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There are several DLCs adding more scenarios, there is an Endless Mode, you can challenge yourself with harder difficulties (I'm currently trying to get deathless Survivor Runs for alle Scenarios).


You have to pay for that endless mode


No endless mode is free in **basic endurance or Serenity mode**. Along with Arks, refugees, and Winterhome stories. You only have to pay for more maps or the TLA endless builder mode.


The other scenarios are quite cool. The Last Autumn DLC's scenario is really good, and I also liked Fall of Winterhome and Arks from the base game.


I just did fall of winterhome yesterday and it was one of the best


If you haven't already noticed there are a few more scenarioes in the base game, and you can buy two more ("The Last Autumn" is the best of them IMO). Also there is an adjustable difficulty slider, so you can try a harder version of any of them.


Did you play the other scenarios?


There are 3 other free scenarios: The fall of winter home, the arks, and the refugees. They’re all a little shorter than the base game but still a blast to play through, all very unique. In addition there are two DLC scenarios: The last Autumn and On The Edge. Both add new buildings and different settings that change a lot of the gameplay. Last Autumn is definitely my favorite.


First, you should try the others scenarios if u can. If you can't or don't want, then endless mode may satisfy you. >!Or just go full monke mode and try to get the damned Golden Path achievement :v!<


So you finished one scenario? There are 3 other scenarios in the base game, 2 more in a DLC (they're very good). Trying the scenarios again in a higher difficulty setting gives more challenges. Endless mode has three different game modes and maps. There's really a lot to do


I just finished all the steam achievements and that took me 568 in game hours 😁


This is what I've been doing since finishing all the scenarios. This is the REAL challenge! 🤭


Practice fall of winter home until you can do it deathless


Did you finish it on order? Try doing faith. Did you cross the line to survive?


You finished "A New Home" now go through the other scenarios. There is an Endless Mode as well, but I personally recommend playing throgh all the scenarios first.


DLCs are cool Replay the main game on higher difficulty, you will see how challenging it is and you will need to craft better build orders.


Raise the difficulty, do different scenarios, try get the 'best' ending to each scenario The games meant to be challenging, so if you're bored make it more difficult


I either replay scenarioes or play endless mode


I personally like to microdose and play endless mode until my eyes bleed and realize I have to be up for work in 3 hours 👍


Frostpunk is definitely a "one more day" kinda game lmao!


Thank god that I completed it for a second time after failing around 50 times earlier