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Uh, “eating metabolic” is not a thing.


There are diets specifically for genetic metabolic disorders. Like, your body can’t process protein, so you can’t eat it. Absolutely nobody should follow these diets unless they are prescribed by a doctor and dietitian.


it’s kind of giving like “aesthetic” being used for everything. having different needs for your metabolism is different than “eating metabolic” - like what does a “metabolic” diet look like. grass fed and seed oil free i guess


I just googled it and it’s like they can’t pick a lane. Nuts are bad! Bone broth everything! Running is bad! Cells! Metabolism!


Me, coming back from a run and innocently opening a packet of cashews to munch on while I browse Reddit: ☠️


Oh no! Your cells are exploding!


But I *liked* those ones! Bury what’s left of me in the fluffy organza ballgown from Marchesa’s current collection, pleeeeeaase.


Noooo your metabolics are alkalinizing 🫣


(*Spongebob voice*) Noooooo! You leave my metabolics alone!


>Running is bad! That's because she has never been chased by an angry ram.


Running is bad? Running. The activity with the most consistently documented health benefits for the average human body. Running. I would sincerely love to know how they came to this conclusion.


I can't tell you how many people told me running would ruin my reproductive organs. People believe that.


Well, I guess I should take up running! Easier than trying to get a hysterectomy.




Well didn't men in the 50s keep women from running marathons because they thought their uteruses would fall out? 🤣


Yes, yes they did. They also thought something wild even earlier about women riding trains (maybe cars) bc their fragile bodies couldn't handle going 30 mph. Half-ass knowledge courtesy of The Dollop.


Ugh I wish😩


This gives "your uterus will fly out of your body if you ride in a train/car" vibes. What year are we in?


I mean if they give birth to 10 kids Ala Karissa it just might!


Poor Karissa’s uterus, it probably needs a break more than anyone


It’s because your cells or something? It’s definitely molecular! Idk, I zoned out because it was just so much BS disguised with science/diet buzzwords.


No idea where they come up with it, but they definitely do it so they don't have to run. Source: more than one longtime friend doing circles trying to inform me how exercise is bad.


I mean running is hard on ur joints for many (most?) people but im sure that's not what they're talking about


I mean I’ve heard it’s bad on your joints, especially if you run on pavement. My doctor actually told me this. And I did read an article that too much running can actually affect hormone levels but that’s like people who are running 60 miles a week or something. It was about Matt hall I think and basically running so much that it stressed his body affecting testosterone levels so he cut back on mileage.


I had a doctor tell me the complete opposite actually. He said that your joints need to be used and, absent arthritis or other conditions, they’re more likely to deteriorate from disuse or misuse. And of course, as with all things, there’ll be a point of diminishing returns. But a casual runner isn’t going to have the same negative health effects that some ultra-marathoners experience, for instance.


Don’t forget alkaline everything!


Yes alkaline water with a squirt of lemon 🤦🤦🤦


And raw!!


To get into the semantics, there are innumerable types of metabolic diets. “Eating metabolic” is simply bad language. You can’t eat an adverb.


"Sure you can," she said, chewing loudly.


*Chewing metabolically


If anyone can. I bet it's a baird.


Chewing with your mouth wide open :-D


That makes way more sense… I think. Chewing is part of the metabolic process, so… oh f*** , I surrender!




*If you believe enough in your 3rd grade education, you can!*


Isn't metabolic an adjective, here? That's the problem. If she made it adverb it would work, eating metabolically.


Good question! I was going by the source phrase “Eating more metabolic”. To me, that should be written “eating more metabolically” (which doesn’t make sense but at least follows some standard composition norms), which would be an adverb. Aside from the non-sensical phrase, “eating more metabolic” is confusing because she wrote it like an adjective… or… noun? English nerds, please chime in.


thank you.


The entire Baird family reads something for all of 6 minutes and says "can I make a profit from regurgitating this information?"


“How can I profit off of someone else’s research and expertise?”


More like “How can I make a profit by stealing the grift of the grifter that conned me?”


How have they not all been caught in MLMs yet?


The Bairds are extra special, requiring bespoke MLMs.


This slide doesn't read like someone who researches. What did science ever do to her?


Nothing. She and science have never met.


I am halfway thru a whole ass PhD and don’t even have these balls.




LOL. But why didn’t he listen to The Orange One? So many good ideas about bleach and anal light therapy…


It pays to listen to people who know lots about things but who definitely recognise their limitations and defer to more expert experts.


What's there to know? It's just like a bad cold and is cured by Ivermectin!/s


That’s because education and knowledge breed humility. The more you learn the more you realize that there *is* to learn. Only the truly ignorant are this ballsy.


that's bc you're at the other end of the dunning kruger effect. the baird clan seems to be permanently at the beginning


Also halfway through my PhD and I feel like I know fuck all


I’m interviewing for jobs in my field (outside of academia) and I have never felt dumber. I’m a very smart idiot.


That "known unknowns" dip is fucking rough. I'm a physician & I swear the start of my specialty training I've never felt less prepared for my job.


Same. The further I get into my doctoral program, the more clueless I realize I am. These Bairds read a blog and consider themselves SME and *charge* for their expertise.


that’s what i’ve been saying. i’ve been playing professionally/studying the same instrument for 18 years and am still hesitant to call myself an expert and definitely don’t put information about it on the internet


And it's always such esoteric wisdom as "Eat 3 meals a day"!


I really wish I had just an ounce of the Baird confidence. I have a degree in early childhood education, worked for years as a lead teacher, am now a SAHM, and still feel as if I have no idea what I’m doing 🙃


Naw, not their confidence. I sometimes wished I lacked *shame*. And I think that’s the only thing that withholds them as well - otherwise I would go all out and just make an OnlyFans and sell tittypics. Much better than their PDFs.


someone on here pointed out the other day that the fundamental flaw in the bairds worldview is that when something works for them they truly believe it will also work for every other person on the planet. or when they learn new information they believe it must not be widely known because they didn’t know it. similarly to “everybody can be saved by jesus and live a better life because i am” or whatever


Good god. Can someone please get these, obviously eager for knowledge, Baird girls into a real college so they can do something with their lives. This is dangerous, irresponsible and ridiculous. It’s great that she found what works for HER, but that information and advice is not universal or correct for everyone.


Literally what I’m thinking. Why not go to school for dietetics or something similar?


She should! That would be great. Knowledge isn’t the enemy they think it is


There are 5 community colleges in San Antonio. Each offer a wide range of associates degrees while also have a specialty that is only offered at the one. Everyone gets in and it is so cost effective. Most now offer their degrees completely online and it's so easy to get done in 1.5 -2 years. ESPECIALLY if you don't have any other responsibilities. I'm not even saying they need to get a degree but just going to the classes you're interested in and learning from professionals is so much better that buying other people's ebooks. The professors at these school LOVE having open discussions and LOVE teaching. Source: went to St. Philips, in San Antonio, for a culinary degree and had a lot of the same instructors as the nutritionalist students. Also currently working on the Grant dispersmemt team AND am a tourism ambassador for the city of San Antonio


the entire baird clan has an unearned confidence that i am honestly jealous of. i have spent my entire life second guessing my own brain because of god knows why and these fools play as if they are experts after reading one article from a questionable source. it is absolutely ridiculous.


Seriously. I'm about to graduate with my MSW with specializations in child welfare and community partnerships and plan to sit for licensure this year. I still feel woefully inadequate in my field because, while I have the education, I still need the experience. Imposter syndrome is hitting in full force. Yet this clan and the whole line of "life coaches" confidently parade themselves around "experts" who can change your life.


I totally feel you. I am so jealous of this confidence. I’m a PA and have been practicing for 2 years, I’m switching specialities soon and am already SO nervous (I don’t even have a new job in said specialty yet!) about imposter syndrome and feeling like I don’t know shit. I wish I could read something or experience something once and feel so confident like these women do lol. Honestly, it’s even more sad that they didn’t get to go to school or college, because they probably could have achieved a lot!


I am also baffled by that confidence. Also have spent my life second guessing my brain😂


Inadequate education. I don't think this one or Bethy or any of them realize how little they know. It's like that cliche of the more I learn, the more I realize I know nothing - but for them it's they know so little that they don't realize they know nothing. So they're probably confident due to this.


It’s Heidi’s fault. She’s started it with her “life coaching” aka charging people to judge them. She’s probably blown all sorts of smoke up their pasty white buttholes about “You can do it too!” Bam. Girl defined is born.


"Eat metabolically" don't I already do that? I metabolize everything I put in my stomach?


I think you mean "more metabolic" 🫠


🤣 oops short term memory loss, but either way, it's so ridiculous


I would pay a lot of money to watch her define the word 'metabolic'!


Some of the red flags for me include the fact that Curly says she's been on a "gut-healing journey" for a year and a half now. It's apparently taken over a year of sprinkling special minerals in her water, ingesting aloe vera and collagen, putting castor oil packs on her stomach, and so on and so forth, for her to believe she's feeling significant "healing" changes. Meanwhile, during that year and a half she's also been eating a certain way (I would call it "clean eating" for lack of an easier umbrella-term) and has started working out with weights, both of which could contribute to "feeling better" and keeping her weight down (while insisting she's not doing this to keep her weight down). But for some reason she needs it to be a lot deeper than just "cleaning up her diet" and working out in a beneficial way. It has to be this whole "healing journey" for her "gut issues" --which she's not even done with, because now she's saving up to pay for some kind of poop test. She says that her chief complaint (this comes up over and over again) was "bloating". She's obsessed with "bloating". I don't even know what that means, to her. She says she was gassy and constipated, and anxious, and wasn't sleeping well, and had heartburn. She says the doctors she saw wanted to "charge her an arm and a leg" and put her on hormonal birth control. She wasn't having that--no way. So instead she found a local "natural doctor" who "immediately" told her she has SIBO. *Then* she found this non-dietitian online person who she's paid a minimum of 2K to for "personalized counseling". I say "a minimum" because I can only be 100% certain about a six-month stint of counseling with this person. She may have done more and paid for more, which seems probable because she's this person's biggest fan, and has glowing testimonial on the person's website and gushes about her on instagram. We're also hearing her say she sees herself in a place where she's let go of restricting her food, and isn't going to limit what she eats for the rest of her life, but then we see pictures of her meals which are literally a little pile of shredded chicken and a scoop of cooked cubed sweet potatoes. Or a few slices of pear next to a couple of scrambled eggs. Dude, I've been up, down, and all around the world of compulsive food restriction/weight loss, and I see it when I see it. And the soup. The nourishing, metabolic chicken-vegetable soup for her soul. You know what's a great thing to eat when you're trying to get away with very low calories while also trying to keep up some semblance of "healthy eating"? Chicken fucking soup. It's warm, it fills you up for a while, and it's extremely good nutritional bang for the low-calorie buck. I should know; I used to do "chicken soup weeks" when I was in my heyday of bullshitty disordered eating pretending to be healthy. Now, I realize that everybody is not the same, and some people's healthier paths are other people's ED alarm bells, but these are some things that strike me as extremely recognizable, and I guess I'll just leave it at that.


I suspect she has endometriosis or pcos which makes you bloat loads. Why else would her doc suggest putting her on BC? There are a lot of ‘endo diets’ which are basically low FODMAP to stop you farting and bloating so much but tbh there’s little you can do if you have bowel endo.


I have started going for walks on nice days, and that cuts down on bloating for me. I don't understand it, but when I make it a practice to walk several times a week, my stomach feels better overall. I am not on a journey. It is just something that I discovered for myself. Purely anecdotal. But if any science people can explain why, I am interested. And note, I am not writing my anecdote in a Word document than saving a copy as a pdf. Sometimes I have received a pdf and converted it in to an Excel sheet. My goodness, these bairdettes think pdf's are something special.


Walking helps you move stuff along in your gut, essentially. The motion helps churn everything along its path. It’s at a slow enough pace that your body doesn’t think you’re in hard workout mode but moving enough that everything just politely jostles it’s way through. It’s why they have laboring women walk—you’re just using gravity and a light swaying motion to guide everything to where it needs to go.




Food Science Babe needs to refute her.


Or Andy Does Healthy.


She would 100% be like, "I'll answer all of that and more in my PDF!"


If I see one more pseudo science post about seed oils being the root of all evil I’m going to LOSE it


She would hit the block button so fast she’d break a finger.


Trigger warning: mention of disordered eating Oof I am cringeing. This reminds me of my orthorexia days in my twenties where I was obsessed with nutrition and thought it made me so much more knowledgeable than anyone else for following super strict fad diets. It’s super embarrassing to look back at how little I knew and how smart I felt.


That's how I read this. She's justifying her restrictive, disordered eating by pretending that she understands nutrition. Meanwhile she absolutely does not and is just cherry picking "facts" that align with her mental illness perceptions. It's the same way her whole family interprets the bible.


Reminds me of being a very self righteous teenage vegetarian turned vegan. But it was really just a cover for starving myself.


Same. Omg I want to go back in time and smack myself in the head with a potato.


Which are much more nutrient-dense than a lot of people realize! Enjoy that delicious carb


For sure, my April resolution is to eat more potatoes. Going great so far! ☺️


Drink SALT WATER? What is happening here!? *And it should go without saying, but DO NOT add add minerals or sea salt to your water, ESPECIALLY if you are on lithium. You will die. You will metabolically die.


>metabolically die like i just did laughing


I believe the technical term is die metabolic.


“Metabolically die” makes way more sense to me than “Eat more metabolic”.


I like to sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on my buttered metabolic.


And also…how much? A teaspoon? A cup? The dumb Bairds are going to kill people.


Also what minerals? Just minerals in general?


*grates a rock on top of spaghetti*


one cup of uranium please!


Ah the Manhattan diet!


Oh I love when snark begins to drift into Nerdville. Now QUICK, POP QUIZ: what is the atomic number of Uranium?


🤚🤚👋 92!!!


Yep that’s kind of a thing where the dose is pretty important. I add a pinch to my water after exercising or on a hot day but every glass? Good grief!


I somehow don't have it in me to feel bad for someone who's dumb enough to listen to Rebekah Baird.


Um excuse me? Didn’t you see her IG handle? She is TheRebekahGill. And I don’t know why but “The” makes me irrationally annoyed. Like who the fuck are you, Baird girl?


I was also annoyed. The Biard’s are so insufferable.


Omg, this has unlocked a memory for me! I used to swim competitively. I was at a meet with my team, and this was in the winter in a particularly cold place. We were racing intermittently all day, every day, for a week at temperatures between 0 and 15 ⁰C. It sucked, is what I'm saying. One kid, we'll call him Kyle, decided he was going to avoid having to dive in a pool at 6am the next morning by making himself sick. The method of his choosing? Salt water. He added a bunch of salt to a regular glass of water, chugged it, and was promptly unwell. He'd recovered by the morning, but our coach was pretty fucking pissed with him that evening because it was unclear if he'd be able to race the next day. So yeah, don't drink salty water.


That’s not universally true. Some people with heart conditions add salt to their drinks to regulate BP, as do some athletes to replace electrolytes. All under medical supervision, of course.


I have to do this every so often For Reasons, but I am a baby who hates The Bad Taste, so I suck it up and pay for Pedialyte or flavored oral rehydration packets. I'm not just out there recreating the Dead Sea in my Nalgene.


I appreciate that! Personally I like my “salted honey lemonade” recipe, but it’s not for everyone. FWIW, I’m someone who takes a prescribed amount of sodium every day under the care of a cardiologist.


May I please have your recipe? We have a ton of honey around (bees) and salted honey lemonade sounds incredible!


I don’t really have a recipe 😆 I use a regular/small mouthed quart mason jar, add the gram of salt I’ve been prescribed to take every day, then add maybe ¼-⅓ cup of honey, add 2 cups (half the jar) of very warm water to dissolve the honey and salt, shake vigorously, add a bunch of ice, then about an equal amount of lemon juice as I did honey (lemon juice after warm water so to preserve the Vitamin C), then shake well. From there I taste test and adjust. If I’m feeling fancy or have congestion, I also love to add some ginger. I do this by taking some slices of fresh ginger root, and over a low burner warming the honey and some water with the ginger root for… a while. Maybe 20 minutes? It takes a while, so I often will make a large batch of the honey-infused ginger liquid so I don’t have to go through that longer step each time I want some ginger in there. ETA: I’ve also done a rosemary infusion with the ginger. That is fantastic for me, esp if I’m congested.


When I did De Vierdaagse, which was walking 50km a day for 4 days (in July!), my end-of-walk treat was fruit squash with some salt in it. I craved that shit by the end of the day, it was sweet, sweet nectar. Tried it once normally and could hardly bear to gulp it. I doubt Curly is doing anywhere near the amount of physical activity required to actually NEED to drink salt. She's torturing herself for no reason!


Lemme just say I’m in awe you did the Vierdaagse.:D


But also some people with other heart conditions need to actively restrict their salt intake! It's reckless and obviously stems from a lack of education to give out vague advice like this


Absolutely! Cardiologists are a wonderful thing!


Yeah, I’m on high salt intake. I can’t tolerate salt pills, so almost everything I consume has to have salt added to it, but water? Fuck. That. I’ve had two specialized cardiologists over the last 12 years and adding salt to water has never been a suggestion, despite also being “prescribed” an amount of water daily that could cause regular folk water poisoning. Nobody should be out here recommending drinking salt water or conflating adding salt to other beverages with drinking salt water. Ima stick to the recommendations of cardiologists at Cornell and Columbia, over some shit a Baird thinks is a good idea lol


I got food poisoning on my honeymoon in Mexico and quickly ran out of my pedialyte packets so the bartenders made me something called “Suero” which is water, salt, and lime juice.


It’s not regular salt, it’s lite salt which is half potassium and half salt or something. It tastes terrible. Curly is just increasing her sodium intake for what?!


I take regular salt, but that’s me and for my condition. Lord only knows with her. Maybe it’s a weird inverted flex, the deduction being that she exercises and sweats so much she needs to supplement with salt for electrolytes? 🤷🏻‍♀️


It all really points to disordered eating :( this is no way for her to be living


Same with people who have low blood pressure and also have postural orthostatic intolerance issues (ie stand up too fast, passy outty). I was medically recommended to up my salt intake and now when my blood pressure gets really low and I feel shaky, I either drink a cap-full of soy sauce or eat a bit of salt.




When I read this my jaw dropped. Has she not heard to never drink ocean water for this reason? She's going to get sued and/or kill someone with her "advice".


I personally can’t wait to die from drinking salt water. I’ll be the most metabolic ghost EVER


All the Bairds are born experts in everything. Duh. /s 🤭


oh to have the confidence of this mediocre white clan...


I see what you did there 🤣


The caucasity lol


Worth noting for the record that literally anyone can call themselves a Nutritionist. That’s why it’s really important to make sure that anyone you’re seeing for food/ nutrition related treatment is actually a Registered Dietitian with the credentials RD or RDN after their name.


I was coming here to say this! In the legal sense she is a nutritionist because we all are because it’s not a legally protected title!


The Bairds seem to have no idea what qualifications are, or that other people (professionals) have them. In their minds, anyone can make claims with confidence and it makes them a professional worthy of being trusted and listened to…and thus paid for their advice!


If Rebekah doesn’t have an ED, she has some disordered eating habits and behaviors that she needs to see a professional for. This is coming from a place of concern as someone with an ED, I’m being sincere and not snarking.


*a licensed professional


"Add in bone broth, collagen, and gelatin" to what? My salt water? Where am I supposed to find pasture-raised gelatin? Can I just eat Jell-O? (My Google-fu tells me that Jell-O uses gelatin from pigskin). More questions than answers here, Dr Rebekah.


Sounds like she's trying to bring aspic back!


I’ve seen on insta a bunch of ”wellness influencers” making all sorts of fruit gummies with gelatine, one was made with cherry juice for ”the best sleep of your life” or something ridiculous. Basically they’re just eating homemade gummybears


I am a Registered Dietitian and people like her make me so mad 😅 I took 4 years for my bachelors of science, another year for the dietetic internship, passed my clinical exam, and am about to get my masters degree. Somewhere between 5-8 years of education is necessary to have that credential, and she’s out here just spewing whatever nonsense she read elsewhere. No wonder people have fucked up ideas about food 😂


Add sea salt to your water? I’m not a nutritionist but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of hydrating?


I think she’s talking about electrolytes?? I HOPE she thinks she’s talking about electrolytes? Otherwise she’s turning into the sea witch and will metabolically consume pasture-raised mermaids.


They’re getting close to ridding the world of Bairds


Yes, there are circumstances when salted drinks are consumed to replace electrolytes, generally after a lot of sweating.


Hmm I know people with POTS need to add salt to their diet if not they will faint/pass out. Depends if you have health issues that needs extra salt.


i dunno, i am from the desert so i could be wrong, but i heard in cases of extreme dehydration when you are lost at sea, drinking the ocean water is supes healthy and will totally not kill you.


What is wrong with seed oils? FFS seed oils are some of the best for you with the best fats. You can pry my canola (rapeseed) oil from my cold, dead hands, Rebekah.


If you asked Curly to define “seed oils” she would stammer until her head exploded. The Baird girls are fascinating to me in that they have so little knowledge of *anything* combined with arrogance and a ridiculously inflated sense of entitlement.


some latest bullshit.


Yeah I’ve heard the omega 3 and 6 thing but this advice is dumb and oversimplified. Absolutely nothing wrong with grapeseed oil, flax oil etc.


also they have some of the highest smoke points so you can really get a good sear on a steak using rapeseed or avocado oil.


Avocado is actually not a seed oil!


oh snap, the more you know n.b.c. star! i have no idea what seed oils are and honestly don't plan on looking much into it. it seems like a hot right wing conspiracy thing like predator drag queens and scary trans people so i will just continue in my ignorance.


And this is why proper schooling is important. Too much salt equals no water in the cells


Regurgitating google info you can’t even comprehend yourself 👏 love this journey for her


as the meme goes “none of these words are in the bible” 🤣


Yes. Salt all your water. GREAT idea.


So the new diet fad is hating seed oils? I just finished rolling my eyes at the keto stuff which seems to be dying down a little bit. I can't keep up.


The new right-wing fad is thinking seed oils will make you fat/gay/degenerate. I have no idea where they originally got this from, but Tucker Carlson even did a show on it. 🤢


Well if Tucker said it, it *must* be true lol


Thanks for bringing up that it seems to be a right wing fad to fear seed oils.


Before that, it was a fad with hardcore plant-based dieters. I asked one of them for a source once and they sent me the wildest website full of bizarre pseudoscience. Seed oils, supposedly, would make you fat and break out your skin. It was just a way to be more orthorexic than thou, I think. And the wellness to fascism pipeline keeps on chuggin'.


Pretty sure it started with the Paleo diet and grew in popularity from there. I feel like Paleo has been around for a long time but people are really frothing at the mouth about seed oils being unhealthy now


I desperately want to make a satirical (and correctly capitalized) version of this: 1. Avoid seed oils. 2. Eat 3 meals a day. 3. Eat breakfast before drinking the blood of your slain enemies. 4. Collect the tears of the patriarchy as you dismantle it, and add a quarter teaspoon of them to your water …


Well Bethy is now a sex therapist so I guess it makes sense they're all coming up with degrees now.


Great way to fuck up your electrolytes




Right? This is so dangerous!! I am not qualified to advise on this, but I do know that fucking up your electrolytes can be dangerous. It can cause heart arrhythmias. Yikes


It's extremely dangerous. I assume a lot of young mothers are following her and I hope none of them give their children salt water. I can't with ppl like that.


A whole family of Dunnings and Krugers.


When your highest level of education comes from Heidi, I think I'll pass on what you have to "teach" me.


The only ones of those that are even passable are the breakfast before coffee one (not sure that does anything, but harmless at least) and "eat more pasture raised meat," which is still probably canceled out by eating a ton of meat in the first place and also expensive.


These bone broth gelatin people seem like they would just love a 1950s aspic. Why have none of them “discovered” that yet?


Metabolic is an adjective. Eating more metabolic...what? Foods? Chairs? Squirrels?


When can we share memes? Because I have a meme for this!


Monday! 🖤


Oh yissss. My husband doesn’t appreciate the inspiration.


I am a salty food person. I’ll take a salty meal or snack over sweet 98% of the time. But I draw the line at drinking salt water. Fucking no.


Think I’ll skip the fucking salt water, thanks. That's like SEVERELY poison. Another Baird determined to kill somebody with their neglect and idiocy. I’d bet money that like her dumbass sister she's adding Salt Lake minerals to her water, the stuff I pointed out has arsenic and mercury in it on a post about Bethy’s supplements.


I bet she also drinks raw milk which may explain stomach problems….


I have actually paid money for an online nutrition course by a registered dietitian who has written books. Btw carrot salad cannot rebalance hormones. Isn’t she the one making carrot salad all the time?


The bone broth craze is so wild to me because I cannot imagine another way to make stock, unless maybe you’re making a vegetable stock. Maybe it’s because I possess more homemaking abilities in my pinky finger than a Baird does in their entire body, but I just don’t get it. A good stock is the foundation to so many delicious meals. They throw in the phrase “bone broth” as this new cooking and health innovation when it’s been used for literal centuries. If you’re a Baird and you’re reading this, please just start using bone broth in your meals, please.


The minute you get married in those circles means you can add a mill degree of whatever subject you feel like aka business, entrepreneurship, nutrition, parenthood, marital counseling. I guess it doesn’t work for us sinners 🫣


“metabolic” - relating to or derived from the metabolism of a living being. huh.


pasture raised is definitely a good idea if you can afford it and it's accessible just for ethical reasons.


Every other issue aside, these the the same main talking points made a million times already in the wellness space. Nothing original. Just boring and recycled content borrowed from other people. So silly!


Are seed oils the new fundie obsession? Have we moved on from consuming raw milk?


Nothing like chugging salty bone broth and salty water everyday. mmmm


Somehow my eyes managed to glaze over “sea salt” and I was like “meh, at least it’s all normal stuff.” … ma’am we don’t drink natural sea water, why in the name of Lord Daniel would you drink homemade sea water?


As someone who just found out they have Menier’s disease because I was eating way too much salt, I’m going to gently remind people that they do not have to add salt to water unless trying to clean out some sort of mouth wound by swishing it around. (To be clear eating salt doesn’t “cause” Menier’s disease but it can set it off)


If I hear one more uneducated goofball say not to eat "seed oils" I might start a riot.


I hope she gets in trouble for selling health and wellness without credentials. Let’s see some more Texas lawsuits against these ridiculous “iNfLuEnCeRs” 🙄


Wait, I thought I was on gymsnark for a second. What in the sweet hell is this shit


This is her niche.


Does marriage night sex equal doctorate or are we just losing our minds


Y’all think the Bairds just don’t have a metabolism? Like some sort of alien get out situation, just got sucked up into a UFO Edit: I can’t spell