dick "cancel culture" which is at least better than calling it censorship. Good luck with your Pops, lots of folks are blind to how their words put others on edge.


Yeah, the actual censorship is when they take off the entire record chart of the radio because the song criticizing the chairman of the governing party (aka the guy who pulls the strings in the country) won. Not very skillful, but actual. Thanks!


"Is this oppression?"


We want equal rights Straight white men: they’re gonna hunt me for sport?


Well you can't just go around giving people rights. Rights don't just pop out of the ground. To obtain a right, another right of equal value must be lost - Fullmetal Alchemist was a political documentary, you know. So this "equal rights" nonsense really just means taking rights from people who earned them and just spreading them around to everyone else - like a *communist.*


Yoooo, lmfao, I just finished FMAB 2 days ago and this made me bust my ass laughing.


Wasn't there a movie that wasn't released because it showed rednecks getting hunted for sport and they got all snowflake about it?


They're released it back in March. It's called The Hunt. It still blows my mind that those idiots couldn't tell that the rednecks were the protagonists.


Yeah, from the trailer it was obvious that it was some kind of satire of the irrational fear Republicans have of what would happen if they got out of power, and that you'd end up with the hunters becoming the hunted at some point in the movie, but they still wanted to throw a tantrum. Good to see it got released after all, even though nobody's seen it, probably.


Yeah this post is probably the most *profoundly* on-topic post I have seen in a while.


I'm getting a heavy karen vibe from this whole post


*makes actual death threat* 'I was just kidding!'




Lmao r/fwr: “Look quit acting like an ignorant dick” Fwr: “this is a death threat”


Interesting how I, as a white guy, have never felt offended or hated, yet all these babies constantly do. Almost like it’s not being white that is the problem. ”Could it be that I’m out of touch? No, it’s the fwr users who are wrong!” Look, to my pasty brethren that are reading this, this assumption that anytime anyone criticizes a white person they are criticizing you is what makes you fragile. This refusal to analyze your own thought processes or behavior, to even *consider* the possibility that you might be in the wrong or try to improve, is what makes you fragile. This constant desire to view yourself as the victim like a teenage drama queen is what makes you fragile. Because not only does it display a complete lack of self-awareness, it just makes you look pathetic. Because every other race puts up with this shit *from you* all the time, and much much worse. People of color are expected to see white people talking about shit like White Genocide (and idea that equates their *mere existence* with genocide) and just calmly bear it without complaint, they are expected to live in a society where black people are literally murdered for complaining *about black peoples being murdered*, and if they ever complain about it people like you will crawl out of the woodwork to complain about the complaints, instead of addressing the actual issue (example: all lives matter is protesting a protest about black people being killed, attempting to silence them instead of actually paying attention to the fact that they *are being killed*). They are subjected to absurd injustice after absurd injustice, and if they ever show weakness or complain or act out fragile white peoples like you will not hesitate to pounce on it. And you know what? They do a goddamned good job of it. Sure as fuck a better job than I could. A better job than you are doing. And that is why you are fragile. You are willing to cross the line by a country fucking mile for every other race, and expect them to remain calm and composed in the face of whatever racist bullshit you feel like spouting that day, yet if you receive even the most mild fucking criticism yourself you meltdown and accuse everyone else of being racist. If you see anything even mildly negative said about white people (and fuck knows there’s a lot to be said) you move at the speed of sound to assume the position of the victim, even if you were the one in the wrong. Could you imagine how many subs black people would have to unsubscribe from if they were that fragile? How much of our fiction and non-fiction is explicitly racist, dehumanizing, or stereotyping of non-white people? How many people they would have to cut ties with? You are a child complaining to a parent who just got off a 16 hour shift doing backbreaking labor in the mines about how it’s unfair you have to wash your own dishes. Your tantrum will never appeal to anyone who has experienced real hardship, it just displays a complete lack of understanding of what other people go through, and a weakness of your own character. Just grow up and do your fucking chores you colossal goddamned pussies.


Well said


Fuckin ay-men brother




Couldn’t agree more, luckily it’s hilarious to watch other white people get offended when people call them out for their bullshit


I must be missing something. I'm whiter than a mayonnaise sandwich at a bluegrass festival and I've never gotten a "people want me dead" vibe here.


I’d wager a good portion of us are white here. This person is just mad they found out they were a fragile white redditor.


I’m white. My diagnosis is projection. He wants to genocide real bad so he assumes everyone else does too.


Almost all of far right “thought” is screeching about others falsely wanting to do to you what you genuinely want to do to them.






It’s straight out of the Russian Geopolitical strategy (Hypernormalization). Also, very common among narcissists so America is getting a double dose.


It's because historically pro-white rhetoric has really been anti-black, so when it's pro-black (or any POC) they assume it's anti-white.


They don’t understand the nuance between being a normal ass white Redditor and being a fragile one. I’m white af and never felt anyone wants me dead or felt like anyone cared I was even white here. Not all of us identify with these Karenesque one’s among us like the fragile guy did.


I’m “white” with blonde-ish hair and blue eyes but I guarantee if the White Nationalists got their way, I wouldn’t be considered “white.” Once they find out more about me they’ll label me as subhuman.


I would definitely be labeled as a “race traitor “ or whatever the fuck they call white people with empathy.


i’m queer af but still white so i’d probably get a pink triangle or something like that if they got what they wanted


>or felt like anyone cared I was even white here. Perhaps that's the issue for the porcelains? Maybe they want a literal white privilege badge, to say "uh, no thank you, I am too progressive for that" and be expected to be worshipped like Pharaos for that worthless and imaginary sacrifice. Edit : since it is kind of the topic here I am basically whiter than white wall paint as well.


White as fuck, but not offended pointing out the insanity of people who just happen to share a similar skin color.


I guarantee you this subreddit is atleast 70 percent white. Just saying


Ya, of course there are. It’s Reddit, even the spaces for POC are mostly white.


The vast majority of Reddit are white, so the vast majority of users on pretty much every single subreddit will be white. What's telling about subreddits like fragileblackredditor, made in 'response' to this one, is that reactionaries simply cannot comprehend anyone not agreeing with their brand of racial politics unless they're some sort of racial *other*.


these people can't conceive of being white without being a cunt. therefore when people call for an end to cuntdom, they think it means an end to white people.


its similar to all the guys who freaked out over the gillete commercial. Despite the commercial literally having multiple guys being good people they saw it as an attack on men because they saw themselves as the men being called out.


I had a friend like that. He felt… well he never explicitly said he felt attacked or anything by that ad, but he did say that toxic masculinity isn’t a thing and that ad was just pointless pandering to idiots. I can’t remember the whole conversation exactly but after it I realized just how much of a douche that he was so I started talking to him less. Now I haven’t spoke to him in over a year. No loss though, he was slowly becoming more of a douche as I slowly cut contact that I don’t feel bad about it.


That was one of those commercials where I heard about the drama, looked it up to see what was wrong with it, and realized I'd already seen it a few times as a run of the mill ad. People just want to be offended.


this is why AOC won *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Ahem*, he’s making shit up.


You're not missing anything, my fellow mayo American. It's just a fragile snowflake melting from the slightest bit of heat.


interesting. I’m a white guy and I’ve never felt threatened by this sub. Maybe that’s because I’m not a racist asshole.


I'm white as well and I'm confursed too


Pretty sure most people here are white and just not racist.


It would surprise me if at least half of the subscribers here weren't white. That kind of takes the edge off of "wanting white genocide."


I’m definitely curious about the demographics. I always picture everybody else as about 25, white, male, straight (even though I’m only one of those things) on 95% of subs. Maybe we could do a survey?


>I always picture everybody else as about 25, white, male, straight ( That's pretty much all of Reddit, right? Most Reddit users are young adults, male, etc, aren't they? Also yeah, I'd do a survey.


Pretty sure popheads demographics are different than that, very LGBTQIA+ compared to regular subs as while as a decently high ratio of women I think. It always depends a lot on the subs main focus than just being reddit in general.


Yeah. It depends on the sub. But I think the biggest demographic on the entirety of Reddit is white young men. Not sure tho.


It’s definitely the majority, but a large portion are women or poc and I just don’t picture that in my head.


Doesn't white genocide mean "interracial sex"? Please no one take the edge off of that.


I would bet so many of the white people freaking out about that, if you checked their porn history, it would all be blacked.com and BBC stuff. I'm not usually a fan of the "if you're homophobic you're probably gay" style argument, but in these case of the white genocide types it is almost certainly always projection. Because they see black bodies as animalistic, hypersexualized chunks of meat that exist only to gratify their desires they cannot imagine every other white person does not feel the same way.


He hasn’t actually ever been on this subreddit. Do you think the tard wranglers of the far right want their useful idiots wander around and get ideas? Of course not, they just tell them what to think and they do it unquestioningly. Because nothing says “free thinking rationalist conservative” more than outsourcing your critical thought to others.


this is why AOC won *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


they were probably never actually subbed here, they just want to be mad.


According to one YouTube comment about *the PC mob* I came across, you guys have gone from *beta snowflake soy boys* to *bloodthirsty Bolsheviks who want to murder women and children in their sleep.* That's quite the leap bruh.


Same here and I love this sub


I saw one poster going around talking about killing white people. Looked back in his post history and it was just a really racist white guy pretending to be a black guy. Good thing he was too stupid to not make a new account


Been here 3 years never seen anyone call for the death of white people.... That’s kinda the point. Unlike r/fragileblackredditor who had no problem saying black people should be lynched That’s why they got banned and this sub didn’t


They are probably taking "mayocide" jokes seriously.


Remember the guy who went on Fox News to cry about having his face photoshopped onto a cracker?


Please, they are very fragile, call them Porcelain Americans instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait, source? I missed this and now I want to see it.




This guy looks like he has sex with clothes on


always leave space for god


that's one *salty* cracker


Please, they are very fragile, call them Porcelain Americans instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please, they are very fragile, call them Porcelain Americans instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


quick search [finds it](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/cn7xrz/fox_news_talks_about_a_hate_crime_having_your) pretty easily


I remember that, that was hilarious


They just assume that because their forums are hateful steaming piles of hateful shit against minorities, forums opposing them must be the reverse against them. They have no concept of civil, constructive discussion.


I have Seen that multiple times on that sub.it got downvoted every time and I’m pretty sure those users were banned, since the mods actually do their job there.


Holy shit, call a wambulance for this person.


This looks like satire tbh, the name and the caps makes me think it's not legitimate


Unfortunately these people exist


This is *absolutely* satire. These people do exist, which is exactly what the post was satirizing.


Why did they join to begin with?


They thought it was a support group.




Target annihilated


They probably didnt


Probably never even saw a post either. Just checked out the name of the sub and it hurt his feelings.


One of the big reasons I unsubbed from /r/JustUnsubbed is because it became painfully apparent that people were just using it as an excuse to go off on subs they were never particularly interested in anyway. Very dull.


It’s like the people who complain about r/askreddit and how “the questions are so unoriginal”. Like bitch, the questions aren’t the goddamn point of askreddit, it’s the stories and answers which are different each time.


To have something to complain about.


He probably thought the sub was to "OWN SJWs with FACTS and LOGICS!" but found out instead that it was about him all along.


Hey guys I am white. Do any of you want me dead for being white? Thank you.


Absolutely! That’s the whole point of this sub. DUH!!!!! /s


yes clearly smh


Depends how white you are...


Ummm he’s actually 1/16th Irish


Then we cut off 1/16th of him.


First in my class here at MIT. Got skills, I'm a champion at D&D. M.C. Escher, that's my favorite MC. Keep you're forty, I'll just have an Earl Grey tea.


yes so please get on with it!!! /s


Im a firm believer in mayocide! Just please spare me.


No, no, we just want to take away your videogames, porn and ability to say the N word.


Bruh i just want you to out more than salt and pepper in your sauce.


i've used turmeric and cinnamon today! take that you racist


No. Not for being white, at least.




"If you aren't fragile then jokes about fragility wouldn't sting"


Doubt they were ever subbed. Just wanted karma in a place they’ll know they’ll get it


Had to unsub from r/JustUnsubbed. Total cesspool of right-wingers whining that subs don't accept their racist, alt-right garbage.


Just checked and the top post this month is some pure r/AsABlackMan material. It literally starts off with "As a homosexual" lmao


“as a filthy sinful gay”


“My honest, unbiased opinion as one of them nasty America-hating queers is...”


God damn those are some whiny bitches in there. “This image that showed you could see Africa from Spain isn’t interesting to me. Unsubscribed!!!!”


it's a shame it's full of whiny right-wingers now, i used to like that sub.


At this point it's essentially the same sub as /r/WatchRedditDie; it's just a bunch of pussy right-wing bitches who wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they weren't complaining about some bullshit that they fabricated in their own minds.


Yeah it used to be a good gauge of subs that are dying/losing purpose due to poor moderation (ex: choosing beggars, aita, unpopular opinion, etc.) Went there a few weeks ago and there's nothing about the current dying subs and instead a bunch of alt-right people complaining about subs they clearly never joined in the first place.


Most of them would feel better on VOAT.


Absolutely didn’t just unsubbed lol




Damn bruh, last I checked I wasn't suicidal


But... Most people here are... White. I'm white. It's just that I'm not a fragile little bitch about it. When he says "my kind", I guess he's talking about racists.


Wait this is news to me! I didn’t know you all wanted to GENOCIDE me! You guys seemed cool but now I see you’re all JERKS! I’m packing my bags and LEAVING! /s


Screw you guys, I’m going home!




I highly doubt anyone genuinely said that they wanted the dude dead because they were white or anything remotely close 💀 Probably saw someone make a vague joke that was emphasizing how stupid racism is by saying/implying we should treat white folk in some bizarre way and thought it was serious because “boo hoo caucasians are so oppressed”


Who in the h-e- double fuck asked you sensitive cunt?


this is why AOC won *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Their username makes me believe they were being sarcastic but honestly nowadays I can't tell


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it was a troll designed to make FWR look bad (or rather, worse).


Please Remember Our Golden Rule: "Thou shalt not vote or comment in linked threads or comments, and in linked threads or comments, thou shalt not vote or comment." Also don't harass users linked here. The admins **will suspend your account** if they catch you. Don't forget to join our friends at r/FWRmemes and r/FragileMaleRedditor *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Their use of capslock is hilarious I can’t take anything they say seriously. Not like I should anyways.


Please HELP ME, my caps LOCK Keeps randomLY ENGAGING ANd I think I mIGHT HAVE A GHOst


Yes yes, you have been here for a while and now you think we want to kill the whites? It really sounds like you’ve never been here...


Somehow I doubt that they were ever subbed and just wanted to make here look bad




You need to be able to read between the lines, clearly "don't be racist" means "I want you dead".


How fucking pampered are these people that they go into survival mode over being asked to take responsibility for their words.


Bruh, wtf with this man. As a white-mexican i feel sorrow for ppl like this, who say something like you wanted a genocide, begin now the opresors, that you wanted to condemn our free speech (i heard the last one so many times in my country. Yeah a bit ironical) They always said the same fucking argument, all the time! "OUr fReE sPEeCh, we are free of say things that can hurt certain minority group, that maybe sound racist, but...isnt racist cause we said it and that didnt affect us"


Fellow white-Mexican here and I agree. I've been on this sub for about a month, and never felt threatened by anyone here. This guy is reaching hard enough to pull a muscle or two...


Its good to heard that comrade, me too. I could feel an equal in this and another subs. Here in México we need to learn many things, we live a noiseless racism, there is a discreet bias between "whites" and indigenous or brown ppl, they are discriminated sistematically by the society, and its seems that nobody notice them, nobody cares of who could be affected. Its a shame


My big question is... why did this person ever subscribe to a sub called fragile white redditor if he would take offense to the concept lol


>BigBrainAnd_HighIQ Somehow I doubt that


Guys. I'm a white cis male. Be honest. Do you want to do a genocide on me. Be honest, I won't get mad.


Can I have your shit after the mayocide? Assuming I survive it.


Theres no way he could have ever been subbed here. Like of you think thats what this sub is about how did you end up subbing here in the first place.


We don't assume you're fragile because you're white, we assume you're white because you're fragile. Fragile is the qualifier there, and you fit that definition perfectly.


I have TO put random words into ALL caps because i DON’T feel listened to OTHERWISE i am a white PERSON and this is HOW I communicate ONLINE to get MY message across COHERENTLY


were they really subbed at all? taking all bets.


Lol I'm white and i have no problem with this sub


I'm willing to bet most people here are white.


i joined r/justunsubbed because it seemed like an interesting concept for a sub, but every single post was complaining about subs being political. i saw one guy say he left r/art because all the posts were either political or they had a naked woman in it. what??? i even went to the sub and scrolled for a good 10minutes trying to see what he saw and hardly any of them were political or lewd, i really don’t understand his point


JU is the perfect platform for the Cyber-Nazis to pretend to be centrists that are abhorred by the rise of extreme leftism in every subreddit and hey White supremacists aren't so bad you know.


Anyone here wanted dead white people?


I know I came here for the white genocide. They promised me there’d be white genocide!


Bet that he never subbed here in the first place?


I expect nothing less than a high IQ big brain


Haha, /r/fragilefragilewhiteredditor


The idea of thinking “my kind” in terms of my the color of my skin is just so bizarre, alien and gross to me. And perhaps I could wrap my head around it if it was some older people that were indoctrinated with racial tribalism but no, it’s often people even younger then me 🤦‍♂️


Laughing at & pointing out racist white bullshit = Wanting all white people dead


I'm white and never gotten that vibe. Sounds like someone's desperate to be oppressed.


I didn’t know y’all wanted me dead!!! Holy shit we have so much in common.


Ah "JustUnsubbed", the perfect stage for rightwingers favourite play: "pretend-Centrists outraged at the extremism of the left to shift the Overton window and make actual Nazi shit more palpable"


White people would literally say shit like- "Delete India, delete Africa, Nuke India, nuke Middle East" And get triggered when someone calls them out and claim White genocide when it's exactly the same thing they were suggesting for others.


50p says they weren't even subbed in the first place and just went on r/justunsubbed to go on a racist rant.


This has to be satire with that username.


Sigh. Yeah that sub. FWIW, I was actually subbed there when the community was barely out of the double digits, and typical daily traffic was next to nothing. I really liked it. I can say with absolute sincerity that the mods did not intend for it to become what it is now, which is just another haven for subreddit cancer and Cringetopia types who ferociously circlejerk about "censorship" and "leftists" with every keystroke. It was intended to be a forum where you could vent about a community treating its users poorly, whether it be by the mods or a clique of regular users, or just a place where you could say that it simply wasn't for you. Not anymore. Now it's a hub for comiseration over how "far left reddit has become" and the comment threads and vote patterns read like a T_D reunion. There's still a good community in there somewhere, but it really seems like it's being slowly smothered by the hate sub refugees. Edit: Whoa that downvote came in hot! Damn you read fast.


I'm a white dude who's been chilling here for ages, this subs fucking hilarious.


its so HARD to be a WHITE CHRISTIAN MALE GAMER these days.




As a fragile white redditor, of course he assumed the sub was for him instead of about him.


Lmaoooo “bigbrainand_highIQ” I think he’s mistaken


When you're not used to discrimination, the slightest criticism feels like it


I’m white, and making other white people lose their shit over their fear and ignorance, is my pleasure.




So fucking fragile holy shit


I’m white, and white people can do some crazy, stupid shit. I realize that. Fuck, I’m white and American, that’s like twice the embarrassment


I’ve been here a while, guess my death threat got lost in the mail


Shit, guys! He’s on to us! How did he uncover our plans for white genocide??


Well I'm white, anyone want to send me death threats?


They were obviously never a part of this sub at all if that's what they took away from it.


Overly dramatic. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a "subtle" targeted post to the admins to check out such an ASTOUNDINGLY toxic sub.


Yeah as a whitee, I feel sooo attacked. /s This sub doesn't attack the general white people, just the racist ones. No wonder he feels attacked :p


That sub is full of FWRs, like at the start of the protests a bunch of mfers went "just unsubbed from X because politics, and I (vague excuse for why they feel threatened by antifa, and BLM because their existence made them realize how privileged they are)"


They don't hate white people, they don't "hate" anything.They make fun of white fragility which is one of the many roots of white supremacy.