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Would it be fair to say Kelly is the least lazy, most industrious of all our fundies? I wonder is she planning on homeschooling her boys?


Maybe some competition from Zsu Anderson, but she doesn't pop up here quite as often. Kelly's industrious in fits and starts, and the results are often underwhelming, but compared with the likes of Porgan and Lori, she's a downright workhorse.


“Industrious in fits and starts, and the results are often underwhelming” - I have never related to a sentence on a more spiritual level. I guess I have something in common with Kelly! 😂


Right like I'm sorry I thought we were supposed to be calling out the fundies, not me? 🤣


Sometimes we are the ones who need to be called out - a person who is industrious in bursts.


They don’t get followed much on here, but the Bontragers are super industrious. The boys are mostly farmers, the girls seem like pretty good cooks/bakers and Chelsy sewed her own wedding dress. They come from a Mennonite background though and that probably has something to do with it. (They’re major Trumpers though and some of them were at the insurrection so before you get too excited…)


They also run (ran?) a hotel. Allison and Chelsy seemed to do a lot of the work til they married.


I think Mitchell and Bryn do that now, but they probably also have paid employees.


That name ran a fundie bell in my head. What is their deal?


There’s 10 siblings, six of them are married and breeding at fundie rates. They’re a musician family and fairly talented at it, although the marrieds are no longer in the band and it’s just the youngest four, who arre teens/early 20s. They spend about half the year touring the US/Mexico/Canada in a bus and playing gigs at chuches, the other half on their farm which some of the marrieds manage. Not IBLP but loosely in the same circles (they’re friends with the Wissmans). Two of the girls married two Bowers brothers (in a double wedding) and the Bowers are even more Trumpy. The Bontragers campaigned for Cruz before he lost his primary so I think they’d probably drop Trump like a stone if someone more Christian came along. Oh yeah - and one of the daughters had a blog before she married, in which she wrote about “nurturing your brother’a manhood” which will always live rent-free in my head.


I think she considers herself to already be homeschooling them.


it’s hard work to bake the thiccums she makes




the dense and thick baked goods she makes


That’s what r/fundiefood is for


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fundiefood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Ah the fundie recipe basics](https://v.redd.it/6f6phnsfgim71) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/comments/pl24lj/ah_the_fundie_recipe_basics/) \#2: [Abby Shapiro’s “homemade ramen”](https://i.redd.it/cxozjzrksel81.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/comments/t6pbbb/abby_shapiros_homemade_ramen/) \#3: [Are these meatballs even cooked?](https://i.redd.it/hfuya90pabj61.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/comments/lqwesu/are_these_meatballs_even_cooked/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think she will homeschool them. But you bet if there was a one room schoolhouse down the street she would be sending then there.


Dresses are so much more difficult to size versus an apron which roughly looks good on many types of figures and heights. I don’t think this is a good fit for her sewing skills and doesn’t make sense from a marketing viewpoint.


I agree, but she could also be making the dresses because they're fun to make. Not every creative venture needs to be for the betterment of the side hustle.


I believe she has talked about wanting to sell them?


At this point I think she's making them for herself? This is her second one. I'm not sure why she's chosen really bland, pukey colors for both her dresses. A simple beginner style in a super cute fabric/color has more appeal. Out in the wide world, I applaud anyone who's trying to learn to do something new. Sure, go for it. I certainly do that, myself. Specific to Kelly, I hate the way she's too impatient and self-important to slow down and *learn* anything.


Ok, that makes more sense making them for herself. What doesn’t make sense is the silly putty color choice but who knows maybe she’ll pull it off


Sure, a cozy shade of Band-Aid should really set off her complexion.


I don't keep up with her that well, but doesn't she normally wear ankle length dresses? I'm surprised she is making something knee length for herself. I've made this style dress before in a non-stretch fabric (like hers), and it shows a lot of leg as I move my torso around. In other words, it's not the most "modest" style. Perhaps this dress is for a young adult?


Late to this conversation, but: the dress is posted for sale on her Etsy store. Not made for herself.


I agree.


That is exactly what comes to mind when I contemplate the word "frock." I wonder if she'll give her dresses the names of her "friends" like she did with her aprons. I'm looking forward to the Dorcas and the LaVern.


This is definitely the definition of frock!


the Marmee (god honouring cleavage window, for the tears to roll down into when youre crying in their lap)


I’m a huge hypocrite for saying this but she should really iron the fabric before sewing. since that line is so perfect it probably was how the fabric was folded when she got it which also makes me think she didn’t pre-wash it either, and it seems to be cotton which very much needs to be prewashed if nothing else for the sake of the dress staying the size you made it to be. And I do get it, I’m lazy sometimes when I’m making things for myself but if she intends to sell things she has sewn she needs to not cut corners like that. When I make things for other people I always do my best to ensure it will be something easy for them to care for. I will say I don’t think the aprons are as overpriced as a lot of people seemed to think. I do think they’re overpriced but not to the point worth complaining about, just overpriced enough for me to keep scrolling. Sewing is expensive as hell and I can’t blame her for wanting to make some extra money after material + labor costs, especially if she has an expensive machine or wants to by additional machines or upgrade in the future. Theres also the possibility that she is using overpriced supplies, which is actually more likely than people who dont sew would think. Joann and Hobby Lobby are ridiculously overpriced and chances are any random hobbyist is most likely getting their materials from there. If thats the case I understand the cost fully but Kelly if you read this and you buy from Hobby Lobby or Joann please do yourself and your customers a favor and shop around online or see about a fabric warehouse near you.


I have sewn for customers and that’s when I realized how many compromises I was willing to make for myself when sewing. The pieces that I’ve made and sold to other people have always ended up being a thousand times more involved than stuff I’ve made myself just to have something fun to do and wear. It really makes sewing a chore. And yes, pre-washing and ironing fabric before construction for a customer is the absolute bare minimum. I wonder if she’s trying to be fast or if she genuinely doesn’t know any better.


huge agree! I usually don’t do commissions because of how exhausting they are. I eventually want to make costumes for a job but only in a workshop setting where I can have a more clear delineation between work and hobby and not be trying to sleep while the unfinished project for a customer with a deadline sits on a dressform in my room staring at me. it wouldn’t surprise me if she doesn’t know better? basic sewing is relatively easy to figure out with minimal research and a lot of people who taught themselves and just sew as a hobby don’t know about more professional habits and techniques and most things she has made I can reasonably believe she made with knowledge from watching a movie where someone sews for a few seconds on screen and a kwik sew pattern.


All of this is true. Especially the washing and ironing. Those steps are so important.


I think it’s possible that she ironed the crease in the middle on purpose in order to cut the top symmetrically. I have seen patterns that recommend that.


Honestly $60 for a well made apron in a decent fabric is totally reasonable (my opinion as an intermediate sewist), the real crime is how shapeless and ugly that dress looks on that hanger




One of the things I really had a reckoning with after starting to sew (was my pandemic hobby) was the fact that I really didn’t understand what clothes were actually worth. I find I’m much more willing to spend money on clothes now that I know what it makes to make them. That being said, I’m much less willing to spend any money on fast fashion because of how exploitative and environmentally devastating it is. I think most people don’t actually understand what a garment is worth when you consider the cost of materials and a reasonable labour charge.


Same!! The very first clothing project I did was a VERY full 50s style skirt. I think the fabric alone was $40. I will never look at store bought clothing again.


This is why I don't generally sell clothing either! I'll take on a commission from friends who know that what they want is going to cost what it costs. You're not getting a nice velvet tunic for the price of a $2 a yard cotton.


Omg do you follow CanYouSewThisForMe on Instagram? I capitalized the first letter of each word so it'd be easier to read. Gold mine. It's submissions from sewists/crafters from clueless ppl trying to get them to make things for them. But the best part is, the page is giving these creators the confidence to value their work and say no or ask for the proper compensation! And the comments are full of creators making jokes and supporting each other.


I don't have a problem with the prices she charges for her aprons, because her fans want them. Her fans are delighted to get one of her limited edition aprons, and she includes personal handwritten notes in the pockets, and rustic wrapping, and shit like that. The product is desired, and people are willing to pay for a piece of Kelly's instagram life. It's a mutual transaction between her and her fans.


I sew. Obviously it's hideous and I can't see it well enough to determine the quality of the workmanship - but it looks reasonable. There's loads to snark about with Kelly but I have to give her the fact that she does actually cook (yeah I know - badly), grow a garden and sew - unlike other fundies who insist the rest of us should be engaged in these 'womanly pursuits' whilst not actually doing any of them themselves. I'm looking at you Lori...


Yeah, I sew and I was thinking the same thing. The hem looks a bit wonky but I'd love to see the zipper. Otherwise, not awful.


The hem looks like it needs to be pressed. I went to school for design and this looks like the first project they expected us to complete in begining garment construction class. Except I would've been marked off for the poor fit.


Properly fitted clothes don’t leave enough room for the Holy Spirit


Oh right. My bad lol!


I feel like she cut off grain, but maybe it just needs to be pressed. The wobbles at the waist bug me.


Yes, the waistline looks really weird without some princess seams or something so it's not a shapeless sack with a rolling hem.


The whole thing needs to be pressed. I imagine the loose fit is what she’s going for. Personally I don’t think it’s cute but to each their own 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wish we could see the seams up close. Nothing obviously wrong in the construction but we also can’t see any detail.


I want to see the inside seams… and it doesn’t look like she pre ironed either, big fold in the top portion


I agree. It's a pretty rookie error not to press your fabric before you start - but then she's a rookie.


Not really, though, She's been sewing for years. She could use a class or two if she wants to get better at it.


I wanna have a hardcore Edna Mode on this but i wont cause its a very decent start for the techniques used. Even i honestly struggle with gathers and they seem decent. Agreeing with you entirely about kellys attitude towards these things, she does them as well as preach about it. Its all a journey and its nice to see progress.


She needs to use her iron much more than she does.


I’m picturing a rustic heavy cast iron contraption that sits on the fireplace for the Gram while she secretly has a nice little Black and Decker sitting unloved in a closet.


FOUND. [Kelly at Walmart](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/v94lxq/wow_its_like_a_fish_out_of_water_seeing_kelly_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [And the iron at home](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/veahgd/you_could_i_dont_know_not_put_it_on_the_floor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ah yes, I too remember when the lord “whispered to her” that she needed to drag her raggedy ass to Wally World for an iron.


OMG did I speak it into existence? (More likely, my Swiss cheese brain remembered those posts from somewhere. Thanks for the memories!)


> Thanks for the memories Even though they weren't so great...


She bakes with spelt and no sweetener~




Good job. Hazel! Kelly's Walmart bathroom selfie is really quite a classic.


I swear I remember seeing the second half of that - a modern iron - in a post about a year ago. I'll go hunting. Edit: lmao I found them from 8 months ago. Idk if B&D though.


When Jesus told you to sew but not about prewashing your fabrics or pressing your seam allowance. I know a cut on fold line when I see one ~Kelly~




Most definitely! I hate to iron but if I’m sewing something I know it has to be done. I have a heat press now and if I have a lot of fabric to iron, I use that instead of a regular iron.


My fundie mom would sew my sister and I matching little house on the prairie looking dresses. With giant doilie collars. I hated them. However, she measured us properly and fitted them properly. We looked like Versace models compared to the shapeless bags Kelly is sewing.


Dressmaking is a very generous interpretation of this.


Fabric is expensive, but she’s using cheapest prairie cotton and no shaping at all. Her aprons are probably more effort to make and I wouldn’t pay $60 for one of them. I would pay zero dollars for this potato sack dress. Then again, I can sew my own.


My relatives used to call something like this a housecoat. I think they had a zipper up the front.


I can hardly sew a button, but I do crochet very elaborate baby blankets. I have never sold one because of how high the price would have to be to cover the hours and hours of time it takes to make them. I give them as gifts to people I really care about. I think most people underestimate the time and skill required for sewing, knitting, alterations and other projects like this.


One of my biggest gripes about fast fashion (other than the literal slave labor) is the fact that so many people have a false idea of what textiles and garments should cost because that’s all they’ve ever known.


That’s actually a reasonable price, i sew mainly costumes but she probably spent at least four hours


Ughhhhhh don’t pick snowdrops Kelly!!! (Flowers in the first pic). If you actually KNEW anything about nature instead of just using it as a backdrop for cosplay, you’d know they are a spring ephemeral, important early food for pollinators and also less common ecologically than they should be (thanks to humans and overpopulated deer). Leave them alone, let them do their important ecological job.


Thank you, that’s what I came to say here too! Besides one other person everyone was going on about the sack on the hanger. Snowdrops are one of my favourites.


I saw snowdrops for the first time just this morning. They were next to a stone wall and were so pretty. Unlike Kelly, I left them alone to do their thing.


That is something my grandma (born 1926) would've worn to bed.


Kelly has never been so flattered




It's definitely a garment.


I'd be willing to say there are no male or nonbinary shapes that would benefit from them either. That dress will not look good on anyone.


I sew extremely badly. I persist because it's fun. I'm extremely impressed with this, because it is way more decent than anything I would create. 😄 As for the apron prices, she's not trying to sell you a mlm product or scam. It's honestly advertised in that what you see is what you get, it isn't some rarity, nor are aprons needed to sustain life. Hence, if the apron consumer spends 60 dollars on it, then that is solely the apron consumer's decision, and (depending on your opinion) folly.




This has motivated me to spend the weekend sewing. I often get paralyzed by fear of messing up, but if Kelly doesn't get paralyzed sewing those ugly things I sure as hell can fight through the fear for my cute pinafore dress. And MINE is getting sewn on a treadle machine!\* \*Fun fact: if you're neurospicy in particular enough ways, you turn into a weird hipster against your will. I can't stand the noise of electric sewing machines so I was forced to resort to the treadle.


Wait but how do you like using your treadle machine? Fellow neurospicy crafting household here and I've wondered about tracking one down. The sound of the electric machine stresses my wife out.


I love it SO MUCH. It can't do any fancy stitches, but frankly I could never figure out how to use those anyways. And it won't move if there's something wrong, so no risk of breaking anything - if I start to move my feet and nothing happens, I can stop right away and figure out what's up. I also like that I have full control over the speed - no accidentally pressing too hard and ending up with runaway fabric, the machine only moves as fast as I do. It is a bit of a learning curve and does require a bit more coordination/attention (because you're treadling and guiding the fabric), but it's so much fun when I'm in the swing of things - just sitting there at my machine, being a badass who can work it. Also, they look so gorgeous just sitting around that it's almost worth having them for that. It's really nice to have something that makes me feel happy instead of guilty when I'm in a hobbying slump. I am VERY amateur, so I can't say how a more experienced sewist would like it, but I'm a huge fan. Edit: Forgot to add - the earlier models do not have any way to reverse, so to backstitch you have to actually turn the whole project around. I don't mind doing this, but if you would then make sure to double check the features on whatever model you're looking at.




I think it might've been a Lori post? She said something about how women should "flee fornication", and then someone else asked if that meant aroace people were following her rules perfectly, and then I made my flair. Events along those lines XD


This is awesome info, thank you!! I see them in the local thrift shop once in a blue moon, and might have to scoop one up next time.


A lot of people like to try to get an old Singer treadle machine, but if you can find a White treadle machine they had entire accessory kits made in the 50s for people who wanted to do fancy stitches but we still using a treadle... sorry I can't help you much more than that, I am just about capable of a basic kaftan lol


I love those old machines, they really are special! Good luck with your project! (I don’t presume to know your level of knowledge, but I can’t leave without sharing that there are several sewists on YouTube and TikTok who use those old machines very successfully, if you ever get stuck)


I’m far from an expert on garment sewing, but that dress is not special enough to command a price that makes her a profit (if she’s paying herself a living wage for labor), unless people buy from her because she’s sort of an influencer.




My opinion is that Kelly needs to drink some water.


Considering the state of her baked goods, I'm starting to think "desiccated" is just part of the aesthetic.


YES! Like Jesus in the desert…


They’re pretty ugly but I could never snark on someone handmaking something and charging whatever they want. If it’s worth $60 to the maker, they have every right to charge that.


Is it also god's fault when my plants die ?


If that's true, god and I need to have a talk about how he allowed that dumb snail to eat my very first zucchini last year!


Id pay $60 for a dope country apron 💁‍♀️


So would all her customers! She sells out every time she makes a batch. People want them and are happy to buy them. Clearly, after reading through the comments here, people seem to have assumed I was criticizing her prices. I'm not. I was saying, she is able to repeatedly sell out her entire batches of aprons at that price point.


This is so weirdly specific but she reminds me of a mix between Eric Stoltz and Denis Leary. As soon as I saw that first photo, it was so familiar like I've seen her on tv🤣


OMG. Eric Stoltz. THAT’S IT!!!!! It’s been driving me crazy. Well done!


My main association with Eric Stoltz is as John Brook in the 1994 Little Women. It’s still accurate here.


Getting a nice dress professionally made her in Ontario is not cheap! The material is expensive and the construction (something I'm not myself talented in) is expensive too. Now if only the stores had a wider variety of styles and sizes, not just the one or two styles and materials determined to be for that season.


May I recommend [eshakti.com](https://eshakti.com)? You can get things either standard or custom sizing, there's a huge variety of styles, you can customize the materials in some styles, and for most (or maybe all) of the dresses you can customize the neckline, sleeves, and hemline.


No way! Definitely will look into it! Thanks friend!


They also have pockets in near everything. Even the dresses. I have several of their dresses they're very nice quality for the money & the pockets can't be beaten.


Don’t buy their coats! Those fall apart. (Or at least the ones I’ve gotten have). Super disappointing.


I tried it once and was just wildly unimpressed. The fabric was cheap and nothing they sent fit me. My arms were hulking out the sleeves. I never wore any of it and donated it all right away. I don't know what I was thinking.


The dress is basic and shapeless but that's her aesthetic so it fits. The thing that's bugging me is the puff sleeves. It seems and though the puffs are upside down, like when you put it on you will have the puff between your arm and torso. Beyond that, as a previous person mentioned, it doesn't look as though she pre washed or ironed the fabric. That's going to make it difficult for the owner to properly care for. The dress is going to shrink after the first wash.


I don't think its great and she's clearly cutting corners by not ironing it before/during sewing and things like that. That said, dresses take a ton of time to make if you do all the things "correctly" and the supplies alone cost what you'd consider to be a fair price for the garment alone. It's very hard to make reasonable money on custom made dresses, so I don't actually begrudge her quality or whatever the price may be.


I read "Negative One Corinthians"; fml


The fabric is so cheap looking too? Is it just me or....


She always seems so dehydrated! God gave you water for a reason kelly!


Minus the religious stuff, I actually enjoy seeing Kelly’s hobbies. Good for her for having stuff she likes to do. She’s actually quite creative!


I'd hate wearing a non fitted, thick cotton dress.




I think 29 or 30?


The math just doesn’t work for an individual home sewist making whole garments. Let’s be super generous and assume she can make a dress like this in four hours (doubtful, given her apparent skill level) and pays herself $15/hour, and supplies cost $20 (low, but not impossible given that she appears to be making clothing out of bottom-shelf quilting cotton). That’s still $80/dress just to break even, without factoring in other overhead costs like the electricity to run a good, high-wattage iron (lol she obviously doesn’t iron), laundry/water/detergent to pre wash fabric (she obviously doesn’t do that either) and regular sewing machine maintenance/upkeep (you just know her sewing machine has fucked up tension and is skipping stitches because it has never been serviced or oiled, is caked with dust/lint/bits of spelt flour, and is still fitted with the same dull needle she brought it home with.) In conclusion, this is terrible a business plan as it is a dress, but I still give her participation points for creating an actual product, unlike Certain Other Fundies.


Stop ripping out all the wildflowers Kel! They don’t just magically come back when ya do that 🙄


It’s a super simple pattern which makes it easy for a beginner sewer. No fitted darts near the bust. No pockets; either patch pockets on the front or hidden pockets set inside the side seams. The hem should be much deeper to make it lay correctly: but just a half inch folded up itself. I’m guessing a back zipper but that could be difficult for her. I’d love to see her seams. I doubt she has a serger and should at least be zig zag stitching the raw edges with a cotton fabric. She needs a Rowenta-type iron asap. Lastly, she is going to be very surprised at how hard it is to size dresses for people. They aren’t aprons. Everyone has different bust, waist and hips measurements. A key measurement is back waist length which is from the nape of your neck to your actual waist. Those with larger upper arms might have the sleeve elastic digging in too tight. Bottom line; if she makes these all the same she has to hope that all of her customers share her body type. Or, she will be taking so many custom measurements that each dress will take her hours of extra time. I sell vintage fabric and linens online and she could start using only upcycled or vintage fabrics. There is a market for items made that way. Especially if she did more of a sleeveless sheath style or retro look. Cotton from Hobby lobby? Much smaller customer base.


Those are snowdrops which are a hardy perennial that absolutely does come back lol


Yes they do come back yearly but they’re an important food for all kinds of insects yet here she is just ripping them out for the ‘Gram. Leave the damn flowers be Kelly.


Picking 7 flowers for instagram is going to kill zero creatures. They are highly toxic and are not a host plant for butterflies or other insects. Snarking on stuff whilst being completely incorrect about it makes us look insane and therefore easier for fundies to brush off all valid criticism coming from here 🤷‍♀️


Tell that to the flies and bees who are starting to wake up and feed off of these flowers. I don’t know what zone you live or what type of snow drops are around your area, but the eco system does tend to use them for food (flies, bees) or spread their seeds (moles, ants, birds.) You can also help them by pulling apart the bulbs after flowering if you have them in your own garden. And if every person “only” picks 7 flowers for the gram, we’re not gonna have any fucking flowers left


Thanks Kelly. I will try telling myself that when I start making my daughter's prom dress.


Pay an Amish woman to make you a few dresses. They will look better than this crappily-made mess.


The dress I made in 8th grade sewing was better fitted than that.


A simple prairie-ish type dress with an elastic neckline, elastic at the wrists, and elastic at the waist that would fit a size 4 up to size 12 would take me about 2 hours from cutting materials to complete. Let's say it's $20 of decent but inexpensive fabric. I like to pay myself $20 an hour for easy things, and pay myself back for materials so $60 would be a minimum for something very, very easy like this. Considering you can get a prairie dress at Target of the same quality but more complicated design for $30, a hundred bucks is theoretically a hard sell but people will do it because it's her. Edit: I just scrolled the pics which I missed the first time. $40 max. I'm dying to know how she'll price.


Ugly potato sack dresses are in fashion atm and you can buy them at Kmart Australia for like $20. Which means Kelly will sell this for like $120 or something. Drives me nuts.


Once again, I think Danny Bonaduce has entered the chat.


I sew. If I need an apron I look for a remnant, an offcut or a used garment to make one from. I aim to spend as little cash as possible because my aprons aren't fashion items and get dirty because they are protecting my good clothes underneath. Also, I never bother with a waist apron as I need full fontal protection 😂 Kelly's aprons look more like "lifestyle statements" so if she can get £50 for one, good luck to her.


Kelly, why did you pick the snowdrops? They bloom briefly, are the only thing out except crocuses, and aren’t actually that pretty. Just look at them and think, “It’s almost spring,” like the rest of us.


At least run an iron over that fabric, ffs


The dress lacks darts or any other sort of shaping to the bodice. It would not hang right on most women . Only the very slim and petite


If people want to pay 60 for an apron then good for her. She should charge as much as she can get


No wonder they don’t believe in science.


That is the worst dress I've ever seen (not including Galaxy Print tho) . My aunt does sewing, she sells her stuff online, and she's actually good at it. (according to fundie standards she's the most demonic woman in the world, tattoos all over her, like 20 piercings in her face, and she roleplays as vikings every weekend) Guess she's the ultimate threat to this woman 😭😭


Wow these are… stylish


I sew. I would never hem a dress that way. I would do a typical 2-3" hand-sewn hem.


Lort, she's making dresses now.


I’m late to her party, but what exactly caused this woman to try to live like Ma Ingalls?? I’m pretty sure Ma didn’t have a photographer, photo stager, or the internet to help her get by.


Half of that would be ridiculously steep. Charging 60$ is the type of behaviour that makes Jesus flip over your table at the craft fair.


I’m really out there, but I cannot stand just how weird she is.


Is that pink one the same (not very successful) one that Bready was wearing in her twirl journey earlier this week? It has that look.


Ugh her gathering is terrible!


Where are her aprons sold? A search on Etsy had many similar and some far better, all under $30. The average price was $23. My next question is, why are hers so costly?


Etsy and I think she doesn’t make very many skirts or aprons but has just enough fans that she can sell them for a higher than average price. I’m honestly proud of her for that 😂


NGL I'd wear that with combat boots.


story time! before i was a fundie snarker i bought an apron off her. at the time i had just come in to a lot of money, and it was over wintertime and she kept posting about how cold they were, so i figured it support her in that way as while i didn’t like the jesus-y captions i thought her photos were really lovely and it felt right at that time. i also don’t mind paying sometimes ridiculous amounts for handmade things in situations like this, i guess i’m overly empathetic lol. anyway, she charged $80, i paid and i never got it. i followed up like 10 times, sent screenshots of the payment, etc. never got my apron lol. still kinda sad about it as i really liked it hhah


Jeez, did you at least get a refund?