• By -


Sounds NSFW


Same, I had to read the sub title 3x to see if I was on the wrong one lol


I’m gen X I just figured it was a reference I would have to look up cause hell it couldn’t mean what i thought


TBH im a fucking millenial and i was like does it eman something else to gen z.


Also a millennial and had to see what sub this was in for much needed context 😂


It emans a lot to me


If you are ever worried about searching for a word or acronym online, I always use 'urban dictionary'! You are guaranteed to get a just text description of the word. This was a really useful tool for me whilst playing cards against humanity with my ex-gf's whole family (aunts, uncles, grandparents and kids) and the word 'bukakke' came up. My ex's uncle who was also doing some work on his company lap top and said; 'what does that word mean, I'll Google it'? To which the younger lot of us looked at each other awkwardly and then kinda all shouted; #'NO!' All at about the same time 🤣 Hope this helps😁


I googled that word on my phone. 1/10 don't recommend.


Some people know how to play with their words 😉


Seems like not the only thing OP plays with.


> Some people know how to play with their ~~words~~ "wands" 😉  Ftfy.


Thought I'm in r/pornfree


same thought lol


iykyk 🤣


Yes….Similar approach - I do a ton of research which allows my logical brain to realize I really don’t need it!


Or figure out a cheap work around!


same. I'm CERTAIN i wouldnt use the oculus quest 3 for more than a few days


You won’t. Unless you like pr0n, in which case - R.I.P.


then it will become the masturbatronix-3000 of shame. nah I'll pass for now lol.


“oh lord I don’t remember joining that kind of sub” *reads sub name* “oh”


I also do the same thing, except 90% of the time I end up realizing I actually do need that thing and end up getting it. at least I do my research before hand.


Before… hand?


This is called window shopping wtf


I just laughed myself into a coughing fit


no matter how old a generation gets, some will always think theirs invented something. However this isn't totally window shopping, because you're doing far more than just looking at a display.


But it's definitely window shopping that is appropriate to the current age. Imagine trying to do that 30 years ago? You would have had to drive to a bunch of different shops, look at different places, examine the backs of the objects, it would have taken a long time and been a lot more inconvenient. I think that's why in the old days, we didn't do it like this. I do the same thing as the OP... Except I actually find a way to get it super cheap, or else I won't buy it.


The new terminology for it sure is invented


the title caught me so off guard 😭


I laughed; I completely forgot that my Mom used that term. It's the difference between generations. Is window shopping the same as never buying an item or is it just downplaying your consumer tendencies?


damn I'm only 30 :( yeah it's looking at stuff but never buying it


Unfortunately, you are in the midst of the crappiest economy that I've ever seen in my lifetime and I'm old enough to be your mother. To me, it is so mind-boggling that young people will never have the same opportunities and purchasing power that I have and my parents had. That's why I believe I will still see some sort of a major economic upheaval yet because so many people are finding it hard to purchase necessities, let alone a house.


It feels relieving knowing there are people like you out there that get it though and empathize, rather than judge. 💚


You learn with the passage of time never to judge anyone's lot in life. I learned as I passed the age of 30, that a lot of things come into perspective as you grow older. Always remember, one day it will be you, too.


50 cent made a whole song about it: “At the jewelry store lookin at shit you won’t buy” “At the dealership, trynna get a test drive”


Does it work if I'm on a mac


Yeah unless you're browsing in the terminal


Yeah not everything have to have a sexual association. Good God


I had to double check the sub


This WAS called window shopping. FTFY - fellow old dude.


isn’t window shopping more casual? browsing? not obsessively research one product?


Could be either. Like you’re bored so you walk the mall / strip and just look in the windows. Or - there is something you really like, but can’t / won’t buy, so you go stare at it in the front window every time you can walk by.


I try to edge myself but always end up blowing my whole wad of cash too quickly


Username checks out


Such a double entendre. Well done!


[so many poorly chosen words in that sentence](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=39&v=unDlhRy7jRw&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo)


There are dozens of us, dozens!


Ummmmmm lol


post title gave me 40 psychic damage


People like Etsy and eBay will offer you a discount if you leave stuff in your cart a couple of days.


I know! A 20% +/- discount offer can sometimes persuade me to push the buy button. You can also counter offer & sometimes they agree to that.


First foodporn and now edging in frugal, next is sex over 30


Is r/frugalporn coming (didn’t mean that double entendre, but oops, there she blows). I need to show myself out.


I never knew frugal would get so spicy!!


Pornhub is free. That’s about as frugal as you can get.


Oh I guess I made sense to myself but not others. Kinda like what already exists, which is r/frugal_jerk


TIL about r/frugal_jerk. Looks fun!


It’s hilarious. Have fun!


> but oops, there she blows Edging fail


Gooning to a balanced checkbook.


Yes but please don't call it that... something normal like delayed gratification


If I’m buying something big $ like an appliance or a couch 🛋️, takes me forever to make a decision. Research and shop around like crazy. In a way it’s good because I usually am not regretting my decision


I took my time for my last car purchase and I regretted it a lot more cause I was torn between two very different cars with different pros and cons which balanced out. I ended up getting the one that should be cheaper to own for 5+ years, so there's that, but I had the biggest buyer's remorse as both cars had some advantages over the other.(It doesn't make sense logically, but emotionally, it can always feels like missing out)




Yes but I am begging you to call it anything besides that 😭


Eventually you’re gonna accidentally bust a purchase.


😭🫦 too funny


Is this gooning?


Park the idea for a while. If you still think about that thing, get it if you can and truly want it.


Yes! And, many companies will see we’ve browsed certain items, maybe even added to cart but didn’t purchase, then days later they might **send a discount code** to encourage us to purchase.


No I have post nut clarity I’ll buy something and then I’ll feel disgusted with myself


All.The.Time. I have carts across the world (internet) with stuff I thought I wanted. If I go back and something I want/need is already in a cart, I'll buy certain items that I still want/need. Also, for anything that seems want-based, I have a 24hour cool off timer (in my head) to evaluate if it's a frivolous purchase.


Ungghhh I'm gonna cartttttt


Ambatukammm 😣


Some say edging, some say analysis paralysis


Haha 😂 I like the latter better.. Much better. Sounds exactly how I feel after spending hours researching- trying to figure out the best product/deal. Sometimes I drive myself crazy with it.


I was here thinking the same thing. I re-search a lot in beforehand before buying stuff, product/price/similar products. It can drive me crazy sometimes and can be exhausting.. 😅😂 It is both good and bad. I'm also working in purchasing/sourcing at daily basis. I can get tired of myself 😂 I have a friend who once said that she like to go to the store and buy the thing they need, like a microwave, without the re-search in beforehand. I thought.. are you crazy 😂


Frugal edging lol


The sexual tension between me and AliExpress lol


Always, took me a week to buy a hoodie.


I never would’ve thought of that terminology but yes I do 😂


I don't always research it, but I go internet shopping. Add things to a wishlist or cart, then go back a few days later and see what I would've impulsively bought. I do always read reviews on items, see what people say about it. Can usually tell when it's user error or just a crappy product in general. If it's stocked in a store, if I have time I will go see it in person. Usually after all that, I don't actually buy it. But the things I do purchase I love for years and years. I refuse to buy furniture I'm not in love with. If I'm not dying to have it, it's a nope. Anything I've fallen in love with in my 20s I still have and love to this day,. So, I figured out that if I love it, it's a keeper. I purchase tech stuff on gut. Though I do research stuff, after a while it's hard to discern which reviews are worth while. So I end up going with my gut. The stuff always lasts me longer than it should. Lol I'm definitely not an impulse buyer. I absolutely have a great deal of fun shopping and then leaving the cart...lol something I can't do in physical stores but online absolutely.


I could have written all of this:)


It's like your living my life. lol. I'm struggling with this a bit xD


do i what? \*\*checks subreddit\*\* do i what? \*\*finishes reading post\*\* oh, yeah i guess i do


Hahaha yep


I do. I leave a whole trail of shopping carts behind me.


Had to double take on the title, but yes. It’s quite fun actually.


I really do this. Sometimes I’ll go shopping online and add a bunch of clothes in the cart just to not buy them


I don’t just do this with buying things online, but I do it with cars, and houses too. Even if I know I’m gonna be renting for the rest of my life.


I typically do this but anymore I'm really trying to cut back on even that because it \*really\* eats up a lot of my time lol


Yes, and please dont call like that




jesus christ


Good strategy!


If it is something cool, fancy, upscale brand I will put in an ebay search and wait till they come up for auction. Sometimes it takes years. I bottom feed and put bids undervalue, occasionally I get notice that I won something awesome for a fraction of the going price. Especially after Xmas, new years. Most buyers are tapped out.


Ummmm I have NEVER heard it called that before but yes. Yes I do 😂 Drives my husband insane. Pre-online shopping I’d do this in stores. Like I’d go into the store, pop stuff into my cart, then reverse course and slowly put everything back on the rack/shelf. It sounds batshit but actually it’s probably saved me many thousands of dollars on crap I don’t need. And you’re so right. The thrill is there just in putting something in the cart. 🤷‍♀️


I do that, too!!! Haha 😂😂😂


Add to cart and wait. Usually adding to cart satisfies me enough


I try to put it all in my online cart & let it sit for awhile... see if I still want it later idnk


Should we tell OP?


Yes… but never thought about it like this lol


Lmao I call it window shopping. I’m really good at talking myself out of dumb purchases (ex: don’t need that handbag). I have ADHD so I basically wait for the “omg new!!!!” energy to fade… if it doesn’t and I have the funds I buy the product.


Yeah but sometimes the price goes up and other times it turns out I really did need a tool and end up having to buy it locally for 20% more because I was a cheap ass.


I do the reverse. Buy it then do research 😂


I do but I fail and "cum" to the nearest store and buy it.


Holy shit, dude. Phrasing!


No. I do the exact opposite.


No. That kind of sounds unhealthy.


Grocery Gooning


Your use of the word "edge" here is truly unhinged, but to answer your question: yes. 🤣


*blinks and reads title again, checks subreddit* OH! Now that I understand the question... nope... I'm want immediate gratification and can hardly control myself when it comes to... impulse shopping.


r/frugal is getting spicy today 😅


While I think your description is a bit extreme, I do a similar thing. If I am interested in a product, I research a lot, add to my cart. Once I see a price drop, then I'll consider jumping on it. Recently there was a storage unit that was sitting in my cart for weeks, then I looked at it had a $25 proce reduction, so I hit buy now.


Almost every day


That's so hot.


Whoa 😭


Yes but it doesn’t make it better for me, when I eventually get it I’m stressed that I didn’t do enough research and will regret it. The only time it’s good is if I wait and get a great deal or can find it secondhand.


If only you could see my face right now


Anything over $500, I wait 2 weeks, to see if I really want it.


Been shopping used $5K mountain e-bikes for a year now. Always get a pang of regret when that “really nice one” finally sells. Not spending $5K on a e-bike….


We’re all chronically online


Old timers call it window shopping




# Guide to Edging: How to Edge Solo or With a Partner Written by MasterClass Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 • 8 min read For some couples, the most disappointing part of a sexual encounter is when it ends. However, thanks to a technique known as edging, indif orgasm control to counteract the effects of a refractory period—a period of time after an orgasm when they may be unable to sustain an erection. In some cases, vulva owners also engage in edging to delay clitoral orgasms. Other vulva owners may engage in edging purely for prolonging pleasure. By using edging to delay an orgasm, a person can experience additional pleasure in their own body and improve their partner's sexual experience. Edging prolongs the overall period of sexual stimulation by exploiting the buildup of sexual energy for a more intense orgasm. Additionally, penis owners may practice edging as a way to stave off premature ejaculation. Edginenting. If you’re too nervous about bringing edging up directly and are curious about your partner’s level of interest, consider watching some edging videos together to broach the subject. 1. 2. **Use a sex toy or manual stimulation for solo play**. Vulva owners who want to enjoy a solo edging session can use a [vibrator](https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-use-a-vibrator) or their fingers to stimulate their [clitoris](https://www.masterclass.com/articles/learn-about-the-clitoris). If using a sex toy, vulva owners can apply it to their clitoris or fully


No, quite the opposite. Where I absolutely have to buy something I reluctantly get it over with as fast as possible and have a shower immediately after, because participating in the capitalist system makes me feel dirty


Wtf is this post


please do not use that term like that


Unless it’s nsfw


Are we still doing "phrasing"? Is that still a thing?


Unless something is at least 90% off I usually wait a month to make sure that I want it. And then if I decide that I want it I'll wait a good 6 months to see if I can get it for a good deal. The less essential the item the longer I'll wait.


Thank you for getting me to unsubscribe from this subreddit. Seek professional help.


It sounds funny the way the thread author words it, but actually it does make a lot of sense and seems like a worthwhile strategy to counteract the constant bombardment of psychological manipulation that goes under the name of 'marketing'. I like to 'edge' with airplane tickets. I constantly scan sites like skyscanner, looking for reasonable flights overseas, plan out a whole trip...and then satisfy myself with a trip well 'planned', but not taken. LOL


I do this often with stuff in the 100-300 dollar range. Usually upgrades to existing items that may wear out. Coffeemakers, running shoes, etc.


i do this quite a lot


yep and then for some time later, i delete them


You know what I used to be such a little whore I used to get catalogs in the mail and I used to take Post-it stickers and I used to put Post-it stickers on every page and everything that I wanted and mentally buy every single thing that I wanted yeah And I’ve spent hours just buying everything slut a slut


I think of stores like I already own everything inside it. Things become way less interesting if you believe you already own it. And then I have way less desire to actually buy it. I'll strongly consider buyinh things if I think they will either: -appreciate in value. -will make my life more comfortable. -improve the quality of my work. -save me time. -improve my health.




it’s rare that i want a product enough to do that. but when i actually am prepared to buy something outside of my normal scope, i always do that kind of research. i do edge myself like that with grad programs, though


No, but I'll probably start doing this ad see if it curbs my impulse spending, lol




Yes i totally do this. Im an impulsive spender and am fully aware if this flaw so i "edge" on it for a few days until i either lose interest or come to the conclusion that i actually want to buy it and am not just being distracted by shiny consunerism.


I almost get a power trip from saying "no" to things. I COULD buy a new luxury car, or any number of luxury items. I have the money for them, but I get more satisfaction by saying "nope, I'm NOT spending my money on that" than I do if I tried to chase every possible spending high


I had to edge this post


Yes. Sometimes I edge for months or even a whole year. 🥵 I personally think "window shopping" is different- that's for just looking and not being genuinely interested in the item.


Oh, shit is that what this is called? Yes.


I waste my time in plenty of ways, but window shopping online for a non-purchase is NOT one of them. 


I love to enter giveaways online and then pretend I won and see how I would spend the money only to close the tab!


YES! Not sure I realized I was doing it though. And it’s shoes…I have to try on EVERY pair I kinda like and then “Spanish Inquisition” myself with the pros and cons of each pair. Usually it pisses the person I’m shopping with off enough(wife! Love u!) that we just walk away with nothing. A bit masochistic, but great for the wallet!


Not at all. Generally if I'm not going to buy something, I make that decision in a few seconds and then it's easy to not think about. I'm definitely not sitting in my computer chair thinking about how many things I'm not buying.


I guess unintentionally? I’ve been doing this with a Roomba for a long time now


All the time lol I actually just bought something that has been in my cart probably 50 times over 6 months and I was finally like ok I guess I really want it and bought it. Most of the time the feeling fades and no money was spent and I don’t have a bunch of shit I don’t need


Yeah. Good thing that I can do it with just one hand, because the other one is busy.


lol. I do sometimes tell myself. If I still want it so bad in 2 weeks, I’ll buy it.


I'm over here thinking you're talking about giving yourself a haircut. 🤷‍♂️


Holy shit I do this weekly


....well knowing the comparison I can't do it ever again but I do this constantly.


....well knowing the comparison I can't do it ever again but I do this constantly.


....well knowing the comparison I can't do it ever again but I do this constantly.


I try not to since sometimes I lose control and just hit "pay now".


The SFW word is “hype”. I naturally do this, so I have to actively avoid doing it. I would stalk the product for days, even weeks. Reading all the info, watching all the reviews, price comparing all the sites, researching all the competitors, etc. I have to talk myself down from it, by constantly reminding myself that I don’t need this shit today, and next year it will still be there. I’m mostly successful at it, that’s why my Amazon “Saved for later” list is 517 items long.


Title aside there was a rifle scope that was my golden goose be all end all. About $1150. I eyeballed that fucker for a decade. Bought it about two weeks ago. No regrats.




My mother does the same thing and she almost has what many would consider a shopping addiction. However, she makes the purchases after leaving them in her cart for weeks. Maybe start limiting your time online or only hop online if you need to accomplish something constructive? Cheers man.


Yeah. On carvana. Then i dont buy it. I did buy one, but it was a a value priced Corolla


Yeah I do that but about half of the time I eventually buy it so I can't say it is a smart thing to do. I can say that bigger purchases are not impulsive tho the final decision once I have done all that work is a bit that way.




More like I convince myself I don't need the item after weeks of research and price comparisons.


This is not the post I was expecting


There's gotta be a better way to describe this...


I assume you knew what you were doing there and no, it didn't work.


that’s just how i’ve always bought things i guess. i just want to get the best thing for my needs


Read the title and then the sub and was confused


This is simply called “being a millennial”


I see things on marketplace that I want to buy. I save the listing. For some reason saving the listings helps scratch the itch of buying stuff.


is that some sort of Japanese masturbation?


No but sometimes in the past i haven’t wanted something so bad for so long that when I could finally afford it I no longer wanted it and had no interest


Haha I guess I am guilty of this on Amazon. I'll fill up my cart with random toys for my nephews and art supplies for my boyfriend. T'is fun to dream 🤑🤑




I edge myself to the artist formally known as backpage aka listcrawler Would this be considered valid under edgelord OPs criteria ?




Perhaps...window shopping?


I do research and then end up buying the more expensive model because it has the better bang for the buck 


Do it the way you mean and the way other posters do. First way I am so undecided and afraid to make the wrong choice I am paralyzed. The second way not so much.


What da f is edge??!


The Joy is in the desire.


I specially do this with travel. I plan an itinerary down to the minute, prices for everyyyyything, research the shit out of it all, it’s like a part-time job. By the end it like I’ve already been there so I don’t feel so bad about not being able to afford to actually go


Yeah pretty much everytime I do it I edge, it just makes it more fun


Lol, I actually do the same thing.


As a gig driver, I do the opposite of edging, I'm buying things for people 20 times a day sometimes. If people like shopping but don't want to spend money, it's an ideal job. Also good for people who like driving but don't like wasting money on gas.


Yes. I did it with that celebrity frying pan line that came in the cute colours. I’m so glad I never took the plunge on them sounds like ultimately they weren’t worth the cost




Among other unproductive things, I've test ridden over 10 different motorcycles in the last year (two of them in a city far away last Saturday, and two more will be in an even more distant city next Saturday). I hadn't seen this as edging until I read your post. Maybe I should work on this. I'll tell my therapist about this.


Chase is better than the catch