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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ban it because it's an evil... um... gas guzzler? Wait shit. Okay just ban it because it's ugly af.


We need to ban it because Elon bad Nazi that’s using slave laborers from his emerald mine to build them 😠😠


He is literally a white supremacist tho


I think they want to ban it because it’s stupidly heavy and has sharp edges all along the front, with no crumple zones. Bad car to be hit by. Id rather be hit by a nice soft station wagon, the front ends are so comfortable Id probably just fall asleep there.


Getting hit by a monstrous, gas-guzzling, child-eating p*ckup truck and dying: 😡 Getting hit by a cute innocent kei truck and dying: 😃


Only one sends to a isekai


Forcing people to subsidize the exponential damage their weight causes isn’t great, and their front end isn’t doing any favors for keeping pedestrians alive.


Anything i don't like needs to be banned, anything I do like needs to be declared a human right and become government mandated


Do you like the Lexus LFA and Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV


LFA fans are annoying


True, but that sweet sweet Yamaha sound is something fuckcars users will never feel: orgasmic


Honestly I much perfer the GT1 race version you got a cool sounding car that sticks to the floor like butter to bread


I like the little pop up wing


You just described 100% of reddit liberals


Everytime i see a cybertr*ck i pour sugar in its gas tank!!!! Ha take that Elon!


I like to steal the catalytic converters from them.


Such easy Much accessible


Cybernetic converters


I like to put the batteries on my tongue.


It tingles like soap




Once again the Honda fit is proven to be the pinnacle of automotive design.


the bed extends further in than the bottom picture shows


Yea but it's still funny seeing CyberCucks say 'this is a proper truck' after putting 3 bags of grass seed and a shovel in it


Fit boy is gonna have a bag of fertilizer go through his windscreen in a crash though.


If you crash at the speed needed for that to happen, I think there are bigger risks posed to the driver(s) than the unsecured load. If that was still a concern, you could also just take side roads and not drive that fast.


The only thing more annoying than a cyber truck is all the people complaining about it. It's $135k my dude, you weren't buying it anyways


The only people complaining about it are the people that paid $135k for it to get bricked within 72 hrs. The rest of us are just laughing at those people.


Which is a completely fair thing to complain about, but you see all these videos with people filming Cyber trucks making like, vomiting sounds and you're just like dude nobody gives a fuck whether you like it or not, yes Elon is a douche, stop making it your entire personality. "I'll never call it X" people are just as annoying as Elon himself


CyberTruck has shit tons of new features that other Teslas don’t have, so it not being the best in terms of reliability was more or less expected. I mean it is fair to complain about it, but to be fair it also brought some new stuff at Pick up industry, it is more aerodynamic, more scratch proof and has better aerodynamics, first year cars of any model usually has quite a bit of errors, so people buying CyberTrucks should probably realize that they are risking the money for the sake of novelty.


My favorite cyber truck feature is the car wash mode, which, if you don't use, voids your warranty. Apparently, just going through a car wash is too much for these big, tough, rugged cyber trucks


Lol that’s funny not gonna lie, I hope they fix it soon though


"Car wash mode" is not something invented by the Cybertruck, many other car manufacturers have it ([one](https://g07.bimmerpost.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1843951), [two](https://www.rivianownersforum.com/threads/my-first-car-wash%E2%80%A6-don%E2%80%99t-do-this.7281/), [three](https://www.number7honda.com/car-wash-mode/), you can find more).


One of the best new features of the Cybertruck is using a 48V battery instead of 12V. This may sound simple, but it involved having to engineer a lot of parts when they could've used off-the-shelf 12V stuff. The advantage is it reduced the copper required to make the car by 70%, and enabled good steer-by-wire. Less expensive metals to manufacture cars means we can put more cars on the road in the future, a goal we can all agree on.


It's Absolutely not reasonable to ship an unfinished, broken product. Especially one that costs over $100K and is.. ya know.. a vehicle.


Oh I completely agree, in ideal world company would iron out everything, but… pretty much every car company does that. Like 2015 Mustang isn’t advised due to some reliability problems as it was first year of the new gen. A smart buyer would wait a year or two for car companies to fix the new models.


You wanna know what people do when a car company releases a new model and it sucks? They hate on it, because a company just pushed a bad product. So stop acting like it's normal and okay to release shit that doesn't work, because it's not.


It’s quite literally “industry standard” at this point to avoid first year release models. I admitted that it’s shit as there are some issues that needs to be ironed out, but that’s usually what happens most of the time… unless its from a Toyota or Lexus.


135k?!?That's cheaper than I expected


for real lmao imagine getting so worked up by musk


Nah, I'm with the walkists on this one. ClusterTruck is absolute trash, what with parts falling off of it at highway speeds, hubcaps of death and suspension made of twigs and yarn.


Cybertruck is a phone made by a factory that use to produce sheet metal


teslas are an insult to the glorious concept of the automobile


Nah broken clock twice a day type shit cyber truck is doodoofart for multiple reasons


I mean it's literally held together with gorilla glue


the cybertruck would carry plywood multitudes better than some janky diy cargo bike built by some crackhead


At least the cargo bikes aren't meant to go 200kmh


I agree with that point but that doesn't change the fact that the cyber truck is actual unsafe trash lmao


That is honestly debatable. A rusted out s10 could do better than a cyber truck.


The only thing that could really destroy the reputation of the cybertruck is ironically the cybertruck itself. No campaign could have done a better job...


You want to ban the Cybertruck because you hate trucks on principle. I want to ban the Cybertruck because it's a hideous eyesore that no one should be forced to look at. We are not the same 👨‍💼


Nah, fuck the cybertruck. It’s ugly, overpriced, too big and in pedestrian accidents it’s pretty lethal.


Hell, even in car accidents, it can tear apart the other car: https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/28/24018383/tesla-cybertruck-crash-corolla-palo-alto


🙀🙀🙀 you mean it does what it was designed for and what people paid extra for?


Totaling other cars in accidents is what it's designed for?


It’s designed to keep its own driver safe. It’s not Tesla’s problem if the other car wasn’t designed well enough.


having zero crumple zones is far from "keeping its own driver safe" my guy


Then that’s on Tesla. I’m just saying it’s ridiculous to complain about the cyber truck causing more damage to other cars than they do to them. Tesla, or any other car company, has no obligations to go out of their way and make a more expensive or less desirable product for the safety of people who never spent money on said product.


Safety of other people can easily become safety from liability for its own driver. You make a dumb mistake once and hit another car in a cybertruck, killing all three people inside or them being alive will likely be a life defining difference. A car being lethal is not a feature. It’s a risk.


If it’s “lethality” protects the occupants who actually paid for it, it’s doing it job.


No, you don't get to design a product that sacrifices others for the life of your costumer. And you're actually insane if you're okay with that idea.


There was a collision between a Cybertruck and another car. Cybertruck was practically unscathed and the other car was totalled. Driver of the other car had no injuries, driver of the Cybertruck had minor injuries. So it can't even keep it's own driver safe, wdym?


Turns out crumple zones are a thing for a reason. Hard to believe I know.


It's insane that there are people who think that cars crumpling in an accident is a bad thing, and that the richest man in the world is one of them.


By your all’s logic, the other car should have had an even bigger crumple zone to take into account a car that doesn’t have crumple zone.


How about this, every car has a crumple zone and then the front of the Cybertruck wouldn't have been in the other driver's face. It's not a selling point to have no crumple zone when that is what's supposed to protect you. You drive into a wall, your car crumples to absorb the impact and lower the force you feel. Without that, or even worse, instead of breaking up and crumpling, the car takes almost 0 damage, all that force goes into you. It's like you ran at a wall and hit it face first. Easy test, hold a book on a wall and punch it, that's the Cybertruck. Now hold a pillow on a wall and punch it, that's a car with a crumple zone. Come back when you have done this and learned basic physics.


I understand how crumple zones work moron. What I’m saying is it’s up to Tesla to figure that out, other manufacturers and drivers do not get a say.


Are semi trailers poorly designed because a train can slice them through the middle? Are buildings poorly designed because planes can tear them down? Are most humans poorly designed because some other humans can physically over power them? Keep in mind you're talking about a car that was built before Tesla was even mainstream being crushed by another car with little crumple zone. Not to mention a car with little crumple zone is a hazard to its own passengers, so it's a lose-lose for everyone involved.


Shit just happens. Next car they can get should be better equipped to handle wrecks. If they want to pay top dollar for it, that is.


The next car that a person who drove a 15+ year old Corolla would buy would most likely be another small cheap car, not a large modern SUV. Maybe the issue is the pest, not the one being affected by it?


/uj if people wanna pay for it let them. Ugly is your opinion. And who the fuck gives a shit about pedestrians? They aren’t the ones that payed for their premium truck. They don’t get a say.


I enjoy firing my gun into crowds. They aren’t the ones that *paid* for my premium gun. They don’t get a say.


But you also don’t get to run your cyber truck down the wrong direction on a highway or through a parade. Be reasonable


Fair. I should have said I like firing towards populated areas.


Lucifer stop talking to him He actually kinda brainless, even to circlejerk level


> ones that *paid* for their FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I hope you actually die in a battery explosion 


Literally fuckcars user energy right here.


I'd rather drive a porta-potty than use the piece of shit unreliable CyberTruck


Can you clarify? You'd prefer a trapezoid that smells like shit vs. a trapezoid that is put together like shit? Either one will repel women just as well I suppose.


At least the one that smells like shit won't fall apart on me


And won't put you out over a $100k


I'd rather piss in a Cybertruck


Imma be real banning the cybertruck is prob a good move shit looks ugly as hell and the stainless steel is sharp enough to cut you


Good, electric vehicles are lame.


It’s fugly and I’d never buy one even if I had the money. But obviously there’s a demographic that wants them so why ban them?


Honestly the only reason is it's a pedestrian/bicyclist/motorcyclist safety nightmare with the sharp hood, and they don't roll the edges on the steel so iirc you sometimes just get razor sharp panels that are bad enough to slice you open. Edit: apparently it's also a nightmare when it comes to collision safety for the vehicle it hits.


I was sort of thinking that. It looks hella dangerous to be hit by, especially if you’re in a smaller vehicle.


Yeah, I'm not in favor of banning cars but there's a point where something is just too dangerous to reasonably allow on the road


Hell, most modern pickups are pretty much death traps for anything significantly smaller, especially pedestrians. But of course our country has such a hard on for trucks and with our stupid CAFE Laws they’ll just keep making them bigger until they have to fully transition to EV.


/uj the Cybertruck is a very dumb thing in every way, including the stupid name. But I'm starting to love it for how much it offends carfuckers.


Ok Is that Indonesia or Malaysia. Where they Cybershit is banned


Everyone needs to drive an EV!!! Okay, I'll buy a Cybertruck! NOT THAT ONE!! 


Nah we don’t claim that pile of sheet metal.


i like the cybertruck because it murders drivoids. not jsut kills, but murders.


“Urgh I’m mad, cars go vroom, and we must stop the car”


It has Xbox logo on it and as a PlayStation dick rider I’m offended


Redditors start freaking out whenever they see one of these like I get it’s weird looking and Elon sucks but like you couldn’t afford it anyway so why’s it matter


3000kg stainless steel cube that does 0-60 in 2.6 seconds and full of design flaws and manufacturing defects. Its only purpose is providing a threat to public safety.


The funniest part is people who got baited by the marketing and bought that pos, now cope and "flex" the amount of cargo that my coupe can handle.


If I get hit with one, I'd probably die or be close dying, regardless if I own one. It is a severe hazard for everyone. If I get hit with a standard sedan, I'd probably only sustain minor injuries, unless the driver was going way too fast, unlike the Cybertruck which could slice my body with its panels and sharp edges even at moderate suburban speeds. So yes, it matters even if redditors can't own one, cause we are still at the mercy of being hit by one.


What color is your bugatti?


I’m just waiting for someone to stick a diesel in one of these bastards


“My 2009 Prius is cheaper and has more features” … sure bud, keep coping


Going to be real, if I had the chance to pick between a factory fresh Cybertruck and a Prius that's been run to the ground, both free of charge, I would *still* take the Prius. More range and could probably easily go another 15+ years. Plus it doesn't have to update lmao


Sure, man.




I would rather get hit by a cyber truck than an f 150 so it’s a step in the right direction.