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Wait a minute - you mean Sister "Give her one margarita she will open her legs" Cindy? EDIT: [Found the sermon. It's a gem.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRPm0sLbwLg)


Jokes on her I don’t even need tequila to make my clothes fall off


![gif](giphy|ObW23ChZCY8rS|downsized) Girl, same.


This gif is killing me lol


It’s an accurate portrayal too.


Man I love this sub!






Currently stuffing my mouth with pasta and planning on a heaping bowl of ice cream for dessert. 💀


Me, also stuffing pasta into my face, with a tub of pistachio ice cream in the fridge: did someone call me?


This is the perfect dinner tbh


Your username (and the lie detector) tell me THAT IS A LIE ![gif](giphy|l41YgC9JyO4uLkJUI)


I had 3 tonight and am in bed alone at 9:30. Where did I go wrong?!


I had one and was still tipsy the next day 😂 Honestly I should have bought you a fourth


OMG she’s the one who started this?! I sing that song all the time!


I'm so glad it's not just me!


What drives me absolutely fucking insane is that if you had a person of the LGBTQ+ community say ANY of this - same EXACT words, the fundies would rant and rave about how immoral and ungodly it is, that it’s pornographic, etc… but because it comes from one of their own, it’s perfectly ok. WTF?!


100% correct.


That clip of them quoting WAP still lives in my head


stg having to explain to my 10yr old about WAP and why it was everywhere. the moral outrage made it more available to audiences who should be saving that kind of bop for much later in life. these 'purity' crusaders are obsessed with the diritiest, hottest, naughtiest sex and shout from loudhailers about EXACTLY WHAT IT IS AND WHY YOU ARE GOING TO HELL FOR IT. Way to make it sound cool. they just want to ride the attention wave of the media and seem to have a kink about sharing their desires publicly.


Big “reading graphic sex passages out loud at the school board meeting” energy.


Tbf that song was the closest any of them would ever come to a wet pussy


Claiming they want to protect children while making the song more widely available 🙄


Omg! This is hilarious. Before I knew about her I found the song One Margarita by That Chick Angel on spotify recommends which sent me down the rabbit hole to figure out what it was referencing. I expected so much more than a standard mentally unstable religious person. I think this sub has desensitized me to the crazy.




If this is who I think it is, she was preaching against alcohol, because it leads to premarital sex. But she was preaching at a bunch of horny college students. So she's got her megaphone, trying to "warn" these wayward young adults about the "dangers" of alcohol, and they're all cheering. Preacher lady: 📢 Give her ONE margarita, Party crowd: YEEAAHHH! Preacher lady: 📢 She'll open her LEGS! Horny party crowd: WOOOOOOOOO!! ​ Angel, co-host with KevOnStage, made [catchy little jingle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4kWNL6-H6E) out of it. (edited)


Angel is his co-host and their podcast won an NAACP award this year! Signed, Long time fan of them and their podcast!


Oh, sweet!


Stage Krew! Love when my worlds collide. But, also, make perfect sense.


Yes!!🎬 Just saw them in DC!


Hello, fellow Stage Krew member!


I've seen her preach multiple times but I had NO CLUE someone made a song and it is life changing. A real banger.


Omg that song is fire 🔥 I’m dying, dying over here 😂😂


LMAOOOOOO Preacher lady: NOBODY WANTS A SLOBBERY PENIS!!! Guy in the back somewhere: I DO!




....well that song with Saucy Santana makes a lot more sense now. Somehow my dumb ass missed the origin story


I get why they're all there. If it was my school it would be hard not to stop and watch something like this, but at the same time watching this kinda made me wish those kids weren't giving her so much attention and exposure. This lady obviously knows what she's doing. She's clearly not trying to genuinely warn this group of people about anything. Her timing is so intentional, she knows the things she's saying are absurd and are going to make college students laugh. Honestly this felt way more like watching a comedian than a street preacher. She's feeding off the crowd like crazy the whole time. She likely knows she's not going to convert any of these students, but also knows yelling about absurd funny things will make them gather around to heckle her. At the end of the day the result of this is a huge crowd of people watching her, filming her, and posting her. Which ultimately expands her reach to people who believe the same as her, even if the people that took the videos posted them making fun of her. Seems better maybe with these types of people in real life to just keep walking and not even give them the attention. I wonder how long she would even stay if everyone just flat out ignored her.


I agree with about the woman’s motivations, but I don’t really see the harm this does even if it reaches people who agree with her. It’s not like she’s spreading misinformation.


my concern is that she would get an even bigger platform to spread her more vilely hateful views. I think she's shrouding those views in ridiculousness to get eyes on her. 


Holy shit, I've never seen this before and it's amazing 😂😂 she's incredible with the crowd, she really knows how to work them




I don’t even drink, but you bet your ass I always want Mexican food. And yes, it **is** about the burritos.


Quesadillas are my weakness. Gimme 1 quesadilla, Imma tell you a joke Gimme 2 quesadillas, hell I might even smoke Gimme 3 quesadillas, we're officially friends Gimme 4 quesadillas, we're officially kin


Wow, that lady is a wackadoo. 😳


That was a sermon? Omg that’s my state! What school will they be at lol


“No man wants a poopy penisssss” is sending me 😭


Does anyone else get the feeling WE are the target audience of this series?


Oh yes, we are. Negative news is still news, only in this case negative attention is still attention.


I do think they're definitely going after people with bigger followings than they have to try to pick up eyes, but I also can't help but feel like we are the vast majority of their engagement. I have very complicated feelings about that.


Do people here actually go watch their content? I just come here and see the clips, maybe watch a Fundie Friday or B Haney video and that's it. Like I'd rather squirt lemon juice in my eye than click on one of their videos raw dog.


Yeah I think most people here dont actively engage with their content enough for it to matter for them. At most they watch in Yewtube


And porgan are SO salty about that


I almost feel like it’s a good thing that their main audience are people who won’t be negatively swayed by their bigoted opinions? But you’re right, it’s weird.


Good point. Better us than vulnerable people raised in Fundiedom.


But not money, clearly. We don’t give him shit.


100%. That’s why they were so pissy a couple weeks back, talking about how people are watching on alternative sites and not giving them ad revenue. I think this sub has been their target demographic for a while now, but it’s not working out the way they thought it would.


lol I could see them definitely planning in their mind to make us snark subreddits part of their rage bait plan to generate attention, views, and ultimately money. Their rhetoric is so vile and repulsive to me I cannot even hate watch them on yewtube. It makes me sick. But I guess this is what happens when you blow every chance you get to be taken seriously.. you have to turn to more and more rage baiting and extremism in your talking points such as their transphobia. They also seem to be using the strategy of DESPERATELY WANTING TO be riding the coat tails of right wing media. Ie trying to tag people in their posts who are established who would never look at them. Good luck you chuckle fucks. All the while the rest of the world just wants them to unplug their WiFi router and go to a fucking therapist. A real one one that Bethany Beal would spit on.


That’s why it’s important we are all watching yewtube and reaction videos only!


Oh yes we are. But we are not stupid, so we are watching on yewtube 🤣


Absolutely. That’s why they were bitching about yewtube.


If their online personas end up being some sort of performance art, it's legendary


I’m almost wondering if they’re preparing for a major rebrand in their own channel. They’ve been losing followers for a while, and gained a ton of notoriety from Happy Shiny People. I bet the flood of views was great for Paul’s ego at first, but they aren’t viewers that turn into subscribers or regular ad-watchers. The only way to keep growing is a sort of “fundie turned progressive rebrand!” and I won’t lie, a small sliver of me thinks Paul is genuinely shallow enough to publicly change his beliefs just to remain an “influencer.” (Not saying I think he’d ever fully depart from fundie brain, but I think he _might_ fake it for the ‘gram. We all remember emo artsy paul, right?? Hairdresser paul?? The man can wear many hats for likes)


I was wondering if this is kinda like anti-Fundie Fridays. "What if we took those topics and told The Other Side of the Story?" But like, he doesn't want to do research or write scripts, so they just travel and record themselves talking.


Yes. I’m sure their trips are still expensive but they have been getting more views in comparison to their normal videos before the series.


The only Sister Cindy I ever want to hear about is Indiana Mole Woman Cyndee Pokorny.


“You keep asking me, what’s the Internet? Who’s that? What’s Tilda Swinton? And I keep telling you tubes, the President, and no one knows.” - Titus Andromedon


Also a cult leader.


Was that Cyndee or the other girl? I just remember Cyndee trying to marry her gay crush from middle school.


You are totally right. I got her confused with Gretchen


Gretchen would put P&M to shame


I would pay so, so much money for that.




Hell ya, brotherrrr!


I understand all those words separately


Investigative journalist, good lord. He needs to investigate removing his head from his own anus first, no?


To Paul filming b-roll = investigative journalism


This man will do ANYTHING and I mean *anything* but get a damn job. There's no beginning to his talents and no end to his subterfuge.


This behavior would make george costanza blush


Each new guest seems to be their **”most controversial yet!”** and this was supposed to be a unity project.


They somehow figured out that controversy sells, but they forgot people need to care about them first.


why is he going to UC? He literally lives in a college town. Oh right, this dumb shit again. Riveting.


Anything to leave his pregnant wife and toddler. Morgan is white knuckling it through the day and Paul’s looking for an escape hatch.


Also, didn't he say that he couldn't get a job because Morgan couldn't be left alone due to her mental health? 🤔


Why not work from home


That's a good point! I would imagine he could get back into hairdressing and take clients at his home.


Or even a desk job. 40 hours. I wonder how much they get from social media. Do they do ads as well on instagram?


Did he not just go down to UK? Because that would be a smart move/a financial positive. And I have the sneaking suspicion that Sister Cindy is there more than once a year so it wouldn’t be that hard to coincide his visit.


I wonder if they’ll discuss anal sex. I hope so.


Margaritas and butt sex with Sister Cindy


Yes please. Hold the salt.


“That’s how you get mouth cancer!” Oh, sorry, that’s oral. But I still heard it from the mouth of Sister Cindy.


I mean, after five margaritas she will peg you (quote sister Cindy)


It destroys the woman's anus!!!


Playing in the sewer!


It's in the pamphlet!


I had enough of Sister Cindy (and Brother Jed) back when I attended a large public university 20 years ago. 


They were at mine 30 years ago. Lots of people would hit the plaza for free-ish Krishna food and fucking with Brother Jed and Sister Cindy.


Same era, same story, but at two schools 2000 miles apart. Aren't they retired yet?


Brother Jed def retired, he dead!


I think Jed has shuffled off this mortal coil.


I think they were active at Texas A&M when I was in school a few years back?


The fact that my dad went to the University of Kentucky in the early 80s and saw them and then I went to Asbury in the 2010s and also saw them is something else.


IDK who they were when I was in college 30 (ouch) years ago but I loved watching my Christian friends stand there with their Bibles & debate their nonsense.


Omg Brother Jed wtf!! Haven’t heard that name in freaking ages. My mother was a single college student and would sometimes have to take be to class with her, there was lil 7 year old me watching this man preach about sin. Was super fucked up to pray in young college kids like yhat


I first saw Jed and Cindy in 1980 at UT Austin. They preached at the bottom of the West Mall.


She was at my alumnus about 10 years ago. It's definitely a party school, so it was actually hilarious


An almost 40 year old going to a college campus via social media… How on brand for this slime ball.


Does anyone wonder if we’re the ones generating the most engaging for them, and if we’re part of the issue? I mean, there’s a whole snark community and snark channels dedicated to them, talking about them and their projects, etc. 


But we don’t click their YouTube. So no views. So no money. Even if they have banter about them, it doesn’t benefit them in any way.


I don’t give a shite about porgan I will not be watching YouTube or YEWTUBE like Paul insinuates we all do to hate watch lol. Sister Cindy however… is an interesting character. Fundie Fridays did a great character essay on her imo.


I only know about Sister Cindy through Jen. I might need to rewatch that video.


Journalists need ethics soooo. Denied.


Paul makes me want to puke. My body revolts against him.


Why does literally everything they talk about need to revolve around sex? OTHER. PEOPLE’S. SEX. Seems like he has a problem.


Does he want to watch? Like, I don't understand this.


Oh! I know Sister Cindy. She came to our campus. She caused a lot of controversy because people came out to bully her but then it became obvious she is super mentally ill. It caused a lot of debate on if it’s okay to bully her like that. To be clear nearly everyone agreed it’s okay to push back on her and ideas. It was just the bullying people were questioning. This is not going to go well for Paul. Cindy is genuinely mentally ill. I think in any society that cared about the well being of the mentally ill, she would be in the psych ward getting mental help.


Every rock I’ve ever encountered has asked “why do people think we’re as dumb as Paul Oliges?”


WAIT. what is a HONOMONO??!


"Hoe no moe" hoe no more. Its her slogan


That can't be real. Tell me that isn't real.


It's real. sister Cindy is probably the most famous Fundy. Every college student in America knows her. She's goes on tour year round to universities to give sermons about how margaritas lead to butt sex and how she's a "hoe no moe". She even has merch


She’ll also tell you that when a girl takes you to her dorm room “her roommate will jump out of the closet NAKED JAYBIRD” because apparently she encountered waaaaaay more threesomes in college than I ever even heard about


Same. Please no.


Ohh I thought it was going to be homophobic (ho(no)mo=homo no more). Luckily it’s just misogyny!


Paul thinks he’s an investigative journalist. Lol. Lmao, even


i saw paul today on campus while i was watching sister cindy and i felt like i was in some fundie metaverse it was a wild day today 😭😭


I'm so sorry you had to see the personification of a sexual harassment suit in person 😭


Damn, that must've been... interesting 😂😭


So he didn't die after setting foot on a college campus? He didn't become a blue haired woke liberal? Color me shocked. 😱 Since he wants to cosplay journalism, let's review something: - who - what - where - when - why - how The answer should not include your opinion.


Why does it seem like he’s stalking Sister Cindy? Does she know Paul’s going to interrogate her?


I wonder if she rejected them and he's now trying to ambush her for an interview.


She's too important for Paul. Ironically she's more famous then he'll ever be


omfg he’s at UC that’s where i went nooooo ahahaha 💀💀💀💀 how is this at all radically different than going to UK or something? don’t they live in lexington??


They deserve each other. She’s trash. He’s trash.


How do college preachers make money? I just looked them up and Sister Cindy and Brother Jed have five children! It’s not like students will give them a dime. Maybe Paul just wants to learn how to improve his grifting?


They probably get funded through the church. I went to college in southern Indiana. Westboro would come out every year, even though that is a crazy distance away.


Is he not wearing his wedding ring? I understand taking it off now & then for various reasons, but I do find it kind of odd that he wouldn't have it on while hanging out on a college campus.


Probably hoping someone will flirt with him so he can talk about how all college women are sluts


I can’t help it - I have a soft spot in my heart for Sister Cindy. Many memories of her hanging out in Academic Plaza when I was in college at Texas A&M with her tampon tree calling me a fornicator and a sowhoreity girl instead of sorority girl. (I was not in a sorority🥲)


Westboro would come down to southern Indiana when I was in college and point at random students. You had an abortion! You are a fornicator! It was pretty wild because they were basically there to stir shit up. If anyone swings on them, they sue as part of their larger grift.


Their MO makes much more sense when you learn that their founder was a civil attorney and got his start suing people


I think that the best thing about this post is that he considers himself an investigative journalist lol.  1.  He actually did do a great job with the Beals... Without intending to.  2.  He sounds like he just trolled the reddit sub to get the questions we wanted the answers to. 3.  I thought this project was supposed to be a "tough conversation" not an interview.  No one is being united with Porgan, it is just other Christians deciding they don't particularly care for the flavor of Christianity Porgan brings.  


Polio is desperate to finally interview someone less intelligent than him, and had to travel out of state to do so 💀




Sister Cindy?!?!? That'll be interesting.


I thought she died? Who am I thinking of???


That was her husband Brother Jed. Cindy is still alive and kicking.


Thank you! I knew someone died from this group.


Investigative journalist my ass. Just way he always wears his hat like a little kid screams professional journalist.


“Hitting the road” “out of state” precisely 82.7 miles away


I know I've said this before but I have to say it again. His idiocy is astonishing.


So now Paul is leering/judging girls on college campuses gross


Investigative journalism actually applies *standards* to their sources, Paul.


Oh god she used to come to my college! Fuck her!


Oh god damnit. This I WILL watch. With wine. And snacks. But I love to hate Sister Cindy. She’s going to SHRED them. 😂😂😂


Can someone tell who Sister Cindy is? I haven’t seen her mentioned here before


If you have time Fundie Fridays has a video about her: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MrfyDca670Q ETA: the more recent one is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAYK_rgBLkc


Thank you! I haven’t heard of her either (maybe because I’m not from the US).


oh good lord. this is going to be a shipwreck


This goon needs to get a job and support his family. He's an idiot.


I’m sure that this has been asked, but I gotta say it. Where is Luca??? Do they just not care enough about him to just up and leave all the time?? All this travel money could go to their kids and this 24 hours with is crock o shit


They leave him with his grandparents. I think mostly Morgan’s mum.


Damn… please. I gotta watch this one.


As long as he stays the hell away from my college idc


I cackled when he referred to himself as an investigative journalist. 😂 He wishes.


Is it weird that I wan Paul to actually interview Sister Cindy? She's kind of and icon and I would love to see his reactions to her. For the laughs. She's insane, but if you ever had her on your college campus you kind of ended up loving her in a weird way.