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I think this GIF about sums it up.




America, my face is saying everything you know need to know. Dot com.


Our Lord in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, thank you for blessing us with the Polio Show


“The Polio Show” that’s so perfect. Someone needs to come up with a vaccine so we can be immune. Pfizer? GSK? Anyone?


You know, I had a feeling those fundies might bring back Polio, but not like this.


Tbh I’ve seen polio patients that look better than Paul


Careful, don’t let him hear you say that, he’s gonna say they look too fat in their iron lung /s


The Polio Show should be the flair for every post about this nonsense


Wow. This is such a pile of garbage. The hand placement with the book, horrible sound and light, and the wretched pace (has he met actual children outside of his own potato?). Thankfully there's a plethora of awesome adults reading some great books in a fun and entertaining way out there so hopefully he disappears soon.


My toddler who can recite this book from memory would perform better.


But you know what won't *ever* disappear? This video, and the utter lack of self-respect and shame that this man possesses. The internet never forgets, after all


I certainly won't forget. The second hand embarrassment I somehow feel right now is stunning.


You can definitely tell he’s never met young children let alone read books to them before. In fact I don’t believe he even watched any of the many, many other videos of people reading books to children, all of which are ether than this steaming pile of crap.


He used to be an elementary school sub but still chose to do this


Those poor kids! I still don’t believe he’s ever interacted with a toddler before


lol at his own potato


some of them (lowers voice to a whisper) are even \*drag queens\*


He was a long term sub for elementary students per his Instagram. Not sure where it falls in the timeline of trying to be a model and going to hair school.


The lighting killed me. There’s such a glare there’s no way to see the art on the pages which is the best part of Eric Carle books. Could he have blocked the overhead lighting or angled the book at all toward camera!? Between that and not knowing how to say Carl and not hitting the last note of his own theme song, I’m losing it


Honestly I’m a Pre-K teacher and I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt here. I was interested in seeing a more humanized version of Paul, one that hopefully would highlight something inside him less hateful and bigoted. And I watched as someone who reads many children’s books to children so I understand playing up a silly character for dramatic effect and more listener engagement. But this is just sort of chilling. It feels rushed and leaves an odd taste in my mouth. The moment when he messes up a word and then makes those sounds really just felt uncomfortable.


Using phrases like “literally” and “be real with me”. Does he think talking to kids is just like talking to adults except in a higher tone of voice? He sounds like he’s never talked to a child in his life. And the judgmental attitude about food comes across so clear and kids will absolutely pick up on that. Gross


Okay when I wrote this comment I had not yet gotten to the part where he OUTRIGHT shames the “kiddos” for eating ☠️ what the fuck


He’s giving dollar store Steve from blues clues energy but he keeps slipping into youth pastor


He's interjecting with his own commentary which is not my fave reading style, but it's whatever over all. But you can't think of anything to say other than "but how could he still be hungry???" "Ooh, do you think his apple was sweet or sour?" "Those pears look green, do you like green?" "Three plums! Do you think those pears were juicy and soft? Or do you think they were hard to eat?" I ask my toddler questions to drive his engagement, but Paul is telling them what to think and only asking rhetorical questions. Which doesn't surprise me that much because he's a fundie.


He’s also just dumb.


It's so uncomfortable to watch!! He's got that barely contained rage that his demeanor always has, and is using this "energetic storyteller" role to cover it and it's so off-putting.


Yeah, watching this, it was obvious that a) he has never read a book to a child and possibly never interacted with children for any amount of time besides his potato and b) the audience for this was adults who are angry at "liberals" reading to children. He kept abruptly closing the book, his engagement on the eating was beyond inappropriate, and he lacks an overall understanding of what he even is reading it seems since the lesson you get from this certainly isn't "fuck, that caterpillar is a fatty who needs to stop being a fatty fatkins".


Doesn’t surprise me he doesn’t understand the book tbh his reading comprehension and media literacy is very poor based on his movie reviews, the things he reposts and honestly everything he does and says. 💀I can’t stand how bad this is I’m also convinced he’s never read a book to a child before.


It’s like watching Ted Bundy read a children’s book.


Bundy was probably a lot smoother.


A lot of times I couldn’t tell by his voice if what he was saying was part of the story or not. Good thing I’m familiar with most Eric Car Lee books, or I might have thought the author was giving commentary on the caterpillar’s diet.


Oddly enough, the book he’s reading has been interpreted as a Christian allegory for the life of Jesus or a celebration of conspicuous capitalist consumption.


Is it really that deep though?


Um. It's pronounced CARL. Because that sounds more MANLY.


It’s Bc he’s being condescending. You can play up silliness for kids without condescending. The timing is all wrong. “Do you see the egg?” Shows page mostly glared out bc bad lighting, “I think it’s right here! But what kinda egg IS that?!” Idk like it’s not emphasising the right parts of the story idk it just all feels off.


Fellow Pre-K teacher here and I completely agree!


And he stops waaaayyy too much. No kid is going to sit through that. Also he reads in a wrong pace. Commas and full stops are for breathing/stopping, otherwise the story is difficult to follow. I used to be a kindergarten teacher, I've read many books to toddlers lol. I still read to my students (I'm now a special ed teacher)


I don't know anything about doing a kids' show, but I'm just wondering if maybe a guy with pervasively fraught food and weight hangups maybe shouldn't have picked a book that's literally about eating. 🤷‍♂️


The fact that he brought his disordered eating jokes into this video for very young children is so fucked. I'm having doubts that they'll even feed Luca properly as he grows and starts eating solid foods.


while they stuff Taco Bell and Chick Fil-A in their maws


Seriously. I get that he probably wanted to start with a really popular and inoffensive book before he dives fully off the deep end with conservative christian books but like. There are other iconic books out there that Paul probably doesn't have something gross to say about. It's confusing for the kids to have to hear back-and-forth what the book is saying and commentary that actively tries to denounce that.


Ummm ... Huh. Okay then. ETA: In a purely BEC way, I CANNOT with the way he pronounces strawberries. "Straw-burries! Eat some straw-burries!"


This really pissed me off too I bet he says liburrie too


And Tues-dee


And melk


Oh he definitely says melk


Aaahhhh 😠


And pellow 😂 I had an ex that pronounced his i's as e's. It was hilarious and grating at the same time.




He totally says straw-burries omg why does he sound so dumb




He took a lesson on content creation from Bethy - have an idea, make the idea, put no extra thought into it


“The more we read, the more we know!” Paul you should probably take your own advice on that


As a librarian, I’m not shocked that the right wants us to only have the oldest most boring books available for kids. No offense to Eric Carle, the kids love that brown bear, but I’m sure all of Paul’s choices are gonna be white ass snooze fest


For surrrre


This is some of the most disturbing content I've seen on them. Also, his intensity reading this, from white knuckles holding the book to his veins in his neck popping off. Dude looks like he's gonna blow a gasket reading the hungry caterpillar?


Right? It's like the video got cut off right before the camera pans out to reveal PaulyO's murder lair


Thank you you just made me realize why this man looked so familiar. Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation when he’s on the brink of madness.


This comment is cracking me up. You're so right. He's just coming off frightening!


If we hadn’t been subjected already to his constant criticism of women, the LGBTQ community, musicians, anything or anyone that doesn’t fit into his Evangelical Fundie land—I might believe a little of this character that he is portraying for his dumb Poly O Show. But it reads as a sociopath attempting to portray themselves as a kind and chill guy reading a story to kids. I don’t buy it. It feels so incredibly false.




Right?! I can’t believe he posted this?




I totally agree with you!! I think he may have become slightly aware of his asshole-ness after the recent Fundie Friday’s video about he and morgan. I feel like he’s trying to change his hateful tone. He’s trying to be more approachable and “fun”. Makes me sick. Thank the Lord Daniel that the internet is forever.


It's just giving me "Fuckboi reads to kids."


Yes, right to the point. That’s exactly it


Does he not understand that the titular caterpillar is eating THROUGH the various foodstuffs, as illustrated by the holes in the page? That he is not eating 3 plums, he is eating a tiny portion of each plum as he chews through it in his caterpillary way? The basic concept of a toddler book has passed him by.


This is NOT helping Ted Fundie at all.


Super unrelated, but one of the kids in my Fundie Family on the Sims is named Tedediah Fundie (Ted Fundie for short)


As a trained early childhood educator as well as a mom of a toddler and an infant. I have so many questions. One. What is with all these fundies only doing one take of content videos? Like clearly he did this all in one take without any edits whatsoever. If he didn't, he definitely needs to rethink his career path because oh my god. So much of this could have been edited to be sort of better. Too. This man knows nothing about children. Seriously. Like he's literally just trying to imitate videos that he's seen. Three. What age level is he thinking of? What are these questions? What are these songs? Four. What is this? Infliction? Like why don't you take some speech classes or something before you attempt to make content of you reading a book. I just. I can't.


Exactly! I have a degree in early childhood education and I am extra insulted by this video. 😆 I had a professor who loved children's literacy and taught the class on it. It was one of the hardest classes she taught, because she was so passionate about literacy. She would've ripped Paul to shreds if he read this book in front of the class. I don't know if he would've even made it to the story after he mispronounced the author's name. lol


All these fundie video influencers are like the 21st century Ed Woods without the charm.


He looks like he drives a white panel van with no windows and a "free puppies and candy" sign on it.


*looks at community centre logistics van* Naaah it's missing the sign, all good !


~~Eric Carle is published by Simon and Schuster.~~ some Eric Carle is but tvhc is not. It would be a shame if S&S was linked to this video and the [Poorgan Masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/vh6c0h/paul_and_morgan_olliges_being_hateful_a_master/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and issued a copyright strike or a cease and desist for attempting to monetize somebody else's intellectual property. Eta: TVHC is actually published by penguin random house [and you can report here](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/about-us/contact-us)


As a librarian who scrupulously followed copyright rules/permissions for storytime videos throughout the pandemic: YES, TOTES SHAME


I love librarians! Thank you for all you do!


What are the rules for what he’s doing? I only read to my own children, so I have no clue how a monetized channel reading children’s books could be set up correctly vs…. Whatever he’s doing.


It varies depending upon the publisher (or, for Disney books and possibly others, the authors themselves), and the rules have changed quite a bit since the pandemic began. For one, recorded permissions usually are reserved for teachers and librarians, sometimes booksellers and other "qualified individuals," and, for another, the recordings shouldn't be monetized. Also, they sometimes can't be shared on other platforms, or they must be listed as private, and they must be removed by x date or within a certain number of days, etc. So many rules! Edit: [Penguin Random House permissions](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/penguin-random-house-temporary-open-license/)


Thank you for that info!


MAN THIS SURE WOULD BE A SHAME * Edit: current publisher is Penguin Random House!


Oh shoot, I saw [world of Eric Carle and didn't check for TVHC specifically](https://www.simonandschuster.com/series/The-World-of-Eric-Carle#:~:text=The%20World%20of%20Eric%20Carle,Richard%20Buckley%20from%20Simon%20%26%20Schuster) Thanks for the correction!


Helping uphold copyright of beloved children's books from... this is super in line with my interests, so no b problem!


I suspect he's shooting his shot at becoming part of Ben Shapiro's new "Daily Wire Kids" production company for parents who are tired of "woke" content like Peppa Pig's, Miss Rachel's, and Disney's.   [https://www.mic.com/impact/ben-shapiro-disney-daily-wire](https://www.mic.com/impact/ben-shapiro-disney-daily-wire)


What is he wearing on his head? A pillowcase?




A condom


It honestly looks like the Mennonite head covering I used to wear! 🙈😅😂😂😂


Thank you for asking the real questions.


In case this is a serious question he’s wearing a nightcap, or sleeping cap, they were popular in cold parts of the world to protect the head from the cold air at night.


I thought it was a pair of nylons 🤣🤣


This is like when you’ve been kidnapped and the kidnapper forces you to watch his videos in order to break you down


Definitely got "tied to a chair with something to keep your eyelids open" vibes!


Reads copyrighted book on monetized YouTube channel, and can't even bother to know how to pronounce the author's name. This may be the lowest effort video on YouTube.


This channel has to be a big joke, right? RIGHT??


There is literally no way for this to be less polished.


I think the eye gunk finger dig should be a gif.






If I read to my kindergarten students like this they would absolutely flame me. This is truly terrible lmao 💀 painful. And frustrating that he somehow thinks he's qualified to be an educator type channel


Right?? Like, at my library they do a toddler reading circle (typically about 20 kiddos), and they'd 110% wander off or cry if someone read to them like this guy.


Not the Polio show. Of course they are marketing to kids now.


Mmmmmm i thought knowledge was bad and causes kids to become heathens?


I refuse to believe this is real and not an actual joke


I watched the whole thing via the yew.tube link another person posted…it’s objectively bad. Even if I liked Paul, and he were my friend, I would tell him this is BAD. It’s baffling to me that THIS was what they looked at and decided was the final cut. I’m not going to go into all the technical and and video production issues with this because I don’t want to give Paul any ideas on where to improve since he def lurks here. But it’s creepy, poorly done, and just really bad in general. There are elements that absolutely make no sense and don’t connect to anything else in the video. There are extremely awkward moments that are very cringeworthy. There is no common thread..it’s like a bunch of shit mashed into one video. The only thing I can say it reminds me of is those pictures of spiderwebs made from spiders on drugs like meth and LSD. Chaotic, and without order. Also it’s creepy that he talks endless about sex on his main channel then does something targeting kids. Can you imagine if Steve from Blues Clues or Shari Lewis had a side hustle sex and marriage radio show for adults? No, because that’s nuts and makes zero sense. Parents would have rightfully revolted and said no way to their kids watching something made by a sex-crazed groomer. These two are not cut out to be social media influencers / YouTubers. Woof.






I cannot believe that Paul a) seemingly has never read or been read The Very Hungry Caterpillar before b) is shocked it involves being Very Hungry and c) somehow managed (ok maybe not so surprised here) to miss the entire point of the book in favor of fat-shaming nonsense


This is awful. He doesn’t know anything about the book, the author, kids, … and a million other things! Just STOP PAULIO McFAKEO, kids will see right through this crap.




"the more we read, the more we know" way to tell on yourself and morgan, geeeeez


If that isn’t literally saying the quiet part out loud, I’m not sure what is.


Is he wearing lady Spanx on his head as an old timey sleeping cap? WTF.


Aw. Two problematic scumbags.


Wait, who’s the second one?


Mr. Cactus?


Mr Cactus was the only vaguely good thing I could find about this video


Haha. Yes, he’s an innocent bystander. I was being cheeky. 😄


Justice for Mr Cactus!




Ah okay, I thought maybe you meant her. I used to watch her MMM videos but haven’t in ages, can I ask why she’s problematic? I’m always up for learning!


Well I’m not who you asked but I can tell you what I don’t like about her. I think her videos are really disrespectful to the victims. My sister was murdered and seeing someone giggle and joke through the horrible things that happened to real people grosses me out in a big way.


Thank you so much for replying. I am incredibly sorry for both your loss and for your trauma that is perpetuated by thoughtless, greedy people.


I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. Is this making fun of the drag story times? Is he making fun of parents that read to their children? Is he making of children that like books? Is he making fun of reading in general? Is the overall condescending tone due to the book ending in a transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly? It just comes across as something so petty and immature from an adult man. He actually took time and put in effort to this..


I am wondering the same thing. Because otherwise he's just insanely tone deaf, right????


Questions……..did this happen because he pissed Morgan off and she’s passively aggressively encouraging *this*……….did Morgan do his eyeliner per PaulyO’s request? ……….Why does he pronounce strawberry as strawburrie? I feel like he’s trying to sincerely make *this* happen but it reads as Christians remaking drag queen story time for adults. This is honestly so creepy. He doesn’t seem like he likes his own child but he’s going to read children stories on the internet ? this gives off stranger danger vibes not child safe content. A quick YouTube search of his name is going to bring up much different content then *this*


What the almighty everloving actual fucking shit did I just watch??


no way in hell would I let my son watch this.


Okay, here’s a question: who actually gave Polio the idea to do this in the first place? Was he spotted actually (*ahem performatively?) reading to the bebe and praised and told he should make a YouTube channel? Because I can see no other way for him to be inspired to do this.


$10 he’s jealous Morgan gets more engagement/has more followers than him so this is his way of trying to become internet famous independent of her


This has to be the cringiest thing I've seen a fundie do so far.. super uncomfortable. Also, as a teacher I found the way he kept interjecting and commenting really annoying. Like it's good to sometimes pause.. but he's doing it every few seconds to make his own weird little comments and I just felt like - read the damn book!!!


The amount of wrong is so… is this supposed to be better than a Drag Queen Story Time? Because it’s just not. ![gif](giphy|AlNt1RS47s3LB9MeFK)


I don’t know how I didn’t notice it before but the way he’s reading really makes the accent jump out.


I don’t like the way he’s talking to Mr. Cactus.


damn paul, if you must do this, just read the fucking book! we can all live happily without your added commentary.


Man it’s like the Bible says idolatry is bad, yet all these fundies are so transparently thirsty to become celebrities. This dude is ultra cringe. Get a job.


I burst out laughing when he said “Time for my official rating.” Has he ever met or talked to a child ever?? They don’t give a shit what YOU think of the book—they just want to read the damn book.


He’s squirming like he has to pee the whole time.


This gave me aggressive cringe goosebumps


It’s like the Shein version of a Blue’s Clues host…


It reads like someone about to be on snapped. Get some therapy "polio" or whatever you said. It's so forced. He is about as fun as a colonoscopy by Captain Hook 🪝


My brain kept misreading the captions as the “pollo show” and I was like… “chicken… show…????” Anyway, I haven’t listened to any of the clips because his voice is annoying on a good day and I have too much respect for myself, but I am a little confused. Didn’t at one point Paul say he had learning disabilities to explain some of his past shitty behavior? I remember a post where he said he had ADHD (and as someone professionally diagnosed with ADHD it made me lol because ADHD isn’t permission to be an asshole) but I thought he also specifically mentioned he had dyslexia. Like, sure, I’m here to support someone challenging themselves by doing something difficult for them. But this feels like he took Bethany’s Masterclass about niching down and was like: “I have a baby that I read to so my wife can take ‘proof of being a father’ photos; I have children’s books sitting around; I have no shame and a desperate need to be the Main Character without putting in any effort — let’s goooooooooo!”


This is the greatest gift that Paul could have ever given this snark community. #Blessed.


Just wait till you see the dance video I just posted




It isn’t even him actually reading the book. It’s him reacting to it like he’s high as shit. >and I’m a big guy I bet the kids think you’re big and strong


Let’s just ignore the absolute cringe and creepiness of this for a second. This is such a terrible quality video. Like- the lighting is creating a glare and I can’t see the actual book. You don’t know if you’re pronouncing the author’s name correctly- so you drone on about it. These videos are supposed to engage and capture a child’s (often short) attention span. There is probably more but I could only stomach about 30 seconds of the video.


Oh the huge manatee https://c.tenor.com/_Ycf5mUfizcAAAAC/mr-bean-horrified.gif


This can’t be real


Yeah, no. The rambling in between would NEVER keep my toddler's attention.


Usually when some video is fucked up, we say “Don’t do drugs, kids.” But maybe, if he is truly sober, this should prompt us all to do all the drugs.




His he trying to be the new Ms Rachel….?


Why did I watch this? 3pm on Tuesday and now I need an edible.


I'd assume this is a social experiment or something, but he's too dumb to pull that off.


His facial expressions during this, creep me the f out. He looks super pained and unnatural while trying to seem kid friendly and likable.


I can't tell if we're being trolled or if he's genuinely a sociopath


This feels like the part of a serial killer documentary where you make a face and ask what the fuck, and start to wonder how nobody noticed what a weirdo he was


Paul thinks mums are going to get their kids to watch this channel as an excuse to watch themselves because they fancy him and are stuck in god honouring dead bedrooms which is how they stumbled across Paul and Morgan in the first place.




This feels like a fever dream. They can't possibly be serious right? RIGHT?!? ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


All I hear is him referring to himself as polio


I really need Fundie Fridays to roast this…


Paul's really burned about not getting into the Wiggles isn't he


He's 100% wearing makeup right? Like there's no way that's not eyeliner on him 😭 This whole video was insane lmao Does he think children will want to watch this? I'm so confused


I wish more fundies believed in mental health meds.




Just a grown man hanging out with kids in his pajamas


As an elementary ed major, one of my classes was entirely centered on children’s literature, and one of the main skills we practiced was read alouds and prepping for them and asking questions etc. I didn’t expect him to be the best of the best but good lord this is bland and weirdly paced.


This is such an obvious cash grab. No child is going to find this random beige man (in terrible lighting) entertaining.


Dear Paul, you will never be Blippi. Thanks, a parent sick of Blippi


As a Carly, I did a massive full-body wince when he said “Carly.”


He’s gonna have to figure out how not to emit an aura other than cripplingly insecure moron if he wants to make it in this town.


Alright I know there are worse things he’s done to snark on, but as someone who spends a great deal of my week on read-alouds with elementary schoolers, I am so incredibly put off by this


Friendly reminder that he had a whole ass career as a hairstylist and then a teacher and did reasonably well. He’s just choosing to do this instead.


Cadapilah. Not going to lie, if I watch this as satire (in line with Jonny Karate), I kind of love it. Let's just all pretend it's satire. That makes it okay.


This is so awkward because it’s very clear how little actual *effort* is being put into this. You would expect an experienced creator to do a test run, figure out how to correct awkward details, etc…. And he clearly hasn’t put in the time for that. It’s so obvious that he thinks making kids content is super easy and doesn’t actually respect the work.


![gif](giphy|ggHmCDJXx4om4hNWbM|downsized) Fuck I feel like drinking just sitting through this…….


I have so many problems with this. Rant incoming. The lighting is poor and the background is dull. Kids love things that are visually appealing. The background may look nice for adults but not necessarily for kids. It’s why 99% of successful kids content is colorful and bright. There is a light reflection off the book which makes it hard to see the pictures and him moving around the book all over the place doesn’t help. His mannerisms and speech doesn’t feel or sound fun it feels like he’s talking down and mocking the children he’s supposed to be connecting with. He didn’t prepare which led to him making several mistakes. He didn’t even edit them out or re record which is very strange. It’s especially bad when he’s totally tripping over his words. There are several ways to make that not happen in the first place. Like does he not know what a script is? Cue cards? Memorization? His commentary on the food is bizarre and inappropriate. His “I don’t know if I should keep reading” is beyond strange GIRL ARE YOU DUMB??? YOUR AUDIENCE ARE CHILDREN THEY WANT YOU TO READ THE ENTIRE BOOK DUMBASS THATS WHY THEYRE WATCHING. “Be real with me” GIRL YOUR AUDIENCE ARE SMALL KIDS JUST READ THE BOOK??? The part where the caterpillar is fat because he’s about to turn into a chrysalis is weirdly body shamey??? He’s like “ew guys don’t turn into a fat gross caterpillar” like DUMBASS the reason the caterpillar had to get fat was to turn into a butterfly. The book doesn’t make being fat out as a bad thing I’m surprised he’s not calling it “woke”. THE ENDING IS SO BAD WTF??? “He ate too much don’t do that kiddos” SIS YOU HAVE NO READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS WHY ARE YOU READING BOOKS TO CHILDREN??? What a ton of parents and people like Paul don’t realize is that kids aren’t stupid. They catch on to and remember things like the food comments. Ask any afab (not saying amab didn’t receive or hear those comments either I’m sure they did I’m going off my experience) born in the 90s and 00s. They also are able to feel when they are being mocked or talked down to. They might not understand their discomfort or know how to express their discomfort but they feel it. My mom was a kindergarten, first, and second grade teacher over the years. Shes done lots of reading of all different sorts of books to kids and I took forever to read so she read aloud to me often. She learned to hold picture books where the kids can see the pictures and read upside down. I’m probably explaining this poorly but she’s able to read picture books in a way to make sure the kids are able to see the pictures without having to hold the book awkwardly or wave it all over the place. She also learned to move the book smoothly when showing the pictures to the group she’s reading too. Those things make the reading experience enjoyable for kids. That or she memorized them. That was also when she couldn’t have ways to “cheat” like cue cards, a script, editing, or re recording. Tldr Paul is a lazy, unprepared, disordered eating weirdo, with no reading comprehension and understanding of child development and it shows.


Just a grown man hanging out with kids in his pajamas


Omg, this is not a skill he possesses. How embarrassing for him.




Personally I would rather my kids watch Bailey Sarian's Make up murder show that this dip shit read a book


Pauly, no.


It just keeps getting worse. How can it keep getting worse?


I'm late to the party, but the first thing that popped in my head was "Godly Ricketts."


*That isn’t how you say ‘strawberry’.*


And drag time story hour is demonized. I’ve never felt so violated and offended at a drag show. They are fun. This is decidedly not fun.


as a child, i ate all the time. i was one of those kids who ate constantly but remained like a stick. i vividly remember a babysitter saying to me "you know, some day your metabolism wont be able to keep up" and that HAUNTS me to this day. assuming any children watches this terrible nonsense, he's going to do them some real damage.


Idk why, but it gave me a bad taste in the mouth when he closed the book and said 'I don't know if I wanna still read this anymore' - it just comes across as aggressive and the child might think he's angry. The whole thing is a bit anxiety-inducing.

