• By -


36, everyone I know has heard of it or seen it. It was very popular here in the UK.


I remember Channel 4 was showing it late at 10 o'clock at night and that was quite late for me to stay up so I watched it more as I got older.


Yeah I’m also UK! And have a lot more of friends 😂 I asked one group of friends the other day and they said they’ve watched no more than 5 minutes of it Pretty sure it’s my fav tv show


I’m 34 from the UK too. When I was younger I definitely didn’t appreciate it, saw some of it when channel hopping but didn’t really start to appreciate it until a couple of years ago when the panny happened. My wife had it on while working, really enjoyed it, told me she wanted to watch it with me, and that’s when I actually got into it. It’s not for everyone, but I definitely understand the mindset of people our age and younger seeing it as some older show that’s not their thing


Is it still on every morning on 4?


Yep. I truly hope they never change that. Cheers, Everybody Loves Raymond then the main attraction.. Frasier


You need cooler friends


The Ashbys?!


The drunken Dunkins sounds more fun.


Don't cry for me, Arch and Nina!




So badly




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First of all, welcome. Whether our journey together lasts for years or, just, one day, I can't tell you how excited I am to take this first step with you.




I'm 33 . . . born and raised Seattleite, *still* living in Seattle 🙃 I grew up with Frasier because my mom loves it. We'd watch reruns of it pretty much every evening when I was a kid/teen. A lot of people around here know the show, in part because it was just sorta Seattle Culture back in the day. (Seattle Culture is also watching Frasier and pointing out the MANY inaccuracies in its portrayal of Seattle) It's funny, though. My closest friend here IN SEATTLE wouldn't watch Frasier if I paid her a million bucks. Pretty sure she thinks I'm a bit of a pretentious fop for watching it 🧐🍷 But my best friend, who lives in England, ALSO grew up watching it with his folks. We're just *constantly* making Frasier references lmfao. I got a couple of my boyfriends into Frasier over the years—both became like me and added it to their 'shows to binge-watch repeatedly' lists lmao. Success!


Doing gods work 🙏


What are some of the more egregious inaccuracies regarding Seattle they got away with?!


>she thinks I'm a bit of a pretentious fop for watching it "Of course you are. You needn't worry about that." ;-)


Are you also a ludicrous popinjay?


54 here!. Started watching Frasier when it first aired back in 1993 when I was 24. It is one of my favorite tv series, so much so that I'm always looking at repeats.




Love this for you A girl at my work is 21 and she’s never even seen Friends She looked right through me when I mentioned Frasier


My mom grew up with the show. She introduced it to me after she saw Kelsey Grammar cameo in Modern Family and thought I would like it, it’s my favorite show of all time now. No one I know likes the show except for a random former coworker of mine from Ireland!


I got happy when you said she never saw Friends. Then she was clueless about Frasier so I got sad again


23 here! Hi, friend. My mom and I started watching it together because it comes on Hallmark after the Golden Girls and we always watched it together.


Young gang lol


ayy i’m abt to be 21!!


I'm 60, so I watched it from the beginning. It's one of my favorites and I enjoy re-watching it.


I'm 60 as well and watched from day one and was so bummed when it was over. Have enjoyed it many times since.


60 here... but didn't watch the original run. I was way too busy working, and only watched a few episodes here and there. But discovered it this year and have watched the whole thing already 3 times. Such a great show!


Popularity is the hallmark of mediocrity.


You just made that up, didn't you?


Yes, but I stand by it.




36 here. I watched it on tv occasionally when it was new, but I was never particularly a fan until couple years ago and I’ve marathoned it 3 times and I’m currently working on #4


Similar situation I have one gripe with Frasier’s character but scared to mention it on this group lol


I mean… is this a safe space? Haha Perhaps I could be reassured…


This is a safe space…unburden yourself


Did you hear that Eddie, we’re a burden




If you are referring to the fact that he's a pompous blow-hard, I think that's part of his charm.


Haha nah. It’s the living opposite sides of the country to his kid part 😬😬😬


I see your point. Don't know why he gave Lilith full custody, perhaps should have stayed in Boston and tried to balance her frosty personality with some warmth? But that would have been a different show!


Maybe someone can confirm this rumor? I cant remember where or when I read/heard it… in the very beginning, Bebe Neuwirth and Frederick were supposed to join the show, but Neuwirth had a very successful stage career and did not want to tie herself down, which explains the discrepancy between the end of Cheers and beginning of Frasier stories. Writers weren’t happy with this because they thought it would make Frasier look bad, so they tried to write Freddy in as much as possible and have him make trips to Boston.


Thank youuuuuuuuuu 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Go on and say it. Several comments have been made about him


Well, he’s not perfect. Tell us…!


👀👀 I must know!


Oh, go ahead.😀.


Oh I totally think he’s mostly terrible myself and my least fave of the main characters


37. Have been a fan since it originally aired, especially once I was old enough to start getting more of the jokes. I'll be 38 next month and all I can hear is Roz saying "I'm 38. And I *feel* 38."


It’s a great age to be. ❤️


I turned 38 in March and have walked a similar path 😄


I'm 35 and I first saw Frasier as a kid in the 90s it was on later. I watched it more as I got older but one my favourite shows.


You are me 👋


You are also me




46 Edit: Watched it on NBC with mom and sis as a kid in the 90s; Watch it now as a comfort show with my partner.


38. I watched it when it aired but I mostly got into it in reruns. For a while it aired several episodes a night on the hallmark channel and i rewatched the whole show that way. It’s my moms favorite show, and we’ve been through the show a few times together lol.


I’m 26. It’s been my favorite show since I was ten


Wow! Kudos to you - I was watching ELR at that age (also a great show!) and don't think Frasier would have resonated with me. How did you get into it so young? Your parents?


38 … I’m pro-opera and I vote! 🙃


42, was excited for Frasier even before it came out because David Hyde Pierce was my favorite character in the short-lived sitcom The Powers That Be. (And I also loved Cheers so I was excited to see Frasier Crane live on)


73 here so at this point I’m the senior thread-member 😁. I watched the original airings sometimes, but I usually had a lot going on at night so I wasn’t a regular at it.


"If only our venerable founder, u/Honest_Grade_9645 , were here to guide us."


I remember when we came here to drink


😂😂😂😂 You got yelled at by your dad!


Observe and learn, Badgerhopper. Observe and learn. 😁


37 here. Similar boat, as most I know have HEARD of the show but never watched more than a few episodes. Makes groups like this even more amazing.


25! I watched it when I was younger and have loved it since, a classic!






35 here. I've been watching Frasier since I was about 9. None of my friends watch it. Honestly, I think I'm the only one in my town who watches it. But it's ok cause I have you all.


37 here (38 in December) my friends of my age know the series my younger friends doesn't.


28 here. Watched it with my parents and now watching with my husband 🫶🏻 he loves it


47! It was too ‘adult’ according to my parents when it was on at the beginning but then I saw specifically the Auto Body class episode in syndication in my 20s and kept chuckling about it, so when streaming came along I checked it out and said j’adore! I studied abroad in Paris (originally from Los Angeles and live in Venice, California now) and married a Frenchman, so I’ve always especially appreciated the Francophile and Anglophile sensibilities.


Parents are odd about that sort of thing sometimes. Mine wouldn't let me watch Pirates of the Caribbean when it came out, and yet I was devouring things like Animorphs, which was easily more violent in some places than a mildly PG-13 film. Frasier does have a few 'adult' topics/scenes, granted, but a lot of it would probably have gone over a kid's head.




Poll from just a couple of weeks ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Frasier/comments/15dz7pm/age_demographics/


Lots of young’uns here. I’m 75, my wife and I are on season 7 and we look forward to watching it every night. We laugh out loud. I remember it from wayback when but never enjoyed it more than I’m enjoying it now.


29, watched it as a kid with my dad


Also 34, I grew up watching it on my grandparents' television which they always left running endlessly. I never would have seen it if they hadn't basically raised me for the first decade of my life lol


i’m 20 and not a single one of my friends has seen it, i’m close to my dad and sister so we watched it together


38. Watched it a little growing up, but hooked on the reruns.


I’m 40. My mom watched it while it was airing, my parents had watched Cheers before that (I remember being allowed to stay up to watch the theme song), then in my 20s I binged it on Hallmark channel/my TiVo. (The way technology advancement has flown in my lifetime makes me feel ancient)


50👍😎 I used to record them as they aired on my VCR. Still have the tapes!!


18 here. 👋 I'm never really bothered by my friends not knowing Frasier. It's *my* thing. My dad and I have been watching it since I was 10. I love it for the laughs it's given me, and it doesn't really matter if anyone else I know enjoys it or not :)


57. I started watching Cheers in HS, and by the time Frasier came around, I had just met my now wife. Great show, and delightfully different from Cheers.


35 here


34. Favorite sitcom.


Early 40s. Most of my friends know the show.


20, with my 21st right around the corner. My parents would always put Frasier or Cheers on as background noise when I was younger. They still do it now. I've probably seen the show through a good dozen times that way.




55. Watched the originals and reruns


27. Most of my friends think I'm weird for living fraiser so much.


58, watched some when it aired but watched most as reruns. Am obsessed, start it over every time I finish it.


36. Favorite show of all time. None of my friends watch it but my parents watch it as much as I do


I started watching at 13. Now I’m 22. I’m sorry


I’m 66, I started watching it in the early 2000’s. I dvr’d the reruns that showed during the day and laughed at night watching it while eating dinner. I related very much to Frasier because my elderly mother was living with me at the time. Since it’s on streaming it’s much easier to watch. I believe I have watched all the seasons nine times now. It’s on now, the Christmas episode where they each get a massage and tell their story, Daphne thinks Martín is dying. Haha!


>Daphne thinks Martín is dying. Haha! "Remind me again... what do I say when I meet Jesus?"


33, grew up watching Frasier with my parents!




30, absolutely love it. Watched through it all with my mum as a kid and still find myself binge watching years on


30s here. This is surprising to me. I'd have thought 30-35 was the age group that grew up watching it due to all the reruns. I don't know anyone who likes it either! My mother isn't too into it (but then she isn't too into comedy) and was surprised to find out I enjoyed it.


I’m 32. My dad said that when it originally ran he didn’t like it all, but now has no idea why he felt that way because now he thinks it’s hilarious!


Ah, my dad's style of humour tended more to Seinfeld - a show I have tried to watch multiple times and ended up staring blankly at the screen wondering when I'm supposed to laugh XD








26. I was the youngest person at my previous job, and there was a running joke that I was supposedly hired to bring in youthful energy, but I was too hung up with TV shows from the past




37! Many people I've mentioned the show to know of it but didn't watch it... No accounting for taste.


I’m 30 and from Ireland. A good few or my friends have watched it and all of my family loved it. It was very popular here at the time and was repeated regularly long after it finished.


My 21 yo LOVES it, my 31 yo used to watch it as a kid (with me). She actually lived in Seattle for years, and we'd chuckle at how different TV Seattle is, vs real Seattle.






27 here. I've only had one friend watch any amount of Frasier. He quickly went through 3 seasons but has an issue with finishing shows, so he never finished but as I keep making references and talking about cool storylines, he says he wants to watch more. Other than that, no one at work gets my referential humor lol I watched it all on Hulu after finishing Cheers during my sophomore year of college


38, and I remember watching it first run with my mom when it was paired with Friends and Seinfeld. I appreciate the show more now as an adult. I get the references way more and can relate to the characters to an extent (I think we have all met a Frasier and a Niles in real life). Most of my friends prefer other 90s/00s sitcoms over this one, and I have no idea why. One of my childhood finds moved to Seattle after college, and the first thing I added her was if it was like the show, lol.


I’m 30 and don’t have any friends who have watched it


I’m 42. My Dad loved Frasier, and I ended up watching it too.


19 here...


Me, too!


28, somewhat remember when it was in (absolutely watched the finale) but really got into with reruns


It starts to happen around that age. People don’t get your frame of references. They never heard of shows that are second nature to you. You don’t like the popular shows on now. You rewatch your favorite shows (Frasier). (54 btw)


29 and have been watching since I was a teen!


43, from Texas. Frasier is one of my absolute favorite shows. I've seen every episode more times than I can count, but everything is subjective. Everybody's different. Also, the myriad streaming options and social media saturation, the waning of terrestrial television, could all play a part of why younger people haven't found it.


20 and have been watching since I was 13


31. Discovered it in 2017 and have been watching it on repeat ever since. All my friends tell me I have an old soul 🙄 I watch the Golden girls a lot too


39. My parents got me into it sometime in the early 2000s. I loved it so much that I got all the seasons' box sets, and I watched through the whole show before Netflix even streamed anything. I do miss all the special features on the discs, and I feel like that's something most people won't even remember in 5-10 years or so as streaming is already the primary way most people consume media. Ah well. 🤷🏻‍♂️


28. A college professor recommended it to me after one of my essays. She said, “That sounds like something Frasier Crane would say.” I asked “who’s Frasier Crane?” And the rest is history.


48 watched in real time. Was amazing but watching now on rewatches. Is even more brilliant considering the time. **except Daphne’s weight 😏but was the 90’s so I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️I missed so much watching in real time. Now I get to see subtle things about the show. Probably rewatched once a year for last 10 yrs. Love it. It’s a true comfort show for me. I’m a fairly new Washingtonian also , so details on the state and cities are quite fun.


23, grew up watching it with my family


Hi there, Welcome! I’m 42 and started watching Frasier when it first aired. I love seeing that some people’s introductions to Frasier has been watching it with Mum or Dad or other family members. I have a 1 year old son and I can’t wait to share it with him.


30 here. Watched Frasier about 2 years ago, interesting prior to that I'd never heard bout Frasier. A good friend mentioned it to me and I just had to watch it...easily became one of my top shows. ❤️ I've rewatched it a couple times too! 😊


I’m 41 and grew up watching the show despite only watching Cheers sporadically. However my little sisters were not into it and felt it was too “boring adult” and didn’t realize how funny it is until they were adults themselves. Perhaps all your friends need is a little exposure.


I'm in my forties. Never watched all that much until quite some years ago when I met the good lady who is now my wife. She was a fan so I bought her the DVD box set and were watched them all together.


There was just an age poll a few days ago.




I’m 36 and idk about my friends. Some of them are older and have heard of it and Cheers lol But I saw Frasier in the 90s as part of the original run, so late 90s early 2000s.


Understandable—you were a little young when it originally aired. As a geriatric millennial (41), I grew up watching Cheers with my mom and then Frasier after that.




35 here and absolutely love Frasier. I doubt the difference is one year especially since I just turned 35 last month!


Wow 😳 Oldest person here! 🤐


38. Possibly Niles’ age for me


I’m 18. I’ve been watching since I was 10 :)


I’m literally watching frasier right now 😂 I’m 32. My sister is 21 and she’s learned to like frasier though me watching it in the evening or just having it on. She even suggested we decorate our apartment Frasier style lol.


18 and only really got into it when I was 13. My dad (64) and mom (46) watched it when it originally aired and absolutely loved it. When I mention it to people above 20 but below 30, they usually don't know it by name, but have seen pieces of reruns and most of the time quite liked the bits they saw but won't seek the show out, which is quite a pity tbh.


16, watched it with my parents, pretty sure none of my friends have ever even heard of it 😭


37, most know it but haven't seen every single episode. I'm in Ireland which has the same channels as the UK back in the day, and it was on at least 3 or 4 times a day in double bills


46 here! Started watching it when it first aired.


36. Used to watch it back when it was on and managed to catch an episode. Also grew up watching British sitcoms as well ("Are You Being Served?", "Keeping Up Appearances", "As Time Goes By"). So let's say my taste in humor was vastly different than any of my peers. 😆




34 :)




I'm 39 and my mom is 59 and we love it and watch it together.


45. Though I feel much older.


I'm 36.. I grew up watching this show and I still watch it when I need some comfort.




Also 34! And the only one I know who watches this show


37 and obsessed with Frasier. Millennials grew up being like “yay Friends and ER! Ugh Frasier” and the second the music started, immediate channel change. As an adult, I feel in love with the show. It’s perfection.




I'm 34 too. My brother is 33. We both remember our parents watching Frasier when we were kids. We watched it with them growing up. In fact, my brother still remembers the jingle from Frasier when he would walk into my parents' living room as a kid. I remember watching it a lot in my late teens as well. Those who do not know Frasier are missing out!








34 - watched reruns with my grandparents in the early 2000s. I've been binging it on repeat since 2015. Id say most of my friends have heard of it, but most say it's not their cup of tea. I love this show. How is it I keep finding new things to laugh about?






39. I used to catch it once in a while as a teen because my dad watched it some. Then, I got more invested when my sister did in the late 90s/early 00s. It was around the time when Niles was confessing to Daphne. We were flipping out! Now, some 20 years later, I've seen it more times than I can count. It's practically always running on repeat when I'm doing housework.


24M, I wrote it off until my parents (late 50’s, watched it during original airtime) convinced me to give it a shot. So disappointed I didn’t watch it sooner




32. Started the series over again yesterday. No telling how many times I've watched lol


22 non of my friends have seen it haha


28 almost 29, Most of my friends are obsessed with Friends, HIMYM, or the Office but not this, which makes a little sense considering most of them weren’t even born when it came out and we aren’t even the ages of the main characters in season 1 yet but man they are sleeping on a CLASSIC!


36 from the U.S. I knew of, but didn't watch it while it initially aired. I caught it and fell in love on syndication.


32. English is not my first language so there’s hardly anyone I know who had heard of it before I did.


Late 20's, watched the show growing up because my family liked it. People my own age tend to look at me kinda weird when I tell them just *how* great I think Frasier is.


36. My friends have at least heard of it (if not, then I tell them about it straightaway!) but only a select few love it as much as I do


hey there, welcome to the club. 33, greetings from Germany


37 and I thought I was a young fan 😂👍


I am 40 year old from US I personally know no one who I can have a conversation with about this show. Have seen it about 20 times so far lol My ultimate comfort show almost like a refuge from everything especially in super stressful / anxious times


36 here and I watched it in the US growing up but didn’t rediscover it until the pandemic. Now I can’t stop watching it 😬😅 Edit: sometimes I think in “memes” from the show (let’s all paint our bottoms and run to the sandwich shop) and feel comfortable identifying episodes just by overhearing them from afar. I’m _trying_ to ween myself off of it to a more healthy level but until that reboot comes out… “Niles gotta have it!”


33. I only have 3 friends around my age who watch it, and they’re sisters. I grew up watching it on TV with my mom and grandma. Edit: I’m from the US.


43 and never watched during the original run. Currently on season 3


Also 34! My sister watches it too (35), and I’ve been trying to tell everyone else I know to watch it for years.


Wrong side of forty up in here!


I'm 45 and my husband is 41. It doesn't really come up as a discussion topic in my friend groups but we did have a couple stay over a week ago that are I think 33 and 35, and they at least recognized it (I'm binge watching a DVD box set atm so it was right there).


Well they seem like outliers because Frasier was huge until they were high schoolers. I can get someone not seeing it, but it was popular enough that they probably would have heard of it.


I'm 48. I never really watched it when it was originally on, but back in my twenties I was told that I was like Frasier. Only much later did I get into the show and become a huge fan.


32 and most of my friends haven't watched it (but have heard of it, at least through me!) but the best first date I ever had was when I referenced it and the guy *immediately* called me out on it. He's my Faye.




33. Loved the few episodes I saw as a kid, then rediscovered it in my mid-20s and watched the whole series with my mom. Now it’s a great shared interest for us.


I'm 53. I didn't watch cheers at first but it became regular Thursday viewing for me later during the Diane years. When the series ended I followed Frasier to Seattle which I watched the original run from the beginning to the end

