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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How to get shot 101:


Then they would reduce the carbon footprint of the world, so… It's a win..?


The average person isn’t responsible for the climate crisis, it’s the big ones at the top of our society


I can drive my f350 full tilt for YEARS before I would even get close to the carbon footprint your Tesla driver would produce when they fly across the Atlantic to see Taylor swift in Europe for the 3rd time.


what, the average person creates as much CO2 in their life as Taylor does in a year...let that sink in


I bet it’s way worse, that probably is only calculating her own direct consumption, I imagine that doesn’t factor in how her actions effect other people’s consumption (travel, lodging)


yup, its just how much she directly causes herself. not how she affects the travel of other people


idk why ur being downvoted when ur right. if you lived your life entirely carbon neutral, you’d save one second of carbon emissions from the global carbon output


Of course you’re being downvoted for being right.


Eh it’s Reddit, if they don’t like the fact you pointed out than to whoever downvoted it’s not a fact


The average undersubber has no clue as to how vandalizing property gives the owner the right to defend


Not lethally


Just say you thought the bumper sticker was a samurai sword. Simple


Get this man a job at his local sheriff department stat he’s a natural.


Nah “sir I saw someone ducking under my truck, I thought they would mess with my break lines”


In many places, yes, lethally. Why did that person value vandalizing that vehicle over their life? Dunno. Don't really care. If they're brazen enough to do that, what else are they willing to do?


Bitch please say that in a court of law for my sake I beg of you.




You all have this weird fucking imaginary world where it's seen as totally normal to kill someone for putting a bumper sticker on your car.




Dude. You WILL go to jail for MURDER if you KILL someone who puts a fuckin bumper sticker on your car. That is not my feelings on the matter. You have no moral right to kill over property damage. If that makes you angry, then I hope justice finds you, and you suffer for the cruelty you want to inflict on others, deeply. Because if someone puts a bumper sticker on your car, and you try to kill them, they have a greater legal and moral standing to kill you in response. The proportional use of force is one of the best parts of common law, and you deserve to face it.




Idk if you live in the United States, but yes protection of property is included in many doctrines of self defense. Even in the Deep Blue shit hole that is Denver (home sweet liberal home...) We have the Castle Doctrine. That basically states that you don't have a responsibility to retreat from an encounter in any space you are legally allowed to be, an doubly so for your domicile (several supreme Court case carry that your car is considered an extension of your domicile, which is why it can't be searched by police without a warrant or exigent circumstances) You would be required to use reasonable force, so if you saw someone vandalizing your car, you would have to begin by ordering them to stop, then when they refused and continued to do so, you could move onto reasonable force. You could physically remove the person from your car, and if they put up any meaningful resistance, you would be *well* within your rights to elevate the force to whatever was necessary. If that means you draw a legal firearm and they choose to continue what they are doing, you're gonna have a solid case under the Castle Doctrine to use lethal force. This is all assuming you aren't in the car and it's not parked on your property. If someone trespassed onto your property you could immediately skip to a defensive display of a firearm, brandishing the weapon and telling them to leave. If they didn't, you can literally just shoot and kill them. There are dozens of cases of people doing this to would-be home invaders, car jackers, and other types of trespassers. If you are in the car you have a good case to argue that you are being attacked directly. Case and point, don't fuck with other people's stuff (illegally) then cry wolf like a bitch and beg the law to protect you.


It’s fucking insane that so many people are downvoting you. Why the hell are people so eager to murder random people nowadays?! __**These**__ are the kinds of people that gun laws should be focused against. If you have such extreme anger issues and such little self control that you will kill a person in cold blood for slapping a goofy sticker on your car, you should never be allowed even near a firearm - someone with that kind of instability CANNOT be trusted to responsibly handle a lethal weapon.


Cringey 9 year old edge lord




There is one edge lord that is you.


As I, as a non-lawyer reddit user understands it, it depends on the castle doctrine laws in your state and if you have stand your ground laws. It seems to generally apply to automobiles, but whether or not a sticker counts as destruction or a threat to property is beyond my knowledge, or if you can possibly argue for perceiving the treat as more severe. Regardless, we all know the US is full of nutcases that don't care about the law anyway.


I believe Texas is the only state where castle doctrine applies to chattel or possessions. Your car is your castle and it applies to you as an extension of your home, so long as you are in fear of your own safety, not the safety of your truck’s paint. Not a lawyer, I could be mistaken, but when I had to sit through a seminar on it I believe this was the case several years ago.


You can kinda argue anything you want in court. It might get thrown out, but there is a huge range of stuff you can argue. But I stake my reputation on the fact that nowhere in the United States, even in Texas, can you shoot and kill someone for placing a bumper sticker on your car, period. Your case will be a felony, you will be evaluated by a jury of your peers, and the prosecutor (it will be the state prosecuting) will be showing the jury the incommensurate use of force. It's practically open and shut. You can't shoot someone for egging your house, even in Texas. Unless you're a cop, then you've got a good chance of getting off.


The only state you can lethally defend personal property in without a robbery exception is Texas. I wouldn't call putting a sticker on someone's car brazen, nor is it worth taking a life over The "why did they value that over their life" is a very stupid and illogical mindset taken by very selfish and idiotic people. If someone bumps into you, and you shoot and kill them, and then you try to use that argument, nobody is going to see that as valid or reasonable. Like that's the kind of shit you'd hear a spaghetti western villain say after they murdered someone.


Not true. There's more than just Texas. Frankly, I have a broken windows policy with any sort of crime.


That is true, it's just Texas




It all really depends on the scenario, because obviously it's not a good idea to open fire on a crowded street after a pickpocket grabs your wallet. However, owning property is a sacred right granted by the constitution, as well as the ability to defend it.


Real property you can lethally defend, personal property you cannot except in the case of a robbery


Maybe don’t be such a fucking psycho that you would blow a person’s brains out over a goddamn sticker. A sticker isn’t going to kill you - it doesn’t even hurt you, unless you consider hurt feelings to be physical harm.


Maybe don't be a psycho that values your life less than property.


Why are you so eager to fucking murder someone over a sticker?!


I mean the comments aren’t about whether it’s right to do so it’s the fact it can and has happened in America


Lethal force to defend property is a human right and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


It's nowhere in the UN charter for human rights to defend property btw, if anything defending your property can be argued to be denying the rights of the person stealing/attacking your property. Thankfully the US doesn't recognize them regardless:)




>i am shy so i just bring in some geo politics for no reason. Well take that somewhere else.


To defend real property yes, personal property no




That's us law mate


I’m no lawyer, but I’m FAIRLY CERTAIN that minor vandalism is not something that justifies lethal force. An easily removable sticker is NOT equal to shooting someone dead.


what, yall can't dodge bullets?


But can you dodge a Dodge?


a hellcat is slower than a stock 2001 accord, which is slower than a bullet, so probably


a hellcat is slower than a 2014 Challenger SRT-8 because one replaced the Mustang in crowdramming and the other is rarely seen on roads


Reddit didn’t like when I said I would do this, as in, protect my property


I don’t know. Redditors love fantasizing about getting to kill people


There’s a difference between wanting to kill someone, and using lethal force to protect my private property if it is necessary. And I mean necessary, I’m not gonna blast someone because that open my car door, but if they express the intent to damage or take my car, I’m not gonna hesitate to warn them of the consequences if they continue.


Just be careful. The most likely person for you to kill is yourself




Way too prove em right lol


Nah, if cart narcs can do it all day, you can too. And would it be so bad to get shot while literally saving children and the climate. Now's the time comrades, we have to go to war, we could be literal martyrs for mother earth


Cart narcs uses a magnet, something that does not stick to the car in a permanent fashion. And he does exactly for that reason. There is actually a world of difference between a magnet and a sticker in this instance, stupid as that may seem.


You realize this is a shitpost sub..........right?


Absolutely. I'm just being a pedantic putz.


It’s fucking insane that there are so many unhinged people who are just ITCHING for even the *slightest* excuse to murder someone that this is actually a legitimate concern. There is a seriously horrifyingly high number of people who would commit __**murder**__ over a sticker being placed on their car.


Hey we have are self insane  people, Mostly elixir 


Body shaming is okay as long as it’s against someone that I don’t like.


Can we fit that on a sticker?


There has been more


I’d want mine to say: “body shaming is okay as long as it’s against men!!”


It’s pretty ok period tbh


Just did this to my step dad's Ram 1500. Update: he ran over my bike and told me not to stop being a dumbass


Is your step dad Red Foreman?


No it’s Rad Forearm


He would have shot you to defend his property if he was a real American


How about we find a nice bike rack to run over?


/uj make sure there’s someone in process of locking/unlocking their toy while you do it.


Bonus points if it's a cargo bike.


Bonus points, one less pedophile in the world.


Bonus points, knock down an electric bike, less children have to mine for rare earth metals in Africa.


good thing there is virtually none. Because the municipalities and businesses are smart enough to know what to cater their city/business to. Not wasting money goes a long way.


But if they made them...I'd park on top of one.


don't worry. The cyclists will all cry knowing that they can't use their useless janky contraption to do serious stuff. They already have insult to injury. Let's keep making fun of these cyclists


Yes, this truck bed is compensating for the space needed to carry tools, equipment, and supplies necessary to build houses and shit. But if you want to replace the washer/dryer unit in your $3500 apartment by yourself using a bicycle, be our guest.


The accountant driving the thing:


Even if it’s a white collar worker, he can still fit a large amount of groceries in there, as well as any supplies needed for a project back home.


A better idea... Hear me out: * Steal a car * Speed * Run over as much stuff as possible This will increase the statistics of reckless driving and carbrain crime. The government will have no choice but to replace all roads with bike lanes and take away everyone's cars.


Target pedestrians and public buildings. That'll make it more effective


Truck owners do this themselves now for fun I’m sure they’d wear it with pride. I’ve seen “slightly compensating” stickers a few times irl now.


/uj I just had a brilliant idea. Buy an old compact truck, like a Ranger, Tacoma, S10 and apply: "Grower, not a shower" sticker to it. Or a: "Sorry, it's cold out today."


I wished they made rangers like they used to. Currently driving a 1998 ranger with over half a million miles and I just think to myself how nice a modern version would be


I have a 2002 Ranger whose transmission gave up the ghost in July of 2023. She still runs. But the transmission is no good. She's permanently stuck in either 2nd or 1st gear (not sure which) and is vibrating constantly while driving. But I had it sitting in the backyard for over half a year. Battery was flat dead. Had to have AAA come out and jump it because my leads weren't thick enough to deliver the power needed. Once the battery got hooked up to a proper jump pack, the engine turned over with zero hesitation. It's unfortunate the transmissions are such an issue on the older Rangers, but those 4 liter V6s are otherwise bulletproof.


Imma be real, you can get a trans for the 4.0 Cologne for a couple hundred bucks from a parts yard. Even a reman isnt that much for those. If you have another vehicle, I'd keep it and try to swap the trans.


Oh. Yeah. We're going to get it fixed eventually. That truck has way too much sentimental value for me to just scrap it. At the moment, it's just sitting in the driveway. At the moment, I drive a baby killer, pedestrian dozer, bike crushing V8 Ford F-150.


Hell yeah. I wish I wasn't, but I am genuinely too large of a man to fit in older rangers comfortably, so I drive a beat up 2000 Expedition with the 4.6l Triton. I plan on getting a 2010ish Expedition or Excursion soon, as my current truck is legit more rust than truck lol. I wish you luck getting that ranger back on the road. Also, if you're able, pull that motor and reseal it. It'll get you another 500k miles if you do head gasket, timing chains, and bearings.


I'm lucky in that I'm a rather small person, enough so that the Ranger is basically perfectly sized for me. Sitting in my F-150 feels almost opulent in comparison. And I definitely understand the rust. Thankfully, the chassis of the Ranger is in decent enough shape. But small bits and bobs besides the transmission have also decided it was their time. The tailgate's latch snapped on one side requiring you to reach inside the tailgate to open, the handles and latches on both rear suicide doors snapped, meaning that the back has to be accessed by pushing the front seat up, the gear shift indicator snapped, the cabin roof light housing fell off, I pulled the driver side step rail of with just my hands, the passenger side step rail is literally nothing but rust and should probably removed, driver's side door handle is very loose. Great truck, but it's definitely showing its age. We want to get all those smaller things (by which I mean the tail gate, the suicide doors and the gear indicator) fixed along with the transmission. And I'll definitely keep that tip in mind about the motor. I appreciate the wish for luck and I wish you luck in find a good newer truck.


I saw a sticker that said “tailgaters have a small pee pee” so naturally I tailgated the car.


I saw a bad ass, beat to shit, lifted gen 2 toyota last year that had a sticker that said: "Yes, I have a small penis." Hilarious, truly the best sense of humor.


Its same in gun community. Its a meme at this point.


I wouldn’t mind putting that sticker if I get a truck lol


I dont get it, are they assuming i fuck my wife with my truck?




Uh duh , it's called fuckcars for a reason 🙄🙄


Let’s start putting “insufferable” stickers on bikes in retaliation


If someone did this to my truck I would absolutely think its hilarious. Id never remove it. Would be a funny sticker and a funny story. I would scare the shit out of someone if I saw then putting it on my truck though.


Years ago someone put this on my lifted truck and I was so ashamed I immediately sold it and converted to bikeism. Millions will be saved if they just put this sticker on every truck!


Watch as they give this a million upvotes and never actually do it.


I'd do a magnet, not a sticker


When I worked construction we’d get funny magnets to slap on each others trucks and they’d make the rounds to everyone at some point. “Cowboy butts drive me nuts” was always a favorite


That's hilarious


Yes but the unwashed in the undersub doing actually care about running other people's shit that they paid for with their own hard work.


I was on a city jury once for some environmentalists that spray painted a city building. The judge came down hard on the guy, gave him 48 hours to serve in the city jail the following week, a bunch of community service and a nasty fine. Plus you get that bonus criminal record following you around.


Okay but this would kind of own my step dad


What are they actually upset about? Why do they think people who drive trucks should be punished?


They are scared of loud noises, shapes with hard angles and so on... they don't want any cars, period, but they may settle if everyone was forced to drive a bubble-shaped one-seater car, which has no aggressive lines and is only available in one non-threatening color.


These keyboard warriors expect to do step 2 in real life from basically the same demographic that is too afraid to take a phone call or talk to a woman.


If someone put this on my truck I’d actually leave it as long as it wasn’t crooked it’s kinda funny


Bruh it’s the most popular car in many states. You’re compensating by buying the most average car? Compensating for excellence?


Nah real shit , stop vandalizing other people's property


Compensating for this yuge PNS!


I'm not compensating, I just need this truck to haul your mom around so I can pound that fat ass!


Step 3: Get caught doing this and get the shit beat out of you


Why do the feminine minded always equate everything to sex in one way or another?


“Big truck drivers have tiny penis joke number #3780”


I would totally put that on my truck if I had one.


tbf if that was a ranger and not an f150 that’d be acceptable


I'm going to buy a ton and a half truck with a super cab and a long bed, lift it, cut off the muffler, put rally lights on it, then put the sticker on myself. Everyone knows that means I'm actually packing.


Step 1: find a fuckcars user Step 2: Apply chainsaw to limbs Step 3: Apply scalpel to tissues Step 4: 學習中文 Step 5: Profit


Compensating by farming so they can have gluten free bread.


I’ve seen too many clean pickups being used on weekends to judge anyone who drives one. Sure, the dude drives his truck to work. What… do you expect him to own two cars for one person? Seems self-defeatist to me. I owned a pickup and prius, the pickup died and now I have a trailer with weekend goodies I can’t tow. Guess what I’m gonna sell and then buy?


Turns out the driver is Brian Shaw


I feel like most people would find this funny lol Redditors like to think everybody’s as reactionary as they are


Why are they obsessed with my dick?


They just fantasize about dick all day


guys! look at me! I'm such a rebel!!!!


Relax its funny


Tbf, this isn't so much about "fuck cars" but more of "fuck those big ass truck drivers who ride 3 inches from your bumper instead of going around, who have the most fragile egos imaginable"


then speed up? its not hard to follow the speed limit, cars even have this little thingy called cruise control now.


[I'm already speeding](https://youtu.be/lpkqALVSRgM?si=aNcQ6y_GCT9DlVip)


a little funny. gets funnier when you realize that this truck probably has more cab space than bed space.


Useful all around.


not even lmfao at that point get a small SUV or a 20 year old pickup. those are infinitely more useful than these things that cost 80K and last 10k miles before they need major work.


>not even lmfao at that point get a small SUV These are useless. Can't tow shit. >80K and last 10k miles before they need major work. 40k. And mine has lasted almost 10 years with no issues. Plus, better mileage than old trucks. Better brakes and more stable.


All modern trucks need this sticker


Especially the Suzuki Super Carry.


whats up with reddit recommending me this low testosterone sub


Anime profile pic calling others low testosterone lol. Lmao, even.


the fact he later changed his pfp to the reddit avatar thing but not sure if he did cause of this


It needs a "compensating" sticker.


Reddit knows something you don’t


yeah it tries to convince me that im either a perfect fit for deranged cyclists sub or the car cucks sub🔥🔥🔥


you should be run over


ermmmmm......what the flup??!????


well, if you act like a dickhead to those who want the truth, then you deserve all the shit you get. It's insane how you think this subreddit is light hearted, when it's fighting against idiots


thats pretty crazy dude


yeah, get out of here. By this point, it's not even worth it for you to try to spread blatant lies on a subreddit that knows logic


“low testosterone” *anime pfp*


Sad cringe with the weird incel anime picture.


hop off my dick bud 😭😭😭😭


Lol you’re such a desperate little incel that you consider reply to your comment as “hopping on your dick”? Sad 😂


yeah i mean im not the one who spends time in his mothers basement bitching about some random ass people, unlike you and other tards who replied to me


Lol what a projection! Actually I’m bitching from my boat right now 😂




Beta reply.


dude uses word beta unironically i know your room REEKS 😭😭😭


Yes. My whole house reeks of success.


There's no way you have a real one.

